

英语中 before 的用法

英语中 before 的用法

时间虽是不可再生资源,但是却与我们形影不离,这就造就了 before 很高的出镜率,因为无论是体现更早的时间还是前面的时间,before 都跟时间有密切的联系,而且 before 的多词性使它的用法丰富多彩。

一、before 作介词1. 指定时序事件,相当于 earlier than sb /sth,意为”在…以前“,例如:I must get home before nine o’clock.我必须在九点以前到家。

Leave your keys at reception before departure.离开前请把钥匙留在服务台。

I like to go for a run before breakfast.我喜欢早饭前去跑步。

He arrived before me.他比我先到。

2. 在某些情况下,before 也可以用来指定先后位置,相当于 in front of sb/sth,意为”在…面前(前面)“,对应的是介词 behind,例如:They knelt before the throne.他们跪在御座前。

Before you is a list of the points we have to discuss.放在你面前的是一份我们要讨论的要点清单。

3. 表示在顺序或安排上某人或某物先于某人或某物,相当于 ahead ofsb/sth,例如:Your name comes before mine on the list.名单上你的名字排在我的前面。

He puts his work before everything.他一切以工作为重。

4. 表示”当面“,相当于 in the presence of sb,通常 sb 是正在听或等待等的人,例如:He was brought before the judge.他被带到裁判面前。

She said it before witnesses.她当着证人的面讲出这事。




替换词NO.1:numerouseg:Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine.科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。

替换词NO.2:a host ofeg:The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles.新电子书将包括大量的简明指南。

替换词NO.3:a multitude ofeg:There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along.有很多可以骑车的宁静小路。




替换词NO.1:variouseg:They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups.他们和不同民族的人们一起和睦地生活和工作。

替换词NO.2:a variety ofeg:West Hampstead has a variety of good shops andsupermarkets.西汉普斯特德有各种各样不错的店铺和超级市场。

替换词NO.3:diverseeg:people from diverse cultures不同文化背景的人用烂词之三:普遍的说到“普遍的”,只能想到"common"?替换词NO.1:commonplaceeg:Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。



Adorable! ——可爱极了!Amazing! ——太神了!Almost! ——差不多了!Awful! ——好可怕呀!After you. ——您先。

About when? ——大约何时?All set? ——一切妥当?Allow me! ——让我来!Baloney! ——胡扯!荒谬!Behave! ——放尊重点!Bingo! ——中了!Boring! ——真无聊!Bravo! ——太棒了!Bullshit! ——胡说!Cheers! ——干杯!Congratulations! ——恭喜啊!Correct! ——对的!Crazy! ——疯了!Damn! ——该死的!Deal! ——一言为定!Definitely! ——当然!Disgusting! ——好恶心呀!Drat! ——讨厌!Encore! ——再来一次!Exactly! ——完全正确!Fantastic! ——妙极了!Farewell! ——再见啦!(常含有永别或者不容易再见到的意思)Fifty-fifty! ——对半分!Foul! ——犯规了!Fresh! ——好有型!帅!Gesundheit! ——干杯祝福Gone! ——跑了!Gorgeous! ——美极了!Great! ——太好了!Hey! ——嘿!Horrible! ——好可怕!Hot! ——好辣!Hurray!/Hurrah! ——万岁!Hurry! ——快点!Incredible! ——不可思议!Indeed? ——真的'?Imagine! ——想想看!Impossible! ——不可能吧!Impressive! ——很感人,免费学习英语的网站,永生难忘!Jesus! ——天啊!Liar! ——你撒谎!Listen! ——听着!Lousy! ——差劲!Marverllous! ——棒极了!Now! ——现在就做!Objection! ——我抗议!Outrageous! ——不得了!Pardon! ——请再说一遍!Perfect! ——很完美!Please! ——拜托了!。



英文speakup的汉语是什么意思英文speak up的汉语是什么意思英语speak up的用法很简单,但是要先掌握它实际的汉语意思。

一起来看看店铺为大家整理收集了英语短语speak up表达的汉语意思吧,欢迎大家阅读!speak up的.汉语意思英 [spi:k p] 美 [spik p]基本解释大声讲; 畅所欲言,清楚地表明看法相关例句ph.1. She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs.她为她的政见力辩。

2. Uncle George spoke up in the prayer meeting.乔治叔叔在祈祷会中发表个人意见。

speak up的单语例句1. You'll be under almost constant pressure unless you speak up soon.2. Jackson appeared agitated when Bashir was on the stand, at one point putting out his arms as if to tell him to speak up.3. Police didn't know whether Johnson was involved in the earlier altercation and asked witnesses to speak up.4. Tom Kelly will speak at the Hutton inquiry to give his version of events leading up to David Kelly's suicide.5. The'Young Victoria'actress suffered from the speech impediment while growing up and admits she used to be reluctant to speak as a teenager.6. But he listens intently to testimony and tells defendants to speak up or slow down if he has trouble following theirstatements.7. If the Han people are making them up, how we wish Your Holiness speak up and lay it bare.8. She fell into a deep depression, locking herself up in her room and refusing to speak to anyone.9. Williams attended Wednesday's sessions, but didn't speak up when other executives expressed doubts about Twitter's revenue prospects.speak up的双语例句1. I shall have to pluck up courage and speak to her about it.我得鼓起勇气跟她谈这件事。





Beat generation垮掉的一代Tea-ceremony茶道Badger game美人计Scene stealer抢镜头的人Hooligan阿飞,足球流氓Repeated offender惯犯Double agent双重间谍Mr.Big黑社会老大Love child私生子Hand-to-hand fighting肉搏Box news花边新闻Screen agers整天看电视玩电脑的孩子June-December wedding双方年龄悬殊的婚姻King’s English标准英语Leap day/year闰日2.29/年366Maid of Orleans圣女贞德Narrow squeak九死一生的脱险Ninja turtle忍者神龟Poet laureate桂冠诗人Ponytail马尾辫Protestant新教徒Rat race激烈的竞争Red-light district红灯区Russian roulette俄罗斯轮盘赌Short fuse易怒的脾气Soft-soap奉承讨好Silent contribution隐名捐款Silly money来路不明的钱Silver screen银幕,电影界Summer complaint夏季病,拉肚子Tenth-rate最低等的,劣等的Vertical/lateral thinking纵向,横向思维Wide-body大部头的作品Wheel of life(佛教)轮回Xenomania媚外Yearbook年鉴年刊Zen禅Paparazzi狗仔队Show people娱乐界人士Exotic dance脱衣舞Bearish行情下跌的Bullish行情上涨的State prisoner政治犯Stowaway偷渡者,逃票的乘客Plainclothesman便衣警察Police dog警犬Police post派出所Negligent homicide过失杀人Impostor江湖骗子ICJ International Court of Justice国际法院Espionage间谍间谍活动Lifer职业军人Mine地雷水雷Panzer装甲车坦克Off limits军事禁区Q-boat伪装成商船或渔船的武装船只Riot corps防暴部队Standing army常规军Sniper狙击手Bermuda Triangle百慕大三角洲Brain drain脑力人才外流Brawn drain劳力外流Break-dancing霹雳舞French windows落地窗Funeral home殡仪馆Taillight车尾灯Visiting team客队Runner-up亚军Black referee黑哨Foul play犯规动作Standing broad jump立定跳远Underachiever差等生Hothouse对儿童进行学前教育Whiz kid神童优等生Newsbreak重要新闻Needle trade成衣业Massage parlour挂按摩牌子的妓院Moonlight作动词,干第二职业Mixed marriage异族通婚Moon roof汽车的顶窗Egghead对知识分子的蔑称Dog days七八月份的酷暑期,伏天Connoisseur鉴赏家Box office票房Bridesmaid女傧相Bee(美)为互助友好而举行的聚会Bigtime红极一时的,赫赫有名的Bank of issue发行银行Big stick大棒政策Oxbridge牛津和剑桥大学Multiversity综合大学CDV compact video disc激光光碟Beeper BP机Exclusive独家新闻Divorcee离了婚的人disposable worker临时工Eden伊甸园Bandwagon见风使舵Sapphire蓝宝石Scrappage报废物Shangri-la香格里拉Obituary补告Hangover宿醉Full scholarship全额奖学金Stone-cold fox冰山美人Brain trust**的智囊团A-list名流群,精英all-expense tour自费游Bard-of-Avon埃文河诗人,莎士比亚的别称Beau monde上流社会Beautiful people上流社会的时髦阶层Bagstuffer街头广告传单Antichoice反堕胎Backwater死水,死气沉沉的地方Intercom对讲机,闭路通讯装置In vitro fertilization体外受精,试管受精Cottonmouth snake百步蛇Laser surgery激光外科手术Intercept截球Unscrupulous bombing狂轰滥炸Tommy gun(美)冲锋枪Strafe扫射,猛烈炮击Superbomb氢弹Unconditional surrender无条件投降Losing battle必败之战Military operation作战Missile equipped destroyer导弹驱逐舰Mess军用食堂Rock-bottom最低的Seed money本钱Principal本金,可生息Securities证券,有价证券Sag萧条,下跌Profiteer投机商,奸商Prime银行贷款的最低利率Red ink赤字,亏损Ready money现钞Bell-bottom trousers喇叭裤Julibee五十周年大庆Jim Crow对黑人的蔑称Iron lady指铁娘子撒切尔夫人Itinerant巡回的Intelligentsia知识分子的总称,知识界,知识阶层Jack千斤顶Blue moon千载难逢的时机Benefit义卖,义演,义赛Brainwave灵感,突然想到的主意Honor man(美)优等生Full professor正教授Doctorate博士学位Alma Mater母校Academician院士Pony report每日要闻报道Peter Funk(美俚)拍卖中冒充卖家抬高价格的冒牌出价人Pep rally动员大会Pipe dream白日梦,空想Pay TV收费电视Plastic operation整形手术Made man成功的人Manicure修指甲Mad money(美俚)私房钱Lotusland逍遥乡Jolly Roger海盗旗Invalid病号,伤残者Informed sources消息灵通的人士Hot air吹牛,空话Idiot box(口)电视机Ins and outs迂回曲折,底细In-flight meal航空餐上述内容由环球托业英语学习中心收集整理,更多精彩的英语学习内容尽在环球托业英语的官方网站。



阅读福利课第三讲:-本节课的主要内容1. 段落中心题介绍及做题方法讲解2. 段落中心题练习及讲解3. 匹配题介绍及做题方法讲解4. 常见的匹配题练习及讲解①List of headings: 段落中心题-一般出在文章前面,作为第一种题型-要求:阅读自然段,选出中心思想-乱序-只针对一篇出题-难度:五颗星-考察学生能力:读懂一个自然段并归纳-出现概率高-若不出这种题目则会出paragraph matching-不能随便蒙,会有连锁错误-注意事项:1)划掉例子中的heading,不可再选2)拿不准的先放弃,难题最后做3)优先做细节题,如true/false/not given或者summary等List of headings: 段落中心题-做题方法:1.中心句法:基础较好的同学,中心句明显的时候2.关键词法:基础薄弱的同学,对自然段没有印象,中心句不明显寻找中心句:-什么是中心句?注意:每个自然段的中心句=heading对中心句的同义改写-中心句的特点:(主要这三种)1.自然段首句的总结2.举例前的观点句(for example)3.转折词所在的句子(however, but)-List of headings做题方法一:中心句法做题方法①:-1. 划出每一段的首句,认真精读首句-2. (除了首句外,还可以考虑)划出for example前面的那一句话以及however所在的句子-3. 与heading进行同义替换-List of headings做题方法二:关键词法1.划出heading的keywords,看在哪个自然段出现率最高2.Keywords在某个自然段只出现一次的情况不可选3.Keywords出现两次以上(含同义词),可选-注意:这个方法有不全面的地方,因为有可能一个自然段的确出现了关键词几次,但是却与heading不匹配,这时候需要和中心句对应法所结合。


-正式做题:1.划出每一段的首句、或者for example前面的观点句以及however所在的句子2.划出heading中所有的定位词,并在原文圈出来尽量两个方法相结合。



1. ASAP - as soon as possible (尽快)
2. LOL - laugh out loud (大笑)
3. BTW - by the way (顺便说一下)
4. OMG - oh my god (天啊)
5. FYI - for your information (供您参考)
6. TTYL - talk to you later (一会儿联系你)
7. BRB - be right back (马上回来)
8. HBU - how about you (你呢)
9. TBH - to be honest (说实话)
10. OOTD - outfit of the day (当天的穿搭)
11. FOMO - fear of missing out (怕错过)
12. YOLO - you only live once (人生只有一次)
13. NBD - no big deal (没什么大不了的)
14. IDK - I don't know (我不知道)
15. RSVP - Répondez s'il vous plaît (请回复)
16. TGIF - thank god it's Friday (感谢上帝,终于到周五了)
17. BFF - best friends forever (永远的最好朋友)
18. TMI - too much information (信息太多了)
19. LMK - let me know (告诉我)
20. ICYMI - in case you missed it (万一你错过了)。



展会谈判交流英语句型A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.A: Let's meet each other half way.- 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。

- 如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了。

- 那咱们就各让一步吧。

A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.A: I see. Thank you.- 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛长,比去年几乎高出20%。

- 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了。

- 我知道了,多谢。

A: How many do you intend to order?B: I want to order 900 dozen.A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.- 这种产品你们想订多少?- 我们想订900打。

- 目前我们至多只能提供600打。

A: We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.A: I see.- 这些大米我们检验过了,重量不够,我们感到奇怪。

英语中“出镜率”极高的那个单词 get,简直万能

英语中“出镜率”极高的那个单词 get,简直万能

1. 接到或者得到:I gota letter from my brother Jim.我收到了弟弟 Jim 的一封信。

I gota shock seeing it.看见那件事,我很震惊。

值得注意的是:get 在表示“得到”的时候,在不同语境中的意义还有不同,比如:He can't get the kry. 他搞不到钥匙。


比如,对于一个刚刚丢了钥匙的人,get 就是“找到”;对于一个小偷或间谍,get 就是“偷到、配到”;对于一个正从一个狭窄空间里面取钥匙的人,get 又变成了“够到、取出”,还有很多可能的含义哦2. get 还可以表示“使什么事儿发生”,比如:Can you getthe old car running again?你真能使那辆旧汽车再跑起来吗?3. 表示“干起什么什么来”,get to do 或 get doing 都很常见,比如:Everyone will soon gettolike to be here.每个人都会很快喜欢这里。

I got talkingwith her just now.我刚刚和她说上话儿了。

You will like her once you get toknow her. 你一旦了解她,就会喜欢上她。

上面是 get 的最基本含义,但 get 可以和很多词结合,构成很多具有丰富含义的新短语。

4. 在口语中,be getting on 可以表示“变老、上年纪”,比如:Grandma is getting on a little. 奶奶年事日高。

5. get around:到处溜达,到处走走看看,也可说成 get about:Getting aroundin the country is usually my pastime.去乡下溜达通常是我的消遣方式。

6. 表示“明白了吗?”“搞清楚了吗?”--Get it?你明白?--Got it. 明白了。



形容一个人讲话有水平的英语1.能说会道:can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab2.滔滔不绝:unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen3.出口成章:words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master 4.巧舌如簧:lit. to have a tongue like a reed (idiom); fig. to have a glib tongue5.妙语连珠:Sparkling discourse6.伶牙俐齿:glib; have a glib tontgue; eloquent; fluent; have the gift of the gab7.口齿伶俐:eloquent and fluent speaker (idiom); grandiloquence; the gift of the gab8.对答如流:able to reply quickly and fluently (idiom); having a ready answer9.娓娓而谈:Talk familiarly on and on10.谈笑风生:laugh and joke together; talk cheerfully and humorously 11.侃侃而谈:speak with fervor and assurance12.花言巧语:cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric; graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words 13.辩口利辞:Excuse14.天花乱坠:fig. extravagant embellishments; hype; lit. a deluge of heavenly flowers (idiom)15.斗唇合舌:Lips and tongue16.大辩不言:Argue without saying anything17.辩才无碍:Very eloquent18.满舌生花:Full of tongue19.油嘴滑舌:glib; oily-mouthed and smooth talking20.唇枪舌剑:cross verbal swords; fight a battle of words21.三寸之舌:An all-persuasive tongue22.铜唇铁舌:A copper tongue23.娓娓动听:to speak in a pleasant and captivating manner (idiom) 24.舌战群儒:Lecturefield25.夸夸其谈:to talk big; grandiloquent; to sound off; bombastic 26.乖嘴蜜舌:Honey-mouthed27.鼓吻弄舌:Talk with each other28.虚嘴掠舌:Tongue in mouth29.慧心妙舌:Bright and smart30.能言快语:Eloquent and frank in speech。



展会谈判交流英语句型A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.A: Let's meet each other half way.- 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。

- 如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了。

- 那咱们就各让一步吧。

A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.A: I see. Thank you.- 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛长,比去年几乎高出20%。

- 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了。

- 我知道了,多谢。

A: How many do you intend to order?B: I want to order 900 dozen.A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.- 这种产品你们想订多少?- 我们想订900打。

- 目前我们至多只能提供600打。

A: We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.A: I see.- 这些大米我们检验过了,重量不够,我们感到奇怪。



1.爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.2.百闻不如一见Seeing is believing。

3.比上不足比下有余worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst。

4.笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start。

5.不眠之夜white night6.不以物喜不以己悲not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses7.不遗余力spare no effort; go all out; do one's best8.不打不成交No discord, no concord。

9.拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul10。

辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year a nd ring in the new11。

大事化小小事化了try first to make their mistake sound less serious and the n to reduce it to nothing at all12。

大开眼界open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener13。

国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace14。

过犹不及going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wr ong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little15。



1.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

2.God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

3.Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。

4.Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

5.One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。

6.Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。

7.Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。

8. work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

10.More hasty,less speed. 欲速则不达。

11.Its never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

12. that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。

13.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下。

14.Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

15.Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。

16.well begun,half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。

17.Out of sight, out of function. 眼不见,心不念。

18.Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

19. back white and white back. 颠倒黑白。

20.Ill news travels fast. 坏事传千里。

21.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 29优质课件

冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 29优质课件

创作 广告 样品 优惠
Do you know how to create a good ad?
If you want to create a good ad, you must study your customers and catch their eyes. An excellent adut.
If it’s a push-pin, you may be really pushing it.
But if you’re pushing a product, you are trying to sell it.
push-pin 图钉
Offering samples and deals will get you more customers.
11、即使是普通孩子,只要教育得法,也会成为不平凡的人。 12、首先是教师品格的陶冶,行为的教育,然后才是专门知识和技能的训练。 13、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。 14、孩子在快乐的时候,他学习任何东西都比较容易。 15、生活即教育,社会即学校,教学做合一。 16、当在学校所学的一切全都忘记之后,还剩下来的才是教育。2021年10月20日星期三2021/10/202021/10/202021/10/20 17、播种行为,可以收获习惯;播种习惯,可以收获性格;播种性格,可以收获命运。2021年10月 2021/10/202021/10/202021/10/2010/20/2021 18、我们发现了儿童有创造力,认识了儿童有创造力,就须进一步把儿童的创造力解放出来2021/10/202021/10/20October 20, 2021 19、人自身有一种力量,用许多方式按照本人意愿控制和影响这种力量,一旦他这样做,就会影响到对他的教育和对他发生作用的环境。 2021/10/202021/10/202021/10/202021/10/20
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Beat generation 垮掉的一代
Tea-ceremony 茶道
Badger game 美人计
Scene stealer 抢镜头的人
Hooligan 阿飞,足球流氓
Repeated offender 惯犯
Double agent 双重间谍
Mr. Big 黑社会老大
Love child 私生子
Hand-to-hand fighting 肉搏
Box news 花边新闻
Screen agers 整天看电视玩电脑的孩子
June-December wedding 双方年龄悬殊的婚姻
King’s English 标准英语
Leap day/year 闰日2.29/年366
Maid of Orleans 圣女贞德
Narrow squeak(口)九死一生的脱险
Ninja turtle 忍者神龟
Poet laureate 桂冠诗人
Ponytail 马尾辫
Protestant 新教徒
Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖
Rat race 激烈的竞争
Red-light district 红灯区
Reader’s Digest 读者文摘
Russian roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌
Sexual harassment 性骚扰
Short fuse 易怒的脾气
Soft-soap 奉承讨好
Silent contribution 隐名捐款
Silly money 来路不明的钱
Silver screen 银幕,电影界
Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子
Tenth-rate 最低等的,劣等的
Vertical/lateral thinking 纵向,横向思维
Wide-body 大部头的作品
Wheel of life (佛教)轮回
Xenomania 媚外
Yearbook 年鉴年刊
Zen 禅
Paparazzi 狗仔队
Show people 娱乐界人士
Exotic dance 脱衣舞
Bearish 行情下跌的
Bullish 行情上涨的
State prisoner 政治犯
Stowaway 偷渡者,逃票的乘客Plainclothesman 便衣警察
Police dog 警犬
Police post 派出所
Negligent homicide 过失杀人
Impostor 江湖骗子
ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院Espionage 间谍间谍活动
Lifer 职业军人
Mine 地雷水雷
Panzer 装甲车坦克
Off limits 军事禁区
Q-boat 伪装成商船或渔船的武装船只Riot corps 防暴部队
Standing army 常规军
Sniper 狙击手
Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角洲
Brain drain 脑力人才外流
Brawn drain 劳力外流
Break- dancing 霹雳舞
French windows 落地窗
Funeral home 殡仪馆
Taillight 车尾灯
Visiting team 客队
Runner-up 亚军
Black referee 黑哨
Foul play 犯规动作
Standing broad jump 立定跳远Underachiever 差等生
Hothouse 对儿童进行学前教育
Whiz kid 神童优等生
Newsbreak 重要新闻
Needle trade 成衣业
Massage parlour 挂按摩牌子的妓院Moonlight 作动词,干第二职业
Mixed marriage 异族通婚
Moon roof 汽车的顶窗
Egghead 对知识分子的蔑称
Dog days 七八月份的酷暑期,伏天Connoisseur 鉴赏家
Box office 票房
Bridesmaid 女傧相
Bee (美)为互助友好而举行的聚会Bigtime 红极一时的,赫赫有名的
Bank of issue 发行银行
Cater ∏ 美国总统克林顿(卡特二世。

)Big stick大棒政策
Oxbridge 牛津和剑桥大学
Multiversity 综合大学
CDV compact video disc 激光光碟
Beeper BP机
Exclusive 独家新闻
Divorcee 离了婚的人
disposable worker 临时工
Eden 伊甸园
Bandwagon 见风使舵
Sapphire 蓝宝石
Scrappage 报废物
Shangri-la 香格里拉
Obituary 补告
Hangover 宿醉
Full scholarship 全额奖学金
Stone-cold fox 冰山美人
Brain trust 政府的智囊团
A-list 名流群,精英
all-expense tour 自费游
Bard-of-Avon 埃文河诗人,莎士比亚的别称Beau monde 上流社会
Beautiful people 上流社会的时髦阶层Bagstuffer 街头广告传单
Antichoice 反堕胎
Backwater 死水,死气沉沉的地方Intercom 对讲机,闭路通讯装置
In vitro fertilization 体外受精,试管受精Cottonmouth snake 百步蛇
Laser surgery 激光外科手术
Intercept 截球
Unscrupulous bombing 狂轰滥炸
Tommy gun (美)冲锋枪
Strafe 扫射,猛烈炮击
Superbomb 氢弹
Unconditional surrender 无条件投降
Losing battle 必败之战
Military operation 作战
Missile equipped destroyer 导弹驱逐舰
Mess 军用食堂
Rock-bottom 最低的
Seed money 本钱
Principal 本金,可生息
Securities 证券,有价证券
Sag 萧条,下跌
Profiteer 投机商,奸商
Prime 银行贷款的最低利率
Red ink 赤字,亏损
Ready money 现钞
Bell-bottom trousers 喇叭裤
语法标注解释jubilee 五十周年大庆
Jim Crow 对黑人的蔑称
Iron lady 指铁娘子撒切尔夫人
Itinerant 巡回的
Jack 千斤顶
Blue moon 千载难逢的时机
Benefit 义卖,义演,义赛
Brainwave 灵感,突然想到的主意
Honor man (美)优等生
Full professor 正教授
Alma Mater 母校
Academician 院士
Pony report 每日要闻报道
Peter Funk (美俚)拍卖中冒充卖家抬高价格的冒牌出价人Pep rally 动员大会
Pipe dream 白日梦,空想
Pay TV 收费电视
Plastic operation 整形手术
Made man 成功的人
Manicure 修指甲
Mad money (美俚)私房钱
Lotusland 逍遥乡
Jolly Roger 海盗旗
Invalid 病号,伤残者
Informed sources 消息灵通的人Hot air 吹牛,空话
Idiot box (口)电视机
Ins and outs 迂回曲折,底细
In-flight meal 航空餐。
