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现代学校高一**学科导学案课型:新授、复习、习题主备人:*** 审核

人:*** 班级:姓名:学习小组:日期:2014年月日星期

导学案2:Our body and healthy habits(2)

学习目标: 1.了解关于健康的单词及表

2. 增强营养饮食及保护自身健康的意识

3. 进一步培养学生概括段落大意及主旨大意的能力

重难点: 1.需掌握短语Diet;be crazy about;make sure;see sb. doing/do /done sth; That’s because/why)学习过程:导入学习:

小组活动--竞赛:将所查谚语展现在黑板上,让学生们猜汉语谚语 1) The first wealth is health .


2) Health is over wealth.


3) After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.


4) Carrots in winter and gingers in summer keep the doctor away.



1. The passage Zhou Kai (1) mainly tells us that _____.

A. Zhou Kai wants to play football in the rain.

B. Zhou Kai is fit enough to play football in all weathers.

C. Zhou Kai’s mother cares about him very much.

D. Zhou Kai dislikes his mother very much.

2. Number the main idea of each paragraph in Zhou Kai (2).

( ) My mother’s good diet satisfies my love for football.

( ) I take exercise, so I am healthy.

( ) My family eat healthily to keep fit. 自主学习:rare, adj, 罕见的;稀有的;rarely, adv, 很少;难得;rareness, n, 稀有;珍奇;(空气等的)稀薄拓展:

表示频率的副词:always总是,usually 通常,frequently/ often经常,sometimes 有时,occasionally 偶尔,seldom/ rarely 很少,never 从不

toothache n.[c, u] pain in a tooth or teeth. 牙痛 e.g.

I’ve got a toothache.我牙痛。

He had a bad toothache.他的牙痛得厉害。构词解析:

ache (n) 疼痛,和表示身体部位的单词结合构成复合词,例如: a headache头痛,(a) toothache 牙痛,(a) backache 背(腰)痛,(an) earache 耳痛,(a) stomachache 胃痛


(1)adj. feeling anxiety; worried; uneasy strongly wishing sth, eager for sth. 忧虑的,不安的;渴望的 e.g.

She is very anxious about her mother’s health.她很担心母亲的健康状况。 We are anxious for your safe return. 我们盼望你平安归来。

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现代学校高一**学科导学案课型:新授、复习、习题主备人:*** 审核人:*** 班级:姓名:学习小组:日期:2014年月日星期


be anxious about/for...为......担心

be anxious for sth/to do sth 渴望某事/做某事 be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望某人

做某事 e.g.

These students were anxious to know the result of the exam.这些学生急于知道考试成绩。

Sophia was anxious for all her friends to attend her birthday party.索菲娅盼望她所有朋友参加她的生日聚会。构词解析:

anxious. adj. 忧虑的;渴望的; anxiety. n. 忧虑,不安;渴望; anxiously. adv. 忧虑地;渴望地 Practice

Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Ken is anxious to see his girlfrien d.

___________________________________________ 2. “Are you all right?” she as ked anxiously.

___________________________________________ 3. I am anxious about her saf ety.




1. You’d better ________ that there is a train at 8:30 a.m..

A. be sure

B. make sure of

C. make sure

D. find

2. I would rather ________ to see a film than ________ at home watching TV.

A. go, stay

B. going, staying

C. went, stay

D. go, staying

3. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. ________ I got wet through.

A. It’s the reason

B. That’s why

C. There’s why

D. It’s how.

4. The dog ________ mild every day.

A. feeds on

B. lives on

C. is fed on

D. is fed to

5. ________ at the door before entering, please. (2001 北京)

A. Knocked

B. To knock

C. Knocking

D. Knock

6. One more week, ________ we will accomplish the task.(1999 上海)

A. or

B. so that

C. and

D. if

7. ________ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A. likes

B. as

C. that

D. while

8. These houses are sold at such a low price ________ people expected.(2000 上海)

A. With

B. Since.

C. While

D. As


高一英语导学案-必修二 Module One


必修二 Module One 导学案



1. begin with

2. have /catch/get a cold

3. have a toothache /headache /sore throat

4. keep fit

5. make up ones mind

6. keep…away

7. as a matter of fact

8. make sure /certain

9. ahead of time

10. have a sweet tooth 11. as a result 12. describe oneself as 13. pick up14. be crazy about

15. for free16. take exercise 17. be connected with18. have a temperature/fever19. b e/go on a diet


1. When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jac ket on, she eyed him anxiously.
