
克服这些障碍的方法包括:- 加强跨文化交流和学习不同语言的基础知识,提升沟通的准确性和效果。
- 控制情绪,采用冷静客观的态度,避免情绪影响沟通结果。
- 简化信息,重点表达关键信息,避免信息过载。
- 建立自信心,尊重他人,倾听和理解对方的观点,避免自尊心成为沟通的障碍。

二、不定项选择题(每题3分,错选或多选不得分,漏选得1分,共15分)1、从沟通的本质上来说,沟通的目标是:( C)A、接收---接受---理解----反响B、接受---接收----理解----反响C、接收---理解---接受----反响D、理解---接收----接收----反响2、下面不属于副语言沟通内容的是( D )A、语调B、语速C、停顿D、表情3、下级对上级沟通的态度是(ACD)A、主动而不越权B、亲近而不疏远C、尊重而不吹捧D、请示而不依赖4、根据会议内容和要求的不同,会议座位的摆放有( ABCD)A、礼堂型B、圆桌型C、长桌型、椭圆型、U形D、半圆形5、备忘录可分为(BCD)A、日常备忘录B、个人式备忘录C、计划式备忘录D、交往式备忘录三、名词解释(每题3分,共15分)1、商务沟通商务沟通——在商业经济活动中,不同个体、不同组织之间,相互传递信息、交流思想、传达情感并最终达成共识的过程。

商务沟通技巧(满分答案)第一篇:商务沟通技巧(满分答案)学习课程:商务沟通技巧单选题1.所谓的“话”,也就是谈话的内容,可以把谈话依次分成:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 闲聊、谈判、谈心三个层次讨论、闲聊、谈心三个层次闲聊、讨论、谈判三个层次闲聊、讨论、谈心三个层次2.要想做到“放下”了面子、武装和自我防卫的意识,就要:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 勇敢地道歉开口有益有话就说出来都包括3.对事不对人,是将对方的成就做一个事实的确认的语言模式是:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 评估性赞美开放性沟通描述性赞美实事求是谈话4.同事、同学、学生,一般朋友能够靠近的领域是:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C 个体领域亲密领域社会领域 4.D 公众领域5.一般而言,沟通有四个要领,即:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 找对时间、找对空间、找对人、说对的话找对切入点、找对空间、找对人、说对的话找对时间、摆正态度、找对人、说对的话找对时间、找对空间、找对人、使用眼神6.在商务沟通时,若碰到对方咄咄逼人,或固执己见时,不妨快速转换语词和态度,使现场气氛缓和下来而使用的方法是:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 分段式沟通法同理心沟通法主动趋前法及时逆转法7.在商务沟通的过程中,若你多使用问句,就往往可以:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 避免替对方下决定听出对方的需求帮助我度过那段低潮期收集对方信息的过程8.管理学上有一个倒金字塔模式,表示若要对方接纳我们的意见,首先是要:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C 原谅他人的过错了解对方的需求有良好的沟通技巧 4.D 建立信赖关系9.用人的性格来衡量一个人的受欢迎程度是比较具体的指针,包括这个人:回答:正确1.A 词2.B3.C4.D 出手大方身体的自由度以上都包括拥有宽宏的气度、谈笑风生的本事、善解人意的言10.在沟通管理学上,肢体语言占了55%的分量,而肢体语言中居首位的是:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 微笑点头手势眼神11.人际关系是互动的,需要你摆正位置,端正态度:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 客随主便,尊重客人主随客便,尊重客人态度和蔼,缩小距离摆正位置,端正态度12.下面列举的衔接句在同事之间不宜运用的是:回答:正确1.A2.B 好了3.C 我了解你的意思太棒了,我佩服你的见解哇!你真厉害,全办公室没有一个同事比你干得更4.D 有意思,你的见解很特别13.下列谈话中属于评估性言词的一句是:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C 谢你4.D 这个项目你做得很用心,不错,加油!比起那一组,你们的进度差太多了这个企划案还可以做点修正,一定会更好你的努力和创意让公司收获很多,实在应该好好感14.只有很亲近的人才能靠近的亲密领域是个人方圆:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 1.25米至3.5米0.5米至1.25米0.5米以内没有固定值15.同理心沟通法的主要诀窍在于:回答:正确1.A2.B3.C4.D 尊重对方有自由空间的要求我跟你一样,以前有一次糗大了组织同事一起参加培训陪对方下楼,再带领对方上楼第二篇:商务沟通技巧答案课后测试单选题1.所谓的“话”,也就是谈话的内容,可以把谈话依次分成:√ A 闲聊、谈判、谈心三个层次B讨论、闲聊、谈心三个层次C闲聊、讨论、谈判三个层次 D闲聊、讨论、谈心三个层次正确答案:D 2.纯粹凭借第六感觉进行的一种心与心的联系是:√ A非肢体接触 B心灵接触 C直接接触 D间接接触正确答案: B 3.学习礼仪首先要:√ A客随主便,尊重客人 B主随客便,尊重客人 C态度和蔼,缩小距离 D摆正位置,端正态度正确答案:D 4.要想做到“放下”了面子、武装和自我防卫的意识,就要:A勇敢地道歉 B开口有益 C有话就说出来 D都包括√ 正确答案:D 5.同事、同学、学生,一般朋友能够靠近的领域是:√ ABCD个体领域亲密领域社会领域公众领域正确答案: A 6.一般而言,沟通有四个要领,即:√ ABCD找对时间、找对空间、找对人、说对的话找对切入点、找对空间、找对人、说对的话找对时间、摆正态度、找对人、说对的话找对时间、找对空间、找对人、使用眼神正确答案: A 7.化解误会下列的正确方法是:√ ABCD不要意气用事不要急于辩解学会一笑置之以上都包括正确答案:D 8.在商务沟通时,若碰到对方咄咄逼人,或固执己见时,不妨快速转换语词和态度,使现场气氛缓和下来而使用的方法是:√ ABCD分段式沟通法同理心沟通法主动趋前法及时逆转法正确答案:D 9.在商务沟通的过程中,若你多使用问句,就往往可以:× A避免替对方下决定 B听出对方的需求 C帮助我度过那段低潮期 D收集对方信息的过程正确答案: B 10.用人的性格来衡量一个人的受欢迎程度是比较具体的指针,包括这个人:√ A拥有宽宏的气度、谈笑风生的本事、善解人意的言词 B出手大方 C身体的自由度 D以上都包括正确答案:D 11.我们不应该使用的语言表达模式是:× A赞赏性语言模式 B破坏性语言模式 C描述性语言模式 D建设性语言模式正确答案: B 12.通常我们在和别人沟通时,和有些人挺能谈得来,和有些人却三句话都嫌多,这是因为对话时:A双方没有共同语言B 没有使用肯定语词C他的自我防卫和攻击性过于强烈 D个人主观意识太强烈正确答案: D 13.下列谈话中属于评估性言词的一句是:√ A比起那一组,你们的进度差太多了√ BCD这个企划案还可以做点修正,一定会更好你的努力和创意让公司收获很多,实在应该好好感谢你这个项目你做得很用心,不错,加油!正确答案: A 14.柔性又不失积极的沟通方法,通过这种民主式的方法,可以让对方感觉主动权在他手里,心里会比较舒服,也比较容易接受,使很多行动更快地实现。

2. 说话人怎样使演讲更具说服力,想办法得到听众的赞同,把你的热忱传递给听众,以友善的态度对待听众能在听话人方面产生更具感染力的效果。
4. 性格是指人对现实的稳定度以及与之相适应的习惯化了的行为方式。
5. 书、互联网、视听是数据主要来源的三个渠道。
6. 非正式会议有两个主要特点:及时召开、形式是随意的。
二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 当好一名与会者,首先是指你应该认真记录会议主持人的话,并按其要求去做。
(X )2. 召开会议的目的是为了集中与会者的智慧和想法。
(√)3. 解决问题的会议重点是放在应该采取何种行动上。
(X )4.当你确定讲话的目的后,下一步该做的是作听众分析。
(√)5. 手势有两大作用:一是能表示某种形象,二是表达某种意念和感情。
(X )7.当你还未来得及考虑你该说些什么而就被点名时,你应迅速把自己放在说话人的位置上。
(X )8. 讲话的目的通常是由你所处的地位及企业的要求而定。
(√)9. 沉默的本质特征是在对方期待做出回答或回应的时候默不作声。
(X )三、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个不是电话沟通的缺点( C )A.缺乏有效的反馈方式B.错误的第一印象C.节约时间D. 浪费时间2.(A )是征服听众的根本性条件。

20XX年12月考试商务沟通第一次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共80分,共 40 小题,每小题 2 分)1. 符号学语言学大师索绪尔是最早对符号进行分类的学者,他讲符号系统分为语言符号和非语言符号()。
A. 正确B. 错误2. 关于制定面谈计划,美国著名学者哈罗德·拉斯维尔的“五W”模式中“Whom”是指()A. 谁B. 通过什么渠道C. 对谁D. 产生什么效果3. 人格表现是“教诲”与“权威”,是使自己在人际沟通中处于一种绝对的统治的态度和行为。
这是哪种人格状态的表现()A. “父母”自我人格状态B. “儿童”自我人格状态C. “成人”自我人格状态4. 倾听障碍不包括()A. 心理定势障碍B. 反馈不当C. 身体不好D. 环境障碍5. “你认为这几个人中,哪个最为严重?”这属于()A. 深入性提问B. 假设性提问C. 直接性提问D. .引导性提问6. 目前,报刊图书网络的基本形式主要有电子版、网络版和独立网站三种形式()。
A. 正确B. 错误7. 人际关系类型主要:包容—排斥、控制—追随、喜爱—憎恨这三种()A. 正确B. 错误8. 信息论、控制论和系统论被称为“三论”,或称为“系统科学”或“信息科学” ()A. 正确B. 错误9. 心理定势障碍指现有的心理状态和拥有的知识对以后的心理和行为将要产生的影响,心理定势直接影响人际信息传播()A. 正确B. 错误10. 主张不分亲疏厚薄地“兼爱”,提倡“饥者得食,寒者得衣,劳者得息”的是()A. 法家学派B. 墨家学派C. 道家学派D. 儒家学派11. 心理式沟通属于情感型沟通()A. 正确B. 错误12. 符号与象征没有差别,符号就是象征。
()A. 正确B. 错误13. 林和范·德·维恩于1994年提出了组织信息沟通模式认为组织之间的关系发展要经历协调发展、承诺阶段和执行阶段这三个阶段的信息沟通。
()A. 正确B. 错误14. 为了表示自己的亲切,对初次见面的朋友也要无话不谈,双方不存在隐私()。
商务沟通 ( 第2次 )

第2次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共30分,共 10 小题,每小题 3 分)1. 心理学家马斯洛认为人的需求层次共分为几个阶段()。
A. 五 B. 六 C.七 D. 八2. 网络媒介为人类传播活动提供了()的网络传播。
A. “对话式” B.“交互式” C. “独白式” D. “车轮式”3. 以下不属于经济管理类文体的材料与文学体裁需要的材料有不同特点的()。
A. 经济性 B. 规定性 C. 计划性 D. 可操作性4. 只客观说明需要说明的企业事实、产品事实,如记录事件发生、发展的过程和结果等,这属于()。
A. 事实报道 B. 专题报道 C. 分析报道 D. 现场报道5. 信西方社交礼仪中,在户外与熟识的人相遇时,一般用()。
A. 拥抱礼B. 亲吻礼C. 脱帽礼D. 碰杯礼6. “你不认为那是自由散漫,不遵守工作时间吗?”这属于()。
A. 无限制性提问 B. 重复性提问 C. 引导性提问 D. 提示性提问7. 自我沟通的目的在于说服自己,而人际沟通的目的在于与他人达成共识,这属于际沟通与自我沟通的()。
A. 主客体差异 B. 目的差异 C. 过程差异 D. 媒介差异8. 信息传播效果分析中的“枪弹论”产生于20世纪()。
A. 10-20年代 B. 20-30年代 C. 30-40年代 D. 40-50年代9. 下列哪个选项不属于自我沟通中的主要障碍()。
A. 缺乏自我认知 B.人生没有目标 C. 缺少沟通的知识 D. 疏于理性思考10. 美国传播学家威尔伯•施拉姆在其论文()中,提出了施拉姆互动模式。
A. 《传播如何得以有效进行》B. 《控制论——动物与机器中的通信和控制问题》C. 《传播在社会中的结构与功能》D. 《传播的效果控制》二、多项选择题(本大题共40分,共 10 小题,每小题 4 分)1. 下列说法正确的是()。
A. 汉字是表意文字符号体系,同表音文字符号体系有本质的区别 B. 汉字一般是表示单音节的语素,但不是音节文字 C. 汉字不是直接表示音位或音节的字母,而是用不同笔画构成的大量表音符号来记录汉语的多音节语素 D. 汉语一个音节可以用许多汉字符号来记录2. 下列属于网络媒介为人类传播活动提供的电子“交互式”的网络传播的()。

2015年12月英语六级考试真题第二套Part I Writing (30minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the difficulty in acquiring useful information in spite of advanced information technology. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part ⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections : In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A., B., C. and. D., and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1. A. The restaurant offers some specials each day.B. The restaurant is known for its food varieties.C. The dressing makes the mixed salad very inviting.D. The woman should mix the ingredients thoroughly.2. A. He took over the firm from Mary. C. He failed to foresee major problems.B. He is running a successful business. D. He is opening a new consulting firm.3. A. Someone should be put in charge of office supplies.B. The man can leave the discs in the office cabinet.C. The man may find the supplies in the cabinet.D. The printer in the office has run out of paper.4. A. He has to use a magnifying glass to see clearly.B. The woman can use his glasses to read.C. He has the dictionary the woman wants.D. The dictionary is not of much help to him.5. A. Redecorating her office.B. Majoring in interior design.C. Seeking professional advice.D. Adding some office furniture.6. A. Problems in port management.B. Improvement of port facilities.C. Delayed shipment of goods.D. Shortage of container ships.7.A. Their boss. B. A colleague. C. Their workload. D. A coffee machine.8. A. Call the hotel manager for help.B. Postpone the event until a later date.C. Hold the banquet at a different place.D. Get an expert to correct the error.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9 .A. He shares some of the household duties.B. He often goes back home late for dinner.C. He cooks dinner for the family occasionally.D. He dines out from time to time with friends.10. A. To take him to dinner.B. To talk about a budget plan.C. To discuss an urgent problem.D. To pass on an important message.11. A. Foreign investors are losing confidence in India's economy.B. Many multinational enterprises are withdrawing from India.C. There are wild fluctuations in the international money market.D. There is a sharp increase in India's balance of payment deficit. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A. They have unrealistic expectations about the other half.B. They may not be prepared for a lifelong relationship.C. They form a more realistic picture of life.D. They try to adapt to their changing roles.13. A. He is lucky to have visited many exotic places.B. He is able to forget all the troubles in his life.C. He is able to meet many interesting people.D. He is lucky to be able to do what he loves.14.A. It is stressful. B. It is full of time. C. It is all glamour. D. It is challenging15. A. Bothered. B. Amazed. C. Puzzled. D. Excited.Section BDirections : In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A., B.,C. and D . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A. Maintain the traditional organizational culture.B. Learn new ways of relating and working together.C. Follow closely the fast development of technology.D. Learn to be respectful in a hierarchical organization.17. A. How the team integrates with what it is supposed to serve.B. How the team is built to keep improving its performance.C. What type of personnel the team should be composed of.D. What qualifications team members should be equipped with.18. A. A team manager must set very clear and high objectives.B. Teams must consist of members from different cultures.C. Team members should be knowledgeable and creative.D. A team manager should develop a certain set of skills.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A. It is a platform for sharing ideas on teaching at the University of Illinois.B. It was mainly used by scientists and technical people to exchange text.C. It started off as a successful program but was unable to last long.D. It is a program allowing people to share information on the Web.20. A. He visited a number of famous computer scientists.B. He met with an entrepreneur named Jim Clark.C. He sold a program developed by his friends.D. He invested in a leading computer business.21. A. They had confidence in his new ideas.B. They trusted his computer expertise.C. They were very keen on new technology.D. They believed in his business connections.Passage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A. Prestige advertising.B. Institutional advertising.C. Word of mouth advertising.D. Distributing free trial products.23. A. To sell a particular product.B. To build up their reputation.C. To promote a specific service.D. To attract high-end consumers.24. A. By using the services of large advertising agencies.B. By hiring their own professional advertising staff.C. By buying media space in leading newspapers.D. By creating their own ads and commercials.25. A. Decide on what specific means of communication to employ.B. Conduct a large-scale survey on customer needs.C. Specify the objectives of the campaign in detail.D. Pretest alternative ads or commercials in certain regions.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hoar a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks withthe exact words you have just hoard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should chock what you have written.Extinction is difficult concept to grasp. It is an(26)concept. It's not at all like the killing of individual life forms that can be renewed through normal processes of reproduction. Nor is it simply(27)numbers. Nor is it damage that can somehow be remedied or for which some substitute can be found. Nor is it something that simply affects our own generation. Nor is it something that could be remedied by some supernatural power. It is rather an(28)and final act for which there is no remedy on earth or in heaven. A species once extinct is gone forever. However many generations (29)us in coming centuries, none of them will ever see this species that we extinguish. Not only are we bringing about the extinction of life(30), we are also making the land and the air and the sea so toxic that the very conditions of life are being destroyed.(31)basic natural resources, not only are the nonrenewable resources being(32)in a frenzy ( 疯狂) of processing, consuming, and(33), but we are also mining much of our renewable resources, such as the very soil itself on which terrestrial (地球上的) life depends.The change that is taking place on the earth and in our minds is one of the greatest changes ever to take place in human affairs, perhaps the greatest, since what we are talking about is not simply another historical change or cultural (34), but a change of geological and biological as well as psychological order of(35).Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.It seems to be a law in the technology industry that leading companies eventually lose their positions, often quickly and brutally. Mobile phone champion Nokia, one of Europe's biggest technology success stories, was no(36), losing its market share in just a few years.In 2007, Nokia accounted for more than 40% of mobile phone sales(37)But consumers'preferences were already(38)toward touch-screen smart phones. With the introduction of Apple's phone in the middle of that year, Nokia's market share(39)rapidly and revenue plunged. By the end of 2013, Nokia had sold its phone business to Microsoft.What sealed Nokia's fate was a series of decisions made by Stephen Elop in his position as CEO, which he(40)in October 2010. Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia, the company's market value declined by $ 23 million, making him, by the numbers, one of the worst CEOs in history. But Elop was not the only person at(41)Nokia's board resisted change, making it impossible for the company to adapt to rapid shifts in the industry. Most(42), Jorma Ollila, who had led Nokia's transition from an industrial company to a technology giant, was too fascinated by the company's(43)success to recognize the change that was needed to sustain its competitiveness. The company also embarked on a(44)cost-cutting program, which included the elimination of thousands of jobs. This contributed to the(45) of the company’s once-spirited culture.which had motivated employees to take risks and make miracles. Good leaders left the company, taking Nokia's sense of vision and directions with them. Not surprisingly, much of Nokia's most valuable design and programming talent left as well.A. assumedB. biasC. desperateD. deteriorationE. exceptionF. faultG. incidentallyH. notablyI. previousJ. relayedK. shiftingL. shrankM. subtleN. transmittingO. worldwideSection BDirections : In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.First-Generation College-Goers: Unprepared and Behind Kids who are the first in their families to brave the world of higher education come on campus with little academic know—how and are much more likely than their peers to drop outbefore graduation.[ A] When Nijay Williams entered college last fall as a first—generation student and Jamaican immigrant, he was academically unprepared for the rigors of higher education. Like many first—generation students, he enrolled in a medium-sized state university many of his high school peers were also attending, received a Pell Grant, and took out some small federal loans to cover other costs.Given the high price of room and board and the closeness of the school to his family, he chose to live at home and worked between 30 and 40 hours a week while taking a full class schedule.[ B] What Nijay didn't realize about his school—Tennessee State University—was its frighteningly low graduation rate: a mere 29 percent for its first-generation students. At the end of his first year, Nijay lost his Pell Grant of over $ 5,000 after narrowly missing the 2.0 GPA cut-off, making it impossible for him to continue paying for school.[ C ]Nijay represents a large and growing group of Americans: first—generation college students who enter school unprepared or behind. To make matters worse, these schools are ill-equipped to graduate these students—young adults who face specific challenges and obstacles. They typically carry financial burdens that outweigh those of their peers, are more likely to work while attending school, and often require significant academic remediation (补习).[ D ] Matt Rubinoff directs I'm First, a nonprofit organization launched last October to reach out to this specific population of students. He hopes to distribute this information and help prospective college-goers fad the best post-secondary fit. And while Rubinoff believes there are a good number of four—year schools that truly care about these students and set aside significant resources and programs for them, he says that number isn't high enough.[ E ] "It's not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population," Rubinoff said, adding that a majority of first-generation undergraduates tend toward options such as online programs, two—year colleges, and commuter state schools."Unfortunately, there tends to be a lack of information and support to help students think bigger and broader. "[ F] Despite this problem, many students are still drawn to these institutions--and two-year schools in particular. As a former high school teacher, I saw students choose familiar, cheaper options year after year. Instead of skipping out on higher education altogether, they chose community colleges or state schools with low bars for admittance.[ G]"They underestimate themselves when selecting a university," said Dave Jarrat, a marketing executive for Inside Track, a for—profit organization that specializes in coaching low-income students and supporting colleges in order to help students thrive. "The reality of it is that a lot of low-income kids could be going to elite universities on a full ride scholarship and don't even realize it. "[ H] "Many students are coming from a situation where no one around them has the experience of successfully completing higher education, so they are coming in questioning themselves and their college worthiness," Jarrat continued. That helps explain why, as I'm First's Rubinoff indicated, the schools to which these students end up resorting can end up being some of the poorest matches for them. The University of Tennessee in Knoxville offers one example of this dilemma. A flagship university in the South, the school graduates just 16 percent of its first—generation students, despite its overall graduation rate of 71 percent. Located only a few hours apart, The University of Tennessee and Tennessee State are worth comparing. Tennessee State's overall graduation rate is a tiny 39 percent, but at least it has a smaller gap between the outcomes for first—generation students and those of their peers.[ I] Still, the University of Tennessee deserves credit for being transparent. Many large institutions keep this kind of data secret—or at least make it incredibly difficult to find The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for instance, admits only that the graduation rate for its first—generation pupils is "much lower" than the percentage of all students who graduate within four years (81 percent).[ J] It is actually quite difficult to freed reliable statistics on the issue for many schools. Higher education institutions are, under federal law, required to report graduation rates, but these reports typically only include Pell recipient numbers —not necessarily rates specific to first—generation students. Other initiatives fail to break down the data, too. Imagine how intimidating it can be for prospective students unfamiliar with the complexities of higher education to navigate this kind of information and then identify which schools are the best fit.[ K] It was this lack of information that prompted the launch of I'm First in 2013, originally as an ann. of its umbrella organization, the Center For Student Opportunity."If we can help to direct students to more of these types of campuses and help students to understand them to be realistic and accessible places, have them apply to these schools at greaterfrequency and ultimately get in and enroll, we are going to raise the success rate," Rubinoff said, citing a variety of colleges ranging from large state institutions to smaller private schools.[ L] Chelsea Jones, who now directs student programming at I'm First, was a first—generation college student at Howard. Like other student new to the intimidating higher—education world, she often struggled on her path to college, "There wasn't really a college—bound culture at my high school," she said. "I wanted to go to college but I didn't really know the process. " Jones became involved with a college—access program through Princeton University in high school. Now, she attributesmuch of her understanding of college to that: "But once I got to campus, it was a completely different ball game that no one really prepared me for. "[ M] She was fortunate, though. Howard, a well—regarded historically black college, had an array of resources for its first—generation students, including matching kids with counselors, commenting first—generation students to one another, and TRIO, a national program that supported 200 students on Howard's campus. Still, Jones represents a small percentage of first-generation students who are able to gain entry into more elite universities, which are often known for robust financial aid packages and remarkably high graduation rates for first—generation students.(Harvard, for example, boasts a six—year graduation rate for underrepresented minority groups of 98 percent. ) [ N]Christian Vazquez, a first—generation Yale graduate, is another exception, his success story setting him far apart from students such as Nijay. "There is a lot of support at Yale, to an extent, after a while, there is too much support," he said, half—joking about the countless resources available at the school. Students are placed in small groups with counselors ( trained seniors on campus) ;they have access to cultural and ethnic affinity (联系) groups, tutoring centers and also have asummer orientation specifically for first—generation students ( the latter being one of the most common programs for students).[ O]"Our support structure was more like : ' You are going to get through Yale; you are going to do well,' " he said, hinting at mentors (导师), staff, and professors who all provided significant support for students who lacked confidence about "belonging" at such a top institution.46. Many first—generation college—goers have doubts about their abilities to get a college degree.47. First—generation college students tend to have much heavier financial burdens than their peers.48. The graduation rate of first—generation students at Nijay's university was incredibly low.49. Some top institutions like Yale seem to provide first—generation students with more support than they actually need.50. On entering college, Nijay Williams had no idea how challenging college education was.51. Many universities simply refuse to release their exact graduation rates for first-generation students.52. According to a marketing executive, many students from low-income families don't know they could have a chance of going to an elite university.53. Some elite universities attach great importance to building up the first—generation students' serf—confidence.54. I'm First distributes information to help first-generation college-goers find schools that are most suitable for them.55. Elite universities tend to graduate fan’s-generation students at a higher rate.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D . You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Saying they can no longer ignore the rising prices of health care, some of the most influential medical groups in the nation are recommending that doctors weigh the costs, not just the effectiveness of treatments, as they make decisions about patient care. The shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent. In practical terms, the new guidelines being developed could result in doctors choosing one drug over another for cost reasons or even deciding that a particular treatment—at the end oflife, for example—is too expensive. In the extreme, some critics have said that making treatment decisions based on cost is a form of rationing. Traditionally, guidelines have heavily influenced the practice of medicine, and the latest ones are expected to make doctors more conscious of the economic consequences of their decisions, even though there's no obligation to follow them. Medical society guidelines are also used by insurancecomoanies to help determine reimbursement (报销) policies. Some doctors see a potential conflict in trying to be both providers of patient care and facial.Overseers. "There should be forces in society who should be concerned about the budget, but they shouldn't be functioning simultaneously as doctors," said Dr. Martin Samuels at a Boston hospital. He said doctors risked losing the trust of patients if they told patients, "I'm not going to do what I think is best for you because I think it's bad for the healthcare budget in Massachusetts. " Doctors can face some grim trade—offs. Studies have shown, for example, that two drugs are about equally effective in treating macular degeneration, and eye disease. But one costs $ 50 a dose and the other close to $ 2,000. Medicare could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year if everyone used the cheaper drug, Avastin, instead of the costlier one, Lucentis. But the Food and Drug Administration has not approved Avastin for use in the eye. and using it rather than the alternative, Lucentis, might carry an additional, although slight, safety risk. Should doctors consider Medicare's budget in deciding what to use?"I think ethically (在道德层面上) we are just worried about the patient in front of us and not trying to save money for the insurance industry or society as a whole," said Dr. Donald Jensen. Still, some analysts say that there's a role for doctors to play in cost analysis because not many others are doing so. "In some ways," said Dr. Daniel Sulmasy, "it represents a failure of wider society to take up the issue. "56. What do some most influential medical groups recommend doctors do?A. Reflect on the responsibilities they are supposed to take.B. Pay more attention to the effectiveness of their treatments.C. Take costs into account when making treatment decisions.D. Readjust their practice in view of the cuts in health care.57. What were doctors mainly concerned about in the past?A. Specific medicines to be used.B. Effects of medical treatment.C. Professional advancement.D. Patients' trust.58. What may the new guidelines being developed lead to?A. The redefining of doctors' roles.B. Overuse of less effective medicines.C. Conflicts between doctors and patients.D. The prolonging of patients' suffering.59. What risk do doctors see in their dual role as patient care providers and financial overseers?A. They may be involved in a conflict of interest.B. They may be forced to divide their attention.C. They may have to use less effective drugs.D. They may lose the respect of patients.60. What do some experts say about doctors' involvement in medical cost analysis?A. It may add to doctors' already heavy workloads.B. It will help to save money for society as a whole.C. It results from society's failure to tackle the problem.D. It raises doctors' awareness of their social responsibilities.Passage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Economic inequality is the "defining challenge of our time," President Barack Obama declared in a speech last month to the Center for American Progress. Inequality is dangerous, he argued, not merely because it doesn't look good to have a large gap between the rich and the poor, but because inequality itself destroys upward mobility, making it harder for the poor to escape from poverty. "Increased inequality and decreasing mobility pose a fundamental threat to the American Dream," he said. Obama is only the most prominent public figure to declare inequality Public Enemy No. 1 and the greatest threat to reducing poverty in America. A number of prominent economists have also argued that it's harder for the poor to climb the economic ladder today because the rungs (横档) in that ladder have grown farther apart.For all the new attention devoted to the 1 percent, a new dam set from the Equality of Opportunity Project at Harvard and Berkeley suggests that, if we care about upward mobility overall, we're vastly exaggerating the dangers of the rich—poor gap. Inequality itself is not a particularly strong predictor of economic mobility, as sociologist Scott Winship noted in arecent article based on his analysis of this data. So what factors, at the community level, do predict if poor children will move up the economic ladder as adtdts? what explains, for instance, why the Salt Lake City metro area is one of the 100 largest metropolitan areas most likely to lift the fortunes of the poor and the Atlanta metro area is one of the least likely?Harvard economist Raj Cherty has pointed to economic and racial segregation, community density, the size of a community's middle class, the quality of schools, commitments religiosity, and family structure, which he calls the "single strongest correlate of upward mobility. " Chetty finds that communities like Salt Lake City, with high levels of two-parent families and religiosity, are much more likely to see poor children get ahead than communities like Atlanta, with high levels of racial and economic segregation. Chetty has not yet issued a comprehensive analysis of the relative predictive power of each of these factors. Based on my analyses of the data. of the factors that Chetty has highlighted, the following three seem to be most predictive of upward mobility in a given community.1. Per-capita (人均) income growth2. Prevalence of single mothers ( where correlation is strong, but negative)3. Per-capita local government spending In other words, communities with high levels of per-capita income growth, high percentages of two-parent families, and high local government spending-which may stand for good schools-are the most likely to help poor children relive Horatio Alger's rags-to-riches story.61. How does Obama view economic inequality?A. It is the biggest obstacle to social mobility.B. It is the greatest threat to social stability.C. It is the No. 1 enemy of income growth.D. It is the most malicious social evil of our time.62. What do we learn about the inequality gap from Scott Winship's data analysis?A. It is fast widening across most parts of America.B. It is not a reliable indicator of economic mobility.C. It is not correctly interpreted.D. It is overwhelmingly ignored.63. Compared with Atlanta, metropolitan Salt Lake City is said toA. have placed religious beliefs above party politics.B. have bridged the gap between the rich and the poor.C. offer poor children more chances to climb the social ladder.D. suffer from higher levels of racial and economic segregation.64. What is strongly correlated with social mobility according to economist Raj Cherty?A. Family structure.B. Racial equality.C. School education.D. Community density.65. What does the author seem to suggest?A. It is important to increase the size of the middle class.B. It is highly important to expand the metropolitan areas.C. It is most imperative to focus our efforts on the elimination of income inequality.D. It is better to start from the community to help poor children move up the social ladder.Part ⅣTranslation (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.在中国,父母总是竭力帮助孩子,甚至为孩子做重要决定,而不管孩子想要什么,因为他们相信这样做是为孩子好。
15秋西南交大《商务沟通》在线作业二 答案

西南交《商务沟通》在线作业二一、单选题(共 12 道试题,共 48 分。
)1. 向上司报告坏消息采取信函模式为( ). 讨论问题、阐述细节、请求采取措施和提供其他选择. 讨论问题、提供其他选择和请求采取措施. 讨论问题、阐述细节、提供其他选择和请求采取措施. 阐述细节、请求采取措施和提供其他选择。
正确答案:2. 既不知道收信人的姓名,又不知道其性别时,如何处理才能做到礼貌称呼( ). 用收信人的职位或工作头衔. 打电话到收信人所在的公司向接待员询问. 在需要时,采用职业头衔. 如果女性喜欢被称为夫人或小姐,就使用她喜欢的称谓,而不要称她为女士。
正确答案:3. 哪句话没有体现了“在负面情形下,避免使用‘你’”的换位思考策略( ). 您没有在支票上签字. 你的支票已到,尚未签名. 您的支票没有签名. 在预算中尚未考虑到通货膨胀正确答案:4. 好的读者受益处的特征是( ). 接受你的服务. 购买你的产品. 适合具体听众. 执行你的政策正确答案:5. 下列句子中,那一句有性别歧视倾向?( ). 主管必须证明其部门的时间表准确无误. 每个主管都必须保证,他的部门提交的时间表准确无误. 你必须证明,你所在部门的时间表准确无误. 主管必须证实部门提交的时间表准确无误正确答案:6. 下列哪一项不是说明性信函的主要目的( ). 向读者提供信息或好消息或是消除读者的疑虑. 让读者阅读、理解并正确地看待这条信息. 淡化所有的负面因素. 树立作者的良好形象正确答案:7. 哪一项是负面信函的主要目的( ). 树立作者的良好形象. 树立作者所在公司的良好形象. 要减少或杜绝以后就相同的问题上写信,这样的话就不会给作者带来更多的工作负担. 尽可能保持友善的态度正确答案:8. 关于残疾人和病人不适合的称谓有( ). 智力迟钝的人. 癌症治疗者. 弱智. 视觉损伤者正确答案:9. 通过文章内容树立良好形象途径是( ). 把读者最感兴趣的信息写在最前面. 内容的组织要以读者的需求为准而不是以作者的需求为准. 向读者阐明信函的主题对他们的影响. 使用小标题和列表的形式使读者迅速找到要点正确答案:10. 下列哪种情况需要说明读者受益处( ). 只陈述事实. 读者对该信息的态度无关紧要. 阐述政策. 读者受益处显而易见,再次重复会贬低读者的智力。

2、?人际信息传播,达到沟通效应,使人际关系良性发展过程是分阶段组建进行的,其中不包括下面哪个阶段.?注意阶段.?适应阶段.?漠视阶段??.?依附阶段3、人际关系的基本类型不包括().?喜爱——憎恨.?包容——排斥.?控制——追随.?控制——管理??4、下列选项中属于非正式沟通的是().?上级指示.?文件下达.?组织成员之间的私下交谈??.?组织之间的公函往来5、发信者将信息译成可以传递的符号形式的过程是(? ).?解码 ??.?编码.?反馈.?媒介6、?各国礼仪的主要特点不包括( ).?尊重妇女儿童.?以人为本.?深度交谈??.?经济清楚7、?人的基本情感不包括().?道德感.?丑感??.?理智感.?美感8、?不属于人际沟通中影响竞争与合作因素的为()A、.?C. 动机.?威胁.?刺激.?关系??9、影响群体沟通效率的不可控因素不包括(? ).?领导风格??.?环境因素.?任务因素.?群体因素10、?初次见面,鞠躬90度角并用敬语是以下哪个国家的习惯().?日本??.?韩国.?法国.?中国11、有时为了加快信息的传递,财务部的主管会计与等级比他高的销售经理之间需要进行沟通,这是( ).?下行沟通.?斜向沟通.?上行沟通 ??.?平行沟通12、?关于制定面谈计划,美国着名学者哈罗德·拉斯韦尔的“五W”模式中,“Whom”是指(? ).?通过什么渠道.?谁.?产生什么效果.?对谁??13、?下列选项中属于非正式沟通的是()?.?文件下达.?上级指示.?组织之间的公函往来.?组织成员之间的私下交??14、?认为符号理论是关于意识与经验研究的哲学家是().?卡西尔.?索绪尔.?亚里士多德.?皮士尔??15、人际距离中私人距离是指人际间距为(? ).?~米??.?~米.?米以上.?4米以上16、?提倡“法治”,认为“饥而欲食,寒而温暖,劳而欲息,好利而恶害”的是()?.?道家学派.?墨家学派.?法家学派??.?儒家学派17、谈判进行中,各方的主谈人员在自己一方居中而坐,其他人员遵循(? )的原则,依职位高低自近而远分别在主.?右高左低??.?左高右低.?自由择座.?对门为上18、有时为了加快信息的传递,财务部的主管会计与等级比他高的销售经理之间需要进行沟通,这就是( ).?平行沟通.?斜向沟通.?上行沟通??.?下行沟通19、影响群体沟通效率的不可控因素不包括(? ).?领导风格??.?群体因素.?环境因素.?任务因素20、为他人做介绍时,必须遵守的规则是().?尊者优先.?女士优先??.?卑者优先.?男士优先21、?下列交谈方式中,正确运用了交谈技巧的是(? )?.?主动地、适当地赞美别人??.?对别人的谈话反应冷淡.?话题乏味.?把先到的客人介绍给后到的客人22、下列哪项不是大众沟通的功能().?D. 舆论导向.?报道信息.?组织信息??.?教育大众23、“按你的说法,这样做不够合理”这句问话属于().?引导性提问.?重复性提问??.?假设性提问.?直接性提问24、下列倾听者的哪种非语言符号不能给讲话者一种支持和鼓励的表示().?注视讲话者.?昂头??.?微笑.?轻轻点头25、下列说法中不正确的是().?非正式沟通是组织沟通的主流。

Notice of meetingA meeting will be holding on 15th November 2011 at 09: 00am in Room 505 at Tian Building discuss prepare plans to meeting.Please attend the meeting on time.Agenda1. Apologies for absence.2. Minutes of the last meeting3. Matters arising4. Location5. Transport alternatives6. Accommodation7. Visits8. AOB9. Date and time of the next meetingPreparatory Notes In ParisEiffel TowerTickets: 10 pounds.Notre DameTickets: Is the main church building: Free In LondonBig BenTickets: freeBritish MuseumTickets: freeIn EdinburghEdinburgh CastleTickets: £ 15 each visitorGlass SquareTickets: freeAgenda PresentationIn Paris,In Paris, you can visit the attractions Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower, etc., Notre Dame is more famous. It is suitable for business visitors. Notre Dame de Paris is Paris's famous landmarks, is the world's most famous medieval Gothic cathedral. Everyone boarded the Clock Tower 7.5 pounds. Eiffel Tower is the world's first steel tower structure, tower Middle hundred meters, divided into three layers. Tower erected next to a rectangular white marble column, gilded capitals placed Gustave Eiffel head. Admission is 10 pounds.In LondonCity of London as Big Ben is the British flag symbol weighs 13.5 tons, four clock faces with two square meters of area. Now the bell Big Ben is still clear and pleasant. British Museum, also known as the British Museum, in London, England north of New Oxford Street, Russell Square is the world's oldest and most magnificent scale integrated Museum, the world's largest and most famous museums. British Museum Admission is free, because the British government to support people to understand the history.In EdinburghEdinburgh Castle is the symbol of the spirit of Scotland, even the solemn majestic Edinburgh Castle, and the atmosphere revealed .Edinburgh Castle has since become an important royal residence and administrative center of state. Tickets are £ 15 each visitor. Glass Square is a line in the ancient place of execution, its history, soaked with blood. But for now, here in Edinburgh has become the most beautiful, one of the most modern, and therefore much attention. Admission is free.MinutesThe meeting was held at 09:00 on November 15 at Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And ConfPresents: Jack (chairman), Riley, AnQi, XiaoYue, Lucy1. Apologies:There were no apologies.2. Minutes of the last meeting:Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as a correct record.3. Matter arising:There were no matters arising.4. LocationRiley introduces Paris, Edinburgh and London this three cities in Europe is hold business meetings more of the city. Riley also introduced the costs details of the meeting. Riley suggest a meeting in Paris choice, the meeting selection in Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf, because the meeting is very advanced equipment, such as video conference And audio meeting.And the meeting from the city hotel is close, so for business people save time. Others advice will be to select in Scotland.5. Transport alternatives:Anqi presented Paris, Edinburgh, London, this three city that the traffic are very convenient. Anqi also presented prices and time for flights to Paris. Although the train was expensive, the train of the amount of time than plane time used long, so that the train might delay business people of the time of the meeting, Flights from Paris to Edinburgh, there are more than 30 flights a day, so the flights are best choosing. The return flight cost is from 100 pounds to 189 pounds. The use of the shortest time is one hour and ten minutes; the use of the longest time is three hours. From Paris Charles DE gaulle airport to the city center there are 14 miles away, it's 45 minutes by car. The ticket is 4 pounds for bus. Hiring car cost 40 pounds per day.6. Accommodation:Xiaoyue confirmed obtained prices for six different hotels. The six different hotels had different prices. The six hotels has the same type of room, in order to provide forbusiness people more economic and practical room .According to everyone required, we made a reservation two types of room, is standard rooms and single room. The price of standard room is £ 90 per night; the price of single room is 70 pounds per night. If you are keeping on sports, you can go to gymnasium.7. Visits:Lucy introduces a lot about scenic, culture, shopping, and attractions of information. Paris, London, Edinburgh, there are many famous attractions for tourists to visit, but for business people to visit the scenic spot of not much, for example the Big Ben. That visited the most famous Big Ben in the UK .because the Big Ben is the world's second largest, while at the same time toward the four directions of the clock.Visit the Big Ben can let business people feel the importance of time, for business people speaking, time is important. In Paris,In Paris can go to the Champs Elysees, Michel DE montaigne street and Buddha lang cable tile I shopping street, the three main street is comprised of the golden triangle shopping area, it and saint augustine's ray street is everywhere a luxury brand stores in sight. So Lucy advice is to visit the Big Ben.This is the best choice of the business people.8. AOB:There were no other items to be discussed chairperson thanked all for attending.9. Date and time of next meetingThe next meeting will be held on 15th January 2012 at Hotel 41 in London at 09:30am.The arrangement about the meeting of combines the British and FrenchoperationCandidate ID: 115134639Name: Ma RongClass: HRTable of contents1.0 Introduction 12.0 Procedure 13.0 Unite International Conference 13.1Time and Place 13.2Accommodation 13.3 Transportation 13.4 Sightseeing 24.0 Conclusion 25.0 Recommendation 26.0 Bibliography 3 1.0 IntroductionThe aim of this report is to provide information on the Unite International Conference in Paris. The report will cover the origins of the Unite International Conference. the conference tell that how was hotel accommodation, how was choose transportation and what is sightseeing feature.2.0 ProcedureThese reports important information from the Internet and some information are from the tourism website.These are not important sources of information. It is important information that Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication. This is our student book here is a small part of the teacher gave us the information printed.3.0 Unite International Conference3.1Time and PlaceThe Unite International Conference is a large conference. This meeting will be November 24, 2011 to November 26, 2011 in Paris.3.2AccommodationIn Edinburgh, Paris, London, there are six hotels to choose from. In Paris, the hotel is Castiglione and Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf in Paris. It is important that double room and junior suite.The price of single room is £ 321 per night.In London, There are two very famous in London Hotel; they are Bay Tree House Bed & Breakfast and Hotel 41. Bay Tree House Bed and Breakfast has three large rooms. Cheaply priced Bed & Breakfast in a pleasant location, the price of single room is £89. The price of double room is £99.For Hotel 41, there is executive double room and price is £349 excluding VAT. There is executive king room, and price of executive king room is £399 excluding VAT.In Edinburgh, there is Alexander Guest House and Sandaig Guest House. Alexander offers limited free parking and free internet access. The single room also has bathroom. The price of single room is £90 per 2 nights calculated. Rates include: 20% VAT and breakfast. In Sandaig, there is a very popular hotel lounge, where guests can come when you can enjoy the free drinks.3.3 TransportationThis conference is very important. It is careful in the choice of flight. Form London to Edinburgh, there are two flights.The first flight to Edinburgh London Heathrow International Airport, the use of time is one hour thirty minutes, the price of ticket is £268 per person, the second flight is Gatwick Airport to Edinburgh InternationalAirport, the time spent is an hour and twenty minutes, the price of ticket is 302 pounds per person .The train has many times from London to Edinburgh. The time spent is different.Form London to Paris, there are seven flights. For economy and safety, choose the two flights are the French and British Airways are flying to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, the price of ticket is 218 pounds to 329 pounds by plane, respectively, the time spent is an hour and fifty minutes and one hour ten five minutes.Business people but also from the airport and back to the city center, they can have several options of transportation.Take a taxi to the downtown need cost is 30 pounds. The price of bus ticket is 25 pounds per person; the use of the time is 30 minutes.Form Edinburgh to Paris,Air France from Edinburgh International Airport to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, and the time is three hours, the price of 318 pounds.If sitting airport shuttle bus words, to downtown fare is 45 pounds.3.4 SightseeingIn Paris, there are many famous attractions, such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, etc. But, for business people visit the Orsay Museum and the Opera House. In London, the more famous is the Tower of London and Hyde Park.Business people must go to Downing Street to head for London,However, the most famous in the UK or Big Ben, the world's second largest, while at the same time toward the four directions of the clock. In Edinburgh,In Edinburgh, Edinburgh Castle is a well-known. It has a long history. St. Margaret's Chapel is the oldest building in Edinburgh.4.0 ConclusionAccording to the information provided above, each hotel is for business 24 hours a day, and provides comfortable accommodation, individual hotels can also provide business people can enjoy the garden, such a good accommodation for business people believe that every would like, hope that this meeting can give you more recognition.For transport, the more convenient and economical to reach the destination, there are many national flights to choose from, taking into account each business people to meet, but also to reduce the unnecessary trouble. Also believe that the airline will provide a good service business.Conference is very important, but in order to allow business people do not waste leisure time, you can visit the famous tourist attractions, the conference is even more meaningful.5.0 RecommendationIn my opinion, Paris, Edinburgh, London, these three cities in Europe held the meeting is most populous city .but I believe that everyone has to understand it in Paris.I have some suggestions; I consider the site selection meeting in Paris, because Parisis a place where people feel good. I recommend the hotel is the Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf, Because the hotel has great meeting rooms, meeting rooms of the equipment is advanced and the price is the economy. End of the meeting in Paris, Business people can car rental to the airport, rent a taxi the cost of 45 pounds is used, and the time is 30 minutes. If sit bus of words, the use of the time is 45 minutes, charge is 20 pounds.So, in order to arrive in London, should choose to rent a taxi, more save time to catch flights. Business people can fly to London, England to visit Big Ben. Big Ben is also quite good to visit, but I think British Museum visit better, because can make business people understand the history and culture. British Museum Admission is free, because the British government to support people to understand the history.The meeting like this, not only finished their work, but also understand the countries of the tourism culture, enrich their knowledge. I feel that the meeting is very comfortable.6.0 BibliographyThe websites visited included:.Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex CommunicationRoyal Bank of Scotland5 East Hermitage Place, Leith, EH6 8AAEdinburgh PL189NATel: 033 email lucy @BTSEdin .co. sc20th November 2011Mr. Kenneth Manager17 Boulevard Saint-Jacques Paris 75014 FranceParis75014Dear Mr. KennethOur company chooses Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conf. we will arrive on 23rd November 2011.Please book ten standard rooms. The price control in 70 pounds to 130 pounds, stay two nights, and we want to provide convenient service.I wish success in your work; look forward to your reply.Yours sincerelyLucyDirector, Human Resource DepartmentTo: devin @ BTSLond. co. scFrom: riley @BTSEdin .co. scSubject: The notice about the meeting of combine the British and French operation Mr. DevinUnite International Conference will be held at 09:00 on November 24, 2011 toNovember 26, 2011, the place is Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf.The address of this conference is 17 Boulevard, Saint-Jacques, Paris ,75014 France.Wish you have a good time.RileyAssistant Manager. Human Resource DepartmentRoyal Bank of ScotlandTel:。

北语15春《商务谈判》作业2满分答案15春《商务谈判》作业2一,判断题1. 价值式谈判强调的是建立某种商务关系,不是强调一对一的取得胜利而是一对一的结合,建立长远的商务关系。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A2. 信息的原则是指谈判者在谈判中应该尽量多地了解对方的信息,对信息要有一个正确的理解、分析和反应;同时,也要注意保守自己的信息,在适当的时候,可以给予对方假信息,扰乱对方视线。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B()3. 策略上的妥协是必要的,即以适当的让步求得合作的继续是谈判中间不可避免的事情。
A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B4. 为了提高自己在对方心目中的份量,我们可以利用制造竞争。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B()5. 公平这个概念本身很难清楚地定义和理解,原因在于它包括主观的公平和客观的公平。
A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B6. 商务谈判必须是在一定的指导思想下完成,这种指导思想作为一个完整的体系,就是商务谈判的原则。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B7. 时间的量包括把握自己的时间界限和把握对方的时间界限两个方面。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B8. 谈判中所占用资源的机会成本即所占用的资源用于其它用途所能够创造出的最大收益。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B9. 谈判中的公平是绝对的。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A10. 合作的利益总大于对抗的利益,所以,应该消除对立,寻求合作。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B11. 在商务谈判中,结果本身有时候比过程的平等参与更为重要。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A12. 既然公平没有绝对的,只有相对的,那么对于公平的追逐,只能追求一种机会的平等。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B13. 纵向式谈判具有议题灵活,可变性大的特点,要求谈判人员应具备掌控全局的能力。
()A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A14. 软式谈判大多在双方的相互需求不对等时采用,即本方地位较弱时采用。

2015年5月中英合作商务管理专业与金融管理专业管理段证书课程考试商务沟通方法与技能试题(课程代码11742)姓名: _______________ 准考证号:______________________________________________ __ _____________考生注意事项L严格遵守考场规则,考生得到监考人员的指令后方可开始答题。
\ \4.全部试題均在答题卡上作答”在试卷上作答无效®作答时,用黑色字迹的签字笔在答题卡的“非选择题答题区”内按试题题号顺序直接答题「并在题号栏标明大题题号和小题题号。
5.可使用计算器、直尺等文具*6.考试结束后,寿生将试题和答题卡放在桌上,不得带走,待监考人员收毕淸点后,方可离场= …任何个人或机构不得保躍、境制和出版本试卷.不得以任何形式传播试卷内容。
(8分)16.请为Al公司设计一份用于在酒店或其他公共场所招揽客人的商务传单或卡片,并说明使用商务传单或卡片揽客的两点好处.G分)六、本题包括第17—20小题,共20分a林先生于2015 4 4月}7日入住金色夜晚酒店201号房间。

A.员工的私下交谈B.公司会议C.公司管理制度的下达D.公司部门的工作报告4.多媒体是计算机和视频技术的结合,它实际包含两个媒体,即声音和()o A.代码B.文字C.图像D.数字5.下列不属于商务谈判的特点的是()。
A.社会联系B.社会变动C. 信息D.信息传播7.下列哪个选项不属于面谈或网上交谈的目的()。
A.五B.六C. 七D.八10.以下不属于研制控制论沟通过程模式的代表学者的是()。
A.梅尔文• 徳弗勒B.威尔伯•施拉姆C.韦斯特利•布鲁斯D.哈罗徳•拉斯维尔11・符号和信号传播沟通时代,人类将彼此理解的()作为信息的信号或符号进行传播。
A. 社会性B.物理性C.概括性D.时间性13.在对“沟通”这一概念的解释中,共享派强调信息传递的()。

章后基本训练参考答案与提示第1章□知识题1.1 阅读理解1)阅教材p4—6。
1.2 知识应用1.2.1 选择题1)谈判是协调双方的利益。
1.2.2 判断题1)√ 2)√ 3)√ 4)× 5)√□能力题案例分析1)商务谈判。
第2章□知识题2.1 阅读理解1)阅教材p19。

Notice of meetingA meeting will be holding on 15th November 2011 at 09: 00am in Room 505 at Tian Building discuss prepare plans to meeting.Please attend the meeting on time.Agenda1. Apologies for absence.2. Minutes of the last meeting3. Matters arising4. Location5. Transport alternatives6. Accommodation7. Visits8. AOB9. Date and time of the next meetingPreparatory Notes In ParisEiffel TowerTickets: 10 pounds.Notre DameTickets: Is the main church building: Free In LondonBig BenTickets: freeBritish MuseumTickets: freeIn EdinburghEdinburgh CastleTickets: £ 15 each visitorGlass SquareTickets: freeAgenda PresentationIn Paris,In Paris, you can visit the attractions Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower, etc., Notre Dame is more famous. It is suitable for business visitors. Notre Dame de Paris is Paris's famous landmarks, is the world's most famous medieval Gothic cathedral. Everyone boarded the Clock Tower 7.5 pounds. Eiffel Tower is the world's first steel tower structure, tower Middle hundred meters, divided into three layers. Tower erected next to a rectangular white marble column, gilded capitals placed Gustave Eiffel head. Admission is 10 pounds.In LondonCity of London as Big Ben is the British flag symbol weighs 13.5 tons, four clock faces with two square meters of area. Now the bell Big Ben is still clear and pleasant. British Museum, also known as the British Museum, in London, England north of New Oxford Street, Russell Square is the world's oldest and most magnificent scale integrated Museum, the world's largest and most famous museums. British Museum Admission is free, because the British government to support people to understand the history.In EdinburghEdinburgh Castle is the symbol of the spirit of Scotland, even the solemn majestic Edinburgh Castle, and the atmosphere revealed .Edinburgh Castle has since become an important royal residence and administrative center of state. Tickets are £ 15 each visitor. Glass Square is a line in the ancient place of execution, its history, soaked with blood. But for now, here in Edinburgh has become the most beautiful, one of the most modern, and therefore much attention. Admission is free.MinutesThe meeting was held at 09:00 on November 15 at Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And ConfPresents: Jack (chairman), Riley, AnQi, XiaoYue, Lucy1. Apologies:There were no apologies.2. Minutes of the last meeting:Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as a correct record.3. Matter arising:There were no matters arising.4. LocationRiley introduces Paris, Edinburgh and London this three cities in Europe is hold business meetings more of the city. Riley also introduced the costs details of the meeting. Riley suggest a meeting in Paris choice, the meeting selection in Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf, because the meeting is very advanced equipment, such as video conference And audio meeting.And the meeting from the city hotel is close, so for business people save time. Others advice will be to select in Scotland.5. Transport alternatives:Anqi presented Paris, Edinburgh, London, this three city that the traffic are very convenient. Anqi also presented prices and time for flights to Paris. Although the train was expensive, the train of the amount of time than plane time used long, so that the train might delay business people of the time of the meeting, Flights from Paris to Edinburgh, there are more than 30 flights a day, so the flights are best choosing. The return flight cost is from 100 pounds to 189 pounds. The use of the shortest time is one hour and ten minutes; the use of the longest time is three hours. From Paris Charles DE gaulle airport to the city center there are 14 miles away, it's 45 minutes by car. The ticket is 4 pounds for bus. Hiring car cost 40 pounds per day.6. Accommodation:Xiaoyue confirmed obtained prices for six different hotels. The six different hotels had different prices. The six hotels has the same type of room, in order to provide forbusiness people more economic and practical room .According to everyone required, we made a reservation two types of room, is standard rooms and single room. The price of standard room is £ 90 per night; the price of single room is 70 pounds per night. If you are keeping on sports, you can go to gymnasium.7. Visits:Lucy introduces a lot about scenic, culture, shopping, and attractions of information. Paris, London, Edinburgh, there are many famous attractions for tourists to visit, but for business people to visit the scenic spot of not much, for example the Big Ben. That visited the most famous Big Ben in the UK .because the Big Ben is the world's second largest, while at the same time toward the four directions of the clock.Visit the Big Ben can let business people feel the importance of time, for business people speaking, time is important. In Paris,In Paris can go to the Champs Elysees, Michel DE montaigne street and Buddha lang cable tile I shopping street, the three main street is comprised of the golden triangle shopping area, it and saint augustine's ray street is everywhere a luxury brand stores in sight. So Lucy advice is to visit the Big Ben.This is the best choice of the business people.8. AOB:There were no other items to be discussed chairperson thanked all for attending.9. Date and time of next meetingThe next meeting will be held on 15th January 2012 at Hotel 41 in London at 09:30am.The arrangement about the meeting of combines the British and FrenchoperationCandidate ID: 115134639Name: Ma RongClass: HRTable of contents1.0 Introduction 12.0 Procedure 13.0 Unite International Conference 13.1Time and Place 13.2Accommodation 13.3 Transportation 13.4 Sightseeing 24.0 Conclusion 25.0 Recommendation 26.0 Bibliography 3 1.0 IntroductionThe aim of this report is to provide information on the Unite International Conference in Paris. The report will cover the origins of the Unite International Conference. the conference tell that how was hotel accommodation, how was choose transportation and what is sightseeing feature.2.0 ProcedureThese reports important information from the Internet and some information are from the tourism website.These are not important sources of information. It is important information that Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication. This is our student book here is a small part of the teacher gave us the information printed.3.0 Unite International Conference3.1Time and PlaceThe Unite International Conference is a large conference. This meeting will be November 24, 2011 to November 26, 2011 in Paris.3.2AccommodationIn Edinburgh, Paris, London, there are six hotels to choose from. In Paris, the hotel is Castiglione and Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf in Paris. It is important that double room and junior suite.The price of single room is £ 321 per night.In London, There are two very famous in London Hotel; they are Bay Tree House Bed & Breakfast and Hotel 41. Bay Tree House Bed and Breakfast has three large rooms. Cheaply priced Bed & Breakfast in a pleasant location, the price of single room is £89. The price of double room is £99.For Hotel 41, there is executive double room and price is £349 excluding VAT. There is executive king room, and price of executive king room is £399 excluding VAT.In Edinburgh, there is Alexander Guest House and Sandaig Guest House. Alexander offers limited free parking and free internet access. The single room also has bathroom. The price of single room is £90 per 2 nights calculated. Rates include: 20% VAT and breakfast. In Sandaig, there is a very popular hotel lounge, where guests can come when you can enjoy the free drinks.3.3 TransportationThis conference is very important. It is careful in the choice of flight. Form London to Edinburgh, there are two flights.The first flight to Edinburgh London Heathrow International Airport, the use of time is one hour thirty minutes, the price of ticket is £268 per person, the second flight is Gatwick Airport to Edinburgh InternationalAirport, the time spent is an hour and twenty minutes, the price of ticket is 302 pounds per person .The train has many times from London to Edinburgh. The time spent is different.Form London to Paris, there are seven flights. For economy and safety, choose the two flights are the French and British Airways are flying to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, the price of ticket is 218 pounds to 329 pounds by plane, respectively, the time spent is an hour and fifty minutes and one hour ten five minutes.Business people but also from the airport and back to the city center, they can have several options of transportation.Take a taxi to the downtown need cost is 30 pounds. The price of bus ticket is 25 pounds per person; the use of the time is 30 minutes.Form Edinburgh to Paris,Air France from Edinburgh International Airport to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, and the time is three hours, the price of 318 pounds.If sitting airport shuttle bus words, to downtown fare is 45 pounds.3.4 SightseeingIn Paris, there are many famous attractions, such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, etc. But, for business people visit the Orsay Museum and the Opera House. In London, the more famous is the Tower of London and Hyde Park.Business people must go to Downing Street to head for London,However, the most famous in the UK or Big Ben, the world's second largest, while at the same time toward the four directions of the clock. In Edinburgh,In Edinburgh, Edinburgh Castle is a well-known. It has a long history. St. Margaret's Chapel is the oldest building in Edinburgh.4.0 ConclusionAccording to the information provided above, each hotel is for business 24 hours a day, and provides comfortable accommodation, individual hotels can also provide business people can enjoy the garden, such a good accommodation for business people believe that every would like, hope that this meeting can give you more recognition.For transport, the more convenient and economical to reach the destination, there are many national flights to choose from, taking into account each business people to meet, but also to reduce the unnecessary trouble. Also believe that the airline will provide a good service business.Conference is very important, but in order to allow business people do not waste leisure time, you can visit the famous tourist attractions, the conference is even more meaningful.5.0 RecommendationIn my opinion, Paris, Edinburgh, London, these three cities in Europe held the meeting is most populous city .but I believe that everyone has to understand it in Paris.I have some suggestions; I consider the site selection meeting in Paris, because Parisis a place where people feel good. I recommend the hotel is the Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf, Because the hotel has great meeting rooms, meeting rooms of the equipment is advanced and the price is the economy. End of the meeting in Paris, Business people can car rental to the airport, rent a taxi the cost of 45 pounds is used, and the time is 30 minutes. If sit bus of words, the use of the time is 45 minutes, charge is 20 pounds.So, in order to arrive in London, should choose to rent a taxi, more save time to catch flights. Business people can fly to London, England to visit Big Ben. Big Ben is also quite good to visit, but I think British Museum visit better, because can make business people understand the history and culture. British Museum Admission is free, because the British government to support people to understand the history.The meeting like this, not only finished their work, but also understand the countries of the tourism culture, enrich their knowledge. I feel that the meeting is very comfortable.6.0 BibliographyThe websites visited included:.Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex CommunicationRoyal Bank of Scotland5 East Hermitage Place, Leith, EH6 8AAEdinburgh PL189NATel: 033 email lucy @BTSEdin .co. sc20th November 2011Mr. Kenneth Manager17 Boulevard Saint-Jacques Paris 75014 FranceParis75014Dear Mr. KennethOur company chooses Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conf. we will arrive on 23rd November 2011.Please book ten standard rooms. The price control in 70 pounds to 130 pounds, stay two nights, and we want to provide convenient service.I wish success in your work; look forward to your reply.Yours sincerelyLucyDirector, Human Resource DepartmentTo: devin @ BTSLond. co. scFrom: riley @BTSEdin .co. scSubject: The notice about the meeting of combine the British and French operation Mr. DevinUnite International Conference will be held at 09:00 on November 24, 2011 toNovember 26, 2011, the place is Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel And Conf.The address of this conference is 17 Boulevard, Saint-Jacques, Paris ,75014 France.Wish you have a good time.RileyAssistant Manager. Human Resource DepartmentRoyal Bank of ScotlandTel:。

(6)怎样传递信息(语言和风格)?(3)有礼貌(Courteous);(6)完整(Complete) o 第一模块 交流过程 综合练习题答案提示%1. 名词解释:1. 商务交流一一指在商务环境中,交流的双方彼此把白己拥冇的信息提供给对方,使两方能连通的过程。
2. NVC ------- 是英文Non-verbal Communication 的缩写,译为非语言交流。
3. 附加交流——是指语言Z 外的交流,包括在使用语言进行交流时伴随的行为举止和语气等其他形式的交流。
4・言外之意——是通过声音的变化得到的某种印象,即用语调强调的话外Z 意。
6. 面 谈 ——指任何有计计划的和受控制的、在两个人(或更多人)之间进行的、参与者屮至少冇一个是有冃的的,并口在进行过程中双方互有听和说的谈话。
7. 人体动作学一一是研究在没有声音语言时或者除语言之外身体动作所表达的信息。
二、 简答题:1、 交流过程模式包括哪些主要元素?试画出一个完整的交流过程。
提示:交流过程模式应包括下列几个主要元素:(1) 发出者:向对方提供信息的人 (2)编码:把意见、想法转换成符号形式的过程 (3)渠道或媒介:信息从 沟通者到接收者的流通所需耍的载(4)译码:接收者对所收到的信息赋予意义的活动 (5)接收者:从对方接 收信息的人 (6)反馈:接收者对沟通者的反向沟通 (7):干扰。
2、 简要说明什么是交流的目标?如何实现交流的目标?有效交流对企业管理的重要意义。
提示:A :当我们从出某种具体交流活动时,无论写作还是讲话,町能试图达到劝导、传递、解释、说服和教育 等不同目的。
概括地讲,交流一般有四个主耍口标:(1)被对方接收(2)被对方理解(3)被对方 接受(4)引起对方反应。
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一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 20 小题,每小题 2 分)
A. 事实报道 B. 专题报道 C. 分析报道 D. 现场报道
A. 视觉能力 B.
听觉能力 C. 触觉能力 D. 以上都是
3. 信西方社交礼仪中,在户外与熟识的人相遇时,一般用()。
A. 拥抱礼 B.
亲吻礼 C. 脱帽礼 D. 碰杯礼
4. 1957年发射了第一颗人造地球卫星的国家是()。
A. 美国 B. 德国 C. 前苏联 D. 中国
5. “对这件可悲的事,对这个可耻的人,你怎么看?”这属于()。
A. 无限制性提问
B. 重复性提问
C. 别有用心提问
D. 提示性提问
A. 知信权 B. 传递信息权 C. 交流权 D. 批评权
7. 当语言符号与非语言符号所传递的信息相悖时,(
A. 语言符号
B. 非语言符号
C. 视觉类符号
D. 听觉类符号
8. 主张不分亲疏厚薄地“兼爱”,提倡“饥者得食,寒者得衣,劳者得息”的是()。
A. 法家学派
B. 墨家学派
C. 道家学派
D. 儒家学派
9. 下列不属于减少冲突的策略通常采取的手段的是()。
论及意见一致的方面和可以让步的方面 B.
确认已存在的管理问题,给出从具体问题入手的建议 C.
描述行为和结果,避免冲突 D. 从原来的位置让步
10. 时空结构的内容不包括()。
A. 纵式结构 B. 横式结构 C. 纵横式结构 D.
11. 下列不属于大众沟通的特征的是()。
A. 针对性 B. 广泛性 C. 单向性 D.
12. 下列不属于非正式沟通网络特点的是()。
A. 不受管理层控制 B.
被大多数员工视为可信 C. 信息传播迅速 D. 信息准确度不高
13. 以下不属于控制论沟通过程模式的是()。
A. 德弗勒大众媒介体系模式 B. 施拉姆互动模式 C. 申农—韦弗模式 D. 韦斯特利—麦克莱恩“守门人”模式14. 信息传播效果分析中的“枪弹论”产生于20世纪()。
A. 10-20年代 B. 20-
30年代 C. 30-40年代 D. 40-50年代
A. 构造功能 B.
解释功能 C. 启发功能 D. 预测功能
16. 研究发明和使用铅活字印刷的人物是()。
A. 毕昇 B. 蔡伦 C. 古登堡 D.
A. 主客体差异 B. 目的差异 C. 过程差异 D. 媒介差异18. 下列不属于避免冲突策略通常采取的手段的是()。
承认一部分问题,但忽略更重要的问题,使得冲突模糊化 B.
保持长期关系的规则 C. 否认冲突存在 D. 及意见一致的方面和可以让步的方面
19. 下面哪个不属于代声()。
A. 笑声
B. 锣鼓
C. 口哨
D. 音乐声
A. 开放区域 B. 盲目区域 C.
隐秘区域 D. 未知区域
二、多项选择题(本大题共60分,共 20 小题,每小题 3 分)
1. 印刷媒介具有()的特点。
A. 容纳的信息多、内容广 B.
借助机器设备可以迅速大量地印制生产 C.
读者可以自由地决定阅读的时间、地点、速度和方式 D.
它可以长期保存,随时取阅,反复研读 E. 印刷媒介的威望较高,专业性较强
2. 时空类非语言符号包括()。
A. 具体时间 B. 时间差 C. 人际距离 D. 空间位置
3. 信息论沟通过程模式的不足是()。
A. 只描述了信息传播的单向过程 B.
为电信等信息传播渠道提供了一定的理论依据 C. 视信息沟通过程为单向静态
D. 忽视其社会客观性影响
4. 图像传播形成了新的视觉文化。
图像可分为(): A. 静止图象 B. 动态图像 C. 实时图像 D. 延迟图像
A. 生命系统的符号 B. 无生命系统的符号 C. 前语言结构 D. 后语言结构
6. 大众传播媒介主要的类型是()。
A. 印刷类 B. 电子类 C. 语言类 D. 图像类
7. 对形式的鉴赏,可以从作品的()等角度评价。
A. 情致 B. 体裁 C. 结构 D.
8. 以下属于研制控制论沟通过程模式的代表学者的是()。
A. 梅尔文•德弗勒 B. 威尔伯•施拉姆 C. 韦斯特利•布鲁斯 D. 哈罗德•拉斯维尔
9. 拉斯维尔“五W”模式包括()。
A. Who B. What C. Which D. Whom E. What effect
10. 根据人际间信息沟通的协调矛盾,建立感情目的,人际沟通的类型包()。
A. 上行人际沟通 B. 下行人际沟通 C. 功利型人际沟通 D. 情感型人际沟通
11. 下列说法正确的是()。
汉字是表意文字符号体系,同表音文字符号体系有本质的区别 B.
汉字一般是表示单音节的语素,但不是音节文字 C.
汉字不是直接表示音位或音节的字母,而是用不同笔画构成的大量表音符号来记录汉语的多音节语素 D. 汉语一个音节可以用许多汉字符号来记录
12. 下列属于大众沟通的特征的是()。
A. 针对性 B. 广泛性 C. 单向性 D. 组织性
13. 下列属于非正式沟通网络特点的是()。
A. 不受管理层控制 B.
被大多数员工视为可信 C. 信息传播迅速 D. 信息准确度不高
14. 下列哪些选项属于控制论沟通过程模式的优点()。
控制论沟通过程模式解释的沟通过程是独立的本体 B.
控制论沟通过程模式引入反馈机制本质深入研究 C.
揭示信息传播中信息的双向回流和受控状态 D. 利于调节信息传播路径和方法15. 通常有效倾听的非口头沟通行为包括()。
A. 身体向后倾,表示出放松 B.
用肢体动作和手势表明是否理解 C.
保持开放式的身体姿势,表明自信和对对方的接受 D.
保持直接的眼神接触,而回避的眼神会被认为存在欺骗性、缺乏兴趣或没自信16. 下列哪些选项属于自我沟通中的主要障碍()。
A. 缺乏自我认知 B.
人生没有目标 C. 缺少沟通的知识 D. 疏于理性思考
17. 语言符号的特点有()。
A. 社会性 B. 直接性 C. 生成性 D. 物理性
18. 拖延冲突策略通常采取的手段有()。
A. 拖延冲突的处理时间 B.
使用正式的规定、等级制度或其他方式控制过程来限制冲突方的行为 C.
否认冲突存在 D. 承认一部分问题,但忽略更重要的问题,使得冲突模糊化19.
A. 亲密区 B. 疏离区 C. 熟人区 D. 陌生人区 E. 社交区
20. 减少冲突的策略通常采取的手段有()。
论及意见一致的方面和可以让步的方面 B.
确认已存在的管理问题,给出从具体问题入手的建议 C.
描述行为和结果,避免冲突 D. 从原来的位置让步
一、单项选择题(40分,共 20 题,每小题 2 分)
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. A 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. A
二、多项选择题(60分,共 20 题,每小题 3 分)
3. ACD
4. AB
5. AB
6. AB
7. BCD
8. ABC
9. BCD 10. CD 11. ABD 12. BCD 13. ABC 14. BCD 15. BCD 16. ABD 17. ACD 18. ABC 19. BD 20. BCD。