张培基散文翻译 张培基散文翻译108篇

Oh, real nice and cool!
Sure!Getting cooler with each autumn shower!
But, if you browse through collected works of English, German, French or Italian poets, or variouscountries’anthologies of poetry or prose, you can always come across a great many literary pieces eulogizing or lamenting autumn..
Longpastoralpoems or songs about the four seasons by renown poets are mostly distinguished by beautiful moving lines on autumn.
But, to know the real flavor of autumn especially china’s autumn, one has to visit the North.

It is sometimes beset with…有时候会有…的境遇/会有…相伴Nothing short of a…can help…唯有…才能/全靠…才能够Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles.一泻千里Fare likewise.正如这样Now…,now…有时…,有时…Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of…更能让人产生一种…之感…is now confronted with a…section of its course.…现在正遭遇进程上的一段……,however,can only be shared by…而…,只有…样的人才可体会到The present…crisis can never obstacle the advance of…目前的…危机绝不会阻碍…的进步Let us brace up our spirits and march through…让我们鼓起雄健的精神…The greatest joy of…,is to…during its most difficult days.在最艰难的日子里…,亦是最大的乐趣Grow restless变得焦躁不安Beg to differ恕不同意/持反对意见Dash here and there in search of…跑来跑去的寻找He is going to…so that he could…他决定…以便……is not groundless because……并非空害怕/没依据,因为…Keep moving around in a hurry慌慌张张地走/跑What’s the rush?为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?Behind…lay half a dozen of…near…注意学习地理方位和位置的表述look like rain,yet,to our great joy…[口语]像是要下雨,然而让我们高兴的是…which of you could…你们谁能……?(别用who了,太土了!!)1they are most beloved in one aspect.有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵Unlike…,which…,…it just…to…不像…的…一样,它只是…,来…You can never immediately tell whether or not it…until…你不能立刻判断它是否…,非得等到…One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking.应该成为有用的人,而不是伟大或体面的人Engraved in my mind.深深地刻在脑海…is a household name all over the country.……是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。

张培基现代散文翻译词句精选分享不是乱吹,这就是知识阿It is no exaggeration to say that there is much knowledge involved in this! 多学些知识,一定不是坏事And the more knowledge one acquires, the better it is of course.我不是有腿病吗,不但不利于行走,也不利于久坐As I have some trouble with my leg, I can’t move ar ound easily, nor can I sit too long.我不知道花草们受我的照顾,感谢我不感谢。
I don’t know if the flowers and plants under my care are grateful to me or not我可得感谢他们However, I wish for my part to acknowledge my thanks to them.感谢他们acknowledge my thanks to them.在我工作的时候,我总是写了几十个字就到庭院中去看看,浇浇这颗,搬搬那盆。
I often leave off sedentary work after writing a few dozen words and go to the courtyard to take a look at the flowers, watering them and moving the potted ones.盆栽的, 瓶或罐装的, 浓缩的potted然后回到屋中再写一点,然后再出去Then I’ll return to my room to write a bit more.如此循环,把脑力劳动和体力劳动结合到一起,有益身心,胜于吃药I’ll go through the same back-and-forth process again and again, thus combining mental with manual labour. This is a better way to keep me fit in mind and body than taking medicine.有益身心keep me fit in mind and body要是赶上狂风暴雨或者天气突变阿,就得全家动员,抢救花草,十分紧张In case of storm or a sudden change of weather, however, the whole family will have to turn out to salvage the flowers and plants. Everybody will feel keyed up.十分紧张feel keyed up.几百盆花,都要很快抢到屋里去,使人腰酸腿疼,热汗直流By the time when we have managed to move the several hundred potted flowers to the rooms in a hurry, we will be dog-tired and wet with perspiration.adj.疲倦极的, 筋疲力尽的dog-tired第二天,天气好转,又把花儿都搬出去,又是一次腰酸腿疼热汗直流。

张培基优美散文语言点摘要翻译75Man’s triumph over Nature 人类对大自然的胜利/ 人定胜天76As flat as a whetstone 光滑如磨刀石77Were it not for … 要不是…,如果不是…78The sight of the scene will probably call up inside you a string of ...此情此景莫不让人联想到……79So much so that … 到这样的程度以至于……/如此,以致……80For my part. 就我而言,对我来说,我认为81I cannot keep myself from … 我实在忍不住要……/我无法不……82Much less … 更不用说……,更何况于83Trudge through. 跋涉,步履艰难地走84Simplicity, earnestness, dauntlessness and unyieldingness.质朴,诚恳,英勇无畏,坚强不屈85How could you fail to … 你怎能不……?难道你会不……?86Be the symbo lic of the spirit and will of … 成为……精神和意志的象征87Bursting with vitality 生命力极强,有坚韧的生命力88Capable of surviving any hardship or oppression.折磨不了,压迫不倒,顽强地活着89I pay tribute to … 我赞美/歌颂……90be loud in someone's praise 极力称赞/赞扬某人91Knowing no one who I could approach with my questions and my doubts, I turned to God;92Always have something to recommend himself. 总有可取之处,总有闪光点93Make light of … 轻视,藐视,不在意……94Onetime capital。

艰难的国运与雄健的国民——李大钊班级:20084242 学号:2008424239 姓名:张颖历史的道路,不会是坦平的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界。
National Crisis vs Heroic NationBy Li DazhaoThe course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them.A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn. A nation, in the course of its development, fares likewise.The historical course of man’s life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged, hazardous road. While a determined traveler cheerfully continues his journey upon reaching a safe and smooth place, he finds it still morefascinating to come to a rugged place, the enormously magnificent spectacle of which, he feels, is better able to generate in him a wonderful sensation of adventure.The Chinese nation is now confronted with a rugged and dangerous section of its historical course. Nevertheless, there is also in this section a spectacle of enormous magnificence that inspires in us passers-by a delightful sensation of splendor. And this delightful sensation, however, can only be shared by those with a heroic spirit.The Yangtse River and the Yellow River are both symbolic of our national spirit the two mighty rivers negotiate deserts and gorges until their turbid torrents surge forward with irresistible force. The present national crisis can never obstruct the advance of our national life. Let us brace up our spirits and march through this rugged, dangerous road to the tune of our solemn, stirring songs. The greatest joy of life, mind you, is to build up our country during its most difficult days.初读这篇文章是在高中,依稀记得老师当时讲了些什么。

It is sometimes beset with …有时候会有…的境遇/会有…相伴 Nothing short of a … can help …唯有…才能/全靠…才能够Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. 一泻千里Fare likewise. 正如这样Now … , now …有时…,有时…Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of …更能让人产生一种…之感…is now confronted with a …section of its course. …现在正遭遇进程上的一段…… , however, can only be shared by …而…,只有…样的人才可体会到The present … crisis can never obstacle the advance of …目前的…危机绝不会阻碍…的进步Let us brace up our spirits and march through …让我们鼓起雄健的精神…The greatest joy of …, is to … during its most difficult days. 在最艰难的日子里…,亦是最大的乐趣Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见Dash here and there in search of …跑来跑去的寻找He is going to … so that he could …他决定…以便…… is not groundless because ……并非空害怕/没依据,因为…Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑What’s the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?Behind … lay half a dozen of … near …注意学习地理方位和位置的表述look like rain, yet, to our great joy … [口语]像是要下雨,然而让我们高兴的是…which of you could …你们谁能……?(别用who了,太土了!!)they are most beloved in one aspect. 有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵Unlike … , which … , … it just … to …不像…的…一样,它只是…,来…You can never immediately tell whether or not it … until …你不能立刻判断它是否…,非得等到…One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking. 应该成为有用的人,而不是伟大或体面的人Engraved in my mind. 深深地刻在脑海… is a household name all over the country. ……是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。

第一部分汉译英1. 丑石(An Ugly Stone)2. 匆匆(Rush)3. 冬夜(Winter Night)4. 互助(Helping Each Other)5. 黄昏(Dusk)6. 盼头(Something to Look Forward to)7. 媲美(Beauty)8. 枪口(The Muzzles)9. 鸲鹆(The Story of a Myna)10. 铜镜(The Bronze Mirror) 11. 学校(The College) 12. 野草(Wild Grass) 13. 种梨(Planting a Pear Tree)14. 哀互生(Mourning for Husheng) 15. 落花生(The Peanut) 16. 盲演员(A Blind Actor) 17. “孺子马” (An”Obedient Horse”)18. 小麻雀(A Little Sparrow) 19. 雄辩症(A Case of Eloquence) 20. 大钱饺子(A Good-luck Dumpling)21. 荷塘月色(Moonlight over the Lotus Pond) 22. 黄龙奇观(A View of Huangllong)23. 枯叶蝴蝶(Lappet Butterfies) 24. 泡菜坛子(A pickle Pot) 25. 田水哗啦(The Irrigation Water Came Gurgling)26. 我若为王(If I Be King) 27. 西式幽默(Western Humour) 28. 项脊轩志(Xiangjixuan)29. 夜间来客(A Night Visitor——A True Story about a ”Celebrity”Being Interviewed)30. 珍禽血雉(China‘s Native Pheasant)31. 常胜的歌手(A Singer Who Always Wins)32. 健忘的画眉(The Forgetful Song Thrush) 33. 可爱的南京(Nanjing the Beloved City)34. 鲁迅先生记(In Memory of Mr.Lu Xun) 35. 苗族龙船节(The Miao Drangon-Boat Festival) 36. 秋天的怀念(Fond Memories of You) 37. 献你一束花(A Bouquet of Flowers for you)38. 鸭巢围的夜(A Night at Mallard-Nest Village) 39. 玫瑰色的月亮(The Rosy Moon)40. 内画壶《百子图》(Snuff Bottles with Pictures Inside) 41. 维护团结的人(A Man Upholding Unity)42. 我有一个志愿(I Have a Dream) 43. 运动员的情操(Sportsmen‘s Values)Fairyland)45. 生命的三分之一(One Third of Our 44. 神话世界九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou,China‘sLifetime)46. 我可能是天津人(I Might Have Come from Tianjin) 47. 五台名刹画沧桑(The famous Monastery Witnesses Vicissitudes)48. 爱梦想的羞怯女孩(A Shy Dreamer) 49. 永久的憧憬和追求(My Lnging and yearning) 50. 老人和他的三个儿子(The Old Man and his three sons) 51. 乐山龙舟会多姿多彩(dragon-Boat Festival at Leshan)52. 撷自那片芳洲的清供(An Offering from his Sweet homeland) 53. 三峡多奇景妙笔夺开工(The Scenic Three Gorges Captured )54. 初中国旅游可到哪些地方(Tips on Traveling to China the First Time)第二部分英译汉1. A Ball to Roll Around(滚球)2. A Boupquet for Miss Benson(送给卞老师的一束花)3. A Boy and His Father Become Partners(父子伙伴情)4. A Gift of Dreams(梦寐以求的礼物)5. A Hard Day in the Kitchen(厨房里的一场闹刷)6. A Nation of Hypochondriacs(一个疑病症患者的国度)Christmas 7. Are Books an Endangered Species? (书籍是即将灭绝的物种吗?) 8. A Sailor‘sGift(一个海员的圣诞礼物)9. A Tale of Two Smut Merchants(两上淫秽照片商的故事) 10. A Visit with the Folks(探访故亲) 11. Canadian Eskimo Lithographs(加拿大爱斯基摩人的石版画) 12. Divorce and Kids(离婚与孩子)费利西娅的旅行)13. Doug Heir(杜格·埃厄) 14. Fame(声誉) 15. Felicia‘s Journey(16. Genius Sacrificed for failure(为育庸才损英才) 17. Glories of the Storm(辉煌壮丽的暴风雨)韩素音笔下的中国) 19. Hate(仇恨) 20. How Should One Read a Book?18. Han Suyin‘s China((怎样读书?)21. In Praie of the Humble Comma(小小逗号赞) 22. Integrity——From A Mother in Mannville(正直)23. In the Pursuit of a Haunting and Timeless Truth(追寻一段永世难忘的史实)24. Killer on Wings is Under Threat(飞翔的杀手正受到威胁) 25. Life in a Violin Case(琴匣子中的生趣)26. Love Is Not like Merchandise(爱情不是商品) 27. Luck(好运气) 28. Mayhew(生活的道路)29. My Averae Uncle(艾默大叔——一个普通人) 30. My Father‘s Music(我父亲的音乐) 31. My Mother‘s Gift (母亲的礼物)32. New Light Buld Offers Energy Efficiency(新型灯泡提高能效) 33. Of Studies(谈读书)34. On Leadership(论领导) 35. On Cottages in General(农舍概述) 36. Over the Hill(开小差) 37. Promise of Bluebirds(蓝知更鸟的希望) 38. Stories on a Headboard(床头板上故事多)39. Sunday(星期天) 40. The Blanket(一条毛毯) 41. The Colour of the Sky(天空的色彩) 42. The date Father Didn‘t Keep(父亲失约) 43. The Kiss(吻) 44. The Letter(家书)45. The Little Boat That Sailed through Time(悠悠岁月小船情) 46. The Living Seas(富有生命的海洋)47. The Roots of My Ambition(我的自强之源) 48. The song of the River(河之歌)49. They Wanted Him Everywhere——Herbert von Karajan(1908-1989) (哪儿都要他)50. Three Great Puffy Rolls(三个又大双暄的面包圈) 51. Trust(信任)52. Why measure Life in Hearbeats? (何必以心跳定生死?) 53. Why the bones Break(骨折缘何而起)54. Why Women Live Longer than Men(为什么女人经男人活得长)丑石贾平凹我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样;谁也不知道是什么时候留在这里的.谁也不去理会它。

不单是诗人,就是被关闭在牢狱里的囚犯,萧索的感触来的,不但是诗人,就是被关闭在牢狱里的囚犯,到了秋天,Not only poets, even convicts in prison, I suppose, have deep sentiments in autumn in spite of themselves不由自主地In spite of oneself何尝有国别,更何尝有人种的阶级区别呢Autumn treats all humans alike,regardless of nationality, race or class.不过在中国,文字里有一个秋士的成语,读本里有着很普遍的欧阳子的秋声与苏东坡《赤壁赋》等,就觉得中国的文人和秋的关系特别深了However, judging from the Chinese idiom qiushi(autumn scholar, meaning an aged scholar grieving over frustration in his life) and the frequent selection in the textbooks of ouyangxiu’s on the autumn sough and Su Dongpo’s on the red cliff, Chinese men of letters seem to be particularly autumn-minded.可是这球的深味,尤其是中国的秋的深味,非要在北方,才感受到底But, to know the real flavor of autumn especially china’s autumn, one has to visit the North.南国之秋,当然有它的特异的地方的,比如二十四桥明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普托上的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等Autumn in the south also has its unique feature such as the moon-lit Ershisi bridge in Yangzhou, the flowing sea tide at Qiantangjiang River, the mist-shrouded Putuo mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay.可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

张培基现代散文翻译精选分享现在我只有让梦来满足这个愿望了Now I can only fulfill this wish in my dreams至少在梦里,我可以见到你There in a dream, I can at least come face to face with you.我会很开心,我高兴,我不假思索的随口说话I can be happy, I smile naïve smiles, I chatter away freely为了这个,我应该感谢梦For all this, I should be thankful to my dreams有些朋友,连他们的名字我以前也不知道,他们却关心我的健康,处处打听我的“病况”Some, whom I did not even know by name, showed concern over my health and went about inquiring after me.询问起,打听inquire after直到他们看见了我那被日光晒黑的脸和膀子,他们才放心的微笑了It was not until they saw my suntanned face and arms that they began to smile a smile of relief这种情形的确值得人掉泪All that was enough to move one to tears有人相信,我不写文章,就不能够生活Some believe that, without writing, I would lose my livelihood不能够生活lose my livelihood有个同情我的朋友寄稿到《广州民国日报》的副刊,说了许多关于我的生活的话One of my sympathizers, in an article published two months ago in the Guangzhou republic daily supplement, gives a full account of the conditions of my life他也说,我一天不写文章第二天就没有饭吃He also says that I would have nothing to live on once I should lay down my pen这不是确实的That is not true at all这次旅行就给我证明,即使我不再写一个字,朋友们也不肯让我冻馁It has already been proved by my recent travels that my friends would never let me suffer from cold and hunger even if I should go without writing a single word.世间还有许多慷慨的人,他们不把自己个人和家庭看得异常重要,超过一切There are a great many kind-hearted people in the world who never attach undue importance to themselves and their families and who never place themselves and place their families above anything else靠了他们我才活到现在,而且靠了他们我还要活下去It is owing to them that I still survive and shall continue to survive for a long time to come朋友们给我的东西太多太多了I owe my friends many, many things。
张培基散文翻译 张培基散文翻译108篇

张培基散文翻译张培基散文翻译108篇转] 张培基散文翻译语言点精要 xx-6-1614:19阅读转载自甲壳虫······ 赞赞赞赞评论转载分享复制地址编辑上一篇| 下一篇:此文胜过你上三年、、、1、It is sometimes beset with …有时候会有…的境遇/会有…相伴2、 Nothing short of a … can help …唯有…才能/全靠…才能够3、 Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles、一泻千里4、 Fare likewise、正如这样5、 Now … , now …有时…,有时…6、 Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of …更能让人产生一种…之感7、… is now confronted with a … section of its course、…现在正遭遇进程上的一段…8、… , however, can only be shared by …而…,只有…样的人才可体会到9、 The present … crisis can never obstacle the advance of …目前的…危机绝不会阻碍…的进步10、 Let us pace up our spirits and march through ...让我们鼓起雄健的精神 (1)1、The greatest joy of …, is to … during its most difficult days、在最艰难的日子里…,亦是最大的乐趣12、 Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见13、 Dash here and there in search of …跑来跑去的寻找14、 He is going to … so that he could …他决定…以便…15、… is not groundless because ……并非空害怕/没依据,因为…16、 Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑17、What’s the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?18、 Behind … lay half a dozen of … near …注意学习地理方位和位置的表述19、 look like rain, yet, to our great joy …[口语]像是要下雨,然而让我们高兴的是…20、 which of you could …你们谁能……?21、they are most beloved in one aspect、有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵22、 Unlike … , which … , … it just … to …不像…的…一样,它只是…,来…23、 You can never immediately tell whether or not it … until …你不能立刻判断它是否…,非得等到…24、 One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking、应该成为有用的人,而不是伟大或体面的人25、 Engraved in my mind、深深地刻在脑海26、… is a household name all over the country、……是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。

张培基现代散文翻译精选分享一不单是诗人,就是被关闭在牢狱里的囚犯,萧索的感触来的,不但是诗人,就是被关闭在牢狱里的囚犯,到了秋天Not only poets, even convicts in prison, I suppose, have deep sentiments in autumn in spite of themselves不由自主地In spite of oneself何尝有国别,更何尝有人种的阶级区别呢Autumn treats all humans alike, regardless of nationality, race or class.不过在中国,文字里有一个秋士的成语,读本里有着很普遍的欧阳子的秋声与苏东坡《赤壁赋》等,就觉得中国的文人和秋的关系特别深了However, judging from the Chinese idiom qiushi(autumn scholar, meaning an aged scholar grieving over frustration in his life) and the frequent selection in the textbooks of ouyangxiu’s on the autumn sough and Su Dongpo’s on the red cliff, Chinese men of letters seem to be particularly autumn-minded.可是这球的深味,尤其是中国的秋的深味,非要在北方,才感受到底But, to know the real flavor of autumn especially china’s autumn, one has to visit the North.南国之秋,当然有它的特异的地方的,比如二十四桥明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普托上的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等Autumn in the south also has its unique feature such as the moon-lit Ershisi bridge in Yangzhou, the flowing sea tide at Qiantangjiang River, the mist-shrouded Putuo mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay.可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

这使我们都很惊奇!这又怪又丑的石An Ugly StoneJia PingwaI used to feel sorry for that ugly black piece of stone lying like an ox in front of our door; none knew when it was left there and none paid any attention to it, except at the time when wheat was harvested and my grandma, seeing the grains of wheat spread all over the ground in the front yard of the house, would grumble: "This ugly stone takes so much space. Move it away someday. " Thus my uncle had wanted to use it for the gable when he was building a house, but he was troubled to find it of very irregular shape, with no edges nor corners, nor a flat plane on it. And he wouldn't bother to break it in half with a chisel because the river bank was nearby, where he could have easily fetched a much better stone instead. Even when my uncle was busy with the flight of steps leading to the new house he didn't take a fancy to the ugly stone. One year when a mason came by, we asked him to snake us a stone mill with it. As my grandma put it: "Why net take this one, so you worst have to fetch one from afar." But the arson took a look and shook his head; he wouldn't take it for it was of too fine a quality.It was not like a fine piece of white marble on which words or flowers could be carved, nor like a smooth big bluish stone people used to wash their clothes on. The stone just lay there in silence, enjoying no shading front the pagoda trees by the yard, nor flowers growing around it. As a result weeds multiplied and stretched ail over it, their stems and tendrils gradually covered with dark green spots of moss. We children began to dislike the stone too, and would have taken it away if we had been strong enough; all we could do for the present was to leave it alone, despite our disgust or even curses.The only thing that had interested us in the ugly stone was a little pit on top of it, which was filled with water on rainy days. Three days after a rainfall, usually, when the ground had become dry, there was still water in the pit, where chickens went to drink. And every month when it came to the evening of the 15th of lunar calendar, we would climb onto the stone, looking up at the sky, hoping to see the full moon come out from far away. And Granny would give us a scolding, afraid lest we should fall down--and sure enough, I fell down once to have my knee broken. So everybody condemned the stone: an ugly stone, as ugly as it could be.Then one day an astronomer came to the village. He looked the stone square in the eye the moment he came across it. He didn't take his leave but decided to stay in our village. Quite a number头,原来是天上的呢!它补过天,在天上发过热,闪过光,我们的先祖或许仰望过它,它给了他们光明、向往、憧憬:而它落下来了,在污土里,荒草里,一躺就是几百年了?!奶奶说: “真看不出:它那么不一般,却怎么连墙也垒不成,台阶也垒不成呢?”“它是太丑了。

《散文佳作108篇(汉英·英汉对照)》《英译中国现代散文选》张培基 1,2,3辑理解和表达是翻译过程中两个紧密联系的阶段,理解是表达的前提,没有正确的理解就不可能有正确的表达。
请看下面的例子: 我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁. 误译: My advisor, an Asian, was addicted to alcohols and cigarettes. 改译: My advisor, an Asian American, was addicted to alcohols and cigarettes. 这是1997年八级考试汉译英试题中的一句,很多考生将"亚裔人"理解为"亚洲人",而译成Asian,这显然是不对的.根据原文的语境,这里的"亚裔人"指的是已经取得美国国籍的亚洲人,应翻译成Asian American. Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. 误译: 在著名的夏天的逝世者中,我们会想起玛丽莲梦露和詹姆斯迪恩,他们的生命都是既短促又圆满的. 改译: 在著名的英年早逝者中,我们会想起玛丽莲梦露和詹姆斯迪恩,他们的生命都是既短促又圆满的。
这是2000年八级考试英译汉试题中的一句,居中summer deaths 短语中的summer不是"夏天"的意思,而是"壮年","全盛期"的意思。

Due to the abundance of trees and the low altitude of dwelling in Peiping,cicadasare audible in every nook and cranny of the city.
Oh, real nice and cool!
Sure!Getting cooler with each autumn shower!
别的多Someliterarycritics say thatChineseliterati, especiallyChinesepoets, are mostly disposed to be decadent,whichaccounts forpredominanceofChineseworks singing the praises of autumn.
As for the autumn rains in thenorth, they also seem to differ from those in the south, being more appealing, more temperate
All that goes to show that all live creatures and sensitive human alike are prone to the feeling of depth, remoteness, severity and bleakness.

张培基现代优美散文翻译精选整理分享张培基现代优美散文翻译精选整理分享这使大多数坐轮船坐飞机的朋友办不到的This is something quite beyond the majority of those traveling by steamer and aircraft.决定了之后,有两个朋友特来劝阻,一位从李家托,一位从柏斌,不怕水程跋涉,为的是关爱我,瞧得起我。
After I have made up my mind, in spite of the difficult boat journey all the way from Lijia tuo and Baibin respectively, came to dissuade me from taking the wooden boat out of concern and respect for me.他们说了种种的理由,预想了种种可能的障害They enumerated various reasons against my decisions as well as possible mishaps.结末说,还是再考虑以下的好Advising me in the end to re-consider the matter我真感谢他们,当然不敢说不必再行考虑,I felt grateful to them, and of course refrained from showing any reluctance to reconsider the matter.只好半开玩笑的说,吉人天相,安慰他们激动的心情By way of allaying their anxiety, I said jokingly, “a good guy always enjoys Heaven?s protection”半开玩笑的说said jokingly现在,他们接到我安全到达汉口的消息,他们也真的安慰了Now, the subsequent news of safe arrival in Hankou have set their minds at rest安心安慰set their minds at rest不说我自己犯不着,人家也太费心了Neither is it necessary for me to go to all that trouble, nor should I bother other people for that matter.重庆路有那么难走Going around is hard in the city of Chongqing.公共汽车站排队往往等上一个半个钟头You will queue up for at least 30 minutes or more to get on a bus.天天为了票子去跑,实在吃不消It is really too much for me to go about for the ticket everyday.再说和自己暂时脱离关系,换上他人的身份,虽然人家不大爱惜名气我却不愿滥用那些名气。

But, to know the real flavor of autumn especially china’s autumn, one has to visit the North.
As for the autumn rains in thenorth, they also seem to differ from those in the south, being more appealing, more temperate
Fruittrees in the North also make a wonderful sight in autumn.
Take jujube tree for example.

In spite of oneself
Autumn treats all humans alike, regardless of nationality, race or class.
别的多Someliterarycritics say thatChineseliterati, especiallyChinesepoets, are mostly disposed to be decadent,whichaccounts forpredominanceofChineseworks singing the praises of autumn.
Longpastoralpoems or songs about the four seasons by renown poets are mostly distinguished by beautiful moving lines on autumn.
It is at the height of autumn that jujubes, shaped like dates, maketheirappearance in a light yellowish-green amongst tiny elliptic leaves.
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张培基散文翻译张培基散文翻译108篇转] 张培基散文翻译语言点精要 xx-6-1614:19阅读转载自甲壳虫······ 赞赞赞赞评论转载分享复制地址编辑上一篇| 下一篇:此文胜过你上三年、、、1、It is sometimes beset with …有时候会有…的境遇/会有…相伴2、 Nothing short of a … can help …唯有…才能/全靠…才能够3、 Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles、一泻千里4、 Fare likewise、正如这样5、 Now … , now …有时…,有时…6、 Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of …更能让人产生一种…之感7、… is now confronted with a … section of its course、…现在正遭遇进程上的一段…8、… , however, can only be shared by …而…,只有…样的人才可体会到9、 The present … crisis can never obstacle the advance of …目前的…危机绝不会阻碍…的进步10、 Let us pace up our spirits and march through ...让我们鼓起雄健的精神 (1)1、The greatest joy of …, is to … during its most difficult days、在最艰难的日子里…,亦是最大的乐趣12、 Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见13、 Dash here and there in search of …跑来跑去的寻找14、 He is going to … so that he could …他决定…以便…15、… is not groundless because ……并非空害怕/没依据,因为…16、 Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑17、What’s the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?18、 Behind … lay half a dozen of … near …注意学习地理方位和位置的表述19、 look like rain, yet, to our great joy …[口语]像是要下雨,然而让我们高兴的是…20、 which of you could …你们谁能……?21、they are most beloved in one aspect、有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵22、 Unlike … , which … , … it just … to …不像…的…一样,它只是…,来…23、 You can never immediately tell whether or not it … until …你不能立刻判断它是否…,非得等到…24、 One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking、应该成为有用的人,而不是伟大或体面的人25、 Engraved in my mind、深深地刻在脑海26、… is a household name all over the country、……是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。
27、… is always on the lips because …把…天天挂在嘴上,因为…28、What’s the use of being ………又有什么用/有什么必要呢?29、 Uttered intermittently、断断续续地说30、 Never calculating or particular about personal gains and losses、不计较个人得失31、Honor … with a posthumous reverent …追授…一个…的谥号/称号32、 Bee more and more … with the passing of time、随着时间的流逝变得越来越……/越久越……33、 Never give up the pursuit of …不要放弃… / 不要放弃对…的追求34、 Out of sheer necessity、仅仅为了需要 / 纯粹因为需要35、 Be free to follow your own bent、可以依自己的喜好去… / 自由自在地去追求自己的喜好36、 Be in the prime of life、正当盛年 / 年富力强37、… will soon be gone never to return、一去不复返。
38、Be in one’s declining years、风烛残年 / 精力衰微之时39、 As a means of subsistence、作为生计 / 为了吃饭/ 作为谋生的手段40、 Remedy the situation by …用……来补救41、e up against the urgent problem of ………问题急需解决42、 How can one manage to … while …人怎么能在…的同时还…呢?43、 Cut down on food and clothing and do everything possible to …节衣缩食想尽办法去……44、 Time is no object、时间不是问题。
45、… will be quite enough to make … a “ …足够让一个…成为…了46、 The choice lies with you、选择权在你们手里。
47、Henrik Ibsen says, “it is your supreme duty to cast yourself into a usefulimplement、”你最大的责任是把你这块材料铸造成器。
48、 Forsake … , and you will ruin yourself、抛弃…,你便毁了你自己。
49、 To go into scholarship, to engage in learning、做学问50、 the only things of some value under my roof, if any, are …在我屋子里唯一贵重的东西就是…51、Entertain ambition of making a profound study of …怀有对……做一番高深研究的野心52、 It seemed that … can better satisfy … than ……比…更能满足…的需要53、 At one sitting、一口气地…54、 It is pletely subjected to the whims of the moment、全凭当时的兴趣和念头。
55、 Liken myself respectively to …把我自己比作……56、 Thread-bound Chinese book、线装书57、 My obsession of … have been very much on a decline、我对……的狂热/着迷消除了不少。
58、To eat into one’s whole pocket、花掉某人所有的钱。
59、 But not all acquaintances are friends、不是所有认识的都是朋友。
60、 Have more scruples about this and that、对身边的一切都有更多的顾虑。
61、We each followed a different course of life、我们各自过着不同的生活。
62、 Be bound to、必然,一定会。
S omehow or other、设法,莫名其妙地63、… of bygone days will unfold again before one’s eyes、过去的…又重新浮现在某人眼前。
64、In bloom of one’s youth、在某人盛年的时候 / 在生命中最华美的时刻65、 Unwittingly 不知不觉地,无意识地66、 Fritter away、渐渐地消失 / 慢慢地消耗 / 一点点地浪费67、 In twos and threes、三三两两,零零星星68、 Negotiate shoals and reefs / deserts and gorges 跋涉礁石浅滩 / 荒漠峡谷69、 Be reduced to … as the last resort、被逼到做……的地步,被迫干……为生70、 Foot passenger、步行的人,行人71、It stands to reason that ……也是合情合理的/显而易见的72、 Can ill afford to do something、无法承受……73、If it is beyond one’s capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing of socialevils, one should at least be self-disciplined so as not to make matters worse、74、 Pedantic view of bookish person、酸腐的书生之见75、 Cool your heels。
坐冷板凳,空等76、 All that kills my idea of …那足以让我打消……的念头77、 A good man always enjoys Heaven’s protection、吉人天相78、 Misfortune never es singly 祸不单行79、 Heaven always leaves one a way out、天无绝人之路80、 Be in reduced circumstance、每况愈下 / 光景惨淡81、After some wavering, 犹豫一阵之后 / 犹豫不决了一阵82、 Talk somebody out of it, 劝说某人不做某事83、 Smart aleck 自作聪明的人/ 自作聪明的84、 Chip in 插嘴,打断,捐助,出钱 stroll about 游逛,游荡,闲游85、 Be watchful on the way, 路上警惕些,旅途当心86、 It is certainly no problem for a person of my age to …对于我这样年纪 / 我这么大的人来说,……是没问题的87、 A strenuous job: 紧张的/费力的/艰苦的差使88、 Skullcap 无沿小帽,圆帽 Mandarin jacket 马褂cotton-padded 填充棉絮的89、 Huddle up 蜷缩,挤成一团 Corpulent 肥胖的90、 Gush from涌出,不断流出 trickle 滴,淌,细流ooze 渗出,淌出91、Make an enormous exertion to …尽全力做……92、Pat the dirt off one’s clothes 拍去/掸去身上的尘土93、 until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no longervisible、直到他的身影消失在来往的人群中,再也遍寻不见了。