Business Communication(new)商务英语学习课件
Business Communication PPT.Chapter 08
![Business Communication PPT.Chapter 08](
Questioning the Ethics of Sales Messages
Sales messages can be unwanted.
– –
“Junk” mail SPAM Deceptive wording Deceptive or manipulative visuals
Sales messages can use unfair tactics.
Advice about persuasion Persuasive requests Sales messages
Advice about Persuasion (1 of 5)
Know your readers. Choose and develop targeted reader benefits. Make good use of persuasive appeals. Make it easy for readers to comply.
Make It Easy for Readers to Comply (5 of 5)
Don’t neglect the action part of the message. Make the desired action clear. Make the desired action as easy as possible to perform.
Character based
Determining the Makeup of the Mailing
Sales messages can have many pieces:
– – – – – –
Main message Cover envelope Return envelope Payment form Brochures/attachments Free gift, etc. Plan which pieces you will use Plan how they will work together
商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business
![商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business](
Manage your own emotions and identify the other party's emotional state during negotiation
03 Business Practice Cases
Case analysis of successful enterprises
Multinational Corporation Operations
To supervise or influence an audience's opinion or behavior
Business presentation skills
• To communicate a company's values, goals, and vision
Business presentation skills
Make offers and counteroffers to reach a consensus
Close the deal by agreeing on terms and conditions
Business negotiation skills
Key Skills
Listening: Listen actively to understand the other party's position and needs
• SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning tool that assesses the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats affecting a business or organization
Business Communication (unit2)PPT教学课件
![Business Communication (unit2)PPT教学课件](
▪ Please compile your personal information which include what you want and what you have.
▪ The following personal data will help you organize your information.
what accomplishments do I gain from threse experiences? ▪ What kind of person am I?
B: Analyzing Job Advertisements
▪ After you are done with analyzing yourself, the next step of your jobhunting process is to search information from job advertisements which you can learn about different job vacancies.
Chapter-2 Business Communication
UNIT Two Employment Communication
▪ Learning Objectives
--After studying this unit, you should be able to:
*analyze what you have and what you want in job-hunting process
▪ What working environment do I prefer?
Business Communication(new)商务英语学习课件
![Business Communication(new)商务英语学习课件](
L: 4) Next Sunday afternoon,and will stay for two weeks.
R: Sunday afternoon, 5) will be September5, and leaving on September19.
Bidding farewells
A:Making Reservations
Communication Knowledge
The first stage of an entire reception job is to arrange accommodations for the visitors.
右边一组由马太、达太和西门组成。三个人听了这骇人听 闻的消息后,自发地谈论起什么来,三人的手都伸向画面 的中心。
中右一组是多马、老雅各、腓力。多马伸出一个指头,好 象在问老师:“有一个人要出卖你?”和他并坐的老雅各 张开两手,作惊奇的表示:“这是多么可怕呀!”年轻的 腓力则用双手掩着胸部,似乎说:“难道在怀疑我对老师 有背叛行为吗?”
What to introduce? What is the priority? How to respond?
What to introduce?
names, positions, sth more
What is the priority?
lesser authority higher one
for my guests in my name.
R: OK. May I have your name please?
1.4 Internal Communication ( IC )
• 1. Definition: Internal communication refers to the part of communication that takes place within a given organization. • 2. Three kinds according to the IC structure: • Downward communication • Upward communication • Horizontal communication
1.1 Business Communication (BC)Defined
• Definition: a dynamic, multi-channeled process, which covers internal as well as external communication in a given organization
译文:一天,扁鹊进见蔡桓公,站了好一会儿说道:“您有病在皮下,要 是不治,恐怕会加重。”桓公回答说:“我没有病。”扁鹊退出后,桓公说: “医生总是喜欢给没病的人治病,并把这作为自己的功劳。”过了十天, 扁鹊又拜见蔡桓公,说:“您的病已经到了肌肤,要是不治,就会更加厉 害了。”桓公听后不理睬他。扁鹊退出,桓公又是很不高兴。过了十天, 扁鹊再次拜见蔡桓公,说:“您的病已经进入肠胃,要是不治,就更加严 重了。”桓公仍不理睬他。扁鹊退出,桓公又是极不高兴。又过了十天, 扁鹊远远地看见桓公转身就跑。桓公很奇怪,故此特派人去问他,扁鹊 说:“病在皮下,用药热敷治疗就可以医治好的;病在肌肤之间,用针刺 就可以医治好的;病在肠胃中,用清火汤剂就可以医治好的;要是病在 骨髓,那就是掌管生命的神所管的了,我就没有办法治疗了。现在桓公 的病已发展到骨髓里面,我因此不再过问了。”过了五天,桓公感到浑身 疼痛,便派人去寻找扁鹊,这时,扁鹊已经逃到秦国去了。 总结:以时间为序,写扁鹊与蔡桓公的四次见面,又传神地再现两人见 面时不同的神态、语言和性格,突出扁鹊慧眼识病,尽职尽责,敢于直 言,机智避祸,和桓公的骄横自信、讳疾忌医。扁鹊态度好,沟通方式 不够。蔡桓公偏见,先入为主。结尾,扁鹊不得不逃亡,暗示了专制君 主统治下的残暴。文中深刻揭示了及时医过,防微杜渐的道理,沟通方 式的重要性,颇能引人深思。
最新版商务沟通精品课件lBusiness communication_MD
![最新版商务沟通精品课件lBusiness communication_MD](
Intended module learning outcomes to be assessed 1 2 3 4 5 6
Group written assignment 10% Final examination 60% Qualifying Condition(s) A weighted aggregated mark of 60% is required to pass the module. *Note: Assessment methods may be adapted to meet different lecturers’ requirem-requisites: Some knowledge on management theories and concepts, as well as the awareness of cultural difference are essential. Some experience of frequently used communication methods, especially the emerging technologies/tools is desirable. Module Overview ‘In business, communication is everything’ –Robert Kent, former dean of the Harvard Business School. Effective communication skills are a prerequisite for succeeding in business. The workplace is much more diverse and complex which requires more sophisticated communication system, while advances in the telecommunications have increased communication capabilities. Therefore communication needs to be consistent, effective, and customized for the business to prosper. There are many ways to learn communication skills. This module ‘provides school of experiences’ of such skills before students stepping into the real business environment, expending their credibility through immature behaviour. Module Aims This module aims to help students understand the theoretical aspects of business communication and apply them in practices; to provide a range of communication opportunities to enable students to practice and develop their effectiveness and confidence in a business environment; to improve their communication skills necessary for establishing good interpersonal relationship both inside and outside organizations. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module students should be able to: 1. Understand why effective communication is important in a corporate environment 2. Assess the business communication process 3. Choose appropriate technology for business communication 4. Critique common forms of written business documentation 5. Explain how to run effective group communication 6. Apply principles of different forms of communication to real-world business situations. Units of Assessment Continuous Assessment* Individual in-class tests Group Presentation Weighting (100% in total) 40% 20% 10%
Business Communication PPT. Chapter 04
![Business Communication PPT. Chapter 04](
Create the right effect by (4) emphasizing the you viewpoint. (2 of 2)
We: You: We: You: We: You: You: Our research engineers have worked forty-four years to make Deere a safe mower. You can use the Deere with the comfort of knowing that it is a product of forty-four years of intensive safety research. On February 7 we will deliver the Bush desk and chair set your ordered. You will receive your Bush desk and chair set on our February 7 delivery. I look forward to receiving additional orders from you. I look forward to serving you again. Serving you again will be a pleasure.
Please refer to your March 16 letter, in which you tell how to file a claim. Enclosed is the brochure you asked about. I’ll gladly follow your suggestion if the price falls.
Letter revised with contemporary wording.
Business Communication商务社交礼仪英文版课件
![Business Communication商务社交礼仪英文版课件](
Interactive moment
In groups of 3-4, introduce each members of the group to one another.
Remembering names
➢ Get business cards from everyone you meet and makes notes on it about when you met, what you had in common, and details about the person, including names of children.
Write with authoritatively and positively and concisely, pp. 4-1 ff in workbook
Authoritative language
Positive language
Concise language
Business Communication
➢ Father Graham has served as President of Xavier University for the past 6 years. Recently, US News & World Report ranked Xavier as the 2nd best comprehensive university in the Midwest.
➢ Telephone calls ➢ Notes of Appreciation ➢ Phone Calls and Voice Mail ➢ Beepers, Cellular Phones, and
Telephone Etiquette
Unit 2.Business communications
![Unit 2.Business communications](
Unit 2 商务交流Business communicationsLesson 1 会见客户Meeting a clientPart 1:情景练习•事件:到机场去迎接客户。
你会对客户说些什么?Part 2:常用语自我介绍、问好•我想见约翰逊女士。
I would like to…•我来见设计部主管保罗.李。
I’m here to…•您有预约吗?…….appointment?•见到您很高兴。
Here’s my card.照顾客人•请坐。
Have a seat, please.•你想喝点什么?Would you like…•给我来杯咖啡就行。
A coffee…•要加糖和牛奶吗?Do you take….?•加点牛奶就可以了,多谢。
Just a splash of…寒暄•来我们这儿顺利吗?Did you….?•我很容易就找到这儿了。
I….quite easily.提供帮助•你做演示时需要什么东西吗?Is there…..for presentation?•我想我已经带好所需的东西了。
I think I’ve got….•您可以在前厅乘电梯去6层。
You may take….at the front to the 6th floor.•那儿已经安排好了会议室。
There is a conference room already prepared. Part 3:情景对话•对话场景:克莱尔见客户来访,主动上前打招呼,安顿好客户,然后去叫部门主管萨姆。
Functions of Printed letterhead: form an impression of the firm
B.Efficiency (saving time)
Requirement of letterhead complete
correct careful
Preliminary Considerations in Writing Routine Inquiries
You are asking for something your reader is likely to grant. Thus, a direct approach is justified.
Dear Mrs. - married women Dear Miss - unmarried women, girls Dear Ms. -female, marital status unknown
在商业信函中常用“事由标题”, 一则让收信人尽快了解信函的主要 内容,二则便于归档。下列两种情 况下尤其要使用“事由标题” 项。 1)当对方来函已使用了事由标题项。 2)当信函内容比较复杂时。
Short messages usually are written in the direct order. Long messages may require indirect order.
Preliminary Assessment
Determine the reader’s probable reaction – positive, neutral, negative
Please write your answers--and any other comments you may wish to make about the service of this store and any other Hobson store--on this letter. Then return it in the enclosed stamped and addressed envelope.
Business Communication商务社交礼仪英文版PPT课件
![Business Communication商务社交礼仪英文版PPT课件](
Conference calls
➢ Prepare ➢ Be respectful ➢ Be inclusive ➢ Keep moving ➢ Get commitments
➢ Prefer the formal to the informal, especially with older and higher ranking people
➢ Avoid saying, “I’m sorry, I have forgotten your name” Instead, say “Help me out, your name was on the tip of my tongue and I must be having a senior moment.
Write with authoritatively and positively and concisely, pp. 4-1 ff in workbook
Authoritative language
Positive language
Concise language
Business Communication
Voice Mail
➢ Identify yourself and your return number immediately.
➢ Be brief and to the point. What you want, why it is of mutual interest, details, next steps. Leave return number again.
Write with authoritatively and positively and concisely, pp. 4-1 ff in workbook
Authoritative language Positive language Concise language
Ask non-contributing members if they’d like to add their perspectives.
Note: Interestingly, research shows talkative members welcome the comments of others—and shy members value inclusion in the conversation.
➢ voice mail message ➢ e-mail message ➢ business letter
➢ telephone call
impact of
normal call speaking from or to a speaker phone call waiting interruptions
➢ If your party is not there, leave a brief message and request a telephone appointment.
➢ If your party answers, identify yourself, stick to your outline and thank the person at the end of the call.
➢ Avoid politics, religion, how much you earn, or negative communication such as comments about a company or people
Business Communication PPT.Chapter 12
![Business Communication PPT.Chapter 12](
Diagram of the Executive Summary in Indirect and Direct Order
Executive summary (in indirect order)
Executive summary (in direct order)
chapter twelve
Long, Formal Reports
© 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The organization and content of long reports The components of a long report Structural coherence in a long report
Table of Contents
Part TABLE OF CONTENTS Part Page Page B. Gamma Gives Best Ride....................................……........11 C. Gamma Is Judged Most Durable..............................ive I. THE FLEET REPLACEMENT PROBLEM......................................1 A. The Authorization by Vice President Bigbee.............................1 B. Problem of Selecting Fleet Replacements..................................1 C. Reports and Records as Sources of Data ...................................2 D. A Preview of the Presentation ...................................................2 II. THE MAJOR FACTOR OF COST .................................................2 A. Initial Costs Favor Beta .............................................................3 B. Trade-in Values Show Uniformity ............................................4 C. Operating Costs Are Lowest for Gamma ..................................4 D. Cost Composite Favors Gamma ...............................................6 III. EVALUATION OF SAFETY FEATURES ....................................6 A. Delta Is Best Equipped with Safety Devices .............................7 B. Acceleration Adds Extra Safety to Delta...................................8 C. Weight Distribution Is Best in Alpha and Gamma ...................9 D. Gamma Has Best Braking Quality ..........................................10 IV. RIDING COMFORT AND OVERALL CONSTRUCTION........10 A. Gamma Ranks First in Handling .............................................10 CHARTS 1. 2. Estimated Total Operating Cost.............................................….6 Comparison of Acceleration Times........................................….8 VI. III. IV. V. II. TABLES I. Original Cost of Four Brands of Subcompact Cars in 2008………........................................3 Comparison of Repairs and Related Lost Working Time for Four Makes of Cars for Two Years.. ....................................................................….....5 Cost-per-mile Estimate of Operation……………..................5 List of Standard Safety Features…………..............................7 Comparative Weight Distributions, Braking Distances, and Cornering Abilities...............................................................................….9 Comparative Comfort and Ride………….........................….11 LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS V. RECOMMENDATION OF GAMMA.....................................12
Business Communication PPT.Chapter 07
![Business Communication PPT.Chapter 07](
But Exceptions Can Be Made
Examples When the message will be routinely accepted When you know frankness is wanted When goodwill not a concern (a rare case)
Brief Review of Procedure for Adjustment Refusals
The message plan: Opening Begin with words that – are on subject, – are neutral, and – set up the message. Present the strategy that will explain or justify. Make it factual and positive. Lead systematically to the refusal. Then refuse--clearly and positively. End with off-subject, friendly words.
The message plan: Opening Body Begin with words that identify the subject, are neutral, and set up the message. Present reasons using positive language and you-viewpoint. Refuse clearly and positively, embedding where possible to de-emphasize the negative. Include a counterproposal or compromise when appropriate. End with an adapted goodwill comment.
英文版课件:从沟通技巧到跨文化沟通。提供了丰富的商务沟通工具,帮助 您在职场中取得成功。
Part 1: Introduction to Business Communication
Definition of Business Communication
Learn the fundamental concepts and principles of effective business communication.
Importance of Business Communication
Discover why strong communication skills are crucial for professional success.
Types of Business Communication
Explore the different forms of communication used in a business context.
Master the art of crafting persuasive and compelling business proposals.
Business Letter Writing
Understand the format and etiquette for writing effective business letters.
Understand the importance of professional and respectful communication practices.
Part 3: Non-Verbal Communication Skills
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
What do you need to take into your
consideration while making a reservation
in a hotel?
You work in APD Ltd. Your company will have 15 guests (12 are female and 3 male) coming from USA next Tuesday for a trade fair. They will be arriving in your city on Saturday, 21st May. And will be staying for one week. They will have a six-day meeting in the hotel and a city tour on the last day. Please make a preparation list for making reservations.
中左一组的彼得、约翰和犹大三人最富有表情,也是画上 的主要角色。坐在耶稣旁边的约翰歪着身子眼睛向下,两 手手指交叉,有气无力地放在桌上,作出忧愁状。火性的 彼得,则情绪激昂,他从座位上跳起,似乎在问约翰,叛 徒是谁?他手中已握着一把刚切了面包的刀,无意地靠近 了犹大的肋部。而犹大,听了耶稣的话后,情绪紧张,身 子稍向后仰,右臂支在桌上,右手紧握钱袋,露出一种抑 制不住的惊恐。这十三个人中,只有犹大的脸色是灰
Chapter-2 Business Communication
UNIT One –Reception
Learning Objectives : Make reservations Make introductions Start and encourage small talks Make, receive and decline invitations Entertain visitors Have cross-cultural awareness in
R: OK. May I have your name please? L: Of course. My name is Louisa Kailer from KAD
Couputer System. 2)______________________. R: Naomi Singh and ANdrea Koss… Right, no
Cross- Cultural Focus--Number 13
unlucky in many countries : western Europe, North America, and
Australia. the 13th day of the month, Friday.
Floors buildings 12 -- 14.
make sure.
R: OK. I see.
L: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
R: Bye.
Acting out
Pair work. One is Kim wilson, calling to Plaza Hotel to make a
reservation. The other is the receptionist, finish the following conversation with the hints in the brackets. (P.4-5)
Preparation Checklist for the USA Group
Checklist for Making a Reservation
Number of guests: ___________ Name:_________ (my name and the name of the guests) Telephone No:_____________(mine for confirmation) Duration of stay:_____________ Type and number of rooms:_____________ Service: __________(restaurant, entertaining activities) Facilitities:____(conference rooms, shuttle for city tour) The way to pay:____________(credit card, cash, etc.)
How to respond?
Nice to meet you!
Nice meeting you!
Cross- Cultural Focus--appellation
How to address someone?
Western countries:
first names
Barack Hussein Obama Jr
Cross-cultural Focus—Number 13
左边一组是由巴多罗米奥、安德烈、小雅各三人组成。巴 多罗米奥好象怀疑自己的耳朵听错了,从座位上跳起来, 手按在桌上,面对耶稣,情绪激动;安德烈双手张开,手 指向上。夹在中间的小雅各紧张地由背后伸手到第四个人 的肩上,形成两组间的联系。这三个人都面向耶稣。
What to introduce? What is the priority? How to respond?
What to introduce?
names, positions, sth more
What is the priority?
lesser authority higher one
Listening Practice and Acting out: Return P.4-5
Listening and Role-Play
Receptionist: Good afternoon! Holiday Inn. How can I help you?
Louisa: Hello! 1)____________. I need two rooms for my guests in my name.
Bidding farewells
A:Making Reservations
Communication Knowledge
The first stage of an entire reception job is to arrange accommodations for the visitors.
Arranging accommodations Welcoming visitors
(1) Greeting and making introductions
(2) Starting and encouraging small talks
Arranging business activities (3) Entertaining visitors
for my guests in my name.
R: OK. May I have your name please?
L: Of course. My name is Louisa Kailer from KAD Couputer System. 2)My guests’ names are Naomi Singh and Andrea Kass.
R: Naomi Singh and ANdrea Koss… Right, no problem. 3)_When will they be arriving_ ?
L: 4) Next Sunday afternoon,and will stay for two weeks.
R: Sunday afternoon, 5) will be September5, and leaving on September19.
A superstition for 13 – Egyptians
12 steps on the ladder to eternal life Good luck charm – Belgium, Belgian women
B:Making Introduction
Communication Knowledge: After you get reservations ready, you may meet your visitors at the airport or at the office for the first time. It is neccessary for you to introduce yourself and introduce the others.
右边一组由马太、达太和西门组成。三个人听了这骇人听 闻的消息后,自发地谈论起什么来,三人的手都伸向画面 的中心。
中右一组是多马、老雅各、腓力。多马伸出一个指头,好 象在问老师:“有一个人要出卖你?”和他并坐的老雅各 张开两手,作惊奇的表示:“这是多么可怕呀!”年轻的 腓力则用双手掩着胸部,似乎说:“难道在怀疑我对老师 有背叛行为吗?”
I.n doubt
formal name
with title
C: Starting and Encouraging Small talk
Communacation Knowledge
*1. WHY do people make small talks? *2. WHEN do people make small talks? *3. WHAT do people make small talks about?
but I will call you as soon as I make sure. R: OK. I see. L: Thank you very much. Bye-bye. R: Bye.