07牛津译林版 8A Unit 7 Seasons语法知识点

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8A Unit 7 Seasons语法知识点讲解


1 about the four seasons 关于4个季节

2 to use the new words to talk about the four seasons 使用新单词来谈论四季

3 different kinds of verbs and sentences structures不同种类的动词和句型结构

4 the suffix –y后缀-y


1 look cool 看起来很酷

2 the rest time to do sth. 做某事的最好时间

3 in summer 在夏天

4 go swimming 去游泳

5 be full of 充满……

6 forget to grow 忘记了生长

7 fly far away 飞往远方8 play among flowers 在花丛中玩

9 turn brown 变黄10 rhyme with 与……押韵

11 on a hot summer afternoon 在一个炎热的夏天下午12 drop below… 下降到……以下

13 the lowest temperature 最低温度14 stay above zero 在零度以上

15 a bit 16 with the help of --- 在---的帮助下


Welcome to the unit

1.Is this one OK?


I haven‟t got a pen. I‟ll have to buy one.

I have a new story-book and several old ones.

提醒:A. 如果one不带任何前置修饰语,而是单独使用时,其意义通常是泛指。

I have no recorder. I want to buy one.

B. 不定冠词a/ an不可直接和one连用,但a/ an后面有形容词时,可以和one连用。

Have you any knives? I need a sharp one.

C. 当one(s)代替特质名词时,它前面总有定冠词或其他限定词。

This room and the one upstairs are being cleaned.

D. one只能代替可数名词,如果所替代的是特指的不可数名词,则应该用that。

The study of English is as important as that(=the study)of Chinese.

2.I bet you‟ll look cool and feel cool with nothing on!

解析:1. 句中的look与feel为连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。

He passed the exam, he looked happy.

How cool you are in red clothes!

2. with nothing on“行为方式或伴随情况”

Tom always sleeps with his eyes open.

The boy ran out with nothing on.


解析:rainy adj.“有雨的,多雨的”

It is rainy today.

拓展:rain v.“下雨”,作不可数名词,表示“雨,雨水”

It rained here yesterday.

There will be a lot of rain here this summer.

4.Which season do you like best?

解析:like…best“最喜欢···”=favorite, Which is your favourite season?

5.It‟s the best time to play football outside.

解析:It‟s the best time to do sth“表示做某事的最佳时候”

It‟s the best time for sth/ doing sth

It‟s the best time to plant trees in spring.= It‟s the best time for planting trees in spring.


1.Winter days are full snow.

解析:full adj.“满,充满”。be full of= be filled with

The theatre is full of people.

I‟m full, and I don‟t want to eat anything.

2.When trees and flowers forget to grow.

解析:forget v.“忘记,忘”。


3.And the birds fly far away.

解析:far away“遥远”。be far away from…“离···很远”

The supermarket is far away from the park.

I live far away from my school.

4.Bees and butterflies play among flowers.


She sat among the children.


5.Then autumn leaves turn brown.


In autumn the leaves turn yellow.

In spring the trees turn green and the flowers start to come out.

拓展:A. turn“转向,翻转”

Turn right, At the end of the road you‟ll see the hospital.

B. turn“轮流”

Now, it‟s your turn to read the text.

It‟s my turn to use the bike.

6.Fall into piles upon the ground.

解析:fall into“落进,陷进,掉进”

The boy fell into water and had to be pulled out at once.

拓展:fall into“流入,流进”

The Yangtze River falls into the East China Sea.

7.Farmers work to harvest crops.

解析:to harvest crops是动词不定式。

He worked hard to pass the exam.

It‟s time to harvest crops.

8.As the days are shorter and the temperature drops.

解析:1. temperature n.“温度,气温”。

take one‟s temperature

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

2. drop v.“下降,下落”

The plane is dropping quickly.


