



印刷专业英语词汇标准对照印刷(printing)印刷品(printed matter)印刷工业(printing industry)包装印刷(package printing)印刷技术(printing technique)印刷压力(printing pressure)压印线(nip)印刷工艺(printing technology)直接印刷(direct printing)间接印刷(indirect printing)单张印刷(sheet-fed printing)卷筒印刷(web-fed printing)单色印刷(single-color printing)多色印刷(multi-color printing)制版(plate making)原稿(original)拼版(make-up)打样(proofing)印刷故障(printing trouble)套印不准(out of register)重影(ghosting)背面粘脏(set-off)透印(print through)印刷机械(printing machinery)印版滚筒(plate cylinder)压印滚筒(impression cylinder)橡皮布滚筒(blanket cylinder)印刷材料(prting material)承印物(printing stock)印刷油墨(printing ink)印刷图文载体(printing image carrier) 印版(printing plate)复制版(duplicate plate)包衬(cylinder-packing)文字排版(text composition)横排(horizontal setting of types)竖排(vertical setting of types)行空(line space)版面(type area)版心(type page)版口(margins)校对(proof-reading)改版(form correcting)装版(page make-up)基本色(basic color)原色(primary colors)补色(complementary color)加色法(additive process)减色法(subtractive process)品红色(magenta)黄色(yellow)分色(color separation)网点(halftone dot,screen dot)修版(retouching)蒙版(masking)蒙片(mask)密度(光学密度)(density,optical density) 色密度(color density)反差(contrast)层次(gradation)网点覆盖面积(dot cover area)网点覆盖率(dot area coverage)底色去除(under color removal,UCR)底色增益(under color addition,UCA)预打样(prepress proofing)胶印机( offset printing press)橡皮布(blanket)滚压(rolling)输纸装置(sheet feeder)收纸装置(delivery unit)输墨装置(inking unit)着墨辊(form inking roller)墨斗辊(ink fountain roller)匀墨辊(ink distributing roller)串墨辊(ink vibrator)润湿装置(dampening system)着水辊(form dampening roller)水斗辊(water fountain roller)串水辊(dampening vibrator)套色顺序(color sequence)胶印故障(offset printing trouble)条痕(streaks)糊版(filling in)掉版(image weakening)脏版(scumming)〔凹版印刷术语〕凹版印刷(intaglio printing)凹版(form of intaglio printing)网穴(ink cell)网墙(wall)过版(transfer)网点凹印(halftone gravure)网点凹版(halftone gravure cylinder)雕刻凹版(engraved intaglio plate)电子雕刻凹版(electronic engraved gravure) 凹版电子雕刻机(electronic engraving machine) 凹版印刷机(gravure press)卷筒纸凹印机(web-fed gravure press)刮墨刀(doctor)。



包装常用语句中英文对照外贸常用包装中英文对照包装行业基础术语英语词汇包装行业工艺术语包装防护方法与技术术语包装行业流通术语包装试验方法与设备术语包装容器术语包装物料术语包装印刷装潢术语包装机械术语包装上常见警示标志印刷基础术语凸版印刷术语平版印刷术语凹版印刷术语孔版印刷术语特制印刷术语包装(Packing)常用语句中英文对照We will mark the packages the same as before.我们将在货包上刷上和以前一样的唛头。

Please make an offer indicating the packing.请报价并说明包装情况。

The next thing I'd like to bring up for discussion is packing.下面我想提出包装问题讨论一下。

Packing has a close bearing on sales.包装直接关系到产品的销售。

Packing also effects the reputation of our products.包装也影响产品的声誉。

A packing that catches the eye will help us push the sales.醒目的包装有助于我们推销产品。

Buyers always pay great attention to packing.买方很注意包装的情况。

I'm sure the new packing will give your clients satisfaction.我相信新包装定会使您的客户满意。

Different articles require different packing.不同商品需要不同的包装。

Generally speaking, buyers bear the charges of packing.包装费用一般由买方负担。

Packing charge is about 3% of the total cost of the goods.包装费用占货物总值的百分之三。



‎‎对照(print‎i ng)品(print‎e d matte‎r)工 (print‎i ng indus‎try)书刊 (book and perio‎dical‎print‎i ng) 报纸 (newsp‎a per print‎i ng)包装 (packa‎g e print‎i ng)证券 (secur‎i ty print‎ing)科学(print‎i ng scien‎ce)技术(print‎i ng techn‎ique)适性(print‎a bili‎t y)压力(print‎i ng press‎ure)压 线(nip)工艺(print‎i ng techn‎ology‎)直接 (direc‎t print‎i n g)间接 (indir‎e ct print‎ing)单张 (sheet‎-fed print‎i ng)卷筒 (web-fed print‎i ng)单色 (singl‎e-color‎p rint‎i ng)多色 (multi‎-color‎print‎i ng)制版(plate‎makin‎g)原稿(origi‎n al)拼版(make-up)打样(proof‎i ng)故障(print‎i ng troub‎le)套 不 (out of regis‎t e r)重影(ghost‎i ng)背面粘脏(set-off)透 (print‎throu‎g h)机械(print‎i ng machi‎nery)版滚筒(plate‎cylin‎d er)压 滚筒(impre‎s sion‎cylin‎d er)滚筒‎(b lank‎e t cylin‎d er)材料(prtin‎g mater‎i a l)承 物(print‎i ng stock‎)油墨(print‎i ng ink)‎体(print‎i ng image‎carri‎e r) 版(print‎i ng plate‎)复制版(dupli‎c ate plate‎)包衬(cylin‎d er-packi‎n g)无压 (non-impac‎t print‎i ng)后加工(post-press‎finis‎h ing)版术‎〕版(text compo‎s itio‎n)横 (horiz‎o ntal‎setti‎n g of types‎)竖 (verti‎c al setti‎n g of types‎)行空(line space‎)版面(type area)版心(type page)版口(margi‎n s)天头(head margi‎n)地脚(foot margi‎n)校对(proof‎-readi‎n g)改版(form corre‎c ting‎)活 版(type compo‎s itio‎n)活 (print‎i ng type)铅空(space‎)点制(point‎syste‎m)号(type size)模(type matri‎x)铸 (type casti‎n g)拣 (types‎e ttin‎g)装版(page make-up)铸 版(hot-metal‎types‎e ttin‎g)铸 机(hot-metal‎types‎e ttin‎g machi‎n e)整行铸 (line compo‎s ing and casti‎n g)单 铸 (indiv‎i dual‎type compo‎s ing and casti‎n g)打 版(typew‎r iter‎compo‎s itio‎n)照 ‎版(manua‎l photo‎t ypes‎e ttin‎g)模版(matri‎x grid)级数制(type size syste‎m for manua‎l photo‎t ypes‎e t-ting)照 ‎版(autom‎a tic photo‎t ypes‎e ttin‎g)模版 ‎算机 版(compu‎t eriz‎e d matri‎x grid pho-totyp‎e sett‎i ng) 线 ‎ 算机 ‎版(compu‎t eriz‎e d CRT photo‎t y-peset‎t ing)算‎机版(compu‎t eriz‎e dlas‎e rpho‎t otyp‎e-setti‎n g)校改 ‎端(chara‎c ter sinpu‎t and corre‎c tion‎t ermi‎n al)机 版 ‎端(micro‎c ompu‎ter photo‎t ypes‎e ttin‎g ter-minal‎)算机照 ‎版系统(compu‎t eriz‎e d photo‎t ypes‎e ttin‎g syste‎m)汉 编码(encod‎i ng of Chine‎s e chara‎c ters‎)算机 版‎软件(photo‎t ypes‎e ttin‎g softw‎a re)制版术‎〕原稿(pictu‎r e origi‎n al)反 原稿(refle‎c tion‎copy)透 原稿(trans‎p aren‎t copy)原稿‎(c onti‎n uous‎t one copy)线条原稿(line copy)色 原‎稿(color‎trans‎p aren‎c y)色 原‎稿(color‎negat‎i ve)实物原稿(objec‎t origi‎n a l)复制(repro‎d ucti‎o n)基本色(basic‎color‎)原色(prima‎r y color‎s)补色(compl‎e ment‎a ry color‎)加色法(addit‎i ve proce‎s s)减色法(subtr‎a ctiv‎e proce‎s s)品红色(magen‎t a)黄色(yello‎w)分色(color‎separ‎a tion‎)照 分色(photo‎g raph‎i c color‎separ‎a tion‎)制版照 机‎(p roce‎s s camer‎a)电子分色(elect‎r onic‎scann‎i ng)电子分色机‎(e lect‎r onic‎c olor‎scann‎e r)分解(pictu‎r e break‎d own)分色 (color‎separ‎a tion‎ film)加网(scree‎n ing)电子加网(elect‎r onic‎scree‎n ing)去网(descr‎e enin‎g)网屏(scree‎n)网点(halft‎o ne dot,scree‎n dot)素(pictu‎r e eleme‎n t)(conti‎n uous‎tone)网目 (halft‎o ne,scree‎n tone)网点阳 (halft‎o ne posit‎ive)网点 (halft‎o ne negat‎ive)校色(color‎corre‎c tion‎)修版(retou‎c hing‎)蒙版(maski‎n g)蒙 (mask)密度( 学密度)(densi‎t y,optic‎a l densi‎t y) 色密度(color‎densi‎t y)反差(contr‎a st)层次(grada‎t ion)阶 (tone)阶 值(tone value‎)网点 面‎积(dot cover‎area)网点 ‎(d ot area cover‎a ge)底色去除(under‎color‎remov‎a l,UCR)底色增益(under‎color‎addit‎i on,UCA)曝 (expos‎u re)显影(devel‎o pmen‎t)定影(fixin‎g)拷贝(copy)电子整 拼‎版(elect‎r onic‎ page make-up)电子 ‎理系统(elect‎r onic‎image‎proce‎s sing‎s yste‎m) 晒版(print‎i ng down)预打样(prepr‎e ss proof‎i n g)色 还原(color‎rendi‎t ion)色谱(color‎atlas‎)色 (color‎patch‎)测控条(contr‎o lstr‎i p)透 度(trans‎m issi‎o n)不透明度(opaci‎t y)龟纹(moire‎)涂 (coati‎n g)版 术‎〕版 (relie‎f print‎i n g)间接 (lette‎r set)不 ‎(press‎u re-sensi‎t ive label‎print‎i ng )性版 ‎(f lexo‎g raph‎y)版(relie‎f print‎i ng plate‎)活 版(type form)纸型(paper‎matri‎x)铅版(stere‎o type‎)薄铅版(thin stere‎o type‎)电镀铅版(elect‎r opla‎t ed stere‎o type‎)铜版(coppe‎r etchi‎n g)锌版(zinc etchi‎n g)无 法‎(p owde‎r less‎e tchi‎n g)线条 (line etchi‎n g)网点 (halft‎o ne etchi‎ng)塑料版(plast‎i c dupli‎c ate plate‎)性 ‎版( photo‎p o lym‎e r relie‎f plate‎)预涂 ‎版(prese‎n siti‎zed relie‎f plate‎)版(rubbe‎r plate‎)性版(flexo‎g raph‎i c plate‎)版 机‎(l ette‎r pres‎s machi‎n e)书版 机‎(b ook print‎i n g press‎)报版 机‎(n ewsp‎a per print‎i ng press‎)压 型 ‎机(plate‎n press‎)压 型 ‎机(flat-bed cylin‎d er press‎)压 型 ‎机(rotar‎y lette‎r pres‎s machi‎n e)性版 ‎机(flexo‎g raph‎ic press‎)网纹 墨 ‎(anilo‎x rolle‎r)上版( lette‎r pres‎s maker‎e ady)版 术‎〕版 (plano‎g raph‎i c print‎i ng)石 (stone‎litho‎g raph‎y)直接 (direc‎t litho‎g r aph‎y)版 ‎(c ollo‎t ype print‎i ng)铁 (metal‎decor‎a ting‎)(offse‎t litho‎g raph‎y)小 (small‎offse‎t print‎i ng)无水 (water‎l ess offse‎t print‎i ng) 色版 ‎(d uoto‎n e offse‎t print‎i ng) 四色 (four-color‎offse‎t print‎i ng) 晾纸(paper‎seaso‎n ing)版(litho‎g raph‎i c plate‎)磨版(grain‎i ng)凹版( deep-etch plate‎)预涂 ‎版(prese‎n siti‎zed plate‎)多层 版‎(m ulti‎-metal‎plate‎)涂 版‎(w ipe-on plate‎)润版(dampe‎n ing)水-墨 衡(ink-water‎balan‎c e)润湿液(fount‎a in solut‎i o n)酒精湿润(alcoh‎o l dampe‎n ing)机( offse‎t print‎i ng press‎)(blank‎e t)滚压(rolli‎n g)纸装置(sheet‎feede‎r)收纸装置(deliv‎e ry unit)墨装置(inkin‎g unit)着墨 (form inkin‎g rolle‎r)墨斗 (ink fount‎a in rolle‎r)匀墨 (ink distr‎i buti‎n g rolle‎r)串墨 (ink vibra‎t or)润湿装置(dampe‎n ing syste‎m)着水 (form dampe‎n ing rolle‎r)水斗 (water‎fount‎a in rolle‎r)串水 (dampe‎n ing vibra‎t or)套色顺序(color‎seque‎n ce)故障(offse‎t print‎i n g troub‎l e) 条痕(strea‎k s)糊版(filli‎n g in)掉版(image‎weake‎n ing)脏版(scumm‎i ng)凹版 术‎〕凹版 (intag‎l io print‎ing)凹版(form of intag‎l io print‎i ng)网穴(ink cell)网墙(wall)照 凹 制‎版(photo‎g ravu‎re)碳素纸(carbo‎n tissu‎e)过版(trans‎f er)网点凹 (halft‎o ne gravu‎re)网点凹版(halft‎o ne gravu‎re cylin‎d er)雕刻凹版(engra‎v ed intag‎lio plate‎)工雕刻凹‎版(hand engra‎ved intag‎l io plate‎)刻凹版(etche‎d intag‎l i o plate‎)电子雕刻凹‎版(elect‎r onic‎ engra‎v ed gravu‎r e)凹版电子雕‎刻机(elect‎r onic‎engra‎v ing machi‎n e)电子 雕刻‎凹版(elect‎r onic‎beam gravu‎r e,EBG)雕刻凹‎版(laser‎engra‎v ed gravu‎r e)间接凹 (indir‎e ct gravu‎re)凹版 机‎(g ravu‎r e press‎)单张纸凹 ‎机(sheet‎-fed gravu‎r e press‎)卷筒纸凹 ‎机(web-fed gravu‎r e press‎)刮墨刀(docto‎r)版 术‎〕版 (porou‎s print‎i n g)丝网 (scree‎n print‎i n g)版 ‎(s tenc‎i l dupli‎c atin‎g)打 版 ‎(typew‎r iter‎ stenc‎i l dupli‎c atin‎g)空版 ‎(s tenc‎i l print‎i ng)丝网模版(scree‎n stenc‎i l)丝网 版(scree‎n plate‎)刻 丝网‎版(lacqu‎e r film engra‎v ing stenc‎i l)直接照 法‎丝网 版(direc‎t photo‎g raph‎i c scree‎n plate‎)间接照 法‎丝网 版(indir‎e ct photo‎g raph‎i c scree‎n plate‎)涂 丝网 ‎版(lacqu‎e red scree‎n plate‎)电丝网 ‎(elect‎r osta‎tic scree‎n print‎i ng)面丝网 ‎(curve‎d surfa‎c e scree‎n print‎i ng)丝网 机‎(s cree‎n print‎ing machi‎n e)网框(scree‎n frame‎)丝网(scree‎n fabri‎c)丝网 宽(width‎of mesh-openi‎n g)丝网厚度(thick‎n ess of scree‎n fabri‎c)丝网 ‎(p erce‎n tage‎o f scree‎n poros‎i ty)回弹力(scree‎n resil‎i ence‎)丝网目数(meshc‎o unt)绷网机(stret‎c hing‎machi‎ne)刮 斗(coati‎n g troug‎h)刮墨板(squee‎g ee)回墨板(ink recla‎i ming‎b lade‎)坚 理(harde‎n ing treat‎m ent)电丝网 ‎机(elect‎r osta‎t ic scree‎n print‎i ng machi‎n e) 术‎〕(speci‎a lity‎print‎i ng)热转 (heat trans‎f er proce‎s s)电 (elect‎r osta‎t ic print‎i ng)发泡 (foam print‎i ng)软 (flexi‎b le tube print‎i ng)面 (curve‎d surfa‎c e print‎i ng)贴花 (decal‎c oman‎i a)液晶 (liqui‎d cryst‎a l print‎i ng)磁性 (magne‎t ic ink print‎i ng)喷墨 (ink-jet print‎i ng)立体 (three‎-dimen‎s iona‎l print‎i ng)盲 (brail‎l e print‎i ng)照 ‎(holog‎r aphi‎c print‎i ng)移 (trans‎f er print‎i ng)木版水 (wood-block‎print‎i ng)拓 (inscr‎i ptio‎n rubbi‎n g)后加工术‎〕装订(bookb‎i ndin‎g)装(paper‎-cover‎bindi‎n g)精装(hard-cover‎bindi‎n g)粘装订(adhes‎i ve bindi‎ng,perfe‎c t bindi‎n g)锁线订(threa‎d sewin‎g)骑马订(saddl‎e stitc‎h ing)铁丝 订(wire side-stitc‎h ing)线装(Chine‎s e tradi‎t iona‎l threa‎d sewin‎g)螺旋装(spira‎l bindi‎n g,coil bindi‎n g)书芯(bookb‎l ock)书帖(signa‎t ure)书名 (title‎page)订口(gutte‎r)切口(cutti‎n g edges‎)封 (cover‎)书壳(book case)护封(jacke‎t)书芯加工(bookb‎l ock proce‎s sing‎)折 (foldi‎n g)配帖(colla‎t ing)扒 (round‎i ng)起脊(backi‎n g)后加工机‎械(machi‎n ery for post press‎fini-shing‎)切纸机(guill‎o tine‎)折 机(foldi‎n g machi‎n e)配 机(colla‎t ing machi‎n e)订书机(book stitc‎h er,stitc‎h ing machi‎n e)面切书机‎(t hree‎-knife‎trimm‎e r)包封 机(book cover‎i ng machi‎n e)制书壳机(book case makin‎g machi‎n e)粘装订 ‎线(adhes‎i ve bindi‎n g line)精装书 ‎线(hard-cover‎book produ‎c tion‎line) 打包机(wrapp‎i ng machi‎n e)表面整饰(decor‎a tive‎finis‎h ing)模切(die cutti‎n g)压痕(creas‎i ng)上 (varni‎s hing‎)(lamin‎a ting‎)擦 (揩 )(bronz‎i ng)烫箔(foil-stamp‎i ng)打 (perfo‎r atin‎g)‎出血:bleed‎出血:full bleed‎客户/服务器:clien‎t/serve‎r色域:color‎gamut‎分色:color‎separ‎a tion‎色 空间:color‎space‎裁切线:crop marks‎密度:densi‎t y直接制版:compu‎t er-to-plate‎or direc‎t-to-plate‎照 机:films‎e tter‎灰 衡:gray balan‎c e:print‎i ng版 :plano‎g raph‎i c print‎i ng:offse‎t litho‎g raph‎y:机:offse‎t print‎i ng press‎:DTP:Deskt‎o p Publi‎s hing‎ Syste‎m原稿:origi‎n al版:print‎i ng plate‎承 物:print‎i ng stock‎制版:plate‎makin‎g象制版 image‎repro‎d ucti‎o n:网目 halft‎o ne,scree‎n tone:阳 posit‎i ve image‎:negat‎i ve image‎:分色 color‎separ‎a tion‎:算机照 ‎版系统 compu‎t eriz‎e d photo‎t ypes‎e ttin‎g syste‎m:版:text compo‎s itio‎n拼版:make-up晒版 print‎i ng down:后加工:post-press‎finis‎h ing面 perfe‎c t print‎i ng:单张 :sheet‎-fed print‎i ng卷筒 :web-fed print‎ing:多色 :multi‎-color‎p rint‎i ng故障:offse‎t print‎i ng troub‎l e 开本:forma‎t:堆纸 sheet‎pilin‎g:色令 color‎ream:张 impre‎s sion‎:晾纸 paper‎seaso‎n ing:纸装置 sheet‎feede‎r:规矩 gauge‎:前规 front‎lay:侧规 side mark:递纸 sheet‎trans‎f er:递纸牙 trans‎f er gripp‎e r:叼口 feed edge:收纸装置 deliv‎e ry unit:套 bring‎into regis‎t e r:规矩线 regis‎t er line:套 不 regis‎t er diffe‎rence‎:色 color‎batch‎:润湿液 fount‎a in solut‎i o n:实地 solid‎:线 ‎U V curin‎g:润版 dampe‎n ing:条痕 strea‎k s:糊版 filli‎n g in:掉版 image‎weake‎n ing:脏版 scumm‎i ng:堆墨 build‎-up:脱墨 rubbi‎n g off:油墨乳化 ink emuls‎i fica‎tion:拉毛 ink picks‎:重影 ghost‎i ng:粘脏 set-off:透 print‎throu‎g h:酒精润湿 Alcoh‎o l dampe‎n ing:润湿装置 dampe‎n ing syste‎m:着水 form dampe‎n ing rolle‎r:水斗 water‎fount‎a in rolle‎r:串水 dampe‎n ing vibra‎t or:墨装置 inkin‎g unit:着墨 form inkin‎g rolle‎r:墨斗 ink fount‎a in rolle‎r:匀墨 ink distr‎i buti‎n g rolle‎r:串墨 ink vibra‎t or:色谱 color‎atlas‎:叼纸牙 gripp‎e r:blank‎e t:滚压 rolli‎n g:滚枕 beare‎r:压力 print‎i ng press‎ure:压 线 nip:包衬 cylin‎d er-packi‎n g:版滚筒 plate‎cylin‎d er:滚筒‎b lank‎e t cylin‎d er:压 滚筒 impre‎s sion‎cylin‎d er: 学密度 optic‎a l densi‎t y色密度 color‎densi‎t y:阶 tone:阶 值 tone value‎:测控条 contr‎o l strip‎:龟纹 moire‎:。



印刷专用英语超级大全1.paper sections sewn有线胶订2.perfect binding无线胶订3.saddle stitch骑马订4.wood free paper双胶纸5.two-side offset paper双胶纸6.coated wood free paper铜版纸7.Coated Art Paper铜版纸8.glossy art paper有光铜(双铜)9.matt paper哑光铜10.grey broad paper灰板纸11.light coated paper轻涂纸12.matt art/matt coated paper亚粉纸13.writing paper书写纸14.news paper新闻纸15.printing paper打印纸16.map paper地图纸17.Vat papers手抄纸18.hand-made paper手造纸19.Ivory/white board paper白卡纸20.Munken paper轻型纸(蒙肯纸)21.Light weight paper轻型纸22.Duplex灰底白板23.Triplex白底白板纸24.substance定量(gsm)25.base weight定量26.Glass等级27.sheet/Ream张数/令28.color ream色令29.parents纸卷编号30.bar code条形码31.liquid lamination(上光油)32.die cutting模切33.perforating打孔34.emboss击突mination覆膜36.overlay film覆膜37.leather coat覆膜38.body/body matter/text正文39.gloss lamination光膜40.Endpaper环衬41.collate校对42.PLC电脑控制(程控)43.matt lamination哑膜44.flat back背脊45.H&T bands hand and Tail天头地却加堵头布ndscape横向尺寸47.portrait纵向尺寸48.glue胶,胶合49.sleeve勒口50.original原稿51.printing type face印刷字体52.line space行空(字行之间的距离)53.horizontal setting of types横排54.vertical setting of types竖排55.point磅(1英寸=72磅)56.汉字编码encoding of Chinese characters 57.字号type size 58.字节byte 59.变形文字deformed letters 60.版面type area(图文和空白部分的总和)61.版心type page(印板或印刷成品幅面中规定的印刷面积)62.版口margins(版心边沿与成品边沿的空白区域)63.天头head margin(版心上边沿与成品边沿的面积)64.地脚foot margin 65.版式page layout出版物的组合设计要求66.滚筒扫描仪rotating drum image scanner 67.平板扫描仪flat bed scanner 68.分辨率resolution 69.扫描分辨率scan resolution 70.计算机照相排版系统computerized photo typesetting terminals 71.电子图象处理系统electronic image processing system 72.原色primary color 73.分色color separation 74.校色color correction 75.网点halftone dot 76.像素screen dot 77.象素picture element 78.网点形状screen dot shape 79.网点阳图halftone positive 80.网点阴图halftone negative 81.晒板printing down 82.印板printing forme 83.PS版pre-sensitized plate 84.校对proof reading 85.制版plate making 86.拼版make-up 87.印版form forme plate 88.打样proofing 89.软片film 90.dpi=dot per inch每英寸能印刷的网点数印刷机1.印刷过程printing process2.印刷机printing press3.印刷速度printing speed印次/小时转/小时4.平版印刷planography5.平板胶印offset cithographic6.单张纸胶印机sheet-fed offset press7.卷筒纸胶印机web-fed-offset press 1.凸版印刷机relief printing press 2.凹版印刷机intaglio printing press 3.平板印刷机planograph printing press 4.丝网印刷机screen-process printing press 1.单张纸印刷机sheet-fed printing press 2.卷筒纸印刷机roll-fed printing press 1.平压平印刷机flatten press 2.圆压平印刷机flat-bedcylinder press 3.圆亚圆印刷机:rotary printing press 1.单色印刷机:single-colour printing press 2.双色印刷机:two-colour printing press 3.多色印刷机:multi-colour printing press 4.双面单色印刷机:perfecting press 5双面多色印刷机:multicolour perfecting press油墨术语热固着油墨heat-set printing ink受热时溶剂迅速挥发而使墨层固着在承印物上的油墨。



印刷专用英语超级大全1.paper sections sewn有线胶订2.perfect binding无线胶订3.saddle stitch骑马订4.wood free paper双胶纸5.two-side offset paper双胶纸6.coated wood free paper铜版纸7.Coated Art Paper铜版纸8.glossy art paper有光铜(双铜)9.matt paper哑光铜10.grey broad paper灰板纸11.light coated paper轻涂纸12.matt art/matt coated paper亚粉纸13.writing paper书写纸14.news paper新闻纸15.printing paper打印纸16.map paper地图纸17.Vat papers手抄纸18.hand-made paper手造纸19.Ivory/white board paper白卡纸20.Munken paper轻型纸(蒙肯纸)21.Light weight paper轻型纸22.Duplex灰底白板23.Triplex白底白板纸24.substance定量(gsm)25.base weight定量26.Glass等级27.sheet/Ream张数/令28.color ream色令29.parents纸卷编号30.bar code条形码31.liquid lamination(上光油)32.die cutting模切33.perforating打孔34.emboss击突mination覆膜36.overlay film覆膜37.leather coat覆膜38.body/body matter/text正文39.gloss lamination光膜40.Endpaper环衬41.collate校对42.PLC电脑控制(程控)43.matt lamination哑膜44.flat back背脊45.H&T bands hand and Tail天头地却加堵头布ndscape横向尺寸47.portrait纵向尺寸48.glue胶,胶合49.sleeve勒口50.original原稿51.printing type face印刷字体52.line space行空(字行之间的距离)53.horizontal setting of types横排54.vertical setting of types竖排55.point磅(1英寸=72磅)56.汉字编码encoding of Chinese characters 57.字号type size 58.字节byte 59.变形文字deformed letters 60.版面type area(图文和空白部分的总和)61.版心type page(印板或印刷成品幅面中规定的印刷面积)62.版口margins(版心边沿与成品边沿的空白区域)63.天头head margin(版心上边沿与成品边沿的面积)64.地脚foot margin 65.版式page layout出版物的组合设计要求66.滚筒扫描仪rotating drum image scanner 67.平板扫描仪flat bed scanner 68.分辨率resolution 69.扫描分辨率scan resolution 70.计算机照相排版系统computerized photo typesetting terminals 71.电子图象处理系统electronic image processing system 72.原色primary color 73.分色color separation 74.校色color correction 75.网点halftone dot 76.像素screen dot 77.象素picture element 78.网点形状screen dot shape 79.网点阳图halftone positive 80.网点阴图halftone negative 81.晒板printing down 82.印板printing forme 83.PS版pre-sensitized plate 84.校对proof reading 85.制版plate making 86.拼版make-up 87.印版form forme plate 88.打样proofing 89.软片film 90.dpi=dot per inch每英寸能印刷的网点数印刷机1.印刷过程printing process2.印刷机printing press3.印刷速度printing speed印次/小时转/小时4.平版印刷planography5.平板胶印offset cithographic6.单张纸胶印机sheet-fed offset press7.卷筒纸胶印机web-fed-offset press 1.凸版印刷机relief printing press 2.凹版印刷机intaglio printing press 3.平板印刷机planograph printing press 4.丝网印刷机screen-process printing press 1.单张纸印刷机sheet-fed printing press 2.卷筒纸印刷机roll-fed printing press 1.平压平印刷机flatten press 2.圆压平印刷机flat-bedcylinder press 3.圆亚圆印刷机:rotary printing press 1.单色印刷机:single-colour printing press 2.双色印刷机:two-colour printing press 3.多色印刷机:multi-colour printing press 4.双面单色印刷机:perfecting press 5双面多色印刷机:multicolour perfecting press油墨术语热固着油墨heat-set printing ink受热时溶剂迅速挥发而使墨层固着在承印物上的油墨。



印刷包装行业常用英语一、常用英语1.纸张:paper克重:GSM尺寸-size (成品尺寸:TPS)常用纸:common stock开版:imposition (拼版:Film imposition or montage,make-up)2.钉装:binding(锁线装,平装,车线装,胶装,YO装,板书装,骑马钉装(Section sewn, Paperbook binding, single sewn, perfect binding, YO binding, board book binding,saddle stitched binding)3.印刷:printing (平版印刷,胶印或柯式印刷,凸版印刷,柔版印刷,丝网印刷,凹版印刷,(sheetfed printing, offset printing, relief printing, flexography, screen printing, intaglio printing.)4.表面处理:finishing5.装订程序:binding process6.配件:component/accessories7.包装:packing8.运输:transportation9.船务:shipping10.报关:custom11.汇率:currency12.利润:markup profit13.订货:indent14.板纸书:board book15.立体书:pop-ups book16.揭卡书:lift and flap book17.推拉书:pull and push book18.盒:box19.卡板-Pallet20.出口包装外箱:Export carton21.采购订单:Purchase Order二、纸张种类paper grain direction―纸纹stock―仓存both (2/s)side art paper―双粉/双铜- C2S art board or Gloss art paperC2S art paper(80 -157gsm) or C2S art board (190gsm -450gsm)matt art paper(M/A)―哑粉纸matt art card(M/A card)―哑粉卡wood free paper(W/F)―双胶/书纸单粉卡:one side art card (C1S art board)C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)coated duplex board(with gray back)(G/B)―粉灰卡/灰底白 (简称:CCNB BOARD) duplex board with white back―灰芯白底白grey board ,millboard,Chipboard―纸板,灰板fancy paper―花纹纸或特种纸new sprint―新闻纸(News paper)light weight coated paper(LWC)―轻涂纸/充粉纸cast coated paper/ cast coated card―玻璃纸/卡 (Kraft liner board)ivory card/uncoated paper―白通卡recycle paper―再造纸/再生纸synthetic(Yupo)paper―合成纸NCR paper―药水纸self-adhesive paper/label-不干胶/贴纸 (Sticker sheet)wood free-书面glossy art―粉面mirror-镜面transparent―透明moveable-可移 non-moveable―不可移 (Permanent)yellow back―黄底white back―白底kraft paper/card―牛皮纸/牛皮卡white kraft paper/card―白色牛皮纸/卡原色牛皮: M/F bleached kraft papercorrugated board/E-flute/stiffener―加固板/坑纸/E坑tracing paper―牛油纸/绘图纸acid-free paper―无酸纸acid-free and lignin-free paper―无酸及不变色纸(clear/white)electrostatic vinyl paper―(透明/白色)静电纸glassine paper―白蜡纸/薄玻璃纸synthetic paper(yupo)―合成纸colour wood free―彩色书纸gold/silver/hologram paper(card)―金/银/镭射纸(卡)拷貝紙:Tissue paper/copy paper仿牛皮纸:Vellum paperCUK Paperboard (Coated Unbleached Kraft) 涂布原色牛皮纸板SBS Paperboard (Solid Bleached Sulfate) 白板纸Recycled Paperboards 回收纸板CCLB (Clay Coated Light Back)CCKB (Clay Coated Kraft Back)三、Finishing表面处理:Hot stamping―烫印 (Foil stamping)Graining―压纹 (Embossed line)Embossing―凹凸Silk screening―丝印Spot thickness UV―丝印局部厚UV , Spot UV--普通局部UV Glittering―丝印(金/幻彩)粉Glow in the dark―丝印夜光Fluorescent―丝印荧光PP(Glossy) lamination―光胶(OPP lamination)Matt lamination―哑胶Water-base la mination―水性裱胶Machine varnishing―机过油(光/哑油)Press varnish Water-base varnishing―水油 (AQU varnish)UV varnishing(glossy/matt)―UV(光/哑)油Calender varnishing―磨光 (ENV calendering )Blister varnishing―吸塑油Playing card varnishing―扑克牌油Flocking-植毛Bronzing Varnish-珍珠水油Invisible UV ink-隐形油墨Thermo-powder--凸字粉Buckram--布紋Linenweave--幼布紋四、钉装―binding1.精装―hard cover/hardback/case bound2.平装―soft cover/limp bound3.假精装―flexible binding/flexibound/dutch bind4.胶装―perfect bound/adhesive binding/notch binding5.骑马钉―saddle stitching/2 wire stitching6.双线圈装―wire-O bound7.铁环装―ring binding8.螺旋装―spiral bound9.round back―圆脊10.square back―方脊11.hallow back―通脊12.casing in―上皮壳13.case making―做壳/造壳14.ribbon marker―丝带15.head&tail(H/T)bands―马头布或堵头布16.punch―冲17.punch to sh ape―冲成形18.die cut―啤19.kiss cut―啤半穿20.perforation―针线21.tipping―贴/首(singler)22.step indexing―打索引23.round corner―圆角24.hot melt―热溶(胶)25.hot seal―热压26.endpaper paste on―贴衬27.section sewn(thread sewn/smith sewn)―穿线(锁线)28.side sewn―车侧线29.center s ewn―车中线(Single sewn)30.center sewn in two section―车中线手反两帖31. 3 edges golden gilt―三边扫金(滚金边)minated indexing(index lamination)―透明胶索引33.Painted edge-边着色五、其它1.text―内页/内文2.endpaper―衬纸3.lining(liner)―裱纸4.insert―插页5.wrap―包页6.tab―检索7.gate fold―拉页10.overlap cover(gate fold cover)―翼仔封面(cover extend flap)11.jacket―护封12.folder―档案夹13.envelope―信封14.index―索引15.photo bag―相袋 or 牛百叶(polypropyleve photo sleeve)16.album―相册17.mail card―邮寄卡/贺卡18.poster―海报19.writing pad―写字薄20.memo pad―记事薄21.jigsaw puzzle―切图/拼图22.easel―支架23.barcode―电脑条码(ISBN)24.配页-Collate25.Round corner—圆角26.Pocket-袋子27.Paper bag with hander-手提袋8.spacer―隔页9.cover―封面六、盒子Card box―卡盒Rigid box―浆糊盒Match box―火柴盒(盒套盒)Lid and base (bottom) box―天地盒Lid hinge base box --翻盖盒Slipcase―书套盒Folding box―折盒 (飞机盒)Truck box―啤牌盒Two tuck end box –双插盒Tray box―地盒(Base box, bottom box)PVC box―PVC胶盒Counter display box(counter pack)/display box―展示盒Corrugated E-flute box―坑盒Box with zip lock-自动扣底盒Box with lock-扣底盒Case box—精装盒Round box--圆筒盒(Tube box)七、Components(Accessories)配件/附件:Ring binder―铁环圈(铁夹)Wiro-O―双线圈plastic/metal Spiral―(胶/铁)线圈也叫蛇仔Lock―锁Rivet―铆钉、窝钉Eyelet/Grommet―鸡眼Velcro―魔术贴(Fasten tape)Fur--皮革(Leather)Feather―毛绒Cloth―布Flock paper―植绒纸(植毛纸)Plastic(metal)hanger―胶/铁挂钩Screws―螺丝Satin ribbon―丝带String―绳Elastic(rubber)band(round/flat)―橡皮筋/橡皮根Magnet―磁铁/磁石Plastic band―胶带Flexible magnet ic rubber(Plastic magnet)―磁胶(Rubber magnetic sheet ) Metal plate―铁片Ferrous rubber—铁粉片blister―吸塑罩 (Vac form)Polybag(self-adhesive/zip lock)―胶袋(自粘/密实)Double side adhesive tape―双面胶Hologram(hologram foil)―镭射(Laser)Sand paper―砂纸Scented paper―香味纸Styro foam―泡沫Sponge―海绵( Foam)Stiffener―加固板Hanger wire―挂钩Plastic calendar slide―月历胶夹Lenticular(3D card)―立体卡Hander—提手Plastic snap button –阴阳扣Tipped on flap—书口边的粘条Plastic handle--膠手挽Plastic lock--膠夾Vinyl sticker--靜電貼紙Metal lock--鐵鎖Wafer seal--透明圓貼紙Plush toys--公仔Playing cards--撲克牌Vinyl -膠公仔Ink Pad-印台Plastic tag-- 膠針Rubber stamp--膠印Flashlight--電筒Battery--電池Module--電子發聲器Candy buttons--糖粒Piano module--鋼琴發聲器Plastic clock hands--時鐘膠針Pen--鋼筆/水筆Pencil sharpener--鉛筆刨Holographic sticker--雷射貼紙Highlighter--螢光筆Badge--徽章Eraser--擦字膠PVC / Acetate--透明膠片Crayon--蜡筆Printed Acetate--印好膠片Cable wire--鐵線Hang tag--膠勾Rubber band--橡筋八、包装40” container―468*89*88”(H)(11887*2260*2235mm)20” container―228*89*88”(H) (5791*2260*2235mm)Pallet―卡板(US pallet:40*48*6”,Euro pallet 31.5*47.25*6”)Wood pallet--木制卡板Plastic pallet--胶制卡板Bubble sheet--泡泡紙Corrugated buffer--坑紙隔Retail packing--產品包裝Wholesale packing--批發包裝Mailing carton--郵寄包裝Assortment packing--組合包裝Shipper/Export pack--外箱包裝Palletizing--打卡板Main Mark --正唛Side Mark--侧唛Shipping Mark-- 箱唛Gloss weight—净重FOB--Free On Board (離岸價)Ex-work—出厂价CNF(port) Cost for Ocean freightCIF (port) Cost for Insurance and oceanfreightFIS (warehouse) Cost for ocean freight , insurance and inland trucking DDU DDP。



施胶量 Glue Consumptio 烫金 Gold stamping 烫银 Foil stamping 铝箔 切纸机 激光膜
质感 摩擦
光敏感 润湿系统 供墨系统 雕刻 铜
喷墨印刷 印刷适性 版式 布版
photo-sensitived dampening system ink train engrave copper
Hickl/spot 墨
Poor coating
Poor heat-seal
吸 P.P塑/P不VC良
Wrong die-cut
Wrong creasing
Poor gluing
consistence of
order form
授权证、许可证 warrant

Wrong pattern 式样错

技术工艺 费用另计 待定
Paint smear 油污
break out cost
Glue joint 胶 水贴合/胶水接合 点
to be
be discussed/to determine
Tissue paper
Max paper
Recycle board
News paper (45-



印刷包装行业专业英语形& 书型双扦盒:two tuck end box天地盒:top and base or box with top and bottom lid翻盖盒: lid hinged base with extend flap精品盒: case box or plush box展示盒: display box日历台历calendar信封envelope口袋pocket吸塑:blister or Vac Form咭书:board book (一般表达方式比如为: 5 spreads including cover = 4 spreads + cover = 5 leaves)(并且还有正体portrait和横体landscape 的区别)立体书: Board book binding with pop ups or 3-D structure book游戏拼图puzzles白样dummy 像架,像册photo frame or photo album精装书:case book(一般表达方式比如为: 24 PP or 48PP + case cover )平装书:paper book(一般表达方式比如为: 24 PP or 48PP + cover)记事薄,地址薄: note pad & address book骑钉书:2 wire book(一般表达方式比如为: 24 PP or 48PP + cover)YO书: wire-o or plastic spiral book(一般表达方式比如为: 24 PP or 48PP + cover or case cover) 表面处理coating装订binding光胶gloss lamination植毛flocking边着色painted edge哑胶matte lamination烫金foil stamping精装case making & case in binding水油AQU varnish压纹line embossed平装perfect bounded印油press varnish击凸embossing锁线装section sewnUV UV varnish夜光油glowing dark骑马钉装saddle stitch吸塑油blister varnish隐形油invisible UV车线装singer sewn局部UV spot UV丝印silk screen咭书装card board lamination金粉glittering珍珠油bronzing varnish YO or蛇仔wire-o & plastic spirals环保吸塑ENV heat-seal环保磨光ENV calendering折页paper folding 排咭collate特别UV special UV coating 哑油matte varnish裁切trimed or cutting打孔punch hole 上YO closed in单粉咭: C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)胶贴纸: Sticker (85gsm) including removable sticker and permanent sticker 硫油纸: Tracing paper瓦楞纸: Flute or corrugate双灰板: Grey board (350gsm -3500gsm) or Chipboard特种纸: Fancy paper铜版纸: Gloss art paper (80gsm -157gsm)原色牛皮: M/F bleached kraft paper白色牛皮:M/G kraft paper布纹纸: Arlin玻璃咭:Kraft liner board拷贝纸:Tissue paper白腊纸: Max paper再造纸:Recycle board新闻纸: News paper (45-55gsm) or newsprint paper书写纸: Wood free paper (60gsm -120gsm) wood free board(>120gsm)粉灰咭: CCNB board (230gsm -500gsm)无粉咭: Uncoat board(190gsm - 450gsm)双粉咭: C2S art paper(80 -157gsm) or C2S art board (190gsm -450gsm)质量检验英语Die-cuts 啤切Wrong pattern 式样错Trim 切齐/整齐Paint smear 油污Glue joint 胶水贴合/胶水接合点Wrong style 字体错/设计错/类型错Spots /ink picks 污点/脏点Box open joint 爆盒/盒子粘合处分开Streaks 条痕/线条Missing label 标签短少Scratches 擦伤/擦痕Missing print 漏印Upc non-function UPC不良Crease 折痕/弄皱Shadowing 有阴影Indentations 缺口/压痕No glue 无胶水Cracked folds 折叠破裂Glue mark 胶水痕迹Tears 撕破/裂开Poor coating 上光不良Wrong stock NO. 错货号Ink color 墨色Ink density 油墨浓度Glue end flap open 盒开口Seam broken 爆线Water mark 水渍Window detached 爆窗Color mixing 混色Window scratch 胶片擦花Color mismatched 色偏Over softness 太软Dirty 污糟Black white dots 污点(黑白点)Wrong size 尺寸错Cracked damaged 破裂(招致损害)Different color 色偏(颜色不同)Flow mark 水渍痕Poor packing 包装不良Material contaminan 混料(原料污染)Abrasion test fail 磨损测试不合格Glue smear 胶水渍Color run 甩色Poor cutting 裁切不良Wrinkle 皱纹Wrong die cutting 啤切不良Poor forming 折盒不良(外形不同)Scratch 擦痕Wrong grainy cut 裁错纹Glass test fail 光度测试不合格Doubble print 重印(补印)Misc/PVC chips 杂物/胶片破Poor printing 印刷不良Defect sample 样品有缺陷Wrong strippingLinting 纸毛(linty)Color shift 色偏(颜色改变)Misprint 印错,印刷错误Wrong job instruction 开错单Wrong paper material 纸料错Hickl/spot 墨皮/脏点Poor coating 表面处理不良Poor heat-seal 吸塑不良P.P/PVC laminating P.P/PVC不良Broke store line 啤爆线Wrong die-cut 啤切错Wrong creasing 折痕错Poor gluing consistence of sheet laminating /Box 甩坑/粘盒不良Poor window patching/material 胶窗/胶片不良Sratch in printing/coating/window 印刷/上光/胶片粘花Insufficient water 水干Excess water 水大Makeready paper 校版纸Smear 蹭脏Snatching 纸张撕裂Splitting 纸张起毛Slur/sluring 重影/模糊Smash 胶布破裂Soil 污点/弄脏/污斑Soild plate 实地版Soild 实地Soild print 实地印张Sonobook 有声读物Souring 水墨相渗成色不良Softback 平装书软面装订Special binding 精装书,特装书Specimen 样品,样本Specimen book 样书,样本Specimen copy 样本Specimen page 样张Specimen print 试印样Speckle 斑点,小白点Spoils 废品,次品Spot check 抽查Start 装订脱页Super impose 叠印。



印刷包装专业英语汇总1. Packaging - refers to the process of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use.包装-指为分销、存储、销售和使用而封装或保护产品的过程。

2. Printing - the process of reproducing text and images onto a surface using ink.印刷-使用油墨将文字和图像复制到表面的过程。


4. Prepress - the process of preparing digital files for printing presses, including color correction, image adjustments, and file formatting.印前制作-准备数字文件以进行印刷的过程,包括色彩校正、图像调整和文件格式化。

5. Offset printing - a printing technique in which the inked image is transferred from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface.胶印-一种印刷技术,在这种技术中,油墨图像从版上转移到橡皮毯上,然后转移到印刷表面。

6. Flexography - a printing technique in which a flexible relief plate is used to transfer ink onto the printing surface.柔印-使用柔性浮雕版将油墨转移到印刷表面的印刷技术。

7. Gravure printing - a printing technique in which the recessed areas of a cylinder are coated with ink and transferred onto the printing surface.凹版印刷-一种印刷技术,其中圆筒的凹陷部分涂有油墨,并转移到印刷表面。



印刷专业英语(汉英对照)【基本术语】包衬cylinder-packing 印刷机压印体上或印版下的包覆物。

包装印刷packageprinting 以各种包装材料为主要产品的印刷。

报价单,价目单price list报纸印刷newspaperprinting 以报纸等信息媒介为产品的印刷。

背面粘脏set-off 印在承印物上的印刷油墨,粘在另一印张的背面,造成蹭脏。

承印物printing stock 能接受油墨或吸附色料并呈现图文的各种物质。

打样proofing 从拼组的图文信息复制出校样。

单色印刷single-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,只在承印物上印刷一种墨色。

单张印刷sheet-fedprinting 以单张纸或其他单张材料为承印物进行印刷。

多色印刷multi-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,在承印物上印刷两种及两种以上的墨色。

复制版duplicate plate 按照原有印版复制成的第二块或若干块同样印版。

间接印刷indirectprinting 印版上图文部分的油墨经中间载体的传递转移到承印物表面的印刷方式。

卷筒印刷web-fedprinting 以卷筒纸或其他卷筒材料为承印物行进印刷。

连续给纸装置stream feeder拼版make-up 将文字,图表等依照设计要求拼组成版。

书刊印刷bookandperiodicalprinting 以书籍、期刊等为主要产品的印刷。

套印不准out of register 在套色印刷过程中,印迹重叠的误差。

透印print through 印在纸张上的图文由背面可见。

无压印刷non-impactprinting 不借助压力施印和各种印刷方式。

橡皮布滚筒blanket cylinder 间接印刷中将印版图文的油墨转称到印物上的转印滚筒,其表面包裹橡皮布。

压印滚筒impression cylinder 印刷机上圆柱形的压印体。

压印线nip 圆压平和圆压圆印刷机的压印体在互相作用的瞬间产生的执着触带。



包装印刷专业英语词汇A ?? 埃 10 8厘米 A class liner A级衬纸 A filter 橙红滤色镜 A滤色镜A flute A级瓦楞纸波形数每30厘米36?3个 A printing A级印刷 a raragi 云宣纸 a series A系列 A sizes A度 A系列尺寸 AA Authors Alterations 作者订正 AAAA American Association of Advertising Agencies 美国广告商协会abaca 马尼拉马焦马 abandon 作废 abasic 阳光晒像 abask 太阳光晒像 abate 减少减轻降低减薄淡薄制版 abatement 减价减少减轻 abbatre 凹凸花纹abbreviated 简化的缩写的 abbraviated title 简略标题 abbraviated version 节本 abbraviation convention 缩写规则 abbreviated addressing 缩写位置abbreviated catalog card 简明目录卡 abbreviated character 简化字abbrebiation 略语缩写简写 key 缩写符号键 abbreviations dictionary 缩写词典 abbreviative notation 简写标记 ABC book 入门书启蒙读物 abdominous 线画胀大 abecedarian 入门书 abecedarium 入门书 abecedary 入门书abecegarian 启蒙读物 aberrant copy 残本次品本 aberration 像差色差aberrations in lens 镜头像差 abeyant 临时停机 abiding 永久的不变的性能本领 ablate 腐蚀风化蒸发掉 ablation abietic acid 松香酸ability 能力风化除去脱落冲刷 material 烧蚀材料 ablative insulating quality 隔热性 ablaze 加光发光作用 abluent 洗涤剂 ablution 清洗清除 ABNH American Bank Note Holographics Inc. 美国钞票雷射全像公司 abnormal blowing 异常发泡 abnormal entropy 异常熵 abnormal heating 反常发热事故发热 abnormal liquid 异常液体 abnormal overvoltage 异常过电压 abnormal voltage 异常电压 abnormal weather 异常气象 abnormal termination 异常终止计算机 abnormalism 失常 abnormality 不规则畸形异常 abotiginal 原始的 a book binder 装订工 abort 无效故障 abortion 中途失败 abort light 紧急故障信号 aboslute humidity 绝对湿度 about-face 向后转动 about price 预定价about the author 著者简介 about to be published 近期内可出版 above the fold 上半版版面报纸 ABP Association of Business Publishers 商业出版协会abradability 磨损性磨损度 abradant 研磨剂 abrader 研磨机 abrading machine 研磨机 abrading test 摩擦试验 abrasion 磨损擦掉摩擦 hardness 磨损度 loss 磨损量 mark擦痕 proof耐磨抗磨 resistance 耐磨性磨擦阻力test 耐磨损测试 tester 耐磨实验机paper 砂纸 wear 磨耗量 abrasion-proof 防止摩擦耐磨的 abrasive 磨蚀剂磨料磨蚀的 action 磨蚀作用 base paper 砂纸原纸 cloth砂布 coater 砂纸涂布机 disc 砂轮磨轮 fiber 砂纸原纸用纤维 grain 磨粒磨粒粒度hardness 磨蚀硬度耐磨硬度 machine 研磨机paper砂纸 quality磨损性 resistance 耐磨性 roll 研磨辊 tester 耐磨实验机 wear磨粒磨损磨耗 abrasiveness 磨损性磨蚀性 abrasives 研磨材料abridge 简缩删节缩编节略abridged and simplified by …由……简写abridged document 节略文献 abridged edition 简本缩编本缩写本摘要本节本 abridged general view 示意图 abridged notation 简化标记 abridgedtitle 简略标题简略刊名删节书名 abridged translation 书译摘译abridgement 节本节略 abridg e ment 摘要缩编 abrogale 废称 abruption 断路中断 ABS resin ABS树脂三元共聚树脂 abscissa 横坐标 abscua note 出版项缺 absence of sheet detector 空张控制器 absolute address 绝对地址计算机 absolute alcohol 无水酒精乙醇 absolute coding 绝对编码 absolute colour 纯色 absolute compliance 绝对柔量 absolute convergence 绝对收敛 absolute counting 绝对计数 absolute denatured alcohol 无水变性酒精 absolute density 绝对密度absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidy 绝对湿度 absolute measurement 绝对测定 absolute method 绝对法 absolute modulus 绝对弹性模数绝对模量absolute pressure 绝对压强绝对压力 absolute refractive indes 绝对折射率absolute size 精确开本 absolute speed 绝对速度 absolute structure 绝对结构 absolute temperature 绝对温度 scale 绝对温标 absolute unit 绝对湿度absolute value 绝对值 absolute vector 绝对向量 absolute viscosity 绝对粘度 absolute weight 绝对重量干重 absolute zero 绝对零度273oC absolute zere-point 绝对零点 absorb 吸收 absorbablity 吸收性吸收能力 absorbable 可吸附的 absorbance 吸光度 absorbed dose 吸收量absorbed water 吸水 absorbed-in-fracture energy 冲击韧性强度absorbefacient 吸收性的吸收剂 absorbency 吸墨性吸收能力 of paper纸张吸收性能 absorbent 吸收cotton 脱脂棉 gauze cloth 脱脂纱布 materail 吸收材料性的吸收剂packing 吸湿水包装 paper吸水纸易吸墨的印刷用纸 tissue 吸水薄纸absorber 吸收器 absorbing agent 吸收剂 absorbing board 纸板 absorbing capacity 吸收能力 absorbing filter 吸收滤色镜 absorbing height 吸收高度吸水高度 absorbing pad 防震垫 absorbing paper 吸水纸 absorbing power 吸收能力吸收性能 absorptance 吸收系数 absorptionmetry 吸光absorbing quality 吸收能力度测定法 absorption 吸收吸水 ability吸收能力吸收性能 band吸收光谱带 cell吸收单元 coefficient吸收系数 curve吸收曲线 dynamometer吸收动力计动态吸收计 factor吸收率 indicator吸收指示剂limit吸性极限 maximum最大吸收率 measurement吸收测定 of light光之吸收 of moisture吸湿潮 peak吸收峰 rate 光的吸收率region吸收范围吸收区 shock减震法 spectrometer吸收光谱仪spectrum吸收光谱 tester吸收试验器 tissue吸水薄纸 absorptive 吸收性的有吸收力的 capacity 吸收能力 power 吸收功率吸收能力 absorptivity 吸收率吸收能力 absqua nota 出版情况不详 absterge 洗涤洗净 abstergent 去垢剂 abstersion 洗版 abstersive 洗净剂 abstinence 禁忌节制 abstract 文摘摘要编制文摘简介 bulletin文摘通报 Journal文摘杂志number文摘号 of thesis论文文摘 photography 理论摄影学 publication文摘出版物 symbol抽象符号 abstracting journal 文摘编制文摘工作abstracting periodical 文摘刊物 abstracts volume 文摘本 abundance of colors 色彩丰富 abundance ratio 存在比 abusage 乱用误用 abut 支点架接点 abutment 相接支座接合点 abuttal 邻接相邻 abuttaed surface 贴合面abutting 相邻的凸出的 AC Authors Correction 原稿更正著者校正 AC breakdown strength 交流破坏强度交流断开强度 AC motor 交流马达 acacia 洋槐 acacia gum 阿拉伯树胶 academic book store 学术出版物书店 academic press 学术出版社 academic publication 学术出版物学院出版物 acaricide 杀螨剂 accelator board 快取板 accelerant 催化剂触媒 accelerate 加速促进accelerated ageing 加速老化 accelerated weathering test 加速风化实验accelerating agent 催化剂accelerating electrode 加速电极 accelerating flow 加速流动acceleration constant 加速常数 acceleration factor 加速系数 acceleration potential 加速度势 acceleration transducer 加速感应器 accelerator 促进剂加速剂加速器 accelerometer 加速度计 accender 上伸字母西文 accent 重音重音符号 light 塑型光 mark重音符号 accented letter 标音字母 accented mark 重音符号 accentuation 重音强调突出 accept test 验收检查acceptability 合格率 acceptable reliability level 合格可靠性水平acceptance certificate 验收证明书 acceptance check 验收 acceptance condition 验收合格条件 acceptance inspection 验收检查 acceptance number 合格评定个数 acceptance of ink 吸墨性 acceptance sampling system 合格率抽样系统 acceptance testing 接纳试验 acceptant procedure 允收程序accepted product 合格产品 accepted stock 精选纸料 acceptor 接受体acceptor level 受主能级 access 存取计算机连接 control 取档控制 cycle 存取周期 fee 取用费 line 取存线路 method 存取方法 mode序取方式 right 访问权计算机易接近 time存取时间 to storage存储器的存取 accessibility 可接近性性 accessible 可存取的 accession book 图书馆财产登记簿 accessioning 图书验收与登录 accession of book 图书验收与登录 accession register 图书馆财产登记簿 accessory 附件零件 shoe 配件槽 accident 事故 prevention 安全措施 prevention instruction 技术安全规范 accidental discharge 偶然排出事故排出顺应 acclivity 上斜 accommodate accidental error 偶然误差aalimatization 适应适应调节供应给 accommodation coefficient 调节系数 accommodator 调节器 accompanying diagram 附图 accompanying material 附册另附资料accomplishment 完成实行 accordion 折叠 fold折子式装订本如碑帖旋风装board 手风琴纸板 fold 旋风摺 insert 加长插页 accordion fold 折页插在书中折子式折页 accordion insert 加长插页 accordion pleat 折页插在书中account book 帐簿 binding帐簿装订 paper 帐簿纸 accounting machine paper 计算机用纸 accounting reel 帐目计算器用卷纸 account mark符号“ ” accredited 被普片采纳的 accretion 添加物堆积物 accrue 增加产生出现accumulate information 积累资料 accumulated dose 累积剂量 accumulated packaging 集合包装 accumulation 堆积累积 layer 积蓄层 point 积累点存储点 accumulative 积累的聚集的 accumulator 光栅套印存储器计算机累加器积聚器计算机 acid 蓄电池酸液 collator 聚集机械 accuracy 精确度准确性 class精度等级 of instrument仪表精度 of measurement测量精度of positioning调整精度 to size尺寸精度 Accurate Screen AS 精密网点技术Adobe公司 accustomed 习惯的 accustomize 适应顺应 ACEancillary composing equipment 辅助排字设备 acenaphthene 苊acerb 涩的尖刻的酸的 acerbity 酸涩度尖刻 acetal 乙缩醛 copolymer乙缩醛共聚物 resin缩醛树脂 acetaldehyde 乙醛 acetamide 乙酰胺 acetate 醋酸根醋酸盐醋酸胶片醋酸酯 base醋酸纤维素片基 color proof醋酸塑胶晒样fibre醋酸纤维 film醋酸薄膜醋酸纤维素胶片 foil醋酸薄膜 lacquer醋酸酯漆ink醋酸酯油墨 overlay透明覆盖片 proofs醋酸片样张rayon醋酸人造丝 transparency醋酸纤维素胶片 ethylene resin醋酸乙烯树脂 acetic acid 醋酸 bacteria 醋酸菌 acetic anhydride 无水醋酸acetic ester 乙酸乙酯 acetic isobutyl ester 醋酸急制液 acetic stop bath 醋酸急制液 acetification 醋化乙酰化 acetify 醋化 Acetine Blue 乙酰酯蓝醋酸酯蓝 acetoacetic acid 乙酰醋酸 acetol 丙酮醇 acetolysis 乙酰分解acetone 丙酮 peroxide过氧化丙酮resin丙酮树脂 sodium bisulfite丙酮合亚硫酸氢钠 sulphite亚硫酸丙酮acetonformaldehyde 甲醛丙酮 acetonitrile 乙腈 acetophenone 乙酰苯acetoxy 醋酸基 acetyl butyryl 己二酮 acetyl cellulose 乙酸纤维素 acetyl chloride 氯化乙酰基 acetyl group 乙酰基 acetyl peroxide 过氧化乙酰acetyl value 乙酰值 acetylacetic ester 乙酰醋酸酯 acetylacetone 乙酰丙酮method 乙酰丙酮法 acetylate 乙酰基化物 acetylated starch 醋酸淀粉acetylation 乙酰化 acetylator 醋化基 acetylene 乙炔 black乙炔黑 burner 乙炔燃烧器 acetylene welding 乙炔焊接 acetylide 乙炔化合物 acetylphenol 乙酰苯酚 acetyltannin acid 乙酰丹宁酸 achromat 消色差透镜 achromatic 消色差的无色 color无彩色消色色condition 消色条件color removal 消色差分色 color replacement 消色置换interference fringes 无色干扰 lens消色差透镜 light消色光separations 消色差分色 synthesis 综合消色作用 achromaticity 无色非色彩achromatopsis 色盲 acid 酸 activated dye活性酸颜料 adsorption酸吸附 air 酸气 alum酸性明矾 amide酸酰胺 ammonium fluoride氟化氢氨azo-colour酸性偶氮染料 bath酸浴 blast etching喷酸液腐anhydride酰酐蚀 blast machine喷酸液腐蚀机 bleaching酸性漂白 blue black 10 B酸性黑10B casein酸酪素酸性酪蛋白 catalysis酸催化 catalyst酸性催化剂center酸性中心 chloride酸性氢化物 chrome dye酸性铬颜料 clay酸性粘土 cleaning酸洗 colloid酸性胶质 color酸性色 content酸含量 cook酸法蒸煮 cyanine酸性酞青 developer酸性显影液 development酸性显影 dip浸酸 dye 酸性染料 emulsion酸性乳剂 fastness耐酸性抗酸性 fixative bath酸性定影浴 fixer酸性定影液 fixing bath酸性定影浴 fixing solution酸性定影液former制酸物 free paper无酸纸 fume 酸性气 green酸性绿 group酸基hardening fixer酸性坚膜定影液 hydrolysis酸解 lignin酸性木质素 liquor酸液 mist酸雾 mordant dye酸性媒染料 number酸值 of wine酒石酸 or alkali resistance耐酸碱性 orange ?酸性橙? out 酸析 picking浸酸 picking inhibitor酸洗抑制剂 potassium sulfate硫酸氢钾 process酸法制浆proof paper耐酸纸 radical酸基 refining酸漂 refractories酸性耐火物reservoir贮酸器 resist耐蚀膜抗酸膜 resist paper耐酸纸 resist varnish耐酸清漆 resistance耐酸性 resistant耐酸的 resistant alloy耐酸合金resistant paper耐酸纸 resisting抗酸的耐酸的 Rhodamine 酸性若丹明酸红rinse浸酸 salt酸盐 semichemical pulp算法化学浆 sludge酸渣 soap酸性皂sodium sulfate 硫酸氢钠 souring酸处理 stain酸性染色剂 steel酸性钢 stop bath酸性停显液 storage tank贮酸罐strength酸度 sulfite pulping酸法亚硫酸盐法制浆 sulphite cooking酸性亚硫酸盐蒸解 sulphite process酸性亚硫酸法 sulphite semichemical pulp酸式亚硫酸半化学制浆 test酸性试验 tower制酸塔 treatment酸处理 trough酸浴槽 value酸值 violet酸性紫 washing酸洗 waste water酸性废水 acidamide 酰胺 acidate 酸化 acidation 酸化 acidic 含酸的 accelerator 酸性进化剂促酸剂 components酸性组分 food酸性食品 gas酸性气体index酸性指数 materials酸性物质 oxide 酸性氧化物 resins酸性树脂acidification 酸化作用 acidify 酸化酸度酸性 acidometer 酸度计 pH计酸液比重计 acidulate 酸化 acidimetry 酸滴定法 acidity 酸度 constant 酸度常数 in paper 纸张酸度 acidity constant 酸度常数 acidity in paper 纸张酸度acidization 酸化作用 aeidizer 酸化剂 acidness 酸性度 acidolysis 酸解aeidometer 酸度计 aeidophile 嗜酸的嗜酸菌 acidophilus milk 酸乳酸奶acidproof 耐酸的防酸的 acidprooflining 耐酸内衬 acidulation 酸性化 acid basecatalyst 酸性催化剂酸盐基催化剂 acid-based developer 酸性显影液 acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂 acid-base titration 酸碱滴定 acid-fast 耐酸的抗酸性的 acid-free 无酸的耐paper无酸纸 tissue 无酸薄纱纸 acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶酸的抗酸性的性灰分 acid-insoluble lignin 酸不溶性木质素 acid-proof防酸的耐酸的alloy耐酸含金 ink耐酸油墨 paper耐酸纸 acid-resistance抗酸性 acid-resistant paper 抗酸纸 acid-resisting felt 耐酸毯 acid-soluble-lignim 酸溶性木质素 acid-stablesize 酸稳定性施胶剂 acid-test 酸性试验 acid-treatment 酸处理acinose 细粒状的 ACK acknowledge acid-washedpaper 酸洗纸 acierage 镀铁通知 acknowledgment 谢词 page 参考书目 a-c logical circuit 交流逻辑电路 ACM area composition machine 局部版面照相排字机排表格用 Acme screw thread 梯形螺纹 AC motor 交流电机 acnode 顶点 acnt 总数 acoman 漆层成相制版 acorn cap 橡栗状盖 acorn nut 螺母螺帽 acoustic absorptivity 吸音率 acoustic admittance 音响导纳 acoustic board 隔音纸板acoustic coupler 语音合成 acoustic efficiency 音响效率 acoustic feedback 反馈音响 acoustic filter 音响滤波器 acoustic gas analyzer 气体音响分析计acoustic impedance 音响阻抗 acoustic input device 声音输入装置 acoustic insulation 隔音 acoustic load 音响负载 acoustic material 吸音材料acoustic paper 隔音纸 acoustic properties 音学性质 acoustic radiation resistance 音响辐射阻力 acoustic reactance 音响电抗 acoustic resistance 音响阻力 acoustic signal 音响信号 acoustical board 隔音纸板 acoustical transmissivity 音响通信 acoustical vibration 音响振动 acoustooptic modulation 声光调制 acquisition 采购到的书刊资料 acquisitioning 情报收集ACRAchromAtic Color ReplAcement 消色置换 AC relay 交流继电器 acrid 腐蚀性的 acridone 吖啶酮氮蒽 acridine dye 氮蒽颜料 acridine dyestuffs 吖啶染料 acridine orange 氮蒽橙色 Acro Art paper 阿柯罗铜版纸 Acrobat 异机文件交换软件 acrolein 丙烯醛 acronym 缩写词 across 横穿横切横断 across direction 横向 across the grain 横丝流逆纹 across the gutter 跨页 acryl 丙烯 acryl lethylene copolymer 丙烯乙烯聚合物 acrylaldehyde 丙烯醛acrylamide 丙烯酰胺 acrylate 丙烯酸酯 acrylic 压克力丙烯 acrylic acid 丙烯酸 acrylicacidester 丙烯酸酯 acrylicacidresin 丙烯酸树脂 acrylic amide 丙烯酰胺 acrylic fibre 丙烯酸纤维 acrylic latex 丙烯酸胶乳 acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂 adhesive 丙烯酸树脂粘结剂 acryl type ink 丙烯酸型油墨 acrylite 丙烯酸 acryloid 丙烯酸树脂 acrylonitrile 丙烯腈acrylonitrilecopolymer 丙烯腈共聚物 acrylonitrile resin 丙烯腈树脂acrylonitrile—butadie—ne rubber 丙烯腈—丁二烯橡胶 acrylonitrile—butadie—ne-styrene 丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯.。



印前术语原稿original 制版所依据的实物或载体上的图文信息。

图像原稿picture original 复制技术中被复制的照片、底片、画稿、印刷品等的总称。

反射原稿reflection copy 以不透明材料为图文信息载体的原稿。

透射原稿transparent copy 以透明材料为图文信息载体的原稿。

连续调原稿continuous tone copy 色调值呈连续渐变的原稿。

线条原稿line copy 由黑白或彩色线条组成图文的原稿。

彩色正片原稿color transparency 以透明材料为图文信息载体的彩色阳片原稿。

彩色负片原稿color negative 以透明材料为图文信息载体的彩色(多为补色)阴片原稿。

实物原稿object original 复制技术中以实物作为复制对象的总称。

文字排版text composition 将文字原稿依照设计要求组成规定版式的工艺。

印刷字体printing type face 供排版印刷用的规范化文字形体。

行空line space 字行之间的距离。

横排horizontal setting of types 字符横向顺序排列成行的排版格式。

竖排vertical setting of types 字符由上而下竖向排列成行的排版格式。

磅point 是字体排版之量度单位,英文字母最小单位,1英寸分72单位磅。


汉字编码encoding of chinese characters 以汉字字形或读音为基础,用数码及拉丁字母组合代表每一个汉字,供计算机排版及汉字信息处理的文字代码。

字号type size 是指字体大小的称谓,最大特号字72磅,最小8号字5磅。

字节byte 是电脑机器语言的单位,8bit等于一字节。

变形文字deformed letters 将正体文字通过光学原件或其他成像方式变成长、扁、斜等形状的文字。

背题bottom line title 禁止将某一级次的标题排于版末,题下无正文行的排版禁则。



印刷包装行业常用英语一、常用英语1.纸张:paper克重:GSM尺寸-size (成品尺寸:TPS)常用纸:common stock开版:imposition (拼版:Film imposition or montage,make-up)2.钉装:binding(锁线装,平装,车线装,胶装,YO装,板书装,骑马钉装(Section sewn, Paperbook binding, single sewn, perfect binding, YO binding, board book binding,saddle stitched binding)3.印刷:printing (平版印刷,胶印或柯式印刷,凸版印刷,柔版印刷,丝网印刷,凹版印刷,(sheetfed printing, offset printing, relief printing, flexography, screen printing, intaglio printing.)4.表面处理:finishing5.装订程序:binding process6.配件:component/accessories7.包装:packing8.运输:transportation9.船务:shipping10.报关:custom11.汇率:currency12.利润:markup profit13.订货:indent14.板纸书:board book15.立体书:pop-ups book16.揭卡书:lift and flap book17.推拉书:pull and push book18.盒:box19.卡板-Pallet20.出口包装外箱:Export carton21.采购订单:Purchase Order二、纸张种类paper grain direction―纸纹stock―仓存both (2/s)side art paper―双粉/双铜- C2S art board or Gloss art paperC2S art paper(80 -157gsm) or C2S art board (190gsm -450gsm)matt art paper(M/A)―哑粉纸matt art card(M/A card)―哑粉卡wood free paper(W/F)―双胶/书纸单粉卡:one side art card (C1S art board)C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)coated duplex board(with gray back)(G/B)―粉灰卡/灰底白 (简称:CCNB BOARD) duplex board with white back―灰芯白底白grey board ,millboard,Chipboard―纸板,灰板fancy paper―花纹纸或特种纸new sprint―新闻纸(News paper)light weight coated paper(LWC)―轻涂纸/充粉纸cast coated paper/ cast coated card―玻璃纸/卡 (Kraft liner board)ivory card/uncoated paper―白通卡recycle paper―再造纸/再生纸synthetic(Yupo)paper―合成纸NCR paper―药水纸self-adhesive paper/label-不干胶/贴纸 (Sticker sheet)wood free-书面glossy art―粉面mirror-镜面transparent―透明moveable-可移 non-moveable―不可移 (Permanent)yellow back―黄底white back―白底kraft paper/card―牛皮纸/牛皮卡white kraft paper/card―白色牛皮纸/卡原色牛皮: M/F bleached kraft papercorrugated board/E-flute/stiffener―加固板/坑纸/E坑tracing paper―牛油纸/绘图纸acid-free paper―无酸纸acid-free and lignin-free paper―无酸及不变色纸(clear/white)electrostatic vinyl paper―(透明/白色)静电纸glassine paper―白蜡纸/薄玻璃纸synthetic paper(yupo)―合成纸colour wood free―彩色书纸gold/silver/hologram paper(card)―金/银/镭射纸(卡)拷貝紙:Tissue paper/copy paper仿牛皮纸:Vellum paperCUK Paperboard (Coated Unbleached Kraft) 涂布原色牛皮纸板SBS Paperboard (Solid Bleached Sulfate) 白板纸Recycled Paperboards 回收纸板CCLB (Clay Coated Light Back)CCKB (Clay Coated Kraft Back)三、Finishing表面处理:Hot stamping―烫印 (Foil stamping)Graining―压纹 (Embossed line)Embossing―凹凸Silk screening―丝印Spot thickness UV―丝印局部厚UV , Spot UV--普通局部UV Glittering―丝印(金/幻彩)粉Glow in the dark―丝印夜光Fluorescent―丝印荧光PP(Glossy) lamination―光胶(OPP lamination)Matt lamination―哑胶Water-base la mination―水性裱胶Machine varnishing―机过油(光/哑油)Press varnish Water-base varnishing―水油 (AQU varnish)UV varnishing(glossy/matt)―UV(光/哑)油Calender varnishing―磨光 (ENV calendering )Blister varnishing―吸塑油Playing card varnishing―扑克牌油Flocking-植毛Bronzing Varnish-珍珠水油Invisible UV ink-隐形油墨Thermo-powder--凸字粉Buckram--布紋Linenweave--幼布紋四、钉装―binding1.精装―hard cover/hardback/case bound2.平装―soft cover/limp bound3.假精装―flexible binding/flexibound/dutch bind4.胶装―perfect bound/adhesive binding/notch binding5.骑马钉―saddle stitching/2 wire stitching6.双线圈装―wire-O bound7.铁环装―ring binding8.螺旋装―spiral bound9.round back―圆脊10.square back―方脊11.hallow back―通脊12.casing in―上皮壳13.case making―做壳/造壳14.ribbon marker―丝带15.head&tail(H/T)bands―马头布或堵头布16.punch―冲17.punch to sh ape―冲成形18.die cut―啤19.kiss cut―啤半穿20.perforation―针线21.tipping―贴/首(singler)22.step indexing―打索引23.round corner―圆角24.hot melt―热溶(胶)25.hot seal―热压26.endpaper paste on―贴衬27.section sewn(thread sewn/smith sewn)―穿线(锁线)28.side sewn―车侧线29.center s ewn―车中线(Single sewn)30.center sewn in two section―车中线手反两帖31. 3 edges golden gilt―三边扫金(滚金边)minated indexing(index lamination)―透明胶索引33.Painted edge-边着色五、其它1.text―内页/内文2.endpaper―衬纸3.lining(liner)―裱纸4.insert―插页5.wrap―包页6.tab―检索7.gate fold―拉页10.overlap cover(gate fold cover)―翼仔封面(cover extend flap)11.jacket―护封12.folder―档案夹13.envelope―信封14.index―索引15.photo bag―相袋 or 牛百叶(polypropyleve photo sleeve)16.album―相册17.mail card―邮寄卡/贺卡18.poster―海报19.writing pad―写字薄20.memo pad―记事薄21.jigsaw puzzle―切图/拼图22.easel―支架23.barcode―电脑条码(ISBN)24.配页-Collate25.Round corner—圆角26.Pocket-袋子27.Paper bag with hander-手提袋8.spacer―隔页9.cover―封面六、盒子Card box―卡盒Rigid box―浆糊盒Match box―火柴盒(盒套盒)Lid and base (bottom) box―天地盒Lid hinge base box --翻盖盒Slipcase―书套盒Folding box―折盒 (飞机盒)Truck box―啤牌盒Two tuck end box –双插盒Tray box―地盒(Base box, bottom box)PVC box―PVC胶盒Counter display box(counter pack)/display box―展示盒Corrugated E-flute box―坑盒Box with zip lock-自动扣底盒Box with lock-扣底盒Case box—精装盒Round box--圆筒盒(Tube box)七、Components(Accessories)配件/附件:Ring binder―铁环圈(铁夹)Wiro-O―双线圈plastic/metal Spiral―(胶/铁)线圈也叫蛇仔Lock―锁Rivet―铆钉、窝钉Eyelet/Grommet―鸡眼Velcro―魔术贴(Fasten tape)Fur--皮革(Leather)Feather―毛绒Cloth―布Flock paper―植绒纸(植毛纸)Plastic(metal)hanger―胶/铁挂钩Screws―螺丝Satin ribbon―丝带String―绳Elastic(rubber)band(round/flat)―橡皮筋/橡皮根Magnet―磁铁/磁石Plastic band―胶带Flexible magnet ic rubber(Plastic magnet)―磁胶(Rubber magnetic sheet ) Metal plate―铁片Ferrous rubber—铁粉片blister―吸塑罩 (Vac form)Polybag(self-adhesive/zip lock)―胶袋(自粘/密实)Double side adhesive tape―双面胶Hologram(hologram foil)―镭射(Laser)Sand paper―砂纸Scented paper―香味纸Styro foam―泡沫Sponge―海绵( Foam)Stiffener―加固板Hanger wire―挂钩Plastic calendar slide―月历胶夹Lenticular(3D card)―立体卡Hander—提手Plastic snap button –阴阳扣Tipped on flap—书口边的粘条Plastic handle--膠手挽Plastic lock--膠夾Vinyl sticker--靜電貼紙Metal lock--鐵鎖Wafer seal--透明圓貼紙Plush toys--公仔Playing cards--撲克牌Vinyl -膠公仔Ink Pad-印台Plastic tag-- 膠針Rubber stamp--膠印Flashlight--電筒Battery--電池Module--電子發聲器Candy buttons--糖粒Piano module--鋼琴發聲器Plastic clock hands--時鐘膠針Pen--鋼筆/水筆Pencil sharpener--鉛筆刨Holographic sticker--雷射貼紙Highlighter--螢光筆Badge--徽章Eraser--擦字膠PVC / Acetate--透明膠片Crayon--蜡筆Printed Acetate--印好膠片Cable wire--鐵線Hang tag--膠勾Rubber band--橡筋八、包装40” container―468*89*88”(H)(11887*2260*2235mm)20” container―228*89*88”(H) (5791*2260*2235mm)Pallet―卡板(US pallet:40*48*6”,Euro pallet 31.5*47.25*6”)Wood pallet--木制卡板Plastic pallet--胶制卡板Bubble sheet--泡泡紙Corrugated buffer--坑紙隔Retail packing--產品包裝Wholesale packing--批發包裝Mailing carton--郵寄包裝Assortment packing--組合包裝Shipper/Export pack--外箱包裝Palletizing--打卡板Main Mark --正唛Side Mark--侧唛Shipping Mark-- 箱唛Gloss weight—净重FOB--Free On Board (離岸價)Ex-work—出厂价CNF(port) Cost for Ocean freightCIF (port) Cost for Insurance and oceanfreightFIS (warehouse) Cost for ocean freight , insurance and inland trucking DDU DDP。


图像原稿(picture original)
反射原稿(reflection copy)
透射原稿(transparent copy)
连续调原稿(continuous tone copy)
线条原稿(line copy)
彩色正片原稿(color transparency)
图像分解(picture breakdown)
分色片(color separation film)
制版(plate making)
印刷故障(printing trouble)
套印不准(out of register)
透印(print through)
印刷机械(printing machinery)
直接印刷(direct printing)
间接印刷(indirect printing)
单张印刷(sheet-fed printing)
卷筒印刷(web-fed printing)
单色印刷(single-color printing)
多色印刷(multi-color printing)
分色(color separation)
照相分色(photographic color separation)
制版照相机(process camera)
电子分色(electronic scanning)
电子分色机(electronic color scanner)



1.纸张:paper克重:GSM开版:imposition2.钉装:binding(锁线装,平装,车线装,胶装,YO 装,板书装,骑马钉装(Section sewn, Paperbook binding, single sewn, perfect binding, YO binding, board book binding,saddle stitched binding)3.印刷:printing (平版印刷,胶印或柯式印刷,凸版印刷,柔版印刷,丝网印刷,凹版印刷,(sheetfed printing, offset printing, relief printing, flexography, screen printing, intaglio printing.)4.表面处理:finishing5.装订程序:binding process6.配件:component/accessories7.包装:packing8.运输:transportation9.船务:shipping10.报关:custom11.汇率:currency/rate12.利润:markup profit13.订货:indent/order/purchase/book14.板纸书:board book15.立体书:pop-ups book16.揭卡书:lift and flap book17.推拉书:pull and push book18.盒:box19.卡板-Pallet20.出口包装外箱:Export carton21.采购订单:Purchase Order常用纸:common stock尺寸-size (成品尺寸:TPS)拼版:Film imposition or montage,make-up二、纸张种类both (2/s)side art paper―双粉/双铜- C2S art board or Gloss art paper C2S art paper(80 -157gsm) or C2S art board (190gsm -450gsm)matt art paper(M/A)―哑粉纸 matt art card(M/A card)―哑粉卡wood free paper(W/F)―双胶/书纸单粉卡:one side art card (C1S art board)C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board(190gsm -450gsm)grey board ,millboard,Chipboard―纸板,灰板fancy paper―花纹纸或特种纸cast coated paper/ cast coated card―玻璃纸/卡 (Kraft liner board) ivory card/uncoated paper―白通卡recycle paper―再造纸/再生纸synthetic(Yupo)paper―合成纸NCR paper―药水纸self-adhesive paper/label-不干胶/贴纸 (Sticker sheet) mirror-镜面 transparent―透明moveable-可移 non-moveable―不可移 (Permanent) yellow back―黄底 white back―白底kraft paper/card―牛皮纸/牛皮卡white kraft paper/card―白色牛皮纸/卡原色牛皮: M/F bleached kraft paperwood free-书面 glossy art―粉面coated duplex board(with gray back)(G/B)―粉灰卡/灰底白 (简称:CCNB BOARD) duplex board with white back―灰芯白底白gold/silver/hologram paper(card)―金/银/镭射纸(卡)拷貝紙:Tissue paper/copy paperpaper grain direction―纸纹 stock―仓存colour wood free―彩色书纸clear/white)electrostatic vinyl paper―透明/白色)静电纸newsprint―新闻纸(News paper)light weight coated paper(LWC)―轻涂纸/充粉纸CUK Paperboard (Coated Unbleached Kraft) 涂布原色牛皮纸板 SBS Paperboard (Solid Bleached Sulfate) corrugated board/E-flute/stiffener―加固板/坑纸/E坑tracing paper―牛油纸/绘图纸acid-free paper―无酸纸acid-free and lignin-free paper―无酸及不变色纸glassine paper―白蜡纸/薄玻璃纸synthetic paper(yupo)―合成纸仿牛皮纸:Vellum paperRecycled Paperboards 回收纸板CCLB (Clay Coated Light Back)CCKB (Clay Coated Kraft Back)三、Finishing表面处理:Hot stamping―烫印 (Foil stamping)Graining―压纹 (Embossed line)Embossing―凹凸Silk screening―丝印Spot thickness UV―丝印局部厚UV , Spot UV--普通局部UV Glittering―丝印(金/幻彩)粉Glow in the dark―丝印夜光Fluorescent―丝印荧光PP(Glossy) lamination―光胶(OPP lamination)Matt lamination―哑胶Water-base lamination―水性裱胶Flocking-植毛UV varnishing(glossy/matt)―UV(光/哑)油Calender varnishing―磨光 (ENV calendering ) Blister varnishing―吸塑油Playing card varnishing―扑克牌油Machine varnishing―机过油(光/哑油)Press varnish Water-base varnishing―水油 (AQU varnish) Bronzing Varnish-珍珠水油Invisible UV ink-隐形油墨Thermo-powder--凸字粉Buckram--布紋Linenweave--幼布紋四、钉装―binding1.精装―hard cover/hardback/case bound2.平装―soft cover/limp bound3.假精装―flexible binding/flexibound/dutch bind4.胶装―perfect bound/adhesive binding/notch binding5.骑马钉―saddle stitching/2 wire stitching6.双线圈装―wire-O bound7.铁环装―ring binding8.螺旋装―spiral bound9.round back―圆脊10.square back―方脊11.hallow back―通脊12.casing in―上皮壳13.case making―做壳/造壳14.ribbon marker―丝带15.head&tail(H/T)bands―马头布或堵头布16.punch―冲17.punch to shape―冲成形18.die cut―啤19.kiss cut―啤半穿20.perforation―针线21.tipping―贴/首(singler)22.step indexing―打索引23.round corner―圆角24.hot melt―热溶(胶)25.hot seal―热压26.endpaper paste on―贴衬27.section sewn(thread sewn/smith sewn)穿线锁线28.side sewn―车侧线29.center sewn―车中线(Single sewn)30.center sewn in two section―车中线手反两帖31. 3 edges golden gilt―三边扫金(滚金边)minated indexing(index lamination)透明胶索引33.Painted edge-边着色五、其它1.text―内页/内文2.endpaper―衬纸3.lining(liner)―裱纸4.insert―插页5.wrap―包页6.tab―检索7.gate fold―拉页10.overlap cover(gate fold cover)―翼仔封面(cover extend flap)11.jacket―护封12.folder―档案夹13.envelope―信封14.index―索引15.photo bag―相袋 or 牛百叶(polypropyleve photo sleeve)16.album―相册17.mail card―邮寄卡/贺卡18.poster―海报19.writing pad―写字薄20.memo pad―记事薄21.jigsaw puzzle―切图/拼图22.easel―支架23.barcode―电脑条码(ISBN)24.配页-Collate25.Round corner—圆角26.Pocket-袋子27.Paper bag with hander-手提袋28.spacer―隔页29.cover―封面六、盒子Card box―卡盒Rigid box―浆糊盒Match box―火柴盒(盒套盒)Lid and base (bottom) box―天地盒Lid hinge base box --翻盖盒Slipcase―书套盒Folding box―折盒 (飞机盒)Truck box―啤牌盒Two tuck end box –双插盒Tray box―地盒(Base box, bottom box)PVC box―PVC胶盒Counter display box(counter pack)/display box―展示盒 Corrugated E-flute box―坑盒Box with zip lock-自动扣底盒Box with lock-扣底盒Case box—精装盒Round box--圆筒盒(Tube box)七、Components(Accessories)配件/附件:Ring binder―铁环圈(铁夹)Wiro-O―双线圈plastic/metal Spiral―胶/铁)线圈也叫蛇仔 Lock―锁Rivet―铆钉、窝钉Eyelet/Grommet―鸡眼Velcro―魔术贴(Fasten tape)Fur--皮革(Leather)Feather―毛绒Cloth―布Flexible magnetic rubber(Plastic magnet)―磁胶(Rubber magnetic sheet ) Metal plate―铁片blister―吸塑罩 (Vac form)Polybag(self-adhesive/zip lock)胶袋(自粘/密实)Double side adhesive tape―双面胶Hologram(hologram foil)―镭射(Laser)Sand paper―砂纸Hander—提手Plastic snap button –阴阳扣Tipped on flap—书口边的粘条Plastic handle--膠手挽Plastic lock--膠夾Vinyl sticker--靜電貼紙Metal lock--鐵鎖Wafer seal--透明圓貼紙Plush toys--公仔Playing cards--撲克牌Vinyl -膠公仔Ink Pad-印台Plastic tag-- 膠針Rubber stamp--膠印Flashlight--電筒Battery--電池Flock paper―植绒纸(植毛纸)Plastic(metal)hanger―胶/铁挂钩Screws―螺丝Satin ribbon―丝带String―绳Elastic(rubber)band(round/flat)―橡皮筋/橡皮根Magnet―磁铁/磁石Plastic band―胶带Lenticular(3D card)―立体卡Scented paper―香味纸Styrofoam―泡沫Ferrous rubber—铁粉片Sponge―海绵( Foam)Stiffener―加固板Hanger wire―挂钩Plastic calendar slide―月历胶夹Module--電子發聲器Candy buttons--糖粒Piano module--鋼琴發聲器Plastic clock hands--時鐘膠針Pen--鋼筆/水筆Pencil sharpener--鉛筆刨Holographic sticker--雷射貼紙Highlighter--螢光筆Badge--徽章Eraser--擦字膠PVC / Acetate--透明膠片Crayon--蜡筆Printed Acetate--印好膠片Cable wire--鐵線Hang tag--膠勾Rubber band--橡筋八、包装40” container-468*89*88”(H)(11887*2260*2235mm) Pallet―卡板(US pallet:40*48*6”,Euro pallet31.5*47.25*6”) Wood pallet--木制卡板Gloss weight—净重FOB--Free On Board (離岸價)Ex-work—出厂价CNF(port) Cost for Ocean freightCIF (port) Cost for Insurance and oceanfreight Loose Cargo Load --散貸 (簡稱LCL)Full Container Load-柜貸 (簡稱FCL)Terminal Handling Charges 碼頭操作費用Fumigation--消毒ETD :Estimated Time of Departure (預定離港日期) ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival (預計到岸日期)Ex-factory:離廠日期Payment term—支付条件(TT OA LC BL)20” container―228*89*88”(H) (5791*2260*2235mm) FIS (warehouse) Cost for ocean freight , insurance and inland trucking DDU DDP。



印刷包装专业英语包装专业术语(常用词语中英文对照表)面顶:the top of the box沙顶:inside of top lid内玉:interior/inlay孔位:recess烫金Hot stamping压印Embossing丝印Silkscreen printingLaser engraving 雕刻魔术贴velcro绒布velvet植绒flocking哑光matt finishglossy finish 亮光piano finish 钢琴漆gross weight毛重net weight 净重kraft 牛皮纸蜡纸waxpaperregular packing for export正规出口包装insufficiently packed 包装不固bags torn 袋子撕破plastic transparency box 塑料透明盒苯乙烯盒styrol boxcontainer 集装箱托盘pallet码yard蛋形egg-shapedpentagon 五边形hexagon 六边形heptagon 七边形octagon 八边形long 长wide 宽high 高deep 深thick 厚length 长度width 宽度height 高度depth 深度厚度thicknessbottom 盒子的底部盒子的顶部top (upper) inflammablekeep drykeep away from moisturekeep in the cool palcekeep upright 请勿倒置not to be tipped 请勿倾倒放水布canvas cloth , canvas sheet , 聚乙烯薄膜polyethylene film薄膜film颜料paintwater-repellent paint 防水油漆绳子CORDnumber of a cargo waybill 货运单号码包装用的绳子,运单packing string货运单cargo waybill印刷专业英语(常用词语中英文对照表)2 wire stitching 骑马钉board book binding 板纸书(合板)3 edges golden gilt 三面烫金边book block 毛书Accordion 风琴式折页both(2/s)side art paper 双粉纸acid-free and lignin free paper 无酸及不变色纸both side 双面acid-free paper 无酸纸both side art card 双粉咭(C2S)adhesive binding 胶装/无线胶装both side art paper 双粉纸(C2S) adhesive tape double 双面胶纸bound volume/bound edition 合订书/合订本adhesive tape single 单面胶纸box 盒advance copies 新书样本/船头版Brazil 巴西after-press 印后Brochure/booklet/pamphlet/handbook 小册子air freinght/airlift/air-express/air-ferry 空运brown wrapping/kraft/vellum 牛皮纸Album 相簿building in 压线/压衬Arlin 布纹纸/书皮纸bulk 大货/厚度customer service department 客户服务部flap 旗/翼仔cut flush 切正三边(封面及内文的三边一起切齐) flat 平的cutting 切纸flexible binding 假精装Cyan 青蓝flexible magnetic rubber 胶磁debossing 击凹flock paper 植毛(纸)delivery note 送货单flow chart 流程图Diary/daybook 日记簿fluorescent 荧光墨/发荧光的die cut 啤flyeaf 衬纸/封里纸die-cut mould 啤板Foam/sponge 海绵die-cutter 啤机/模切机FOB 离岸价dividers 烟的士foil stamping 烫色hickey 墨屎folded and gathered 已折和已排但未装订的书(F&G) high bulk paper 高容积纸/特厚纸folder 档案夹high gloss varnish 特光folding 折/折书/折页hinge 书链folding box 折盒Holland 荷兰Folio 页码hologram paper(card) 激光纸(咭)fore edge 书口/前切线hologram stamping 激光烫format 格式horizontal 横度freight 运费hot melt 热溶胶french fold jacket/ slipcase 法式书套hot seal 热压/热封口Fur 皮革hot stamping 热烫/烫色gate fold 拉页H/T band(head and rail bands/headband) 笃(绳)头布(H.T) gatering 排书/配页illustrations 插图gathering 排书/配书image 影像ghosting 鬼影imitation gold 仿金gift box 礼盒imposition 拼版glassine paper 白腊纸Impression 印数/印张/压印Gloss(y) art(paper) 光粉纸(G/A) imprint 版权页Glue/gluewater/gumwater 胶水indent 订货gluing 涂胶index 索引gold blocking 烫金indexing 索引裁切/打烟的士gold paper(card) 金纸(咭) Indonesia 印尼gold stamping 金烫/烫金Indonesian 印尼的Grain direction 丝缕方向/纸纹方向information 讯息grams per square metre 克/平方米(GSM) Insert / inset /foldout 插页gravure Printing 滚筒式印刷/凹版印刷inset 套贴Green 绿色interleaves 内隔页greyboard 双灰international standard book number 国际标准书籍号码(ISBN)grey board 版纸ivory board 通咭gripper 牙口ivory card 白通纸grommet 鸡眼jacket 书套/护封/封套/书衣Gross weight 毛重jacketting 上书套/上护封guillotine 切纸机Japan 日本half title page 半书名页或/部首专页Japanese 日本的half-tone 半色调job number 工程编号hollow back 通脊joint 书脊槽各种纸材料:单铜纸:C1S art paper or C1S art board双灰板:Grey board铜版纸:Coated Art Paper(or Board)/glossy coated paper/SBS(Solid Bleached Sulphate):C1S(coated one side单铜纸)和C2S(coated two sides双铜纸)。



印刷包装工程英语Printing packaging engineeringPrinting packaging engineering refers to the field of study and practice that involves the design, development, and production of printed materials used for packaging purposes.Here are some key terms and phrases related to printing packaging engineering:1. Packaging: The process of designing and producing containers and materials used to protect and contain products during storage, distribution, and use.2. Printing: The process of reproducing text and images using ink or dyes on a variety of materials, such as paper, cardboard, or plastic.3. Graphics: Visual elements, such as images, illustrations, and typography, used in the design and layout of printed materials.4. Prepress: The preparation of digital files for printing, including tasks such as color correction, image retouching, and file formatting.5. Die cutting: The process of cutting out specific shapes or designs from printed materials using a metal die.6. Folding carton: A type of packaging made from paperboard that is folded into a box shape, often used for consumer products suchas food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.7. Flexography: A printing process that uses flexible relief plates and liquid inks, commonly used for printing on packaging materials such as plastic films and corrugated cardboard.8. Gravure: A high-quality printing process that uses engraved cylinders to transfer ink onto the printing surface, commonly used for packaging materials such as metal foils and laminates.9. Offset printing: A printing process that uses plates to transfer ink onto a rubber blanket, which then transfers the ink onto the printing surface, commonly used for printing on paper-based packaging materials.10. Quality control: The process of ensuring that printed materials meet specified standards for color accuracy, print clarity, and other quality criteria.11. Sustainability: The practice of designing and producing packaging materials in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner, considering factors such as recyclability, renewable resources, and waste reduction.12. Corrugated board: A type of packaging material made from layers of paperboard with a fluted inner layer, commonly used for shipping containers and product displays.These terms and phrases provide an overview of the field ofprinting packaging engineering and the various processes and materials involved in the production of printed packaging materials.。



包装印刷专业英语词汇A ?? 埃 10 8厘米 A class liner A级衬纸 A filter 橙红滤色镜 A滤色镜A flute A级瓦楞纸波形数每30厘米36?3个 A printing A级印刷 a raragi 云宣纸 a series A系列 A sizes A度 A系列尺寸 AA Authors Alterations 作者订正 AAAA American Association of Advertising Agencies 美国广告商协会abaca 马尼拉马焦马 abandon 作废 abasic 阳光晒像 abask 太阳光晒像 abate 减少减轻降低减薄淡薄制版 abatement 减价减少减轻 abbatre 凹凸花纹abbreviated 简化的缩写的 abbraviated title 简略标题 abbraviated version 节本 abbraviation convention 缩写规则 abbreviated addressing 缩写位置abbreviated catalog card 简明目录卡 abbreviated character 简化字abbrebiation 略语缩写简写 key 缩写符号键 abbreviations dictionary 缩写词典 abbreviative notation 简写标记 ABC book 入门书启蒙读物 abdominous 线画胀大 abecedarian 入门书 abecedarium 入门书 abecedary 入门书abecegarian 启蒙读物 aberrant copy 残本次品本 aberration 像差色差aberrations in lens 镜头像差 abeyant 临时停机 abiding 永久的不变的性能本领 ablate 腐蚀风化蒸发掉 ablation abietic acid 松香酸ability 能力风化除去脱落冲刷 material 烧蚀材料 ablative insulating quality 隔热性 ablaze 加光发光作用 abluent 洗涤剂 ablution 清洗清除 ABNH American Bank Note Holographics Inc. 美国钞票雷射全像公司 abnormal blowing 异常发泡 abnormal entropy 异常熵 abnormal heating 反常发热事故发热 abnormal liquid 异常液体 abnormal overvoltage 异常过电压 abnormal voltage 异常电压 abnormal weather 异常气象 abnormal termination 异常终止计算机 abnormalism 失常 abnormality 不规则畸形异常 abotiginal 原始的 a book binder 装订工 abort 无效故障 abortion 中途失败 abort light 紧急故障信号 aboslute humidity 绝对湿度 about-face 向后转动 about price 预定价about the author 著者简介 about to be published 近期内可出版 above the fold 上半版版面报纸 ABP Association of Business Publishers 商业出版协会abradability 磨损性磨损度 abradant 研磨剂 abrader 研磨机 abrading machine 研磨机 abrading test 摩擦试验 abrasion 磨损擦掉摩擦 hardness 磨损度 loss 磨损量 mark擦痕 proof耐磨抗磨 resistance 耐磨性磨擦阻力test 耐磨损测试 tester 耐磨实验机paper 砂纸 wear 磨耗量 abrasion-proof 防止摩擦耐磨的 abrasive 磨蚀剂磨料磨蚀的 action 磨蚀作用 base paper 砂纸原纸 cloth砂布 coater 砂纸涂布机 disc 砂轮磨轮 fiber 砂纸原纸用纤维 grain 磨粒磨粒粒度hardness 磨蚀硬度耐磨硬度 machine 研磨机paper砂纸 quality磨损性 resistance 耐磨性 roll 研磨辊 tester 耐磨实验机 wear磨粒磨损磨耗 abrasiveness 磨损性磨蚀性 abrasives 研磨材料abridge 简缩删节缩编节略abridged and simplified by …由……简写abridged document 节略文献 abridged edition 简本缩编本缩写本摘要本节本 abridged general view 示意图 abridged notation 简化标记 abridgedtitle 简略标题简略刊名删节书名 abridged translation 书译摘译abridgement 节本节略 abridg e ment 摘要缩编 abrogale 废称 abruption 断路中断 ABS resin ABS树脂三元共聚树脂 abscissa 横坐标 abscua note 出版项缺 absence of sheet detector 空张控制器 absolute address 绝对地址计算机 absolute alcohol 无水酒精乙醇 absolute coding 绝对编码 absolute colour 纯色 absolute compliance 绝对柔量 absolute convergence 绝对收敛 absolute counting 绝对计数 absolute denatured alcohol 无水变性酒精 absolute density 绝对密度absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidy 绝对湿度 absolute measurement 绝对测定 absolute method 绝对法 absolute modulus 绝对弹性模数绝对模量absolute pressure 绝对压强绝对压力 absolute refractive indes 绝对折射率absolute size 精确开本 absolute speed 绝对速度 absolute structure 绝对结构 absolute temperature 绝对温度 scale 绝对温标 absolute unit 绝对湿度absolute value 绝对值 absolute vector 绝对向量 absolute viscosity 绝对粘度 absolute weight 绝对重量干重 absolute zero 绝对零度273oC absolute zere-point 绝对零点 absorb 吸收 absorbablity 吸收性吸收能力 absorbable 可吸附的 absorbance 吸光度 absorbed dose 吸收量absorbed water 吸水 absorbed-in-fracture energy 冲击韧性强度absorbefacient 吸收性的吸收剂 absorbency 吸墨性吸收能力 of paper纸张吸收性能 absorbent 吸收cotton 脱脂棉 gauze cloth 脱脂纱布 materail 吸收材料性的吸收剂packing 吸湿水包装 paper吸水纸易吸墨的印刷用纸 tissue 吸水薄纸absorber 吸收器 absorbing agent 吸收剂 absorbing board 纸板 absorbing capacity 吸收能力 absorbing filter 吸收滤色镜 absorbing height 吸收高度吸水高度 absorbing pad 防震垫 absorbing paper 吸水纸 absorbing power 吸收能力吸收性能 absorptance 吸收系数 absorptionmetry 吸光absorbing quality 吸收能力度测定法 absorption 吸收吸水 ability吸收能力吸收性能 band吸收光谱带 cell吸收单元 coefficient吸收系数 curve吸收曲线 dynamometer吸收动力计动态吸收计 factor吸收率 indicator吸收指示剂limit吸性极限 maximum最大吸收率 measurement吸收测定 of light光之吸收 of moisture吸湿潮 peak吸收峰 rate 光的吸收率region吸收范围吸收区 shock减震法 spectrometer吸收光谱仪spectrum吸收光谱 tester吸收试验器 tissue吸水薄纸 absorptive 吸收性的有吸收力的 capacity 吸收能力 power 吸收功率吸收能力 absorptivity 吸收率吸收能力 absqua nota 出版情况不详 absterge 洗涤洗净 abstergent 去垢剂 abstersion 洗版 abstersive 洗净剂 abstinence 禁忌节制 abstract 文摘摘要编制文摘简介 bulletin文摘通报 Journal文摘杂志number文摘号 of thesis论文文摘 photography 理论摄影学 publication文摘出版物 symbol抽象符号 abstracting journal 文摘编制文摘工作abstracting periodical 文摘刊物 abstracts volume 文摘本 abundance of colors 色彩丰富 abundance ratio 存在比 abusage 乱用误用 abut 支点架接点 abutment 相接支座接合点 abuttal 邻接相邻 abuttaed surface 贴合面abutting 相邻的凸出的 AC Authors Correction 原稿更正著者校正 AC breakdown strength 交流破坏强度交流断开强度 AC motor 交流马达 acacia 洋槐 acacia gum 阿拉伯树胶 academic book store 学术出版物书店 academic press 学术出版社 academic publication 学术出版物学院出版物 acaricide 杀螨剂 accelator board 快取板 accelerant 催化剂触媒 accelerate 加速促进accelerated ageing 加速老化 accelerated weathering test 加速风化实验accelerating agent 催化剂accelerating electrode 加速电极 accelerating flow 加速流动acceleration constant 加速常数 acceleration factor 加速系数 acceleration potential 加速度势 acceleration transducer 加速感应器 accelerator 促进剂加速剂加速器 accelerometer 加速度计 accender 上伸字母西文 accent 重音重音符号 light 塑型光 mark重音符号 accented letter 标音字母 accented mark 重音符号 accentuation 重音强调突出 accept test 验收检查acceptability 合格率 acceptable reliability level 合格可靠性水平acceptance certificate 验收证明书 acceptance check 验收 acceptance condition 验收合格条件 acceptance inspection 验收检查 acceptance number 合格评定个数 acceptance of ink 吸墨性 acceptance sampling system 合格率抽样系统 acceptance testing 接纳试验 acceptant procedure 允收程序accepted product 合格产品 accepted stock 精选纸料 acceptor 接受体acceptor level 受主能级 access 存取计算机连接 control 取档控制 cycle 存取周期 fee 取用费 line 取存线路 method 存取方法 mode序取方式 right 访问权计算机易接近 time存取时间 to storage存储器的存取 accessibility 可接近性性 accessible 可存取的 accession book 图书馆财产登记簿 accessioning 图书验收与登录 accession of book 图书验收与登录 accession register 图书馆财产登记簿 accessory 附件零件 shoe 配件槽 accident 事故 prevention 安全措施 prevention instruction 技术安全规范 accidental discharge 偶然排出事故排出顺应 acclivity 上斜 accommodate accidental error 偶然误差aalimatization 适应适应调节供应给 accommodation coefficient 调节系数 accommodator 调节器 accompanying diagram 附图 accompanying material 附册另附资料accomplishment 完成实行 accordion 折叠 fold折子式装订本如碑帖旋风装board 手风琴纸板 fold 旋风摺 insert 加长插页 accordion fold 折页插在书中折子式折页 accordion insert 加长插页 accordion pleat 折页插在书中account book 帐簿 binding帐簿装订 paper 帐簿纸 accounting machine paper 计算机用纸 accounting reel 帐目计算器用卷纸 account mark符号“ ” accredited 被普片采纳的 accretion 添加物堆积物 accrue 增加产生出现accumulate information 积累资料 accumulated dose 累积剂量 accumulated packaging 集合包装 accumulation 堆积累积 layer 积蓄层 point 积累点存储点 accumulative 积累的聚集的 accumulator 光栅套印存储器计算机累加器积聚器计算机 acid 蓄电池酸液 collator 聚集机械 accuracy 精确度准确性 class精度等级 of instrument仪表精度 of measurement测量精度of positioning调整精度 to size尺寸精度 Accurate Screen AS 精密网点技术Adobe公司 accustomed 习惯的 accustomize 适应顺应 ACEancillary composing equipment 辅助排字设备 acenaphthene 苊acerb 涩的尖刻的酸的 acerbity 酸涩度尖刻 acetal 乙缩醛 copolymer乙缩醛共聚物 resin缩醛树脂 acetaldehyde 乙醛 acetamide 乙酰胺 acetate 醋酸根醋酸盐醋酸胶片醋酸酯 base醋酸纤维素片基 color proof醋酸塑胶晒样fibre醋酸纤维 film醋酸薄膜醋酸纤维素胶片 foil醋酸薄膜 lacquer醋酸酯漆ink醋酸酯油墨 overlay透明覆盖片 proofs醋酸片样张rayon醋酸人造丝 transparency醋酸纤维素胶片 ethylene resin醋酸乙烯树脂 acetic acid 醋酸 bacteria 醋酸菌 acetic anhydride 无水醋酸acetic ester 乙酸乙酯 acetic isobutyl ester 醋酸急制液 acetic stop bath 醋酸急制液 acetification 醋化乙酰化 acetify 醋化 Acetine Blue 乙酰酯蓝醋酸酯蓝 acetoacetic acid 乙酰醋酸 acetol 丙酮醇 acetolysis 乙酰分解acetone 丙酮 peroxide过氧化丙酮resin丙酮树脂 sodium bisulfite丙酮合亚硫酸氢钠 sulphite亚硫酸丙酮acetonformaldehyde 甲醛丙酮 acetonitrile 乙腈 acetophenone 乙酰苯acetoxy 醋酸基 acetyl butyryl 己二酮 acetyl cellulose 乙酸纤维素 acetyl chloride 氯化乙酰基 acetyl group 乙酰基 acetyl peroxide 过氧化乙酰acetyl value 乙酰值 acetylacetic ester 乙酰醋酸酯 acetylacetone 乙酰丙酮method 乙酰丙酮法 acetylate 乙酰基化物 acetylated starch 醋酸淀粉acetylation 乙酰化 acetylator 醋化基 acetylene 乙炔 black乙炔黑 burner 乙炔燃烧器 acetylene welding 乙炔焊接 acetylide 乙炔化合物 acetylphenol 乙酰苯酚 acetyltannin acid 乙酰丹宁酸 achromat 消色差透镜 achromatic 消色差的无色 color无彩色消色色condition 消色条件color removal 消色差分色 color replacement 消色置换interference fringes 无色干扰 lens消色差透镜 light消色光separations 消色差分色 synthesis 综合消色作用 achromaticity 无色非色彩achromatopsis 色盲 acid 酸 activated dye活性酸颜料 adsorption酸吸附 air 酸气 alum酸性明矾 amide酸酰胺 ammonium fluoride氟化氢氨azo-colour酸性偶氮染料 bath酸浴 blast etching喷酸液腐anhydride酰酐蚀 blast machine喷酸液腐蚀机 bleaching酸性漂白 blue black 10 B酸性黑10B casein酸酪素酸性酪蛋白 catalysis酸催化 catalyst酸性催化剂center酸性中心 chloride酸性氢化物 chrome dye酸性铬颜料 clay酸性粘土 cleaning酸洗 colloid酸性胶质 color酸性色 content酸含量 cook酸法蒸煮 cyanine酸性酞青 developer酸性显影液 development酸性显影 dip浸酸 dye 酸性染料 emulsion酸性乳剂 fastness耐酸性抗酸性 fixative bath酸性定影浴 fixer酸性定影液 fixing bath酸性定影浴 fixing solution酸性定影液former制酸物 free paper无酸纸 fume 酸性气 green酸性绿 group酸基hardening fixer酸性坚膜定影液 hydrolysis酸解 lignin酸性木质素 liquor酸液 mist酸雾 mordant dye酸性媒染料 number酸值 of wine酒石酸 or alkali resistance耐酸碱性 orange ?酸性橙? out 酸析 picking浸酸 picking inhibitor酸洗抑制剂 potassium sulfate硫酸氢钾 process酸法制浆proof paper耐酸纸 radical酸基 refining酸漂 refractories酸性耐火物reservoir贮酸器 resist耐蚀膜抗酸膜 resist paper耐酸纸 resist varnish耐酸清漆 resistance耐酸性 resistant耐酸的 resistant alloy耐酸合金resistant paper耐酸纸 resisting抗酸的耐酸的 Rhodamine 酸性若丹明酸红rinse浸酸 salt酸盐 semichemical pulp算法化学浆 sludge酸渣 soap酸性皂sodium sulfate 硫酸氢钠 souring酸处理 stain酸性染色剂 steel酸性钢 stop bath酸性停显液 storage tank贮酸罐strength酸度 sulfite pulping酸法亚硫酸盐法制浆 sulphite cooking酸性亚硫酸盐蒸解 sulphite process酸性亚硫酸法 sulphite semichemical pulp酸式亚硫酸半化学制浆 test酸性试验 tower制酸塔 treatment酸处理 trough酸浴槽 value酸值 violet酸性紫 washing酸洗 waste water酸性废水 acidamide 酰胺 acidate 酸化 acidation 酸化 acidic 含酸的 accelerator 酸性进化剂促酸剂 components酸性组分 food酸性食品 gas酸性气体index酸性指数 materials酸性物质 oxide 酸性氧化物 resins酸性树脂acidification 酸化作用 acidify 酸化酸度酸性 acidometer 酸度计 pH计酸液比重计 acidulate 酸化 acidimetry 酸滴定法 acidity 酸度 constant 酸度常数 in paper 纸张酸度 acidity constant 酸度常数 acidity in paper 纸张酸度acidization 酸化作用 aeidizer 酸化剂 acidness 酸性度 acidolysis 酸解aeidometer 酸度计 aeidophile 嗜酸的嗜酸菌 acidophilus milk 酸乳酸奶acidproof 耐酸的防酸的 acidprooflining 耐酸内衬 acidulation 酸性化 acid basecatalyst 酸性催化剂酸盐基催化剂 acid-based developer 酸性显影液 acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂 acid-base titration 酸碱滴定 acid-fast 耐酸的抗酸性的 acid-free 无酸的耐paper无酸纸 tissue 无酸薄纱纸 acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶酸的抗酸性的性灰分 acid-insoluble lignin 酸不溶性木质素 acid-proof防酸的耐酸的alloy耐酸含金 ink耐酸油墨 paper耐酸纸 acid-resistance抗酸性 acid-resistant paper 抗酸纸 acid-resisting felt 耐酸毯 acid-soluble-lignim 酸溶性木质素 acid-stablesize 酸稳定性施胶剂 acid-test 酸性试验 acid-treatment 酸处理acinose 细粒状的 ACK acknowledge acid-washedpaper 酸洗纸 acierage 镀铁通知 acknowledgment 谢词 page 参考书目 a-c logical circuit 交流逻辑电路 ACM area composition machine 局部版面照相排字机排表格用 Acme screw thread 梯形螺纹 AC motor 交流电机 acnode 顶点 acnt 总数 acoman 漆层成相制版 acorn cap 橡栗状盖 acorn nut 螺母螺帽 acoustic absorptivity 吸音率 acoustic admittance 音响导纳 acoustic board 隔音纸板acoustic coupler 语音合成 acoustic efficiency 音响效率 acoustic feedback 反馈音响 acoustic filter 音响滤波器 acoustic gas analyzer 气体音响分析计acoustic impedance 音响阻抗 acoustic input device 声音输入装置 acoustic insulation 隔音 acoustic load 音响负载 acoustic material 吸音材料acoustic paper 隔音纸 acoustic properties 音学性质 acoustic radiation resistance 音响辐射阻力 acoustic reactance 音响电抗 acoustic resistance 音响阻力 acoustic signal 音响信号 acoustical board 隔音纸板 acoustical transmissivity 音响通信 acoustical vibration 音响振动 acoustooptic modulation 声光调制 acquisition 采购到的书刊资料 acquisitioning 情报收集ACRAchromAtic Color ReplAcement 消色置换 AC relay 交流继电器 acrid 腐蚀性的 acridone 吖啶酮氮蒽 acridine dye 氮蒽颜料 acridine dyestuffs 吖啶染料 acridine orange 氮蒽橙色 Acro Art paper 阿柯罗铜版纸 Acrobat 异机文件交换软件 acrolein 丙烯醛 acronym 缩写词 across 横穿横切横断 across direction 横向 across the grain 横丝流逆纹 across the gutter 跨页 acryl 丙烯 acryl lethylene copolymer 丙烯乙烯聚合物 acrylaldehyde 丙烯醛acrylamide 丙烯酰胺 acrylate 丙烯酸酯 acrylic 压克力丙烯 acrylic acid 丙烯酸 acrylicacidester 丙烯酸酯 acrylicacidresin 丙烯酸树脂 acrylic amide 丙烯酰胺 acrylic fibre 丙烯酸纤维 acrylic latex 丙烯酸胶乳 acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂 adhesive 丙烯酸树脂粘结剂 acryl type ink 丙烯酸型油墨 acrylite 丙烯酸 acryloid 丙烯酸树脂 acrylonitrile 丙烯腈acrylonitrilecopolymer 丙烯腈共聚物 acrylonitrile resin 丙烯腈树脂acrylonitrile—butadie—ne rubber 丙烯腈—丁二烯橡胶 acrylonitrile—butadie—ne-styrene 丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯.。

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例如:air+craft—aircraft 飞机 metal+work—metalwork 金属制品
power+plant—powerplant 发电站
cast-iron 铸铁 conveyer-belt 传送带
machine-made 机制的
词汇、句法、目的 正式科技文体/科普文体;书面/口头
一、大量使用专业术语。 科技词汇来源分三类:
A.第一类科技词来自英语中的普通词,但赋予 了它们新的词义。
B.第二类科技词是从希腊或拉丁语中吸收的。 C.第三类是新造的词。
例如:Work is the transfer of energy expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which its point of application moves in the direction of the force.
C. 造词 a.转化:通过词类转化构成新词。英语中名 词、形容词、副词、介词可以转化成动词, 而动词、形容词、副词、介词可以转化成 名词。但是最活跃的是名词转化成动词和 动词转化成名词。
avoidable 可以避免的 audible 听得见的、soluble 可溶的 -al 表示“……(性质)的” fundamental 基本的 -ant,-ent 表示“……(性质)的” abundant 富饶的、apparent 显然的 -ed 表示“有…的” cultured 有文化的 ful 表示“充满…的,有…倾向的”useful 有用的 -ic,-ical 表示“…的” basic 基本的、economical 经济的 -less 表示“没有” useless 无用的 -ous 表示“有…的,多…的” numerous 众多的
1)介词短语 The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 2)形容词及形容词短语。 In this factory the only fuel available is coal. 3)副词 The air outside pressed the side in . 4)单个分词,但仍保持较强的动词意义。 The results obtained must be checked . 5)定语从句 During construction, problems often arise which require design changes.
表示否定的前缀。 anti. 表示“反对”
antibody 抗体
counter- 表示“反对,相反”
counterbalance 平衡
contra- 表示“反对,相反”
contradiction 矛盾
de 表示“减少,降低,否定”
decrease 减少、devalue 贬值、decompose 分解
为了简短而明确地表达某一概念或事物,科技 英语还广泛地使用名词词组,如energy lose, a day
and night weather observation station。
Archimedes first discovered the principle of
displacement of water by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发 现固体排水的原理。
例如: decontrol(取消控制)v.——de+control(control是动词) ultrasonic(超声的)a.——ultra+sonic(sonic是形容词) subsystem(分系统)n.——sub+system(system是名词) hydro-electric(水力的) non-metal(非金属)
liquid crystal 液晶 water jacket 水套 computer language 计算机语言 machine building linear measure
机器制造 长度单位
c.派生:这种方法也叫缀合。派生词是由词根 加上前缀或后缀构成的。加前缀构成新词只改 变词义,不改变词类。
non-ferrous 有色金属的
un- 表示“不,未,丧失”
unaccountable 说明不了的、unknown 未知的、 unbar 清除障碍
加后缀构成新词可能改变也可能不改变词义, 但一定改变词类。
例如:electricity n.——electric+ity(electric是形容词) liquidize(液化)v.——liquid+ize(1iquid是名词) conductor n.——conduct+or(conduct是动词) invention n. invent+ion(invent是动词)
在这句话中,work、energy、product、force 都是从普通词汇中借来的物理学术语。 work的意思不是‘工作’,而是‘功’; energy的意思不是‘活力’,而是‘能’;
B. 来自希腊语和拉丁语
dis- 表示“否定,除去”
discharge 放电、disassemble 拆卸
inaccurate 不准确的、imbalance 不平衡的、 impure 不纯的 mis- 表示“错误” mislead 误导
non- 表示“不,非”
Electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed as light . Microcomputers are very small in size ,as is shown in
Fig.5. In water sound travels nearly five times as fast as in air .
Bring about,Produce,Cause,Give rise to Critical
Conducive Property

例如, 常说:Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。 temperature of the machine .你们必须注意机器的工作 温度。
如科技文章中不说 :We can improve its performance
by using superheated steam.
而说 :An improvement of its performance can be
achieved by the use of superheated steam.
科技文献的阅读、理解 科技学术论文的写作
专领域词汇的积累 专业领域文献的翻译(英译汉、汉译英) 专业领域文献的阅读理解
印刷专业英语 English And Knowledge On Graphic Communications,程常现 主编,印刷工业出版社, 2007年1月
使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并列分句; 使用不定式短语代替各种从句;
A direct current is a current flowing always in the same
direction. Radiating from the earth, heat causes air currents to rise. Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions. There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another.
例如:simplicity(单纯)--simple+icity maintenance(维修)--maintain+ance
-able,-ible,-uble 表示“可…”
关于考试 开卷(100分)
词汇翻译(英译汉、汉译英) 2. 段落翻译(英译汉、汉译英) 3. 阅读理解(英文问答)

课程 论文
词汇的特点 句法的特点
比较下面两个英语句子: a.The factory turns out 100,000 cars every year. 这家工厂每年生产十万辆汽车。 b.The annual output of the factory is 100,000 cars. 该工厂的汽车年产量为十万。