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Unit 1

1.Man is not only a dweller in nature, he also transforms it. Humanity converts nature’s wealth into the means of the cultural, historical life of society.人类不仅仅只是自然的居民,他还改造者自然。人类将自然的财富转变成社会文化和历史生活的资料

2.Not only has man transferred various species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions, he has also changed the shape and climate of his environment and transformed plants and animals.


3. Our distant ancestors lived in fear of nature’s destructive forces.


4.This was all done in the name of civilis

ation, which meant the places where man had made his home, (are) where the earth was cultivated, where the forest had been cut down


5. But as time goes on mankind becomes increasingly concerned with the question of where and how to obtain irreplaceable natural resources for the needs of production.


6. At present the previous dynamic balance between man and nature and between nature and society as a whole has shown ominous signs of breaking down.


7.para. 6 line 1.

Modern technology is distinguished by an ever increasing abundance of produced and used synthetic goods.


8. para. 6 line 1.

People increasingly cover their bodies from head to foot in nylon and other synthetic, glittering fabrics that are obviously not good for them.



9 . para. 7 line 1.

As time goes on the synthetic output of production turns into waste, and then substances that in their original form were not very toxic are transformed in the cycle of natural processes into aggressive agents.”


10. But to return to our theme, the bitter truth is that those human actions which violate the laws of nature, the harmony of the biosphere, threaten to bring disaster and this disaster may turn out to be universal.


11.How apt then are the words of ancient Oriental wisdom: live closer to nature, my friends, and its eternal laws will protect you!


12.In the 20th century, Americans, Europeans, and East Asians enjoyed

material and technological advances that were unimaginable in previous eras.

In the United States, for instance, gross domestic product per capita tripled from 1950 to 2000. Life expectancy soared. The boom in productivity after World War II made goods better and cheaper at the same time.


13.And even though Americans seemed to work extraordinarily hard, their

pursuit of entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries.


14.The truly groundbreaking work on the relationship between prosperity and

well-being was done by the economist Richard Easterlin, who in 1974 wrote

a famous paper entitled “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?”

