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1.Classification of Neonate(新生儿分类)

1)Full term infant(足月儿):Neonate whose gestational age(GA) is between 37 weeks and

42 weeks

2)Preterm infant(早产儿):Neonate whose GA is less than 37 weeks

3)Post-term infant(过期儿):Neonate whose GA is more than 42 weeks

4)Low birth weight neonate(LBW)(低出生体重儿):Neonate whose BW is less than 2500g

5)Very low birth weight neonate(VLBW)(极低出生体重儿): Neonate whose BW is less

than 1500g

6)Normal birth weight neonate(正常体重儿): Neonate whose BW is between 2500g and


7)Macrosomia neonate(巨大儿): Neonate whose BW is over 4000g

8)Small for gestational age(SGA)(小于胎龄儿):Infants whose BW are under P10 of the

same GA infants’BW

9)Appropriate gestational age(AGA)(适于体重儿): Infants whose BW are ranging from

P10 to P90 of the same GA infants’BW

10)Large gestational age(LGA)(大于胎龄儿): Infants whose BW are above P90 of the same

GA infants’BW

11)Early newbore(早期新生儿):Neoborn less than 1 week

12)Late newbore(晚期新生儿):Neoborn aging from 2 weeks to 4 weeks

2.Neutral temperature(中性温度):An appropriate environmental temperature

which can keep a neoborn’s normal temperature and can keep the least oygen cousuming,the least metabolism rate ,the least energy evaporated, so is called neutral temperature .

3. Apnea(呼吸暂停): when asphyxia of fetal or neoborn occurs, the respirate inhabitated and reflexal heart rate decreased because of lack of oxygen ,so is called apnea.

4. Physiological body weight decline(生理性体重下降): Intate

deficiency, fatal stool paused and water losed after birth can make physical body weight decline (3%--9%), and it reaches its lowest point in3 or 4 day and returns to its birth weight in 7 to 10 days .

5. Physiological anemia(生理性贫血): When neonate of 2—3 months, RBC drops to 110g/L, neonate occurs mild anemia .It will take 3 months to recover .

6. Physiological diarrhea(生理性腹泻): Physiological diarrhea usually

occurs in infants little than 6 months .They appear puffy and often have eczema .Soon after delivery , they may have diarrhea, whose times are increasing .However, there is no other symptoms and the infants have good appetites. Physical diarrhea does not affect the growth. Recent researches found that the diarrhea is a particular type of intolerance of lactose. The stool may recover normality after appending the complements.

7. Project Immunity(计划免疫): According to characteristics of children’s

immunity and the conditions of communicable diseases ,people had drawn up a kind of immunity programs, namely project immunity. People inoculate some organico-product in order to progress the level of immunity , control and eliminate the communicable diseases.

8.Serious Pneumonia(重症肺炎):Serious Pneumonia is a kind of pneumonia.

Respiratory system together with other systems are invaded,meanwhile,the general toxic symptom is also apparent.

9.The Division of Respiratory tract(上下呼吸道分界): The

respiratory tract is divided into 2 parts,the upper respiratory and the lower respiratory, by the ring-formed gristle.

10.Discrepant Cyanosis(差异性紫绀): Discrepant Cyanosis occurs in PDA.

Because of PDA, the blood moves from the aorta to the pulmonary artery. If this abnormality lasted so long that the pressure of pulmonary is higher than the aorta, there will lead to right-to-left shunts and appear cyanosis in the second half of the body.

11.Colostrum(初乳): Colostrum is the first milk produced by the dam which contains

antibodies (immunoglobulins) which provide crias with immunity (passive immunity). There is no transfer of immunoglobulins across the placenta and neonatal crias are not capable of producing their own antibodies. They must rely on their passive immunity for the first few weeks of life. This makes colostrum essential to the health of any cria. A cria who does not receive enough.

12. Eisenmenger syndrome(Eisenmenger 综合征): Eisenmenger

syndrome occurs in patients with large congenital cardiac or surgically created extracardiac left-to-right shunts. These shunts initially cause increased pulmonary blood flow. Subsequently, usually before puberty, pulmonary vascular disease causes pulmonary hypertension, ultimately resulting in reversed or bidirectional shunt flow with variable degrees of cyanosis.

13.Additional nursing(补授法): When the breast milk is not enough, the baby

within 6 months can be feed partly with breast milk and partly with other nutritions each time.

14.Substitutional nursing(代授法): When the breast milk is enough but the

mother can’t feed the baby in time, the baby can be feed with other nutritions like milk for some times.

15.Malnutrition(营养不良): It is a disease caused by lacking of energy and

protein. It often happens to the baby within 3 years old with symptoms of weight-losing, fat-losing, edema and functional disorders.

16. Obesity(肥胖症): Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat

or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass.
