

新概念英语第二册 Lesson 82课件

新概念英语第二册 Lesson 82课件

It was found to be fifteen feet long.
ten metres wide
十二英寸高 twelve inches high
six feet tall
七岁Leabharlann seven years old
Summary writing(1)
A strange fish was caught near Madagascar after having pulled a small fishing boat miles out to sea.
It is now known that many of these ‘monsters’ which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish.
It is well known that … 众所周知… … It is reported … 据报道… … it is said that … 据说… … it is announced that … 据宣布… …
Firemen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea
She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost.
He claimed that he found the money in the forest.
They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets.



• 传说美人鱼是以腰部为界,上半身是美丽的女人, 下半身是披着鳞片的漂亮的鱼尾,整个躯体,既 富有诱惑力,又便于迅速逃遁。她们没有灵魂, 像海水一样无情;声音通常像其外表一样,具有 欺骗性;一身兼有诱惑、虚荣、美丽、残忍和绝 望的爱情等多种特性。有电影、动画片、歌曲等 以此为名。一般认为美人鱼的生物原型是儒艮或 海牛。 • 相关电影:悬崖上的金鱼姬、异魔禁区、异魔禁 区、加勒比海盗4
• • • • • • • • • • 1.狼人 2.丧尸 3.科学怪人 4.尼斯湖怪 5.南瓜杰克 6.独眼怪 7.雪怪 8.美杜莎 9.美人鱼 10.吸血鬼
• “即便一个心地纯洁的人,一个不忘在夜间祈祷的 人,也难免在乌头草盛开的月圆之夜变身为狼。” 关于狼人的传说自古以来络绎不绝。近半个世纪 以来,狼人无疑已经成为西方神秘文化中最热门 的话题之一,这种怪物平时从外表看与常人并无 不同,但一到月圆之夜就会变身为狼人,失去理 性并变的狂暴。在众多影视及游戏作品当中,都 有狼人的身影。 • 相关电影:黑夜传说、范海辛、
• 丧尸,俗称活死人。但这并不一定是真的 死者复活,可能是用强力药物迷昏被害人 后,再利用幻觉药物跟催眠控制被害人的 结果。像是在海地,常有许多丧尸传说, 其实是巫师用药物迷昏被害人后,再用幻 觉药物跟催眠控制被害人。 • 相关电影:温暖的尸体、生化危机、死亡 录像、僵尸世界大战
• 《Frankenstein》是英国诗人雪莱的妻子玛丽· 雪 莱在1818年创作的小说,被认为是世界第一部真 正意义上的科幻小说。“弗兰肯斯坦”是小说中 那个疯狂科学家的名字,他用许多碎尸块拼接成 一个“人”,并用电将其激活。《Frankenstein》 已经成为科幻史上的经典,很多幻想类影视作品 中经常出现这个怪物的翻版。 • 相关电影:科学怪人之再生情狂 、弗兰肯斯坦 、 科学怪人的新娘

神奇宝贝精选 课件

神奇宝贝精选 课件
• 中文名:神奇宝贝 • 外文名:Pokémon • 其他译名:口袋妖怪,宠物小精灵,精灵宝可梦 • 原作者:田尻智、杉森建、増田顺一 • 导演:汤山邦彦编剧:园田英树、大桥志吉、富冈淳广上纯希、米村正二、藤田伸三、
神奇宝贝的概念起源于一种流行于日本的娱乐方式——昆虫收 集(insect collecting)。神奇宝贝的创始人田尻智小时候就很喜欢 这类消遣。这种理念在1998(我生日)年被带入了美国市场。游 戏允许游戏者捕捉、收集、培养数百只生物,也就是通常所说的神 奇宝贝,它们与其它神奇宝贝战斗以增长力量。这些神奇宝贝会在 得到更多力量后进化,成为更强大的神奇宝贝,学到新的更强大的 招式。在战斗中神奇宝贝从来 神奇宝贝精美
经典的口袋场面过后,开始博士的讲解。之后会出现三个选项,第一 个和第二个都是讲解。选第三个后会出现一个精灵球,用触控笔点中间圆 圈后继续讲解,之后便开始设定,进入游戏。下楼后与妈妈对话后出门, 来到左上的那个房子与自己的竞争对手一翻对话,再进入他的房间与他对 话,之后可以相约出镇了,在镇门口遇到他后两人组队往左边走,可以来 到湖边,会看到博士和孙女在交谈。之后离开,过去后会遭到袭击,被迫 取得精灵对战(我选的是小火猴,挺可爱的)。战斗很简单(可以用键也 可以用触摸)。 解决后回家和母亲交谈可以得到鞋子,现在按住B可以跑 了。现在可以出发了,出镇后沿着201号路向右走可以到达第2个城镇—— 真砂镇,在这里会看到竞争对手从博士研究所出来,之后博士外孙女会拉 着你进入研究所,一翻对话后得到精灵图鉴,之后出门回家与母亲告别, 可以得到日记本和一个包裹(包裹是竞争着母亲托付你的)。之后从真砂 镇上去到202号路遇见女孩,她会教你如何使用精灵球,之后会送你5个。 继续走,就到达了第3个城镇:长寿城。在PM中心左边的房子里可以找到竞 争者,将包裹给他后可以得到地图。之后出门上去会有个人拦住你要3张纸 条。在PM中心上面有个穿黄衣服肥胖猥琐男,可以得到3号卷,之后在这个 城镇可以找到另外两个相同的家伙,全部取得后和那个人对话可以得到一 个记录器(具体情况会在下屏显示)。 从203号路出发会与竞争对手展开 较量,胜利后前进,进入一个洞穴后从门口的胖子手中得到密技06,不过 目前还不能使用。一直往右边走可以到达黑金城。一人会拉着你来到道馆 那,竞争对手此时早已经到达,但好象馆主不在,对话后往下面走进入矿 场,在最底层会看到馆主,对话后他回到了道观,现在可以去挑战了,胜 利后可以学会碎岩,现在可以打坏那些岩石了。正欲返回了长寿城,被竞 争着叫住,说了些话后回到了长寿城。准备去204号路,发现银河队的人正 在与博士交谈,于是过去和博士外孙女一起将对方打败。然后可以得到一 个盒子。一路打上去后进入洞穴,将右上的岩石打碎出去。 道观1: 宠物 等级 小拳石 12 大岩蛇 12 蓝岩龙 14


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Mickey and Minnie Mickey and Pluto
He never speak but loyalty.
Minnie is mild,quiet,elegant.
Her tag “Yoo-hoo!” “Oh,Mickey”
Donald and Goofy
Goofy is kind,humrous but careless.He also help Mickey “look into the essence”.
Finding Nemo(海底总动员)
• • 2003/05/30 “Finding Nemo” tells the story of clownfish (小丑鱼)Marlin and his only son Nemo. In the sea, Marlin and Nemo lead a safe and quiet life. Like all the fathers, Marlin tries to protect his son from being hurt. But Nemo eager to explore the reef. One day, Nemo is captured by a cruel man. The coward(胆小鬼) father knew it, he go to rescue his son and of course all the animals in Barrier Reef Helped him find his naughty boy. In doing so, Marlin overcomes his tear and he rescues his son……
世界上第一部全部对白动画片是1928 年迪士尼绘制的动画片《蒸汽船威利 》。这部动画片于1928年11月18日在 纽约首映,也是第一次向观众介绍米 老鼠这一著名动画人物。 实际上,迪 士尼在同年先完成了全部有声对白动 画片《飞机迷》,不过它发行于《蒸 汽船威利》之后。

minecraft 我的世界 英文ppt上课讲义

minecraft 我的世界 英文ppt上课讲义

Survival mode
Survival mode
• A few of the hostile and neutral mobs displayed in Minecraft from left to right: Zombie, Spider, Enderman, Creeper, eleton
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
Survival mode
Creative mode
Adventure mode
• In this mode, players have to gather natural resources (such as wood and stone) found in the environment in order to craft certain blocks and items. Depending on the difficulty, monsters spawn in darker areas in a certain radius of the character, requiring the player to build a shelter at night.
• Minecraft is a sandbox independent video game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson and later developed and published by the Swedish company Mojang. The creative and building aspects of Minecraft enable players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world. Other activities in the game include exploration, resource gathering, crafting, and combat. Multiple gameplay modes are available, including survival modes where the player must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, a creative mode where players have unlimited resources to build with and the ability to fly, and an adventure mode where players play custom maps created by other players.


Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities(不忠).
Poseidon 波塞冬
Brother of Zeus .
God of the sea , Protector of all waters.
PART1:The Olympian Gods and other Deities
1、the Gods 2、other Deities
The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Greek gods can be divided into several groups.The earliest group was Titans , led by Cronus . The most powerful group was the Olympians . The Olympians are a group of 12 gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way . They are named after their dwelling(住宅,住所)place Mount Olympus.
The archer, far shooting with a silver bow (弓箭).
He wore a purple robe. He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and journey across the sky.


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which was encouraged by
his parents. They would all
bring him to plays, those
by William Shakespeare, in
Daughter of Steven Tyler of the
Born in New York to a Danish
father and an American mother,
Mortensen spent the early part
of his childhood in Manhattan.
His family traveled a great
deer and painter.
Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.



2001小姐与流氓2Lady and the Tramp II:Scamp’s Adventure 2001失落的帝国:亚特兰蒂斯Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001怪物公司Monsters Inc. 2002梦不落帝国Return to Never Land 2002星际宝贝Lilo & Stitch 2002仙履奇缘2:美梦成真Cinderella II: Dreams Come True 2002星银岛Treasure Planet 2002小飞侠2:梦不落帝国Peter Pan II: Return to Never Land 2002钟楼怪人2:老实钟的秘密The Hunchback of Notre Dame II 2003星际宝贝史迪奇 2003森林王子2 The Jungle Book 2 2003小熊维尼之小猪历险记Piglet’s Big Movie 2003熊的传说Brother Bear 2003海底总动员Finding Nemo 2003101忠狗2:伦敦大冒险Dalmatians II: Patch's London 2004酷狗上学记Teacher’s Pet 2004小熊维尼:春天的百亩森林Winnie the Pooh:Springtime with Roo 2004牧场是我家 Home on the Range 2004米奇唐老鸭高飞三剑客Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers 2004米奇圣诞嘉年华Mickey s Once Upon a Christmas 2004花木兰2 Mulan II 2004狮子王3The Lion King III: Hakuna Matata 2004超人特工队The Incredibles



The educational philosophy of Monster University
Monster University believes in promoting a well rounded education that is not only equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their chosen professions, but also cultivates their critical thinking, creativity, and communication abilities
English Drama Society
A society that stages English language plays and performs at the university's annual drama festival Membership is open to students interested in acting, writing, and directing
Campus life and facilities
English Language Center
The center provides resources and support for students learning
English, including tutoring, language exchange opportunities,
The Campus Culture of Monster University
The campus culture at Monster University is vibrant and diverse, reflecting the wide array of Monster specifications that attend the institution



Hestia(赫斯提亚): the goddess of the Hearth(灶台).
the god of war.
Hermes(赫尔墨斯): the god of thieves and commerce.
Hephaestus(赫斯菲托斯): the god of fire and the forge(熔炉).
His weapon is a trident (三叉戟) , Which can shake the earth , and shatter Any object.
He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. 11
He was widely worshiped by seamen.
Apollo(阿波罗): the god of light. Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯): the goddess of chastity,virginity,the hunt,
the moon, and the natural environment.
Athena(雅典娜): the Greek virgin goddess of reason,
Hades 哈迪斯
Brother of Zeus. God of the dead. Ruler of the underworld. God of wealth , due to the precious metals mined from the earth.
He has a helmet that makes him invisable. He rarely leaves the underworld.

小学一年级英语课件 Halloween Monsters

小学一年级英语课件  Halloween Monsters

Slender Man
• This monster is a tall and slim man, who is always wearing a black suit. He can stretch himself to confuse his prey, looking like the shadow of a tree. He is usually seen near forests and likes to take children away.
• A werewolf is a regular person that, on full moon nights, gets the shape of a huge wolf. When transformed, they might not recognize humans as who they are, but only as a threat. If you get bitten by one, you might become a werewolf when the moon is full, as well.
• This monster likes to terrorize children, especially at night. It hides under the kid’s bed and makes noises, so the child would look under the bed and be scared about what he/she would find there.
Davy Jones
• This character is said to be a soul of a dead dutch sailor, whose ship has sunk crossing the Straight of Magellan (Chile). The urban legend says Davy Jones is a demon which lives in the sea, tormenting captains and sailors so they would change their route and smash into cliffs. This demon is also able to control and release the Kraken.

《I'm Ms Smart》PPT课件3

《I'm Ms Smart》PPT课件3

Mr 先生
Mr Hui. 灰太狼先生。
Mr 先生
Mr Xia 夏先生。
Mr 先生
Mr Tutuba. 图图爸先生。
Miss,Mrs,Ms和Mr 的区别?
Miss.是指未婚的小姐。 Mrs.是夫人,太太(用于已婚妇女姓名前的
尊称)。 Mr.是(用在男子的姓、姓名或职务之前)先
生。 Ms.比较模糊,从少女到老妇都可以称呼。
Hello, Ms Smart. I’m Lingling.
What does Ms Smart say to Daming ? Ms Smart 是怎样和Daming打招呼的? Hello, Ming.
I’m Daming.
Group work: 角色扮演,表演课文。
Guess and say(猜一猜,说一说)
Lingling 和 Amy是怎样打招呼的?
How are you, Amy?
I’m fine. And how are you?
I’m fine too. Thank you.
Play and say.(击鼓传花)
Who is Amy,Lingling,Sam and Daming’s teacher? Amy,Lingling,Sam和Daming的老师是谁?
Module 2 Unit1
I'm Ms Smart.
Hello, I’m Panpan. 大家好,我是盼盼!
boy girl
Hello, boys!
Hello, girls!
Ms Smart. 斯马特女士

怪物猎人 英语PPT

怪物猎人 英语PPT

Gunlance (铳枪) are long, piercing weapons with a mechanism inside which can fire an explosive round. Unlike Bowguns, the Gunlance cannot fire over distances
Tachi(太刀): long, slender blades designed for elegant movements. They were first introduced in Monster Hunter 2
Switch Axe(斩斧):are weapons first introduced in Monster Hunter 3. There are two modes: Axe(斧) and Sword(剑). It is possible to transform between the two near-instantly.
Lance(长枪) are long weapons that can strike from a distance. The Lance is always accompanied by a large shield(盾) which grants a powerful defense against most attacks. Although slow and difficult to travel with, the weapon's damage output can be considerable.
Although it is wild and violent, But future generations continue to yearn for the dizzying centuries. 。 Earth, sky, and all the residents living in the times make up of the time full of the greatest vitality. Compared to the world now, it has become very simple. That is - hunting, or hunted. The Original world of the game:
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with four fingers and two feet with two toes.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got one big eye, two small eyes, and some spots. It has also got two legs and two black feet. It hasn’t got any mouth.
two toes, and a hairy body.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got one big eye, two horns, a big mouth with two teeth, and a tongue. It has also got two arms with three
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two eyes, a big nose, and a big mouth. It has also got two hands with four fingers, two long
legs, and two small feet.
Yes, it’s me.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two eyes, one big green nose, and a big mouth with four teeth. It has also got two hands with four fingers and two feet.
Yes, it’s me.
fingers and two legs with two toes.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two eyes, two antennas, a big green nose, and two green hands with four fingers.It has also got two orange feet with three toes.
It has got two eyes, two ears, and a mouth with one small tooth. It has also got two hands with four fingers
and two feet.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two small eyes, two horns, and a small mouth with two small tooth. It has also got two hands and two feet.
Yes, it’s me.
I’m travelling to the BLUE PLANET
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
It has got two eyes, a small mouth with two teeth, an antenna, and some spots on his body. It has also got
Yes, it’s me.
It has got one big eye, a mouth with three teeth, and two short legs.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two eyes, a mouth with small teeth, and three antennas. It has also got two long
I’m travelling to the PINK PLANET
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
It has got three eyes, two hands with four fingers, and two feet. It has also got some white spots on its face.
NEXTБайду номын сангаас
I’m travelling to the PURPLE PLANET
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
It has got two eyes, a small mouth with two small teeth, two arms, and two short legs with small feet.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got three eyes and a big mouth. It has also got two hands with four fingers and
two small feet with two toes.
Yes, it’s me.
arms and two short legs with small feet.
Yes, it’s me.
I’m travelling to the GREEN PLANET
Let’s see how its inhabitants look like.
It has got a big mouth, a small nose, and five eyes. It has also got four legs with small feet.
Yes, it’s me.
Can you describe these monsters? NEXT
Yes, it’s me.
It has got one big eye, a mouth with two small teeth, two arms, two short legs, and two small feet.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two eyes, two ears, a nose, and a big mouth with nine teeth. It has also got two legs, two feet with
four hands with three fingers and two small feet.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got one big eye, two antennas, a mouth with one tooth, and some yellow spots. It has also got four hands
It has also got some spots on its body.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got one big eye, a mouth with two teeth, two antennas, two arms, two short legs, and two small feet.
It has got two eyes and a mouth with one tooth. It has also got two hands with three
fingers and two feet with three toes.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two antennas, a mouth with many teeth, a long tail, and four feet.
Yes, it’s me.
Click on the right monster
It has got two eyes, two hands with three fingers, and two horns. It has also got two big feet and a hairy body.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two antennas, a mouth with many teeth, a big eye, and two pointed ears. It has also got two hands with three fingers, a long tail, and two feet.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got three eyes, two arms, two feet, some hair, and a light tummy.
Yes, it’s me.
It has got two eyes, two horns, and a big mouth with three teeth. It has also got a tail and two feet with three toes.