





一、外交关系1. Diplomacy(外交)Diplomacy是国际关系中最基本的概念之一,它指代各国政府之间建立和维护友好关系的努力和行为。


2. Ambassador(大使)Ambassador是一个国家派驻到另一个国家担任代表的最高级别外交官员。


3. Consulate(领事馆)Consulate是一个国家设立在另一个国家的外交机构,主要负责处理与该国公民的联系和服务,与大使馆具有不同的职能。

二、国际组织1. United Nations(联合国)United Nations,简称UN,是一个由193个成员国组成的国际组织。


2. World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)World Trade Organization,简称WTO,是一个全球贸易规则的框架和监管机构。


3. International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)International Monetary Fund,简称IMF,是一个负责监督全球货币合作与金融稳定的国际组织。


三、国际安全1. Security Council(安全理事会)Security Council是联合国的一个主要机构,负责维护国际和平与安全。



睦邻友好政策good-neighbor policy
求同存异seek common ground whilepreserving(reserving)differences
友好/国事访问a goodwill(a state,an official)visit
联合国安理会the UN Security Council
和平统一peaceful reunification of the motherland
一国两制One Country,Two Systems
台湾同胞our compatriots in Taiwan
海外侨胞overseas compatriots
附属国dependent country
最惠国most favored nation
东道国host country
缔约国signatory/contracting state
对抗国confrontation state
交战国belligerent country
国际公法International Law
Peace and development remain the themes of our ear.To preserve peace and promote development represents the common aspirations of all peoples.It is also an irresistible trend of history.



国际关系常用词汇1 Protectorate (被)保护国2 Asylum庇护;避难3 Border region 边界地区4 Boundary negotiation边界谈判5 Status quo of the boundary 边界现状6 Never to attach any conditions不附带任何条件7 Non-aligned countries不结盟国家8 Consultations 磋商9 The third world第三世界10 Imperialism帝国主义11 200-nauticalmile maritime rights二百海里海洋权12 Developing countries发展中国家13 Dependency附属国14 Plebiscite公民投票15 Generally-accepted principles of international relations公认的国际关系原则16 Joint action共同行动17 Normalization of relations 关系正常化18 An established principle of international relations国际法准则19 Rudimentary code of international relations国际关系中最起码的准则20 International waters国际水域21 International situation 国际形势22 Merger of states 国际合并23 National boundary国界24 Maritime resources海洋资源25 Mutual understanding and mutual accommodation互谅互让26 Exchange of needed goods 互通有无27 Détente缓和28 Fundamental rights基本权利29 Reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担30 Near East近东31 Right of residence居留权32 Arms dealer, merchant of death军火商33 Territorial sea 领海34 Limits of territorial sea领海范围35 Breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度36 Territorial air领空37 Territorial waters 领水38 Inalienability of territory领土的不可割让性39 Territorial jurisdiction领土管辖权40 Territorial contiguity领土毗连41 Territorial integrity领土完整42 Refugee camp 难民营43 Country of one’s residence侨居国44 Complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons 全面禁止合彻底销毁核武器45 People-to people contacts and exchanges人民之间的联系和交流46 Sacred and inviolable神圣不可侵犯47 Ecocide 生态灭绝48 Practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use实用,有效,廉价,方便49 Bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作50 Bilateral trade双边贸易51 Dual nationality双重国籍52 Trusteeship 托管制度53 Outer space外层空间54 Sole legal government唯一合法政府55 Loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款56 Colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义57 Extradition引渡58 Friendly exchange友好往来59 Disputed areas有争议的地区60 Political offender 政治犯61 Political fugitive政治逃犯62 Middle East, Mideast中东63 Neutral state, neutral country 中立国64 Sovereign state主权国家65 Exclusive economic zone专属经济区66 Suzerain state, metropolitan state宗主国67 To maintain neutrality保持中立68 To safeguard national sovereignty and national resources保卫国家主权和民族资源69 To take concerted steps采取协调行动70 To develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系71 To develop the national economy 发展民族经济72 To peddle munitions贩卖军火73 All countries, big or small, should be equal.国家不分大小、应该一律平等74 To establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系75 To seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决76 To negotiate through diplomatic channels通过外交途径进行谈判77 To safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty维护国家独立和主权完整78 To safeguard world peace 维护世界和平79 To solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端80 In consideration of the actual conditions照顾现实情况。

国际关系 英语

国际关系 英语

国际关系(International Relations)或国际事务(International Affairs)是研究国际体系(International System)和国际关系(International Relations)的学科。







此外,还有许多与国际关系相关的的高频词汇,如alliance,budget,embassy,diplomatic immunity等。




缓冲国buffer state治国术statecraftcomprehensive power 综合国力双重国籍dual nationality东道国host country附庸国vassal stateprotectorate 保护国战败国 a defeated country卫星国satellite state战胜国 victorious nation中立国neutrality stated, neutral country永久中立国neutralized statedAxis Powers 轴心国不结盟国家nonaligned state缔约国 signatory state of the treaty (convention) hegemonic state霸权国策源国政治学political science比较政治学comparative politics低级政治low politics高级政治high politics规模政治politics of scaleRealpolitik 现实政治官僚政治bureaucratic politics政治地理political geography政治化politicization政治精神心理学 political psychophysiology生态政治学ecopolitics政治精英political elitezero-sum game 零和游戏nonzero-sum game 非零和游戏game theory 博弈论two-level game or two-tier game双层博弈 paradigm 范式本土化localization不可逆转性irreversibilityconvention 常规解构deconstructionbalance of power 均势联系协定association agreementexclusivity排他性批判理论critique theoriesequilibrium 平衡globalization全球化identity 认同或特性外溢spill-overrelative gain相对收益absolute gain 绝对收益相互依赖interdependence效忠转移loyalty-transferring边际成本marginal costpublic domain 公共领域公共选择理论public choice theory国家间交易成本 interstate transaction cost交易收益transaction benefit利益集团interests group囚徒困境prisoner’s dilemma权利让渡transferring rightsanarchy 无政府状态constitutionalism宪政信息不对称 asymmetric information定量分析quantitative analysis定性分析qualitative analysis交流理论transactionism复合相互依赖 complex interdependencecase study 个案研究理论体系theoretical framework辩证法dialectical method世界体系理论world system theoryalienation 异化物竞天择natural selectionpagan 异教徒证伪falsificationappeasement 绥靖不对称战略 asymmetrical strategy代议制政府 representative forms of government dependency theory 依附理论电讯革命 telecommunications revolution遏制政策containment policy反主流文化counterculture非西方化dewesternization非线性nonlinearity功利主义哲学utilitarian philosophysupply-side economics供应学派经济学理性行为体模型rational actor model古典自由主义学派classical liberal schooldecentralization分散化乌托邦理论utopian theorynormative theory 规范理论value judgment 价值判断阶级斗争class strugglemirror image 镜像比较研究comparative study控制论cybernetic theory; cyberneticspredictability可预测性跨文化比较分析cross-cultural comparative analysis边缘化marginalization确保摧毁assured destruction知识产权intellectual property同质文明[,hɔmə'dʒi:niəs, ,həu-] homogeneous civilizationhomogenization 同质化Heterogeneou 异质化[,hetərəu'dʒi:njəs]futurology 未来学文明的冲突clash of civilizationstheoretical foundation理论基础grand theory 大理论信息革命information revolution意识形态冲突ideological conflictbarbarism 野蛮状态lobbying 游说nonwhite people 有色人种metaphysics 形而上学长周期理论long-circle theoryresource theory资源理论autonomous 自治case study 案例研究cyclical theory周期理论共同观念shared ideas全球治理global governancethe nature of man人性认知心理学cognitive psychologycivil society市民社会ideology 意识形态智囊团brain trustbandwagon 搭便车autarky 自给自足, 闭关自守democratization民主化宪政民主constitutional democracy当代史方法current history approachend of history历史终结社会化socialization自我实现的预言self-fulfilling prophecy结构性暴力structural violence适者生存survival of the fittestxenophobia 仇外, 排外ontology 本体论Copenhagen School 哥本哈根学派结构二重性duality of structure内化internalization制度化institutionalization世俗化secularizationthink tank 思想库public goods 公共物品非关税壁垒non-tariff barrier非正式协议informal agreement关税减让tariffs reduction关税同盟Tariffs Union互惠reciprocityGreat Depression 大萧条Industrial Revolution工业革命工业时代Industrial Age反托拉斯法antitrust law工业化industrialization股票市场崩溃stock market clash浮动汇率floating exchange rate固定汇率fixed exchange rate外汇汇率currency exchange rategold standard金本位金融机构financial institutioneconomic determinism 经济决定论economic globalization经济全球化economic sanction 经济制裁经济周期economic circletransnational corporation, multinational corporation跨国公司 money laundering 洗钱能源危机energy crisisUruguay Round 乌拉圭回合剩余价值surplus value贸易平衡balance of trade贸易赤字trade deficit公债treasury bond中央银行central bankfree market system自由市场体系城市化urbanizationeconomic growth 经济增长可持续发展 sustainable development customs union 关税同盟emerging market 新兴市场滞胀stagflationnondiscrimination非歧视原则非关税壁垒 nontariff barriers (NTBs) package deal 一揽子交易市场失灵market failurebourgeoisie 资产阶级民族自决 national self-determination民族解放 national liberation种族问题racial issue民族身份ethnic identity种族冲突ethnic conflictgeopolitics地缘政治sea power 海权land power 陆权air power 空权Balkan 巴尔干Age of Exploration地理大发现时代 Geoeconomics 地缘经济学 Indochina 印度支那Formosa 福摩萨Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区 heartland 大陆心脏Latin American 拉丁美洲马六甲海峡Strait of Malacca大陆国家 continental countryKashmir 克什米尔地理位置 geographic locationSerbia 塞尔维亚破碎地带shatterbeltNetherlands 尼德兰Eurasia 欧亚大陆lebensraum 生存空间中心-边缘模式core-periphery modelGlobal North 北方世界Global South 南方世界人名Karl W. Deutsch 卡尔•多伊奇Francis Fukuyama 弗朗西斯•福山Hans J. Morgenthau 汉斯•摩根索Jean Monnet 让•莫内Joseph S. Nye 约瑟夫•奈Kenneth N. Waltz 肯尼思•沃尔兹Hugo Grotius 雨果•格劳秀斯Jean Bodin 让•博丹William Olson 威廉•奥尔森John Ikenberry 约翰•伊肯伯里Harold Nicolson 哈罗德•尼科尔森 《外交学》弗朗切斯科•圭恰迪尼 《意大利史》 Francesco GuicciardiniThomas Hobbes 托马斯•霍布斯Henry Kissinger 亨利•基辛格Robert Gilpin 罗伯特•吉尔平Arnord Wolfers 阿诺德•沃尔弗斯Edward Karl 爱德华•卡尔彼得•卡赞斯坦Peter KatzensteinGeorge Kennan 乔治•凯南Stephen Krasner 史蒂芬•克拉斯纳Paul Kennedy 保罗•肯尼迪John Ruggie 约翰•鲁杰Niccol Machiavelli马基雅维利John Mearsheirmer 约翰•米尔斯海默Adam Smith 亚当•斯密David A. Baldwin 大卫•鲍德温Thucydides 修昔底德Raymond Aron 雷蒙•阿隆Stephen Walt 斯蒂芬•沃尔特Martin Wight 马丁•怀特Max Weber 马克斯•韦伯(德国社会学家)Alexander Wendt 亚历山大•温特Brace Russett 布鲁斯•拉西特伊曼纽尔•沃勒斯坦Immanuel Wallerstein让•雅克•卢梭Jean-Jaques Rousseau欧内斯特•萨道义爵士 《外交实践指南》 Sir Ernest SatowJohn Locke 约翰•洛克Jeremy Bentham 杰里米•边沁France Bacon 弗朗西斯•培根Hedley Bull 赫德利•布尔赫伯特•巴特菲尔德Herbert ButterfieldGeorge Canning 乔治•坎宁Socrates 苏格拉底Plato 柏拉图本尼迪克特•德•斯宾诺莎Benedict de SpinozaDante 但丁Lassa Oppenheim 拉萨•奥本海约瑟夫•A•熊彼特Joseph A. SchumpeterHans Kelsen 汉斯•凯尔森Voltaire 伏尔泰Montesquieu 孟德斯鸠John Courtney Murray 约翰•考特尼•默里Reinhold Niebuhr 莱因霍尔德•尼布尔John Dowey 约翰•杜威Denis Diderot 丹尼斯•狄德罗Erasmus 伊拉斯谟Ludwig Feuerbach 路德维希•费尔巴哈本杰明•富兰克林Benjamin FranklinHomer 荷马Graham T. Allison 格雷汉姆•艾利森Tommaso Campanella 托马索•康帕内拉David Hume 大卫•休谟Jack S. Levy 杰克•列维Walter Lippmann 沃尔特•李普曼Quincy Wright 昆西•赖特Susan Strange 苏珊•斯特兰奇Richard Ashley 理查德•阿什利David Mitrany 戴维•米特兰尼Charles de Visscher查理•德维舍Michael W. Doyle 迈克尔•多伊尔John Hertz 约翰•赫茨Fredric Latzel弗里德里希•拉采尔鲁道夫•契伦Rudolf KjellenKarl Haushofer 卡尔•豪斯霍夫Nicolas Spykman 尼古拉斯•斯皮克曼Sir Halford Mackinder麦金德Douhet 杜黑Alfred Thayer Mahan 艾尔弗雷德•马汉David Mitrany 戴维•米特兰尼Alexander Hamilton 亚历山大•汉密尔顿Stanley Hoffmann 斯坦利•霍夫曼Kenneth W. Thompson 肯尼思•汤普逊Robert O. Keohane 罗伯特•基欧汉Robert Cox 罗伯特•考克斯弗里德里希•冯•哈耶克Friedrich von HayekJohn W. Burton 约翰•伯顿Morton Kaplan 莫顿•卡普兰John Ikenberry 约翰•埃肯伯里Arnold Toynbee 阿诺德•汤因比弗朗索瓦•德•卡利埃 《外交的艺术》 Francois de CallieresAbraham de Wicquefort 亚伯拉罕•德•威克福 ,《大使及其职能》 Robbery Jervis 罗伯特•杰维斯Barry Buzan 巴里•布赞Joseph Grieco 约瑟夫•格里科Sigmund Freud 西蒙•弗洛伊德Jurgen Habermas 尤尔根•哈贝马斯George W. F. Hegal 黑格尔Immanuel Kant 伊曼纽尔•康德Walter Lippmann 沃尔特•李普曼Thomas Aquinas 托马斯•阿奎那Fernand Braudel 费尔南•布罗代尔凯尔•冯•克劳塞维茨Karl von ClausewitzChristopher Columbus 克里斯托弗•哥伦布Auguste Comte 奥古斯特•孔德Herodotus 希罗多德Martin Luther 马丁•路德Richelieu 黎塞留John L. Gaddis 约翰•加迪斯Herbert Spencer 赫伯特•斯宾塞(英国社会学家)Oswald Spengler 奥斯瓦尔德•施宾格勒(德国历史哲学家) Talleyrand 塔列朗Caliphate 哈里发斯大林Joseph StalinDwight D. Eisenhower 德怀特•艾森豪威尔Eisenhower Doctrine 艾森豪威尔主义Harry Truman 哈里•杜鲁门Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义Jimmy Carter 吉米•卡特Ronald Reagan 罗纳德•里根Thomas Jefferson 托马斯•杰斐逊Coolidge 柯立芝Monroe Doctrine 门罗主义Richard Nixon 理查德•尼克松Nixon Doctrine 尼克松主义温斯顿•丘吉尔Winston ChurchillWoodrow Wilson 伍德罗•威尔逊Wilsonianism 威尔逊主义内维尔•张伯伦Neville Chamberlain阿道夫•希特勒Adolf HitlerOtto von Bismarch 奥托•冯•俾斯麦Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破仑•波拿巴亚历山大大帝Alexander the GreatAristotle 亚里士多德Augustine 奥古斯丁腓特烈大帝Frederick the Great梅特涅亲王Prince Metternich戴高乐Charles de Gaulle阿拉法特Yassir Arafat凯撒Julius CaesarBrezhnev Doctrine 勃列日涅夫主义Abbas I 阿拔斯一世君士坦丁(拜占庭皇帝)Constantine (Byzantine emperor)Hideyoshi 丰臣秀吉Oliver Cromwell 奥利弗•克伦威尔伊凡雷帝Ivan the Terrible (Tsar)Justinian 查士丁尼Genghis Khan 成吉思汗Mahomet 穆罕默德Peter the Great彼得大帝威廉一世 William I (Duke of Normandy, the Conqueror, King of England) Yoshida Doctrine 吉田主义Robespierre 罗伯斯庇尔Catherine the Great 叶卡捷琳娜大帝Charlemagne 查理曼大帝Sun Yat-sen 孙中山Khrushchev 赫鲁晓夫军事基地military basemilitary coup军事政变军费开支military expenditures军事援助military assistance军事一体化military integration军事干预military intervention军事挑衅military provocation军事技术革命military-technical revolution相互威慑mutual deterrence外层空间的非军事化demilitarization of outer spacearmed force 军队, 武装力量大规模报复massive retaliationWMD, Weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器preemption 先发制人巡航导弹cruise missileballistic missile defense弹道导弹防御洲际弹道导弹intercontinental ballistic missile中程弹道导弹intermediate-range ballistic missiletheater missile defense(TMD) (战区)导弹防御系统低烈度冲突low-intensity conflict第一次打击战略first-strike strategy第二次打击能力second-strike capacityatomic bomb 原子弹战略武器strategic weapon战术武器tactical weaponnaval blockade 海上封锁海军naval force空军air forceland force 陆军arms race 军备竞赛arms control 军备控制海军实力naval capabilityPentagon 五角大楼维和行动peace keeping operation防务政策defense policyguerilla war游击战信息战information warfare (IW), infowarmercenary 雇佣军open sea 公海 high seas international waters 公海;国际水域 outer space 外层空间领土完整territorial integrity领土管辖权territorial jurisdiction领水territorial water领空territorial air领海territorial sea领海范围limits of territorial sea增长极限论limits-to-growth propositionPersian Gulf War 海湾战争印巴战争Indo-Pakistani WarVietnam War 越南战争常规战争conventional warwar by proxy 代理人战争Indo-Chinese War 中印战争just war 正义战争有限核战争limited nuclear war预防性战争preventive warpostmodern war 后现代战争total war 总体战争Korean War 朝鲜战争preemptive war 先发制人的战争Crimean War 克里米亚战争[krai'miən]Falklands War 马岛战争Franco-Prussian 普法战争Russo-Japanese War 日俄战争Opium War 鸦片战争['əupiəm]Great Northern War 北方战争太平洋战争War of PacificThirty Years War 三十年战争the Peloponnesian War伯罗奔尼撒战争[,peləpə'ni:ʃən] Boer War 布尔战争Boer ['bəuə; bɔ:]nuclear weapons 核武器nuclear free zone无核区不首先使用(核武器)non-first usenonlethal weapon 非致使武器切尔诺贝利核事故 Chernobyl nuclear accident核查verification反核运动antinuclear movements核威慑nuclear deterrence核冬天nuclear winter核技术nuclear technologynuclear age 核时代全面禁止核试验CTB, Comprehensive test ban全面禁止核试验条约 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty和平解决争端 peaceful settlement of disputes和平红利peace dividend和平共处peaceful coexistence民主和平论democratic peaceinstitutional peace theory 制度和平论partnership of peace 和平伙伴关系genocide 种族屠杀apartheid 种族隔离racial discrimination 种族歧视ethnic cleansing 种族清洗ethnocentrism 种族优越感国际组织:The Andean Pact 安第斯条约集团NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协定the Council of Ministers (欧盟)部长理事会(即 欧盟理事会)the COREPER, Committee of Permanent Representatives 常驻代表委员会the Dayton Peace Accords 代顿协议ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian nations 东南亚国家联盟community sense 共同体意识economic integration 经济一体化EMU, Economic and Monetary Union 经济与货币联盟ECJ, the European Court of Justice 欧洲法院EC, European Community 欧洲共同体the European Council 欧洲委员会(Council of Europe-------注:1)Council of the European Union :欧盟理事会2(俗称欧盟部长理事会the C ouncil of Ministers )1 Council of Europe:欧洲委员会,是由爱尔兰、比利时、丹麦、法国、荷兰、卢森堡、挪威、瑞典、意大利和英国通过1949年5月5日在伦敦签订《欧洲委员会法规》所成立,具有国际法地位、并且为联合国观察员身份的国际组织,是欧洲整合东欧进程中最早成立的机构。





一、国际关系词汇1. Diplomacy(外交)Diplomacy是指国家或政府通过谈判、协商或其他合法手段解决国际问题所采取的外交行为。

例如,The government relied on diplomacy to negotiate the peace treaty.(政府依靠外交手段来谈判和达成和平条约。

)2. International cooperation(国际合作)International cooperation是不同国家间为了共同利益而进行的合作行为。

例如,The two countries are committed to promoting international cooperation in combating climate change.(这两个国家致力于推动国际合作,共同应对气候变化。

)3. Globalization(全球化)Globalization是指国际社会在经济、文化、政治等方面互相联系和依赖的过程。

例如,Globalization has significantly impacted the world economy.(全球化对世界经济产生了重大影响。

)4. Bilateral(双边的)Bilateral指的是两个国家之间的关系或行为。

例如,The two leaders held a bilateral meeting to discuss trade issues.(两位领导人进行了双边会议,讨论贸易问题。

)5. Multilateral(多边的)Multilateral指的是三个或以上国家参与的关系或行为。

例如,The United Nations is a multilateral organization aiming to promote global peace and security.(联合国是一个旨在促进全球和平与安全的多边组织。



国际关系专业英语词汇buffer state 缓冲国statecraft 治国术comprehensive power 综合国力dual nationality 双重国籍host country 东道国vassal state 附庸国protectorate 保护国a defeated country战败国satellite state 卫星国victorious nation战胜国neutrality stated, neutral country 中立国neutralized stated 永久中立国Axis Powers 轴心国nonaligned state 不结盟国家signatory state of the treaty (convention) 缔约国hegemonic state 霸权国political science 政治学comparative politics 比较政治学low politics 低级政治high politics 高级政治politics of scale 规模政治Realpolitik 现实政治bureaucratic politics 官僚政治political geography 政治地理politicization 政治化political psychophysiology 政治精神心理学ecopolitics 生态政治学political elite 政治精英zero-sum game 零和游戏nonzero-sum game 非零和游戏game theory 博弈论two-level game or two-tier game 双层博弈paradigm 范式localization 本土化irreversibility 不可逆转性convention 常规deconstruction 解构balance of power 均势association agreement 联系协定exclusivity 排他性critique theories 批判理论equilibrium 平衡globalization 全球化identity 认同或特性spill-over 外溢relative gain 相对收益absolute gain 绝对收益interdependence 相互依赖loyalty-transferring 效忠转移marginal cost 边际成本public domain 公共领域public choice theory 公共选择理论interstate transaction cost 国家间交易成本transaction benefit 交易收益interests group 利益集团prisoner’s dilemma 囚徒困境transferring rights 权利让渡anarchy 无政府状态constitutionalism 宪政asymmetric information 信息不对称quantitative analysis 定量分析qualitative analysis 定性分析transactionism 交流理论complex interdependence 复合相互依赖case study 个案研究theoretical framework 理论体系dialectical method 辩证法world system theory 世界体系理论alienation 异化natural selection 物竞天择pagan 异教徒falsification 证伪appeasement 绥靖asymmetrical strategy 不对称战略representative forms of government 代议制政府dependency theory 依附理论telecommunications revolution 电讯革命containment policy 遏制政策counterculture 反主流文化dewesternization 非西方化nonlinearity 非线性utilitarian philosophy 功利主义哲学supply-side economics 供应学派经济学rational actor model 理性行为体模型classical liberal school 古典自由主义学派decentralization 分散化utopian theory 乌托邦理论normative theory 规范理论value judgment 价值判断class struggle 阶级斗争mirror image 镜像comparative study 比较研究cybernetic theory; cybernetics 控制论predictability 可预测性cross-cultural comparative analysis 跨文化比较分析marginalization 边缘化assured destruction 确保摧毁intellectual property 知识产权homogeneous civilization 同质文明[,h m 'd i:ni s, ,h u-]homogenization 同质化Heterogeneou 异质化[,het r u'd i:nj s] futurology 未来学clash of civilizations 文明的冲突theoretical foundation 理论基础grand theory 大理论information revolution 信息革命ideological conflict 意识形态冲突barbarism 野蛮状态lobbying 游说nonwhite people 有色人种metaphysics 形而上学long-circle theory 长周期理论resource theory 资源理论autonomous 自治case study 案例研究cyclical theory 周期理论shared ideas 共同观念global governance 全球治理the nature of man 人性cognitive psychology 认知心理学civil society 市民社会ideology 意识形态brain trust 智囊团bandwagon 搭便车autarky 自给自足, 闭关自守atrocity 暴行democratization 民主化constitutional democracy 宪政民主current history approach 当代史方法end of history 历史终结socialization 社会化self-fulfilling prophecy 自我实现的预言structural violence 结构性暴力survival of the fittest 适者生存xenophobia 仇外, 排外ontology 本体论Copenhagen School 哥本哈根学派duality of structure 结构二重性internalization 内化institutionalization 制度化secularization 世俗化think tank 思想库public goods 公共物品non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒informal agreement 非正式协议tariffs reduction 关税减让Tariffs Union 关税同盟reciprocity 互惠Great Depression 大萧条Industrial Revolution 工业革命Industrial Age 工业时代antitrust law 反托拉斯法industrialization 工业化stock market clash 股票市场崩溃floating exchange rate 浮动汇率fixed exchange rate 固定汇率currency exchange rate 外汇汇率gold standard 金本位financial institution 金融机构economic determinism 经济决定论economic globalization 经济全球化economic sanction 经济制裁economic circle 经济周期transnational corporation, multinational corporation 跨国公司money laundering 洗钱energy crisis 能源危机Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合surplus value 剩余价值interest rate 利率balance of trade 贸易平衡trade deficit 贸易赤字treasury bond 公债central bank 中央银行free market system 自由市场体系urbanization 城市化economic growth 经济增长sustainable development 可持续发展customs union 关税同盟emerging market 新兴市场stagflation 滞胀nondiscrimination 非歧视原则nontariff barriers (NTBs) 非关税壁垒package deal 一揽子交易market failure 市场失灵bourgeoisie 资产阶级national self-determination 民族自决national liberation 民族解放racial issue 种族问题ethnic identity 民族身份ethnic conflict 种族冲突geopolitics地缘政治sea power 海权land power 陆权air power 空权Balkan 巴尔干Age of Exploration 地理大发现时代Geoeconomics 地缘经济学Indochina 印度支那Formosa 福尔摩萨Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区heartland 大陆心脏Latin American 拉丁美洲Strait of Malacca 马六甲海峡continental country 大陆国家Kashmir 克什米尔geographic location 地理位置Serbia 塞尔维亚Shatter belt 破碎地带Netherlands 尼德兰Eurasia 欧亚大陆lebensraum 生存空间core-periphery model 中心-边缘模式Global North 北方世界Global South 南方世界人名Karl W. Deutsch 卡尔•多伊奇Francis Fukuyama 弗朗西斯•福山Hans J. Morgenthau 汉斯•摩根索Jean Monnet 让•莫内Joseph S. Nye 约瑟夫•奈Kenneth N. Waltz 肯尼思•沃尔兹Hugo Grotius 雨果•格劳秀斯Jean Bodin 让•博丹William Olson 威廉•奥尔森John Ikenberry 约翰•伊肯伯里Harold Nicolson 哈罗德•尼科尔森《外交学》Francesco Guicciardini 弗朗切斯科•圭恰迪尼《意大利史》Thomas Hobbes 托马斯•霍布斯Henry Kissinger 亨利•基辛格Robert Gilpin 罗伯特•吉尔平Arnord Wolfers 阿诺德•沃尔弗斯Edward Karl 爱德华•卡尔Peter Katzenstein 彼得•卡赞斯坦George Kennan 乔治•凯南Stephen Krasner 史蒂芬•克拉斯纳Paul Kennedy 保罗•肯尼迪John Ruggie 约翰•鲁杰Niccol Machiavelli 马基雅维利John Mearsheirmer 约翰•米尔斯海默Adam Smith 亚当•斯密David A. Baldwin 大卫•鲍德温Thucydides 修昔底德Raymond Aron 雷蒙•阿隆Stephen Walt 斯蒂芬•沃尔特Martin Wight 马丁•怀特Max Weber 马克斯•韦伯(德国社会学家) Alexander Wendt 亚历山大•温特Brace Russett 布鲁斯•拉西特Immanuel Wallerstein 伊曼纽尔•沃勒斯坦Jean-Jaques Rousseau 让•雅克•卢梭Sir Ernest Satow 欧内斯特•萨道义爵士《外交实践指南》John Locke 约翰•洛克Jeremy Bentham 杰里米•边沁France Bacon 弗朗西斯•培根Hedley Bull 赫德利•布尔Herbert Butterfield 赫伯特•巴特菲尔德George Canning 乔治•坎宁Socrates 苏格拉底Plato 柏拉图Benedict de Spinoza 本尼迪克特•德•斯宾诺莎Dante 但丁Lassa Oppenheim 拉萨•奥本海Joseph A. Schumpeter 约瑟夫•A•熊彼特Hans Kelsen 汉斯•凯尔森V oltaire 伏尔泰Montesquieu 孟德斯鸠John Courtney Murray 约翰•考特尼•默里Reinhold Niebuhr 莱因霍尔德•尼布尔John Dowey 约翰•杜威Denis Diderot 丹尼斯•狄德罗Erasmus 伊拉斯谟Ludwig Feuerbach 路德维希•费尔巴哈Benjamin Franklin 本杰明•富兰克林Homer 荷马Graham T. Allison 格雷汉姆•艾利森Tommaso Campanella 托马索•康帕内拉David Hume 大卫•休谟Jack S. Levy 杰克•列维Walter Lippmann 沃尔特•李普曼Quincy Wright 昆西•赖特Susan Strange 苏珊•斯特兰奇Richard Ashley 理查德•阿什利David Mitrany 戴维•米特兰尼Charles de Visscher 查理•德维舍Michael W. Doyle 迈克尔•多伊尔John Hertz 约翰•赫茨Fredric Latzel 弗里德里希•拉采尔Rudolf Kjellen 鲁道夫•契伦Karl Haushofer 卡尔•豪斯霍夫Nicolas Spykman 尼古拉斯•斯皮克曼Sir Halford Mackinder 麦金德Douhet 杜黑Alfred Thayer Mahan 艾尔弗雷德•马汉David Mitrany 戴维•米特兰尼Alexander Hamilton 亚历山大•汉密尔顿Stanley Hoffmann 斯坦利•霍夫曼Kenneth W. Thompson 肯尼思•汤普逊Robert O. Keohane 罗伯特•基欧汉Robert Cox 罗伯特•考克斯Friedrich von Hayek 弗里德里希•冯•哈耶克John W. Burton 约翰•伯顿Morton Kaplan 莫顿•卡普兰John Ikenberry 约翰•埃肯伯里Arnold Toynbee 阿诺德•汤因比Francois de Callieres 弗朗索瓦•德•卡利埃《外交的艺术》Abraham de Wicquefort 亚伯拉罕•德•威克福,《大使及其职能》Robbery Jervis 罗伯特•杰维斯Barry Buzan 巴里•布赞Joseph Grieco 约瑟夫•格里科Sigmund Freud 西蒙•弗洛伊德Jurgen Habermas 尤尔根•哈贝马斯George W. F. Hegal 黑格尔Immanuel Kant 伊曼纽尔•康德Walter Lippmann 沃尔特•李普曼Thomas Aquinas 托马斯•阿奎那Fernand Braudel 费尔南•布罗代尔Karl von Clausewitz 凯尔•冯•克劳塞维茨Christopher Columbus 克里斯托弗•哥伦布Auguste Comte 奥古斯特•孔德Herodotus 希罗多德Martin Luther 马丁•路德Richelieu 黎塞留John L. Gaddis 约翰•加迪斯Herbert Spencer 赫伯特•斯宾塞(英国社会学家)Oswald Spengler 奥斯瓦尔德•施宾格勒(德国历史哲学家)Talleyrand 塔列朗Caliphate 哈里发Joseph Stalin 斯大林Dwight D. Eisenhower 德怀特•艾森豪威尔Eisenhower Doctrine 艾森豪威尔主义Harry Truman 哈里•杜鲁门Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义Jimmy Carter 吉米•卡特Ronald Reagan 罗纳德•里根Thomas Jefferson 托马斯•杰斐逊Coolidge 柯立芝Monroe Doctrine 门罗主义Richard Nixon 理查德•尼克松Nixon Doctrine 尼克松主义Winston Churchill 温斯顿•丘吉尔Woodrow Wilson 伍德罗•威尔逊Wilsonianism 威尔逊主义Neville Chamberlain 内维尔•张伯伦Adolf Hitler 阿道夫•希特勒Otto von Bismarch 奥托•冯•俾斯麦Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破仑•波拿巴Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝Aristotle 亚里士多德Augustine 奥古斯丁Frederick the Great 腓特烈大帝Prince Metternich 梅特涅亲王Charles de Gaulle 戴高乐Yassir Arafat 阿拉法特Julius Caesar 凯撒Brezhnev Doctrine 勃列日涅夫主义Abbas I 阿拔斯一世Constantine (Byzantine emperor) 君士坦丁(拜占庭皇帝)Hideyoshi 丰臣秀吉Oliver Cromwell 奥利弗•克伦威尔Ivan the Terrible (Tsar) 伊凡雷帝Justinian 查士丁尼Genghis Khan 成吉思汗Mahomet 穆罕默德Peter the Great 彼得大帝William I (Duke of Normandy, the Conqueror, King of England) 威廉一世Yoshida Doctrine 吉田主义Robespierre 罗伯斯庇尔Catherine the Great 叶卡捷琳娜大帝Charlemagne 查理曼大帝Sun Yat-sen 孙中山Khrushchev 赫鲁晓夫军事防御military base 军事基地military coup 军事政变military expenditures 军费开支military assistance 军事援助military integration 军事一体化military intervention 军事干预military provocation 军事挑衅military-technical revolution 军事技术革命mutual deterrence 相互威慑demilitarization of outer space 外层空间的非军事化armed force 军队, 武装力量massive retaliation 大规模报复WMD, Weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器preemption 先发制人cruise missile 巡航导弹ballistic missile defense 弹道导弹防御intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹intermediate-range ballistic missile 中程弹道导弹theater missile defense (TMD) (战区)导弹防御系统low-intensity conflict 低烈度冲突first-strike strategy 第一次打击战略second-strike capacity 第二次打击能力atomic bomb 原子弹strategic weapon 战略武器tactical weapon 战术武器naval blockade 海上封锁naval force 海军air force 空军land force 陆军arms race 军备竞赛arms control 军备控制naval capability 海军实力Pentagon 五角大楼peace keeping operation 维和行动defense policy 防务政策guerilla war 游击战information warfare (IW),infowar 信息战mercenary 雇佣军open sea 公海high seas,international waters 公海;国际水域outer space 外层空间territorial integrity 领土完整territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权territorial water 领水territorial air 领空territorial sea 领海limits of territorial sea 领海范围limits-to-growth proposition 增长极限论Persian Gulf War 海湾战争Indo-Pakistani War 印巴战争Vietnam War 越南战争conventional war 常规战争war by proxy 代理人战争Indo-Chinese War 中印战争just war 正义战争limited nuclear war 有限核战争preventive war 预防性战争postmodern war 后现代战争total war 总体战争Korean War 朝鲜战争preemptive war 先发制人的战争Crimean War 克里米亚战争[krai'miən] Falklands War 马岛战争Franco-Prussian 普法战争Russo-Japanese War 日俄战争Opium War 鸦片战争['əupiəm]Great Northern War 北方战争War of Pacific 太平洋战争Thirty Years War 三十年战争the Peloponnesian War 伯罗奔尼撒战争[,peləpə'ni:ʃən]Boer War 布尔战争Boer ['bəuə; bɔ:] nuclear weapons 核武器nuclear free zone 无核区non-first use 不首先使用(核武器) nonlethal weapon 非致使武器Chernobyl nuclear accident 切尔诺贝利核事故verification 核查antinuclear movements 反核运动nuclear deterrence 核威慑nuclear winter 核冬天nuclear technology 核技术nuclear age 核时代CTB, Comprehensive test ban 全面禁止核试验Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 全面禁止核试验条约peaceful settlement of disputes 和平解决争端peace dividend 和平红利peaceful coexistence 和平共处democratic peace 民主和平论institutional peace theory 制度和平论partnership of peace 和平伙伴关系genocide 种族屠杀apartheid 种族隔离racial discrimination 种族歧视ethnic cleansing 种族清洗ethnocentrism 种族优越感国际组织:The Andean Pact安第斯条约集团NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协定the Council of Ministers (欧盟)部长理事会(即欧盟理事会)the COREPER, Committee of Permanent Representatives 常驻代表委员会the Dayton Peace Accords 代顿协议ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian nations 东南亚国家联盟community sense 共同体意识economic integration 经济一体化EMU, Economic and Monetary Union 经济与货币联盟ECJ, the European Court of Justice 欧洲法院EC, European Community 欧洲共同体the European Council欧洲委员会(Council of Europe1)Council of the European Union:欧盟理事会2(俗称欧盟部长理事会the Council of Ministers)EMS, European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系EU, European Union 欧洲联盟the European Commission欧盟委员会31Council of Europe:欧洲委员会,是由爱尔兰、比利时、丹麦、法国、荷兰、卢森堡、挪威、瑞典、意大利和英国通过1949年5月5日在伦敦签订《欧洲委员会法规》所成立,具有国际法地位、并且为联合国观察员身份的国际组织,是欧洲整合东欧进程中最早成立的机构。





一、国家与国际组织1.国家(Nationalities):- China 中国- America 美国- Russia 俄罗斯- France 法国- Germany 德国- Britain 英国- Japan 日本- India 印度- Brazil 巴西- Canada 加拿大2.国际组织(International Organizations):- United Nations 联合国- World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织- International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织- European Union 欧盟- NATO 北大西洋公约组织- World Bank 世界银行- International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构- World Health Organization 世界卫生组织- International Criminal Court 国际刑事法院- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织二、政治与外交1.政治制度(Political Systems):- Democracy 民主- Republic 共和国- Monarchy 君主制- Socialism 社会主义- Capitalism 资本主义- Communism 共产主义- Totalitarianism 极权主义- Autocracy 独裁统治- Federation 联邦制- Confederation 联盟制2.外交与外交政策(Diplomacy and Foreign Policy):- Diplomat 外交官- Diplomatic Mission 外交使团- Embassy 大使馆- Consulate 领事馆- Ambassador 大使- Diplomatic Immunity 外交豁免权- Bilateral Relations 双边关系- Multilateral Relations 多边关系- Diplomatic Negotiation 外交谈判- Peacekeeping 和平维持三、国际法与国际组织1.国际法(International Law):- Sovereignty 主权- Territory 领土- Treaty 条约- Diplomatic Recognition 外交承认- International Court of Justice 国际法院- Geneva Conventions 日内瓦公约- United Nations Convention Against Torture 联合国禁止酷刑公约- International Criminal Court 国际刑事法院2.国际组织(International Organizations):- United Nations 联合国- World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织- International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织- European Union 欧盟- NATO 北大西洋公约组织- World Bank 世界银行- International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构- World Health Organization 世界卫生组织- International Criminal Court 国际刑事法院- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织四、国际经济与贸易1.国际贸易(International Trade):- Import 进口- Export 出口- Tariff 关税- Free Trade 自由贸易- Protectionism 保护主义- Trade Deficit 贸易逆差- Trade Surplus 贸易顺差- Balance of Payments 收支平衡- World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织- Trade Agreement 贸易协定2.国际金融(International Finance):- Exchange Rate 汇率- Currency 货币- Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资- International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织- World Bank 世界银行- International Financial Crisis 国际金融危机- Inflation 通货膨胀- Recession 经济衰退- Economic Development 经济发展- Sustainable Development 可持续发展五、战争与安全1.军事和战争(Military and War):- Armed Forces 武装力量- Army 陆军- Navy 海军- Air Force 空军- War 战争- Conflict 冲突- Defense 防御- Nuclear Weapons 核武器- Peace 和平- Terrorism 恐怖主义2.安全与安全合作(Security and Security Cooperation):- National Security 国家安全- Collective Security 集体安全- Arms Control 军备控制- Non-proliferation 非扩散- Peacekeeping 和平维持- Security Council 安全理事会- Security Alliance 安全联盟- Intelligence Intelligence 情报六、跨文化交流与全球化1.语言与文化(Language and Culture):- Language 语言- Culture 文化- Interpreter 翻译- Cultural Exchange 文化交流- Cultural Diversity 文化多样性- Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际- Globalization 全球化- Cultural Imperialism 文化帝国主义- Cultural Relativism 文化相对主义- Cultural Assimilation 文化同化2.国际媒体与科技(International Media and Technology):- Internet 互联网- Social Media 社交媒体- Mass Media 大众媒体- Communication Communication 通信- Information Information 信息- Digitalization 数字化- Cybersecurity 网络安全- Artificial Intelligence 人工智能- Virtual Reality 虚拟现实- E-commerce 电子商务这份国际关系英语词汇大全涵盖了与国际关系相关的各个方面,希望能够对大家的学习和研究有所帮助。



一.国际事务:negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit 峰会charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章pledge n. 诺言,保证,誓言,抵押,信物,保人,祝愿vt. 许诺,保证,使发誓,抵押,典当,举杯祝……健康vt. 特许,发给特许执照promote peace 促进和平boost economic co-op 加强经济合作make concession/compromise 作出妥协pass a resolution 通过决议sanction n. 核准,制裁,处罚,约束力vt. 制定制裁规则,认可,核准,同意default n. 违约,不履行责任,缺席,默认值vt. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认vi. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认veto a bill 否决议案break the deadlock 打破僵局a scientific breakthrough 科学突破an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案hot spot 热点take hostilities toward..... 对……采取敌对态度ethnic cleansing 种族排斥refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民mediator 调解员national convention 国民大会fight corruption 反腐败corrupted election 腐败的选举peace process 和平进程give a boost to... 促进booming economy 促进经济发展mutual benefits/interests 双赢Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon 五角大楼impose/break a deadline 规定/打破最后期限retaliate 报复banking reform 金融改革commissioner 代表go bankrupt 破产file for bankruptcy 提出破产deputy 代表external forces 外部力量speculate,disarmament agreement 裁军协议mandate,to lift a boycott 取消禁令withdraw,embargo,impose sanctions against... 实施制裁dismantle 销毁the implementation of an accord 执行决议to ease the ban on ivory trade 缓解对象牙贸易的禁令to harbor sb. 保护animal conservation 动物保护threatened/endangered species 濒危物种illegal poaching 非法捕猎face extinction 濒临灭亡Gallup/opinion/exit poll,survey 民意调查stand trial 受审put...on trial 审判某人sue,file suit against... 状告radioactive 放射性radiation 辐射uranium enrichment program 铀浓缩计划nuke nonproliferation 核部扩散suspect,arrest,detain,in custody 被囚禁on human rights abuse charges 反人权罪名HIV positive HIV阳性malaria,diabetes,hypertension,lung cancer,breast cancerfight poverty/starvation/hunger/disease/virus,stop the spread of... crack down on... 严打illegal drug trafficking 毒品贩运piracy,pirated products 盗版产品fake goods 假货notorious 臭名昭著bloody tyrant 血腥独裁者execute/execution 处决death penalty 死刑seminar,forum,peace conference,national convention,his counterpart 同等级别的人my predecessor/successor 我的前任/后任二.战争军事:military option 军事解决途径(动用武力)escalating tension 逐步升级的局势military coupe 军事政变forced from office 被赶下台step down/aside 下台on the brink of war 处于战争边缘rebels,wounded,killed,injury,death,casualties 伤亡heavy fighting 激战genocide 种族灭绝relief effort 救济工作humanitarian aid 人道主义援助broker/mediate a ceasefire/truce 促成停火end the bloodshed 结束流血事件special envoy 特使peace-keeping forces 维和部队guerrilla war 游击战争border dispute 边境争端armed conflict 武装冲突reconciliation 调解civil war 内战cruise missile 巡航导弹come to a conclusion 达成一致coalition forces 联合军队on high alert 处于高级戒备状态rebellion 叛乱rebel forces 叛军sensitive,hostage,kidnapped French nationals 被绑架的法国人-rescue,release invade,US-led invasion 美国领导的入侵right-wing extremists 右翼极端分子warring factions 交战各方topple the government 推翻政府suicide bombing 自杀性袭击事件dispute,crisis,conflict,holy war 圣战administration,regime,claim responsibility for... 声称负责-suspend 停止resume 继续coalition party 联合政党post-war reconstruction 战后重建pre-war intelligence 战前情报radar, espionage 谍报spying activity 间谍行为electronic warfare 电子战争chemical/biological/nuclear warfare 化学/生物/核战争三.地震类:新闻发布会: press conference汶川地震:Wenchuan Earthquake大地震:the massive earthquake8.0级地震:the 8.0- magnitude earthquake地震灾区:quake-hit area/ quake-stricken area重灾区:the worst-hit area震中:epicenter余震:aftershock地震灾民:quake victim人民解放军:People's Liberation Army soldier武警:armed police消防官兵:fire-fighter医务工作者:medical worker救援者:rescuer救援队:rescue team伤者:the injured失踪者:the missing废墟:debris/ruin卫生:sanitation\hygiene黄金72小时:golden 72 hours温总理:Premier Wen联合国秘书长:UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon红十字会:the Red Cross医疗队:medical team资金和物资:funds and material可移动医院:mobile hospital死亡人数:death toll与时间赛跑:race against time生命线:lifeline民政部:the Ministry of Civil Affairs国务院信息办:the Information Office of the State Counsil 中央台记者:CCTV correspondent沙特阿拉伯:Saudi Arabia中国大使馆:Chinese Embassy外交使节:envoy降半旗:Flags are to be kept at half-mast.默哀:mourn哀悼:condolence人道主义援助:humanitarian aid救济工作:relief work捐赠:donate咨询热线:consultation hotline疏散:evacuate堰塞湖:barrier lake/quake lake重建:rebuild震后重建:post-quake reconstruction尽快进行重建工作:carry out reconstruction as soon as possible 复原:rehabilitation帐篷小学:camp primary school复课:resume classes建立DNA数据库:build DNA database火葬:cremate阻止疫情:prevent epidemic文化遗产:culture heritage大熊猫:giant panda四.奥运类:国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee中国奥委会 Chinese Olympic Committeethe Olympic flame 奥运圣火奥运会选拔赛 Olympic Trial奥运会会歌 Olympic Anthem奥运火炬 Olympic Torch奥运会代表团 Olympic Delegation奥运村 Olympic Village组委会 organization committee开幕式 opening ceremony闭幕式 closing ceremony吉祥物 mascot颁奖台 podiuma crown of olive branches 橄榄枝编成的头冠a record-holder 记录保持者a team gold medal 一枚团体金牌an Olympic medal 奥运金牌Olympics opening ceremonies 奥运会开幕式event 比赛项目prance with the national flag 挥舞着国旗而雀跃spectator 观众a team bus 运动员专车the gold / silver/ bronze medalist 金/ 银/ 铜牌获得者Aquatics(水上运动)Archery(射箭)Individual events 个人赛Team events 团体赛Athletics(田径)Track 径赛Cycling(自行车)gymnastics击剑:Fencing射击: shooting五.经济类:financial crisis 金融危机Federal Reserve 美联储real estate 房地产share 股票inflation deflationstock market 股市shareholder 股东macroeconomic 宏观经济go under\bankrupt 破产pension fund 养老基金government bond 政府债券budget 预算deficit 赤字 surplusintellectual property 知识产权opportunistic practice 投机行为entrepreneur 企业家cook the book 做假帐fluctuate 波动merger 并购pickup in price 物价上涨 CPI monetary policy 货币政策foreign exchange 外汇quote 报价contract 合同floating rate 浮动利率venture capital 风险资本(VC)global corporation 跨国公司consolidation 兼并take over 收购on the hook 被套住六.常见新闻缩写词:1、组织机构等专有名称UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization (联合国教科文组织)IMF=International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations(东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”)-GATT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade(关贸总协定)WTO=World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)OPE=Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”)PLO=Palestine Liberation Organization(巴勒斯坦解放组织;“巴解”)IOC=International Olympic Committee(国际奥林匹克委员会)NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration[(美国)国家宇航局]-WHO=World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局2、常见事物的名称,如上述例句中的aids (艾滋病)。



国际关系词汇及翻译词汇 Vocabularyprotectorate (被)保护国asylum 庇护;避难forntier region, border region 边界地区boundary negotiation 边界谈判status quo of the boundary 边界现状never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件non-aligned countries 不结盟国家patrimonial sea 承袭海consultations 磋商the third world 第三世界imperialism 帝国主义200-nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权developing countries 发展中国家dependency 附庸国plebiscite 公民投票generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动normalization of relations 关系正常化an established principle of international law 国际法准则rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域international situation 国际形势merger of states 国家合并national boundary 国界maritime resources 海洋资源mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让exchange of needed goods 互通有无fundamental rights 基本权利reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担Near East 近东right of residence 居留权arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商territorial sea 领海limits of territorial sea 领海范围breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度territorial air 领空territorial waters 领水inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权territorial contiguity 领土毗连territorial integrity 领土完整refugee camp 难民营country of one's residence 侨居国complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclearweapons 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯ecocide 生态灭绝practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use实用,有效,廉价,方便bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作bilateral trade 双边贸易dual nationality 双重国籍trusteeship 托管制度outer space 外层空间sole legal government 唯一合法政府loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息extradition 引渡Zionism 犹太复国主义friendly exchanges 友好往来disputed areas 有争议的地区fishery resources 渔业资源political offender 政治犯political fugitive 政治逃犯Middle East, Mideast 中东neutral state, neutral country 中立国neutralized state 永久中立国apartheid, racial segregation 种族隔离genocide 种族灭绝sovereign state 主权国家exclusive economic zone 专属经济区suzerain state, metropolitan state 宗主国suzerainty 宗主权to maintain neutrality 保持中立to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources保卫国家主权和民族资源to take concerted steps 采取协调行动to undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 对无核区承担义务to develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and m utual benefit, and prolonged stability 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系to develop the national economy 发展民族经济to peddle munitions 贩卖军火All countries, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应该一律平等to establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系to seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短to negotiate through diplomatic channels 通过外交途径进行谈判to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sover eignty 维护国家独立和主权完整to safeguard world peace 维护世界和平to solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端in consideration of the actual conditions 照顾现实情况联合国大会the UN General Assembly安全理事会the Security Council秘书处the Secretariat经济及社会理事会the Economic and Social Council托管理事会the Trusteeship Council国际法院the International Court联合国儿童基金会United Nations Children’s Fund联合国工业开发机构United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Program联合国教育科学文化组织United Nations Education Scientific and Culture Organizatio n联合国救济总署United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration联合国开发计划处United Nations Development Program联合国开发委员会United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国粮食农业组织United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization联合国贸易开发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development世界劳工组织World Federation of Trade Unions世界气象组织World Meteorological Organization世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization万国邮政联盟Universal Postal Union国际惯例international custom/practice翻译 Translation国际关系经历了冷战结束以来最深刻的变动,联合国经受了国际风云变幻的严峻考研。



中欧关系一.词汇:安全考虑:security consideration傲慢行为:arrogant behavior多极化:multiplicity霸权主义:hegemonism强权政治:power politics国家主权:national sovereignty民族资源:national resource边界谈判:boundary negotiation不结盟国家:non-aligned countries采取惩罚行动:take punitive actions采取高姿态:show magnanimity采取协调行动:take concerted steps常驻代表:permanent representative弹性外交:elastic diplomacy邓小平外交思想:Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts低调:low keyed电话协商:telephone negotiations独联体国家:Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)度假外交:holiday-making diplomacy附庸国:dependency高层次、全方位的对话:high-level and all-directional dialogue公认的国际关系原则:generally-accepted principles of international relations公使馆:legation公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序:a fair and rational new international political and economic order国际商会:International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)国际雇佣者组织:International Organization of Employers (IOE)国际关系的准则:norms governing international relations国际惯例:international common practice国际货币基金会:International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际金融组织:International Finance Corporation (IFC)国际聚焦:international spotlight国家不分大小,应该一律平等:All countries, big or small, should be equal.捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严:safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity 毫无根据的媒体报导:groundless media reports和平共处五项原则: the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence环太平洋地区:Pacific Rim缓和:détente联络处:liaison office领土管辖权:territorial jurisdiction领土毗连:territorial contiguity流血冲突:bloody conflict民间外交:people-to-people diplomacy贫穷国家:impoverished nation全方位外交:multi-faceted diplomacy伸张正义、主持公道:adhere to principles and uphold justice 神圣不可侵犯:sacred and inviolable审时度势:size up the situation推翻一个政权:topple a regime外交承认:diplomatic recognition外交纷争:diplomatic dispute外交攻势:diplomatic offensive外交使团:diplomatic mission外交政策的基石:cornerstone of a country's foreign policy万国公法:law of nations维持外交关系:maintain diplomatic relations维护世界和平:safeguard world peace武装冲突:armed conflict西方国家利益:Western interests总领事馆:consulate general发展中国家:developing country发达国家:developed country国际交往一.词汇中国共产党the Communist Party of China(CPC)中共中央总书记the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee国务院the State Council综合国力overall national strength和平统一peaceful reunification of the motherland一国两制One Country, Two Systems台湾同胞our compatriots in Taiwan海外侨胞overseas compatriots领土territory主权sovereignty紧张态势tension使用武力the use of force核武器nuclear weapons分裂活动separatist/splittist activities西藏the Tibet多极化multipolarity战略伙伴关系strategic partnership第三世界国家the Third World countries睦邻友好政策good-neighbor policy求同存异seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences 霸权主义hegemony友好/国事访问 a goodwill(a state, an official)visit联合国安理会the UN Security Council恐怖主义terrorism大使ambassador大使馆embassy外交关系diplomatic relations代表团delegation平等互利equality and mutual benefits达成一致reach consensus on恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over……伸张正义,主持公道adhere to principles and uphold justice南北对话South-North dialogue常驻代表permanent representative国际关系的准则norms governing international relations不结盟国家non-aligned countries不结盟政策non-aligned policy独联体国家Commonwealth of Independent States大国沙文主义superpower chauvinism暂时中断外交关系suspend diplomatic relations断绝外交关系sever diplomatic relations国书credentials召见summon外交辞令diplomatic parlance公告proclamation贺电message of greeting唁电message of condolences国际关系International Relations国际阵营international camp国际社会international community国际地位international position国际惯例international practice国际公约international convention国际条约international treaty超级大国superpower; VIP(Very Important Power) 不结盟国家non-aligned state傀儡国家puppet state外围势力国家peripheral power独立国independent state主权国sovereign state中立国neutral state君主国monarchy保护国(保护别国的)protective state附属国dependent country同盟国ally最惠国most favored nation东道国host country缔约国signatory/contracting state对抗国confrontation state交战国belligerent country国际公法International Law独立自主be independent and maintain oneself统一reunification领土;版图territory领空territorial air领海territorial sea租界concession联盟coalition议定书protocol毁约breach of promise宣言declaration; manifesto会谈纪要minutes of talks正式声明official statement非正式声明officious statement备忘录memorandum附件supplement; accessory抗议书protest memorandum联合国宪章the Charter of the United Nations波茨坦公告Potsdam Proclamation日内瓦公约Geneva Convention白/蓝/红/绿/褐皮书white/blue/red/green/brown book委任书letter of appointment捍卫国家主权,领土完整和民族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity二.句型1.和平与发展是时代的主题,世界的和平与发展离开不开各个成员国的共同努力,以及通力合作。





In October 1997, when China’s President JiangZemin visited the U.S., he and President Clinton reached agreement in the setting up of a constructive, strategic Partnership for the 21st Century. President Clinton has announced this year that he will move up his visit to China to the end of June in order to give fresh stimulus to the development and improvement of Sino-U.S. relations.2.谢谢!秘书长先生,主席先生及各位尊敬的代表,先生们、女士们:我们以和平为己任,会聚在这个大厅,我们所在的这座城市已留下了暴力的创伤,我们所在的这个国家正在危急中觉醒,我们所在的这个世界正团结一心,准备与恐怖势力进行长期的斗争。


Thank you. Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, distinguished delegates and ladies and gentlemen. We meet in a hall devoted to peace, in a city scarred by violence, in a nation awakened to danger, in a world uniting for a long struggle. Every civilized nation here today is resolved to keep the most basic commitment of civilization: we will defend ourselves and our future against terror and lawless violence.3、国际关系发展事态的不可预见性常常弄得专家们措手不及,如:1989年柏林墙事件。



国际关系词汇及翻译词汇 Vocabularyprotectorate (被)保护国asylum 庇护;避难forntier region, border region 边界地区boundary negotiation 边界谈判status quo of the boundary 边界现状never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件non-aligned countries 不结盟国家patrimonial sea 承袭海consultations 磋商the third world 第三世界imperialism 帝国主义200—nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权developing countries 发展中国家dependency 附庸国plebiscite 公民投票generally—accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动normalization of relations 关系正常化an established principle of international law 国际法准则rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域international situation 国际形势merger of states 国家合并national boundary 国界maritime resources 海洋资源mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让exchange of needed goods 互通有无fundamental rights 基本权利reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担Near East 近东right of residence 居留权arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商territorial sea 领海limits of territorial sea 领海范围breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度territorial air 领空territorial waters 领水inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权territorial contiguity 领土毗连territorial integrity 领土完整refugee camp 难民营country of one's residence 侨居国complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclearweapons 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器people-to—people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯ecocide 生态灭绝practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use 实用,有效,廉价,方便bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作bilateral trade 双边贸易dual nationality 双重国籍trusteeship 托管制度outer space 外层空间sole legal government 唯一合法政府loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息extradition 引渡Zionism 犹太复国主义friendly exchanges 友好往来disputed areas 有争议的地区fishery resources 渔业资源political offender 政治犯political fugitive 政治逃犯Middle East, Mideast 中东neutral state, neutral country 中立国neutralized state 永久中立国apartheid, racial segregation 种族隔离genocide 种族灭绝sovereign state 主权国家exclusive economic zone 专属经济区suzerain state, metropolitan state 宗主国suzerainty 宗主权to maintain neutrality 保持中立to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 保卫国家主权和民族资源to take concerted steps 采取协调行动to undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 对无核区承担义务to develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prol onged stability 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系to develop the national economy 发展民族经济to peddle munitions 贩卖军火All countries, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应该一律平等to establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系to seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短to negotiate through diplomatic channels 通过外交途径进行谈判to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty 维护国家独立和主权完整to safeguard world peace 维护世界和平to solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端in consideration of the actual conditions 照顾现实情况联合国大会 the UN General Assembly安全理事会 the Security Council秘书处 the Secretariat经济及社会理事会 the Economic and Social Council托管理事会 the Trusteeship Council国际法院 the International Court联合国儿童基金会 United Nations Children’s Fund联合国工业开发机构 United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization联合国环境规划署 United Nations Environment Program联合国教育科学文化组织 United Nations Education Scientific and Culture Organization 联合国救济总署 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration联合国开发计划处 United Nations Development Program联合国开发委员会 United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国粮食农业组织 United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization联合国贸易开发会议 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development世界劳工组织 World Federation of Trade Unions世界气象组织 World Meteorological Organization世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization万国邮政联盟 Universal Postal Union国际惯例 international custom/practice翻译 Translation国际关系经历了冷战结束以来最深刻的变动,联合国经受了国际风云变幻的严峻考研.The world has witnessed the most profound readjustments in international relations si nce the endof the Cold War, and the United Nations has withstood the serious test o f the vicissitudes in theinternational arena. Peace and development have become the universal appeal in today’s world。



国际关系专业英语词汇buffer state 缓冲国statecraft 治国术comprehensive power 综合国力dual nationality 双重国籍host country 东道国vassal state 附庸国protectorate 保护国战败国 a defeated countrysatellite state 卫星国战胜国victorious nationneutrality stated, neutral country 中立国neutralized stated 永久中立国Axis Powers 轴心国nonaligned state 不结盟国家signatory state of the treaty (convention) 缔约国hegemonic state 霸权国策源国political science 政治学comparative politics 比较政治学low politics 低级政治high politics 高级政治politics of scale 规模政治Realpolitik 现实政治bureaucratic politics 官僚政治political geography 政治地理politicization 政治化political psychophysiology 政治精神心理学ecopolitics 生态政治学political elite 政治精英zero-sum game 零和游戏nonzero-sum game 非零和游戏game theory 博弈论two-level game or two-tier game 双层博弈paradigm 范式localization 本土化irreversibility 不可逆转性convention 常规deconstruction 解构balance of power 均势association agreement 联系协定exclusivity 排他性critique theories 批判理论equilibrium 平衡globalization 全球化identity 认同或特性spill-over 外溢relative gain 相对收益absolute gain 绝对收益interdependence 相互依赖loyalty-transferring 效忠转移marginal cost 边际成本public domain 公共领域public choice theory 公共选择理论interstate transaction cost 国家间交易成本transaction benefit 交易收益interests group 利益集团prisoner’s dilemma 囚徒困境transferring rights 权利让渡anarchy 无政府状态constitutionalism 宪政asymmetric information 信息不对称quantitative analysis 定量分析qualitative analysis 定性分析transactionism 交流理论complex interdependence 复合相互依赖case study 个案研究theoretical framework 理论体系dialectical method 辩证法world system theory 世界体系理论alienation 异化natural selection 物竞天择pagan 异教徒falsification 证伪appeasement 绥靖asymmetrical strategy 不对称战略representative forms of government 代议制政府dependency theory 依附理论telecommunications revolution 电讯革命containment policy 遏制政策counterculture 反主流文化dewesternization 非西方化nonlinearity 非线性utilitarian philosophy 功利主义哲学supply-side economics 供应学派经济学rational actor model 理性行为体模型classical liberal school 古典自由主义学派decentralization 分散化utopian theory 乌托邦理论normative theory 规范理论value judgment 价值判断class struggle 阶级斗争mirror image 镜像comparative study 比较研究cybernetic theory; cybernetics 控制论predictability 可预测性cross-cultural comparative analysis 跨文化比较分析marginalization 边缘化assured destruction 确保摧毁intellectual property 知识产权homogeneous civilization 同质文明[,hɔmə'dʒi:niəs, ,həu-] homogenization 同质化Heterogeneou 异质化[,hetərəu'dʒi:njəs]futurology 未来学clash of civilizations 文明的冲突theoretical foundation 理论基础grand theory 大理论information revolution 信息革命ideological conflict 意识形态冲突barbarism 野蛮状态lobbying 游说nonwhite people 有色人种metaphysics 形而上学long-circle theory 长周期理论resource theory 资源理论autonomous 自治case study 案例研究cyclical theory 周期理论shared ideas 共同观念global governance 全球治理the nature of man 人性cognitive psychology 认知心理学civil society 市民社会ideology 意识形态brain trust 智囊团bandwagon 搭便车autarky 自给自足, 闭关自守atrocity 暴行democratization 民主化constitutional democracy 宪政民主current history approach 当代史方法end of history 历史终结socialization 社会化self-fulfilling prophecy 自我实现的预言structural violence 结构性暴力survival of the fittest 适者生存xenophobia 仇外, 排外ontology 本体论Copenhagen School 哥本哈根学派duality of structure 结构二重性internalization 内化institutionalization 制度化secularization 世俗化think tank 思想库public goods 公共物品non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒informal agreement 非正式协议tariffs reduction 关税减让Tariffs Union 关税同盟reciprocity 互惠Great Depression 大萧条Industrial Revolution 工业革命Industrial Age 工业时代antitrust law 反托拉斯法industrialization 工业化stock market clash 股票市场崩溃floating exchange rate 浮动汇率fixed exchange rate 固定汇率currency exchange rate 外汇汇率gold standard 金本位financial institution 金融机构economic determinism 经济决定论economic globalization 经济全球化economic sanction 经济制裁economic circle 经济周期transnational corporation, multinational corporation 跨国公司money laundering 洗钱energy crisis 能源危机Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合surplus value 剩余价值interest rate 利率balance of trade 贸易平衡trade deficit 贸易赤字treasury bond 公债central bank 中央银行free market system 自由市场体系urbanization 城市化economic growth 经济增长sustainable development 可持续发展customs union 关税同盟emerging market 新兴市场stagflation 滞胀nondiscrimination 非歧视原则nontariff barriers (NTBs) 非关税壁垒package deal 一揽子交易market failure 市场失灵bourgeoisie 资产阶级national self-determination 民族自决national liberation 民族解放racial issue 种族问题ethnic identity 民族身份ethnic conflict 种族冲突geopolitics地缘政治sea power 海权land power 陆权air power 空权Balkan 巴尔干Age of Exploration 地理大发现时代Geoeconomics 地缘经济学Indochina 印度支那Formosa 福摩萨Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区heartland 大陆心脏Latin American 拉丁美洲Strait of Malacca 马六甲海峡continental country 大陆国家Kashmir 克什米尔geographic location 地理位置Serbia 塞尔维亚shatterbelt 破碎地带Netherlands 尼德兰Eurasia 欧亚大陆lebensraum 生存空间core-periphery model 中心-边缘模式Global North 北方世界Global South 南方世界人名Karl W. Deutsch 卡尔•多伊奇Francis Fukuyama 弗朗西斯•福山Hans J. Morgenthau 汉斯•摩根索Jean Monnet 让•莫内Joseph S. Nye 约瑟夫•奈Kenneth N. Waltz 肯尼思•沃尔兹Hugo Grotius 雨果•格劳秀斯Jean Bodin 让•博丹William Olson 威廉•奥尔森John Ikenberry 约翰•伊肯伯里Harold Nicolson 哈罗德•尼科尔森《外交学》Francesco Guicciardini 弗朗切斯科•圭恰迪尼《意大利史》Thomas Hobbes 托马斯•霍布斯Henry Kissinger 亨利•基辛格Robert Gilpin 罗伯特•吉尔平Arnord Wolfers 阿诺德•沃尔弗斯Edward Karl 爱德华•卡尔Peter Katzenstein 彼得•卡赞斯坦George Kennan 乔治•凯南Stephen Krasner 史蒂芬•克拉斯纳Paul Kennedy 保罗•肯尼迪John Ruggie 约翰•鲁杰Niccol Machiavelli 马基雅维利John Mearsheirmer 约翰•米尔斯海默Adam Smith 亚当•斯密David A. Baldwin 大卫•鲍德温Thucydides 修昔底德Raymond Aron 雷蒙•阿隆Stephen Walt 斯蒂芬•沃尔特Martin Wight 马丁•怀特Max Weber 马克斯•韦伯(德国社会学家)Alexander Wendt 亚历山大•温特Brace Russett 布鲁斯•拉西特Immanuel Wallerstein 伊曼纽尔•沃勒斯坦Jean-Jaques Rousseau 让•雅克•卢梭Sir Ernest Satow 欧内斯特•萨道义爵士《外交实践指南》John Locke 约翰•洛克Jeremy Bentham 杰里米•边沁France Bacon 弗朗西斯•培根Hedley Bull 赫德利•布尔Herbert Butterfield 赫伯特•巴特菲尔德George Canning 乔治•坎宁Socrates 苏格拉底Plato 柏拉图Benedict de Spinoza 本尼迪克特•德•斯宾诺莎Dante 但丁Lassa Oppenheim 拉萨•奥本海Joseph A. Schumpeter 约瑟夫•A•熊彼特Hans Kelsen 汉斯•凯尔森V oltaire 伏尔泰Montesquieu 孟德斯鸠John Courtney Murray 约翰•考特尼•默里Reinhold Niebuhr 莱因霍尔德•尼布尔John Dowey 约翰•杜威Denis Diderot 丹尼斯•狄德罗Erasmus 伊拉斯谟Ludwig Feuerbach 路德维希•费尔巴哈Benjamin Franklin 本杰明•富兰克林Homer 荷马Graham T. Allison 格雷汉姆•艾利森Tommaso Campanella 托马索•康帕内拉David Hume 大卫•休谟Jack S. Levy 杰克•列维Walter Lippmann 沃尔特•李普曼Quincy Wright 昆西•赖特Susan Strange 苏珊•斯特兰奇Richard Ashley 理查德•阿什利David Mitrany 戴维•米特兰尼Charles de Visscher 查理•德维舍Michael W. Doyle 迈克尔•多伊尔John Hertz 约翰•赫茨Fredric Latzel 弗里德里希•拉采尔Rudolf Kjellen 鲁道夫•契伦Karl Haushofer 卡尔•豪斯霍夫Nicolas Spykman 尼古拉斯•斯皮克曼Sir Halford Mackinder 麦金德Douhet 杜黑Alfred Thayer Mahan 艾尔弗雷德•马汉David Mitrany 戴维•米特兰尼Alexander Hamilton 亚历山大•汉密尔顿Stanley Hoffmann 斯坦利•霍夫曼Kenneth W. Thompson 肯尼思•汤普逊Robert O. Keohane 罗伯特•基欧汉Robert Cox 罗伯特•考克斯Friedrich von Hayek 弗里德里希•冯•哈耶克John W. Burton 约翰•伯顿Morton Kaplan 莫顿•卡普兰John Ikenberry 约翰•埃肯伯里Arnold Toynbee 阿诺德•汤因比Francois de Callieres 弗朗索瓦•德•卡利埃《外交的艺术》Abraham de Wicquefort 亚伯拉罕•德•威克福,《大使及其职能》Robbery Jervis 罗伯特•杰维斯Barry Buzan 巴里•布赞Joseph Grieco 约瑟夫•格里科Sigmund Freud 西蒙•弗洛伊德Jurgen Habermas 尤尔根•哈贝马斯George W. F. Hegal 黑格尔Immanuel Kant 伊曼纽尔•康德Walter Lippmann 沃尔特•李普曼Thomas Aquinas 托马斯•阿奎那Fernand Braudel 费尔南•布罗代尔Karl von Clausewitz 凯尔•冯•克劳塞维茨Christopher Columbus 克里斯托弗•哥伦布Auguste Comte 奥古斯特•孔德Herodotus 希罗多德Martin Luther 马丁•路德Richelieu 黎塞留John L. Gaddis 约翰•加迪斯Herbert Spencer 赫伯特•斯宾塞(英国社会学家)Oswald Spengler 奥斯瓦尔德•施宾格勒(德国历史哲学家) Talleyrand 塔列朗Caliphate 哈里发Joseph Stalin 斯大林Dwight D. Eisenhower 德怀特•艾森豪威尔Eisenhower Doctrine 艾森豪威尔主义Harry Truman 哈里•杜鲁门Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义Jimmy Carter 吉米•卡特Ronald Reagan 罗纳德•里根Thomas Jefferson 托马斯•杰斐逊Coolidge 柯立芝Monroe Doctrine 门罗主义Richard Nixon 理查德•尼克松Nixon Doctrine 尼克松主义Winston Churchill 温斯顿•丘吉尔Woodrow Wilson 伍德罗•威尔逊Wilsonianism 威尔逊主义Neville Chamberlain 内维尔•张伯伦Adolf Hitler 阿道夫•希特勒Otto von Bismarch 奥托•冯•俾斯麦Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破仑•波拿巴Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝Aristotle 亚里士多德Augustine 奥古斯丁Frederick the Great 腓特烈大帝Prince Metternich 梅特涅亲王Charles de Gaulle 戴高乐Yassir Arafat 阿拉法特Julius Caesar 凯撒Brezhnev Doctrine 勃列日涅夫主义Abbas I 阿拔斯一世Constantine (Byzantine emperor) 君士坦丁(拜占庭皇帝)Hideyoshi 丰臣秀吉Oliver Cromwell 奥利弗•克伦威尔Ivan the Terrible (Tsar) 伊凡雷帝Justinian 查士丁尼Genghis Khan 成吉思汗Mahomet 穆罕默德Peter the Great 彼得大帝William I (Duke of Normandy, the Conqueror, King of England) 威廉一世Yoshida Doctrine 吉田主义Robespierre 罗伯斯庇尔Catherine the Great 叶卡捷琳娜大帝Charlemagne 查理曼大帝Sun Yat-sen 孙中山Khrushchev 赫鲁晓夫military base 军事基地military coup 军事政变military expenditures 军费开支military assistance 军事援助military integration 军事一体化military intervention 军事干预military provocation 军事挑衅military-technical revolution 军事技术革命mutual deterrence 相互威慑demilitarization of outer space 外层空间的非军事化armed force 军队, 武装力量massive retaliation 大规模报复WMD, Weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器preemption 先发制人cruise missile 巡航导弹ballistic missile defense 弹道导弹防御intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹intermediate-range ballistic missile 中程弹道导弹theater missile defense (TMD) (战区)导弹防御系统low-intensity conflict 低烈度冲突first-strike strategy 第一次打击战略second-strike capacity 第二次打击能力atomic bomb 原子弹strategic weapon 战略武器tactical weapon 战术武器naval blockade 海上封锁naval force 海军air force 空军land force 陆军arms race 军备竞赛arms control 军备控制naval capability 海军实力Pentagon 五角大楼peace keeping operation 维和行动defense policy 防务政策guerilla war 游击战information warfare (IW), infowar 信息战mercenary 雇佣军open sea 公海high seas international waters 公海;国际水域outer space 外层空间territorial integrity 领土完整territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权territorial water 领水territorial air 领空territorial sea 领海limits of territorial sea 领海范围limits-to-growth proposition 增长极限论Persian Gulf War 海湾战争Indo-Pakistani War 印巴战争Vietnam War 越南战争conventional war 常规战争war by proxy 代理人战争Indo-Chinese War 中印战争just war 正义战争limited nuclear war 有限核战争preventive war 预防性战争postmodern war 后现代战争total war 总体战争Korean War 朝鲜战争preemptive war 先发制人的战争Crimean War 克里米亚战争[krai'miən]Falklands War 马岛战争Franco-Prussian 普法战争Russo-Japanese War 日俄战争Opium War 鸦片战争['əupiəm]Great Northern War 北方战争War of Pacific 太平洋战争Thirty Years War 三十年战争the Peloponnesian War 伯罗奔尼撒战争[,peləpə'ni:ʃən] Boer War 布尔战争Boer ['bəuə; bɔ:]nuclear weapons 核武器nuclear free zone 无核区non-first use 不首先使用(核武器)nonlethal weapon 非致使武器Chernobyl nuclear accident 切尔诺贝利核事故verification 核查antinuclear movements 反核运动nuclear deterrence 核威慑nuclear winter 核冬天nuclear technology 核技术nuclear age 核时代CTB, Comprehensive test ban 全面禁止核试验Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 全面禁止核试验条约peaceful settlement of disputes 和平解决争端peace dividend 和平红利peaceful coexistence 和平共处democratic peace 民主和平论institutional peace theory 制度和平论partnership of peace 和平伙伴关系genocide 种族屠杀apartheid 种族隔离racial discrimination 种族歧视ethnic cleansing 种族清洗ethnocentrism 种族优越感国际组织:The Andean Pact安第斯条约集团NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协定the Council of Ministers (欧盟)部长理事会(即欧盟理事会)the COREPER, Committee of Permanent Representatives 常驻代表委员会the Dayton Peace Accords 代顿协议ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian nations 东南亚国家联盟community sense 共同体意识economic integration 经济一体化EMU, Economic and Monetary Union 经济与货币联盟ECJ, the European Court of Justice 欧洲法院EC, European Community 欧洲共同体the European Council欧洲委员会(Council of Europe-------注:1)Council of the European Union:欧盟理事会2(俗称欧盟部长理事会the Council of Ministers)1Council of Europe:欧洲委员会,是由爱尔兰、比利时、丹麦、法国、荷兰、卢森堡、挪威、瑞典、意大利和英国通过1949年5月5日在伦敦签订《欧洲委员会法规》所成立,具有国际法地位、并且为联合国观察员身份的国际组织,是欧洲整合东欧进程中最早成立的机构。



中欧关系一.词汇:安全考虑:security consideration傲慢行为:arrogant behavior多极化:multiplicity霸权主义:hegemonism强权政治:power politics国家主权:national sovereignty民族资源:national resource边界谈判:boundary negotiation不结盟国家:non-aligned countries采取惩罚行动:take punitive actions采取高姿态:show magnanimity采取协调行动:take concerted steps常驻代表:permanent representative弹性外交:elastic diplomacy邓小平外交思想:Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts低调:low keyed电话协商:telephone negotiations独联体国家:Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)度假外交:holiday-making diplomacy附庸国:dependency高层次、全方位的对话:high-level and all-directional dialogue公认的国际关系原则:generally-accepted principles of international relations公使馆:legation公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序:a fair and rational new international political and economic order国际商会:International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)国际雇佣者组织:International Organization of Employers (IOE)国际关系的准则:norms governing international relations国际惯例:international common practice国际货币基金会:International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际金融组织:International Finance Corporation (IFC)国际聚焦:international spotlight国家不分大小,应该一律平等:All countries, big or small, should be equal.捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严:safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity 毫无根据的媒体报导:groundless media reports和平共处五项原则: the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence环太平洋地区:Pacific Rim缓和:détente联络处:liaison office领土管辖权:territorial jurisdiction领土毗连:territorial contiguity流血冲突:bloody conflict民间外交:people-to-people diplomacy贫穷国家:impoverished nation全方位外交:multi-faceted diplomacy伸张正义、主持公道:adhere to principles and uphold justice 神圣不可侵犯:sacred and inviolable审时度势:size up the situation推翻一个政权:topple a regime外交承认:diplomatic recognition外交纷争:diplomatic dispute外交攻势:diplomatic offensive外交使团:diplomatic mission外交政策的基石:cornerstone of a country's foreign policy万国公法:law of nations维持外交关系:maintain diplomatic relations维护世界和平:safeguard world peace武装冲突:armed conflict西方国家利益:Western interests总领事馆:consulate general发展中国家:developing country发达国家:developed country国际交往一.词汇中国共产党the Communist Party of China(CPC)中共中央总书记the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee国务院the State Council综合国力overall national strength和平统一peaceful reunification of the motherland一国两制One Country, Two Systems台湾同胞our compatriots in Taiwan海外侨胞overseas compatriots领土territory主权sovereignty紧张态势tension使用武力the use of force核武器nuclear weapons分裂活动separatist/splittist activities西藏the Tibet多极化multipolarity战略伙伴关系strategic partnership第三世界国家the Third World countries睦邻友好政策good-neighbor policy求同存异seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences 霸权主义hegemony友好/国事访问 a goodwill(a state, an official)visit联合国安理会the UN Security Council恐怖主义terrorism大使ambassador大使馆embassy外交关系diplomatic relations代表团delegation平等互利equality and mutual benefits达成一致reach consensus on恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over……伸张正义,主持公道adhere to principles and uphold justice南北对话South-North dialogue常驻代表permanent representative国际关系的准则norms governing international relations不结盟国家non-aligned countries不结盟政策non-aligned policy独联体国家Commonwealth of Independent States大国沙文主义superpower chauvinism暂时中断外交关系suspend diplomatic relations断绝外交关系sever diplomatic relations国书credentials召见summon外交辞令diplomatic parlance公告proclamation贺电message of greeting唁电message of condolences国际关系International Relations国际阵营international camp国际社会international community国际地位international position国际惯例international practice国际公约international convention国际条约international treaty超级大国superpower; VIP(Very Important Power) 不结盟国家non-aligned state傀儡国家puppet state外围势力国家peripheral power独立国independent state主权国sovereign state中立国neutral state君主国monarchy保护国(保护别国的)protective state附属国dependent country同盟国ally最惠国most favored nation东道国host country缔约国signatory/contracting state对抗国confrontation state交战国belligerent country国际公法International Law独立自主be independent and maintain oneself统一reunification领土;版图territory领空territorial air领海territorial sea租界concession联盟coalition议定书protocol毁约breach of promise宣言declaration; manifesto会谈纪要minutes of talks正式声明official statement非正式声明officious statement备忘录memorandum附件supplement; accessory抗议书protest memorandum联合国宪章the Charter of the United Nations波茨坦公告Potsdam Proclamation日内瓦公约Geneva Convention白/蓝/红/绿/褐皮书white/blue/red/green/brown book委任书letter of appointment捍卫国家主权,领土完整和民族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity二.句型1.和平与发展是时代的主题,世界的和平与发展离开不开各个成员国的共同努力,以及通力合作。






一、政治词汇(Political Vocabulary)1. International relations - 国际关系2. Diplomacy - 外交3. Sovereignty - 主权4. State - 国家5. Government - 政府6. Foreign policy - 外交政策7. Alliance - 联盟8. Diplomat - 外交官9. Negotiation - 谈判10. Treaty - 条约11. Summit - 峰会12. Security - 安全13. Democracy - 民主14. Dictatorship - 独裁15. Regime - 政权二、经济词汇(Economic Vocabulary)1. Globalization - 全球化2. Trade - 贸易3. Exchange rate - 汇率4. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) - 国内生产总值5. Tariff - 关税6. Subsidy - 补贴7. Free trade - 自由贸易8. Import - 进口9. Export - 出口10. Inflation - 通货膨胀11. Recession - 经济衰退12. IMF (International Monetary Fund) - 国际货币基金组织13. World Bank - 世界银行14. Development aid - 发展援助15. Market economy - 市场经济三、军事词汇(Military Vocabulary)1. Arms race - 军备竞赛2. Nuclear weapons - 核武器3. Military alliance - 军事联盟4. Air strike - 空袭5. Peacekeeping - 维和6. Weapons of mass destruction - 大规模杀伤性武器7. Defense - 防御8. Intelligence - 情报9. Combat - 战斗10. Troops - 部队11. Naval - 海军的12. Air force - 空军13. Military expenditure - 军事开支14. Disarmament - 裁军15. Cyber warfare - 网络战争四、文化词汇(Cultural Vocabulary)1. Cultural exchange - 文化交流2. Cultural diversity - 文化多样性3. Heritage - 遗产4. Tradition - 传统5. Language - 语言6. Customs - 风俗习惯7. Art - 艺术8. Music - 音乐9. Literature - 文学10. Festivals - 节日11. Cuisine - 美食12. Religion - 宗教13. Identity - 身份14. Globalization - 全球化15. Cultural assimilation - 文化同化五、环保词汇(Environmental Vocabulary)1. Climate change - 气候变化2. Global warming - 全球变暖3. Carbon footprint - 碳足迹4. Renewable energy - 可再生能源5. Pollution - 污染6. Deforestation - 森林砍伐7. Conservation - 保护8. Biodiversity - 生物多样性9. Emissions - 排放物10. Ozone layer - 臭氧层11. Sustainable development - 可持续发展12. Greenhouse gases - 温室气体13. Recycling - 回收利用14. Environmental degradation - 环境退化15. Wildlife conservation - 野生动物保护综上所述,掌握国际关系英语词汇对于深入理解和学习国际关系是至关重要的。



国际关系英语常用词汇1. protectorate (被)保护国2. asylum 庇护;避难3. frontier region, border region 边界地区4. boundary negotiation 边界谈判5. status quo of the boundary 边界现状6. never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件7. non-aligned countries 不结盟国家8. patrimonial sea 承袭海9. consultations 磋商10. the third world 第三世界11. imperialism 帝国主义12. 200-nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权13. developing countries 发展中国家14. dependency 附庸国15. plebiscite 公民投票16. generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则17. joint action 共同行动18. normalization of relations 关系正常化19. an established principle of international law 国际法准则20. rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则21. international waters 国际水域22. international situation 国际形势23. merger of states 国家合并24. national boundary 国界25. maritime resources 海洋资源26. mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让27. exchange of needed goods 互通有无28. détente, 缓和29. fundamental rights 基本权利30. reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担31. Near East 近东32. right of residence 居留权33. arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商34. territorial sea 领海35. limits of territorial sea 领海范围36. breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度37. territorial air 领空38. territorial waters 领水39. inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性40. territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权41. territorial contiguity 领土毗连42. territorial integrity 领土完整43. refugee camp 难民营44. country of one's residence 侨居国45. complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器46. people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流47. sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯48. ecocide 生态灭绝49. practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use 实用,有效,廉价,方便50. bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作51. bilateral trade 双边贸易52. dual nationality 双重国籍53. trusteeship 托管制度54. outer space 外层空间55. sole legal government 唯一合法政府56. loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款57. colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义58. delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息59. extradition 引渡60. Zionism 犹太复国主义61. friendly exchanges 友好往来62. disputed areas 有争议的地区63. fishery resources 渔业资源64. political offender 政治犯65. political fugitive 政治逃犯66. Middle East, Mideast 中东67. neutral state, neutral country 中立国68. neutralized state 永久中立国69. apartheid, racial segregation 种族隔离70. genocide 种族灭绝71. sovereign state 主权国家72. exclusive economic zone 专属经济区73. suzerain state, metropolitan state 宗主国74. suzerainty 宗主权75. to maintain neutrality 保持中立76. to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 保卫国家主权和民族资源77. to take concerted steps 采取协调行动78. to undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 对无核区承担义务79. to develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability 发80. 展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系81. to develop the national economy 发展民族经济82. to peddle munitions 贩卖军火83. All countries, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应该一律平等84. to establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系85. to seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决86. to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短87. to negotiate through diplomatic channels 通过外交途径进行谈判88. to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty89. 维护国家独立和主权完整90. to safeguard world peace 维护世界和平91. to solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端92. in consideration of the actual conditions 照顾现实情况93. the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项原则94. mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity 互相尊重主权和领土完整95. mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯96. non-interference in each other's internal affairs 互不干涉内政97. equality and mutual benefit 平等互利98. peaceful coexistence 和平共处99. security consideration安全考虑100. arrogant behavior傲慢行为101. multipolarity多极化102. hegemonism霸权主义103. power politics强权政治104. national sovereignty国家主权105. national resource民族资源106. boundary negotiation边界谈判107. non-aligned countries不结盟国家108. take punitive actions采取惩罚行动109. show magnanimity采取高姿态110. take concerted steps采取协调行动111. permanent representative常驻代表112. elastic diplomacy弹性外交113. Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts邓小平外交思想114. low keyed低调115. telephone negotiations电话协商116. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)独联体国家117. holiday-making diplomacy度假外交118. dependency附庸国119. high-level and all-directional dialogue高层次、全方位的对话120. generally-accepted principles of international relations公认的国际关系原则121. legation公使馆122. a fair and rational new international political and economic order公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序123. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)国际商会124. International Organization of Employers (IOE)国际雇佣者组织125. norms governing international relations国际关系的准则126. international common practice国际惯例127. International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际货币基金会128. International Finance Corporation国际金融组织(IFC)129. international spotlight国际聚焦130. All countries, big or small, should be equal.国家不分大小,应该一律平等:131. safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严132. groundless media reports毫无根据的媒体报导133. the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence和平共处五项原则134. Pacific Rim环太平洋地区135. detente缓和136. War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea抗美援朝战争137. liaison office联络处138. territorial jurisdiction领土管辖权139. territorial contiguity领土毗连140. bloody conflict流血冲突141. people-to-people diplomacy民间外交142. South-North dialogue南北对话143. South-South cooperation南南合作144. impoverished nation贫穷国家145. multi-faceted diplomacy全方位外交146. adhere to principles and uphold justice伸张正义、主持公道147. sacred and inviolable神圣不可侵犯148. size up the situation审时度势149. topple a regime推翻一个政权150. diplomatic recognition外交承认151. diplomatic dispute外交纷争152. diplomatic offensive外交攻势153. diplomatic mission外交使团154. cornerstone of a country's foreign policy外交政策的基石155. law of nations万国公法156. maintain diplomatic relations维持外交关系157. safeguard world peace维护世界和平158. armed conflict 武装冲突159. Western interests西方国家利益160. Sino-US joint communique中美联合公报161. consulate general总领事馆162. developing country发展中国家163. developed country发达国家。

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国际关系词汇及翻译词汇 Vocabularyprotectorate (被)保护国asylum 庇护;避难forntier region, border region 边界地区boundary negotiation 边界谈判status quo of the boundary 边界现状never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件non-aligned countries 不结盟国家patrimonial sea 承袭海consultations 磋商the third world 第三世界imperialism 帝国主义200-nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权developing countries 发展中国家dependency 附庸国plebiscite 公民投票generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动normalization of relations 关系正常化an established principle of international law 国际法准则rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域international situation 国际形势merger of states 国家合并national boundary 国界maritime resources 海洋资源mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让exchange of needed goods 互通有无fundamental rights 基本权利reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担Near East 近东right of residence 居留权arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商territorial sea 领海limits of territorial sea 领海范围breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度territorial air 领空territorial waters 领水inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权territorial contiguity 领土毗连territorial integrity 领土完整refugee camp 难民营country of one's residence 侨居国complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclearweapons 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯ecocide 生态灭绝practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use 实用,有效,廉价,方便bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作bilateral trade 双边贸易dual nationality 双重国籍trusteeship 托管制度outer space 外层空间sole legal government 唯一合法政府loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息extradition 引渡Zionism 犹太复国主义friendly exchanges 友好往来disputed areas 有争议的地区fishery resources 渔业资源political offender 政治犯political fugitive 政治逃犯Middle East, Mideast 中东neutral state, neutral country 中立国neutralized state 永久中立国apartheid, racial segregation 种族隔离genocide 种族灭绝sovereign state 主权国家exclusive economic zone 专属经济区suzerain state, metropolitan state 宗主国suzerainty 宗主权to maintain neutrality 保持中立to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 保卫国家主权和民族资源to take concerted steps 采取协调行动to undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 对无核区承担义务to develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and pr olonged stability 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系to develop the national economy 发展民族经济to peddle munitions 贩卖军火All countries, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应该一律平等to establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系to seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短to negotiate through diplomatic channels 通过外交途径进行谈判to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty 维护国家独立和主权完整to safeguard world peace 维护世界和平to solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端in consideration of the actual conditions 照顾现实情况联合国大会 the UN General Assembly安全理事会 the Security Council秘书处 the Secretariat经济及社会理事会 the Economic and Social Council托管理事会 the Trusteeship Council国际法院 the International Court联合国儿童基金会 United Nations Children’s Fund联合国工业开发机构 United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization联合国环境规划署 United Nations Environment Program联合国教育科学文化组织 United Nations Education Scientific and Culture Organization联合国救济总署 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration联合国开发计划处 United Nations Development Program联合国开发委员会 United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国粮食农业组织 United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization联合国贸易开发会议 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development世界劳工组织 World Federation of Trade Unions世界气象组织 World Meteorological Organization世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization万国邮政联盟 Universal Postal Union国际惯例 international custom/practice翻译 Translation国际关系经历了冷战结束以来最深刻的变动,联合国经受了国际风云变幻的严峻考研。

The world has witnessed the most profound readjustments in international relati ons since the endof the Cold War, and the United Nations has withstood the serio us test of the vicissitudes in theinternational arena. Peace and development have become the universal appeal in today’s world.世界仍处在复杂而深刻的变动之中,但是国际形式总体趋向缓和,世界加快向多极化发展。

Although the world is still undergoing complex and profound changes, the intern ational situation, ingeneral, is becoming more relaxed and the world is moving at a faster pace toward multipolarity.推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,是各国人民和有远见的政治家必须认真而审慎思考的极其重要的课题。

Establishing a just and rational new international political and economic order is a task of vitalimportance, a task that people of all countries and statesman with f oreign have to ponder over inseriousness and with prudence.世界各国应该积极探索优势互补的经济、贸易、科技合作的新途径,在援助发展中国家一事上,我们应该少说空话,多办实事。
