国内新富阶层漂洋过海 专买迪拜房产
据海外房产投资专家张先生介绍,迪拜是阿联酋中心,也是 阿联酋重点打造区域,非常发达.迪拜最新星级酒店公寓预计有 10%的租金回报
迪拜房地产市场复苏回暖,吸引了大批海外投资者,进入新 年,政府新政策颁布或即将实施,给它注入了更多闪光点.迪拜房 产成为国人海外置业新宠,国内新富阶层漂洋过海去买房,也就顺 理成章了.
• Palm Jumeirah是其中最小的一 个久美拉棕榈岛,其主干长5公里, 每片"树叶"宽75米、长2公里,外 围防浪堤长11.5公里.据说其别墅 在开盘三天便已预售一空,买家来 自世界174个国家,其中包括成龙、 贝克汉姆、克林顿欧文等国际名 人. .
• 被成为世界第八大奇迹的世界地 图群岛〔The World〕位于迪拜沿 岸,位于久美拉棕榈岛和德拉棕榈 岛之间,靠朱美拉棕榈岛更近.曾有 人说过,如果说人工棕榈岛是把迪 拜放到了世界地图上的话,那么,世 界岛则是把地图放到了迪拜上.
➢赛马 ➢每年的"迪拜世界
杯"是世界上奖金 最高的马赛 ➢20##奖金高达 2125万美元
迪 拜 全 接 触 运 动 探 险
迪 拜 全 接 触 —商业
迪 拜 全 接 触 — 商业
1.最佳的政策环境 2.迪拜本地市场的蓬勃发展 3.进入中东市场的门户,连接欧洲、非洲的中转站
迪拜〔Dubai〕 位于阿拉伯半岛中部、阿
拉伯湾岸, 是海湾地区中心, 与南亚次大陆隔海相望, 被誉为海湾的明珠.
1966年迪拜石油的发现使得大批外国劳动力涌入迪拜,石油收入刺激了社会和经济的高 速发展,建成了我们今日耳熟能详的特色迪拜.
酒世 店界
唯 座一 落的 在七 茫星 茫级 海超 中豪 央华
酒店有直升机降落平台。其风帆状造型闻名于世。最便宜的客房也 要1000多美元住一晚。
这酒店是填海造成的,总工程造价现在还未公布,为DUBAI酋长 的一位王子拥有。
酒店外表漂亮 , 里面的设施更吸引人
Lixurious Dubai Bustling Dubai Crary Dubai
配乐 : Najwa Karam – Arabic Belly Dance Muaic
The chief of dubai is a promising ruler. He received good education in
七星级酒店对面的JUMEIRAH BEACH 六星级酒店也是十分有名
楼 只 及 它 的 半 腰
物 欲 横 流 八
它经 是营 朱兴 美旺 娜的 棕川 榈普 岛国 的际 中高 心塔 建酒 筑店
迪拜岛游乐园。 拥有45个大型游乐项目, 两万多个中小型项目,总面积30亿平方英尺。 全部建成后,为当今世界最大的奥兰多迪斯尼 游乐园的两倍。总造价200亿美元。
硕大的迪拜体育场 不是鸟巢 胜似鸟巢
However, the skyscraper was cancelled in 2009 due to Dubai's financial crisis
Big eye
The super bus
• Super bus has been put into operation in Dubai, Dubai bus is the world‘s fastest
Arabia barbecue
Arabia dessert
Arabia pizza
Small assorted cold dishes
Mohamed has been studying in the UK, University of Cambridge, and the British royal command academy. In January 2006, Maktoum died, Mohamed, chief of Dubai.
Burj Al Arab(帆船酒店)
The Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At 321 m (1,050 ft), it is the second tallest building in the world used exclusively as a hotel. The Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 m (920 ft) out from Jumeirah beach, and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge.
Big eye
The super bus
• Super bus has been put into operation in Dubai, Dubai bus is the world‘s fastest
Arabia barbecue
Arabia dessert
Arabia pizza
Small assorted cold dishes
Mohamed has been studying in the UK, University of Cambridge, and the British royal command academy. In January 2006, Maktoum died, Mohamed, chief of Dubai.
Burj Al Arab(帆船酒店)
The Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At 321 m (1,050 ft), it is the second tallest building in the world used exclusively as a hotel. The Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 m (920 ft) out from Jumeirah beach, and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge.
Dubai(迪拜)——an interesting city ppt
Dubai(迪拜 迪拜) 迪拜
———A interesting city
Dubai(迪拜 is a city,also 迪拜) 迪拜 is a country. It’s the second emirate(酋长国 酋长国)of 酋长国 The United Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联合酋长国 简称阿联 阿拉伯联合酋长国,简称阿联 阿拉伯联合酋长国 酋)which consists of seven emirates in 1971.It has 3885 squares which possess 5% of The United Arab Emirates whole areas .The power of economic also rank second . About 70% unpetrol trades in The United Arab Emirates is major in Dubai. So it used to be called “The city of trade ” 贸易之都) (贸易之都).
• Artificial Palm Island 人工棕榈岛) (人工棕榈岛)
• The world islands as another landmark attraction project has rendered from the ocean . It consists of 300 artificial island(人工岛 人工岛) 人工岛 arrange according to the world of form and is well protected by egg-shaped chair(卵形的防浪 It will 卵形的防浪). 卵形的防浪 be the world most amazing island house project.
———A interesting city
Dubai(迪拜 is a city,also 迪拜) 迪拜 is a country. It’s the second emirate(酋长国 酋长国)of 酋长国 The United Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联合酋长国 简称阿联 阿拉伯联合酋长国,简称阿联 阿拉伯联合酋长国 酋)which consists of seven emirates in 1971.It has 3885 squares which possess 5% of The United Arab Emirates whole areas .The power of economic also rank second . About 70% unpetrol trades in The United Arab Emirates is major in Dubai. So it used to be called “The city of trade ” 贸易之都) (贸易之都).
• Artificial Palm Island 人工棕榈岛) (人工棕榈岛)
• The world islands as another landmark attraction project has rendered from the ocean . It consists of 300 artificial island(人工岛 人工岛) 人工岛 arrange according to the world of form and is well protected by egg-shaped chair(卵形的防浪 It will 卵形的防浪). 卵形的防浪 be the world most amazing island house project.
9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自 强不息 。上午 4时39 分30秒 上午4时 39分04 :39:302 0.7.17
• 10、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。7/17/2
020 4:39:30 AM04:39:302020/7/17
• 11、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。7/17/2
姓名:黄子芮 学号:200905140703 班级:09级7班
Welcome to
• Dubai is in The Unite Arab Emirates.It is the most famous emirate in the Unite Arab Emirates.
Sails Hotel
6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像 泥块一 样任意 揉捏。 2020年 7月17 日星期 五上午4 时39分 30秒04 :39:302 0.7.17
7、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我 。。20 20年7 月上午4 时39分 20.7.17 04:39J uly 17, 2020
8、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。20 20年7 月17日 星期五4 时39分 30秒04 :39:301 7 July 2020
3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。 20.7.17 04:39:3 004:39 Jul-201 7-Jul-20
4、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的 错儿。 04:39:3 004:39: 3004:3 9Friday , July 17, 2020
5、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力 ,自胜 者强。 20.7.17 20.7.17 04:39:3 004:39: 30July 17, 2020
• Dubai from 1799 began villages. In the early 18th century, Bani Yas tribe Al Abu Falasa descendants began to move to Dubai, and they have been living in Abu Dhabi until 1833.
Dubai's position
Dubai is located in the central Arabian Peninsula, Arabian Gulf south coast, is the center of the Gulf region, and the the South Asian subcontinent across the sea, known as the Pearl of the Gulf. Coastline of 734 km, northwest and Qatar is adjacent to the border with Saudi Arabia and South West, the East and Northeast with Oman adjoining. It was along the coastline of southwest to northeast direction, 30 kilometers long, 10 kilometers at its widest point. A length of about 14 kilometers of the sea branch and divide it into two parts, east part is called Indira, northwestern called Baltic Dubai.
Dubai's position
Dubai is located in the central Arabian Peninsula, Arabian Gulf south coast, is the center of the Gulf region, and the the South Asian subcontinent across the sea, known as the Pearl of the Gulf. Coastline of 734 km, northwest and Qatar is adjacent to the border with Saudi Arabia and South West, the East and Northeast with Oman adjoining. It was along the coastline of southwest to northeast direction, 30 kilometers long, 10 kilometers at its widest point. A length of about 14 kilometers of the sea branch and divide it into two parts, east part is called Indira, northwestern called Baltic Dubai.
Burj Khalifa Tower
总投资超70亿美元。哈利法塔37 层以下是世界上首家ARMANI酒 店,45层至108层则作为公寓。 第123层将是一个观景台,站在 上面可俯瞰整个迪拜市。建筑内 有1000套豪华公寓,周边配套项 目包括:龙城、迪拜MALL及配 套的酒店、住宅、公寓、商务中 心等项目。
Some title in this line
dibai' gold street
阿拉伯人是天生的商人和 最珠光宝气的民族,迪拜 人尤为翘楚。在未发现石 油之前,阿联酋最主要的 产业是采集珍珠和海上贸 易,如今凭借欧、亚、非 三大洲航运枢纽的位置、 低进口税及无销售税的政 策和花样翻新的各种节庆、 展览,迪拜已经成为中东 的香港,被誉为“商人之 城”和购物天堂。
Байду номын сангаас
See you soon…
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迪拜游费用不包括: 个人护照费用 全程单房差RMB2200 领队导游司机小费:全程共RMB300每人(大小同价); 行程表中的自费项目及行程表以外行程费用; 个人行李物品的搬运费、保管费及超重费; 一切个人消费(如:电话、传真、电视付费频道、洗衣、饮料等); 旅游者因违约、自身过错或自身疾病引起的人身和财产损失; 非我社所能控制因素下引起的额外费用,如:自然灾害、罢工、境 外当地政策或民俗禁忌、景点维修等; 游客人身意外保险; 客人往返出境口岸的一切费用.
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总投资超70亿美元。哈利法塔37 层以下是世界上首家ARMANI酒 店,45层至108层则作为公寓。 第123层将是一个观景台,站在 上面可俯瞰整个迪拜市。建筑内 有1000套豪华公寓,周边配套项 目包括:龙城、迪拜MALL及配 套的酒店、住宅、公寓、商务中 心等项目。
Some title in this line
dibai' gold street
阿拉伯人是天生的商人和 最珠光宝气的民族,迪拜 人尤为翘楚。在未发现石 油之前,阿联酋最主要的 产业是采集珍珠和海上贸 易,如今凭借欧、亚、非 三大洲航运枢纽的位置、 低进口税及无销售税的政 策和花样翻新的各种节庆、 展览,迪拜已经成为中东 的香港,被誉为“商人之 城”和购物天堂。
Байду номын сангаас
See you soon…
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迪拜游费用不包括: 个人护照费用 全程单房差RMB2200 领队导游司机小费:全程共RMB300每人(大小同价); 行程表中的自费项目及行程表以外行程费用; 个人行李物品的搬运费、保管费及超重费; 一切个人消费(如:电话、传真、电视付费频道、洗衣、饮料等); 旅游者因违约、自身过错或自身疾病引起的人身和财产损失; 非我社所能控制因素下引起的额外费用,如:自然灾害、罢工、境 外当地政策或民俗禁忌、景点维修等; 游客人身意外保险; 客人往返出境口岸的一切费用.
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3、小费不同于服务费,不体现在账单上,是额外给服务人 员的,如酒店门童、客房打扫人员、餐馆服务生、出租车司 机等,您可视具体情况,给予服务人员1-5美元的小费;建 议每日离开房间时,在房内放上一定数目的零钱,以示对清 洁人员的肯定3、在某些餐馆,服务生会主动送来茶水、餐 前小吃等,请先询问是否收费后再食用,避免结账时误会
1、联酋的餐饮主要以阿拉伯风格为主,如整 只的烤羔羊,用树叶包裹的米饭,混合了各 种海鲜的炒米饭以及阿拉伯烤饼等等2、不是 所有人都吃得惯迪拜的食品,可以托运一些 平时爱吃的零食
1、如需用、除了快餐店不需要付小费和服务费,其他餐馆一般会在 账单上加收一定的服务费,请在用餐前咨询,避免结账时误 会
必须本人到户籍所在地的公安局出入境管理处办理,军人在部队或工作单位 驻地的公安局出入境管理处办理。关于在外地上学、工作是否可就近在学校、 工作单位所在地办理,可向当地公安局出入境管理处咨询办理方法。
申请人居民身份证、户口簿及复印件;在居民身份证领取、换领、补领期间, 可以提交临时居民身份证。未满16周岁的居民携带本人户口簿(集体户口提交 《常住人口登记表》)、其监护人居民身份证原件以及能证明监护关系材料的 原件(如户口簿、出生证等),并由其监护人陪同前往办理。国家机关副处级以 上人员、国有大中型企业中层以上领导人员及下属企业领导班子成员、区(县) 级国有企业领导班子成员、国有控股参股企业中的国有股权代表、县级以上 金融、保险、证券系统中层以上领导人员、厅局级以上离退休干部等登记备 案人员按照干部管理权限和行政隶属关系提交单位意见;军人,由其所在部队 或者工作单位按照人事或干部管理权限出具意见。近期免冠照片一张以及填 写完整的《中国公民因私出国(境)申请表》
1、联酋的餐饮主要以阿拉伯风格为主,如整 只的烤羔羊,用树叶包裹的米饭,混合了各 种海鲜的炒米饭以及阿拉伯烤饼等等2、不是 所有人都吃得惯迪拜的食品,可以托运一些 平时爱吃的零食
1、如需用、除了快餐店不需要付小费和服务费,其他餐馆一般会在 账单上加收一定的服务费,请在用餐前咨询,避免结账时误 会
必须本人到户籍所在地的公安局出入境管理处办理,军人在部队或工作单位 驻地的公安局出入境管理处办理。关于在外地上学、工作是否可就近在学校、 工作单位所在地办理,可向当地公安局出入境管理处咨询办理方法。
申请人居民身份证、户口簿及复印件;在居民身份证领取、换领、补领期间, 可以提交临时居民身份证。未满16周岁的居民携带本人户口簿(集体户口提交 《常住人口登记表》)、其监护人居民身份证原件以及能证明监护关系材料的 原件(如户口簿、出生证等),并由其监护人陪同前往办理。国家机关副处级以 上人员、国有大中型企业中层以上领导人员及下属企业领导班子成员、区(县) 级国有企业领导班子成员、国有控股参股企业中的国有股权代表、县级以上 金融、保险、证券系统中层以上领导人员、厅局级以上离退休干部等登记备 案人员按照干部管理权限和行政隶属关系提交单位意见;军人,由其所在部队 或者工作单位按照人事或干部管理权限出具意见。近期免冠照片一张以及填 写完整的《中国公民因私出国(境)申请表》
Breakfast in the kitchen with a tropical style is really plea着 实令人愉悦:
Even the toilet also creates a trench in the atmosphere...
Dubai's nouveau riche 3D floor, let you roll out of bed to heaven
Enough of a single solid wood floor, want to play new tricks? Look at the Dubai imperial interiors interior design company brain hole open 3D floor, from the bathroom to the sea, from the kitchen to the heaven are a bow lift holes thing ~
这些生动的地面都是二维平面,因为借助了特殊 材料技术,才能营造出如此逼真的效果。3D地板 通常会有四层左右的结构:
3D floor decoration is only used in the public places, such as shopping malls, the interesting visual effect has attracted more and more people, and gradually applied to the furniture decoration. Rich themes give you different visual experience, and some even scare you a jump:
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• The official language of the country is Arabic, however most people in and out of the workplace communicate in English. There are so many different nationalities in Dubai, English finds common ground with most people. The majority of road and shop signs, restaurant menus etc. are in both English and Arabic.
UAE nationals usually wear their traditional dress. For men,they wear a white full-length (白色全长衬衫 礼服)shirt-dress. In public women wear the black abaya(黑色长袍), a long black robe that covers their normal clothes. They also wear a headscarf(头巾)
Brief introduction of Dubai
• 1. Location • 2. History • 3. Climate • 4. Food • 5. Culture • 6.Royal family
Dubai is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).It is located south of the Persian Gulf and has the largest population with the second-largest land territory of all the emirates, after Abu Dhabi.
Food of Dubai
Arab dessert
80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
0% Native
Culture in Dubai is rooted in Islamic. However, the UAE is tolerant and welcoming to foreigners who do not practice the religion of Islam. Women don't face discrimination. Courtesy and hospitality are one of the many virtues of Dubai. Rulers are keen to maintain their culture and do so through a number of practices.
Dubai NOW
Dubai has a hot desert climate.
Summers in Dubai are extremely hot, windy, and humid, with an average high around 42 °C (108 °F) and overnight lows around 29 °C (84 °F). Most days are sunny throughout the year. Winters are warm with an average high of 23 °C (73 °F) and overnight lows of 14 °C (57 °F). Precipitation, however, has been increasing in the last few decades with accumulated rain reaching 250 mm (9.84 in) per year.[40] Dubai summers are also known for the high humidity level, which can make it uncomfortable for many.
Hey, ladies and gentleman!
Which place do you want to visit most?
A Crazy City, A Dream TriFra bibliotek ——Dubai
xxxxxxx 李蕊 xxxxxxx 袁野
Travel to Dubai
Brief introduction The famous scenic spots 10 Tips for Safe Travel in Dubai
• The earliest recorded mention of Dubai is in 1095,and the earliest settlement known as Dubai town dates from 1799.
• Dubai was formally established in the early 19th century, and its oil resource was discovered in the year 1966.
• The modern emirate of Dubai was created after the UK left the area in 1971.
National flag
National emblem
Dubai in 1990:
The same street in 2003:
The same street in 2007:
Tourism is the role in reality to imagine: not to think how things would go, but what they
actually are.
旅游的作用就是用现实来约束想像:不是去 想事情会是怎样的,而是去看它们实际上是