魔戒三部曲 英文影评

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Lord of the Rings

American film is divided into "Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers", "Return of the King"

Evil is readily recognizable by its ugliness and by its fruits. Goodness is equally recognizable and its fruits are more lasting. The author does not preach, but his good characters exemplify in action the virtues of mercy, perseverance, generosity, and friendship. Sauron, Saruman, and the Ringwraiths all embody the vices of hatred, greed, and the thirst for power. The influence of Sauron on those who once were normal men demonstrates the pervasiveness of evil, as does the ugliness of Sauron's land, Mordor. While the destruction of Sauron and the Ringwraiths suggests that evil can be overcome, it does not imply that the destruction of a major source of evil eliminates all evil. The Southrons continue to fight after Sauron's power has collapsed, Saruman's petty destroyers of good continue their work in the Shire, and Aragorn finds it necessary to establish guardians for his borders. Middle Earth after Sauron is no utopia, but it is a world very much like ours, one worth cultivating to bring forth beauty and goodness. In Gondor and in the Shire hope lives on.

In The Lord of the Rings Tolkien demonstrates the evolution of a literary world. In The Hobbit, often considered a prologue to the trilogy, he created a kind of being with no parallel in literature; in the trilogy he expands his single hobbit hero into four hobbit companions and an assortment of helpers and enemies. The character of Bilbo from The Hobbit returns in The Fellowship of the Ring, the first volume of

the trilogy. The central adventure of the trilogy spans three volumes, each divided into two books. Each of the six books builds to its own climactic ending, but an intricate system of interlacing allows the reader to move easily with the characters as the author fills in more details about the geography of Middle Earth, the history of its inhabitants, and the progress of the quest.

The expansive background against which the central action takes place conveys a sense of the universality of the conflict between good and evil. In this world everyone needs the support of others in overcoming obstacles and in doing good. Many of the background sections treat the nature of evil as a distortion of what could have been good. Basic to the history of the One Ring is the thirst for power of its creator, Sauron. In the central volume of the trilogy, The Two Towers, the desire for the power inherent in the Ring has also corrupted the wizard Saruman. Tolkien's analysis of the corrupting nature of power explains why three of his strongest forces for good—Gandalf, Galadriel, and Aragorn—refuse to take the Ring and why Bilbo is unable to resist its control. As the story develops, one major source of Bilbo’s nephew Frodo's internal conflict lies in the pull of the ring itself. The success of Frodo's quest flows from mercy, friendship, endurance, and the courage to risk life and happiness for the good of others.

Analysis of the role

The beginning of the grunt is how to get Lord of the Rings, how by Shimi Ge become grunt, a good echo with the outcome of the final grunt; Frodo, Sam and Gollum continue to interpret the story of Journey to the West, but to sow discord in the gruntdrive a wedge between his acting is really bad, we see very depressed; hero Sam in this episode finally stormed staged a "fought the spider tower brave story of the Savior".
