
二、文献研究法1. 收集相关文献:通过查阅书籍、期刊、网络等渠道,收集关于文言文翻译的学术研究成果,了解文言文翻译的理论基础、研究现状和发展趋势。
2. 分析文献:对收集到的文献进行分类、整理、归纳,分析不同学者对文言文翻译的观点和方法,总结文言文翻译的规律和特点。
3. 借鉴经验:借鉴其他学科在翻译研究方面的成功经验,为文言文翻译研究提供借鉴和启示。
三、实证研究法1. 设计实验:根据研究目的,设计符合高考文言文翻译特点的实验方案,如设置不同难度层次的文言文翻译题目,观察学生在翻译过程中的表现。
2. 实施实验:组织学生进行实验,记录实验数据,如学生的翻译准确率、用时等。
3. 分析数据:对实验数据进行分析,探讨影响文言文翻译效果的因素,如学生基础知识、翻译技巧、心理素质等。
四、比较研究法1. 对比不同版本的高考文言文翻译试题:分析不同版本试题的难度、题型、内容等方面的差异,为教师和学生提供参考。
2. 对比不同学者的翻译观点和方法:分析不同学者在文言文翻译方面的观点和方法,为翻译实践提供借鉴。
3. 对比不同学生的翻译效果:分析不同学生在翻译过程中的表现,找出提高文言文翻译效果的方法。
五、案例分析法1. 收集典型案例:收集学生在高考文言文翻译中的成功案例和失败案例,分析案例中的问题及解决方法。
2. 案例分析:对收集到的案例进行深入分析,总结文言文翻译的成功经验和教训。
3. 案例推广:将成功案例中的有效方法推广到更多学生中,提高文言文翻译的整体水平。
在今后的研究中,我们还应关注以下方面:1. 结合人工智能技术,开发智能化的文言文翻译辅助工具,提高翻译效率和准确性。

Contents of Lecture One
The definition of translation criticism 2. Translation criteria 3. Principles for translation criticism 4. Criteria of translation criticism
《中国翻译字典》(1997):翻译批评是指“参照 一定的标准,对翻译过程及其译作质量与价值进行 全面的评价。” 它包括五个方面的内容: 1. 分析原作,着重了解原作者的意图和原作 具有的功能; 2. 分析译者翻译原作的目的、所采取的翻译 方法及其译作针对或可能吸引的读者对象; 3. 从原作与译作中选择有代表性的文字进行 详细的对比研究; 4. 从宏观与微观的角度评价译作,包括译者 采取的技巧与译作的质量等方面的内容; 5. 译价译作在译语文化或科学中的作用与地位。
1.What is translation criticism?
Translation criticism is the combination of translation criticism and translation appreciation from the perspective of content, expression, style, language and vividness on the background of cross-cultural communication. Criticism: broader activity, analysis in detail, evaluating old and new translations, assuming that readers know the translation.

Translation research methods are an academic research means that emphasize the application of systematic and quantifiable methods in translation work to study the differences between source language and target language. These methods usually involve the analysis of the differences in content,structure and grammar between source language and target language texts, as well as theidentification and interpretation of different translation strategies and techniques used by translators.The main purpose of translation research methods is to analyze and understand the complexity of translation work, and identify factors that affect the quality of translation. It focuses mainly on the differences between source language and target language, and how translators can turn these differences into meaningful translations. The analysis and understanding of translation research methods can help translators better understand languages, better solve translation problems, and better understand the differences between texts.Translation research methods involve many different concepts, including: mother tongue analysis, target language analysis, language comparison, translation process analysis, translation strategy and skill analysis, original content analysis, translation research resultsanalysis, etc. Mother tongue analysis is a systematic analysis of the mother tongue text to identify the language features and text structure characteristics in the mother tongue text, such as sentence composition, grammar features and vocabulary features. Target language analysis is a systematic analysis of the target language text to identify its language features and text structure characteristics, such as sentence composition, grammar features and vocabulary features. Language comparison is the comparison of the differences between source language and target language, such as semantic differences, grammatical differences, pragmatic differences, etc., to understand the differences between source language and target language, and to propose translation strategies.Translation process analysis refers to the in-depth study of the obstacles faced by translators and the identification of which strategies translators are using to overcome them. Translation strategy and skill analysis refers to the study of the different translation strategies and techniquesused by translators, and how they affect thequality of translation. Original content analysis refers to the systematic analysis of the source language text to identify its cultural, historical and literary background information, as well as possible metaphors and symbols in the text. Finally, translation research results analysis refers to the systematic analysis of the results of the translation process in order to identify the factors that affect the quality of translation and propose effective translation strategies and techniques.Translation research methods are an important academic research means that can help translators better understand languages, better solve translation problems, and better understand the differences between texts. This method involves several different analytical and understanding concepts, which can help translators better understand language, better solve translation problems, and contribute to improving the quality of translation.。

四、专业课程一览表五、各专业课程开设具体要求课程编号:00805020101课程名称:英美诗歌英文名称:English Poetry任课教师:蒋洪新适用学科、方向:英语语言文学专业的英美文学、翻译学方向,世界文学和比较文学专业预修课程:英美文学选读、英美文学史课程内容:本课程从英语诗歌的欣赏知识入手,继而对英美诗歌和诗论进行较为系统导读。

派 到解 构 学 派 ,从文 本 转 向到 文化 转 向 ,从 文 化转 向再
到 翻译 转 向 。 中尤 以语 言学派 和文 化学 派的纷 争 为最 。 其
态正 是这 个 时代 的急 需 ,林 语堂 的选 择 和 合 了 时代
和合 概念来 自张 立文 的 《 和合哲 学论》 。两字最 早见 于 甲骨文和 金文 ,从 词义上 看 , 和 指 “ 和谐 、和 平 、 祥和 ;此处 的 和 不是 简单 、静止地 附加 ,而是 多元 、 动态地创生 ;“ 合 指 结合 、合作 、融合 。此处 的 合 不仅仅是外观 上的水乳 交融、和谐 统一 ,更指深层的矛盾 转化 、融合共 生 。 和合 指 的是 人一 地一 天 参合有 序的 自然和 生之道 , 体现 出来 的是 中 国人文精 神 【 。 。 , p 和合 指 自然 、社 会 、文 明等诸 多元素或要素 的相 互冲 突 、融合 ,以及在 冲突 、融合 的动 态过程中各元 素、要 素 “ 和合 为新结 构、新事 物、新生命 的总和 L。和合 思想 5 J 的核心 理念是 “ 生生 生生 是一个动态 、开 放、宽容 。 的理念 , 指 新 生命 , 事物不断化生 ……创 生是多样 的、 新
谭 载 喜利 用认 知 论 的原型 理论 将 翻译 研究 的不 同视角 归
这 些译 论 反 映翻译 研 究 的局部 而非 整体 ,从 单 一视 角研 究翻 译必 然会 出现 横 看成 岭侧成 峰 ,远近 高低各 不 同
收稿 日期 :2 1-0 1 0 11.8
结 为 核 心成 员 与 边缘 成 员 的关系 【 3 】 于中 国传 。基


3、实验法:通过实验的方式,对特定的翻译现象或问题进行深入研究。实验 法可以验证假设、探索新现象并测试现有理论的适用性。
4、案例研究法:通过对特定文本或项目的翻译过程进行深入剖析,案例研究 法有助于了解特定文本类型或领域的翻译特点和问题。同时,案例研究还可以 为特定领域的翻译实践提供指导和建议。
1、语料库与翻译研究:语料库作为一种强大的研究工具,为翻译研究提供了 大量真实、自然的语料。通过对这些语料的分析,我们可以深入探讨翻译过程 中的语言转换规律、译者的风格和策略等。
2、基于语料库的翻译理论构建:通过对比和分析翻译与非翻译文本的差异, 基于语料库的翻译理论旨在揭示翻译的本质和过程。此外,基于语料库的翻译 理论还如何利用语料库提高翻译的质量和效率。
3、翻译教学与培训:语料库在翻译教学和培训中具有广泛应用。通过展示真 实的翻译示例和错误,语料库可以帮助学生识别翻译中的常见问题,提高翻译 技能。同时,它也为翻译培训提供了可衡量的标准和资源。
4、机器翻译与自然语言处理:随着技术的发展,机器翻译和自然语言处理技 术在翻译领域的应用日益广泛。语料库翻译学研究在这一领域如何利用这些技 术提高翻译的准确性和效率,以及如何解决机器翻译中遇到的语义和语境问题。
通过对不同研究方法的梳理和评价,我们可以发现每种研究方法都有其独特的 视角和优点。文学翻译研究方法翻译的艺术性和修辞处理,揭示了原文与译文 之间的美学关系;语言学翻译研究方法则翻译
认知翻译研究方法揭示了译者在翻译过程中的认知心理和策略,有助于我们了 解译者的思维过程和认知规律;社交翻译研究方法则将翻译置于更广泛的社会 文化背景中,为我们提供了理解和解释翻译现象的新视角。

实有效的进行翻译方法的应 用。选择 积木的切 割方式 , 进行事 件和逻辑的分析 . 专注进行概念的转换等l 1 I . . 二、 英语的语言翻译特征 除上 述 英语 翻 译 的理 论 内容 之 外 , 英语 翻 译 的语 言特 征 也 具有一定功 能性 和重要的作用 .针对英语的语 言翻译进行分 析, 掌握特征性也是 非常重要的研 究基础 6 1容之一 。针对翻译 的 内容进行 细致 的分析 . 需要 掌握翻译 的词汇方向 , 侧 重 于不 同的翻译 文本进行翻译词汇的选择 . 如科技 类型 的文本 涉及到
译, 考虑到众 多的角度 与方 法。侧重进行词汇 内容的翻译称之 为词 意 翻 译 方 式 , 还 可 以进 行 发 音 的 直 接 翻 译 , 或 者 结 合 实 际 的词汇含 义即发音进行翻译等. 在具体翻译的过程 当中需要根
据 文本 的 内容 及 内涵进 行 句子 的翻 译 , 要 保 证 翻 译 的 通 顺 和 连
求. 进 而保 证 社会 各 项 工作 的顺 利 进行 与 良好 提 升 . . 英 语 翻 译 理 论 概 述 英语 翻 译 的 工 作 非 常 复 杂 . 其 中的 6 1容 涉 及 到 众 多的 理 论 元素 , 针 对 英语 翻 译 的 理 论 进 行 剖 析 和 理 解 , 能 够 实 际 的 完 善
【 文章编号】 2 0 9 5 — 3 0 8 9 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 0 — 0 1 0 8 — 0 1
对科技词 汇的掌握 和应 用,还有很 多派生词的使 用也非常关 键. 直接影响翻译的准确性 。 除此之外 , 还存在 语法和句子翻译 方式 的 6 1容 。针 对 不 同 的语 句时 态和 方 法 进 行 分 析 与 研 究 , 关 注被 动、 非谓 语等词汇在段落 中的 转换 , 希望能 够进 行 比较 长

1. 文本对比法:通过对比原文和译文,分析翻译的准确性和表达方式的优劣,以寻找更好的翻译策略。
2. 语言对比法:通过对源语言和目标语言的对比,了解两种语言的差异和相似之处,以确定翻译的难点和解决方法。
3. 语境分析法:通过分析原文的语境,理解原文的真正含义,以确定翻译的准确性和表达方式的合理性。
4. 文化对比法:通过对源语言和目标语言的文化背景进行对比,了解文化差异,以避免文化冲突和误解。
5. 语用分析法:通过分析原文的语用意义,理解原文的言外之意,以确定翻译的准确性和表达方式的得体性。

英汉花园小径句对比探究作者:王哲龙晓翔来源:《青年文学家》2019年第11期摘; 要:“花园小径句”是语言处理过程中一种特殊的局部歧义现象,一直以来倍受语言学家和心理学家的关注。
[中图分类号]:H04; [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2019)-11--02引言:20世纪70年代,作为语言处理过程中一种特殊的歧义现象,“花园小径现象” (garden path phenomenon)最早由心理语言学学家T.G. Bever (1970)提出。
他给出了经典例句“The horse raced past the barn fell”,并通过对例句的分析给出了界定,认为“对一个句子按照常规方式理解,直到句子后面才发现理解有误,然后回到分叉点对输入的语言重新进行处理,采用非常规的方式才能达到理解的目的”。
国外围绕“花园小径”现象的讨论从认知和心理语言学的角度(如Bever 1970;Frazier &Ford 1978),发展到借助语法,或者成分分析方法进行研究(如Frazier &Clifton 1996,1997)。
(王哲)新世纪研究生公共英语教材 Reading B课文翻译

新世纪研究生公共英语教材Reading BUnit 31. 在特效药、风险性手术进程、放疗法以及特护病房方面的医学进展已为数千人带来新生。
2. 医生采用一系列航空时代技术进行治疗的能力已超过人体本身的治愈能力。
3. 不少美国人身陷医学囹圄,形同南韩拳击手金得九(Duk Koo Kim)的境遇。
4. 医疗技术进步了,是力求生存还是注重生命质量,哪个目标更为重要,这一问题在全美的医院和疗养院里引发了激烈的争论。
5. “归根结底,问题在于,医疗的宗旨是什么?”位于纽约哈德逊河上黑斯廷斯的社会、伦理及生命科学学会主席丹尼尔·卡拉汉说,“是真的要挽救生命还是要为病人谋取更大的利益?”6. 医生、病患、家属,通常还有法庭都不得不在医疗方面作出艰难的抉择。
7. 这些因现代医学技术而产生的两难问题已不断催生出生物伦理学的新准则。
死亡和垂死8. 在所有特护病房的垂死病人当中,有约莫20%的病例,其当事人面临艰难的道德抉择——是继续尽力挽救生命还是改变初衷、听凭病患死去。
9. 现在就连死亡的定义也已经改变。

翻译研究方法Research Proposal

11.1 Self-assessment
Here is a checklist of the kinds of purely methodological issues you might want to assess in your own work:
Research question / aim
Now what? Have you made some suggestions?
So what? Have you considered these, in the conclusion?
11.2 Internal Assessment
The key question is: are the readers convinced by what you are telling them? Behind this question there lie various assumptions. Readers are more likely to feel impressed if:
Have you presented your empirical material clearly? Have you explained why you chose it? How relevant is it to your research question? Have you explained how you collected it? How representative is it?
11.4 Typical Weaknesses
The following are the kinds of things that referees draw attention to when recommending, or in fact not recommending, that something be published:

一 为 什 么 翻 译 研究 的 发 展 迟 缓 呢 ? 主 要 是 因 为 当前 翻 译 研 究的 方 法 和 角度 比较 单 不 够 多 样
化 大 家 习 以为 常的 翻 译研 究方 法 即语 言 外 壳 和 美 学 相 统 一 的方法 把 翻 译 行 为 看 作 是 机 械 的 语
要通 俗 易懂
了 翻译学 的发展 尤其是 翻译理 论的发展 远远落 在其 它后起 学科的 后面 社 会学 已 经演 化和 衍生
为 人 口 学 、 公 共 关 系 学 、 协 调 学 、 服 务 学 、 行 为学 、 文 明 学 、 信 息学 … … 心 理 学 产 生 了 诸 多 的 分 支 学
我 国 是 一 个 翻 译 历 史 悠 久 的 国 家 最 早 的 翻 译 活 动 可 追 溯到 周代 汉 人 与各异 族 的 交 往 经 过
几 次大 的 翻 译 浪 潮 , 到 目 前 改 革开 放 全 方 位 的 口 笔 中外 互 译 , 涉 及 语 种 (包 括 各 少 数 民族 语言 ) 之
T h e y d a e e u s e h i m o f t a k in g b r i be s
另 外 同 一 单词 与 不 同 词 搭 配 意 思也 不 同
(前 面 已 有 实 例 ) 再 举
u nc
m ed
为 例 . u nc on -
或 d e e r n e in (
王哲 外国语言学及应用语言学


2006年9月黑龙江教育学院学报Sep 2006第25卷第5期Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education Vol 25No 5翻 译 研 究 方 法 探 究王 哲1,2(1 黑龙江省教育学院外语系;2 哈尔滨师范大学外国语学院,哈尔滨150080)摘 要:当今时代,翻译在社会上的作用越来越重要,翻译研究持续升温,而选择适合自己作为研究切入点的研究方法非常重要,对译学研究方法的探究应得到重视和加强。
关键词:翻译研究;方法;探究中图分类号:H059 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-7836(2006)05-0128-02收稿日期:2006-01-10作者简介:王哲(1976-),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,讲师,硕士研究生,从事翻译教学与理论研究。
一、 译史 名家 研究法我国至少在公元前11世纪就已经有了通过多重翻译而进行交流的史实(陈福康,2000:2)。
经历了东汉至唐宋的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译和鸦片战争至 五四 的西学翻译三次翻译高潮,中国翻译界又迎来了目前的第四次翻译高潮,而这一次无论在规模范围上,还是在质量水平和对中国社会发展的贡献上,都是前三次翻译高潮无法比拟的。

1.英汉翻译教学中预防翻译症之方法探究 [J], 阮红波
2.基于关联翻译理论的中医术语翻译方法探究 [J], 郎涛
3.基于关联翻译理论的中医术语翻译方法探究 [J], 郎涛;
4.社会符号学视阈下《诗经》言内意义翻译方法探究——以詹姆斯·理雅各和许渊冲翻译《关雎》为例 [J], 吴旻昊; 刘荔
5.台词字幕翻译的常用翻译方法探究 [J], 王敏;孙宇

%With the development of cross-cultural communication between China and America, exchange of film and television programs is becoming more and more frequently. Films from the US are getting more and more popular among Chinese audi-ence. To avoid communication barriers caused by cultural differences, translating a proper film title is a very important job for translators. This paper tries to explore the translating skills of US film titles from Skopos aspect.【总页数】2页(P144-145)【作者】王哲;马玉梅【作者单位】河南工业大学外语学院,河南郑州450001;河南工业大学外语学院,河南郑州450001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H315.9【相关文献】1.目的论下的中文电影名翻译技巧 [J], 郭女环2.目的论三原则视角下《百万英镑》张友松译本的翻译技巧分析 [J], 郭乔卉3.目的论下的中文电影名翻译技巧 [J], 郭女环4.目的论视角下的中美电影名翻译技巧初探 [J], 王哲;马玉梅5.“目的论”视角下从“可读性”出发浅谈汉译英歌词翻译技巧——以华晨宇的歌词为例 [J], 郭欣悦因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

The technical background analysis of hotelmanagement system based on Zpop,DouglasAbstract: Along with the information technology and e-commerce become more and more popular, people on the hotel's personalized and humanized requires more and more high, this paper according to the hotel based on the ASP. Net development background, focuses on the analysis of the technical background of hotel management and according to the domestic and international hotel industry development were analysis and understanding, and summed up the specific development process of hotel management system, hope to be able to give you support and help.Key words: ; hotel management; development prospectsIn the service industry, tourism is developing rapidly today, an array of all types of hotels and hotel how to stand on their own feet in the brutal competition in the, and obtain considerable efficiency and attract enough loyal guests. The hotel in terms of price, marketing and service of innovation and practice of no other hotel. With the rapid development of China's tourism, the domestic hotel industry has been unprecedented rapid development. In order to strengthen the core competitiveness of the hotel, it is necessary to use the computer to modernize information management. In many areas of the hotel, the front desk management is the core business for the guests directly. Therefore, the design and development of a full-featured, safe and efficient hotel reception management information system, improve the hotel service quality, management decision-making level will play a very important role. In this background, application of information technology to improve the management level, it becomes one of the important choices of the enterprise. On the one hand, it can strengthen internal communication efficiency, the internal transaction cost reaches the minimum value; on the other hand, it makes the communication between the enterprise and its partners has been strengthened, the transfer, cash flow and to improve the efficiency of the whole supply chain information, at the same time and response to changes in the market and customer needs.Along with the information technology and e-commerce become more and more popular. We are looking forward to the hotel service management system integration and POS machine, online booking system organically, similar to the train ticketsautomatic fetching ticket system, help guests to independent of reservation, wards, check-out, payment and a series of operations, this can greatly save manpower capital, improve the service of personalized and humanized.1 Development backgroundUnder the pull of the demand, the development of the domestic The Inn Boutique is very fast, the number of the hotel is a rising trend of the geometric level. Prospective industry Research Institute released the 2014-2018 China hotel industry, development prospects and investment strategy planning analysis report "data show that at present, the number of domestic boutique hotel has reached more than 200, mainly concentrated in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other economically developed coastal cities and Lijiang and other famous tourist resort. Other from trip, with the course of travel website booking situation, in the rapid development of domestic high-end hotel market, boutique hotel is quietly becoming an important segment of the market, the market blowout phenomenon. From the site data show that the last three years, the number of domestic The Inn Boutique has increased by at least 200%.(1) The trend of the globalization of the hotel industry is strengthened, and the hotel employees need to master more international knowledgeThis year, the World Tourism Commission has released a research statistics, the tourism industry has now become the largest and fastest development of all industries. Preliminary estimates by 2022, the number of global tourism employment will reach 328000000 people. Alone in the United States, in the ten major industries, the tourism industry for the masses to provide the total employment of 1/8 of all industries. And this data is still true and true, to 2013, the number of monthly growth of about 55000. On the other hand, the number of global tourists also increased dramatically, the United States, China is the most obvious. Analysis is expected to 2018, the number of international tourists will be increased by around 30% than now. In global respected tourism, keen to the boom in tourism in, and tourism industry is closely related to the hotel industry, the development trend of the first is the hotel staff requirements, it is necessary to grasp the professional knowledge of the internationalization of.(2) The hotel ranking is of great significance in the development of The Globe Hotel industry.Globalization, information today, the user's comments on the Internet has been self-evident. Twenty-first Century is a digital era of word-of-mouth transmission. User's comments to some extent, the impact of the hotel's business and revenue. In the United States, this absolute freedom of speech is over, every day there are 2400000000 brands related session, which the brand was mentioned as high as 3300000000. And every week of regular online and offline sessions of the average American will have 60 references to the name of the brand. 33% of users think that the evaluation of the hotel users directly determines the first impression that they have the hotel, but some people because of the evaluation and whether to choose whether to stay at this hotel.(3) Sustainable development has become a new standard for all hotelsAccording to the statistics from the U.S. Green Building Council: hotel in the United States alone covers a total area of 50 million square feet, the number of rooms up to 5 000000, annual energy consumption amounted to about 40 billion dollars. The development of the hotel has a tremendous impact on the environment, the hotel industry is also constantly strive to develop new standards for the sustainability of the hotel, improve the hotel environmental awareness. 2013 is the turning point for the sustainable development of the hotel, the ecological environment has become the hotel industry standards, 2014 hotel industry will appear more green products and energy-saving practice.(4) The hotel needs to redefine the hotel room service is no longer out of old colorBecause the hotel room service income is greatly reduced, some hotels like the Hilton Hotel New York, canceled room service. Most of the hotel to the concept of hotel room service were re interpretation, such as the introduction of famous chefs, restaurant concepts, elaborate Hotel menus, menu of digital guest room, online ordering and provide self-service room service and so on. The hotel room service in the short term will not disappear fast, will provide more convenient, high quality food and beverage service for the guests. The development of the hotel has a tremendous impact on the environment, the hotel industry is also constantly strive to develop new standards for the sustainability of the hotel, improve the hotel environmental awareness. 2013 is the turning point for the sustainable development of the hotel, the ecological environment has become the hotel industry standards, 2014 hotel industry will appear more green products and energy-saving practice.2 Technical supportAuthentication is one of the foremost features of web application's security .In , authentication is done at two levels. First, Internet Information Server (IIS) will perform the required authentication, then send out the request to ASP .NET, as described in Figure 1. For application, the underlying webserver is IIS. Therefore, every application can continue to leverage the security options provided by IIS .When the user requests a specific resource on the system , that request will come to IIS . IIS authenticates the user requesting there source and then hands off the request and the security token for the authenticating user to ASP. NET worker process.ASP. NET worker process will decide whether to impersonate the authenticated user supplied by IIS or not. If impersonation is enabled in the configuration setting in Web file, then worker process impersonates the authenticated user. Otherwise, the thread will run under the ASP .NET worker process identity .After all, ASP .NET checks whether the authenticated user is authorized to access these resources .If they are allowed to, serves the request; otherwise it sends an “access-denied” error message back to the user. provides built-in support for user authentication through several authentication providers. These are Forms-based authentication, which is the application that is secured by using a custom authentication model with cookie support, Passport authentication, an application that is secured by using Microsoft(r) Passport authentication. Passport is a single sign-on technology developed by Microsoft for use on the web and the Window s authentication which is an application secured by using integrated window s authentication where access to a web application is allowed only to those users who are able to verify their windows credentials .There are scenarios w here some applications do not use the authentication at all or the developer may want to develop custom authentication code. In this case, can set the authentication mode to none .This article will briefly cover the Forms-based, passport and windows authentications.Fig. 1 Security flow of IIS and ASP. NET2.1 SQLThe relational database has existed for 30 years, but they are not the original database, they are not the latest database. XML and object-oriented data structure have been developed in recent years. However, the relational database is still the most popular database so far, and will be used for some time in the future.SQL is the abbreviation for structured query language and is used in relational database.First, SQL is the preferred tool for viewing information in relational databases. It not only dumps data to you, but also the advanced tool for data summarization, consolidation and calculation. Using table relationships, data can be merged from many aspects of multiple tables. SQL can answer a sound database almost all the relevant data issues. Secondly, SQL provides in the relational database command data manipulation functions, records can be updated and added to a table or deleted from a table, which is as a database language SQL really shines. Programming language, such as BASIC, may require a few lines of code to update the database table records. In addition, the programming language of the program must use some of the cyclic structure sort to repeat the process in each record. SQL can operate all records at the same time. SQL is like a haiku for programmers, often with a lot of words or less can be deleted or changed thousands of records. Finally, SQL is a complete data definition language (DDL). The database itself can create and all tables, fields, and keys for relationships. By adding data to the record insertion command, you can have a complete database and all programming code data. This greatly enhances the working capability of database programming or the improvement of port remote data. The prerequisite for studying SQL is discrete mathematics (theoretical knowledge, relationship and function).. Although there is no need to learn all theorems anddiscrete mathematics theorems, but should understand the basic concepts, relations and functions. This will help you learn SQL queries and basic content. If you want to explore a deeper relationship database management system, it should also learn graph theory..Data is something that can be stored in future operations (in the database). The system is capable of providing such a facility known as the database management system or DBMS. The simplest form of storing data used after the next retrieval is the use of text files. For example, you want to save your friend's name and phone number after you want to store your friend (in this case you can use Notepad or Word to do). This form of storage is called a flat file storage or unstructured storage. In this case, the text editor is to complete the file and directory service provided by the operating system of the storage and retrieval tasks of the data. However, these unstructured planar files are not suitable for storing large amounts of data, such as stock information. Because of the large amount of stock and the addition and renewal of stock, if we use a simple plane file cannot be a good extension. To overcome this, we need to perform storage, retrieval, operations and query operations for data and to output the results to our system, which is called the database management system. Therefore, a database management system is a system of information retrieval, organization and storage in structure. A database management system for a given data use one or more file storage.2. 2 C#C# programming language is built on the spirit of the C and C++ programming language. This account has a very powerful feature and a curve of study. Can't say that C# is the same as C and C++, but because C# is built on both of them, Microsoft removes some of the more burden features, such as pointers. This part of the watch C and C++, in the C# to track their development. C programming language was originally defined in the UNIX operating system. UNIX used to write a number of applications, including a C compiler, and finally used to write UNIX himself. It is generally recognized that the competition in this academic world is expanded to include this business world, the brain. The original API Windows was defined and worked with the Windows code with C, and until today at least set the core Windows operating system APIS to keep the C compiler.From a definition, C lacks a detail like the Smalltalk language as well as the concept of an object. You will learn more about the object of the content in Chapter 8, "writing object oriented code" an object as a data collection and a set of operations, the code can be C to complete, but the notion of an object was not is forced in the language. If you want to construct your code to make it like an object, very well. If you don't want to, C really don't mind. Objects are not an inherent part of this language, and many people do not have to spend much of this program in the example. When the object oriented view of the development of the beginning of recognition, thinking code method. C++ was developed, including this improvement. It is defined to be compatible with C++ (as all the C programs are also the C++ program, and can be compiled by the C++ compiler) C language main increase is to provide this new concept. C++ also provides an additional class of derivatives of the class (object template) behavior.C + + language is an improvement over C, are not familiar with the common language, such as VB, C and C + + is relatively low-level, and need you compile a lot of code to your application is running. Rationale and error check. And C++ can result in very awesome application code, work smoothly. The target is set to keep the compatibility of C++, C cannot break the underlying characteristics of C. Microsoft defines the C# to retain a lot of C and C++ statements. Code and can want to identify code quickly. For C# a big advantage is that its designers don't make it compatible with C++ and C. When this may seem like a bad deal, it's a good news. C# removed some of the things that made the C and C++ work hard. Was found in the quirks and defects in C. C# is starting a clean slate and there is no need for any compatibility. So it can keep the strengths of the predecessors and discard the weaknesses of the survival of the C and C++ programs.3Hotel management development trendThe hotel industry should be the hotel management industry rather than the hotel investment, if it is the hotel investment industry is real estate business. The real estate enterprises in the securities industry price earnings ratio of 8 times, and the hotel management industry enterprises is generally 25 times the price earnings ratio. At present, China is a big investment country, but it is a small country of hotel management. One of the important tasks of economic transformation in China is to develop new service industry. Hotel management is a new service industry in the thirdindustry, it should develop vigorously. China's development of modern service industry has great potential, the Twelfth Five Year Plan for the annual GDP growth of 7%, the proportion of service industry increase in 2015 increased by 4 percentage points to 47%. There is still a gap between the global average of urbanization rate in China and the gap between the proportion of GDP of service industry in China and the gap between the proportion of GDP and the development potential.The main task of the hotel industry in China is from hotel investment to hotel management. Seize the development brand with independent intellectual property rights, to implement the requirements of the state on the overall strength of the cultural development and change the focus on investment management of light and heavy hardware software light, this is China's economic transformation requirements and China's service to the precondition of global development of hotel management industry in our country.Our five-star hotel scale development is very rapid, 2000 117 4.52 million rooms, 2001 129 5.03 million rooms, in 2002 175 6.49 million rooms, 2003 198 6.96 million rooms, 2004 242 874 million rooms in 2005, 281 of 10.65 million rooms, 2006, 302 11.52 thousand rooms, in 2007 369 13.73 million rooms, 2008 432 15.69 million rooms, 2009 506 18.11 million rooms, 2010 595 2.181 million rooms, 2011 615 21.76 million rooms, 2012 640 25.20 million between rooms.For over 30 years, foreign star hotel investment accounted for only less than 5% of the whole of China hotel market investment, the mainstream of China's hotel industry has become for the development of real estate industry and international hotel management company brand, brand of native land hotel increasingly marginalized. The proportion of foreign investment in hotels in China accounted for 4.22% in the end of 2011, of which 2.28% of Hong Kong, Macao, 1.94%, 4.13% of the end of 2012, 2.11% of Hong Kong, Macao and 2.02%. Brand of the hotel that cross a state in addition to the Shangri La, peninsula endures, pure management money and does not involve investment, the number of Chinese hotel management at the end of 2007 480, by the end of 2008 516, by the end of 2010 more than 1000. 2008, 2009, 2010 3 years of new listed multinational hotel management brand hotel more than 20 years ago. In China's largest estimated 30 cities, the number of multinational hotel management hotel brand in 2010 increased by 52%. International Hotel Group brand in the 20th century, executed in the same city only to provide a brand management, will not accept the same brand second investment invitation,when mall in Shanghai the Portman Ritz Carlton Hotel by Shangri La management after 5 years, due to the Shangri La in Pu dong, Shanghai will open a bottle of wine shop, Shanghai mall investment is to this clause hiring the Ritz - Carlton for the hotel management; now many international group in the same city not only has a full range of brand, the same brand in a number of more and more. In addition, there are high brand or made the brand in the Chinese.In recent years, most of the new hotels use multinational brands, even local hotel management group's own hotel also long-term use of transnational brands. Good hotel for a domestic hotel management group in their long-term by transnational hotel group management contributed to the from all walks of life of new hotel have requested the international hotel group management of wind Sheng, also in turn weakens the domestic hotel management group. 20 years later, how many doctoral degree can be got, still have local hotel management group is still in the initial learning stage. There is no hotel industry any high-tech, and the development of science and technology, management in China is advancing rapidly, and the advanced field can develop independently. Commissioned by state-owned assets, the state-owned hotel management company management, but the state-owned hotel management company was commissioned management of transnational corporations, thus increased entrusted management level and management costs if it is necessary, it is recommended the state-owned hotel management company hired management of hotel assets recovery, by state owned assets supervision and administration institutions directly unified entrust management of multinational company.4 ConclusionAuthentication in ASP. N ET is one of the best features of the web application's security. It is divided into 3 different built-in providers: Forms based, Passport and Windows Authentication. The Forms-based and passport authentication do not require the users to be as Window s users. The windows authentication is designed for users that are part of Windows domain. Forms-based authentication provides the unauthenticated users with the login page to ask them for their credentials, and it will validate those credentials against the designated authority. If the users are not authorized to access specific resources, it will send the access-denied message back to the users .For Passport authentication, the Passport SDK is simply installed on the server and registered with Microsoft Passport. This mechanism offers a single sign-in provided by Microsoft to allow access to the member sites. The Window s authentication is the easiest to implement, as it does not require writing any code for authentication.基于的酒店管理系统技术背景分析喆珀,道格拉斯(音译)摘要:随着信息化与电子商务的越发普及,人们对酒店的个性化与人性化要求越来越高,本文根据酒店基于的开发背景,着重分析了酒店管理的技术背景,并根据国内外的酒店行业发展情况进行了一定的分析和了解,并总结出酒店管理系统的具体开发流程,希望能够给与大家一定的支持和帮助。
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Sep 2006第25卷第5期Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education Vol 25No 5
翻 译 研 究 方 法 探 究
王 哲
(1 黑龙江省教育学院外语系;2 哈尔滨师范大学外国语学院,哈尔滨150080)
摘 要:当今时代,翻译在社会上的作用越来越重要,翻译研究持续升温,而选择适合自己作为研究切入点的研究方法非常重要,对译学研究方法的探究应得到重视和加强。
中图分类号:H059 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-7836(2006)05-0128-02
一、 译史 名家 研究法
经历了东汉至唐宋的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译和鸦片战争至 五四 的西学翻译三次翻译高潮,中国翻译界又迎来了目前的第四次翻译高潮,而这一次无论在规模范围上,还是在质量水平和对中国社会发展的贡献上,都是前三次翻译高潮无法比拟的。
二、 流派 理论 研究法
无论是 信、达、雅 、 神似 ,还是 化境 ,中国译学家们在阐述翻译思想时,总是力争用最概括、最简洁的字眼儿来归纳自己的感悟。
主要有 文艺学派 、 语言学派 、 研究学派 、 阐释学派 、 解构主义流派 、 培训班学派 和 释意理论派 等流派。
三、 范畴 类型 研究法
四、 经验 技巧 研究法
五、 评论 赏析 研究法
口译按操作形式可分为交替、连续、同声、耳语、视阅传译等;按操作内容可分为会议、谈判、礼仪和导游口译等(梅德明,2000:14 16)。
八、 以译促研 实践法
[1]陈福康 中国译学理论史稿(修订本)[M] 上海:上海外
[2]李文革 西方翻译理论流派研究[M] 北京:中国社会科
[3]杨晓荣 翻译批评导论[M] 北京:中国对外翻译出版公
An Inquiry Into the Methods of Translation Studies
(English Department of Harbin Normal University,Harbin150080,Chi na)
Abstract:The effect of translation is more and more importan t in the society nowadays Translation studies become more popular Choos ing a proper method of translation studies is very important as the starting point There are some characteris tic methods that can be used The inquiry into the methods of translation studies should be paid much attention to and be strengthened
Key words:translation studies;methods;inquiry