





1.I had an unusual day on my last school trip.

2.Look。How fast a runner Laura is。She is getting the first place.

3.--Do you know how often Jane visits her grandparents?

Once a week.

4.Could you tell me where you bought the cool T-shirt?

5.--Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?

No。I seldom do that because it makes me fortable.

6.She asked me whose pen it was.

7.When I was your age。my parents didn’t allow me to go out at night.

8.XXX it.

9.This book is often taken away from the library.

I realized that I had left my key in my backpack。

As I walked towards my apartment。I reached into my pocket to grab my key。but it wasn't there。I started to panic。thinking that I had lost it somewhere along the way。But then I remembered that I had put my key in my XXX。

I XXX through it until I found my key。I XXX I had remembered where I had put it。

Lesson learned: always double check before leaving the house to make sure you have everything you need.

I have a useful nary with many words and multiple meanings for each word。However。I usually only read the first meaning of a word to save time and continue reading my book。One morning。while reading。I came across a strange sentence with six words。I understood five of the words but was confused by the word "draw." I looked up the first meaning of "draw" in my nary。

which was "pull." I then assumed the XXX "pull a picture of your house," but my friend Dick corrected me。He showed me the second meaning of "draw," which was "make a picture with a pen。pencil。or brush." Therefore。XXX "make a picture of your house." I was grateful for Dick's help and learned how to use XXX.




D。the other

Do you ever find yourself XXX。Maybe you can't remember where you put your keys。or you XXX。It's frustrating。but there are some simple tricks you can use to improve your memory.

First。try to pay n to what you're trying to remember。If you're distracted or not fully focused。it will be harder to recall the n later。Take a moment to really focus on the task at hand.

Another helpful tip is to repeat the n out loud。This can help rce the memory and make it easier to recall later on。You can also try writing the n down。as this engages your brain in a different way and can help with XXX.

It'XXX exercise。as both of these can have a positive impact on memory。And don't et to give yourself XXX the day to let your brain rest and recharge.

Overall。XXX and practice。but with these simple tips。you can start making progress today.

When the writer was a boy。he used to XXX。and he would fly there from XXX hostess and never had a bad experience.

22.The XXX flying。

Although the writer was used to traveling by air and had never XXX。XXX a flight。the plane suddenly turned around and flew back to the airport while they were gaining height over the city。An air hostess XXX it landed。Later。XXX had been made because an important person was on board。After a thorough search。nothing was found。and they were able to take off again after a delay of five hours。

Note: XXX.)


23.During their flight。an air-XXX.

24.After a nine-hour delay。nothing us was found and they were allowed to take off again.

25.It turned out that there was indeed a bomb on the plane.


When going into the forest with friends。it'XXX do e separated。it's best to sit down and wait for your friends to find you。Trying to find them on your own can lead to getting lost。nally。you can make it XXX three times。pausing。and then repeating the signal。This pattern of three signals is recognized as a call for help.

If you find yourself lost in the forest。it's important to stay in one place and signal for help。Shout or whistle three times in a row to let others know that you need XXX hears your signal。they will respond with two shouts。two whistles。or two gunshots as an answer to your call for help.

If you don't think help will arrive before nightfall。it's a good idea to build a shelter using branches and make a bed with XXX。if you need to find water。you should leave your shelter and search for it。As you walk。drop small branches to mark your path and make it easier to find your way back.

Remember。if you're lost。the most XXX is to stay in one place and wait for help to arrive。Don't wander around aimlessly。as this will only make it more difficult for rescuers to find you.

To make sure that people take your calls for help usly。it's importantXXX that you are just making noise for fun。

XXX calls for help。whether they be shouts。whistles。or gunshots。it means that someone has heard you and is responding。This is not the time to XXX。but rather a sign to wait for XXX or

to try to make your way to the responders。

If you need to leave your current n to find drinking water。it's important to leave marks behind so that you can find your way back。nally。it's a good XXX the water and to make a fire for tea or other hot beverages。

If you happen to see something moving and shining in the night sky that you've never seen before。it could be a XXX to

learn more about this XXX.

A XXX。but it is not one。Instead。it XXX。a comet orbits the sun。but its path is much longer。So。what exactly is a comet?

According to some scientists。XXX frozen water。mixed with iron and rock dust。and possibly some large rocks。When the sun's rays melt the ice in the comet。it XXX clouds。along with the dust。create a tail.

Although many people may have witnessed a comet。the exact number of comets is unknown。While there could be ns of comets。only a few come close enough for us to observe.

XXX。who lived from 1656 to 1742.made XXX through the sky。While some comets disappear from view and never return。others XXX。a XXX intervals。was named after Halley for his work in predicting its return。In 1986.XXX to the sun and Earth。drawing crowds of people worldwide to view it。It is expected to return to Earth's vicinity in the future。making it a sight that many may have the XXX witness.

30.A comet is similar to which of the following?





31.XXX what?

A。Water and rock

B。Water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron

C。Ice。iron。and rock dust

D。Only a few large pieces of rock

32.Some comets have what characteristic in their return?

A。Random timing

B。Midday arrival

C。Regular intervals

D。Daytime visibility

Have you ever played the game "Musical Chairs"。It's a simple game that most people enjoy。All you need are chairs。people。and music。You can use a piano or any other musical instrument。or XXX.

To set up the game。arrange the chairs in a line。You can place them in pairs。back to back。or in a single row with each XXX of the chair next to it。

The rules of the game are XXX the music starts。players walk around the chairs in the same n and in time with the music。If the music is fast。they should walk quickly。and if it's slow。they should walk slowly。

As the game progresses。one chair is removed each round。When the music s。players quickly find a chair to sit in。The player who is left standing is out。and one chair is removed for the next round。The game continues until only one player is left。who is declared the winner。

Overall。"Musical Chairs" is an easy and enjoyable game that can be played with minimal equipment and a group of friends.



The importance of sports

Sports play an important role in our lives。They not only help us stay healthy and fit。but also teach us important life s______ like teamwork。n。and perseverance。Participating in sports can also help us build c______ and develop social skills.

One of the biggest XXX health。Regular exercise XXX。heart disease。and other health p______。It can also improve our balance。flexibility。XXX.

XXX。sports can also help us develop important character traits。For example。when we play on a team。we learn how to work together and support each other。We also learn how to set goals and work hard to achieve them。These skills can be valuable in many areas of life。including school。work。and nships.

Playing sports can also help us build c______ and develop social skills。When we play on a team。we have the opportunity

to meet new people and make friends。We also learn how to XXX c______ in a constructive way.

In n。sports are an important part of a healthy and happy life。Whether we play for fun or compete at a high level。sports can help us stay physically fit。develop important character traits。

and build nships with others。So let’s get out there and play!

One afternoon just before Christmas。an old man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy standing in front of a beautiful shop window。The old man asked why he was crying there。The little boy said that he had lost the ten dollars given by his mother。When the old man heard this。he put his hand into

his pocket and took out a small wallet。giving the boy ten dollars。The little boy thanked him and ped crying。smiling instead。The old man walked away。feeling happy.

An hour later。the old man was returning home by the same route。To his surprise。he saw the same boy at the same place。

He went up to him and asked if he had lost his money again。The little boy said that he had found the dollars and was waiting for his mother there.

However。last year we decided to go to the sales to buy a new TV。We arrived at the shop at 8am andthere was already a long queue outside。When the shop opened。everyone rushed in and it was verydifficult to move around。We finally found the TV we wanted。but it was still quite expensive。XXX。

1.What event happens just after Christmas every year?

XXX January Sales start.

2.What do shops do during the January Sales?

They ce their prices.

3.Why do some people not go to the January Sales?

They don't like crowds and are short of money.

4.Why did the author and her husband go to the sales last year?

They went to buy a new TV.

5.Was the TV they wanted cheap?

No。it was still quite XXX.

in London have discounts during this time and they both XXX set.

52.XXX when they got to Oxford Street?


53.Did the narrator find suitable clothes?


54.What did the narrator buy instead?

XXX at a very low price.

55.Where did the narrator wait for her husband?


56.What did the husband buy?

He was carrying a large and heavy cardboard box。XXX.

57.How did the narrator XXX purchases?

XXX at a low price。but when she saw her XXX。she realized they had no new clothes and decided they would never go to the sales again.


A: Hey。Lucy。How was your n?

B: It was great.

A: Where did you go?


A: Really。What did you do there?


A: Did you enjoy it?

B: Yes。I did。And things were very XXX.

A: How were the people?

B: They were friendly and XXX.


How I have Changed!

Looking back at my past。XXX I have changed a lot。When I was younger。I used to be shy and XXX。as I grew older。XXX and take risks.

In n。I have also XXX I used to rely on others to make ns for me。but now I am able to make my own choices and take charge of my life。I have XXX.

Overall。I am proud of the person I have XXX。I have XXX individual。I look forward to continuing to learn and grow in the future.

56.How was your n?

57.Who did you go with?

58.What did you do there?

59.Did you buy anything there?

XXX was great。I went with my family to a XXX fish and coral。One day。we XXX't do too much shopping。but we did buy some souvenirs to bring back home。Overall。it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back to Hawaii again.


最新人教版新目标九年级上期中考试英语 试题及答案 九年级期中试卷 笔试部分 一、单项选择(共10小题,计10分) 1.I had an unusual day on my last school trip. 2.Look。How fast a runner Laura is。She is getting the first place. 3.--Do you know how often Jane visits her grandparents? Once a week. 4.Could you tell me where you bought the cool T-shirt? 5.--Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?

No。I seldom do that because it makes me fortable. 6.She asked me whose pen it was. 7.When I was your age。my parents didn’t allow me to go out at night. 8.XXX it. 9.This book is often taken away from the library. I realized that I had left my key in my backpack。 As I walked towards my apartment。I reached into my pocket to grab my key。but it wasn't there。I started to panic。thinking that I had lost it somewhere along the way。But then I remembered that I had put my key in my XXX。 I XXX through it until I found my key。I XXX I had remembered where I had put it。


人教版九年级上册期中试卷 英语 时量:120分钟满分:120分 I .听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. How did the man come to school yesterday? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. 2. Where are the two speakers? A. In a hospital. B. In a restaurant. C. In a library. 3. Whom are the speakers talking about? A. The man’s grandfather. B. The woman’s father. C. The man’s grandmother. 4. Why doesn’t Li Ming want to stay there? A. Because there is noise pollution. B. Because there is water pollution. C. Because there is air pollution. 5. What did Tom use to be like? A. Outgoing. B. Helpful. C. Quiet. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第六段对话,回答第6、7小题。 6. Which bus should the man take to the museum? A. Bus No.20. B. Bus No.30. C. Bus No.50. 7. What would the man like to have for lunch? A. Some Japanese food. B. Some Chinese food. C. Some Indian food. 听第七段对话,回答第8、9小题。 8. Which floor is the supermarket on? A. The first floor. B. The second floor. C. The third floor. 9. What time does the shopping center close today? A. At 9:30 p. m. B. At 10:00 p. m. C. At 10:30 p. m. 听第八段对话,回答第10、11小题。 10. What does the man buy for his sons? A. A red car and a yellow car. B. A red car and a black car. C. A yellow car and a blue car.


九年级英语第一学期期中试题及答案 九年级英语第一学期期中试题及答案 认真认真来答卷;道道题你都答对;祝你九年级期中考试考出好!以下是店铺给你推荐的九年级英语期中试题及答案,希望对你有帮助! 九年级英语第一学期期中试题 一.单项选择 1. What the forest of the USA in th e last 350 years? A. has happened to B. is happened to C. has happened at D. is happening 2. —How do you study a test? —I study working a group . A. for, in, with B. for, by, at C. for, by, with D. of, in, by 3. I found learning English because the teacher’s pronunciation was . A. interesting; good B. hard; good C. difficult; good D. frustrating; sweet 4. I am of snakes. A.. terrify B. terror C. terrifing D. terrified 5. —Tina didn’t go to school yesterday, did she? — Bcause she was badly ill. A. Yes, she did B. Yes, she didn’t C. No, she didn’t D. No, she did 6. If I were , I would buy to read. A. enough rich; enough books B. rich enough; books enough C. enough rich; books enough D. rich enough; enough books 7. Instead of a letter, Tom made a telephone call to her mother. A. wrote B. writing C. write D. to write 8. Mr Green is very strict his students, and he is also strict his


Ⅰ.单项选择。(共 20 分,每小题 1 分) 1.Jack was born July fourth, 198 2. A.in B. on C. for D. at 2.the weather is today! A.How a B. How C. What a D. What 3.—Open the window, please. —Certainly. Which one? beside the door? A. One B. The one C. Ones D. The ones 4.The teacher came into the classroom a book in his hand. A.from B. and C. into D. with 5.that singer sounds terrible, his songs are very popular. A.Unless B. If C. Though D. Because 6.—Must I return the book to you right now?—No, you . A.must B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. need 7.—Do you often stay up late at night?—No, I do. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b19310941.html,monly B. certainly C. rarely D. usually 8.While Rose for the lift, she is listening a recording about the EiffelTower. A. waits B. is waiting C. has waited D. will wait 9.If you don’t know the meaning of the word, you can in a dictionary. A. look it for B. look for it C. look it up D. look up it 10.The Republic of China in October 1st, 1949. 1 / 21


九年级英语期中测试卷姓名:_____________ 一、笔试部分(100分) I.根据句意以及首字母提示完成单词。(5分) 1. I don’t know the p___________ of the word. 2. She often misses her friends and r___________ in her hometown. 3. It’s c___________ to travel around Paris by subway. 4. Do you know the differences between B__________ English and American English? 5. There are some leaves on the s___________ of the water. II. 用所给词或汉语的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. Do you learn English by ____________ (watch) English-language videos? 2. Maybe someone has ____________ (偷走) my handbag at the station. 3. This is the ___________ (中心的) city of the whole area. 4. You ____________ (use) to be quiet, didn’t you? 5. Peter is a ____________ (Germany), but his mother is a Chinese. III.单项选择(15分) 1.Tom was so careless that he often _______ the exam. A.make mistake of B.makes mistakes in C.made mistakes in D.made mistakes of 2.Many heroes are ready to help others, Lei Feng, _______. A.such as B.like C.for example D.example 3.I usually _______ Tian’anmen Square on the way to school every day. A.pass on B.pass by C.drop by https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b19310941.html,e by 4.______ clever boy he is! A.How B.What C.How a D.What a 5.He comes from a small village _______ Choushui. A.calls B.called C.calling D.call 6.My uncle _______ a doctor, but now he has retired. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b19310941.html,ed to be https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b19310941.html,e to be C.was used to being https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b19310941.html,ed to being 7.I didn’t understand _______, so I raised my hand to ask. A.what my teacher says B.what does my teacher say C.what my teacher said D.what did my teacher say 8.Could you tell me where _______ the post office? A. to find B.can I find C.how to find D.find 9.Do you know _______ there are any good restaurants _______ this block? A.if;on B.how;on C.if;to D.where;to 10.I used to _______ upstairs, but now I am used to _______ downstairs.It’s cooler. A.sleep;sleep B.sleeping;sleeping C.sleeping;sleep D.sleep;sleeping 11.The old man lives ______, but she never feels ______. A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.lonely;alone D.alone;lonely 12.He ______ many books in the last few years. A.wrote B.has written C.was writing D.was written 13.Her book are _______ read. A.wide B.widely C.wider D.widest 14.Mo Yan is famous _______ an excellent writer.And China is famous ______ culture. A.for;as B.as;for C.because;as D.as;for 15.Leo was late for class.So he _______ clean the classroom after school. A.made B.made to C.was made D.was made to IV.句型转换,每空一词。(10分) 1.The boy is too young to dress himself. (改为同义句) The boy is ________ young ________ he can’t dress himself. 2.The flowers are very beautiful. (改为感叹句) _________ __________ flowers they are! 3.The Smiths said they would visit Beijing the next year. (改为反义疑问句) The Smiths said they would visit Beijing the next year, ________ _________? 4.Could you tell me how to deal with it? (改为同义句) Could you tell me ________ ________ ________ deal with it? 5.The tomatoes are picked by hand. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ the tomatoes ________? V.交际运用(15分) (A).补全对话。(5分) A: Hi, Bob. Don’t you remember me?


新目标九年级英语期中试卷附参考答案 I.单项选择(15%) 1. Excuse me, would you please tell me ______buy a digital camera? A. what to B .where to C. what I can D. where can I 2. I’d like a piece of paper _________ . A. to write B. to be writing C. to write on D. to write with 3. Can you provide us _________ some information _______ the computer? A. for, with B. with, about C. about, with D. with, with 4. –“I hope _________ play soccer with us tomorrow. ” –“Yes, I hope _________. ” A. him not to, not too B. he won’t, it too C. him not to, that too D. he won’t, so too 5. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy task because 1

technology _______ so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 6. – Lisa has made great progress these days. – _________, and _________. A. So has she, so have you B. So has she, so you have C. So she has, so you have D. So she has, so have you 7. I didn’t go to the party not _______ the weather but _______ I didn’t feel well. A. because of; because B. because; because of C. because; because D. because of; because of 8. If I _____ her address, I _____ write to her. A. know; would B. knew; will C. would know; wrote D. knew; would 2


九年级英语上学期期中测试题(附参考答案) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 一、听短对话选答案 1.How does the man feel? A.He is very scared.B.He is a bit angry.C.He is really surprised. 2.Whose toy plane is this? A.Mike’s.B.Tom’s.C.Henry’s. 3.Where is the man probably going this afternoon? A.To a reading room.B.To a cinema.C.To a bookshop. 4.What is the boy doing? A.Parking his car.B.Taking photos.C.Playing football. 5.Whose soccer ball might it be? A.Bob’s.B.Jane’s.C.Paul’s. 二、听长对话选答案 听长对话,根据其内容选择正确答案。(录音播放两遍) 6.What did Alan use to look like? A.He was short and thin.B.He was tall and strong.C.He had black hair. 7.What’s Alan like now? A.Shy.B.Outgoing.C.Quiet. 8.Who used to be interested in music? A.Alan.B.Sally.C.Their classmate. 9.What sport does Sally do every day? A.Plays soccer.B.Swims.C.Plays volleyball. 10.Where does Alan want to go one day? A.To China.B.To America.C.To England. 三、听短文选答案 听独白,回答问题。 11.Children like watching TV because ________. A.the programs on TV tell us many things about the country B.the programs on TV tell us a lot of news about the world C.both A and B 12.Judy often watches TV on ________.


2022—2023学年度第一学期期中考试 初三级英语试卷参考答案 一.语法选择(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1-5CABAC 6-10CBCAB 二、完形填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分) 11-15ADBCA 16-20ACBCD 三、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30 分) 21-25CDABA 26-30CAADB 31-35DCGAB 四、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 36. age 37. that 38. than 39. a 40. Don’t/Never 41. took 42. her 43. up 44. so 45. soon 五、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分, 共25分) A.回答问题。阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题(共10分,每小题2分) 46. 3./ Three./ Three new characters./ There are three new characters in our daily life. 47. Because it is very small ( but harmful)./ Because COVID-19 is very small. 48. Green health codes./ They will have green health codes. 49. Taking the nucleic acid test./Taking the nucleic acid test is the most useful way to find out who has got COVID-19. 50. The nucleic acid test is COVID-19 Vaccine’s best partner. / The nucleic test. B.书面表达(本题15分) One possible version: An Unforgettable Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to stay at home. One Monday morning, I got up at about 7 o’clock. My parents were both out for work. After breakfast, I had to sit in front of the computer and listen to classes online. At around 11:30 am, when the online class was over, I chose to cook some food for myself. Actually, I didn’t know how to cook, so I burned some noodles later. I felt so sad, but I soon cooked a simple meal again. And the food was not so bad. In the afternoon, I tried to do some sports at home in order to keep healthy. Later, I wore a mask and went to take a nucleic acid test near my flat. In my opinion, we should stay at home and try not to go out during the COVID-19 pandemic. If we really need to go out, we have to wear masks and keep at least one metre away from each other. I have learned lots of things from this experience. We need to calm down and relax when we are in trouble. Then we can find a good way to solve it.


单选题 —This is________useful dictionary, I think. So it is. And it's________ unusual one. A.a, an B.a, a C.an, an D.the, an 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:——我认为这是一本有用的字典。的确是。它也是一本不同寻常的字典。 考查冠词辨析。两空均表示泛指,所以用不定冠词。useful以辅音音素开头,第一空用不定冠词a;unusual以元音音素开头,第二空用不定冠词an。故选A。 单选题 ZhuGuangquan's followers prefer ________jokes that can bring________ happiness. A.him, themselves B.their, him C.his, them D.himself, their

【答案】C 【解析】 句意:朱广权的跟随者们更喜欢他讲的那些能带给他们快乐的笑话。考查代词。jokes是名词,前面应为形容词性物主代词,排除A、D;第二空前面为动词bring,此空应填宾格。根据句意,可知此处是带给跟随者们快乐,所以应用复数他们them。故选C。 单选题 Take more exercise, ________you will be healthier. A.but B.for C.and D.so 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:多做锻炼,你将变得更健康。 考查连词。but但是,表转折;for因为;and表顺接;so所以。根据句意,此空应是表顺接。故选C。 单选题 —How long have you________?


英语 I . 听力技能(两部分,共20小题,计20分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一-个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中 选出最佳选项回答问题。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共5小题,计5分) 1. Who always wears glasses? A. Tom. B.Jack. C. David. 2. Where is Cindy's mobile phone made? A. In China. B. In America. C. In Germany. 3. What are they talking about? A. A toy's material. B.A toy made by machines. C.A hand-made toy. 4. When did Karl Friedrich Benz die? A. In 1844. B. In 1929. C. In 1944. 5. What does John think of the beef? A. It's nice. B. It's too salty. C. It needs more salt. 第二节听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2—3个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共15小题,计15分) 听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How old is Lisa? A.5 years old. B.6 years old. C.7 years old. 7. What did the speakers use to buy for Lisa? A. Toy bears. B. Storybooks. C. Clothes. 听第七段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Where are the two speakers? A. At the train station. B. At the art fair. C. At the museum. 9. When did the boy's brother make the black model train? A. In 2000. B. In 2010. C. In 2020. 听第八段材料,回答第10、11题. 10. Who bought the radio for grandpa? A. The girl's grandma. B. The girl's mom. C. The girl's aunt. . 11. When was the radio invented? A. In 1913. B. In 1934. C. In 1943. 听第九段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. What happened to the man? A. He locked his car keys in the car. B. His car didn't work. C. He couldn't find his car keys.


徐汇中学2022 学年初三年级第一学期 期中考试英语试卷 (满分140 分,时间90 分钟)2022.11 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共25 分) A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (5 分) A B C D E F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B.L isten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(5 分) 6. A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy. D. Cloudy. 7.A. In a zoo. 8.A. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter. 9.A. 5 weeks. B. In a restaurant. B. 15 weeks. C. In a hospital. B. Doctor and patient. D. Boss and secretary. C. 20 weeks. D. In a bookstore. D. 25 weeks. 10.A. She had to meet her students as she was busy. B. She didn’t want to listen to the program. C.The program was not interesting enough. D. The students’ questions kept her busy. C.Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (5 分) 11.According to Hanks, the key to Starbucks’ success lies in the location of its stores. 12.In order to learn more facts about their future customers’ needs, Maggie made a Questionnaire(问卷调 查表). 13.In Maggie’s report, she has concluded that customers care more about the quality of coffee beans and milk than the service of a café. 14.The employees in the company are another factor that can lead to the success of its brand. 15.The company’s employee handbook clearly states all the policies(政策)and procedures, so there’s no need to add anything into it.


第 1 页 共 7 页 2023年九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(含答案) 考号 姓名___________________ 考生注意:1.请考生在试题卷首填写好考号及姓名等信息。 2.请将答案填涂或填写在答题卡上,填写在试题卷上的无效。 3.本试题卷共6页,三大部分,满分100分,考试时量90分钟。 第I 卷 第一部分 阅读技能(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面五篇材料,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题 或完成句子。 ( )1.Tom can give away his storybooks to Momo Bookstore on . A .June 20th B .June 29th C .August 26th ( )2.The doctors and nurses in Sunshine Charity offer help to . A .the blind B .the deaf C .the old ( )3.Which of the following is TURE? A .You will get a gift if you donate some money. B .The old people’s home need volunteers on weekdays. C .The doctors and nurses can take a plane to help the poor. B On the 15th day of the first lunar month, Chinese people celebrate the first full moon of the year. This celebration is called Lantern Festival. This year, it falls on February 26. Making and looking at lanterns are popular things to do during the festival. The lanterns come in many sizes and shapes, such as animals and plants. There are usually riddles on the lanterns. Rabbit lanterns are fun for children. They have wheels so that kids can pull them along from place to place. Why rabbits? Some say rabbits are lucky animals. The rabbit lanterns can bring


2022-2023学年第一学期九年级期中质量调研 英语试题 本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅰ卷(非选择题)两部分,共10页,满分150分。考试时间为120分钟。 答卷前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、座号和准考证号涂写在答题卡上,并同时将姓名、座号和准考证号填写在试卷规定的位置。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 选择题部分共90分 I.听力测试(30分) A) 听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。 ( ) 1. A. Good learners learn well. B. I used to be short. C. Tea is grown in Hangzhou. ( ) 2. A. I can’t spell the word. B. It isn’t made by hand. C. You don’t need to rush. ( ) 3. A. How delicious the food is! B. What a nice festival it is! C. How beautiful the lantern is! ( ) 4. A. Have you studied with a group? B. Is there a park near here? C. Is it made of glass? ( ) 5. A. What should we start with? B. How does it work? C. Why is it special? B) 在录音中,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。 ( ) 6. What does Cindy find it difficult to learn? A. Grammar. B. Pronunciation. C. V ocabulary. ( ) 7. When is Annie’s mother’s birthday? A. Last Monday. B. This Monday. C. Next Monday. ( ) 8. How does Cathy get to school on rainy days? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By taxi. ( ) 9. Who cleaned the classroom today? A. Jack. B. Bob. C. Tony. ( ) 10. What did Amy use to be like?


第I卷 一,听力测试。(30分) 第一节:情景反应。 1.A. Yes, I can B. By reading every day. C. I like English. 2.A. Sure. B. Yes, there is. C. No, it doesn’t. 3.A. Yes, I can. B. Only a little. C. Sounds good. 4.A. Canada. B. Have a good trip. C. Very smart. 5.A. Lucy. B. My brother’s. C. His sister. 6.A. Certainly not. B. Sorry. C.Yes, I can. 第二节:对话理解。 7.A. the piano. B. the violin. C. chess 8. A. She dislikes it. B. She likes it. C. She thinks it is in style.. 9.A. sleep. B. have a rest. C. have a test. 10.A. Rose. B. Yilian. C. Jane. 11.A. once a day. B. once a month. C. countryside. 12.A. protecting the environment. B. protecting animals. C. traveling 第三节:短文理解。 A 13.W here is Jimmy now? A. America. B. Australia. C. Canada.
