兼并收购概念理论之四 满分

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1 . What is true about Mergers and Acquisitions targets that lose money on an operating basis(兼并和收购目标在运营上亏损的,以下哪个是正确的说法)?

• A.The targets are generally poor candidates for Mergers and Acquisitions(目标通常是不佳的兼并和收购候选人)

• B.The buyer is taking a very high degree of financial risk relative to a normal deal(与正常交易相比,买方承担了非常高的财务风险)

• C.They are usually acquired by private equity firms(它们通常由私募股权公司收购)

• D.The acquisition prices might have a 40% discount from those of profitable targets(收购价格可能比那些盈利公司的价格低40%)

我的答案: D

2 . When you value an oil and gas exploration and development concern what is the most important ratio(当您给石油和天然气勘探开发企业估值时,最重要的比率是什么)?

• A.Equity value/net earnings(股票价值/净收益)

• B.Enterprise value/EBITDA(企业价值/ EBITDA)

• C.Adjusted enterprise value/oil reserves(调整后的企业价值/石油储备)

• D.Free flow cash/oil reserves(自由流动现金/石油储备)

• E.Enterprise value/free flow cash(企业价值/自由流动现金)

我的答案: C

3 . A common problem with valuing emerging market (EM) companies is(新兴市场EM公司估值的常见问题是):

• A.The typical EM lacks quality public comparables with the subject firm(典型的新兴市场缺乏优质的可比上市公司)

• B.The DCF discount rates is highly subjective(DCF贴现率非常主观)

• C.The deals are bought in US$ when the targets have local currency revenue(当目标业务收入为当地货币时,而交易以美元购买)

• D.Private equity is lacking so LBO approach is invalid(私募股权缺乏,因此杠杆收购方式无效)

我的答案: A

多选题(共1题,每题 20分)

1 . “Money losing” firms are frequent targets in the Mergers and Acquisition business. Why do acquirers seek “money losers”(“亏损”的公司在兼并和收购业务中是频繁的目标。为什么收购者寻求“亏损”公司)?

• A.Acquirers think they can “fix” the money losers’ problems(收购者认为他们可以“解决”亏损公司的问题)

• B.Money losers sell “at a discount” to value multiples of profitable firms(亏损公司以相对于盈利公司“折扣”的形式出售)

• C.Money losers provide sizeable tax benefits for the buyer(亏损公司为买方提供可观的税收优惠)

• D.All the above three options are correct(以上三种选择都是正确的)

我的答案: AB

判断题(共1题,每题 20分)

1 . A common problem in the DCF valuation of high tech firms is using too-high discount rates.(高科技企业的DCF估值中的一个常见问题是使用过高的贴现率。)


