Dead Poets Society《死亡诗社》典故整理原版英美美文












他鼓励学生自己思考,CARPE DIEM (及时行乐),用不同的眼光看待事物,寻找自己的声音……这些都让青春年少的学生们眼里出现异样的光芒,懦弱古板的托德、因循守旧的卡麦隆、痴心矛盾的奥佛史区、胆大重义的达顿、勤奋友善的尼尔……正一点点地发生变化,这些少年似乎寻找到自己行走的步调,不满与反抗表现得也愈来愈明显。

重建古诗人社(Dead Poets Society)毫无疑问是基廷老师感染下的表现,这个不受学校欢迎的社团成了少年们的精神圣地,The Dead Poets was dedicated to "sucking the marrow out of life"。

Dead Poets Society死亡诗社 整理资料

Dead Poets Society死亡诗社 整理资料

Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film directed by {HYPERLINK "/wiki/Peter_Weir"|Peter Weir and starring . Set at the conservative and Welton Academy in Vermont in 1959, it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry. The film was critically acclaimed and was nominated for many awards.Neil Perry (), Todd Anderson (), Knox Overstreet (), Charlie Dalton (), Richard Cameron (), Steven Meeks (Allelon Ruggiero), and Gerard Pitts () are senior students of the Welton Academy, an elite , whose ethos is defined by the headmaster Gale Nolan () as "tradition, honor, discipline and excellence".His unique teaching methodThe teaching methods of their new English teacher, John Keating (), are unorthodox by Welton standards, whistling the and taking them out of the classroom to focus on the idea of (及时行乐,抓住今天)拉丁语. He tells the students that they may call him "," in reference to a poem, if they feel daring.In another class, Keating has Neil read the introduction to their poetry textbook, prescribing a mathematical formula to rate the quality of poetry which Keating finds ridiculous, and he instructs his pupils to rip the introduction out of their books, to the amazement of one of his colleagues.Later he has the students stand on his desk in order to look at the world in a different way. The boys discover that Keating was a former student at Welton and decide to secretly revive the school literary club, the "Dead Poets Society", to which Keating had belonged, meeting in a cave off the school grounds.His leaveNeil wants to be an actor but knows his father () will disapprove. Without his father's knowledge, he auditions for the role of in a production of . His father finds out and orders Neil to withdraw. Neil asks Keating for advice and is advised to talk to his father and make him understand how he feels, but Neil cannot muster the courage to do so. Instead he goes against his father's wishes. His father shows up at the end of the play, furious. He takes Neil home and tells him that he intends to enroll him in a to prepare him for and a career in medicine. Unable to cope with the future that awaits him or to make his father understand his feelings, Neil commits suicide.At the request of Neil's parents, the headmaster launches an investigation. Cameron meets the school governors and . Later, confronted by Charlie, Cameron admits that he squealed on them and made Keating the scapegoat, and urges the rest of them to let Keating take the fall. Charlie punches Cameron and is later expelled. Todd is called to Nolan's office, where his parents are waiting. Nolan forces Todd to admit to being a member of the Dead Poets Society, and makes him sign a document blamingKeating for abusing his authority, inciting the boys to restart the club, and encouraging Neil to flout his father's wishes. Todd sees the other boys' signatures already on the document, and is threatened by his father to sign it. Keating is subsequently fired.The boys return to English class, now being taught by Nolan, who instructs the boys to read the introductory essay only to find that they had all ripped it out. Keating enters the room to retrieve a few belongings. Todd reveals that the boys were intimidated into signing the denunciation. Nolan orders Todd to be quiet and demands that Keating leave. As Keating is about to exit, Todd for the first time breaks his reserve, calls out "O Captain! My Captain!" and stands on his desk. Nolan warns Todd to sit down or face expulsion. Much of the class, including Knox, Meeks, and Pitts, climb onto their desks and look to Keating, ignoring Nolan's orders until he gives up. Keating leaves visibly touched.。

死亡诗社中的诗歌分析 英文版

死亡诗社中的诗歌分析  英文版
“我们读诗写诗,并非为它的灵巧。我们读诗写诗因为我们是人 类的一员,而人类充满了热情。医药、法律、商业、工程,这些 都是高贵的理想,并且是维生的必需条件。但是诗,美,浪漫, 爱,这些才是我们生存的原因。
a sweaty-toothed madman. 一个牙齿流汗的疯子
I close my eyes. this image floats beside me. 我闭上眼睛,他的形象在我眼前晃悠
A sweaty-toothed madman with a stare that pounds my brain. 一个牙齿流汗的疯子,瞪得我心怦怦直跳
3 Oh me! O life!
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled
Further Reading - Robert Herrick
Robert Herrick (1591-1674) 罗伯特·赫里克 To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying
Exult O shores, and ring O bells! But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.

影评 死亡诗社 全英文500字The Conflict of the Dead Poets Society

影评 死亡诗社 全英文500字The Conflict of the Dead Poets Society

The Conflict of the Dead Poets SocietyWhen we talk about the conflict, the first word comes into my mind is “controversy”. There exist a fight between two sides, no matter mentally or in physically. We cannot judge which side is absolutely right, but we could choose a better one. In this movie—the Dead Poets Society, the main conflicts are between the between the reality and dream, and between the rebellion and obedience.When I was at the age of 17, I was in senior Grade three. Time was spent in studying and endless works. I never put my dreams into consideration. What I could do was to continue my endless homework and to except to go to a good university.I asked myself after finishing this movie what If I met a teacher like Mr. Keating when I was 17, a teacher who can break the traditional teaching method and tell students to pursue the real life, some coward person is less likely to step ahead at the expense of giving up the chance of attending a college, like me, or Carmon in the movie, while some brave people can do, like Neil, Charles and Knox.Bold men like them are more likely to experience a more fantastic life. Neil could take a risk of going to the audition and finally gets the opportunity of playing a part in the drama. Charles, is a total rebel. He hides naked woman’s picture and then writes poems on the back, invites girls to the secret cave and read classical romantic poems to them, publishing a petition requiring girl into thishigh school in the name of “the dead poets society”. What his conduct is obviously against the principle of the school—tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. And Knox, who falls in love with a beautiful girl named Chris who has had a boyfriend already, nerves to expression his affection to her and won her heart.Nevertheless, craven person like Carmon, who is afraid of ripping out of the poets books, who also attend to the dead poets society, who gives the secret information to school after Neil’s death, who hovers between the rebellion and obedience and finally chooses to obey the group, may never get the real things he want. And be happy. Perhaps one day he will sit in the classroom of ivy league university, recalling his happy day spent with a group of young boys who could catch their dreams bravely, but he will never be one of the group anyone, for he has chosen to be obedient to the reality.That is the first conflict—the rebellion and obedience.Additionally, the second conflict is between reality and the dream.While the students look about as stirred up as a cesspool, it is Mr. Keating who arouses their dreams in the deep of their hearts. When He whispers to the students “carpe diem” which means to seize the time and make lives extraordinary. Numb students start to wake up and to be conscious of the real meaning in life. Everyone start to pursue their life meaning instead of spending their entire time in studying.Neil dreams to be an actor, Todd dreams to a real poet, Knox dreams to winChris’s heart, Charlie dreams to get freedom, and Carmon never talks about his dream. But they all face the same reality—going to college and finding a good job. That is what teacher and parents want to see.If dream is confronted with reality, someone will choose to stick to their dreams and even show his determination by suicide, like Neil, while someone choose to turn back quickly and flee away, like Carmon. People who stick to dreams may die or be successful. People who flee away will never achieve his dream, cause at the beginning of his rode to dream he is defeated by reality.What can we do, when dream is confronted with reality, is to tighten your tooth and hold on. You should never choose to give up your lives, because living in the world is the where the hope is. You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. You should believe that on the way to dreams, you are not alone. Phrase:Choke on the bone胡来Wipe that smirk off your face 别得意Monastic oath 修行Be in it up to one’s eyes 某人也脱不了干系Suck out all the marrow of life吸取生命的精髓。



From Dead Poets Society to understand the deep meaning ofthe lifeAbstract:O, captain,my captain!When Todd lead all the people stand on the table in the classroom, regardless of the threaten from the school. We cannot help crying. Only a teacher helping his students set a right values, a teacher an be a real teacher. The deep meaning embodied. As a different teacher, Mr Keating helped students to the heaven of the studying with the help of his profound literature knowledge. And let them interest the study, love the study. So that can be a very important part of students’values. Thus the deep emotion between Mr Keating and his students is very moving, behind the emotion we also can see some big problems about the education. This article concentrates on the plot introduction, culture background analysis, and some bright plot. Besides these, there will also the contrast between Dead Poets Society and Mona Lisa Smile. And my feeling about the movie.Key words:摘要:哦,船长,我的船长!当托德率领大家不顾威胁,集体站到课桌上,对着基廷高喊着这句话时,不禁让人潸然泪下。



死亡诗社读后感英文50英文回答:The Dead Poets Society, a captivating film released in 1989, explores the transformative power of literature and the indomitable spirit of rebellion against societal norms. Set in the hallowed halls of Welton Academy, a prestigious all-boys preparatory school, the film follows the journey of an unconventional English teacher, Mr. John Keating, and his profound impact on the lives of his students.The film opens with a scene that sets the tone for the rest of the narrative: Todd Anderson, a shy and introverted freshman, is struggling to adjust to the rigorous academic and social demands of Welton. His salvation comes in the form of Mr. Keating, an eccentric and unorthodox teacher who encourages his students to "make your lives extraordinary" and to "carpe diem," or "seize the day."Keating's teachings resonate deeply with a group ofstudents, including Neil Perry, a sensitive and artistic young man; Charlie Dalton, a rebellious and charismatic prankster; Steven Meeks, a quiet and diligent overachiever; and Knox Overstreet, a wealthy and popular student. Together, they form the Dead Poets Society, a clandestine group that meets in a hidden cave in the woods to share poetry, discuss philosophy, and challenge the stifling conformity of Welton.The Dead Poets Society becomes a sanctuary for the students, a place where they can explore theirindividuality and express themselves freely. Keating's unorthodox methods, such as having them stand on their desks and recite poetry, encourage them to think critically and question authority. He awakens in them a passion for literature, the arts, and the pursuit of their dreams.However, the film takes a tragic turn when Neil Perry, inspired by Keating's teachings, decides to pursue his passion for acting despite his father's disapproval. His father's harsh reaction and the subsequent expulsion from Welton drive Neil to suicide. This tragedy forces Keatingto confront the consequences of his actions and the limits of his influence.The film concludes with the students, now seniors, paying tribute to Keating's legacy. They stand on their desks, as they did in his class, and recite a powerful poem by Walt Whitman, "O Captain! My Captain!" This gesture symbolizes their enduring respect for Keating and the transformative power of the Dead Poets Society.The Dead Poets Society is a timeless classic that celebrates the transformative power of education, the importance of individuality, and the indomitable spirit of rebellion. It is a film that continues to inspire and resonate with audiences of all ages, reminding us to seize the day, follow our dreams, and never conform to societal expectations.中文回答:死亡诗社是一部引人入胜的电影,于1989年上映,探讨了文学的变革力量以及反对社会规范的不屈不挠的叛逆精神。



高一影评英语作文80词English: The movie "Dead Poets Society" is a powerful and inspiring film that resonates with audiences of all ages. The story follows a group of boys at an elite boarding school who are influenced bytheir unorthodox English teacher, John Keating, played by Robin Williams. Keating encourages the students to think for themselves, seize the day, and follow their dreams, inspiring them to challenge the rigid expectations of their school and society. The film explores themes of individuality, creativity, and the pursuit of authentic self-expression. Through Keating's passionate teaching methods and unconventional approach to education, the boys discover their own voices and learn the importance of living life to the fullest. "Dead Poets Society" is a timeless classic that reminds viewers of the power of free thinking and the importance of following one's heart.Translated content: 电影《死亡诗社》是一部强大而鼓舞人心的影片,深受各个年龄段观众的喜爱。



DeadPoetsSociety死亡诗社观后后感英文第一篇:Dead Poets Society死亡诗社观后后感英文Dead Poets Society“Dead poets society” is a very outstanding youth film, the film is directed by Peter Will , tells the story happened in the United States a male university preparatory school story, this school has a long history, but not lose one's vitality, and the youth division.A group of students in the new teacher under the leadership of Keeding, again find the courage to live.The film start personal perception can be divided into two scenes, hall and dormitories.The auditorium is full of youthful spirit show the relationship between the students and a simple traditional old school, is through a new Congress for such an event performance.Youth will be the school survival four pillars-“tradition, honor, discipline, excellence” as “mock, terror, decadent, excretion,” to show their school stodgy ethos and learning atmosphere of discontent.“Dead poets society” is a film of many figures, and have their own characteristics and personality, so everyone has their own orgasm, for example Anderson Knox class poetry, the pursuit to the beloved girl, dead poets club party scene etc..In the climax of the film in the Neal home, is the quarrel with Neal and his father and Dutch act as the main story of Neal.The film selected items is also very clever: Hat represents the ideal, door handles and feet on behalf of protest action, the key and the gun represents the ultimate destruction.This section does not appear in a drop of blood, one surface of the lens, it will show people the destruction of life, the life of Neal light, afford much food for thought.Then, Neal's father's action by China, found that Neal's death is simply to agun, a hand, a wisp of smoke to replace, the climax of the vertex is the last of the upgraded lenses, emotion to the apex, regret will come very naturally out of the show.The core scene at the end is the classroom.Students in order to protect and betrayal, butyl teacher became the scapegoat was dismissed, everything seems calm, but this time the most calm to the outbreak of the most sincere feelings.The end of the film is trying to express is a kind of for the sake of freedom struggle, this is the true meaning of dead poets club, is the essence of poetry.I always thought, “dead poets society” for those who don't understand poetry children opened a door to freedom, though it is only open in the darkness of night.I always believe that, poetry is the operation knife, cut out the idea of tumor, but also refined the long silence of the heart.I just want to say: Okay, the children met butyl teacher in legitimate youth!Fortunately, I met “dead poets society in the pursuit of life”!第二篇:死亡诗社观后心得电影《死亡诗社》是一部关于传统教学和以人为本的反传统教学冲突的影片,很有观看意义。

英语影评 死亡诗社 Dead Poets Society

英语影评 死亡诗社 Dead Poets Society

Dead PoetsSocietyIt has been twice that I watched this brilliant film. On the first time , I was very young , so I only got some simple ideas about the film. The smart teacher , Mr. Keating , the beautiful scene of Welton Academy , different kinds of characteristic students which were still very vivid in my mind before I watched the film twicely. I didn’t whole understand what the film want to tell me , to let me know. I was merely very happy when Captain taught them the poetry , very excited when the dead poets society was rebuilt , very sad when Neil committed suicide.So , after some years ,when I watched this film the twice. I seemed to catch something behind the scene, hidden behind the poetry, behind the characters.The film is very attractive , whatever on its meaning , its plot or its actors. It actually tells a story about education, about freedom , about “ carpe diem”.Welton Academy is a conservative, aristocratic elite prep school which was honored by its four pillars :tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. It was on behalf of the tradition, the dogma, the cage trammeling youngers creative ideas. On contrast of the Welton, the new teacher, Mr. Keating, was the symbol of freedom, creativeness and passion. The film is the conflict of the two.Mr. Keating inspires his students to jump out of the trap of the school. His humor and wisdom encouraged the students, making his students find their potential , their gift , their generous. Seven of his students, Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Knox Overstreet, Charlie Dalton, Richard Cameron, Steven Meeks, and Gerard Pitts, united together and decided to revive a secretive literary club which was formerly builtby their tutor, called “dead poets society”.Both Neil and Todd were under the parental pressure. Their parents ignores their sons’eager,their acquire them to become lawyer or doctor. But Todd wants to be a writer and Neil dreamed to be an actor.When the climax comes , Neil violated his father’s order and was not able to muster his courage to talk with his father , to declare his dream. He go against his father and attend acting the play “A Midsummer Night's Dream” secretively.However , his father finds out , becomes very furious. Neil lost his hope and feelshimself helpless and choose the tragic ending.The students finally surrendered , the death of Neil was imputed to Mr. Keating and he was dismissed. This makes me very sad because of the tradition’s mighty power, putting the freedom to death. But I was very happy to see in the end, the students stepped on the desk and spoke out“ O captain , my captain”. This I thought was the brave protest against the institution, against the symbol of tradition, Mr. Nolan.As far as I concerned , the film tells us what the true meaning of education : Discover yourself. We received education is to become the person we would like to be. It doesn’t not mean we should become what our parents, our teacher and our school want us to be, it was up to ourselves. We need to stick to pursue our dreams , to become who we really are.。

Dead Poets Society-死亡诗社-中英对照剧本

Dead Poets Society-死亡诗社-中英对照剧本

1--Now remember, keep your shoulders back.记住别缩着肩2--Okay, put your arm around your brother. That's it.好的胳膊搂着你弟弟3--That's it. Right, and breathe in.就这样对呼吸4--Okay, one more.对了再来一张5--Now, just to review好了再说一遍6--you're going to follow along the procession until you get to the headmaster.一直走到校长面前7--At that point, he will indicate to you to light the candles of the boys.然后他会叫你把孩子们手里的蜡烛点燃8--All right, boys, let's settle down.好了孩子们准备吧9--Banners up!举旗10--Ladies and gentlemen, boys...女士们先生们孩子们...11--the Light of Knowledge.智慧之光12--One hundred years ago, in 1859一百年前 1859年13--41 boys sat in this room...四十一个孩子坐在这里14--and were asked the same question...被问到了同样的问题15--that now greets you at the start of each semester.每个新学期开始都会问到的问题16--Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?各位我们四大支柱是什么17--Tradition. Honour. Discipline. Excellence.传统荣誉纪律优秀18--In her first year建校第一年19--Welton Academy graduated five students.本校毕业了五位学生20--Last year we graduated 51.去年毕业生是五十一人21--And more than 75 percent of those...其中百分之七十五以上22--went on to the Ivy League.进了名牌大学23--This...This kind of accomplishment is the result...这种成就来源于24--of fervent dedication to the principles taught here.我们所孜孜遵循的上述教学原则25--This is why you parents have been sending us your sons.这是各位家长愿意把孩子们送到这儿来的原因26--This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States.也是本校成为全美最优秀的预备学校的原因27--As you know大家知道28--our beloved Mr Portius of the English Department retired last term.英语系的波希尔斯先生上学期光荣退休了29--You will have the opportunity later to meet本学期接替他的30--his replacement, Mr John Keating,将是John Keating 先生31--himself an honours graduate of this school.也是本校的优秀毕业生之一32--And who, for the past several years, has been teaching...过去的几年中他一直...33--at the highly regarded Chester School in London.在享有盛誉的伦敦切斯特中学任教34--Richard, you forgot your bag!Richard 你忘记了你的包35--Hi, Johnny! Hey, how you doin'?John 最近还好吗36--Don't worry. I got your room assignment.不用担心我拿到了你的房间安排37--They haven't moved the dining area.他们吃饭的地方没有改呀38--Glad you could come by.谢谢你光临39--- Thrilling ceremony, as usual, Dr Nolan.仪式很精彩一如既往Nolan 博士40--- You've been away too long.很久不见了41--- Hello, Dr Nolan. - Good to have you back.- 你好 Nolan 博士 - 很高兴你们能回来42--- This is our youngest, Todd. - Mr Anderson.- 这是我们最小的儿子Todd - Anderson43--You have some big shoes to fill.你的前途很大年轻人44--Your brother was one of our finest.令兄是我们最出色的学生之一45--Thank you.谢谢46--- Lovely ceremony. - Thank you. Glad you liked it.- 仪式很精彩 - 谢谢很高兴你能喜欢47--- Gale - Tom - Gale. - Tom.48--- Good to see you again. - Hello, Mr Nolan.- 很高兴又见到你 - 你好 Nolan 先生49--- We expect great things from you this year. - Thank you, sir.- Neil 希望你今年能取得好成绩 - 谢谢50--Well, he won't disappoint us. Right, Neil?他不会让我们失望的.对吧 Neil51--I'll do my best, sir.我会努力的52--Hey, come on, son.过来孩子53--- Chin up. - Okay.- 振作些 - 好的54--- No tears now. - Chin up.- 别哭 - 振作些55--- I don't want to go here. - Honey, I love you.- 我不想来这儿 - 亲爱的我爱你56--- I'll walk you over. - You be a good boy. Do your lessons.- 我送你过去 - 好了好好学习57--Hey! I hear we're gonna be roommates.嘿听说我们同宿舍58--- I'm Neil Perry. - I'm Todd Anderson.- 我叫Neil Perry - 我叫Todd Anderson59--Why'd you leave Balincrest?干嘛换到这儿上学60--My brother went here.我哥就来的这儿61--Oh, so you're that Anderson.就是那个Anderson62--- This is for his sinuses. - Yes. I see.- 这是治他鼻窦炎的 - 是的我知道63--Oh, and if he can't swallow, you give him one of these.如果他咽不下去就给他吃点这个64--And if he has trouble breathing, you can give him some of those.如果他呼吸困难可以给他吃点这个65--- Did you remember your vaporizer?记得带喷雾器了吗66--- Yes, I put it in my room.带了放在宿舍了67--- Hey, how's it going, Neil? - Hey, Knox.- 嘿你好吗 Neil - 你好68--Neil, study group tonight?Neil 今晚学习小组69--- Yeah, sure. - Business as usual, huh?- 嗯当然 - 跟以前一样70--Hey, I heard you got the new kid. Looks like a stiff!嘿听说你有了个新室友.象个木瓜一样71--Oops.哎哟72--Listen, don't mind Cameron.听我说别理会他73--He was born with his foot in his mouth. You know what I mean?他呢狗嘴吐不出象牙明白我的意思吗74--Rumour has did summer school.听人说你上暑期班了75--Yep. Chemistry. My father thought I should get ahead.对学化学.我爸说提前点儿好76--How was your summer, slick?你暑假过得怎么样77--Keen.还不赖78--Meeks. Door. Closed.Meeks 把门关上79--Yes, sir.是长官80--Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?各位我们四大支柱是什么81--Travesty. Horror. Decadence. Excrement.嘲弄恐怖颓废排泄82--Okay. Study group.好了学习小组83--Meeks aced Latin. I didn't quite flunk English.Meeks的拉丁不赖.英语我不怕84--- If you want, we got our study group. - Sure.- 所以如果你愿意我们算一个组- 没问题85--Cameron asked me too. Anyone mind including him?Cameron也问我了把他也算进来怎么样86--Hmm, what's his specialty? Bootlicking?他什么东西拿手拍马屁87--- Come on, he's your roommate. - That's not my fault.- 好了他是你室友 - 那可不是我的错88--I'm sorry. My name is Stephen Meeks.对不起我叫Stephen Meeks89--Oh! This is Todd Anderson.他叫Todd Anderson90--- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.- 很高兴见到你 - 很高兴见到你91--Charlie Dalton.Charlie Dalton92--Knox Overstreet.Knox Overstreet93--Todd's brother was Jeffrey Anderson.Jeffrey Anderson 是Todd的哥哥94--- Oh, yeah, sure. - What do you know?- 是吗 - 你知道他什么95--- Valedictorian. National Merit Scholar. - Oh, well...- 毕业生代表全国优秀学生 - 嗯..96--welcome to Hell-ton.欢迎到地狱来97--It's every bit as tough as they say这鬼地方可不好混98--unless you're a genius like Meeks.除非是Meeks一样的天才99--He flatters me. That's why I help him with Latin.他会拍不然也不帮他学拉丁语100--And English. And trig.还有英语还有几何101--It's open.门开着102--Father, I thought you'd gone.爸爸我以为你走了103--- Mr Perry. - Keep your seats, fellows.- Perry先生 - 坐着吧孩子们104--Neil, I've just spoken to Mr Nolan.Neil 我刚和Nolan 先生谈过了105--You're taking too many extracurricular activities this semester我觉得你这个学期课外活动太多了106--and I've decided that you should drop the school annual.我看你不要参加校史年鉴的事了107--But I'm the assistant editor this year.但我今年是助理编辑108--- Well, I'm sorry, Neil. - But, Father, I can't.- 我看算了 Neil - 但是爸爸这不行109--- It wouldn't be fair. - Would you excuse us for a moment?- 这不公平 - 孩子们我们得单独谈一下110--Don't you ever dispute me in public. Do you understand?别公开跟我顶撞明白吗111---Father, I wasn't disputing..爸爸我不是顶撞...112---After you've finished medical school...等你读完医科大学...113--and you're on your own, then you can do as you damn well please.自立了你想干什么就干什么114--But until then, you do as I tell you. Is that clear?但在那之前你得听我的.明白了吗115--Yes, sir. I'm sorry.明白对不起116--You know how much this means to your mother, don't you?你知道这对你妈妈有多重要对不对117--Yes, sir.是118--You know me always taking on too much.你知道的我总喜欢找事119--Well, that's my boy.好了这就对了120--- You need anything, you let us know. - Yes, sir.- 需要什么尽管说 - 好的121--Why doesn't he let you do what you want?他干嘛不让你做想做的事122--Yeah, Neil. Tell him off. Couldn't get any worse.对 Neil 跟他吵.别什么大不了的123--Oh, that's rich. Like you guys tell your parents off?荒唐就象你们跟父母吵124--Mr Future Lawyer and Mr Future Banker?未来的律师先生未来的银行家先生125--Okay, so I don't like it any more than you do.好了其实我也不喜欢那么做126--Well, just don't tell me how to talk to my father.好了别教我怎么跟父亲说话就行了127--- You guys are the same way. -All right, all right.Jesus.- 你们都一个样 - 好了好了天哪128--- So what are you gonna do then? - What I have to do.- 那你准备怎么办 - 别无选择129--- Drop the annual. - I wouldn't lose much sleep over it.- 放弃呗 - 要说这事我也不会想太多130--It's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan.就是帮疯子想编点哗众取宠的东西呗131--I don't care. I don't give a damn about any of it.好了我也根本不在乎132--- Well, uh... Latin, 8:00 in my room? - Yes.- 嗯拉丁八点在我宿舍 - 好133--- That sounds okay. - Todd, you're welcome to join us.- 听起来不错呀 - Todd 也欢迎你参加134--- Yeah, come along, pal. - Thanks.- 对一起来吧 - 谢谢135--Slow down, boys!慢点儿孩子们136--Slow down, you horrible phalanx of pubescence!慢点儿你们这帮毛手毛脚的家伙137--Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list...从项目表上选三个实验项目...138--and report on them every five weeks.每五周写份报告139--The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow.第一章的前二十个问题明天交140---Agricolam. - Agricolam.-Agricolam. - Agricolam.141--- Agricola. - Agricola.- Agricola. - Agricola.142---Agricolae. - Agricolae.-Agricolae. - Agricolae.143---Agricolarum. - Agricolarum.-Agricolarum. - Agricolarum.144---Agricolis. - Agricolis.-Agricolis. - Agricolis.145--- Agricolas. - Agricolas.- Agricolas. - Agricolas.146---Agricolis. - Agricolis.-Agricolis. - Agricolis.147--- Again, please. Agricola. - Agricola.- 再来一遍 Agricola - Agricola148--Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision.学习几何要求非常精确149--Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment...任何人不按时完成作业...150--will be penalized one point off their final grade.都将会被扣掉一个学分151--Let me urge you now not to test me on this point.奉劝你们不要以身试法152--Hey, Spaz. Spaz.笨蛋笨蛋153--Brain damage!脑损伤154--Shh!嘘...155--Well, come on.嗯来吧156--- Let's go. - Let's go, guys.- 走吧 - 走吧伙计们157--Let's go.走吧158--''O Captain, my Captain.''"哦船长我的船长"159--Who knows where that comes from?有谁知道出自哪儿吗160--Anybody?有吗161--Not a clue?没人知道162--It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr Abraham Lincoln.出自Walt Whitman 为Abraham Lincoln 写的一首诗163--Now in this class you can either call me Mr Keating...听好在班上你们可以叫我Keating 老师... 164--or, if you're slightly more daring, ''O Captain, my Captain.''或者有胆量的话就叫"哦船长我的船长"165--Now, let me dispel a few rumours so they don't fester into facts.我首先要消除一些谣言免得误人子弟166--Yes, I, too, attended Hell-ton and survived.没错我也上过这所地狱学校并活了下来167--And, no, at that time, I was not the mental giant you see before you.不过那时候我可不是你们现在看到的思想巨人168--I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling.我的智慧跟一个九十八磅重的弱智差不多169--I would go to the beach,我到海滩念诗170--and people would kick copies of Byron in my face.人们会把拜伦诗集往我脸上砸171--Now... Mr Pitts?好了...Pitts172--That's a rather unfortunate name.这名字太不幸了173--Mr Pitts, where are you?Pitts 哪位是Pitts174--Mr Pitts, would you open your hymnal to page 542.Pitts 把诗集翻到第五百四十二页175--Read the first stanza of the poem you find there.念一下那首诗的第一节176--''To the Virgins to Make Much of Time''?"劝少女们珍惜时光"177--Yes, that's the one.对就是那首178--Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?对你们很合适对吧179--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."及时采拮你的花蕾"180--''Old Time is still a-flying."旧时光一去不回"181--And this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.''"今天尚在微笑的花朵明日便在风中枯萎"182--Thank you, Mr Pitts.谢谢你Pittsie183--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.''"及时采拮你的花蕾"184--The Latin term for that sentiment is ''Carpe diem. ''这种感慨用拉丁语说就叫"Carpe diem"185--Now, who knows what that means?有谁知道是什么意思吗186--Carpe diem. That's ''Seize the day.''"Carpe diem"也就是抓紧时间187--- Very good, Mister... - Meeks.- 很好你叫... - Meeks188--Meeks. Another unusual name.又一个不寻常的名字189--Seize the day.抓紧时间190--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.''"及时采拮你的花蕾"191--Why does the writer use these lines?为什么作者要写这几句话192--- Because he's in a hurry. - No! Ding!- 因为他很着急 - 不叮193--Thank you for playing anyway.不过还是要感谢你的幽默194--Because we are food for worms, lads.因为我们是蛆虫的食物195--Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room...因为不管你信不信在这儿的每一个人...196--is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.有一天都会停止呼吸变冷死亡197--I would like you to step forward over here...你们到前面来..198--and peruse some of the faces from the past.好好看看过去的面孔199--You've walked past them many times.你们从这儿经过多次了200--I don't think you've really looked at them.但肯定没有仔细看过201--They're not that different from you, are they?他们和你们差别不大对吧202--Same haircuts.同样的发型203--Full of hormones, just like you.充满活力和你们一样204--Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster.野心勃勃和你们一样.世界在他们手中205--They believe they're destined for great things,相信自己一定能成就伟大的事业206--just like many of you.就象你们很多人一样207--Their eyes are full of hope, just like you.他们眼中充满希望就象你们一样208--Did they wait until it was too late...但他们是不是就曾经蹉跎而错过...209--to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable?他们本可能成就的任何事业210--Because, you see, gentlemen,因为你瞧各位211--these boys are now fertilizing daffodils.当年的年轻人已变成了花下之尘212--But if you listen real close...但如果仔细听...213--you can hear them whisper their legacy to you.你们还能听见他们给你们留下的忠告214--Go on, lean in.来吧近一点听215--Listen. Do you hear it?听见了吗216--Carpe.卡匹217--Hear it?听见了吗218--Carpe.卡匹219--Carpe diem.Carpe diem220--Seize the day, boys.抓紧时间孩子们221--Make your lives extraordinary.让你的生命不同寻常222--- That was weird. - But different.- 太怪了 - 但与众不同223--Spooky, if you ask me.是吓人要我说的话224--Think he'll test us on that stuff?你觉得这会考吗225--Oh, come on, Cameron. Don't you get anything?行了 Cameron.你什么也没听明白226--What? What?什么什么227--Let's go, boys. Hustle up in here. That means you, Dalton!走吧孩子们动作快点儿.说你呢Dalton228--Who's up for a quick study group tonight, guys?好了今晚几何学习小组谁参加229--- Me. - What?- 我 - 什么230--I can't make it, guys. I have to have dinner at the Danburrys' house tonight.我去不了了今晚我得去Danburry 家吃饭231--The Danburrys? Who are the Danburrys?Danburry 家谁是Danburry232--Big alums. How'd you swing that?废话关你什么事233--Friends of my dad's. They're probably in their nineties or something.我爸的朋友可能都九十多岁了234--Anything's better than Hell-ton hash, Knox.总比呆在地狱学校强 Knox235--- I'll second that. - Yeah, we'll see.- 说的没错 - 嗯我们明白236--You coming to the study group tonight?今晚活动你参加吗237--Uh... no. No, I...Uh, I've got some history I wanna do.不我...有点历史作业要做238--Suit yourself.随便你吧239--Ready, Overstreet?好了吗 Overstreet240--Ready to go, sir.可以走了241--Chet, can you get that?Chet 你去开门吧242--- I can't, Mom. - I'll get it!- 我忙着呢妈 - 我去开243--Can I help you?请问你找谁244--Hi. Knox Overstreet.嗨我是Knox Overstreet245--Uh, Dr Hager.Hager 博士246--This is the Danburrys', right?这是Danburry 家吧247--- Are you here to see Chet? - Mrs Danburry?- 你是来找Chet的 - Danburry 太太248--- No. - Sorry. Thank you. I'm Mrs Danburry.- 不 - 我是Danburry 太太249--- You must be Knox. - Yes.- 你是Knox吧 - 对250--Back by 9:00? Please, come on in.九点前回去进来吧快进来251--- Chris, come on! - Chet, I'm coming.- Chris 你在干嘛 - Chet 我来了252--Knox. How are you? Joe Danburry.Knox 你好吗? Joe Danburry253--- Nice to meet you, sir. - He's the spitting image of his father.- 很高兴见到您 - 他简直跟他父亲一个样254--- How is he? Come on in. - Chris!- 他怎么样进来吧 - Chris255--- Great. He just did a big case for G.M.他挺好刚办了件大案256--- I know where you're headed.这也是你的志向吧257--- I'm coming. - Like father, like son, huh?- 我来了 - 有其父必有其子258--Ooh! Psycho!神经病259---Another game? - What do you mean?- 换个游戏玩 - 什么意思260--just replace these numbers here with 'x, ''for 'x''and 'y. ''用X和Y替换这些数字261--- Of course. - Of course. So what's the problem?- 当然 - 当然那还有什么问题262--- Wait. No. - How was dinner?- 等一下 - 吃得怎么样263--- How was dinner? - Terrible.- 吃得怎么样 - 糟透了264--- Awful. - Why? What happened?- 难受 - 为什么出什么事了265--Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life.今晚我见到了我一辈子见过的最漂亮的女孩266--Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?你疯了吗这有什么不好的267--She's practically engaged to Chet Danburry.她差不多已经和Chet Danburry 订婚了268--That guy could eat a football.那家伙该死269--- Too bad. - ''Too bad''?- 不好 - 不好270--It's worse than ''too bad,'' Pittsie. It's a tragedy.这比不好糟多了这是个悲剧271--A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk.这么漂亮的女孩居然爱上了那么个傻瓜272--All the good ones go for jerks. You know that.所有漂亮妞都喜欢傻瓜这你知道273--Yeah, forget her.对忘了她274--Open your trig book and try and figure out problem five.打开你的几何书想一下第五题275--I can't just forget her, Cameron.我忘不了她 Cameron276--And I certainly can't think about trig.现在也不可能做几何题277--We got it!成功了278--All right, gentlemen. Five minutes.好了各位.五分钟279--Let's go.走吧280--- Did you see her naked? - Very funny, Dalton.- 你见她裸体了吗 - 别胡说 Dalton281--That wouldn't be a radio in your lap你腿上不是个收音机吧282--- would it, Mr Pitts? - No, sir. Science experiment.-Pittsie - 不是科学实验283--Radar.雷达284--Gentlemen, open your text to page 21 of the introduction.各位翻到前言第二十一页285--Mr Perry, will you read the opening paragraph of the prefacePerry 你念一下序言286--entitled ''Understanding Poetry.''"诗歌鉴赏"的第一段287--'''Understand Poetry" by Dr J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D."诗歌鉴赏" 作者J. Evans Pritchard 博士288--''To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent..."要完全理解诗歌我们首先必须了解..." 289--''with its metre, rhyme and figures of speech."它的格调、韵律和修辞手法"290--''Then ask two questions."然后提两个问题"291--''One: How artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered?"第一诗歌的主题是如何艺术地实现的 "292--'And, two.: How important is that objective?"第二该主题的重要性如何 "293--''Question one rates the poem's perfection."第一个问题解决的是诗歌的艺术性"294--''Question two rates its importance."第二个问题回答的是它的重要性"295--'And once these questions have been answered..."一旦弄清这两个问题"296--''determining a poem's greatness becomes a relatively simple matter."判断该诗的优劣也就不是个太难的问题了"297--''If the poem's score for perfection is plotted on the horizontal of a graph..."如果把诗歌艺术性的得分画在图表的横轴上"298--''and its importance is plotted on the vertical""把它的重要性记在竖轴上"299--''then calculating the total area of the poem..."计算一下所覆盖的面积"300--''yields the measure of its greatness."也就得出了它的优劣"301--''A sonnet by Byron might score high on the vertical,"拜伦的十四行诗可能在竖轴上得分很高" 302--''but only average on the horizontal."但横向得分一般"303--'A Shakespearean sonnet, on the other hand"而莎士比亚的十四行诗"304--''would score high both horizontally and vertically,"可能在横向和竖向上都得分很高"305--yielding a massive total area"覆盖的面积很大"306--thereby revealing the poem to be truly great."也就表明它是一首优秀的诗歌"307--'As you proceed through the poetry in this book,"阅读本书的诗歌时308--practise this rating method.请练习这种分析方法"309--'As your ability to evaluate poems in this manner grows"随着你用这种方法评价诗歌的能力不断提高"310--so will... so will your enjoyment and understanding of poetry.''"对诗歌的欣赏和理解也会日益提高" 311--Excrement.屁话312--That's what I think of Mr J. Evans Pritchard.这就是我对J. Evans Pritchard 先生的评价313--We're not laying pipe. We're talking about poetry.我们不是在安水管我们是在谈论诗歌314--I mean, how can you describe poetry like American Bandstand?我意思是你怎么评论象美国诗人班德斯坦的诗呢315--''I like Byron. I give him a 42. But I can't dance to it.''"我喜欢拜伦我给他四十二分.但并不为之欣喜"316--Now, I want you to rip out that page.现在我要你们把那一页撕了317--Go on. Rip out the entire page.撕吧把整页都撕了318--You heard me. Rip it out.没听见吗把它撕了319--Rip it out!把它撕了320--Go on. Rip it out.快点撕了它321--Thank you, Mr Dalton.谢谢你 Dalton322--Gentlemen, tell you what. Don't just tear out that page.各位听我说不只是要撕掉那一页323--Tear out the entire introduction. I want it gone, history. Leave nothing.把整个前言都撕了我不想再见到它324--Rip it out! Rip! Be gone,全都撕了撕了它再见了325--J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D.!J. Evans Pritchard 博士326--Rip! Shred! Tear!撕扯拽327--Rip it out! I want to hear nothing but ripping of Mr Pritchard!撕了它我只想听到撕书的声音328--We'll perforate it, put it on a roll!在上面打个孔串成一串329--It's not the Bible. You're not gonna go to hell for this.这不是《圣经》你们不会因此下地狱330--Go on. Make a clean tear. I want nothing left of it.继续撕干净点儿什么也不要剩331--We shouldn't be doing this.不能损坏书籍332--Rip! Rip! Rip!撕撕撕333--Rip it out! Rip!撕了它撕334--Rip it! Yeah! Rip it out!撕了它对撕了它335--- Rip it! - What the hell is going on here?- 撕了它 - 这是怎么回事336--- I don't hear enough rips. - Mr Keating.- 撕得还不够响 - Keating 先生337--Mr McAllister.McAllister先生338--I'm sorry, I... I didn't know you were here.对不起我...我不知道你在这儿339--- I am. - Ah. So you are.- 我在 - 对不起340--Excuse me.打扰了341--Keep ripping, gentlemen.继续撕各位342--This is a battle, a war.这是一场战斗战争343--And the casualties could be your hearts and souls.受害的可能是你们的思想和灵魂344--Thank you, Mr Dalton.谢谢你 Dalton345--Armies of academics going forward measuring poetry.学院派在不断向诗歌发起进攻346--No! We will not have that here.不我们不能答应347--No more of Mr J. Evans Pritchard.让J. Evans Pritchard 见鬼去吧348--Now, my class, you will learn to think for yourselves again.现在各位你们要学会自己思考349--You will learn to savour words and language.你们要学会欣赏文字和语言350--No matter what anybody tells you不管别人怎么说351--words and ideas can change the world.文字和语言的确能改变世界352--I see that look in Mr Pitts' eye...我发觉Pitts的眼神好象在说...353--like 19th century literature has nothing to do with going to business school or medical school.十九世纪文学跟上商学院或者医学院没有关系354--Right? Maybe.对吧也许.355--Mr Hopkins, you may agree with him, thinking,Hopkins 你可能也这么想认为...356--''Yes, we should simply study our Mr Pritchard..."对我们应该老老实实学学...357--''and learn our rhyme and metre and go quietly about the business...Pritchard 的理论格调韵律什么的358--of achieving other ambitions.''然后再去实现我们的其他理想"359--I have a little secret for you. Huddle up.我有个秘密要告诉你靠扰来360--Huddle up!靠扰来361--We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.我们读诗写诗并不是因为它好玩362--We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.我们读诗写诗是因为我们是人类的一分子363--And the human race is filled with passion.而人类是充满激情的364--Medicine, law, business, engineering:没错医学法律商业工程365--these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.这些都是崇高的追求足以支撑人的一生366--But poetry,但诗歌...367--beauty, romance, love...美丽浪漫爱情...368--these are what we stay alive for.这些才是我们生活的意义369--To quote from Whitman.惠特曼曾写道:370--''O me, O life of the questions of these recurring."自我生命这些问题总在不停出现"371--''Of the endless trains of the faithless."毫无信仰的人群川流不息"372--''Of cities filled with the foolish."城市充斥着愚昧"373--''What good amid these, O me, O life?"生活在其中有什么意义自我生命 "374--''Answer: That you are here.答案是因为你的存在375--''That life exists and identity.因为你的存在376--''That the powerful play goes on,因为伟大的戏剧在继续377--and you may contribute a verse.''因为你可以奉献一首诗378--''That the powerful play goes on,因为伟大的戏剧在继续379--and you may contribute a verse. ''因为你可以奉献一首诗380--What will your verse be?你的诗是什么381--For what we are about to receive为我们即将获得的一切382--may the Lord make us truly grateful.愿主让我们心存感激383--Amen.阿门384--Quite an interesting class you gave today, Mr Keating.你今天课上得很有意思 Keating 先生385--- Sorry if I shocked you, Mr McAllister.抱歉吓了你一跳 McAllister先生386--- There's no need to apologise.用不着道歉387--It was very fascinating, misguided though it was.很有意思虽然有些误导388--You think so?是吗389--You take a big risk by encouraging them to become artists, John.你鼓励他们成为艺术家是很冒险的John390--When they realize that they're not Rembrandts, Shakespeares or Mozarts等他们意识到他们不是伦勃朗莎士比亚或者莫扎特391--they'll hate you for it.他们会因此恨你的392--We're not talking artists, George. We're talking freethinkers.不是让他们当艺术家乔治.自由思想者393--Freethinkers at 17?十七岁的自由思想者394--Funny, I never pegged you as a cynic.奇怪没想到你这么悲观395--Not a cynic.不是悲观396--A realist.是现实397--''Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams他们真能不满脑子胡思乱想398--and I'll show you a happy man.''我也就不会悲观了399--''But only in their dreams can men be truly free.只有在梦想中人才能真正自由400--'Twas always thus, and always thus will be.''从来如此也将永远如此401--Tennyson?坦尼森402--No. Keating.不 Keating403--Hey, I found his senior annual in the library.嘿我在图书馆找到了他的记录404--Listen to this. Captain of the soccer team.听好足球队队长405--Editor of the school annual. Cambridge bound.校史年鉴编辑考入剑桥大学406--Thigh man and the Dead Poets Society.性格温和死亡诗人俱乐部成员407--''Man Most Likely To Do Anything.''充满幻想敢做敢为408--Thigh man? Mr ''K'' was a hell-raiser.性格温和他能把人吓死409--What's the Dead Poets Society?什么叫死亡诗人俱乐部410--- I don't know. - Is there a picture in the annual?- 不知道 - 年鉴上有照片吗411--- Nothing. No other mention of it. - That boy there,- 没有这事别再提了 - 那边那个412--see me after lunch.午饭后来见我413--Mr Keating?Keating 老师414--Mr Keating?Keating 老师415--Sir?先生416--- Say something. - O Captain, my Captain?- 说点什么. - 哦船长我的船长417--Gentlemen.你们好418--We were just looking in your old annual.我们刚看到了你的记录419--Oh, my God.哦天哪420--No, that's not me.不那不是我421--Stanley ''The Tool'' Wilson.Stanley ''The Tool'' Wilson422--- God. - What was the Dead Poets Society?- 天哪 - 什么是死亡诗人俱乐部423--I doubt the present administration would look too favourably upon that.现在的学校不会认为那是个什么好组织424--Why? What was it?为什么那到底是什么425--- Gentlemen, can you keep a secret? - Sure.- 各位你们能保密吗 - 当然426--The Dead Poets were dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life."死亡诗人致力于吸取生命的精华"427--That's a phrase from Thoreau we'd invoke at the beginning of every meeting.这是我们每次开会前都要引用的梭罗的一句话428--You see, we would gather at the old Indian cave...我们经常在印地安山洞聚会429--and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley... the biggies.轮流朗诵梭罗、惠特曼、雪莱等诗人的作品430--Even some of our own verse.甚至我们自己的诗作431--And in the enchantment of the moment, we'd let poetry work its magic.在那种痴迷的时刻诗歌有着一种神奇的作用432--You mean it was a bunch of guys sitting around, reading poetry?你是说那也就是一帮坐在一起念诗的人433--No, Mr Overstreet. It wasn't just guys.不 Overstreet 并不象你想象的那样434--We weren't a Greek organization. We were romantics.那并不是个很严密的组织是一群浪漫主义者435--We didn't just read poetry,我们不仅仅是念诗436--we let it drip from our tongues, like honey.诗从我们舌间滑落就象蜜糖437--Spirits soared, women swooned and gods were created, gentlemen.情绪高涨女人亢奋灵魂驰骋438--Not a bad way to spend an evening, eh?这么度过一个夜晚也还不错439--Hmm.嗯440--Thank you, Mr Perry, for this stroll down amnesia lane.谢谢你 Perry 让我回想这么多过去的事441--Burn that.烧了它442--Especially my picture.尤其是我那张照片443--Dead Poets Society.死亡诗人俱乐部444--What?什么445--- I say we go tonight. - Tonight?- 我们今天晚上去 - 今晚446--- Wait a minute. - Everybody in?- 等一下 - 有谁参加447--- Where's this cave he's talking about? - It's beyond the stream.- 他说的山洞在哪儿 - 就在河那边448--- I know where it is. - That's miles.- 我知道在哪儿 - 那远着呢449--- Sounds boring to me. - Don't go.- 我看没什么意思 - 别去了450--- You know how many demerits we're talking?知道这会被扣掉多少学分吗451--- So don't come. Please.那你就别去行吗452--Look, all I'm saying is that we have to be careful.好了我只是说我们得小心453--- We can't get caught. - No shit, Sherlock.- 不能让人抓住 - 当然真啰嗦454--You boys there! Hurry up!你们干嘛呢快点455--- All right, who's in?好了谁参加456--- Aw, come on, Neil. Hager's...行了 Neil 老师在看着呢457--Forget Hager! No! Who's in?别管他了谁参加458--I'm in.我参加459--I'm warning you! Move!我警告你们快点460--Me too.我也参加461--- I don't know, Neil. - What? Pitts!- 我不知道 Neil - 什么Pittsie462--- Pittsie, come on. - His grades are hurting.-Pittsie 好啦 - 他功课太紧463--- You can help him, Meeks.你可以帮他 Meeks464--- What is this, a midnight study group?这算什么午夜学习小组465--Forget it, Pitts. You're coming. Meeks, your grades hurting too?行啦Pittsie 参加吧 Meeks 你功课也紧吗466--- I'll try anything once. - Except sex.- 什么我都不怕 - 除了女孩467--I'm in as long as we're careful.只要小心点我就参加468--- What about you, Knox? - I don't know, Charlie.- 你怎么样 Knox - 我不知道 Charlie 469--Come on, Knox. It'll help you get Chris.好啦 Knox.这对你追Chris有好处470--Yeah? How?是吗为什么471--- Women swoon. - But why do they swoon?- 女人亢奋 - 但她们为什么亢奋472--Charlie, tell me why they swoon! Charlie!Charlie 告诉我她们为什么亢奋473--Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall.沿着小河走到瀑布474--It's right there. It's got to be on the banks.就在这儿肯定就在那儿的河岸上475--I don't know. This is starting to sound dangerous.我不知道我开始觉得这挺危险了476--- Oh, well, why don't you stay home? - Hey, you're crazy.- 那你干嘛不呆在家里 - 什么你疯了477--For God's sake, stop chattering and sit down.看在上帝份上别再嘀咕了坐好478--- Todd, are you coming tonight? - No.- Todd 你今晚去吗 - 不479--Why not? God, you were there. You heard Keating.为什么 Todd 你当时也在你听见他说的了480--- Don't you want to do something about that? - Yes.- 你就不想做点什么吗 - 想481--- But... - But? But what?- 但是... - 但是但是什么482--Keating said that everybody took turns readingKeating 说每个人要轮流念诗483--and I don't want to do that.但我不想念诗484--Gosh, you really have a problem with that, don't you?念诗对你还真有什么问题吗485--N...No, I don't have a problem.不没什么问题。



死亡诗社英文影评(英语视听说)[优秀范文五篇]第一篇:死亡诗社英文影评(英语视听说)Film Critics of “Dead Poets Society”What is life? In the movie“ dead poets society”, life is a poem, life is music, drama is most the brilliant chapter;life is ideal, life is free, a person should have full confidence and independence;it will guide you, encourage you, inspire you to death and living the courage to the pursuit of true and noble faith of youth.Dead Poets Society tells about the story of students at the Wilton Academy, which is a famous preparatory school in Vermont.The plot centers on how Mr.Keating, a young and exciting teacher, who is determined to teach his students to live life with absolute passion, tutors his students to challenge the institutions around them.“Captain” led the students station to the table down around four, as he tells us, change an angle to have a look the world, you'll find out different things.Thus odd the brave learned to face, he was aware of the meaning of life.Knox ultimate pursuit to his most loved the girl, he learned that life is wonderful.Neal's dramatic dream in the snowy night successfully staged, his heart with passion and crazy beats, he was like a teacher said, do you really want to do.However , Mr.Keating’ existence is also a dagger.When the childen see light, they also smell death.Neal's rebellion, pale and weak force him to be driven into a corner.Radical teacher Keating was framed with Neal's death, the result is: leave.Children are collective station onto the table, watch their captain.Here, no regret, because children already realized he taught everything!The movie is one of the most wonderful films I have ever watched.T o be honest,I were always thinking that there were few movies orstories that could indeed touch me from the bottom of my heart.We have been limited since we were born.There are a great many rules and judgement around us which we are asked to do everything in accordance with.We all have a great need for acceptance,which lead us to act like all the other people regardless of ideas of our own.But life is short.Each and every one of us is one day going to stop breathing,turn cold and die.We don’t have to perform.Just make it for ourselves.Just like what Mr.Keating tells th e students,we don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.We read and write poetry because we are members of humen race.And human race is filled with passion.Seize the day.“ Neal can be proud to say:” I lived, I was free to live!“ Neal, you have led us to a revival of” dead poets society“, in the night in the cave, we repeat the poem:” I went to the woods, because I wanted to live a meaningful life, I wanted to live deep, learn the essence of all life.Let's all give up all that was not life, and not when I return to the earth, but I found that I had not lived.“Dead poets society” reminds us, everyone of us is the only thing in the world, is also the most out of the ordinary, the genius of the one and only.Do we want to do, take the bull by the horns, no pressure, no doubt, fear nothing, brave starts our is a contradictory process, think of it very easily, not easy to be yourself in a real hit.Growth should be full of joy and happiness, but the cruel reality always relentless break our dream wings.The school built high walls, no body warmth, tortured people's social environment, wave after wave will drive us to the abyss of suffering, to accompany our only dark day, there is no dawn sun, cold air, and the pressure on the body of the mountains.If there is no evil, you will know how painful experience the warmth and happiness? Anyhow,just as thefamous sing goes “ When I was alive, I will be the master of life, not be its slave.”第二篇:死亡诗社英文影评Busy living or busy dying--the view after seeing “Dead Poet s Society”What does life mean?Life is like poetry.Life is like music.Life is ambition.Life is freedom.A person should have confidence and independence, which leads you, inspires you to seek true youth and noble beliefs.In this key school with top graduation rates and a history of more than 100 years, it purports four pillars: tradition, honor, discipline, excellence.But when the students shut the door, the four pillars are turned into: hypocrisy, terror, decadence and impurity.They also give it a name: hell.Mr Keating's existence is a bunch of sunshine but also a dagger.He is their wisest “captain”, the most fearless spirital guide.He brings them to an imprisoned situation step by step.But when the children see light, they also smell death.When we are young, we can chase for lofty ideal and glorious death.Between unromantic living and regretless death, I will always choose the latter because “people are great for dreams”.After seeing the “Dead Poets Society”, I realize the value of living.Life is just a stage for us, not important in itself.What kind of role and content we select on stage is of importance.Whatever drama, poetry, tragedy, drama, mime or opera...Even a hideous mess or an empty-headed can be shining.The principle is: make your choice and pursue it in you life.“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!To put to rout all that was not life.And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”“O Captain!my Captain!”英师1班吴侃璇 100111045第三篇:《死亡诗社》英文影评My feelings after watching the film----Dead Poets Society“Dead poets society” is old.It is a film about conservative and innovation, realistic and romantic, new and old two forces competition.This movie is one of the most wonderful films I have ever watched.T o be honest, I finished the film with tears.When the boys were standing on the desks one by one, and calling the leaving teacher: “Oh!Caption, My Caption.” I could not help crying.It was really touching my heart.Campus drama in the history of the screen has been performed many times, do not dare to say all that we get the shock of the soul, but at least let us understand that we can have a different future.“Dead poets society” once again reminds us that everyone of us is the only thing in the world, the most out of the ordinary, also the genius of the one and only.Do we want to do, take the bull by the horns, no pressure, no doubt, fear nothing, brave starts our pace, and shout out our true feelings to the world loudly.“Dead poets society” the story occurred in a school named Wilton college preparatory high school in the last century fifty's.The enrollment rate of good school has one hundred years of history and good reputation.The purpose of school is called the four pillars: tradition, honor, discipline, excellence.When the students shut the door, the four big pillars became: hypocrisy, horror, decadence and filthy.At the same time, the students also gave it a very vivid name: hell.A prologue and lens of depressive manifestations express strong deterrent and confining force of this“ hell” on students', it is like a little heat and emotionalcolor machine, and every students into qualified products processing are consistent.But all of this changed because Keating, the alien teacher.Mr.Keating's first appearance in the school's opening ceremony, with refined and courteous smile, likes a warm easy-going character of middle-aged men.This pair of deceptive appearance contrasts with his series of “shock the common customs” per formance in sharp contrast color.In Keating’s first class, he led students away from the classroom with a light humming ditty, which discard the classics and rebel against orthodoxy on the surface, but against life.He asked the students to stop the impetuous pace, to face the old yellow photos, to listen to“ card horse Dean” the silent advice, to feel that the time is short and the life is dying.“Captain” led the students one by one to stand on the table and let them look down around.He told them, “Change a n angle to have a look the world, you'll find different things.” “Captain” let the students walk around on campus, and do not follow others' pace.Because when you are walking with other people in the behind you will discover how easy obedient is, and how difficult sticking to your own personality is.“Captain” let classmates exercise on the playground with reading poems loudly, because the passion of exercise is most touch to the essence of life.With the influence of Mr Keating, some of his students founded their own “dead poet society”.Neil came to act without his father's agreement.T od told the girl who had boyfriend that he loves her, and wrote a poem for her.They did what they like to do, and they were happy.But other teachers and students' parents were not happy with that, Specially Neil's father.When he found his son went to act a buffoon without asking him, he was so angry.He wanted Neil to transfer the school, for he thought it was MrKeating's fault.But, Neil didn't want to.Then, that night, Neil killed himself.Neil died.Mr Keating became the one to be blame.And he was fired.Before he left, he smiled.Because he knew his students imbedded his mind deeply into their thoughts.That's enough!“Poetry, beauty, romance, loving these are what we stay live for”, we are just a person, not a product.We live on the earth with our own passion.Without doing what we like to do, I think I have never lived.So Neil chose to die.In fact, it's his father killed him.Parents regarded this school as heaves, but to the students, it was a hell.Parents always think things using their own minds.They never think for their children: are they like these majors? What are they like to do? They just know that becoming a doctor will be very honor.They never consider that their children are happy or not.They just know that becoming a doctor will earn a lot of money and have a good life.They always think they are right, do well for their children.Actually, they are wrong.Absolutely wrong!Mr Keating, the captain, who wanted to change the education system of the school and change the mind of parents, but failed.But I think it will come true one day.Maybe the life is a kind of torture!As long as you live you have to face everything in life!But this “torture” not only bring you pain!If there is no evil, will you know warmth and happiness? In fact, you could turn a look, maybe you'll find out everything is not so confusing!第四篇:死亡诗社英文影评(推荐)Dead Poets Society After watching Les Choristes, I continued to watch Dead Poets Society.Immediately, I found that both of them had the same theme.I even felt that I didn’t need to spend more time finishing it.At this time, the teacher’s words came to my mind that it was homework for that week which no one coulddelay, so what I could only choose was to move on.The result proved that my reluctant choice was right.I gradually became moved and couldn’t help shedding tears.Especially, when I watched the last five minutes--the moment the boys standing on the desks one by one called to the leaving teacher “oh, captain, my captain” in the saddest voice, almost no words could describe my true feeling.Although it doesn’t tell us what will happen to Mr.Keating and at the same time it gives us a very big room to imagine with our own thought.Everything is summed up in the few words put over in the scene and Mr.Keating’s final “Thank you,boys.”Yes, the respectful teacher was their captain in their whole life.He interested them in the poets, but in fact in life.It also helped me to see and understand the precious feelings between human beings better.Neil Perry,the hero of the movie,was a fighter to old forces.He was a lovely and clever young man,with good marks ,handsomeappearance.Maybe he was one of the best example of perfect students.He tried to do what he wanted,but his father stopped him.His father asked him to be a surgeon and go to Harvard.If he did as his father ordered ,he may be a famous surgeon and live a simple life.But he couldn’t,because he met Mr.Keating.He wanted to find his own voice and fly in his own blue s ky.At last,he couldn’t bear the pressure from his parents and killed himself in a freezing winter night.Neil’s story proved that how important it is to stand one’s ground no matter how hard it may be.T odd Anderson,another important role in the movie,wrote down “seizing the day”in the first class.At first sight,he was a student who just knew to learn and obeyed whatever his parents told him.He threw his pencil box which his parents gave him as his birthday present with Neil’sencouragement.Mr.Keating asked and encouraged him to describe what did Hetman look like in his imagination.With the help of Neil and Mr.Keating ,he gradually became a fighter,standing in the opposite of the old forces.After Neil died ,he had to accept his parents’ and the schoolmaster’s authority and was forced to admit that Mr.Keating was the main reason for Neil’s death.At the end of the movie ,he firstly stood up on his desk to say goodbye to Mr.Keating.Before he stood up,hehad already known what was the result of his action,but he still did as he wanted to.He has been a true fighter then.After seeing this movie,I couldn’t calm down for a long time.It reminded me of my experience from my primary school to my univercity.When I was a child at school,my teachers were very strict to us.In our classroom,we must pretend to be the obedient sheep,not like in Mr.Keating’s class where his boys can be the free wolves.We were told that the answers in the teachers’ hands were standard.I want to ask what on earth is the standard answer.Everything has many aspects.Defferent people,different view,different answers.I think I’m so lucky that my family members have never give me any pressure in my study,but I always feel a kind of invisible pressure behind me.So I always work hard because I want to see the beautiful smile on my parents’ face when they know that I get the best marks.But many of my schoolmates were unlucky comparing with me.They lived an unhappy life because their parents gave them too much pressure that they can’t bear.They were always in so rrow because they would be blamed if they got bad marks.One day,if I have a child,I won’t give him or her any pressure,the one thing I will give him or her is that wings which belonging to them.Lethim or her fly freely in his or her own sky.At the same time,I want to tell all the parents all over the world that don’t give too much pressure on your children and let them take their own decision,or you will get nothing.When it comes to here, I have to say that Dead Peots Society is one of my favorite movie I have ever seen.I’m very impressed by many things from this movie.Now I want to share my favorite words in this movie.“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately...I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!T o put to rout all that was not life...And not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived...”These words definitely moved me and made me think of my favorite quote-seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary.I always believe strongly that if we all really do like this, the world, basically will be ours.As we all know, the only limitations are within ourselves, and we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love.In fact, living in this world is a beautiful responsibility, and only cowards dare not to change it for the better.The fact that the cast was basically my age, and was passing through the same dilemmas and situations I was facing made it all so much more powerful.I know I haven’t seized the day completely, b ut I will keep on trying.第五篇:死亡诗社英文影评Dead poets societyThe movie which the first time I heard is recommended by my friend, because the movie is so old that I didn’t want to watch it.But this time my teacher also recommended it, I think it must be a good movie.After watching it, I felt a little sad, not because of its end, but think o us today.There was much to thinkabout in the film, maybe different people have different ideas.The film tells us a story of the U.S.wilton elite school in’s a trad itional and old fashioned school which like a prison.The ancient bells ushered in new semester and also ushered in a new teacher Keating.He calls himself the captain.The captain like a lighthouse will lead students through the gloom.In his classroom, he encouraged his students to stand on the desk, with a new perspective to observe the world around.He introduces many thoughtful poetry to students, even allow students to tear up those dull textbooks.On the other hand they were encouraged to search the beauty and the real life in the poetry.Neil made me the deepest impression, he was fond of poem and the performances, but he was asked to become a doctor;he was the first one to comprehend Keating’s thought, but also he is the first one to reconstruct” Dead Poet s Society“.on the stage he found his target, but strict father didn’t care about what he thought.Neil did not want to become a father expect people, but also unable to become a real himself, he chose to end his own life.Todd this closed and timid child, he never dared to show true himself, he was afraid that others evaluate him.Under the guidance of the teacher, he slowly began to bloom his own ideas.Neil's death made him grew up, when Keating was dismissed, he is the first one to stand on the table and shouted: Oh, the captain, my captain!Under his leadership other students also stand on the table, the moment was very impressive.I have learned many things from these two kids, the most difficult is to choose in our life.When reality and the ideal have contradiction, what kind of choice you will make? There will certainly be a gap between in reality and the ideal, but how we should do? The answer is to be the master of life, not the slave oflife.When we have goals we should be bold to pursue.Carpe diem.Seize the day, boys.Make your lives extraordinary.Do real ourselves, as the film said, ”I went to the woods because I wanted to the live deliberately.I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!To put to rout all that was not life.And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."。



电影《死亡诗社》观后感英语作文150词全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dead Poets Society is a touching and thought-provoking film that explores the struggles and complexities of adolescence, the importance of individuality and creativity, and the power of inspiration.The film follows a group of boys at an elite all-boys preparatory school in Vermont in the late 1950s. Their lives are forever changed when they meet their new English teacher, Mr. Keating, played by Robin Williams. Mr. Keating is unorthodox in his teaching methods, encouraging his students to think for themselves, question authority, and follow their passions. Through the study of poetry and literature, he inspires the boys to live life to the fullest, seize the day, and pursue their dreams.The film beautifully captures the challenges faced by young people as they navigate relationships with family, friends, and societal expectations. The pressures to conform, to succeed, and to fit in are palpable, and the impact of Mr. Keating's teachings on his students is profound.Ultimately, Dead Poets Society is a reminder of the value of living authentically, of embracing one's passions and individuality, and of seizing the opportunities that life presents. It is a powerful reminder that each of us has the capacity to make a difference, to inspire others, and to leave a lasting impact on the world.篇2Title: Reflection on the Movie "Dead Poets Society""Dead Poets Society" is a powerful and inspiring film that touches on themes of conformity, freedom of expression, and the pursuit of dreams. The story revolves around a group of boys at an elite boarding school who are inspired by their English teacher, Mr. Keating, to seize the day and live life to the fullest.One of the most striking aspects of the film is the way it challenges the status quo and encourages the characters to think for themselves. Mr. Keating constantly reminds his students to think outside the box, to question authority, and to follow their passion. This message resonates with viewers and reminds us of the importance of being true to ourselves and our beliefs.The film also highlights the power of literature and poetry to inspire and uplift. Through the writings of poets like WaltWhitman and Robert Frost, the boys in the Dead Poets Society are able to find their voice and express their innermost thoughts and feelings. This serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and significance of art in our lives.In conclusion, "Dead Poets Society" is a poignant and thought-provoking film that encourages us to break free from societal expectations and live authentically. It reminds us of the transformative power of literature, poetry, and self-expression. This film will leave a lasting impact on anyone who watches it, inspiring us to challenge the status quo and pursue our dreams with passion and conviction.篇3"Dead Poets Society" is a film directed by Peter Weir that tells the story of an English teacher, John Keating, played by Robin Williams, who inspires his students at a conservativeall-boys prep school to think for themselves and seize the day.After watching this film, I was deeply moved by its powerful messages about the importance of pursuing one's dreams and living life to the fullest. The film beautifully captures the struggles and conflicts faced by the students as they try to break free from the expectations of their parents and society. It alsohighlights the transformative power of literature and the arts in helping individuals discover their true selves and find meaning in their lives.One of the most memorable scenes in the film is when Mr. Keating invites his students to stand on their desks as a way of changing their perspective on the world. This symbolic gesture encourages the students to see beyond the confines of their traditional education and embrace new possibilities.Overall, "Dead Poets Society" is a poignant andthought-provoking film that reminds us of the importance of living authentically and following our passions. It serves as a powerful reminder to seize the day and make the most of our lives, no matter what obstacles may stand in our way.。



死亡诗社中英对照Dead Poets Society死亡诗社Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary. 抓住今天。



I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.我去山林里是因为我想有意义地活着。


Boys, you must strive to find your own voice.孩子们,你们必须努力寻找自己的声音。

Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.医学、法律、商业、工程这些都是高尚的追求,也是维持生命所必需的。


No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.无论别人怎么说,言辞和思想会改变世界。

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.我们读写诗歌并不是因为它可爱。


Boys, you're not going to amount to anything if you keep sitting around like a bunch of old biddies talking about the good old days. You've gotta get out there and make things happen.孩子们,如果你们一直坐在那里像一群老妇人一样谈论过去的美好时光,你们什么也做不成。



死亡诗社英文作文Paragraph 1:Carpe diem! Seize the day! That's the motto of the Dead Poets Society. It's all about living life to the fullest, embracing every moment, and not letting fear or conformity hold you back. Life is short, and we shouldn't waste it on regrets. So, let's make the most of every opportunity that comes our way and make our lives worth remembering.Paragraph 2:Picture this: a group of students sneaking out of their dorms in the middle of the night, gathering in a hidden cave, and reciting poetry by candlelight. It's a rebellion against the strict rules and expectations imposed on them by society and their families. It's a way for them to express themselves freely and find their own voices. The Dead Poets Society is a secret haven for these young souls, a place where they can truly be themselves.Paragraph 3:Poetry is powerful. It has the ability to move us, to inspire us, and to make us see the world in a different light. In the Dead Poets Society, poetry becomes a way for the students to explore their emotions, to question the status quo, and to challenge the norms of society. Through poetry, they find a sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.Paragraph 4:The Dead Poets Society is not just about poetry; it's about friendship and camaraderie. The students in the society form a tight-knit group, supporting and encouraging each other in their pursuit of self-expression and individuality. They share their dreams, their fears, and their aspirations, creating a bond that goes beyond the walls of the classroom. Together, they navigate the complexities of life and find solace in their shared experiences.Paragraph 5:Tragedy strikes the Dead Poets Society when one of its members takes his own life. It's a heartbreaking momentthat shakes the foundation of the society and leaves the remaining students questioning their beliefs and actions. But even in the face of tragedy, the Dead Poets Society reminds us of the importance of living authentically and embracing the beauty and fragility of life.Paragraph 6:The legacy of the Dead Poets Society lives on. The students who were part of the society carry its teachings with them, shaping their lives and the lives of thosearound them. The society may no longer exist, but itsspirit lives on in the hearts of those who dared to challenge the status quo and embrace their individuality. The Dead Poets Society reminds us to never stop questioning, never stop dreaming, and never stop seizing the day.。



电影《死亡诗社》观后感英语作文150词Watching the movie "Dead Poets Society" was a truly moving experience for me.这部电影让我深受触动。

It tells the story of a group of young boys at a conservative all-boys prep school who are inspired by their new English teacher, Mr. Keating, to seize the day and embrace their creativity.故事讲述了一群年轻男孩在一个保守的男子预备学校里,被他们的新英语老师基廷先生所激发,去抓住当下,拥抱他们的创造力。

I was particularly struck by the themes of individuality and non-conformity in the movie.我特别被电影中关于个性和不墨守成规的主题所触动。

Mr. Keating encourages his students to think for themselves and not simply follow the expectations of society.基廷先生鼓励他的学生独立思考,而不是简单地追随社会的期望。

This message resonated with me on a deep level, as I too have struggled with the pressure to conform to societal norms.这个信息在我身上引起了共鸣,因为我也曾为顺应社会规范的压力而苦恼。

The portrayal of friendship in the movie was also incredibly moving.电影中对友谊的刻画也令人动容。

死亡诗社中的诗歌分析 英文版

死亡诗社中的诗歌分析  英文版

这位"Captain",教会了大家用不同的眼光看待事 物,例如,从不同的角度来看这个教室,只需要 站在课桌上。这位"Captain",启发了Anderson写 诗的潜能。首先用惠特曼的诗句:“I sound
my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.” 让Anderson模拟人心底最原始的叫喊 "Yawp",使他战胜当众发言的胆怯。然后让他看 着惠特曼的画像,不假思索的说出心中的想法, 哪怕是胡言乱语也无关紧要。最终成就了 Anderson即兴说出了这么一段引人深思的话:
“我们读诗写诗,并非为它的灵巧。我们读诗写诗因为我们是人 类的一员,而人类充满了热情。医药、法律、商业、工程,这些 都是高贵的理想,并且是维生的必需条件。但是诗,美,浪漫, 爱,这些才是我们生存的原因。
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies,
with passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering,
these are all noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
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1. Walt Whitman
O Captain! My Captain! (Abraham Lincoln)
O Me! O Life!
O me! O life! of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill'd with the foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I,
and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the
struggle ever renew'd,
Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see
around me,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined,
The question, O me! so sad, recurring--What good amid these, O me, O life?
That you are here--that life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse
Song of Myself
I sound my barbaric yawp / over the rooftops of the world\
A Song of Joys
Oh, to struggle against great odds, to meet enemies undaunted.
To be a sailor of the world bound for all ports.
Oh, I live to be the ruler of life, not a slave.
To mount the scaffolds. To advance to the muzzles of guns with perfect nonchalance.
To dance, clap hands, exalt, shout, skip, roll on, float on!
Oh, to have life henceforth, the poem of new joys
To indeed be a god!
2. Robert Herrick
To the Virgins to Make Much of Time
Carpe diem : seize the day
3. Tennyson
Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams, and I’ll show you a happy man.
But only in their dreams can men be truly free. Twas always thus, and always thus will be. Keating Tennyson
5. Henry David Thoreau
The Dead Poets were dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life.
An Excerpt from Walden
I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.
Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.
6. Raymond Calvert
The Ballad of William Bloat
In a mean abode in the Shanking Road, lived a man named William Bloat. Now, he had a wife, the plague of his life, who continually got his goat. And one day at dawn, with her nightshift on, he slit her bloody throat.
7. Alfred Lord Tennyson
Come, my friends. Tis not too late to seek a newer world. For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset. And though we are not now that strength/ which in old days moved Earth and heaven. That which we are, we are: one equal temper of heroic heart/made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
8. Vachel Lindsay
The Congo
Then I had religion, then I had a vision. I could not turn from their revel in derision. Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black/ cutting through the forest with a golden track.
9. William Shakespeare
Titus Andronicus
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Sonnet 18
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
17.Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in the wood and I… I took the one less traveled by.
And that has made all the difference.
18. Byron
She Walks in Beauty
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
19. Cowley Ulysses
The Prophet
Teach me to Love? go teach thyself more wit;
I chief Professor am of it....
The God of Love, if such a thing there be,
May learn to love from Me.
He who does boast that he has been
In every Heart since Adamòs sin,
I’ll lay my Life, nay Mistress on’t that’s more;
I teach him thing he never knew before;。
