
法律职业资格之法律职业客观题一考前冲刺训练试卷附答案单选题(共20题)1. 甲乙两家曾因宅基地纠纷诉至法院,尽管有法院生效裁判,但甲乙两家关于宅基地的争议未得到根本解决。
对此,下列哪一选项是不需要用证据证明的免证事实?A.甲的身份状况B.甲用柴刀砍乙颈部的时间、地点、手段、后果C.甲用柴刀砍乙颈部时精神失常D.法院就甲乙两家宅基地纠纷所作出的裁判事项【答案】 D2. 关于应当变更为取保候审、监视居住或解除强制措施,下列哪一选项是正确的?A.甲被逮捕后发现患有严重疾病B.乙被逮捕后经检查正在怀孕C.丙被逮捕后侦查羁押期限届满仍须继续查证D.丁被逮捕后一审法院判处有期徒刑1年缓刑2年,判决尚未发生效力【答案】 D3. 关于非法拘禁(使用暴力)致人死亡,下列哪一说法是错误的?()A.非法拘禁致人死亡,但没有使用超出拘禁行为所需范围的暴力的,以非法拘禁罪的结果加重犯论处B.在非法拘禁的过程中,产生杀人故意实施杀人行为的,应认定为非法拘禁罪与故意杀人罪,数罪并罚C.非法拘禁使用超出拘禁行为所需范围的暴力致人死亡,而没有杀人故意的(以对死亡具有预见可能性为前提),法律将其拟制为故意杀人罪D.在非法拘禁的过程中,故意实施伤害行为过失导致被害人死亡的,适用《刑法》第238条第2款后段的规定,非法拘禁罪与过失致人死亡罪【答案】 D4. 对社会主义法治理念的理论渊源和实践基础,下列说法正确的是、( )A.中国传统法律思想是社会主义法治理念的有益借鉴B.中国特色社会主义法治思想包括毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观中的法治思想C.西方法治思想为社会主义法治理念提供了文化资源D.社会主义法理念建立于对我国所处国际地位及国际环境的准确认识【答案】 D5. 甲乙二国均为世贸组织成员国,乙国称甲国实施的保障措施违反非歧视原则,并将争端提交世贸组织争端解决机构。

(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)一、选择题(本题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中至少有一个选项符合题目要求,全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有错选或不选的得0分)1.如图1所示,质量为m 的物体在沿斜面向上的拉力F 作用下沿放在水平地面上的质量为M 的粗糙斜面匀速下滑。
此过程中斜面体保持静止,则地面对斜面( )A .无摩擦力 图1B .有水平向左的摩擦力C .支持力为(M +m )gD .支持力小于(M +m )g解析:选BD 用整体法易知:地面对斜面有向左的摩擦力,大小等于F 的水平分力,F 在竖直方向有向上的分力,故支持力小于(M +m )g ,故B 、D 正确。
2.空中P 、Q 两点处各固定一个点电荷,其中P 点处为正点电荷,P 、Q 两点附近电场的等势面分布如图2所示,a 、b 、c 、d 为电场中的四个点。
则( )A .P 、Q 两点处的电荷等量同种 图2B .a 点和b 点的电场强度相同C .c 点的电势低于d 点的电势D .负电荷从a 到c ,电势能减少解析:选D 根据等势线及电场线(根据电场线垂直等势线画出即可)分布特点可知PQ 两点处为等量异种电荷;其中a 、b 两点电场强度大小相等,方向不同;由电场线的分布及走向可知c 点电势高于d 点的电势;负电荷由a 点到c 点电场力做正功,电势能减小;正确选项为D 。
3.如图3所示,水平光滑的金属框架上左端连接一个电阻R 。
有一金属杆在外力F 的作用下沿框架向右由静止开始做匀加速直线运动。
匀强磁场方向竖直向下,轨道与金属杆的电阻不计并接触良好,则能反映外力F 随时间t 变化规律的图象是( ) 图3图4解析:选B 杆中的感应电流I =Bl v R =Blat R安培力F 安=BIl =B 2l 2at RF -F 安=ma ,所以F =B 2l 2at R +ma ,故B 正确。
4.如图5所示,在动摩擦因数为0.2的水平面上有一质量为3 kg的物体被一个劲度系数为120 N/m 的压缩轻质弹簧突然弹开,物体离开弹簧后在水平面上继续滑行了1.3 m 才停下来,下列说法中正确的 图5 是(g =10 m/s 2)( )A .物体开始运动时弹簧的弹性势能为E p =7.8 JB .物体的最大动能大于7.8 JC .当弹簧恢复原长时物体的速度最大D .当物体速度最大时弹簧的压缩量为x =0.05 m解析:选BD 物体离开弹簧后的动能设为E k ,由功能关系可得E k =μmgx 1=7.8 J ,设弹簧开始的压缩量为x 0,则弹簧开始的弹性势能E p0=μmg (x 0+x 1)=7.8 J +μmgx 0>7.8 J ,A 错误; 当弹簧的弹力kx 2=μmg 时,物体的速度最大,得x 2=0.05 m ,D 正确,C 错误;物体在x 2=0.05 m 到弹簧的压缩量x 3=0的过程做减速运动,故最大动能一定大于7.8 J ,则B 选项正确。


2023届四川省南充市高三下学期高考考前数学(理)模拟训练(一)一、单选题1.若集合,则( ){}10,lg 01x A x B x x x +⎧⎫=≤=≤⎨⎬-⎩⎭∣∣A B = A .B .C .D .[)1,1-(]0,1[)0,1()0,1【答案】D【分析】先化简集合A ,B ,再利用交集运算求解.【详解】解:由题意得,{11},{01}A xx B x x =-≤<=<≤∣∣,()0,1A B ∴= 故选:D.2.( )sin2023cos17cos2023sin17+=A .B .C .D 1212-【答案】C【分析】根据诱导公式和正弦和角公式求解即可.【详解】解:因为3605182334020=⨯++所以,,()()4s 1in 8202n 3s 3605043sin 18s i 03i 4n 3=⨯++=+=-()()4c 1os 8202s 3c 3605043cos 18c o 03o 4s 3=⨯++=+=-所以,sin2023cos17cos2023sin17+.sin43cos17cos43sin17sin60=--=-= 故选:C.3.校园环境对学生的成长是重要的,好的校园环境离不开学校的后勤部门.学校为了评估后勤部门的工作,采用随机抽样的方法调查100名学生对校园环境的认可程度(100分制),评价标准如下:中位数m85m ≥8085m ≤<7080m ≤<70m <评价优秀良好合格不合格2023年的一次调查所得的分数频率分布直方图如图所示,则这次调查后勤部门的评价是( )A .优秀B .良好C .合格D .不合格【答案】B【分析】根据频率分布直方图求解中位数即可得答案.【详解】解:由频率分布直方图可知,前3组的频率分别为,第4组的频率为0.1,0.1,0.20.4所以,中位数,即满足,对应的评价是良好.0.1801082.50.4m =+⨯=m 8085m ≤<故选:B.4.双曲线 )2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b -=>>A .B .2y x =±y =C .D .y x =12y x=±【答案】B【分析】根据.==ce a b a =【详解】由题意知,双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b -=>>可得,解得,==ce a 22221()3a b b a a +=+=b a =所以双曲线的渐近线方程为.C by x a =±=故选:B.5.在平面直角坐标系中,为坐标原点,已知,,则( )O ()3,4A --()5,12B -cos OAB ∠=A .B .CD .33653365-【答案】D【分析】利用计算即得结果.cos AO ABOAB AO AB⋅∠=【详解】由题设,(3,4),(8,8)AO AB ==-所以cos AO AB OAB |AO ||AB |⋅∠== 故选:D6.一个四棱台的三视图如图所示,其中正视图和侧视图均为上底长为4,下底长为2,腰长为的等腰梯形,则该四棱台的体积为()A .BC .28D .283【答案】A4,下底长为2的正四棱台求解.因为上底长为4,下底长为2,所以该棱台的高为,1h=棱台的体积,∴(128416133V =⨯+⨯=故选:.A 7.为了激发同学们学习数学的热情,某学校开展利用数学知识设计LOGO 的比赛,其中某位同学利用函数图像的一部分设计了如图的LOGO ,那么该同学所选的函数最有可能是( )A .B .C .D .()sin x x xf -=()sin cos f x x x x=-()221f x x x =-()3sin f x x x =+【答案】B【分析】利用导数研究各函数的单调性,结合奇偶性判断函数图象,即可得答案.【详解】A :,即在定义域上递增,不符合;()1cos 0f x x '=-≥()f x B :,()cos (cos sin )sin f x x x x x x x '=--=在上,在上,在上,(2π,π)--()0f x '<(π,π)-()0f x '>(π,2π)()0f x '<所以在、上递减,上递增,符合;()f x (2π,π)--(π,2π)(π,π)-C :由且定义域为,为偶函数,222211()()()()f x x x f x x x -=--=-=-{|0}x x ≠所以题图不可能在y 轴两侧,研究上性质:,故递增,不符合;(0,)+∞32()20f x x x +'=>()f x D :由且定义域为R ,为奇函数,33()sin()()sin ()f x x x x x f x -=-+-=--=-研究上性质:,故在递增,(0,)+∞2()cos 30f x x x =+>'()f x (0,)+∞所以在R 上递增,不符合;()f x 故选:B8.将一个顶角为120°的等腰三角形(含边界和内部)的底边三等分,挖去由两个等分点和上顶点构成的等边三角形,得到与原三角形相似的两个全等三角形,再对余下的所有三角形重复这一操作.如果这个操作过程无限继续下去…,最后挖剩下的就是一条“雪花”状的Koch 曲线,如图所示已知最初等腰三角形的面积为1,则经过4次操作之后所得图形的面积是( )A .B .C .D .168120818271027【答案】A【分析】根据题意可知,每一次操作之后面积是上一次面积的,按照等比数列即可求得结果.23【详解】根据题意可知,每次挖去的三角形面积是被挖三角形面积的,13所以每一次操作之后所得图形的面积是上一次三角形面积的,23由此可得,第次操作之后所得图形的面积是,n 213nn S ⎛⎫=⨯ ⎪⎝⎭即经过4次操作之后所得图形的面积是.442161381S ⎛⎫=⨯=⎪⎝⎭故选:A9.将3个1和3个0随机排成一行,则3个0都不相邻的概率是( )A .B .C .D .1202151512【答案】C【分析】先求出总数,再由插空法,得到满足题意的情况,由古典概型的公式即可得出答案.【详解】先考虑总的情况,6个位置选3个放1,有种,36C 再考虑3个0都不相邻的情况,将3个0插入3个1形成的4个空中,有种,34C 可得.3436C 1C 5P ==故选:C .10.定义在上的函数满足,且为奇函数,则( )R ()f x ()()2=f x f x -()21f x +-()20231k f k ==∑A .B .C .2022D .20232023-2022-【答案】D【分析】利用抽象函数的轴对称与中心对称性的性质,得出函数的对称轴和中心对称点及周()f x 期,利用相关性质得出具体函数值,即可得出结果.【详解】∵,∴关于对称,()()2=f x f x -()f x 1x =∵为奇函数,∴由平移可得关于对称,且,()21f x +-()f x ()2,1()21f =,即(2)1(2)1f x f x ∴+-=--++(2)(2)2f x f x ++-=()()2=f x f x -(2)()2f x f x ∴++=(4)(2)2f x f x ∴+++=上两式比较可得()(4)f x f x =+∴函数是以4为周期的周期函数.,,()f x ()()()13222f f f +==()()421f f ==∴, ∴.()()()()12344f f f f +++=()()2023120244420234k f k f ==⨯-=∑故选:D.11.如图,在梯形ABCD 中,,,,将△ACD 沿AC 边折起,AB CD ∥4AB =2BC CD DA ===使得点D 翻折到点P ,若三棱锥P -ABC 的外接球表面积为,则( )20πPB=A .8B .4C .D .2【答案】C【分析】先找出两个三角形外接圆的圆心及外接球的球心,通过证明,可得12OO O M=12O M OO =四边形为平行四边形,进而证得BC ⊥面APC ,通过勾股定理可求得PB 的值.12OO MO【详解】如图所示,由题意知,,60ABC ︒∠=所以,AC =AC BC ⊥所以AB 的中点即为△ABC 外接圆的圆心,记为,2O 又因为,2PA PC ==所以,,120APC ︒∠=1PM =所以在中,取AC 的中点M ,连接PM ,则△APC 的外心必在PM 的延长线上,记为,APC △1O所以在中,因为,,所以为等边三角形,APC △160APO ︒∠=11O P O A =1APO △所以,12O P =(或由正弦定理得:)11242sin AC O P O P APC ===⇒=∠所以,11O M =在中,,,,ACB △2122O B AB ==2112O M BC ==2//O M BC 设外接球半径为R ,则,解得:,24π20πR =25R =设O 为三棱锥P -ABC 的外接球球心,则面ABC ,面APC .2OO ⊥1OO ⊥所以在中,,2Rt OO B △21OO =又因为在,,1Rt OO P△11OO ===所以,,121OO O M ==121O M OO ==所以四边形为平行四边形,12OO MO 所以,12//OO O M 又因为,2//O M BC 所以,1OO //BC又因为面APC ,1OO ⊥所以BC ⊥面APC ,所以,BC PC ⊥所以,即:22222228PB PC CB =+=+=PB =故选:C.12.设函数,其中,是自然对数的底数(…),则( )()e ln x f x ax x=-R a ∈e e 2.71828≈A .当时,B .当时,1a =()e f x x≥3e 4a =()0f x >C .当时,D .当时,1a =-()e f x x≥3e 4a =-()0f x >【答案】B【分析】令,结合,判断AC ;将不等式转化为()e ln e x ax x xg x =--()10g =()1g a'=-()0f x >,,再构造函数求解最值即可判断B ;借助特殊值判断D.324e ln e x x x x ⋅>()1,x ∈+∞10e f ⎛⎫< ⎪⎝⎭【详解】解:令,则,且,,()e ln e x ax x xg x =--()e ln ex a x a g x '=---()10g =()1g a'=-当,,∴存在一个较小的正数使得都有,1a =()110g '=-<ε()1,1x ε∀∈+()0g x <当时,,∴存在一个较小的正数使得都有,1a =-()110g '=>ε()1,1x ε∀∈-()0g x <故A ,C 都不正确,对于选项B ,当,则显然成立,当时,即证明,(]0,1x ∈()1,x ∈+∞3e e ln 04xx x ->也即证明,,324e ln e x x x x ⋅>()1,x ∈+∞令,则,12e ()x h x x =()312e()xx h x x -'=所以,时,,单调递增,时,,单调递减,()2,x ∈+∞1()0h x '>1()h x ()0,2x ∈1()0h x '<1()h x 所以,的最小值为,12e ()x h x x =()21e 24h =令,则,()2ln xh x x =()221ln x h x x -'=所以,时,,单调递减,时,,单调递增,()e,x ∈+∞2()0h x '<()2h x ()0,e x ∈2()0h x '>()2h x 所以,的最大值为,()2ln xh x x =()21e e h =所以,,()()()()21122323334e 444e 1ln 2e e e e e 4e x xh x h h h x x x ⋅=≥=⋅==≥=因为不同时取等,所以,,即选项B 正确,324e ln e x x x x ⋅>对于选项D ,当时,(成立),即1e x =11132243e e 2e 11e e e e ln e e 0e 16e 4e e 4416+⋅=-<-<⇔<⇔<,所以选项D 不正确.10e f ⎛⎫< ⎪⎝⎭故选:B .【点睛】关键点点睛:本题解题的关键在于根据不同选项,构造不同的函数,利用函数值的大小,特殊值等,实现大小比较.二、填空题13.设是虚数单位,复数的模长为__________.i 2i1i +【分析】先根据复数的除法化简,然后由模长公式可得.【详解】解:()()()2i 1i 2i 1i,1i 1i 1i -==+∴++-=.14.某班有48名学生,一次考试的数学成绩X (单位:分)服从正态分布,且成绩在()280,N σ上的学生人数为16,则成绩在90分以上的学生人数为____________.[]80,90【答案】8【分析】根据正态分布的对称性即可求解.【详解】由X (单位:分)服从正态分布,知正态密度曲线的对称轴为,成绩在()280,N σ80x=上的学生人数为16,[]80,90由对称性知成绩在80分上的学生人数为24人,所以90分以上的学生人数为.24168-=故答案为:815.如图,在中,.延长到点,使得,则ABCπ3AC ACB ∠==BA Dπ2,6AD CDA ∠==的面积为__________.ABC 【分析】根据正弦定理和面积公式求解即可.【详解】解:因为在中,,,ADC △π3AC ACB ∠==π2,6AD CDA ∠==所以,由正弦定理得,sin sin AD AC ACD CDA ∠∠=sin ACD ∠=π4ACD ∠=所以,,5ππ,124CAB ABC ∠∠==在中,由正弦定理可得ABC sin sin AB ACACB CBA ∠∠=AB =因为ππππππsin sin sin cos cos sin 464646CAB ⎛⎫∠=+=+=⎪⎝⎭所以,1sin 2ABC S AB AC CAB ∠=⨯⨯⨯=16.《九章算术》中记载了我国古代数学家祖暅在计算球的体积时使用的一个原理:“幂势既同,则积不容异”,此即祖暅原理,其含义为:两个同高的几何体,如在等高处的截面的面积恒相等,则它们的体积相等.已知双曲线的右焦点到渐近线的距离记为,双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b -=>>d 的两条渐近线与直线,以及双曲线的右支围成的图形(如图中阴影部分所示)绕C 1y =1y =-C(其中),则双曲线的离心率为______.yπ222c a b =+C 【分析】先利用条件求出,直线与渐近线及双曲线的交点,从而求出截面积,再利题设所给d 1y =信息建立等量关系,从而求出结果.【详解】由题意知渐近线方程为,右焦点为,所以,by xa =±(),0F c 22bc d b a b ==+由,得,1y b y x a =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩a xb =由,得()2222110y x y x a b =⎧⎪⎨-=>⎪⎩x ==所以截面面积为,()2222221ππa b a a b b ⎛⎫+ ⎪-= ⎪⎝⎭由题知,阴影部分绕y 轴转一周所得几何体的体积等于底面积与截面面积相等,高为2的圆柱的体积,∴,22πππV a ===2bc =所以,即,()4222226a b c c a c ==-44226a c a c =-∴,解得,所以42e e 60--=2e 3=e =三、解答题17.据世界田联官方网站消息,原定于2023年5月日在中国广州举办的世界田联接力赛延期1314、至2025年4月至5月举行.据了解,甲、乙、丙三支队伍将会参加2025年4月至5月在广州举行的米接力的角逐.接力赛分为预赛、半决赛和决赛,只有预赛、半决赛都获胜才能进入决赛.已知4400⨯甲队在预赛和半决赛中获胜的概率分别为和;乙队在预赛和半决赛中获胜的概率分别为和;23343445丙队在预赛和半决赛中获胜的概率分别为和.2356(1)甲、乙、丙三队中,谁进入决赛的可能性最大;(2)设甲、乙、丙三队中进入决赛的队伍数为,求的分布列.ξξ【答案】(1)乙进入决赛的可能性最大(2)答案见解析【分析】(1)根据相互独立事件同时发生的概率公式计算得解;(2)根据(1)及相互独立事件同时发生的概率公式计算,列出分布列.【详解】(1)甲队进入决赛的概率为,231342⨯=乙队进入决赛的概率为,343455⨯=丙队进入决赛的概率为,255369⨯=显然乙队进入决赛的概率最大,所以乙进入决赛的可能性最大.(2)由(1)可知:甲、乙、丙三队进入决赛的概率分别为,135,,259的可能取值为,ξ0,1,2,3,()1354011125945P ξ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫==---=⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,()135********2(1(1)(1)25952995290P ξ==-⨯⨯+-⨯⨯+-⨯⨯=,()135132596P ξ==⨯⨯=,()()()()43711110231459063P P P P ξξξξ==-=-=-==---=所以的分布列为:ξξ0123P4451337901618.已知分别为三个内角的对边,且.,,a b c ABC ,,A B C ()sin 2sin A B C-=(1)证明:;2222a b c =+(2)若,,,求AM 的长度.2π3A =3a =3BC BM =【答案】(1)证明见解析(2)1AM =【分析】(1)先利用三角形的内角和定理结合两角和差的正弦公式化简,再利用正弦定理和余弦定理化角为边,整理即可得证;(2)在中,由(1)结合余弦定理求出,再在中,利用余弦定理即可得解.ABC ,b c ABM 【详解】(1)由,()()sin 2sin 2sin A B C A B -==+得,sin cos cos sin 2sin cos 2cos sin A B A B A B A B -=+则,sin cos 3cos sin 0A B A B +=由正弦定理和余弦定理得,2222223022a c b b c a a b ac bc +-+-⋅+⋅=化简得;2222a b c =+(2)在中,,ABC 2229a b c bc =++=又因为,所以,所以2222a b c =+222229b c b c bc +=++=b c ==所以,π6B C ==由,得,3BC BM = 13a BM ==在中,,ABM 2222cos 313133a a AM c c B ⎛⎫=+-⨯⋅=+-= ⎪⎝⎭19.如图,正三棱柱的体积为P 是面内不同于顶点的一点,111ABC A B C -AB =111A B C 且.PAB PAC ∠=∠(1)求证:;⊥AP BC (2)经过BC 且与AP 垂直的平面交AP 于点E ,当三棱锥E -ABC 的体积最大时,求二面角平面角的余弦值.1P BC B --【答案】(1)证明见解析.【分析】(1)由线面垂直的判定定理即可证明;(2)由分析知,三棱锥E -ABC 的体积最大,等价于点E 到面ABC 的距离最大,由分析知,∠PFD为二面角的平面角,以F 为原点建立空间直角坐标系,分别求出平面和,代入1P BC B --FP FD即可得出答案.【详解】(1)设线段BC 的中点为F ,则,AF BC ⊥∵,,AP 为公共边,AB AC =PAB PAC ∠=∠∴,PAB PAC △△≌∴,PB PC =∴,又,面APF ,PF BC ⊥AF PF F = ,AF PF ⊂∴BC ⊥面APF ,面APFAP ⊂(2)设线段的中点为D ,由题意,点P 在线段上,11B C 1A D由,111ABC A B C V -=AB =12AA =∴三棱锥E -ABC 的体积最大,等价于点E 到面ABC 的距离最大,∵AP ⊥面BCE ,面BCE ,∴,EF ⊂AP EF ⊥∴点E 在以AF 为直径的圆上,如图,易知,3AF =从而,45EAF EFA ∠=∠=︒由(1)知PF ⊥BC ,DF ⊥BC ,平面,DF 平面,PF ⊂PBC ⊂1BCB 平面平面,PBC1BCB BC =∴∠PFD 为二面角的平面角,1P BC B --如图,以F 为原点建立空间直角坐标系,则,,,,()0,0,0F 330,,22E ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭()B ()0,1,2P ,()0,0,2D于是,,从而,()0,1,2FP =()0,0,2FD =cos ,FP FD <>==∴二面角.1P BC B --20.已知,两点分别在x 轴和y 轴上运动,且,若动点G 满足()0,0M x ()00,N y 1MN =,动点G 的轨迹为E .2OG OM ON =+(1)求E 的方程;(2)已知不垂直于x 轴的直线l 与轨迹E 交于不同的A 、B 两点,总满足,Q ⎫⎪⎪⎭AQO BQO ∠=∠证明:直线l 过定点.【答案】(1);2214x y +=(2)证明见解析.【分析】(1)根据平面向量的坐标运算可得,结合和两点坐标求距离公式可得002xx y y ==、1MN =,将代入计算即可;22001x y +=002x x y y ==、(2)设直线l 的方程为:、,联立椭圆方程并消去y ,根据韦达定理表y kx m =+()()1122A x y B x y ,、,示出,利用两点求斜率公式求出,结合题意可得,列出关于k 和m1212+、x x x x AQ BQk k 、AQ BQk k =-的方程,化简计算即可.【详解】(1)因为,即,2OG OM ON =+0000(,)2(,0)(0,)(2,)x y x y x y =+=所以,则,002x x y y ==,002xx y y ==又,得,即,1MN =22001x y +=22()12x y +=所以动点G 的轨迹方程E 为:;2214x y +=(2)由题意知,设直线l 的方程为:,,y kx m =+()()1122A x y B x y ,,,则,1122y kx m y kx m=+=+,,消去y ,得,2214x y y kx m ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=+⎩222(41)8440k x kmx m +++-=由,得,22226416(41)(1)0k m k m ∆=-+->2241m k <+,21212228444141km m x x x x k k --+==++,直线的斜率为,直线的斜率为,AQAQ k =BQ BQ k =又,所以AQO BQO ∠=AQk =BQk-=整理,得,1212120y x x y y y +=12122()()0kx x m x x ++=,2222228(1)80414141km km k mk k k --+=+++由,化简得,2410k +≠m =所以,(y kx k x ==故直线过定点.21.已知函数为的导函数.1()ln (0,0),()f x kx a x x a f x x ->'=-+>()f x (1)当时,求函数的极值;1,2a k ==()f x (2)已知,若存在,使得成立,求证:()1212,(0,)x x x x ∈+∞≠k ∈R ()()12f x f x =.()()120f x f x ''+>【答案】(1)极大值为,无极小值.3-(2)证明见解析【分析】(1),求导,利用函数的单调性及极值的定义求解;1()2ln f x x xx =--+(2)不妨设,因为,所以,结合12x x >()()12f x f x =121212ln 1x x a kx x x x +=-,得()()1222121211112f x f x a k x x x x ⎛⎫''+=+++- ⎪⎝⎭,设, 构造函数()()()2121211222121221212ln x x x x x f x f x ax xx x x x x -⎛⎫''+=+-- ⎪-⎝⎭12(1,)x t x =∈+∞,结合函数的单调性,可证得结论.1()2ln (1)t t t t tϕ=-->【详解】(1)当时,此时,1,2a k ==1()2ln f x x xx =--+则,2211(21)(1)()2x x f x x x x +-'=-+=-当时,,则在单调递增;01x <<()0f x '>()f x (0,1)当时,,则在单调递减;1x >()0f x '<()f x (1,)+∞所以的极大值为,无极小值.()f x (1)3f =-(2)不妨设,因为,12x x >()()12f x f x =则,11221211ln ln kx a x kx a x x x --+=--+即,所以,()12112122ln x x x a k x x x x x -+=-121212ln1x x a k x x x x +=-由,则,21()a f x k x x '=+-()()1222121211112f x f x a k x x x x ⎛⎫''+=+++- ⎪⎝⎭,()()12122212121212ln111112x x f x f x a ax x x x x x x x ⎛⎫ ⎪⎛⎫ ⎪''+=+++-+ ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭ ⎪⎝⎭即,()()12122212121212ln 112112x x f x f x a x x x x x x x x ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪''+=+-++-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭所以()()()222121211222121212212ln x x x x x f x f x a x x x x x x x -⎛⎫-''+=+-⎪-⎝⎭即,()()()2121211222121221212ln x x x x x f x f x ax x x x x x x -⎛⎫''+=+-- ⎪-⎝⎭设, 构造函数,12(1,)x t x =∈+∞1()2ln (1)t t t t t ϕ=-->则,2221221()10t t t t t t ϕ-+'=+-=>所以在上为增函数,()t ϕ(1,)+∞所以,()(1)0t ϕϕ>=因为,()21222121210,0,0x x a x x x x ->>>-所以.()()120f x f x ''+>【点睛】方法点睛:利用导数证明不等式常见解题策略:(1)构造差函数,根据差函数导函数符号,确定差函数单调性,利用单调性得不等量关系,进而证明不等式;(2)根据条件,寻找目标函数.一般思路为利用条件将问题逐步转化,或利用放缩、等量代换将多元函数转化为一元函数,再通过导数研究函数的性质进行证明.22.“太极图”是关于太极思想的图示,其形状如对称的阴阳两鱼互抱在一起,也被称为“阴阳鱼太极图”.在平面直角坐标系中,“太极图”是一个圆心为坐标原点,半径为的圆,其中黑、白区域xOy 4分界线,为两个圆心在轴上的半圆,在太极图内,以坐标原点为极点,轴非负半1C 2C y (2,2)P -x轴为极轴建立极坐标系.(1)求点的一个极坐标和分界线的极坐标方程;P 1C (2)过原点的直线与分界线,分别交于,两点,求面积的最大值.l 1C 2C M N PMN 【答案】(1),:3π4P ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭1C 24sin 0ρρθ-=(2)4【分析】(1)由直角坐标和极坐标的互化公式转化即可;(2)由图形对称性知,,在极坐标系中,求,并求其最大值即可.2PMN POM S S = POM S 【详解】(1)设点的一个极坐标为,,,P (),P P P ρθ0P ρ>[)0,2πP θ∈则,P ρ===2tan 12P P P y x θ===--∵点在第三象限,∴,∴点的一个极坐标为.P 3π4P θ=P 3π4P ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭∵“太极图”是一个圆心为坐标原点,半径为的圆,4∴分界线的圆心直角坐标为,半径为,1C ()10,2C 2r =∴的直角坐标方程为(),即(),1C ()2224x y +-=0x ≥2240x y y +-=0x ≥将,,代入上式,得,,cos x ρθ=sin y ρθ=222x y ρ+=24sin 0ρρθ-=π0,2θ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦化简,得分界线的极坐标方程为,.1C 4sin ρθ=π0,2θ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦(2)∵在上,∴设点的极坐标为,则,,M 1C M (),M M M ρθ4sin MM ρθ=π0,2M θ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦∴的面积POM ()11sin sin 22POM P M P M S OP OM POM ρρθθ=⋅⋅∠=⋅⋅- 13π4sin sin 24M M θθ⎛⎫=⋅- ⎪⎝⎭24sin cos 4sin M M Mθθθ=+()2sin 221cos 2M M θθ=+-2sin 22cos 22M M θθ=-+π224M θ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭∵,∴,π0,2M θ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦ππ3π2,444M θ⎡⎤-∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦∴当,即时,的面积的最大值为.ππ242M θ-=3π8M θ=POM ()max 2POM S = ∵直线过原点分别与,交于点,,∴由图形的对称性易知,,l 1C 2C M N OM ON =∴面积,PMN 2PMN POM S S =∴面积的最大值为.PMN ()()max max 24PMN POM S S == 23.已知,且,证明:0,0,1a b c >>>222422a b c c ++-=(1);24a b c ++≤(2)若,则.2a b =1131b c +≥-【答案】(1)证明见解析(2)证明见解析【分析】(1)由柯西不等式即可证明;(2)由均值的不等式可得,由(1)可得()()11112141911a b c b c b c b c ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎡⎤+++-=++-≥ ⎪ ⎪⎣⎦--⎝⎭⎝⎭,即可证明.11213a b c ≥++-1131b c +≥-【详解】(1)由,得,222422a b c c ++-=2224(1)3a b c ++-=由柯西不等式有,()2222222(2)(1)111(21)a b c a b c ⎡⎤++-++≥++-⎣⎦,当且仅当时等号成立,213a b c ∴++-≤211a b c ==-=,当且仅当时等号成立;24a b c ∴++≤11,,22a b c ===(2)由可得2a b =,()()1111412141559111b c a b c b c b c b c c b -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎡⎤+++-=++-=++≥+= ⎪ ⎪⎣⎦---⎝⎭⎝⎭当且仅当时取等,12c b -=由(1)可得,当且仅当时等号成立,11213a b c ≥++-11,,22a b c ===从而,当且仅当时等号成立.11193121b c a b c +≥⋅≥-++-11,,22a b c ===。


山西省临汾市2020届高三化学考前适应性训练考试试题(一)(含解析)可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 B-11 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Al-27 P-31 K-39 Co-59一、选择题1.化学与社会、生活密切相关。
下列事实和解释均正确的是( )A. AB. BC. CD. D【答案】B【解析】【分析】SiO是光导纤维的基本原料,选项A错误;【详解】A.高纯度硅常制造芯片,纯净的2B.铝离子和碳酸氢根离子发生双水解生成氢氧化铝、二氧化碳和水,二氧化碳气体具有阻燃性,选项B正确;C.铝热反应是放热反应,铁熔成铁水,选项C错误:D.乙醇去油污利用相似相溶原理,没有发生化学反应,选项D错误。
下列判断正确的是( )2.设A6NA. 在50g质量分数为46%的乙醇水溶液中,含氢原子总数为ANB. 标准状况下,33.6L氟化氢中含有氟原子的数目为1.5A0.1NC. 1L0.1mol/L的氢碘酸中含碘化氢分子数为AND. 60g乙酸与足量乙醇发生酯化反应时断裂的C-O键数为A【答案】A【解析】【详解】A.50g质量分数为46%的乙醇水溶液中含有乙醇23g,乙醇的物质的量为0.5mol,0.5mol乙醇中含有3mol氢原子,含有水的质量为27g,水的物质的量为1.5mol,1.5mol水中含有氢原子3mol,含有氢原子总数6N A,选项A正确;B.HF的沸点19.54℃,在标准状况下不是气态,选项B错误;C.氢碘酸为强酸,水溶液中完全电离,不存在碘化氢分子,选项C错误;D.酯化反应是可逆反应,不能进行彻底,60g乙酸与足量乙醇发生酯化反应时断裂的C-O键N,选项D错误。
3.根据下列实验操作和现象得出的结论正确的是( )A. AB. BC. CD. D【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】A.NaHCO3溶液中HCO3-会发生电离,电离方程式HCO3-H++CO32-,Ca(ClO)2中的Ca2+会结合CO32-,ClO-会结合H+,促进平衡正向移动,生成CaCO3沉淀,并不是强酸制弱酸,不能判断K a2(H2CO3)与 K a(HClO)的大小,A错误;B.红棕色的NO2也可使湿润的KI-淀粉试纸变藍,不一定是Br2,B错误;C.将AgCl与AgBr的饱和溶液等体积混合,溶液中有Cl-和Br-,加入足量浓AgNO3溶液,会有AgBr和AgCl沉淀产生,C错误;D.生成的气体通入溴水中,溴水褪色,可知石蜡油被催化裂解,生成了不饱和烃,D正确;答案选D。

《中国近现代史纲要》考前冲刺训练 —— 第一章

《中国近现代史纲要》考前冲刺训练〔第一章〕反抗外国侵略的斗争一、单项选择题1.中国封建社会的基本生产结构是【】A.半殖民地经济B.小农经济C.资本主义经济D.半封建经济2.小农经济的主要特征是【】A.个体家庭为单位并与家庭手工业结合的自给自足的自然经济B.以家族为单位的集体经济C.以机器为生产工具的工场经济D.个体家庭为单位并与家庭手工业结合的商业资本主义经济3.中国封建社会政治的基本特征是【】A.高度中央集权的封建君主专制B.族权和政权相结合C.国家统一和各民族经济文化紧密联系D.结构稳定、延续,发展缓慢、迟滞4.中国封建社会宗法等级制度的核心是【】A.夫权B.父权C.宗族家长制D.君权5.中国封建社会的文化思想体系核心是【】A.法家思想B.道家思想C.墨家思想D.儒家思想6.中国封建社会的主要矛盾是【】A.地主阶级与农民阶级的矛盾B.资产阶级与无产阶级的矛盾C.封建主义与人民大众的矛盾D.帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾7.鸦片战争前夕,影响近代中国的政治因素最主要的是【】A.清朝晚期政治腐败B.封建制度已经衰落C.军备废弛,防御力差D.战和方针举棋不定8.清朝是中国历史上最后一个封建王朝,“康乾盛世”发生在【】A.康熙、乾隆两朝B.康熙朝C.乾隆朝D.康熙、乾隆、雍正三朝9.清王朝由盛转衰是在【】A.乾隆朝后期B.康熙朝后期C.雍正朝后期D.道光朝中期10.鸦片战争前,西方资本主义的发展突出表现在【】A.资产阶级革命的爆发B.工业革命的发生C.机器大生产的实现D.蒸汽机的发明和推广11.世界历史开始进入资本主义时代的标志是_____ 年英国资产阶级革命。
【】A.1640B.1680C.1789D.189812.资本—帝国主义列强对中国的侵略,首先和主要的是进行【】A.政治控制B.经济掠夺C.文化渗透D.军事侵略13.清政府与美国侵略者签订的第一个不平等条约是【】A.《黄埔条约》B.《广州条约》C.《望厦条约》D.《中美友好通商航海条约》14.俄国强迫中国政府签订的割去黑龙江以北60多万平方公里的中国领土的不平等条约是【】A.《勘分西北界约记》B.《改订伊犁条约》C.《北京条约》D.《瑷珲条约》15.1860年洗劫和烧毁圆明园的侵略军是【】A.日本侵略军B.英国侵略军C.英法联军D.八国联军16.近代中国,曾统治台湾半个世纪的国家是【】A.英国B.葡萄牙C.俄国D.日本17.从中国攫取了一百多万平方公里的土地,在第二次鸦片战争中获利最大的国家是【】A.英国B.法国C.俄国D.日本18.割让台湾全岛及所有附属岛屿和澎湖列岛给日本的不平等条约是【】A.《辛丑条约》B.《马关条约》C.《北京条约》D.《南京条约》19.放火烧毁了凝聚着中华民族聪明才智和伟大创造的、皇家园林中“万园之园”的侵略者是【】A.八国联军B.英军C.英法联军D.法军20.规定将总理衙门改为外务部并“班列六部之前”的不平等条约是【】A.《辛丑条约》B.《马关条约》C.《北京条约》D.《南京条约》21.允许外国公使常驻北京的条约是【】A.《南京条约》B.《北京条约》C.《天津条约》D.《辛丑条约》22.首先规定外国人享有“领事裁判权”的条约是【】A.《五口通商章程》B.《天津条约》C.《北京条约》D.《辛丑条约》23.清朝外务部的前身是【】A.理藩院B.礼部C.总理衙门D.军机处24.下列哪个国家掌握中国海关管理权长达40余年?【】A.英国B.美国C.法国D.德国25.将英商进出口货物的具体税率,用中英协定方式固定下来的条约是【】A.《虎门条约》B.《五口通商章程;海关税则》C.《望厦条约》D.《黄埔条约》26.19世纪末资本主义进入帝国主义阶段之后,其对中国进行殖民剥削的主要形式是【】A.商品输出 B.资本输出 C.垄断商品倾销市场 D.掠夺廉价劳动力—…§~~※信息管理系内部资料※~~§…—《中国近现代史纲要》2009年7月考前冲刺训练—第一章—第1页27.在中国近代史上最先规定关税制的不平等条约是【】A.《南京条约》B.《望厦条约》C.《天津条约》D.《黄埔条约》28.1842年,中英《南京条约》开放的通商口岸是【】A.广州、厦门、福州、南京、上海B.广州、汉口、福州、南京、上海C.广州、厦门、福州、宁波、上海D.广州、汉口、福州、宁波、上海29.在中国近代史上规定允许外国人在中国办工厂的条约是【】A.《南京条约》B.《北京条约》C.《天津条约》D.《马关条约》30.帝国主义在中国办报纸、杂志,翻译、出版各种书刊的根本目的是【】A.宣传自然、科学的思想,促进中外文化交流B.帮助中国建立民主政治制度C.宣扬“种族优劣论”,攻击污蔑中华民族的愚昧落后D.为帝国主义制造侵略有理的舆论31.中国近代史以鸦片战争为开端,主要是因为【】A.中国社会性质开始发生根本变化B.中国第一次被西方国家打败C.中国长期闭关锁国状况被打破D.民族矛盾取代了阶级矛盾32.资本—帝国主义列强侵略中国的主要目的是【】A.掠夺资源B.开辟市场C.开拓疆土D.强迫中国成为其附属国33.在半殖民地半封建的中国,最主要的矛盾是【】A.无产阶级和资产阶级的矛盾B.封建主义和人民大众的矛盾C.帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾D.生产力和生产关系的矛盾34.中国近代史上中国人民第一次大规模的反侵略武装斗争是【】A.虎门销烟B.三元里人民抗英斗争C.大沽口阻击战D.太平天国农民战争35.黄海海战中英勇作战,最后壮烈牺牲的管带邓世昌所指挥的军舰是【】A.定远号B.镇远号C.致远号D.经远号36.在1885年中法战争中,大败法军,取得镇南关大捷的清朝将领是【】A.刘铭传B.冯子材C.关天培D.陈化成37.中法战争期间,击退法舰保卫台湾的将领是【】A.林永升B.关天培C.刘铭传D.丁汝昌38.粉碎西方列强瓜分中国图谋的事件是【】A.三国干涉还辽B.戊戌变法C.义和团运动D.辛亥革命39.列强不能灭亡和瓜分中国的最根本原因是【】A.帝国主义列强之间的矛盾和相互制约B.中国人民进行了不屈不挠的反侵略斗争C.帝国主义列强改变了侵略中国的策略D.西方列强主观上没有灭亡和瓜分中国的意图40.近代中国开眼看世界的第一人是【】A.林则徐B.严复C.洪秀全D.康有为41.在中国近代史上提出“师夷长技以制夷”的主张的是【】A.严复B.魏源C.林则徐D.龚自珍42.从1840年到1919年,中国人民一系列反侵略斗争都以失败而告终,最根本的原因是【】A.帝国主义势力强大B.中国社会制度腐败C.中国政府软弱无能D.中国经济技术落后43.下列不属于近代中国人民民族意识觉醒的代表作是【】A.《海国图志》B.《盛世危言》C.《天演论》D.《地理大全》44.《海国图志》一书在当时的直接作用是【】A.冲破了闭关锁国的状态B.开创了中国近代向西方学习的新风C.介绍了西方的先进技术D.探索出强国御辱之路45.1895年,严复在《救亡决论》一文中响亮地喊出的口号是【】A.“振兴中华”B.“物竞天择”C.“适者生存”D.“救亡”46.1894年11月喊出了“振兴中华”这个时代最强音的是【】A.洪秀全B.严复C.孙中山D.康有为二、多项选择题1.在中国封建社会,常常结合在一起的三个阶层是【】A.官僚B.地主C.商人D.高利贷者2.中国封建社会的封建宗法等级制度突出的是【】A.君权B.父权C.夫权D.子权3.在资本主义制度确立和工业革命之后,殖民主义者对外扩张的途径是【】A.军事侵略 B.经济侵略 C.文化侵略 D.政治侵略4.促使西方列强发动对中国的侵略战争的主要原因是【】A.西方列强开辟新的市场的需要B.西方列强转移国内矛盾的需要C.中国清政府的闭关政策D.西方列强和中国的贸易摩擦5.19世纪五六十年代,沙皇俄国趁火打劫,通过一系列条约侵吞我国领土144万多平方公里,这些条约是【】A.中俄《瑷珲条约》 B.中俄《北京条约》C.中俄《勘分西北界约记》D.《改订伊犁条约》6.19世纪40年代,西方殖民者通过哪些手段,使中国一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会?【】A.军事侵略B.政治控制C.经济掠夺D.文化渗透7.第二次鸦片战争前西方列强迫使中国政府签订的不平等条约有【】—…§~~※信息管理系内部资料※~~§…—《中国近现代史纲要》2009年7月考前冲刺训练—第一章—第2页A.《南京条约》B.《望厦条约》C.《黄埔条约》D.《马关条约》8.第二次鸦片战争到八国联军侵华战争期间,西方列强迫使中国政府签订的不平等条约有【】A.《南京条约》B.《天津条约》C.《马关条约》D.《北京条约》9.1842年中英《南京条约》的主要内容是【】A.割让香港B.赔款2100万元C.开放广州等五个通商口岸D.协定关税10.1860年与清政府签订《北京条约》的国家有【】A.英国B.法国C.日本D.俄国11.与清政府签订《天津条约》的国家有【】A.英国B.俄国C.法国D.日本12.中日甲午战争后,根据《马关条约》的规定,清政府应将下列哪些地区割让给日本?【】A.海南岛B.台湾全岛及附属岛屿C.澎湖列岛D.辽东半岛13.资本—帝国主义列强通过军事侵略和不平等条约对中国进行政治控制,表现在【】A.控制中国内政B.操纵中国外交C.享有领事裁判权,把持中国海关D.勾结清政府,镇压中国人民的反抗斗争14.三国“干涉还辽”中的“三国”指的是【】A.美国B.俄国C.德国D.法国15.1842年,《南京条约》规定开放的通商口岸城市,除上海外,还有【】A.广州B.厦门C.福州D.宁波16.西方列强在华的经济掠夺手段包括【】A.控制中国通商口岸B.剥夺中国关税自主权C.对华进行商品输出和资本输出D.操纵中国的经济命脉17.1858年,《天津条约》规定开放的通商口岸城市有【】A.上海B.汉口C.南京D.九江18.甲午战争以后,西方列强对中国的经济侵略开始以资本输出为主,并逐渐操纵中国的经济命脉,主要表现有【】A.在中国投资开设工厂 B.在中国增设银行C.投资修筑铁路,控制交通事业D.迫使清政府举借外债19.鸦片战争以后,西方资本主义列强对中国进行赤裸裸的文化侵略,主要表现在【】A.建立教堂,派遣大批传教士到中国传教B.包庇教徒不法行为,强迫中国教民抛弃传统礼俗C.创办中外文报刊,为帝国主义侵略进行辩护D.宣扬“种族优劣论”,制造侵略有理的舆论20.西方教会中一部分人利用传教和以传播西学的名义为外国列强侵华制造舆论,较早的外文期刊有【】A.《中国丛报》 B.《北华捷报》(后改名《字林西报》)C.《万国公报》D.《时务报》21.鸦片战争以后,中国社会发生的两个根本性变化是【】A.中国的白银大量外流,出现财政危机B.独立的中国逐步变成半殖民地的中国C.中国人的身体和精神遭到前所未有的毒害D.封建的中国逐步变成半封建的中国22.随着近代中国从封建社会逐步演变为半殖民地半封建社会,中国社会出现了新兴阶级,它们是【】A.地主阶级B.农民阶级C.工人阶级D.资产阶级23.中国工人阶级具有世界无产阶级的共同优点,但又有其特点,主要是【】A.深受帝国主义、封建势力和资产阶级三重压迫和剥削,其革命性最强B.它人数虽少,但相对集中,便于形成革命的力量和传播先进的思想C.同农民有着天然的联系,便于结成工农联盟D.先进生产力的代表者24.半殖民地半封建社会的中国的主要矛盾是【】A.帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾B.资产阶级与无产阶级的矛盾C.封建主义和人民大众的矛盾D.农民阶级与地主阶级的矛盾25.近代半殖民地半封建社会,中国人民的两大历史任务是【】A.争取民族独立,人民解放B.反抗帝国主义的的侵略C.反抗封建主义的压迫D.实现国家富强、人民富裕26.在中日甲午战争中,为国捐躯的清朝海军将领有【】A.左宝贵B.丁汝昌C.邓世昌D.刘步蟾27.在威海战斗中殉国的北洋舰队将领有【】A.邓世昌B.刘步蟾C.丁汝昌D.左宝贵28.19世纪末期,帝国主义列强瓜分中国的图谋并未实现,其原因有【】A.帝国主义列强之间的矛盾和相互制约B.中国人民进行了不屈不挠地反侵略斗争C.清政府与列强相勾结D.中国地域过于广阔29.1840~1919年中国人民为反对外来侵略进行了英勇斗争,但都失败了,究其原因,主要是【】A.资本—帝国主义过于强大 B.中国经济技术落后C.中国军队的衰败D.中国社会制度的腐败—…§~~※信息管理系内部资料※~~§…—《中国近现代史纲要》2009年7月考前冲刺训练—第一章—第3页。

高三物理考前基础题训练11.一物体作匀变速直线运动,某时刻速度的大小是4m/s ,1s 后速度的大小变为10m/s 。
在这1s 内该物体的位移可能是 ,加速度大小可能是 。
2.一列火车做匀变速直线运动驶来,一人在轨道旁观察火车的运动,发现在相邻的两个10s 内,列车从他跟前分别驶过8节车厢和6节车厢,每节车厢的长为6m ,不计连接处的长度,则火车的加速度为 。
3.一颗子弹沿水平方向射来,恰穿透三块木板,所用时间之比为3:2:1,则三块木板厚度之比为 。
恰穿透三块相同的木板,则子弹穿过三块木板所用的时间之比为______ __。
4.有两个光滑固定斜面AB 和BC ,A 和C 两点在同一水平面上,斜面BC 比斜面AB长,如图所示,一个滑块自A 点以速度v A 上滑,到达B 点时速度减小为0,紧接着沿BC 滑下,设滑块从A 点到C 点的时间为t c ,那么图中正确表示滑块速度大小V 随时间t 变化规律的是( )5.一跳水运动员从离水面10m 高的平台上向上跃起,举双臂直体离开台面,此时其重心位于从手到脚全长的中点。
跃起后重心升高0.45m 达到最高点,落水时身体竖直,手先入水(在此过程中运动员水平方向的运动忽略不计),从离开跳台到手触水面,他可用于完成空中动作的时间是__________s 。
(计算时,可以把运动员看作全部质量集中在重心的一个质点,g 取为10m/s 2,结果保留二位数字)。
6.气球以1m/s 2的加速度由静止开始从地面竖直上升,在10s 末有一个物体从气球上自由落下,这个物体从离开气球到落地所需要的时间是多少?落地时的速度有多大?7.乘客在地铁列车中能忍受的最大加速度是1.4m/s 2,已知两车相距560m ,求:(1) 列车在这两站间的行驶时间至少是多少? (2) 列车在这两站间的最大行驶速度是多大?8.甲、乙同时同向运动,乙在前面做加速度为a 1,初速度为0的匀加速直线运动。
地理 考前适应性训练(一)

考前适应性仿真训练(一)一、选择题(2017·四川四市联考)这是一个神奇的岛屿,岛上70%的动物是世界上独有的,80%的树木和植物在世界上也是独一无二的.岛上的孤猴已经完成了长达5 500万年的进化历程。
如图为我国亚热带季风气候区某区域等高线(单位:m)分布示意图,图中水库水面海拔165 m。
4.图中古牌坊与甲山峰之间的相对高度可能是()A.1 050 m B.985 mC.915 m D.790 m5.图中村落因多古祠堂、古民居、古牌坊等而著名,驴友小王想拍摄村落全貌,在①②③④四处应选择的拍摄点是()A.①处B.②处C.③处D.④处6.每年三四月份,该地油菜花盛开,平地、山坡一片金黄,蔚为壮观.乙处山坡上分布有坡耕地和梯田,开垦初期,坡耕地上的油菜亩产量要高于同等条件(海拔、土壤、油菜品种等)的梯田,主要原因是()①坡耕地日照时间长于梯田②油菜生长季节坡耕地单位面积上获得的平均太阳辐射量大于梯田③坡耕地的油菜植株接受太阳辐射的表面积比梯田上的大④坡耕地的保水效果好于梯田A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④解析:4.C5。

2024届江苏省南京市高三下学期考前综合训练题(一)英语试题一、阅读理解The Shanghai Museum has announced its 2024 exhibition list, and “Top of the Pyramids, Ancient Egyptian Civilization Exhibition” will be the most anticipated.Running from July 19 to August 17, 2025, the one-year exhibition features the world’s largest and Asia’s highest level of ancient Egyptian cultural relics (文物) seen outside the country of Egypt. More than 95 percent of the Egyptian relics in this show are coming to Asia for the first time. It is also China’s first cooperation with the Egyptian government.Occupying three exhibition halls on the first floor at the Shanghai Museum, the exhibition will display nearly 500 groups of 800 ancient Egyptian relics.To be in concert with this exhibition, “Disappearing Pharaoh Khufu”, an immersive (沉浸的) exhibition, will be held at the same time on the second floor at the museum. Through the top virtual reality technology, visitors are able to travel back to the mysterious Egyptian civilization 4,500 years ago through a 45-minute digital experience.Besides this exhibition, the Shanghai Museum will also arrange a group of overseas exhibitions to spread traditional Chinese culture and art to more people. Among them, “China’s Han Dynasty cultural relics exhibition” will be on display in Hungary from January to June, showing the artistic and cultural achievements during the Han Dynasty. “The World of Marco Polo” will be shown from April to September in Italy and “The Beauty of Chinese Ceramics” in Japan from October to March, 2025.1.What’s special about the Egyptian cultural relics show?A.It displays relics hardly shown in Asia before.B.It features a VR experience in 3 exhibition halls.C.It marks Egypt’s first overseas exhibition of relics.D.It witnesses the long-term China-Egypt cooperation.2.Which exhibition will be shown in Italy?A.Disappearing Pharaoh Khufu.B.China’s Han Dynasty cultural relics exhibition.C.The World of Marco Polo.D.The Beauty of Chinese Ceramics.3.Where is this text probably taken from?A.A travel schedule.B.A local newspaper.C.A museum brochure.D.An official document.Last year I averaged 9,370 steps a day. My smartphone counted. My daily aim? Ten thousand steps. Because goals.Yet the concept of taking 10,000 steps a day to maintain health is rooted not in science but in marketing. In the 1960s, a Japanese company invented an early pedometer (计步器). Because the Japanese character for “10,000” looks like a person walking, the company called its device the 10,000-step meter. “It was just sort of a catchy phrase,” says I-Min Lee, a scientist at Harvard Medical School.In 2019, Lee published a study investigating the actual effects of meeting the 10,000-step goal. The result? Some movement is good, and more is better, but the benefits decline at some point. Your personal peak depends on your age. People younger than 60 should indeed walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day to get the best benefits in terms of lifespan (寿命). People older than 60 show the most benefit between 6,000 and 8,000 steps.The difference is energy consumption. “We basically relate energy consumption to health outcomes,” Lee says. Walking for 60 minutes at 3.3 miles an hour and running for 30 minutes at 6 miles an hour use the same amount of energy. “The older you are, the less efficient you are with your steps,” Lee says. “Per step, older people use more energy.” Thus, they need fewer steps to achieve the same benefits.Newer studies are moving beyond death rates to ask questions about the way steps may help to control blood pressure and weight. The goal, after all, is not just to live longer but to live healthier. Ful results are not in yet, so Lee’s advice is: “Tailor your steps according to what you are trying to achieve and according to who you are.”4.The concept of taking 10,000 steps daily arises from ______.A.the findings of scientific surveys B.the formation of a Japanese characterC.a marketing trick D.a healthy habit5.What does Lee’s research find?A.Walking step targets vary with age.B.Walking more makes one look younger.C.Old people benefit more from walking longer.D.Reaching 10,000 steps daily appeals to many.6.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A.The difference in energy consumption among age groups.B.The contrast between the benefits of walking and running.C.The reason for setting different step goals based on age.D.The link between energy consumption and health outcomes.7.What will newer studies focus on?A.How steps change one’s lifestyle.B.How steps affect one’s lifespan.C.How steps reduce death rates.D.How steps boost healthy living.We go through life assuming we’re in charge of our own minds —until temptation (诱惑) strikes. Few things better illustrate how little control we really have. You can know exactly what you should do (decline the second slice of cake or the third cocktail), but that hardly seems to matter when the urge arises. More self-discipline is rarely the answer, though. Instead, if you can understand what’s going on inside your head when temptation comes, you’ll be far better placed to make a healthier choice.Sometimes, you need to push yourself, the idea behind which, in psychology, is to make the better choice the easier choice. (School pupils eat more healthily, it’s been shown, when the salads are within easier reach than the chips.) So, instead of relying on willpower, stop keeping ice creams in your freezer! Use StayFocused or similar apps to block distracting websites. Change your environment, and temptation will be a non-issue.For every person, behind every bad habit, there's a reasonable desire: some people eat or drink too much because they're lonely, or smoke to get a break from a busy schedule. Once you’ve uncovered this underlying need, find a different way to meet it: call a friend; take a coffee break instead of a cigarette break. There’s nothing wrong with the need—only with the way you’recurrently meeting it.It’s a strange truth that we’ll break all sorts of promises to ourselves— yet most of us would never fail to show up at a prearranged meeting with a friend. Involve others in your temptation-resistance efforts, whether it's asking someone to check in weekly to see if you’re sticking to your plan, or never going shopping alone if you’re subject to impulse purchases. Best of all, launch a joint plan, in which two of you decide to give up a bad habit. That turns a challenge into a fun game.8.What does “that” mean in paragraph 1?A.Temptation.B.Self-awareness.C.Choice.D.Self-motivation.9.Which should be a good choice if you feel worn out from a packed timetable?A.Exercise strong willpower over it.B.Keep ice creams within easy reach.C.Use StayFocused to refresh yourself.D.Chat with a friend over a cup of coffee.10.What does the author suggest you do according to paragraph 4?A.Seek partners’ support.B.Leave challenges behind.C.Keep your promises.D.Say no to playing games.11.What is the text mainly about?A.What causes temptation.B.How to keep temptation at bay.C.Why urges set in.D.How to keep life under control.While lifting weights one day, I heard a loud click on my back. I was rushed to the emergency room, where I was told the pain would eventually disappear. It didn’t, however. What I’ve learned about pain since then — both as a patient and as a physician — has me questioning how we treat it.Vania Apkarian, one of the world’s leading pain researchers, told me the classic idea is that pain continues as long as the injury does, but the injury and pain it produces end up being separate. “Although MRIs (核磁共振) are reliable indicators of injury, they are not reliable indicators of pain,” he says. A review of 33 studies found that among a group of 20-year-olds without any backpain, 37 percent had disc degeneration (腰椎间盘退化) on MRI. And in people whose backs hurt, MRI results have absolutely no connection with their pain.This is a really big deal: millions of people in the U.S. alone get MRIs for back pain. Yet 5 percent of them were medically justified, and of those who received MRIs, 65 percent received potentially harmful advice — including calls for risky back surgery that probably wouldn’t have resolved their pain. I could have been one of those people, yet when I took my MRI films to an experienced surgeon, he told me an operation might leave my back worse off.If MRI doesn’t explain long-lasting pains, what does? One major factor is our mentality. A recent trial has revealed the power of therapies (疗法) that target how we think about discomfort. People who are anxious about being in pain are twice as likely to develop long time pain.A thorough examination of pain and its origins should encourage efforts to make sure everyone in pain receives kindness and respect, as well as access to more than pills and surgical procedures. Fully accepting the complexity of pain can open the door to new and innovative ways to ensure that even if we hurt, we don’t have to suffer.12.What does paragraph 2 imply?A.Back pain is not necessarily an emergency case.B.MRI tests can’t give a full picture of one’s condition.C.Minor injuries can lead to severe pain.D.Bone problems begin to bother the young.13.What can we learn from the author’s personal story?A.He found his back surgery medically justified.B.The surgeon misled him about the back injury.C.A surgery might do him more harm than good.D.Being a physician helps him treat his back pain.14.According to the author, what should a patient with long-lasting pain do?A.Consult professionals to receive surgeries.B.Have painkillers as early as possible.C.Take comprehensive MRI examinations.D.Acquire a thorough understanding of the pain.15.What is a suitable title for the text?A.Origins of pain.B.Killers of pain.C.Victims of pain.D.Effects of pain.On a beautiful Saturday morning, I went for a run in the park. I got to about a mile and a half, through rose gardens and around trees. 16 . The next thing I remember was two worried faces looking down at me.They were calling an ambulance, while a black Labrador was licking my face! I felt pain in my back. Later, I learnt the dog chasing a squirrel ran straight into me. I was thrown into the air and landed on my back. My usual run had turned into a trip to a nearby hospital. Luckily, aside from minor injuries, I was OK. 17 : what if it had been a car? How can we ever see these things coming?The truth is that sometimes, life really is out of our control. Then what do we do when it does? First, do a gratitude stocktake (盘点): my friend Denise, would look after my son Jett; gratitude that it was a dog, not a car, and I lived to tell the tale.The next, who and what measures up? These uncontrollable moments in life are also the times when you find the greatest clarity. 18 .The ones that make the effort: show up; come round; be there.19 see it as an opportunity to step back and reassess. Is your time and love focused on the things that truly matter? Are there conversations left unsaid? What do you want to do differently? If it all ended tomorrow, would your life have been well lived? I hope so. 20 ! A.But it crossed my mindB.Unless misfortune falls upon youC.Then I‘m not entirely sure what happenedD.You see the people who are really there for youE.When the breath is literally knocked out of youF.I didn’t expect a Labrador would transform my lifeG.If not, it’s time to start living and watching out for dogs二、完形填空In 2014, Amy collapsed from a brain hemorrhage (脑溢血) while working. After a year recovering at home, she 21 a course with the ambition to become a 22 .However, occasional vision disturbance was still 23 , influencing the amount of 24 she could give to the course. Further complications (并发症) left the young artist almost completely blind, making it difficult to see a whole figure. It’s particularly 25 because it seemed to 26 her optimism to be a painter!One morning, when watching the sunrise, she suddenly felt a sense of 27 . She realized that she may not 28 a whole face anymore, but it shouldn’t stop her from putting what she could see on canvas (画布). The following years, she 29 her special art journey.“Strangely, my experience has increased my 30 when drawing, enabling me to catch a character better,” she explains. “People often speak highly of the detail and sensitivity of the character. I have more determination and appreciation for my 31 . These are 32 I wouldn’t have had without everything I’ve 33 .” For her new touring exhibition, she has produced a series of artworks based on her visual experience. “In the 34 interaction between what I can and cannot see lies my perspective on the world.”Sometimes, we can tur a loss into a gain: something unique and individual that has been gifted to us by never 35 .21.A.made use of B.looked forward to C.signed up for D.took pride in 22.A.teacher B.doctor C.worker D.painter 23.A.present B.unnoticed C.unusual D.strange 24.A.credit B.energy C.instruction D.donation 25.A.disappointing B.exciting C.inspiring D.depressing 26.A.ruin B.boost C.spread D.express 27.A.achievement B.thankfulness C.belongings D.security 28.A.see B.touch C.draw D.cover 29.A.shared B.concluded C.started D.recalled 30.A.eyesight B.sensitivity C.taste D.attention 31.A.talent B.choice C.role D.vision 32.A.gifts B.challenges C.awards D.pains33.A.relied on B.gone after C.survived through D.thought of 34.A.active B.misty C.social D.regular 35.A.losing B.leaving C.quitting D.failing三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

中考物理考前训练题(1)一.选择题(每题2分,共16分)1.( ) 有一接在家庭电路上的灯泡在闭合开关时不亮了,用测电笔分别接触灯头的两个接线柱,氖管都发光,则此灯不亮的原因是:A 、地线断了B 、火线断了C 、零线断了D 、灯丝断了2.( ) 在水平地面上,用50牛的水平推力推动重100牛的箱子,前进了10米(如图1所示),推箱子的朋友做功为A 、50000焦耳B 、1500焦耳C 、5000焦耳D 、500焦耳3.( ) 有“Pz220-100”、“ Pz110-100”、“Pz36-100”的三盏电灯,并联接在110伏电路中。
试比较它们持续发光时的亮度: A 、“Pz220-100”最亮 B 、“Pz110-100”最亮 C 、“Pz36-100最亮 D 、三盏灯一样亮4.( )图2所示,电源电压U 保持不变,当滑动变阻器的滑片P 由b 端滑向a 端的过程中,下列说法错误是:A 、电压表1示数不变,电压表2示数变大,1秒钟 通过R1的电流做功变大B 、电压表1示数变大,电压表2示数不变,1秒钟 通过R1的电流做功变大C 、电压表1示数不变,电压表2示数变大,1秒钟通 过电路的电流做的总功变大D 、电压表1示数不变,电压表2示数变大,1秒钟通 过R1的电流产生的热量变多5.( ) 实验室有一只读数不准确的温度计,在测冰水混合物的温度时,其读数为20℃,在测一标准大 气 压下沸水的温度时,其读数为80℃。
下面分别是温度计示数为41℃时对应的实际温度和实际 温度为60℃时温度计的示数,其中正确的是: A 、41℃、60℃ B 、21℃、40℃ C 、35℃、56℃ D 、35℃、36℃6. ( )0℃的冰块全部熔化成0℃的水,体积将有所减小。
比较这块0℃的冰和熔化成的水所具有的内能,下列说法中正确的是:A 、它们具有相等的内能B 、0℃的冰具有较大的内能C 、0℃的水具有较大的内能D 、无法确定熔化成0℃的水的内能, 7.( )内燃机的四个冲程中,是内能转化为机械能的是A.吸气冲程B.压缩冲程C.做功冲程D.排气冲程 8.( )用热风吹一支蘸有酒精的温度计,温度计的读数A.先升高后降低B.先降低后升高C.不断升高D.不能确定 二.填空题 (每题4分,共16分)9.① 请指出下面各句话中的“影”,说明了光在传播过程中所遵从的物理规律:(1)手影。

3.该岛屿A.位于印度的东南,新西兰的东北B.位于板块消亡边界,地震、海啸影响大C.南北长约250千米,东西宽约750千米D.博瑙的地势高于科图伊4.该岛屿东侧降水远多于西部,是因为东侧A.离海较近,东南季风影响大B.抬升东北信风,多地形雨C.植被茂密,水循环量大D.赤道低气压带控制,多对流雨图a为某河段平面图,图b为图甲中河流某处的河道横剖面,图c示意图甲中M 湖水量流入流出的月份分配。
读图完成5~6 题。
5.图a中甲、乙、丙、丁四处的河道横剖面,最符合图b的是A .甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁6. M 湖平均水位最高的月份是A.1 月B.4 月C. 6 月D.10 月a b c下图是“以极点为中心的半球图”,箭头表示洋流的流向。
左图为高黎贡山脉南段两侧部分区域略图,本区域山地冰川的雪线海拔高度在 4800 m左右,右图为密支那和保山的气候统计图。

求证:BE=CF3、如图所示,在直角三角形ABC中, ∠ABC=90°,AB=BC,点D为斜边AC的中点, E为AC上一点,过点A作AG垂直直线BE,垂足为G点,AG与直线BD交于点F. 求证: DE=DF.(2)若把(1)中“E是AC上的一点”改为“E是AC延长线上的一点”,其他条件不变,请作出图形,并指出结论“DE=DF”还成立吗?若成立,请证明;若不成立,请说明理由.4、如图所示, AC平分∠DAB.CE⊥AB,CF⊥AD,E、F为垂足,且BC=CD,求证: (1) △CDF≌△CBE;(2)若AB=25,AD=13,BC=10,求CE的长.5、如图,在四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,点E是DC的中点,BE DC,点F在线段BE上,且满足BF=AB,FC=AD.求证:(1) A=BFC.(2) FBC=BCF.6、在正方形ABCD中,AC为对角线,E为AC上一点,连接EB、ED.(1)求证:△BEC≌△DEC;(2)延长BE交AD于F,当∠BED=120°时,求∠EFD的度数.7、如图(1)在四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠ABC=∠DCB,AB=DC,AE=DF,(1)求证:BF=CE;(2)当E、F相向运动,形成图(2)时,BF和CE还相等吗?请证明你的结论。

考前专项复习提高训练(一)— 数与代数一、填空题。
1.一个数被3除余2,被4除余3,被5除余4,符合这个条件的500以内的最大数是 。
2.光的速度为每秒300000千米,地球赤道半径6378千米,那么光一秒钟可绕地球赤道运行 圈(得数保留整数)。
3.商店购进一批鞋,每双进价6.5元,售价7.4元,当卖到只剩下5双时,已获利76.5元,这批鞋共有 双。
4.一个两位数,十位上的数是个位上数的32,把它各数位上的数字互换所得到的数比原数大18,原来这个两位数是 。
5.对于任意自然数a 、b 规定a*b=a ÷b ×2+3,且256*a=19。
则a= 。
6.修一条水渠,甲队独修5天可完成,现在甲、乙两队合修3天完成,那么甲队比乙队多修了 。
7.在一个两位数的数字之间加一个O ,那么新得的数比原数大8倍,这个两位数是 。
那么摩托车有 辆。
9.甲、乙两数是自然数,如果甲数的65恰好是乙数的41,那么甲、乙两数之和的最小值是 。
1.3900÷200=39÷2=19……1 ( ) 2.从8时30分到9时,分针旋转了180°。
( )3.一个分数是95,若将它的分子增加10,要使这个分数大小不变,分母应该增加10。
( )4.O .8的倒数是8。
( ) 5.自然数中除了质数就是合数。
( ) 三、选择题(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)。
1.一根5米长的钢管,先截下它的21,再截下21米,这时还剩下 ( ) A .43米 B .1米 C .2米 D .421米2.一个小数的小数点向右移一位后,所得小数比原小数 ( )A .增加1倍B .增加10倍C 增加9倍D .扩大9倍 3.我国领土的面积约是960万 ( ) A .米 B .平方米 C .平方千米 D.公顷4.下列各组数,既都是合数,又互为质数的是 ( )A .15和25B .15和8C .12和7 D. 95和38 四、计算题。

工业上以某精选钼矿(主要含MoS2,还含有少量CuFeS2)为原料制备Li2MoO4,其工艺流程如图:回答下列问题:、Cl-,“酸浸、氧化”过程中,(1)“滤液1”含有的离子主要有Fe2+、Cu2+、SO2-4CuFeS2与FeCl3溶液反应的离子方程式为________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________。
(实线、虚线分别表示其他条件相同时反应时间、pH 对实验结果的影响)(5)H 2MoO 4和Li 2CO 3在熔融状态下反应也可生成Li 2MoO 4,写出反应的化学方程式: 。
在实验中该熔融操作可以在 (填字母)中进行。
A .陶瓷坩埚B .石英坩埚C .铁坩埚(6)将“滤液1”用酸性H 2O 2氧化,得到含c (Fe 3+)=0.01 mol·L -1、c (Cu 2+)=0.22 mol·L -1的混合溶液。
若调节pH 使溶液中Fe 3+浓度不超过5.0×10-6 mol·L -1,而Cu 2+全部留在母液中,则该溶液的pH 范围为 {已知K sp [Fe (OH )3]=4.0×10-38,K sp [Cu (OH )2]=2.2×10-20,lg 2=0.3}。


2023届山西省临汾市高考考前适应性训练考试(一)英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The library is the heart of a university——its collections, services, and study spaces are central to every student’s educational journey. Let’s take a look at some famous university libraries around the world.Magdalen College Old LibraryOxford University is famous for its academic programs, but it’s also known for its outstanding libraries that are said to include more than 11 million books. The Old Library at Magdalen College is the crown jewel of the university’s library system. It contains more than 20,000 rare books and manuscripts. Nearly all of these volumes were published before 1800. TU Delft LibraryThe library at the Delft University of Technology was constructed in 1997, which has more than 862,000 books, 16,000 magazine subscriptions and its own museum. But it will only take a glance to be attracted, as it is a sight to remember. The building itself exists beneath the ground, so you can’t really see the actual library. What makes it interesting is the roof, which is a grassy hill.Trinity College LibraryThe Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland, founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I. It contains more than 200,000 of the library’s oldest books. Treasures of the library’s extensive collection include a rare copy of the 1916 proclamation of the Irish Republic and a beautiful 15th century harp (竖琴).Joe and Rika Mansueto LibraryOpened in 2011, the Joe and Rika Mansueto Library at the University of Chicago is designed with a grand glass roof, perfect for staring out when you are tired. The library can hold around 3.5 million volumes through its underground automatic storage and retrieval system. If you are not already impressed, the librarians, robotic cranes, will knock your socks off. They can locate and bring you any book within an average time of 3 minutes.1.What do Magdalen College Old Library& Trinity College Library have in common? A.Both house stringed instruments.B.Both feature attractive designs.C.Both boast numerous ancient books.D.Both gain recognition as crown jewels. 2.Which library possesses its own museum?A.TU Delft Library.B.Trinity College Library. C.Magdalen College Old Library.D.Joe and Rika Mansueto Library. 3.What may impress you most in Joe and Rika Mansueto Library?A.The glass roof.B.The volume of books.C.The storage system.D.The robotic librarians.In 1665, Johannes Vermeer, one of the greatest painters in Netherlands, completed his masterpiece “Girl With a Pearl Earring.” On an April day 357 years later, Janine Strong slowed her bike to stop, paused her fitness app, and watched as the snaking line of her cycling route drew the shape of Vermeer’s masterpiece over the streets of Brooklyn.Ms. Strong creates what has come to be known as “GPS art” — a practice that uses the Global Positioning System mapping capabilities of modern phone apps to create digital drawings with an athlete’s route. It has grown with the widespread availability of satellite tracking for use by ordinary people. In fact, the idea has been around since before the popularity of smartphones for fitness like Strava released in 2009.In 2003, The New York Times Magazine told of how Jeremy Wood got the idea for GPS art. Mr. Wood said while he was using a GPS tracker on a flight and the plane flew in a holding pattern above Heath-row Airport, he was attracted by the pattern appearing on his Garmin GPS device. In recent years, technology has advanced enough to create visual maps in real time using a phone or smart watch.“I get bored cycling on the same path in the same streets,” Ms. Strong said. “Creating GPS art gives me more reasons to hit the pavement, which makes cycling a lot easier. I always have a big smile on my face when it works out and I upload it and it’s done,” she added. “It’s a very satisfying feeling.”To complete her digital vision of “Girl With a Pearl Earring,” she biked almost 50 miles around southern Brooklyn, carefully checking Strava to make sure each turn, circle, and straight line was achieving the shape of earring and head covering of Vermeer’s original. 4.What can we infer about Janine Strong in paragraph1?A.She tests a fitness app.B.She is an innovative cyclist.C.She likes pearl earrings.D.She is a painter of some note.5.What information can we get about GPS art?A.It is rarely used by common people.B.It arose after the popularity of fitness apps.C.It is based on apps’ GPS mapping functions.D.It is a practice of creating realistic drawings.6.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?A.The origin of GPS art.B.The prospect of GPS art.C.The function of a GPS tracker.D.The advancement of a GPS device. 7.Who will be most likely to create GPS art?A.Painting lovers.B.Mobile game players.C.Software developers.D.Running enthusiasts.People are looking to make meaning after the global pandemic. And one way that some of us do this is to credit coincidences—the unexpected concurrence (同时发生) of events—with helping to find jobs, friends and spouses, make significant career decisions and relieve pains. Scholars disagree on the cause of coincidences. Some say they are random and due to probability. Others see God or spiritual forces at work. Still others say it’s our subconscious making connections. No matter the cause, people who study coincidences say that paying attention to these moments may help us, especially in times of stress.Studies show that noticing coincidences may help boost both the effectiveness of psychotherapy and mental well-being. Michael Schauch, 42, an investment-portfolio manager in Squamish, British Columbia, who is an avid mountaineer, lost his best friend Brent last year. A few months later, Mr. Schauch climbed a mountain he and Brent often scaled together. At the summit, Mr. Schauch found hundreds of ladybugs. When he climbed a different mountain on the anniversary of Brent’s death, he saw a ladybug as he started up each new section of the rock face. “I knew at once that it was Brent, and that he was still there with me, as if to say: ‘You’ve got this, Mike. Keep going!’” he says.Coincidences can make the world feel like it makes good sense, says David B.Yaden, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University School. Varieties of spiritual experiences show a correlation (关联) between coincidences and an increase in positive emotions,better personal relationships and a greater sense of meaning in life.Coincidences are more likely to happen to certain people. “People who are troubled bydistress and searching for signs are more likely to experience coincidences,” says Bemard Beitman, a psychiatrist and a coincidence researcher. If you’d like to enhance your ability to notice coincidences, there are several strategies, says Lisa Miller, a clinical psychologist: Be open to them. Write them down. Talk about them with others. “We really need this deep inner wisdom.” she says.8.What can we learn about coincidences from paragraph 1?A.They happen as expected.B.They provide guidance or relief. C.They activate subconscious mind.D.They contribute to invisible forces. 9.Why does the author mention Michael Schalch’s story?A.To clarify the cause of coincidences.B.To offer a method of coping with grief.C.To show the comforting effect of coincidences.D.To present a solid friendship between two climbers.10.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Lucky people tend to be surprised by coincidences.B.Wisdom is to the soul what mental health is to the body.C.Coincidences mean more to our daily lives than the surface.D.The more we cultivate coincidences, the more likely they happen.11.What is the passage mainly about?A.The meaningful moments in life.B.The hidden power of coincidences. C.The various opinions on coincidences.D.The strategies for noticing coincidences.After a day’s labor, Andreas Fichtner and his colleagues have spliced (绞接) together three segments of fibers, creating a 12.5-kilometer-long fiber-optic (光学的) cable. It will stay buried in the snow to spy on the activity of Grfmsvotn, a dangerous, glacier-covered volcano.Fichtner, a geophysicist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zurich, is one of the researchers using fiber optics to take the pulse of our planet. Much of their work is done in remote places, from the tops of volcanoes to the bottoms of seas, where traditional monitoring is too costly or difficult.The technique used by Fichtner’s team is called distributed acoustic sensing, or DAS. “It’s almost like radar in the fiber,” says the physicist Giuseppe Marra of the UnitedKingdom’s National Physical Laboratory, in Teddington. While radar uses reflected radio waves to locate objects, DAS uses reflected light to detect events as varied as earthquake activity and moving traffic, and to determine where they occurred. Inside the cables are optical fibers. DAS involves shooting quick pulses of laser light down the fiber and detecting bits of light that scatter back to the laser source due to disturbances in the environment. When the earth’s surface vibrates and shifts, it pulls the cables, so a detector can identify these small changes.The New York Times points out that although wireless and satellite technology are booming, good old-fashioned cables are still the most efficient way to send information across oceans. Repurposing cables could give scientists the ability to monitor high-risk zones that were previously hard to reach. They could help detect earthquakes and tsunamis a few seconds earlier than traditional warning systems.In addition, fiber-optic cables could also help solve some of the biggest challenges for humans. In the recent years, scientists have started to use them to measure ocean waves and access fault (断层) information. It is believed that fiber-optic cables will serve to benefit us greatly in the future.12.What is the purpose of the work of Fichtner’s team?A.To track volcanic activities.B.To strike oil under the sea.C.To lengthen fiber-optic cables.D.To keep fibers covered in the snow. 13.What can we learn about the technique of DAS?A.It determines when and where disasters occurs.B.It uses radio waves to locate moving objects.C.It improves the efficiency of transmitting light.D.It detects tiny variation of the earth’s surface.14.What does the underlined expression “Repurposing cables” probably mean? A.Recycling cables in new fields.B.Adapting cables for a new function. C.Installing cables beneath volcanoes.D.Promoting cables into massive production.15.What is the best title for the text?A.DAS Is Feeling the Heartbeat of V olcanoesB.Satellite Technology Is Booming in Our TimesC.Underground Cables Are Taking the Planet’s PulseD.Fiber-optic Cables Are Giving Us Insights into Earthquakes二、七选五The chicken or the egg—which came first? It’s probably one of the most commonly cited paradoxes (悖论)—a chicken hatches from an egg, so the egg came first, right? But then what laid the egg? ____16____That’s exactly what a paradox is—a problem that seemingly has no definitive solution and can’t be logically solved.____17____How can work be flexible but maintain structure? How can we switch off if we’re working from home? Two contrasting ideas could cause people stress, but what if we accept the contradiction and change the way we look at it? ____18____A paradox consists of two seemingly impossible realities that exist at the same time.____19____ For example, holding on to change may lead to burn-out, while maintaining stability may lead to boredom. Some experts have found the acceptance of both realities and a willingness to accept them can improve both creativity and productivity by allowing you to find a path through the contradictions.A 1996 study of geniuses by Albert Rothenberg found that those thinkers spent time considering opposites and antitheses. Consider Einstein. The theory of relativity was born out of the paradox that something could be moving and stationary at the same time, depending on perspective.So, having a “paradox mindset” and accepting the bigger picture may help you to better understand problems. ____20____As a result, it may lead you to improving your productivity and creativity. If it worked for Einstein, maybe it could be good for you too!A.The two ideas seem contradictory.B.The two questions remain unanswered.C.This is what some experts call the “paradox mindset”.D.It could also make you happier knowing that contradictions exist.E.Paradoxes are apparently ridiculous or self-contradictory statements.F.Paradoxes don’t just exist in philosophical debates but also in our daily lives.G.If you embrace one of those realities and ignore the other,it can cause problems.三、完形填空After twenty-two years raising three children, I was introduced to a concept: the empty nest. Apparently, this was now my time to ____21____ into new experiences. Why, then was I not excited, but ____22____?For a job opportunity, my husband and I moved to another state. One day, I discovered a trail only a short ____23____ from our apartment, I was thrilled and began to use it regularly. The trail meandered along a river lined with bushes and towering trees. Ducks ____24____ on the riverbanks; Canada geese flew overhead; small rabbits bounded across the pathway,____25____ into the bushes. These small peaceful scenes provided me with a(n) ____26____, but only slightly lifted me out of my loneliness.Still, I continued to walk the path. I ____27____ something new: couples, young and old, holding hands, chatting as they walked; a father ____28____his daughter to ride hertwo-wheeler; a woman doing Tai Chi. They all ____29____the trail. I became fascinated with the lives of these strangers, yet still wondering if any of them feel ____30____?One morning, an elderly woman holding the handles of her walker came into view. She sailed by me in the ____31____direction like a marathon runner. I turned around to catch another glimpse of this one-woman wonder. She was ____32____moving forward, not letting anything hold her back. That’s when it ____33____me. Nobody was.As I walked toward my car, remembering the elderly woman’s energy and ____34____, I made a decision. I would fill my empty nest with ____35____. I was ready for the bright future that stretched before me.21.A.dive B.look C.turn D.fall 22.A.calm B.lonely C.different D.scared 23.A.walk B.run C.drive D.cut 24.A.planed B.skipped C.sheltered D.lazed 25.A.flashing B.rolling C.wandering D.stepping 26.A.target B.distraction C.motivation D.option 27.A.imagined B.anticipated C.spotted D.experienced 28.A.asking B.teaching C.permitting D.informing 29.A.took care of B.caught sight of C.spoke highly of D.took advantage of30.A.satisfied B.positive C.empty D.desperate 31.A.right B.general C.opposite D.same 32.A.definitely B.blindly C.uncertainly D.independently 33.A.bothered B.hit C.upset D.interested 34.A.ambition B.curiosity C.devotion D.enthusiasm 35.A.affection B.attention C.abundance D.gratitude四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

翔宇监利中学高三年级物理测试题使用时间:2015.11.16编写人:王功双审核人:杨军高三第一次质检考前训练题(一)1. 高空作业须系安全带.如果质量为m的高空作业人员不慎跌落,从开始跌落到安全带对人刚产生作用力前人下落的距离为h(可视为自由落体运动).此后经历时间t安全带达到最大伸长,若在此过程中该作用力始终竖直向上,则该段时间安全带对人的平均作用力大小为mg+mgmg+mg-2.如图所示,水平板上有质量m=1.0kg的物块,受到随时间t变化的水平拉力F作用,用力传感器测出相应时刻物块所受摩擦力F f的大小。
下列判断正确的是A.5s内拉力对物块做功为零B.4s末物块所受合力大小为4.0NC.物块与木板之间的动摩擦因数为0.4D.6s~9s内物块的加速度的大小为2.0m/s23. 若货物随升降机运动的v t-图像如题5图所示(竖直向上为正),则货物受到升降机的支持力F与时间t关系的图像可能是()4、如图所示为足球球门,球门宽为L,一个球员在球门中心正前方距离球门s处高高跃起,将足球顶入球门的左下方死角(图中P点)。
弹射过程中舰载机所受总推力为弹射器和发动机推力之和,假设所受阻力为总推力的20%,则A弹射器的推力大小为61.110N⨯B弹射器对舰载机所做的功为81.110J⨯C弹射器对舰载机做功的平均功率为78.810W⨯D舰载机在弹射过程中的加速度大小为232m/s7.(多选)如图所示,用两根长度相同的绝缘细线把一个质量为0.1kg的小球A悬挂到水平板的MN两点,A上带有63.010Q C-=⨯的正电荷。
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1. Who was born on the 8th of December?A. The woman's father.B. The woman's mother.C. The man's sister.2. What does the man mean?A. The film is terrible.B. The film can be seen online.C. The film is worth the money.3. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.4. What day is it when the conversation takes place?A. Saturday.B. Sunday.C. Monday.听材料,回答第5、6题。
5. Where does the woman want to go?A. The airport.B. The bus station.C. The railway station.6. How much should the woman pay probably?A. 35 yuan.B. 40 yuan.C. 45 yuan.听材料,回答第9至10题。
7. Which country is Sarah Thomas from?A. France.B. England.C. The USA.8. What made Sarah Thomas change her planned path?A. Her serious disease.B. Strong moving water.C. Having no enough food.9. What day was it when Sarah Thomas finished her last lap?A. Tuesday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.10. How many miles did Sarah Thomas swim non-stop altogether?A. Over 50.B. Over 80.C. Over 130.二、阅读理解We talk continuously about how to make children tougher and stronger, but whatever we're doing, it's not working. Rates of anxiety disorders and depression are rising rapidly among teenagers. What are we doing wrong?Nassim Taleb invented the word "antifragile" and used it to describe a small but very important class of systems that gain from shocks, challenges, and disorder. The immune (免疫的) system is one of them: it requires exposure to certain kinds of bacteria and potential allergens (过敏原) in childhood in order to develop to its full ability.Children's social and emotional abilities are as antifragile as their immune systems. If we overprotect kids and keep them "safe" from unpleasant social situations and negative emotions, we deprive (剥夺) them of the challenges and opportunities for skill-building they need to grow strong. Such children are likely to suffer more when exposed later to other unpleasant but ordinary life events, such as teasing (作弄) and social rejection.It's not the kids' fault. In the UK, as in the US, parents became much more fearful in the 1980s and 1990s as cable (缆绳、线缆、电缆) TV and later the Internet exposed everyone, more and more, to those rare occurrences of crimes and accidents that now occur less and less. Outdoor play and independent mobility went down; screen time and adult-monitored activities went up.Yet free play in which kids work out their own rules of engagement, take small risks, and learn to master small dangers turns out to be vital for the development of adult social and even physical competence. Depriving them of free play prevents their social-emotional growth. Norwegian play researchers Ellen Sandseter and Leif Kennair warned: "We may observe an increased anxiety or mental disorders in society if children are forbidden from participating in age-adequate risky play."They wrote those words in 2011. Over the following few years, their prediction came true. Kids born after 1994 are suffering from much higher rates of anxiety disorders and depression than did the previous generation. Besides, there is also a rise in the rate at which teenage girls are admitted to hospital for deliberately harming themselves.What can we do to change these trends? How can we raise kids strong enough to handle the ordinary and extraordinary challenges of life? We can't guarantee that giving primary school children more independence today will bring down the rate of teenage suicide tomorrow. The links between childhood overprotection and teenage mental illness are suggestive but not clear-cut. Yet there are good reasons to suspect that by depriving our naturally antifragile kids of the wide range of experiences they need to become strong, we are systematically preventing their growth. We should let go—and let them grow.1. Why does the author mention the immune system in Paragraph 2?A. To stress its importance.B. To help understand a new word.C. To question the latest discovery.D. To analyze the cause of anxiety.2. Parents overprotect children because _______.A. children are not independent enoughB. they want to keep children from being teasedC. parent-monitored activities are a mustD. they are concerned about their children's safety3. According to the author, free play can _______.A. reduce children's risky behaviorB. strengthen children's friendshipC. promote children's toughnessD. develop children's leadership skills4. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A. Stop trying to perfect your child.B. It takes great courage to raise children.C. While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.D. Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child.三、完形填空Officer Bobby White got a call from dispatch (派遣处) about a noise complain—some teens playing basketball. Officer White's dash-cam video shows him 1 up outside a home in a down-and-out part of town. A teen stops 2 as the officer walks toward him.“I could 3 he was like, ‘Great, the cops are here. How is this gonna go?” says White. To put him at 4 , White said, “Can you believe that someone's 5 about kids playing basketball?" Then he put his hand out for the ball. The 6 teen gave it to him. White turned toward the 7 and made a shot off the ring.As a playground courtesy(礼节), the teen 8 the ball back to White, who 9 in the next try. It was like a 10 —kids began 11 out to join in the shootaround.The video shows White and the kids 12 and shooting for 13 minutes. What’s more, the kids even 13 the ring so that the 178cm cop could dunk(灌) the ball. As he left, he told them to have fun and asked that they watch the 14 . But that wasn’t the 15 of the story. The police department's information officer, always looking to highlight the 16 things his officers do, put the video online. Within a week, it was viewed over five million times. What made White 17 was a comment he heard: “We need more cops like you.”White knows that the 18 ending between a white cop and a bunch of minority(少数族裔) kids is what made the video popular. “Honestly, I wish the video wouldn't have been 19 ,” he says. “I wish people would've looked at it and said, 'That's how I would 20 that interaction to go.”1. A. stopping B. driving C. pulling D. waiting2. A. running B. playing C. shouting D. laughing3. A. tell B. imagine C. know D. remember4. A. home B. least C. once D. ease5. A. calling B. worrying C. hating D. explaining6. A. frightened B. hesitated C. excited D. regretted7. A. boy B. playground C. basket D. house8. A. returned B. passed C. asked D. pushed9. A. made it B. had it C. failed it D. shot it10. A. sign B. warning C. invitation D. signal11. A. breaking B. jumping C. bringing D. streaming12. A. shouting B. playing C. laughing D. talking13. A. moved B. lowered C. fell D. raised14. A. noise B. video C. basketball D. playground15. A. meaning B. importance C. end D. characteristic16. A. interesting B. positive C. special D. negative17. A. surprise B. sad C. astonished D. confused18. A. meaningful B. valuable C. happy D. unexpected19. A. made B. showed C. criticized D. popular20. A. know B. guess C. like D. expect四、语法填空When very small dinosaur bones were found in a Germany mine, people thought they were from baby dinosaurs.21. __________ scientist Martin Sander’s work shows that they were probably fully 22. __________ (grow) and belong to the smallest giant dinosaur species ever found.Growth marks on dinosaur bones are similar 23. __________ growth rings on trees. The rings are far apart while the animal is young and growing quickly. 24. __________ get closer as growth slows. “ It is 25. __________ (exact) these tight ring marks that we found in the fossil(化石) bones,” says Sander. So, the fossils must have been from adult animals.26. __________ was this German dinosaur so much smaller than other giant dinosaurs, which grew up to 45 meters long and weighed as much as a thousand humans?150 million years ago, most of Germany was underwater. Scientists think that 27. __________ water levels rose, there was less and less land and food available. The dinosaur 28. __________ (force) to adapt and evolved into a small animal 29. __________ (need) less space and food.Since 1998, scientists have dug up more than 1,000 dinosaur fossils in the mine. It is one of the few places in the world 30 bones and footprints of dinosaurs have been found together.五、短文改错(一)Last Saturday I went to the library as usually. At about noon, I was enjoying my reading near a lake while suddenly I hear someone crying for help. I went up to see what was happened. I was shocking to find a little child struggling in the water in the distance while many peoples were standing by without doing anything. Without any hesitation, I had pushed through the crowd as I took off my coat, but jumped into the water quickly. I managed to reach him and carried him back to safety. To his great relief, the kid was saved. I am proud what I did. I hope everyone can give a hand when someone else is in need.(二)I live in the country and my father was a farmer. He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was young, he is used to tell me the importance of study. Father knows little about English and other subject, but he usually gives me some good advices on how to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me but also very strict in me. With his help, I've made great progress. I'll never to forget what he taught me. I think my father is best father in the world.六、写作假定你是李华, 你的美国笔友Mark本学期开始选修汉语课程。