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★ prove, turn out
1.We had thought the examination would be difficult , but it _____ easy.
A. turned
B. came
C. appeared
D. proved
2.The actress who had been highly thought of ____ (to be ) a great disappointment.
be seen to do
see sb \ sth doing be seen doing
see sb \ sth done be seen done
2. 使役动词make, let , have , get等常考查:
make sb\sth do sth be made to do
make oneself done
A. work
B. to work
C. worked
D. working
2.They were made_______12 hours a day.
A.work B.to work C.worked D.working
这类动词在主动语态中用不带to的不定式作补语,但在 被动语态中保留to, get 除外。
A. turned out
B. seemed
C. looked
D. became
see, look at, watch, notice, observe let, make, have\ get;hear, listen to, feel (吾看三室两厅一感觉) 1.The boss made them _____12 hours a day.
market was sold out soon.
1. 连系动词后面跟形容词作表语。 2. 连系动词无被动语态。 lie/sit/stand still still adv. 仍然 adj.静止的,不动的
③“显得”类se:em, appear, look It looks as if… It seems as if / that… It appears that…
1. The boy was caught ____ in an examination and had to face the music
A. to cheat B. cheating C. cheat D. cheated
2. Mrs Smith found her husband ____ by letters and papers and _____ very worried.
be made done
Leabharlann Baidu
let sb do sth have sb \ sth do
get sb\ sth to do
have sb \ sth doing get sb \ sth doing
have sb \ sth done
get sb\ sth done
3. 绿色通道:这类动词经常在定语从句中设疑
1. My daughter often makes a schedule to get herself _____ of what she is to do in the day.
A. remind C. reminded
B. to remind D. reminding
2. I can’t see my old grandma ________alone in the country, so I’ll have her ___ with me in the city.
1.She looked forward to_____ the flower-lined garden every spring.
A. visit
B. paying a visit
C. walk in
D. walking in
2.I would appreciate ______back this afternoon.
④状态类: keep, stay, remain, lie, sit, stand 1.The weather will_____hot for another two
weeks. A. last B. remain C. get D. turn 2.The hot weather will _l_a_s_t_another two days.
A. leave, stay C. leaving , to stay
B. left, stay D. left, to stay
3. When we saw the sun ____ above the surface of the sea, the students let out a cry of joy.
died last night.
3.The flowers ___ sweet in the botanic
garden attract the visitors to the beauty of
A. to smell
B. smelling
C. smelt
D. to be smelt
4. _T_a_st_in_g__(taste) so delicious, the food in this
A. you to call B. you call
C. your calling D. you’re calling
3.The day he has looked forward to______
at last.
A. coming B. came C. come D. comes
1. see , look at , watch , notice , observe have \ get ; hear , listen to ; feel + 宾语 + V-ing \ V-ed, ※make 不带V-ing 作宾语补足语 ; ※let sb do sth.
2. 此外: find, leave, keep +宾语 + V-ing \V-ed; catch + 宾语 + V-ing
1. Dry wood _b_u_r_n_s_e_a_s_i_ly_____(容易燃烧) 2. The cloth __w_a_s_h_e_s_w__e_ll__(好洗).
3. Your composition __r_ea_d_s_w__el_l__(读起来很 好)except for a few spelling mistakes.
A. surrounded, look B. surrounded, looking
C. surrounding, looking D. surrounding, look
3. All the teachers discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ in the next school year.
A. to raise B. to rise C. raising D. rising
sell, wash, burn, open, write, read, act, wear, dry,
+adv. (well, poorly, easily, smoothly, badly)
一、连系动词 二、使役、感官动词 三、主动表被动 四、只接动名词做宾语的词、词组 五、只接不定式作宾语的词、词组 六、接动名词、不定式意义不同 七、不带不定式作复合宾语 八、宾语不同、语态不同、但意义相同 九、接宾语和宾补、形式不同 十、接虚拟语气的词 十一、表计划、愿望未能实现的动词
①变化类: become, get, turn, grow, come, go, fall
典例: go bad / hungry / mad / wrong fall (fell-fallen)
feel -felt-felt 1. One of his children ___f_el_l_i_ll__.(病了) 2. He _f_e_ll_a_s_l_e_ep__(睡着了)while studying his
2.It is said that the pen ____ , so I bought one
A. writes well
B. writes good
C. is well written D. is good written
consider, suggest\advise, look forward to, forgive admit, delay\ put off \postpone, fancy avoid, miss, keep\keep on, practise, deny, finish, enjoy\ appreciate, forbid, imagine, risk, can’t help ,mind, allow\permit, escape
worth adj.值得的;prep. be worth+n. be worth+doing The park is worth a visit. The park is worth visiting. worthy adj. be worthy of+n. be worthy of +being done be worthy to be done
A. carry out C. to carry out
B. carried out D. be carrying out
1. 感官动词see, look at, watch, notice , observe , hear, listen to, feel等,常考查:
例如:see sb \ sth do
1.--Have you got a ticket for the concert?
--No, the tickets______well and they
_______out last week.
A. sell; were sold
B. sell; sold
C. sell; have been sold D. are sell; sold
grammar book.
②感官类: look, sound, feel, taste, smell
1. Della stood there , looking __sa_d_l_y__(sad\
sadly) at herself in the mirror.
2. Della looked very__s_a_d__, for her pet dog
decide\determine, learn, want, expect\ hope\ wish, refuse, manage, care, pretend, offer, promise, choose, plan agree, ask \ beg, help
look forward to..
give up, dislike, feel like , insist on , can’t stand , understand succeed in, spend/waste time (in) , be busy (in), have a good/hard time (in), have difficulty /trouble (in) It is no use\ good
“to” 用作介词
get down to 开始,着手做… devote oneself to 投入到 lead to 导致
be/get / become used/accustomed to pay attention to 注意 object to 反对