英文版踢猫效应kick the cat(课堂PPT)

Synonyms and Antonyms
The text uses synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings) to add variety and depth to the language. Synonyms can help the reader understand a concept from different perspectives, while antonyms can help contrast and compare ideas.
01 Story background
Story Introduction
The story of "Disappearing Cat" is set in a small town where a cat suddenly disappears, leaving its owner and the town residents baffled.
Analysis of sentence structure
This part of the courseware focuses on analyzing the structure of sentences in the text, including their complexity and effectiveness.
The antagonists
A mysterious figure who may be connected to the cat's disappearance and the town's secrets.
1. Hit the Nail on the Head PPT课件

By Alan Warner
①Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? ②He hits it first to one side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only get half of it into the wood. ③A skilful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive home the nail with a few firm, deft blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. [续]
④例如,可能有人问过你:“某某人怎样?” ⑤ 你回答说:“嗯,我认为他是个不错的家伙,但 他非常…”然后你停了下来,因为你要努力找一个 词或短语来说明他哪里让你讨厌,有什么不足。 ⑥当你找到恰当短语时,你会感觉自己对他的看 法更清楚,也更精确了。
①Some English words have a common root but are used in very different senses. ②Consider human and humane, for example. [续]
①这个呼吁非常激动人心,但是被最后一个短 语中的singularity这个近音误用错误给破坏了。②我认 为,作者真正想表达的意思是思想上的singleness,即 执著于心中的目标,而不被次要的目的干扰。③ singularity指的是oddity 或 peculiarity,是指将一个人从 众多人中区分出来的某种特质。

What's the reason for animal migration?
几乎所有的动物迁徙都只是 出于同一个理由——生存。 有些动物迁移是为了寻找食 物,另一些则是为了远离危 险,繁衍后代。动物们没有 一个挂在墙上的日历告诉他 们何时迁徙,那么它们是如 何知道何时该启程了呢?它 们又是如何找回到多年前出 生的地方呢?又或者,它们 是如何知道在这12,000 英里 的旅途中该向哪个方向前行 呢?科学家正开始了解更多 关于动物迁徙的奥秘。
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find one’s way (back) to
Proper Names
How much do you know about animal migration? Watch the following video clip, and think about the following questions. 1. What animals are mentioned in the video? 2. What animal makes the longest migration?
译 文
Knowing when to migrate comes from various things. For some animals, it is how long the day is. Some judge the time by the temperature outside, whereas others know when to travel by the level of fat in their body. Animals know how much fat they need. When their fat levels fall, many will migrate.However, if they wait too long, they will not have enough fat to make the journey.
1. Hit the Nail on the Head PPT课件

①It is hard work choosing the right words, but we shall be rewarded by the satisfaction that finding them brings. ②The exact use of language gives us mastery over the material we are dealing with. [续]
①找到那些恰到好处的词,很不容易。②但是, 如果找到了那个词,我们会很欣慰:辛劳得到了 回报。③准确地使用语言可以使我们很好地驾驭 语言材料。 [续]
③Perhaps you have been asked “what sort of a man is so-and-so?” ④You begin: “Oh, I think he’s quite a nice chap but he’s rather…” and then you hesitate trying to find a word or phrase to express what it is about him that you don’t like, that constitutes his limitation. ⑤ When you find the right phrase, you feel that your conception of the man is cleaner and sharper…
①法国人有一个很贴切的短语,可以表 Nhomakorabea这个 意思。②这就是le mot juste,意思是“恰到好处的 词”。③关于精益求精的作家,有很多传闻轶事, 比如,福楼拜(Flaubert)为了使一两个句子准确 无误,常常花费几天时间。 [续]
仁爱版英语八年级上册:Unit 1 Topic 2 I'll kick you the ball again. Section C 课件(共28张PPT)

3. Michael is not good at _(p_l_a_y_in_g_)_s_o_c_c_e_r_,but he likes to have a try.
1.Who is the boy in the picture ? He is one of Kangkang's
2.Wtehaamt’ms watreosn.g with him? He fell ill.
3. Would Kangkang mind teaching Michael? Not at all.
1b Watch the flash and complete the sentences.
1. Kangkang and his team are going to have a soccer game against __________ on Saturday.
2. Kangkang asks Michael to join them because a teammate _________.
1. Phases: fall ill, be ill, do well in, be good at, would you mind, give me a hand.
2. Sentences with direct and indirect object structure.
We can: Make requests and responses
Could you give me a hand, please?Sure.源自give sb. a hand

1.to do things in a particular way
2. someone who shows you which direction to go in 3. to jump high into the
bush definitely guide
air or over something 4.to wait before you do or say something because you are not
(c) it is difficult to see the old world
Scanning True or False
• 1. It was very late at night when all this happened. • 2. Will was excited because he had done some
(c ) because it is alien
5.Will does not go back to his world because__________.
(a) life is difficult in his world
(b) he wants to learn about this new world
The Cat That Vanished
The Trilogy of His Dark Materials The Subtle Knife
<<精致匕首 >>
Northern Lights
The Amber Spyglass
Unit 1 Endearing Animals(课堂PPT)

12. She developed some colour on her head and tail and was a calico cat, although mostly pure white. At full growth she only weighed three pounds, a tiny but full grown cat!
Reading Comprehension
Para. 7~10
7. Brandy followed me everywhere often nuzzling the pocket in which she slept. When she was in my lap for a feed, Brandy would stand there watching and then wash her from tiny head to toe.
8. A week went by and she lived... and she began to gain and grow.
9. One day, to my surprise, after a feed, Brandy picked her up in his huge jaws, took her to the rug and curled up with “Sammy” under his chin, tucked into his coat for warmth.
Reading Comprehension
Para. 14~16
14. Inside or outside this big black dog and tiny white cat were always together. She got along well with all the dogs, and played with the newest puppies. She was the one and only animal EVER to be allowed on my husband’s bed, his chair or HIS LAP! (4)_______. She was high-spirited, playful and very loving. She did all and saw all and lived life to the fullest. She loved the children and never had to be declawed, although her nails were kept trimmed. She was wonderful!
about cat.ppt

• A cat has nine lives(猫有九命--自有天相), • Cats hide their claws(猫总是藏起自己的爪子-知人知面不知心) • All cats are grey in the dark (黑暗处的猫都是灰 色的--人未出名时看起来都差不多) • A gloved cat catches no mice(戴手套的猫抓不 到老鼠-四肢不勤,一事无成) • Care killed the cat(忧虑伤身) • Let the cat out of bag(无意中泄露秘密) • There‘s more ways than one to kill a cat(有的 是办法)All cats are(或look)black(或gray) in the dark. 五十步笑百步或乌鸦笑猪黑。
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Author: YYL
The cat did it. 是猫打破的; 不是我搞的。
The cat is out of the bag. 说走了嘴 泄露秘密
The cat jumps. 形势清楚了
观望形势 然后行事 看风使舵 随机应变
A cat has nine lives
A cat is said to have nine lives because it’s more tenacious of life than many animals. People always think that due to the speed, cleverness and flexibility of cats, they can stay alive in most difficult situations when other animals would have been killed, such as a dangerous fall. Now, people use this idiom to metaphorize someone who has great vitality.
英语课件Period 消失的猫

(3)…keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating.
(4). If you were level with the patch so that it was edge-on, it was nearly invisible.
A. If you were looking at the grass you could see it.
B. If you were standing next to the area of grass you could not see it.
Match the words with their meanings.(Act.2,P16)
behave bush hesitate leap
definitely scent
guide vanish
1. to do things in a particular way behave 2. someone who shows you which direction to go
5. Will does not go back to his world
a) life is difficult in his world
b) he wants to learn about this new world
c) it is difficult to see the old world

been part of our shared culture for decades and license ['laɪsns]
we look forward to exploring where her newest The film’s plot is not yet decided.
这个简笔画形象出现在衣服、玩具、文具等商 品上,针对的消费人群主要是小孩,但近年来 在一些成年人当中也很受欢迎。
Hello Kitty-branded products are sold in 130
countries worldwide, with the range extending
from prosecco(葡萄酒名) to plimsolls(橡胶底帆
经过五年的商讨,凯蒂猫所属的日本三丽鸥公 司和华纳兄弟公司旗下的新线电影公司终于达 成了协议。
The film’s plot is not yet decided. “A search for writers and creative talent will commence(开始, 着手) immediately,” Sanrio said in a statement.
Hello Kitty将被拍成好莱坞电影 动画版还是真人版待定 Hello Kitty, whose image already appears on pyjamas(睡衣), pencil cases, and the sides of buses, is to grace(使优美) the big screen after the brand’s owner signed the feline(猫) icon’s (图标) first film deal. 凯蒂猫品牌的产品在全世界130个国家有售,涵盖了从葡萄酒到帆布鞋等各种产品。 The simple line-drawn(简笔画) image has appeared on merchandise including clothing, toys and stationery, targeted mostly at young children, but also more recently popular with some adults. 这个简笔画形象出现在衣服、玩具、文具等商品上,针对的消费人群主要是小孩,但近年来在一些成年人当中也很受欢迎。
Unit2 P4 Integrated skills -高一英语课件(译林版2020必修第一册)

Simon's problem:
His parents are too busy with their work to care about him. He is eager for his parents' love.
Laura's problem: Her parents protect her too much and she hopes her parents could be more flexible.
● Learning about the text type
A letter of advice is written to someone who has a problem and does not know how to solve it. In a letter of advice, you try to help solve the problem by offering useful advice.
● Problem Simon/Laura has ● Advicereference
Asking for and giving advice
• Asking for advice *What shall I do? *What do you think I
Example: Try to make a deal with your mother by explaining why you (7) _________________ and how it helps you. ◆ (8) _________________ in your mother's shoes and try to understand what she does. Example: When your mother doesn't let you (9) _________________, think about why she does so.

英语读头条(第121期)Kitten Disrupts Baseball Game In Cutest Way Possible — Then Disappears小猫咪以一种再可爱不过的方式中断了比赛,然后消失The cat who adorably disrupted a Major League Basebal l game has gone missing.一只猫,以它超萌的方式打断了棒球联盟的比赛,然后消失在人海中。
Summer is baseball season —it’s also part of kitten s eason, and on Wednesday night, the two collided in the m ost adorable way. Luckily, there were plenty of cameras aro und to capture the magic.夏日,是属于棒球的季节——也同样是属于猫咪的季节,在周三的晚上,这两件事以一种超级可爱的方式相遇了。
Tensions were running high at Busch Stadium as the St. Louis Cardinals faced off against the Kansas City Royals. Atthe bottom of the sixth, the Cardinals had the bases loade d, when suddenly a flash of fur streaked across the field.在Busch体育场里,圣路易红雀队正与堪萨斯市皇家队厮杀,场上气氛越来越紧张。