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Canon Nestle
Rejoice Puma
Dove Robust
Safeguard Peek
Canon佳能——爱俏的人们很喜欢买她的相机, 经典就是经典,佳能其实是经典和真经的意思, 名如其实。 Dove德芙——巧克力,其实就是只鸽子。 Nestle雀巢咖啡——黄宏说的对就是鸟窝。 Robust乐百氏——其实是精力充沛的意思。 Rejoice飘柔——高兴,洗干净了肯定高兴。 Safeguard舒肤佳——健康的卫士 Puma 彪马——美洲豹 Peek 匹克——顶峰,巅峰
About exercises
• 1.Every time ,your exercises must be handed in unless you are told not to. • 2.If you have any good excuse to tell me about your delay, I won't believe ,please copy the whole exercises. • You can owe my money, but you can’t owe my exercises (this is most of my students thoughts)
• 6. Every night when a day is over, when the light is off, when you go to bed, you ask yourself 8 questions • Did I recite words today?(今天我背单词了吗? ) • Did I read aloud today? (今天我大声朗读了吗 ?) • Did I do some reading today?(今天我阅读了吗 ?) • Did I listen to the tape today? (今天我听英语录 音了吗?)
• 1.Dictate everyday if necessary • 2. No talking, no sleeping and no chatting in my English class. • 3.Hand in your homework on time. • 4.Don't copy other's homework. • 5.Everyone must have a notebook for taking notes、a red pen、 and two workbooks. One is used for dictations, the other is for finishing your written work.
• All in all, I hope we can get along well with each other. I’m looking forward to all of you making progress.
单元 音 长元音 短元音 双元 音 合口双 元音 (Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English . Good pronunciation makes memorizing words quickly.)
About dictation
• 1. If you are lucky enough to pass the exam. That's ok!! If you fail the dictation exam, you must be left at a fixed time . I will inform you. • 2.You must recite and dictate the important sentences in the text. If you not ,do as 1.
• Develop a good habit of learning English
passive learning active learning enjoy losing face renew 学习习惯
1、课前预习课后复习不算作业,是一种习惯。 2、上课眼到、口到、手到、心到,积极 参与课堂活动。坚决抵制哑巴英语。 3、作业认真按时独立完成。 4 、早读声音一定要响亮。给自己规定任务。 5、及时解决疑难, 当天问题当天解决。
1.Notebook (笔记本) 2.two workbooks(听写本和作业 本) 3.Error-correcting Book (错题,难题,摘抄本) 4. a dictionary (字典) 5. A paper bag (整理收集试卷 和资料)
The Interest of English Learning 英语学习的乐趣 • 英语语言的魅力 词的魅力 There are 100 birds on a tree. What method will help you catch them in one shot? 树上有100只鸟,怎样才能把一下他们都拍到? Using a camera
Draw a conclusion of last term
Life is like an echo(回声) , You will get what you give And receive what you send
How did you spend your summer holiday(暑假)? an unforgettable experience impresses me most is that...
轻辅音 /ts/
浊辅音 /dz/ 鼻音 /m/
/ʒ/ /n/ /j/
/dʒ/ /ŋ/
/ h/
半元音 /w/
Remember: practice makes perfect!
• Did I finish the homework today?(今天我 完成作业了吗?) • Did I go over the lesson today? (今天我 复习功课了吗?) • Did I prepare for tomorrow’s lesson today? (今天我预习功课了吗?) • Did I try communicating in English today? (今天我用英语交流了吗?)
How to learn English well?
• 1. perseverance(坚持) • 2. read aloud • 3.make full use of every minute in English class • 4.Don't be so shy in class and don’t be afraid of making mistakes • 5.ask any question if you can't understand and ask me for help.
Practice makes perfect Develop a good attitude Attitude is everything
Try your best and you can learn English well Believe in yourself and you will become more outstanding
/i:/ /ɪ/ /eɪ/
/ɜ:/ /u:/ /ə/ /ʊ/
/ɔ:/ /ɒ/
/ɑ:/ / ʌ/ /e/ /æ /
/aɪ/ /ɔɪ/
/əʊ /aʊ/ /
集中 双元音
/eə/ /ʊə/
轻辅音 /p/ 浊辅音 /b/ / t/ /d/ / k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/