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Choosing material
Main material(主料): Duck egg(鸭蛋)
Accessories(辅料): Salt(食盐) Spirit(白酒)
In 1, Clean the egg shell with water carefully, and then air-dried the moisture thoroughly ( must completely dry out the water Oh )
Cake including salted duck egg and balsam pear (苦瓜鸭蛋饼)
用清水认真把鸭蛋的外壳洗干净,彻底风干水 分(一定要彻底晾干水分哦)
In 2, wrap the dried duck egg in Spirit ( ordinary wine is ok, preferably high ).
(把风干后的鸭蛋在白酒中裹一裹(普通酒 就可以,最好是高度的)。)
该产品蛋心为红色、营养 丰富。它富含脂肪、蛋白 质以及人体所需的各种氨 基酸,还有多种矿物质和 人体必需的各种维生素, 而且容易被人体所吸收。 优质的咸鸭蛋咸度适中, 老少皆宜。
There are many varieties of salted duck egg. But the most famous kind is in Gaoyou. It looks round and smooth and contains more oil .According to a historical record: GaoWen duan Lord liked it best .He always cut the eggshell, and ate both white and yellow parts together .He strongly believed that people shouldn’t only eat the yellow and leave the white, which made some taste get lost and oil go anywhere, too.
咸鸭蛋有很多品种,但是 最为出名的是高邮咸鸭蛋。 它看起来光滑圆润,且油 多。有史记载:……高文 端公最喜食之,……总宜 切开带壳,黄白兼用;不 可存黄去白,使味不全, 油亦走散。
<Qi Min Yao Shu>
recorded that first soak a duck for a month, then cook and eat it with wine. That is salted duck egg. The egg with two yolks is precious. It got a high honor in Nanyang commodity exposition in 1909.Nowadays,it has been exported to more than a dozen countries and regions.
Below are several methods of how to cook Gao You salted duck egg.
The soup including green vegetables & salted duck egg (青菜咸鸭蛋汤)
Braize pork and salted duck egg (咸鸭蛋蒸肉)
五十年代,高邮民歌手夏 国珍一曲高邮民歌《数鸭 蛋》,以其诙谐、轻快的 旋律,浓郁的乡土气息而 声震京都,得到周恩来总 理的赞誉。
Salted duck egg is a business card of Gaoyou people. There is a saying: know about Gaoyou eggs first before making acquaintances of Gaoyou people.
把鸭蛋放在一个密封条件好的塑料袋里面,然后 扎紧袋子(最 好再多扎1个或多个袋子在外面,保证良好 密封性嘛)。
In 5, save theБайду номын сангаас in a cool place for 25 days
How to eat salted duck egg ? Yuan Zi Cai said :Cut it directly . This way was used for entertain guests .People usually knock at the empty side and dig with chopsticks to eat. As soon as the chopsticks plug in ,the oil takes out . Gao You salted duck egg is bright red. There is a famous dish called ‘Vermilion Bean Curd’ in the north of Jiang Su. The dish was cooked with Gao You salted duck egg and bean curd .
《齐民要术》中就有记述: “浸鸭子一月,煮而食之, 酒食具用。”说的就是咸 鸭蛋。高邮咸鸭蛋有双黄 者尤见珍贵,1909年在南 洋劝业会上曾获得很高荣 誉,现在出口十余个国家 和地区。
In 1950s,the Gaoyou folk singer Xia Guozhen sang a song, ‘count the egg’. This song amazed the capital and received Premier Zhou Enlai’s praise by its humorous, lively melodies and strong local flavor.
The color of the yolk is red and it’s rich in nutrition such as fat, protein and many kinds of amino acids that people’s bodies need. A variety of minerals and necessary vitamins in it are easily absorbed. The salinity of high quality egg is appropriate. It agrees with the old and children.
鸭蛋的吃法,如袁子才所说,带壳切 开,是一种,那是席间待客的办法。 平常食用,一般都是敲破“空头”用 筷子挖着吃。筷子头一扎下去,吱-----红油就冒出来了。高邮的咸鸭蛋是通 红的。苏北有一道名菜,叫做“朱砂 豆腐”,就是用高邮鸭蛋黄炒的豆腐。
Generally speaking , people eat them directly with porridge .
In 3, then wrap with a layer of salt.
然后厚厚的裹上一层盐 。
In 4, palace the eggs in a well sealed plastic bag, and then tie the bag ( you’d better wrap it with one or more bags outside and ensure whether the sealing property is ok).