高二英语开学第一课 课件
•Finally, make a collection of
your mistakes. Analyze the reasons for your errors and strengthen the related knowledge
“Other Methods:二”习‘五’多
• Prepare your lessons well before every class.(预习) • Review what you’ve learned in time.(复习) • Read more and read different materials.(多读) • Write as often as possible.(多写) • Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说) • Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问) • Cooperate more(多合作)
2.Visualize your goal.
3.Create an action plan.
4.Prepare to take action and decide when to begin.
•Thirdly, practice listening regularly.
Listen to various English materials such as news, movies, TV series and English podcasts. Start from simple ones and gradually increase the difficulty. Try to retell what you've heard after listening.
读文画关键 勾画主要人物、地点、动作、情绪;,理清脉络
两段首句定一框;二框二首正能量(逻辑衔接+承上启下) 一段框架=原文结尾+两段首句 二段框架=第二段首句+正能量结尾
构思定情节 三大原则+原文伏笔
下笔:人称 、时态(过去时)、衔接词、高级句式。 核查:词数、语法、词汇、标点
Let’s embark on(踏上) the journey of Englsih learning again and fall in love with English!
Why do we learn English?
03 02 01
English is used in everyday life
四个步 骤
一不增加人物 二不增加旁支情结 三不用过多对话 四不用负能量结局 五不在文末设置悬念 六不偏离原文主题 七不违背逻辑常理
读文画关键 谋段定框架 构思定情节 誊写成文章
五、熟悉各类写作题材话题,多背范文;积累好词好句,学会“拿来主 义”,打磨衡水体书写
(使) 确认
把握句法基本概念 重在语篇应用
攻克长难句(意群+主谓+定状后置) 一个穿着红色衣服的女孩手里拿着一本书走进了教室 A girl in red walked into the classroom with a book in her hand
以阅读为重点 泛读(文章的场景,主题,大意) 阅读文章的标题,副标题,首尾段,每段的首尾句,高频词
As of ( 截 止 )10 am Monday, the last
_t_r_a_p__p_e_d_(trap) student was pulled out
without vital signs.
2.What happened during the past months? --At home
4. What are we going to learn in Grade 2? Mia’s New Requirements 标明知识点并积累
Do More! Learn More!! So you will get more!!!
1. How is your summer holiday?
lie down?
learn new skills?
1. How is your summer holiday?
It is a/an ______________(impressive/unforgettable/relaxing...) period
3.What we have learned in Grade 1?
1. re- 重;再
① build → rebuild
② move → remove
③ new → renew
2. -able 可...的 ① accept → acceptable ② suit → suitable ③ rely → reliable
Culture of the PLA National Defense University,
_r_e_s_p_o__n_d_i_n_g__(respond) to the reviewearned in Grade 1? --读后续写
拓展阅读后或试卷讲评后,重读难度较大或错 误率最高的一篇阅读,整理相关词汇与表达
Advice on Reading ——Tip2
• 阅读一些有趣英文小说的原 版或改写版, 按情景和描写 主题进行整理归类,为提高 读后续写输出做好准备
Advice on Speaking
早读:大声朗读,早读默写 课上:1.新单词/课文跟读
2.积极参与课堂口语交流活动 课后:课文片段/重点句子在组长/老师处打卡背诵 假期:学唱自己喜欢的英文歌/利用配音app模仿语音语调/使用
Advice on Reading——Tip1
Did you stay up late all night in summer vacation?
What is the most impressive
Dthidingytohuatshtaupdpyenheadrdto iynou sduumrinmg ethrehsoulmidmaeyr?vacation
Set goals that are fine-grained and within a reasonable range
Differences in learning English in new term
记忆单词更多通过情境下的阅读输入和使用 重点关注核心动词的使用方法、一词多义和熟词生义的积累 完成阅读理解时注意结合篇章结构(宏观)和衔接手段(微观)层面 阅读中遇到更多长难句,要学会主动分析句子主干成分,化简为繁 扩大英语阅读面,从读自己感兴趣的延伸至时事、考试所涉及的话题 关注读后续写不同话题和描写角度的素材积累
Senior Two English CoursePolicyGoals you need to achieveAs is shown in the picture, the major goals of yourstudy this year is to broaden the knowledge of English anddeepen the understanding o f what you’ve learned. It’s verylikely that you tend to treat this year lightly. Be aware:Senior Two serves as a critical phase to lay a solidfoundation for Senior Thr ee. Therefore, you’d better getequipped with perseverance and good habits like arrangement, reflection, and collection.Materials you need to use1. An English-Chinese/ English Dictionary (Oxford, Longman, Collins)2. 21st Century Teens;3. English novels;4. Reference books (as assignment);5. Vocabulary books (for dictation);6. TED & other audio/video resources.Things you need to prepare1. One folder for English only (to hold all your handouts and examination papers);2. One English exercise-book for assignments;3. One A4-size notebook for notes in class & collection of materials after class. Classroom rules you need to know1. Have your appropriate materials at your table & be seated when the bell rings.2. Raise your hand to be acknowledged. Don’t speak while the teacher or anotherstudent is speaking.3. If you finish all of your assigned work early in my class, you may a) readindependently b) review the lesson c) work on something English. DO NOT DISTURB OTHERS. DO NOT DO EXERCISES OF OTHER SUBJECTS.4. Hand in your assignment on time.I have read this policy and understand it. I will honor it in English classrooms.Signature: ______________ Date: ______________Suggestions or ideas (if any): ____________________________________________Hot IssuesSwimmer Fu Yuanhui Becomes Latest Internet Sensation Swimmer Fu Yuanhui surged to Chinese social-media stardom thanks to her expressive appearance on CCTV following her third-place finish in the wom en’s 100m backstroke semifinals at the Rio Olympics on Monday.In the video that’s raged online since the semi final, Fu, whose jaw dropped and eyes bulged in excitement and shock, said she couldn’t even be lieve she swam so fast. She e xclaimed: “Only ghosts knows what I have endured in the past three months. Sometimes I thought I was going to die. The training sessions for the Olympics are a fate wors e than death.” When the re porter asked whether she was hopeful in the final, she said, "Not at all! I am already very satisfied!" When asked by the reporter whether she had used all of her strength in the semifinal, she said, "I wasn't holding back, I was usin g prehistoric powers.” The ph rase “prehistoric powers” — which entered popular parlance last year after it was used in a drama series, and is roughly analogous to “the Force” mentioned in the “Star Wars” films — soon became a rallying c ry for Fu’s supporters. Fu’s bright and positive personality has captivated local Internet users. Web users posted pictures of her appearing energetic and vivacious after past competitions and used them to create a series of cartoon images based on her quotations.Web users h ave called her a living “emoticon” and said they are looking forw ard to more post-game interviews from her in the future.Advice of China’s ri chest man goes viral "You shouldn't be that ambitious. Set a small target first, like earning 100 million yuan ($15m)."If you hear somebody say that, would it drive you crazy? Well, a "small" target of "100 million yuan" has become a hot internet topic after China's richest man Wang Jianlin, founder and chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, claimed $15m was a small target during a show on celebrities' daily lifestyle.His statement went viral on social media sites such as Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, with his post recording 2.4 million hits. As of 10:30 am Tuesday, a Weibo tweet with screenshots of the show has been forwarded 10,359 times while another one showing a clip of the show has been forwarded more than 8,300 times.An article about his advice on WeChat, a WhatsApp-like messaging app, has been viewed more than 95,793 times.Wang made the statement during an interview part of the show on how young people who want to become wealthy should plan ahead. The show also displayed Wang's collection of famous drawings in his office and what he likes to eat for lunch at the dining hall of Wanda Group.This is not the first time that Wang has gone viral. His remarks in May on rival entertainmentgiant Walt Disney also sparked heated discussion online.Wang has been shifting Wanda's focus toward the entertainment industry in recent years from its roots in real estate. Wanda signed an agreement to invest $9.45 billion to build a tourism and sports complex in eastern China on Aug 26 as its latest effort for this plan.The Notting Hill Carnival28th August 2019The Notting Hill Carnival is the largest street festival in Europe and originated in 1964 as a way for Afro-Caribbean communities to celebrate their own cultures and traditions. Taking place every August Bank Holiday weekend in the streets of London, the Notting Hill Carnival is an amazing array of sounds, colourful sights and social solidarity.At the roots of the Notting Hill Carnival are the Caribbean carnivals of the early 19th century –a particularly strong tradition in Trinidad –which were all about celebrating the abolition of slavery and the slave trade. The very first carnival was an attempt to showcase the steel band musicians who played in the Earls Court of London every Weekend. When the bands paraded through the streets of Notting Hill, they drew black residents out on to the streets, reminding them of the Caribbean homes they had left behind.The 11th G20 summit will be held from Sept. 4 to 5 in Hangzhou, about which Italian merchant Marco Polo left a detailed account. China has plenty of experience to fall back on when hosting such major events, considering the success of the 2019 Beijing Olympics and the 2019 Shanghai World Expo. But this is unchartered territory for a city which is just making its name on the international stage. So the question is, is Hangzhou ready? G20 themed logo, slogans and posters have been seen, some of which have been long-established icons of the city, while others are only here on a temporary basis, for the G20 Summit. Since Nov. 2019, 57 illegal structures have been demolished. More than 10 million yuan has been invested in upgrading 10,000 square meters. But hardware improvements alone are far from enough. The city of 7 million permanent residents has mobilized more than 760,000 volunteers. Many senior citizens conduct regular street security patrols. And they are busy learning simple English phrases.。
一、聊天 1、一个暑假过去了,假期里你都干 些什么了,有什么收获和感触? 2、新学期开始了,回顾过去你在英 语学习方面积累了什么经验,还有 什么困惑,需要老师的什么帮助? (目的相互了解 )
1、一个灰心丧气的青年人,因科举没考上,便 颓废不堪,一蹶不振,整天关在屋子里,抱头 痛哭。有一天,一位老者跨进门,语重心长地 说:“假如山上滑坡你该怎么办?” 年青人喃 喃:“往下跑。” 老者仰头大笑:“那你就葬 身山中了。你应该往山上跑你只有勇敢地面对 它才有生还的希望,天下事皆然。”说完便飘然 而去。 ( ——只有勇敢面对挑战和困难才能战胜它。往 上走,不要往下走,学习亦如此。)
二、讲故事 教师讲故事、学生 讨论、教师总结。
2、一个人在高山之巅的鹰巢里,抓到了一只幼鹰,他把 幼鹰带回家,养在鸡笼里。这只幼鹰和鸡一起啄食、嬉 闹和休息,它以为自己是一只鸡。这只鹰渐渐长大,羽
翼丰满了。主人想把它训练成猎鹰,可是由于终 日和鸡混在一起,它已经变得和鸡完全一样,根 本没有飞的愿望了。主人试了各种办法都毫无效 果。最后把它带到山顶上,一把将它扔了出去。 这只鹰像块石头似的,直掉下去,慌乱之中,它 拼命地扑打翅膀,就这样,它终于飞了起来!
Life English
乐百氏 飘柔
Sprite 精灵
Robust 健壮的 Rejoice 欣喜
Tide 潮流 Nice 美好的
品 牌
舒肤佳 Safeguard 保护
标 识
标 识
网 络 热 词
naked wedding flaunt wealth 骨感美女 boney beauty 人肉搜索 flesh search
高中英语开学第一课一、课程导入1. 热身活动:教师组织学生进行简短的热身活动,例如英语歌曲演唱、英语口语游戏等,以此调动学生的英语学习兴趣和积极性。
2. 自我介绍:教师邀请每位学生用英语进行自我介绍,包括姓名、年龄、爱好等,帮助学生熟悉彼此,同时锻炼英语口语表达能力。
二、课程目标与要求1. 知识目标:掌握基本的英语语法、词汇和句型,能运用所学知识进行简单的英语交流。
2. 能力目标:提高英语听说读写能力,培养良好的英语学习习惯和自主学习能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强学习动力,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
三、课程内容1. 英语语法:讲解英语基本语法规则,如时态、语态、句型结构等,结合实例进行讲解。
2. 词汇学习:学习并掌握与高中英语课程相关的基础词汇,如家庭成员、学校生活、兴趣爱好等。
3. 对话练习:设置情景对话,让学生分角色进行练习,提高英语口语表达能力。
4. 阅读理解:选取适合高中生的英语文章,进行阅读理解训练,提高阅读速度和理解能力。
四、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过设置任务,引导学生积极参与,培养自主学习能力。
2. 情境教学法:创设真实的语言环境,让学生在实际语境中学习和运用英语。
3. 互动教学法:鼓励学生之间、师生之间的互动交流,提高英语听说能力。
五、课程评价1. 平时成绩:考察学生在课堂上的表现,如出勤、作业、课堂参与度等。
2. 期中考试:全面检测学生对课程内容的掌握程度,包括语法、词汇、听说读写等方面。
3. 期末考试:结合期中考试,全面评估学生的英语水平,检验教学效果。
六、课后作业1. 语法练习:布置与课程内容相关的语法练习题,巩固所学知识。
2. 词汇积累:要求学生课后积累一定数量的英语词汇,提高词汇量。
3. 阅读训练:推荐适合学生的英语文章,进行课后阅读训练。
4. 口语练习:设置口语作业,鼓励学生与家人、朋友用英语进行交流。
Senior Two English Course PolicyGoals you need to achieveAs is shown in the picture, the major goals of yourstudy this year is to broaden the knowledge of English anddeepen the understanding of what you’ve learned. It’s verylikely that you tend to treat this year lightly. Be aware:Senior Two serves as a critical phase to lay a solidfoundation for Senior Three. Therefore, you’d better getequipped with perseverance and good habits likearrangement, reflection, and collection.Materials you need to use1. An English-Chinese/ English Dictionary (Oxford, Longman, Collins)2. 21st Century Teens;3. English novels;4. Reference books (as assignment);5. Vocabulary books (for dictation);6. TED & other audio/video resources.Things you need to prepare1. One folder for English only (to hold all your handouts and examination papers);2. One English exercise-book for assignments;3. One A4-size notebook for notes in class & collection of materials after class.Classroom rules you need to know1. Have your appropriate materials at your table & be seated when the bell rings.2. Raise your hand to be acknowledged. Don’t speak while the teacher or anotherstudent is speaking.3. If you finish all of your assigned work early in my class, you may a) readindependently b) review the lesson c) work on something English. DO NOT DISTURB OTHERS. DO NOT DO EXERCISES OF OTHER SUBJECTS.4. Hand in your assignment on time.I have read this policy and understand it. I will honor it in English classrooms. Signature: ______________ Date: ______________Suggestions or ideas (if any): ____________________________________________Hot IssuesSwimmer Fu Yuanhui Becomes Latest Internet Sensation Swimmer Fu Yuanhui surged to Chinese social-media stardom thanks to her expressive appearance on CCTV following her third-place finish in the women’s 100m backstroke semifinals at the Rio Olympics on Monday.In the video that’s raged online since the semifinal, Fu, whose jaw dropped and eyes bulged in excitement and shock, said she couldn’t even believe she swam so fast.She exclaimed: “Only ghosts knows what I have endured in the past three months. Sometimes I thought I was going to die. The training sessions for the Olympics are a fate worse than deat h.” When the reporter asked whether she was hopeful in the final, she said, "Not at all! I am already very satisfied!"When asked by the reporter whether she had used all of her strength in the semifinal, she said, "I wasn't holding back, I was using prehi storic powers.” The phrase “prehistoric powers” — which entered popular parlance last year after it was used in a drama series, and is roughly analogous to “the Force” mentioned in the “Star Wars” films —soon became a rallying cry for Fu’s supporters. Fu’s bright and positive personality has captivated local Internet users. Web users posted pictures of her appearing energetic and vivacious after past competitions and used them to create a series of cartoon images based on her quotations.Web users have ca lled her a living “emoticon” and said they are looking forward to more post-game interviews from her in the future.Advice of China’s richest man goes viral "You shouldn't be that ambitious. Set a small target first, like earning 100 million yuan ($15m)."If you hear somebody say that, would it drive you crazy? Well, a "small" target of "100 million yuan" has become a hot internet topic after China's richest man Wang Jianlin, founder and chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, claimed $15m was a small target during a show on celebrities' daily lifestyle.His statement went viral on social media sites such as Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, with his post recording 2.4 million hits. As of 10:30 am Tuesday, a Weibo tweet with screenshots of the show has been forwarded 10,359 times while another one showing a clip of the show has been forwarded more than 8,300 times.An article about his advice on WeChat, a WhatsApp-like messaging app, has been viewed more than 95,793 times.Wang made the statement during an interview part of the show on how young people who want to become wealthy should plan ahead. The show also displayed Wang's collection of famousdrawings in his office and what he likes to eat for lunch at the dining hall of Wanda Group.This is not the first time that Wang has gone viral. His remarks in May on rival entertainment giant Walt Disney also sparked heated discussion online.Wang has been shifting Wanda's focus toward the entertainment industry in recent years from its roots in real estate. Wanda signed an agreement to invest $9.45 billion to build a tourism and sports complex in eastern China on Aug 26 as its latest effort for this plan.The Notting Hill Carnival28th August 2016The Notting Hill Carnival is the largest street festival in Europe and originated in 1964 as a way for Afro-Caribbean communities to celebrate their own cultures and traditions. Taking place every August Bank Holiday weekend in the streets of London, the Notting Hill Carnival is an amazing array of sounds, colourful sights and social solidarity.At the roots of the Notting Hill Carnival are the Caribbean carnivals of the early 19th century –a particularly strong tradition in Trinidad –which were all about celebrating the abolition of slavery and the slave trade. The very first carnival was an attempt to showcase the steel band musicians who played in the Earls Court of London every Weekend. When the bands paraded through the streets of Notting Hill, they drew black residents out on to the streets, reminding them of the Caribbean homes they had left behind.The 11th G20 summit will be held from Sept. 4 to 5 in Hangzhou, about which Italian merchant Marco Polo left a detailed account. China has plenty of experience to fall back on when hosting such major events, considering the success of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. But this is unchartered territory for a city which is just making its name on the international stage. So the question is, is Hangzhou ready? G20 themed logo, slogans and posters have been seen, some of which have been long-established icons of the city, while others are only here on a temporary basis, for the G20 Summit. Since Nov. 2015, 57 illegal structures have been demolished. More than 10 million yuan has been invested in upgrading 10,000 square meters. But hardware improvements alone are far from enough. The city of 7 million permanent residents has mobilized more than 760,000 volunteers. Many senior citizens conduct regular street security patrols. And they are busy learning simple English phrases.。
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
Don’t trouble trouble until trouble
troubles you.
watch sister:
The importance of learning English
well-paid job
Science and technology
Further study
English a tool/ bridge
Trade/ transportation
1、制定计划。 2、课前预习。 3、专心上课。
I see, I forget. I read, I remember. I do it, I understand!
4、勤记笔记。Remember more! 5、及时复习。Exercise more!
6、反复练习。Revise more! Have the ways of your own!
Life is like an echo(回声) , You will get what you give and receive what you send.
Self-introduction 自我介绍
My name is Chennan(陈楠). You can call me
坦白说,坦率地说 除……之外 爆炸,走火,离开 大量 被……绊倒
except for to be frank trip over go off a great deal (of)
4 Match the phrases with their correct meanings.
继续做,坚持干 提供生活所需 作为回报,作为回应 用完,耗尽 (朝……)前进
同(一样也),和,还 爱上 (设法)处理,完成 从(那)时起 包括从……到……之间
fall in love with get through from [then] on range from … to … as well as
4 Match the phrases with their correct meanings.
What we have learned in Grade 1?
What we have learned in Grade 1?
What we have learned in Grade 1?
Challenge yourself!
What we have learned in Grade 1?
4 Match the phrases with their correct meanings.
belong to
keep sb company
参加……选拔(或试演) make fun of
dress (sb) up
try out
4 Match the phrases with their correct meanings.
1 . so …that意 区别:语序不同 1) such + n + that … 2) So + adj./ adv+ that … 3) So + adj. + a/an+ n.+ that…
3 . as的用法总结
1) 当……时 ( 强调两个动作同时进行) 2) 因为 3) 虽然 (注意要使用特殊句式) 4) 像…一样 5) prep. 当作,作为
1) 自从 adv. Prep. Conj 2) 既然( =now that)
4.before和after的考查要点 1. Prep. 2. Conj.
modern computer national
modernize computeriz
使现代化 使计算机化 使国有化 使全球化
单纯的利用构词法知识短时间内会帮助词汇 量激增,但是更好的方法是在语篇中利用。 否则最终也会因为缺乏实践而遗忘。
2 知识回顾(二) —— 状语从句要点回顾
1 .when的用法总结
1) 当……时 ( 时间点或时间段) 2) 既然 3) 这时( 多用于并列句固定句型中, 如:was/were doing sth when suddenly)
1) 当……时( 时间段) 2) 虽然 3) 然而( 用于并列句中,表示对比关系)
Self-introduction 自我介绍
My name is Lon Going. You can call me Ms Lon .I am fond of reading, because reading can enrich our knowledge and broaden our views. I have been teaching here for 4 years since I graduated from university. I’m an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope you’ll like me and enjoy my class.
the most important thing of learning English
Have a high mark in the College Entrance Examination (高考)
Have a better future
English Study
---- some advice for every student
马马虎虎 just so so
The importance of learning English
well-paid job
Science and technology
Further study
English a tool/ bridge
Trade/ transportation
3.Learn to listen to me in class
品 牌
舒肤佳 Safeguard 保护
标 识
标 识
微博 Micro blog
网 山寨 copycat
络 水货
smuggled goods
裸婚 naked wedding
热 炫富 flaunt wealth 词 骨感美女 boney beauty
人肉搜索 flesh search
1. Stay there suffering and always imagine going out.
2. Enjoy the training course there and have a good time with those classmates.
New Term New Hope
• As a result, I really had a good time and made several good friends.表妹搞来自nnoodwoaoyr
cloadloyu-kr iwlleorlf Keep going, and create the life you have chosen
smuggled goods If you do not think about your future, you cannot have it. A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
Just so so. flesh search A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
乐百氏 飘柔
Sprite 精灵
Robust 健壮的 Rejoice 欣喜
Tide 潮流 Nice 美好的
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some advice for English study
• • • • • • • • DEVELOP A GOOD ATTITUDE. 态度决定一切。 STUDY EVERY DAY! 英语学习是一个长期的积累的过程。 DISTRIBUTE YOUR STUDY TIME 学习要有主次轻重;要有目标,各个击破。 ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN EVERY CLASS 积极参与课堂活动
– 1 hour of class = 2 hours of study time!
• • • • • • •
Share experiences in Summer Holiday
pleasant, enjoyable, bttable…
About English
Do you think it difficult? why? • Learning English is a big challenge or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟) In fact, learning English is interesting. • Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
高中英语高二入学第一课Goals you need to achieveAs is shown in the picture, the major goals of yourstudy this year is to broaden the knowledge of English anddeepen the understanding of what you’ve learned. It’s verylikely that you tend to treat this year lightly. Be aware:Senior Two serves as a critical phase to lay a solidfoundation for Senior Three. Therefore, you’d better getequipped with perseverance and good habits likearrangement, reflection, and collection.Materials you need to use1. An English-Chinese/ English Dictionary (Oxford, Longman, Collins)2. 21st Century Teens;3. English novels;4. Reference books (as assignment);5. Vocabulary books (for dictation);6. TED & other audio/video resources.Things you need to prepare1. One folder for English only (to hold all your handouts and examination papers);2. One English exercise-book for assignments;3. One A4-size notebook for notes in class & collection of materials after class. Classroom rules you need to know1. Have your appropriate materials at your table & be seated when the bell rings.2. Raise your hand to be acknowledged. Don’t speak while the teacher or anotherstudent is speaking.3. If you finish all of your assigned work early in my class, you may a) readindependently b) review the lesson c) work on something English. DO NOT DISTURB OTHERS. DO NOT DO EXERCISES OF OTHER SUBJECTS.4. Hand in your assignment on time.I have read this policy and understand it. I will honor it in English classrooms. Signature: ______________ Date: ______________ Suggestions or ideas (if any): ____________________________________________Hot IssuesSwimmer Fu Yuanhui Becomes Latest Internet Sensation Swimmer Fu Yuanhui surged to Chinese social-media stardom thanks to her expressive appearance on CCTV following her third-place finish in the women’s 100m backstroke semifinals at the Rio Olympics on Monday.In the video that’s raged online since the semifinal, Fu, whose jaw dropped and eyes bulged in exciteme nt and shock, said she couldn’t even believe she swam so fast. She exclaimed: 〝Only ghosts knows what I have endured in the past three months. Sometimes I thought I was going to die. The training sessions for the Olympics are a fate worse than death.〞When the reporter asked whether she was hopeful in the final, she said, "Not at all! I am already very satisfied!" When asked by the reporter whether she had used all of her strength in the semifinal, she said, "Iwasn't holding back, I was using prehistoric powers.〞The phrase 〝prehistoric powers〞—which entered popular parlance last year after it was used in a drama series, and is roughlyanalogous to 〝the Force〞mentioned in the 〝Star Wars〞films —soon became a rallying cry for Fu’s supporters. Fu’s bright and positive personality has captivated local Internet users. Web users posted pictures of her appearing energetic and vivacious after past competitions and used them to create a series of cartoon images based on her quotations.Web users have called her a living 〝emoticon〞and said they are looking forward to morepost-game interviews from her in the future.Advice of China’s richest man goes viral "You shouldn't be that ambitious. Set a small target first, like earning 100 million yuan ($15m)."If you hear somebody say that, would it drive you crazy? Well, a "small" target of "100 million yuan" has become a hot internet topic after China's richest man Wang Jianlin, founder and chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, claimed $15m was a small target during a show on celebrities' daily lifestyle.His statement went viral on social media sites such as Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, with his post recording 2.4 million hits. As of 10:30 am Tuesday, a Weibo tweet with screenshots of the show has been forwarded 10,359 times while another one showing a clip of the show has been forwarded more than 8,300 times.An article about his advice on WeChat, a WhatsApp-like messaging app, has been viewed more than 95,793 times.Wang made the statement during an interview part of the show on how young people who want to become wealthy should plan ahead. The show also displayed Wang's collection of famous drawings in his office and what he likes to eat for lunch at the dining hall of Wanda Group.This is not the first time that Wang has gone viral. His remarks in May on rival entertainmentgiant Walt Disney also sparked heated discussion online.Wang has been shifting Wanda's focus toward the entertainment industry in recent years from its roots in real estate. Wanda signed an agreement to invest $9.45 billion to build a tourism and sports complex in eastern China on Aug 26 as its latest effort for this plan.The Notting Hill Carnival28th August 2021The Notting Hill Carnival is the largest street festival in Europe and originated in 1964 as a way for Afro-Caribbean communities to celebrate their own cultures and traditions. Taking place every August Bank Holiday weekend in the streets of London, the Notting Hill Carnival is an amazing array of sounds, colourful sights and social solidarity.At the roots of the Notting Hill Carnival are the Caribbean carnivals of the early 19th century –a particularly strong tradition in Trinidad –which were all about celebrating the abolition of slavery and the slave trade. The very first carnival was an attempt to showcase the steel band musicians who played in the Earls Court of London every Weekend. When the bands paraded through the streets of Notting Hill, they drew black residents out on to the streets, reminding them of the Caribbean homes they had left behind.The 11th G20 summit will be held from Sept. 4 to 5 in Hangzhou, about which Italian merchant Marco Polo left a detailed account. China has plenty of experience to fall back on when hosting such major events, considering the success of the 2021 Beijing Olympics and the 2021 Shanghai World Expo. But this is unchartered territory for a city which is just making its name on the international stage. So the question is, is Hangzhou ready? G20 themed logo, slogans and posters have been seen, some of which have been long-established icons of the city, while others are only here on a temporary basis, for the G20 Summit. Since Nov. 2021, 57 illegal structures have been demolished. More than 10 million yuan has been invested in upgrading 10,000 square meters. But hardware improvements alone are far from enough. The city of 7 million permanent residents has mobilized more than 760,000 volunteers. Many senior citizens conduct regular street security patrols. And they are busy learning simple English phrases.。