大学英语视听说口语期中考试复习资料 习语

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Idiomatic expressions

1. a fish out of water如鱼失水

It means somebody and his environment isn't harmonious,which made him feel very awkward and embarrassed.Everyone will feel uncomfortable when they under certain strange occasion.For example,you must have experienced a situation,when you are in a new city or new school,you feel unnatural and can’t join in the surrounding people.This moment,you can say I like a fish out of water.

2. a game plan策略

It derives from athletic contest.It means strategy.In sports, a game plan is a set of instructions for the players to follow, so they can win the game.This expression is very common in American English. But it does not have anything to do with playing

a game. It's a way to ask someone for the details of a plan.

3. at sixes and sevens乱七八糟

It used to describe a state of confusion or messy.Sometimes it also expressed people’s confusion about something.For example,we can say we held

a party last night and everything was at sixes and sevens when the guests left.

4.bad taste in my mouth心存芥蒂

It indicates that people have a emotion of resentment or unpleasure to other s.For example,sometimes a person has a bad or unpleasant experience with another person,he might say that experience"left a bad taste in my mouth."

5.beat a dead horse 徒劳无功

It is useless to waste effort to beat a dead horse.So it means people do useless things,such as asking for help to someone who do not offer any help at all,or speaking too much to someone who want to stay quiet.

6.bite my tongue保持缄默

It means that I will keep quiet.I won't talk about anything. We can use this idiom when we refuse to talk about something. For instance, if my friend wants me to share

something which is really private with her and I am not willing to do so. At this time, I can say I'm going to bite my tongue.

7.Bread and butter issues民生议题

Something that is the bread and butter of a person or organization is the activity or work that provides the main part of their income. Another meaning is something which are important to most people, because they stand for the basic source of life.The official paid much attention to the bread and butter political issues such as jobs and housing now.

8. break a leg 祝你好运

It means "good luck". In the past,when a drama achieved success,the actors would bend their knees to ask for some tips from the audience.And generally, it is considered bad luck to wish someone good luck in a theater.At present,with the development of English,"break a leg" also can be used in other situation such as exams,interivew and so on.

9.chew the fat 闲谈

It means people chat in their spare time,sharing friends with feelings.Not o nly the old spend much time having small talk,but also teenagers and works do so to get relaxed.With the help of it,we can creat a closed relation.I have fun fr om chew the fat with my friends,though someone hold the view that it is a behavi or of wasting time,take my word for it ,you will find its charms.In a word,it is

a blender which contribute to a light and absorbing life.

10.don’t make a scene 别大吵大闹

This sentence is used to warn someone not to creat a fuss in public.It always goes with impatience and caution.Take a concrete instance,a couple plan to watch a movie,however they are unable to find tickets because of husband’s careless,then the wife shouts and the husband says,”Don’t make a scene,please!”

11.get cold feet 临阵畏缩

It means when you are not ready to do something,you will be fear to do that.In our life,there are many occasions we can use this idiomatic expression.For example,
