本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目China’s Pathway to Low-carbon Development 文献、资料来源:Journal of Knowledge-basedInnovation in China文献、资料发表(出版)日期:\院(部):\院专业:\外文文献China’s Pathway to Low-carbon DevelopmentAbstractPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to explore China’s current policy and policy options regarding the shift to a low-carbon (LC) development.Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses both a literature review and empirical systems analysis of the trends of socio-economic conditions, carbon emissions and development of innovation capacities in China.Findings –The analysis shows that a holistic solution and co-benefit approach are needed for China’s transition to a green and LC economy, and that, especially for developing countries, it is not enough to have only goals regarding mitigation and adaptation. Instead, a concrete roadmap towards a LC future is needed that addresses key issues of technology transfer, institutional arrangements and sharing the costs in the context of a global climate regime. In this light, it is argued that China should adopt an approach for low-carbon development centred on carbon intensity reduction over the next ten years.Originality/value –The paper thus provides a unique summary, in English, of the arguments supporting China’s current low-carbon innovation policies from one of the authors of this policy. Keywords:Carbon, Sustainable development, Environmental management, Government policy, ChinaPaper type – Research paperClimate change has become the most significant environment and development challenge to human society in the twenty-first century. Responding to climate change is the core task to achieving global sustainable development, both for today and for a rather long period of time from today. International negotiations on prevention of global warming and related actions not only concern the human living environment, but also directly impact the modernization process of developing countries. Although the process of global climate protection depends on the consensus of our scientific awareness, political wills, economic intere sts, society’s level ofacceptance, as well as measures adopted, a low-carbon (LC) development path is, undoubtedly, the critical choice of future human development.The science basis of climate change and its extended political and economic implicationsGlobal warming of the climate system has become an unequivocal fact. According to a large amount of monitoring data, global average land surface temperature has risen 0.748C over the last century (IPCC, 2007a, b, c, d). And the rate of rising has been sped up. In the meantime, global average sea level has been constantly rising too. Global warming has posed a serious challenge to China’s climate, environment and development. In the global context of climate change, China’s climate and environment are changing too. For instance, in the last century, the land surface average temperature has witnessed an obvious increase; though the precipitation has not changed too much, its interdecadal variations and regional disparity have been big. In the last 50 years, there have also been major changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events (Editorial Board of China’s National Assessment Report on Climate Change, 2007).The IPCC (2007a, b, c, d) integrated assessment shows that since 1750, human activities have been a major cause of global warming, while in the last 50 years, most of the global warming is the consequence of human activities, with a probability of more than 90 per cent, in particular from the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions due to the human use of fossil fuels. It is forecast that before the end of the twenty-first century, global warming will continue, and how much the temperature will rise depends on what actions humans will take. According the Third Working Group Report of the IPCC fourth Assessment (IPCC, 2007a, b, c, d), human actions to mitigate climate change are feasible, both economically and technologically. Actions to deploy key mitigation technologies in various sectors, adopting policy and administrative interference and shifting the development pathway could all contribute greatly to mitigation of climate change.With China becoming the world’s largest CO2emitter, China faces increasing pressure to reduce its emissions. Being a responsible country, China will take actions to tackle climate change. When developing its mitigation target, China will consider such factors as level ofdevelopment, technology know-how, social impact, international image and a new international climate regime underpinned by fairness and effectiveness. China will move into a win-win development path to achieve climate protection, quality economic development and other related policy targets.To develop LC economy – background, opportunities and challengesAs illustrated above, systematic solutions are required to tackle climate change, due to the complexity of the global climate system as well as its coverage of broad social and economic issues. After nearly two decades’ exploration, human society has realized that in order to effectively mitigate and adapt to climate change, we have to fundamentally reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which means that we have to achieve the shift to a LC future from the way we produce and consume to how global assets are allocated (including industries, technology, capitals and resources) and how they are transferred. From the perspective of the limited storage capacity of GHGs in the climate system as a global public good, both a high level of human wisdom and a new international climate regime to deal with market failure are required, which also demands the participation of all stakeholders and together they shall charter a new development pathway. Human society has to pay the economic prices to solve climate warming. Thus, the three flexible “mechanisms” in the Kyoto Protocol ( joint implementation, emissions trading and clean development mechanism) demonstrate a meaningful experiment for the Annex I countries to decrease their emissions reduction costs. What is needed is to move forward from where we are now to explore a more universally applicable mechanism that would effectively allocate the resources among the key responsible stakeholders. The LC development path embodies an integrated solution strategy. It aims to build up a LC society through LC economic development, tries to achieve the restructuring of all the key elements discussed above and offers new opportunities for human society in response to climate change through collaborations.As a fundamental venue to coordinate social and economic development, guarantee energy security and respond to climate change, development of LC economy is gradually gaining the needed consensus from more and more countries. Though without a fixed academic definition, the core of developing a LC economy is to establish a development pathway that has high-energyefficiency, low-energy consumption and low emissions. Under a fair and effective international climate regime, the efficiency of energy exploration, generation, transmission, transformation and use is expected to be increased greatly and energy consumption greatly reduced, so that the carbon intensity in energy supply for economic growth is dramatically reduced, along with the carbon emissions from energy consumption. Through increasing carbon sink and using carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, the GHG emissions from fossil fuels that are hard to reduce can be offset. In the meanwhile, through the establishment of reasonable and fair technology transfer and financial support mechanisms, developing countries can undertake the costs of shifting towards LC patterns while being at the lowest end of the value chain in the international trade structure. The perspectives of development value need to be changed in order to promote the transition of consumption towards a sustainable and LC future.What needs to be clarified is that, due to the differences of various countries’ social and economic contexts, the starting points towards a LC future might vary, as might the pursued goals. For developed countries that are taking the lead to commit to reduction targets, their first objective to develop a LC economy is to reduce emissions. For developing countries whose economies are still at a fast growing stage, their first priority is development and their per capita energy consumption is expected to continue to grow. The objectives shall be multiple. At the current stage, it is hard to mainstream the climate change policies domestically. What is possible is to reduce energy intensity and increase carbon productivity in order to gradually decouple economic growth and carbon emissions. What is equally important is that there exist many uncertainties in development of LC economy, particularly for developing countries. Tremendous difficulties and barriers need to be overcome in the process. At the international level, the uncertainties of developing LC economy include:Costs and markets – at this moment we could hardly be able to estimate the whole costs that are required to develop a LC economy. It is far from being as simple as calculating the direct costs of adopting LC technologies. It also takes time to establish LC technology and product markets, especially now, when the global financial crisis has hit everyone hard and when no one can give a good estimate about when the world economy could turn around and recover; though many experts and scholars hold that the response to the long-term climate change could bring new opportunities to economic recovery (Stiglitz, 2009; Wang, 2008b). What makes the situationmore complicated now is how the USA, China, India and other key countries would participate in the establishment of a LC market.Establishment of a fair international climate regime and mid- to long-term targets to tackle climate change – the development of a LC economy also depends on the international climate negotiation process and its result, of which the most critical element is whether it will result in legally binding global emissions reduction targets and the corresponding mechanisms of technology transfer and financial support, even if this was not established at Copenhagen.To date, even though some EU countries have achieved the decoupling of economic growth and carbon emissions, LC economy has not generated universally applicable, successful experiences; and what those experiences mean to developing countries still needs to be figured out and tested overtime.For developing countries, the difficulties and barriers to devel oping a LC economy are obvious, including current stage of development, international trade structure, economic costs, inadequate market, technology diffusion system, institutional arrangement, incentive policy and management system. From the historic evolution of the relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions in industrialized countries, most countries experienced successively the inverted U-shape curves of carbon intensity, per capita carbon emissions, and then total carbon emissions. But different countries or regions vary greatly in economic development level or per capita gross domestic product (GDP) relative to the carbon emissions peak. This shows that there does not exist a single, exact turning point between economic growth and carbon emissions. If you examine those countries or regions that have passed the carbon emissions pe ak, roughly 24-91 years, on average 55 years, are required between the peak of carbon emissions intensity and that of per capita carbon emissions. Some driving forces to reach different peaks have been shown in Figure 1 in terms of experience in the past and scenario analysis in the future. The point is, without strong mandatory emissions reduction measures and external support, developing countries will need relatively longer time to reach the peak of carbon emissions growth and then stabilize and decreaseStrategic measuresOn the basis of the above-mentioned analysis, the LC path with Chinese characteristics shall also focus on gradually setting up “resource-e fficient, environment-friendly and LC-oriented” society. Guided by LC development strategy and its targets, efforts shall be made to develop relevant institutional arrangements, improve management systems, stipulate development plans, accumulate experience from demonstrations and pilots, and push forward LC economic development in an orderly manner, so that a sustainable and LC future can be shaped for China. Four major aspects are the key starting points to structure a LC social and economy system:(1) Establish a legal and regulatory framework addressing climate change and improving the macro-management system. The legislative feasibility and legal model of “Law to Address Climate Change” shall be debated and articulated. Also, in the legislation process of other laws and regulations, articles related to response to climate change shall be included. For instance, a technical guideline of strategic environmental assessment shall include articles related to climate change impact assessment. A legal and regulatory framework of responding to climate change will gradually emerge. Owing to the fact that China’s administrative authority in charge of climate change remains weak and lacks capability, first, the Leading Group of the State’s Response to Climate Change and Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction Work shall play its full roles when a more flexible and diverse departmental coordination mechanism is established; and the group shall put forward strategic measure recommendations in response to climate change. Second, capacity building shall be strengthened and more administrative resources shall be allocated, so that better preparation is made for the next round of government restructuring to further improve the administrative level of the government department in charge of climate change.(2) Establish long-acting mechanism framework of LC development and stipulate related LC development policies in an orderly manner. Institutional innovation is the key to embarking on a LC development path. China shall become more pragmatic in developing a long-term incentive mechanism and policy measures that are in favour of energy saving, environmental protection and climate protection, guided by the balanced development framework and achieve the LC transition at government and business levels. At this moment, many regions and citieshave expressed their interest and enthusiasm toward LC development. As well as the complexity of LC economy and the diversity of models, related guidelines shall be rolled out to guide the macro policy and regulate the content, model, direction of development and assessment indicator system of a LC economy. Experiences and lessons from other countries can be examined and learned in order to move forward LC development in an orderly and healthy manner. Special planning and programs shall be developed at national level, and then some representative regions and cities, as well as some key sectors, can be selected for LC piloting purpose. When the market matures, LC markets shall be set up through regulating the pricing mechanism and stipulating fiscal and incentive policies.(3) Strengthen collaboration and establish a healthy LC technology system. Technological innovation is the core element in LC development. Government shall adopt integrated measures to offer a relaxed and favourable policy environment for business development and create and provide better institutional guarantees for technological innovation. As a result, the R&D and diffusion of high-energy efficiency and LC emissions technologies can be strengthened in both production and consumption. A diverse LC technology system will be gradually built for energy saving and energy efficiency, clean coal and clean energy, renewable energy and new energy, as well as carbon sinks. The level of commercialization will be improved. Thus, a strong technological foundation will be provided for LC transition and shift in the ways of economic growth. China shall also further strengthen international collaboration, not only through the climate-related international cooperation mechanism to import, absorb and adopt advanced technologies from other countries, but more importantly, through participating in the stipulation of related internation al sectoral energy efficiency standards and standard of carbon intensity, as well as benchmarking. China could consider voluntary or mandatory benchmarking management to elevate some key LC technologies, equipment and products to international leadership level.(4) Establish collaboration mechanism with all stakeholders’ participation.Low-carbon development is not just for government or business; instead, it requires all related stakeholders’ as well as the whole society’s participation. Owing to the fact that there exist some inadequacies in the general public’s awareness of climate change, publicity, education and training are required in combination with policy incentives to transform the public’s perception and thinking, increase the public’s awareness on response to climate change and gradually reach consensus on focusing onLC consumption behaviours and models. Joint actions with all the stakeholders are needed to resist the potential risks from climate change.References:EIA (2008), International Energy Outlook, EIA, USDOE, Washington, DC.He, J. (2008), “Addressing climate change through developing low carbon economy”, Keynote Speech in Sino-Danish Forum on Climate Change, Beijing October 23. IEA (2008), World Energy Outlook 2008, IEA, Paris.IPCC (2007a), Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, available at: www.ipcc.chIPCC (2007b), Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change, available at: www.ipcc.ch IPCC (2007c), Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report, available at:www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr.pdfIPCC (2007d), Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basic, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Jiang, K. (2007), “A scenario research on China’s greenhouse gas emissions”,International Climate Change Regime: A Study on Key Issues in China, China Environmental Sciences Press, Beijing, pp. 8-24.Stiglitz, J.E. (2009), “Three ways to global economic recovery”, available at:/pl/2009-01-13/082317033320.shtmlWang, Y. (2008a), “A low carbon path with Chinese characteristics”,Greenleaf, No. 8, pp.46-52.Wang, Y. (2008b), Summary of Sino-Danish Forum on Climate Change: Not to Delay Climate Change Progress by Financial Crisis, available at: /news/gjcj/200810/t1981142.htm中文翻译:中国低碳发展的途径摘要:目的:这篇论文的是探索中国现存的政策和针对低碳发展政策的其他可选方向。
外文文献:Project Cost Control: The Way it WorksBy R. Max WidemanIn a recent consulting assignment we realized that there was some lack of understanding of the whole system of project cost control, how it is setup and applied. So we decided to write up a description of how it works. Project cost control is not that difficult to follow in theory.First you establish a set of reference baselines. Then, as work progresses, you monitor the work, analyze the findings, forecast the end results and compare those with the reference baselines. If the end results are not satisfactory then you make adjustments as necessary to the work in progress, and repeat the cycle at suitable intervals. If the end results get really out of line with the baseline plan, you may have to change the plan. More likely, there will be (or have been) scope changes that change the reference baselines which means that every time that happens you have to change the baseline plan anyway.But project cost control is a lot more difficult to do in practice, as is evidenced by the number of projects that fail to contain costs. It also involves a significant amount of work, as we shall see, and we might as well start at the beginning. So let us follow the thread of project cost control through the entire project life span.And, while we are at it, we will take the opportunity to point out the proper places for several significant documents. These include theBusiness Case, the Request for (a capital) Appropriation (for execution), Work Packages and the Work Breakdown Structure, the Project Charter (or Brief), the Project Budget or Cost Plan, Earned Value and the Cost Baseline. All of these contribute to the organization's ability to effectively control project costs.FootnoteI am indebted to my friend Quentin Fleming, the guru of Earned Value, for checking and correcting my work on this topic.The Business Case and Application for (execution) FundingIt is important to note that project cost control is most effective when the executive management responsible has a good understanding of how projects should unfold through the project life span. This means that they exercise their responsibilities at the key decision points between the major phases. They must also recognize the importance of project risk management for identifying and planning to head off at least the most obvious potential risk events.In the project's Concept Phase• EvEry projEct starts with somEonE idEntifying an opportunity or need. That is usually someone of importance or influence, if the project is to proceed, and that person often becomes the project's sponsor.• to dEtErminE thE suitability of thE potEntial projEct, most organizations call for the preparation of a "Business Case" and its"Order of Magnitude" cost to justify the value of the project so that it can be compared with all the other competing projects. This effort is conducted in the Concept Phase of the project and is done as a part of the organization's management of the entire project portfolio.• thE cost of thE work of preparing the Business Case is usually covered by corporate management overhead, but it may be carried forward as an accounting cost to the eventual project. No doubt because this will provide a tax benefit to the organization. The problem is, how do you then account for all the projects that are not so carried forward?• if thE businEss casE has sufficiEnt mErit, approval will bE givEn to proceed to a Development and Definition phase.In the project's Development or Definition Phase• thE objEctivE of t he Development Phase is to establish a good understanding of the work involved to produce the required product, estimate the cost and seek capital funding for the actual execution of the project.• in a formalizEd sEtting, EspEcially whErE big projEcts arE involved, this application for funding is often referred to as a Request for (a capital) Appropriation (RFA) or Capital Appropriation Request (CAR).• this rEquirEs thE collEction of morE dEtailEd rEquirEmEnts and data to establish what work needsto be done to produce the required product or "deliverable". From this information, a plan is prepared in sufficient detail to give adequate confidence in a dollar figure to be included in the request.• in a lEss formalizEd sEtting, EvEryonE just triEs to muddlE through.Work Packages and the WBSThe Project Management Plan, Project Brief or Project Charter• if thE dElivErablE consists of a numbEr of diffErEnt ElEmEnts, thEsE are identified and assembled into Work Packages (WPs) and presented in the form of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).• Each wp involvEs a sEt of activitiEs, thE "work" that is plannEd and scheduled as a part of the Project Management Plan. Note, however, that the planning will still be at a relatively high level,and more detailed planning will be necessary during execution if the project is given the go ahead.• this projEct managEmEnt plan, by thE way, should bEcomE thE "bible" for the execution phase of the project and is sometimes referred to as the "Project Brief" or the "Project Charter".• thE cost of doing thE various activitiEs is thEn EstimatEd and thEsE estimated costs are aggregated to determine the estimated cost of the WP. This approach is known as "detailed estimating" or "bottom up estimating". There are other approaches to estimating that we'll come to in a minute. Either way, the result is an estimated cost of the totalwork of the project.Note: that project risk management planning is an important part of this exercise. This should examine the project's assumptions and environmental conditions to identify any weaknesses in the plan thus far, and identify those potential risk events that warrant attention for mitigation. This might take the form of specific contingency planning, and/or the setting aside of prudent funding reserves.Request for capitalConverting the estimate• howEvEr, an EstimatE of thE work alonE is not sufficiEnt for a capital request. To arrive at a capital request some conversion is necessary, for example, by adding prudent allowances such as overheads, a contingency allowance to cover normal project risks and management reserves to cover unknowns and possible scope changes.• in addition, it may bE nEcEssary to convErt thE Estimating data into a financial accounting formatthat satisfies the corporate or sponsor's format for purposes of comparison with other projects and consequent funding approval.• in practicE all thE data for thE typE of "bottom up" approach just described may not be available.In this case alternative estimating approaches are adopted that provide various degrees of reliability in a "top down" fashion. Forexample:Order of Magnitude estimate – a "ball park" estimate, usually reserved for the concept phase onlyAnalogous estimate – an estimate based on previous similar projects Parametric estimate –an estimate based on statistical relationships in historical data• whichEvEr approach is adoptEd, hopEfully thE sum thus arrivEd at will be approved in full and proves to be satisfactory! This is the trigger to start the Execution Phase of the projectNote: Some managements will approve some lesser sum in the mistaken belief that this will help everyone to "sharpen their pencils" and "work smarter" for the benefit of the organization. This is a mistaken belief because management has failed to understand the nature of uncertainty and risk in project work. Consequently, the effect is more likely to result in "corner cutting" with an adverse effect on product quality, or reduced product scope or functionality. This often leads to a "game" in which estimates are inflated so that management can adjust them downwards. But to be fair, management is also well aware that if money is over allocated, it will get spent anyway. The smart thing for managements to do is to set aside contingent reserve funds, varying with the riskiness of the project, and keep that money under careful control.Ownership of approved capital• if sEnior managEmEnt approvEs thE rfa as prEsEntEd, thE sum in question becomes the responsibility of the designated project sponsor. However, if the approved capital request includes allowances such as a "Management Reserve", this may or may not be passed on to the project's sponsor, depending on the policies of the organization.• for thE approvEd rfa, thE projEct sponsor will, in turn, further delegate expenditure authority to the project's project manager and will likely not include any of the allowances. An exception might be the contingency allowances to cover the normal variations in work performance.• thE nEt sum thus arrivEd at constitutes the project manager's Approved Project Budget.Note: If management does not approve the RFA, you should not consider this a project failure. Either the goals, objectives, justification and planning need rethinking to increase the value of the project's deliverables, or senior management simply has higher priorities elsewhere for the available resources and funding.The Project's Execution PhaseThe project manager's Project Budget responsibility• oncE this approvEd projEct budgEt is rElEas ed to the project manager, a reverse process must take place to convert it into a working control document. That is, the money available must be divided amongstthe various WBS WPs that, by the way, have probably by now been upgraded! This results in a project execution Control Budget or Project Baseline Budget, or simply, the Project Budget. In some areas of project management application it is referred to as a Project Cost Plan.• on a largE projEct whErE diffErEnt corporatE production divisions are involved, there may be a further intermediate step of creating "Control Accounts" for the separate divisions, so that each division subdivides their allocated money into their own WBS WPs.• obsErvE that, sincE thE total projEct budgEt rEcEivEd formal approval from Executive Management, you, as project manager, must likewise seek and obtain from Executive Management, via the project's sponsor, formal approval for any changes to the total project budget. Often this is only justified and accepted on the basis of a requested Product Scope Change.• in such a casE thE projEct's sponsor will EithEr draw down on thE management reserve in his or her possession, or submit a supplementary RFA to upper management.• now that wE havE thE projEct budgEt monEy allocatEd to Work Packages we can further distribute it amongst the various activities of each WP so that we know how much money we have as a "Baseline" cost for each activity.• this providEs us with thE basE of rEfErEncE for thE cost controlfunction. Of course, depending on the circumstances the same thing may be done at the WP level but the ability to control is then at a higher and coarser level.Use of the Earned Value technique• if wE havE thE nEcEssary dEtails anothEr control tool that wE can adopt for monitoring ongoing work is the "Earned Value" (EV) technique. This is a considerable art and science that you must learn about from texts dedicated to the subject.• but EssEntially, you takE thE costs of thE schEdulE activitiEs and plot them as a cumulative total on the appropriate time base. Again you can do this at the activity level, WP level or the whole project level. The lower the level the more control information you have available but the more work you get involved in.The Cost Baseline• this plannEd reference S-curve is sometimes referred to as the "Cost Baseline", typically in EVparlance. That is, it is the "Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled" (BCWS), or more simply the "Planned Value" (PV).• Observe that you need to modify this Cost Baseline every time there is an approved scope change that has cost and/or schedule implications and consequently changes the project's Approved Project Budget.• now, as thE work progrEssEs, you can plot thE "actual cost of workPerformed" (ACWP or simply "Actual Cost" - AC).• you can plot othEr things as wEll, sEE diagram rEfErrEd to abovE, and if you don't like what you see then you need to take "Corrective Action".CommentaryThis whole process is a cyclic, situational operation and is probably the source of the term "cycle" in the popularly misnamed "project life cycle".As an aside, the Earned Value pundits offer various other techniques within the EV process designed to aid in forecasting the final result, that is, the "Estimate At Completion" (EAC). EAC is what you should really be interested in because it is the only constant in a moving project. Therefore, these extended EV techniques must be considered in the same realm of accuracy as top-down estimating. They are useful, but only if you recognize the limitations and know what you are doing!But, as we said at the beginning, it is a lot more difficult to do in practice –and involves a significant amount of work. But, let's face it, that's what project managers are hired for, right?中文译文:项目成本控制:它的工作方式R.马克斯怀德曼我们在最近的咨询任务中意识到,对于整个项目成本控制体系是如何设置和应用的这个问题,我们仍有一些缺乏了解。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Research on the Bidding System of Construction Project in China Compared with Foreign Countries(The comparison of domestic and foreign construction project bidding system)AbstractFollowing through the comparative analysis of the bidding system in USA, Hongkong and France, and points out some characters in bidding for developed countries and regions, and puts forward some enlightenment China bidding system. Use them as a reference, this is a very important guiding role, to promote the development of Chinese current bidding system in theory. The results of this study will show the pressure and significance, to standardize the bidding market in China, but also to promote the domestic bidding market highlights the problem and solve a clear direction, but also conducive to the construction industry to improve the management leveland international competitiveness in Chinese. As a member of WTO, the leading international construction market is Chinese.1.INTRODUCTIONBidding originated from Britain firstly. In 1782, Britain was apioneer in setting up Stationery Public Bureau, and then developed as Material Supply Department, which was a section in government purchasing office supplies, which was setting up afoundation for developing of advertised bidding (Liangetal. 2006).In China, in 1980, the State Council proposed in “Interim Provisions of Development and Protection Socialism Competition”:“we may try bidding and submitting a bidding in some constructing programs and management which are suitable to using contract”,and then our country tried to adopting bidding model (Bai 1999).In Nov. 1984, State Planning Commission and City and Countryside Construction Environmental Protection Department formulated “Interim Provisions of Construction Project Tender and Bid”, which marked starting officially bidding for construction.Nowadays, bidding has been the main way in trading in construction, and been paid close attention by the society. However,generally speaking, the system in bidding for construction in our country isn’t enough mature. Whatever in theory or in practice,there are many problems need to be researched. This paper comparatively analyzes the bidding system among USA, HongKong and French regions, and gets some characters in bidding in developed countries and regions, then puts forward some revelations of the bidding system to China2.BIDDING SYSTEM IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIESAND REGIONS2.1 Bidding System in USABidding system in USA is one of the most influentially all over the world. There are some characters below in construction bidding in USA(1)Carrying out construction bidding system and management from many channels. USA belongs to common genealogy of law,but USA carrying out construction bidding system and management from many channels, and among which some below clauses are carried out widely: different kinds of clauses made by AIA; subletting contract’s standard format by AGCA; arbitration rules in construction made by AAA; standard clauses made by ETCDC; standard contract format by federal government. Every state in USA has law in construction bidding, and the enforcement of the law is very strictly.(2)Tenders team is different. Large, medium and small sized projects all need bidding. For example, project’s amount of investment is 10,000~20,000 can use bidding, but the government can manage the bidding of private company through the daily departments. The government sets up a whole institution which is made up by designers,architects or depositaries, which carrying out bidding publicly .Once the above departments being set up,they can charge the feasibility study of the project, choosing the contractors for the bidding of the projects and admin in the carrying out the projects, the whole project can be finished by technicians who have professional certifications.(3)Bidding can be carrying out by owners, and the bidding companies have no quota restrictions, but the certifications,prestige and bidding price of the companies may interact each other. If the quantity of the bidding project exceeds 50,000 dollars,the company should pass prequalification of prospective bidders.The contractors’level should beexamined by the department which make credit verifying, the contractors should take the relevant projects , in particular cases, it just exceed 10% of the quantity.(4)The principle of bid evaluation and bid picket age. Usually the bidder whose bidding price is least can get the bid. Generally,principle of the bidding can be ensured by adopting the total prices or the unit price. In the definite principle, neither the too low price nor the too high price is chosen. But more attention should be paid to the trap of the bidding.2.2 The Bidding System in Hong KongHong Kong is the place which is full of the construction contractors. Mostly, if the owner invests on a construction project,he will entrust the consultant firms, thus, the compiling of bidding documents is finished by consultant films. The bidding system in Hong Kong follows Britain, which has no normalized price, only has “Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works”. The price adjustment in Hong Kong is decided by the quotation which is published by Hong Kong Counts Bureau, the contractors compute the price adjustment according the quotation.Thus, the price is absolutely according to the behavior of company or human.The announcement of tender of construction project in Hong Kong is published in evening paper every Friday, so according to the project in the paper, the contractors who have the license with the ratification by Engineering Bureau can participate the bidding(Liang 2003). The bidders in Hong Kong should study the projects,read the every clause in bidding documents and drawings. If they have something not understood or lack of the drawings, they should see them in company, and they also make physical verification. Generally, the bidders should understand everything before bidding, otherwise the owners may not charge for the loss of bidding.It is the characters of the price of the bidding in Hong Kong that the owners should give the bidding documents which include drawings and list of items. The bidders should fill the entire unit price and every kind of cost, according to the list of item. Because there aren’t coherent price standard, with the competition among the contractors, the bidders can bid according to the above documents. The character is no restrictions. In fact, the bidders give their price through contacting with the contractors and supplier and making analysis.2.3 The Bidding System in French RegionsThe main character of bidding in French regions is the project sad opting Append Offers and Adjudication (Liu 1999). Append Offers is the main method of bidding in French regions, which is similar to competitive bidding carried out by the World Bank.The characters of Append offers are: (1) to permit the bidders give some cases according to the clauses of bidding, so the bidders have much space to choose; (2) The bid opening is secret. Before the bidding in French regions, the tender committee should be founded. In the bidding, the committee usually becomes jury. For example, in the adjudication, firstly, the bidder or the committee exist; secondly, the owners publish the bidding bulletin, and request the contractors submitting the bidding application and some relative documents; thirdly, the committee exams the qualifications of the bidders; fourthly, the recognized contractors give the bidding price; fifthly, the committee exam the bidding price again.The characters of Adjudication are: (1) the bidders can give either the total price or the unit price; (2) the price of every bidder must be announced separately; (3) if there is at least one bidders price which is below the pre-tender price, the award result should be announced. If all the bid prices exceed the 20% of the pre-tender price, it would fail. The bidders can modify the conditions of the bid and bid again. All the above characters avoid the informal acts.The bidding system in the French regions restricts the informal acts in the bidding. Especially the bidders make the price in the special bidding, in the case of thebidding price being below the standard price, the lowest price should be successful.The French regions adopt the Append Offers and Adjudication, so the evaluation and the picket age of the bid are concise. After the committee makes the bid opening publicly, it gives the bid temporarily. If there is no price below the acceptable price, the committee can ask the bidders to make bid again; if there is no acceptable price, the committee would announce the bid failed. And the committee exam the price again in 10 days, so there is adequate time to study the bid documents and bid price again and again 3.THE REVELATION OF THE BIDDING SYSTEM INDEVELOPED COUNTRIES AND REGIONS TO CHINA3.1 The Law System of Developed Countries and Regions Is Relatively PerfectForeign countries pay more attention to setting up and perfecting the law system of bidding. For many years, European Union has got good grade in promoting the all-in-one in law system of bidding among the states, and it sets up a series of laws, so the states’bid laws are the reification of European Union’s laws, and there is no principle difference. Though there are some differences in adjective provision, it must be in keeping with the total laws.From 1st Jan. 1999, Euro bore as the unique cash, which consolidates and develops the unifying the bid laws, and make spositive militate.In China, the bid laws have 3 levels (Wen 2005): first of all,the laws set up by National People's Congress and standing committee, for example, “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Bid Invitation and Bidding”; the second level is bid laws set by State Council and other bid laws set by some Place National People's Congress; the third level is the bid laws set by some departments in State Council and the government, for example,“Engineering construction tender policing method”set up by Construction. The laws have carried out in 20 years, and the systems have been a whole system, which like in USA and EU, but in the bidding, there are some faults in carrying out the laws.The bidding is one of many economic actions. The principles of the bidding are just, fair and open. The better the law system setup, the more detailed the regulation made, and the more standard the bidding carried out. The problems, such as tendentious bidding,string bidding, nonstandard evaluating, can also be found in USA and EU. But there are relative perfect laws in USA and EU, so it can contact with criminal laws. However, the bid law is not enough perfect in China. There main are “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Bid Invitation and Bidding”, “Building Ordinance”and so on, and the biddings of construction project are mainly based on laws set up by Constructive Department. See from the carrying out the biddings of construction project, the laws and legislations are too general to easily carrying out the laws. For example, in dealing with the complaints about the bidding, every department basically deal with the problem in their own way and in their own understanding, and the similar case may has the different results in different regions. If correlative enterprises can’t accept the result for the dealing with complaints, they will appeal to the senior department. In USA and EU, the plaintiffs and defendants are always bidders but not government. In the dealing with the dispute in economic actions, the governments are primary inter ceder. But in China, finallyaccording to the “Administrative Approval Law”, the defendants become the administrators. Thus,all of these need to go step further studying and discussion, and then we should enrich and perfect the laws and legislations which are accord with China. Learning from the methods of USA and EU,China will make the dealing with the complaints standardized.3.2 The Developed Countries and Regions Quite Pay much Attention to the Research on Bidders' Preliminary BehaviorDeveloped countries' bidders are quite earnest to the earlier period research, from the environment analysis, the public relations strategy and so on, studying item by item. But in our countries,bidders neglect this aspect, and muddled investment, the blind decision-making, brings the massive loss for the enterprise and the country. Table 1 has listed the related main points of the earlier period research, for making analysis and research.It can be seen from the table that the bidders’idea in study the tendering project is essentially different compared with developed countries. So it is a favorable way of strengthening the earlier period research of bidding, to improve the rate of successful bids,and standardize bidding markets and increase enterprises’social image, enhance economic benefit.Table 1: Comparative Table of Earlier Period of Bidding between China and Developed3.3 The Bidding Procedure and Operation in Developed Countries and Regions Is more ReasonableBidding procedure and operation is one of the core content in an ational bidding system. Normative bidding procedures and operation is a perfect embodiment in a national bidding system Bidding operation mode includes bid opening, bid evaluation, bid award, and so on. It has two main principles: competition in public and protection the behalf of tenders and bidders. These two principles must be observed in bid opening, bid evaluation, and bid award. In practice, there is a greater difference between China and USA in bidopening, bid evaluation, and bid award, see table 2Table 2: Comparative Table of Bidding Procedures and Operation between China and3.4 The Bid Evaluation and Bid Picketage in Developed Countries and Regions Are StricterThe bid evaluation of international projects in developed countries is conducted in secret, which normally takes 10-15 days. The bide valuation of international projects is charged by the owners generally, and the method is: (l) an evaluation committee is established, charged by chief economist, composed with experts from engineering, technology, construction, planning, finance,accounting, cost, economy, contracts, legal and other aspects,which works in the joint office, discusses and consults collectively,evaluates the bid comparatively; (2) to hand out the bid document to the engineering, construction management, planning and scheduling, financial accounting, legal adviser, Chief Economist,and other functional departments for analysis and evaluation, to form theevaluation report by the final uniform evaluation results;(3) to ensure 2-3 bid award candidates and then review the qualifications, only the passed qualified bidder, be the award bidder can.The bid evaluation in China is also carried out in relative secrecy, but the time of evaluation is quite shorter, usually in about two hours, so the evaluation process only stays on the surface,which can not evaluate the inherent meaning of the bid, resulting in lots of problems and disputes after awarding the bid. Though the bid evaluation is organized by the owners in most areas of China,the evaluation committee also contains many administrative persons. So, the evaluation lacks of fair and just sometimes, with government intervention, the black-box operations and so on. The method of bid picketage is essentially different between China and developed countries. In China, comprehensive evaluation score are usually used. If the first high score bid is lowest in bid price, then no doubt that the award bidder. If the second high score bidder is in five score discrepancy with the first, the owners can choose one as the award bidder from the two candidates.This shows that the time of bid evaluation in China is only one fortieth of developed countries, and comprehensive evaluation is not accurate, so the owners always can’t choose the right contractor. So further study should be made to standardize the bid evaluation and bid picke tage.3.5The Bidding Management in Developed Countries and Regions is more StandardizedIn the bidding management in China, the government' sad ministrative interference is relatively strong. This is mainly because bidding system in China is not perfect. Currently, bidding supervision of projects invested by government is charged by the administrative departments in China.These administrative departments also charge the complaints of the bidders and other stakeholders, and cognizance the qualification of the tender agencies. Such management method is essentially self-monitoring, self-supervising, and it’s difficult to fundamentally form by supervisors and overseers of mutual relations between the checks and balances. In particular, with the existing management system for projects invested by government,some departments directly intervene in the management of projects,especially direct intervene the bidding activities, and some responsible person of the departments also serves as project leader .Considering from the interests of the departments, the industry and individual, it’s difficult to form a mechanism to supervise the activities of bidding strictly.The bidding management of US government is quite perfect.Its five plate systems, that are tender system in public, operating system standardization and accreditation system providers, audit system, delivery tracking system, make government officials have no chance to intervene the bidding process by administrative interferences, but focus on the establishment and management of the contract process. In a word, the bidding and operating system in developed countries is fairly perfect, comparatively, there is a large disparity in China.CONCLUSIONSThrough the above comparative analysis of the domestic system of bidding and bidding system in developed countries and regions, found in the China bidding system for the implementation of the defects and shortcomings, it also highlights the need to recruit China specification and the significance of the bidding market. Our country can learn from the bidding system of developed countries and regions, promote the improvement of Chinese current bidding system, and find an important direction in the theory. In order to better and more problems existing in bidding and implementation of vulnerability solutionto the domestic construction projects, to perfect the legal construction bidding and bidding market, even to the social economy have made an important and positive role. So whether it is in the current bidding position of the elite or is engaged in the bidding work of college students, should understand the bidding content, always pay attention to improvement and perfecting the system of bidding bidding, and in the case of conditions for domestic bidding and perfecting system of bidding to make a little of his own contribution. References:[1]Bai, H. Y. (1999). “Development and Application of Bid and Tender in Our Country.” Information System Engineering, (10), 20 pp.[2]Liang, W. (2003). “Bid of Project Constrution of Works Bureau in Hong Kong.” Construction Economy, (3), 31-33.[3]Liang, Y. P., Yu, X. F., and Zhang, A. Q. (2006). “Perfect the System of the Government Procument Using International Experience for Reference.” Theoretical Exploration, (2), 130-132.[4]Liu, Z. (1999). Practice of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Bid Invitation and Bidding, Xiyuan Press, Beijing, China, 1489-1561. Wen, J. (2005). “Where is Our Disparity? Compare of Bi dding between China and USA.” Honesty Outlook, (2), 6-7.[5]Casinelli, Massimoluigi (Casinelli Associates) Source: Cost Engineering (Morgantown, West Virginia), v 47, n 2, p 21-27, February 2005对比国内外建设项目招投标制度摘要下面通过对比分析了招投标制中美国,香港及法国地区,并指出了一些字符在竞标发达的国家和地区,并提出了招投标系统的一些启示中国。
the stage of the project cost managementAbstract:Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost. Described the current stage of the project cost management situation on the strengthening of the various stages of construction cost management of the importance of and raised a number of key initiatives.Keywords:project cost;the current stage of the project;project cost management;Even under the WTO and China's accession to the world community,China's construction industry how to effectively control construction cost of the construction and management of an important component part. However,the current budget for the construction projects - estimate,budget,Super budget accounts for the "super three" is still widespread and that eventually led to a serious loss of control of project investment. Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost.As the project cost to the project runs through the entire process,stage by stage can be divided into Investment Decision stage,the design and implementation phases. The so-called Project Cost effective control is the optimization of the construction plans and design programs on the basis of in the building process at all stages,use of certain methods and measures to reduce the cost of the projects have a reasonable control on the scope and cost of the approved limits.Engineering and cost management work of the current status of project cost management system was formed in the 1950s,1980s perfect together. Performance of the country and directly involved in the management of economic activities. Provisions in the design stage to different estimates or budget preparation as well as government; Nothing relevant departments to formulate a budget,content,methods and approval,the budget will provide the fixed cost of equipment and materials and fixed price of the budget preparation,approval,management authority,and so on.With the historical process,after recovery,reform and development,formed a relatively complete budget estimate of quota management system. However,as the socialist market economic development,the system's many problems have also exposed. Generally speaking,the budget estimate is based on direct participation in the management of national economic activity as a precondition. Enterprise is not the actual economic entities. Due to the characteristics of the planned economy,and,at the time under the conditions of productivity,will inevitably become a shortage in the economy.In severe shortage of commodities under the conditions,as long as a certain level of investment,will be certain outputs. In this environment,the project planning and technical argumentation there can be no economic analysis. State control of the project cost constitute key factors equipment and materials prices,wages and taxes of artificial distribution. In this relatively stable economic environment,the budget estimate for the system approved project cost,help the government to carry out investment plans to play a major role.As the socialist market economic system established,requires us to predict project investment and control. In recent years,international investment project developed to the requirements of prior pre-control and in the middle of control. China,the traditional practice in an objective light onthe cause decision-making,implementation heavy,light the economy and technology,First,the consequences of victimization,Due to the technical personnel of the project technical and economic concepts and a weak awareness of cost control,cost management makes the quality difficult to raise. Project Cost control is difficult to achieve long-term goals.Second,the various stages of the project management view of the above circumstances,My first academia in the 1980s made the whole process of cost management and control concept,building departments will study the feasibility of projects and the budgets and final accounts to two extended at the request of the corresponding regulations put our cost management concepts and methods referred to a new height.Our task now is to be modern and cost management in line with China's national conditions of the market economy system goal,learn from the advanced experience of the developed countries,and establish sound market economic laws of project cost management system,efforts to increase the project cost levels. An investment decision-making phase of the project cost management construction project investment decision-making stage is proposed project proposals; conduct a feasibility study to determine investment estimation and the final preparation of design task. At this stage,the project's technical and economic decision-making,of the construction project cost of the project after the completion of the economic benefits have a decisive influence,The construction cost is an important stage control.China's current stage of the project cost for the project management for the purpose of clearing price,and focusing only on the construction process of cost control,neglected before the start of the project investment decision-making stage of cost control. Investment decision-making phase of investment projects is estimated an important basis for decision-making. Ithas a direct impact on national economic and financial analysis of the results of the reliability and accuracy. Because of this phase is the preliminary work of projects,the information cannot be fully,comparable works more or less that information accumulated relatively small,estimated inadequate and unscientific. Makes project cost management and cost workers is difficult at this stage do something.The various stages of the project cost control in the decision-making phase project cost control. Right project planning phase of the cost,many owners have the wrong understanding that the lower the cost the better. Cost control is not a unilateral issue,and should be a number of factors,a combination of practical,comprehensive consideration. The construction project investment decision-making stage,the project's technical and economic decision-making,Cost of the project after the completion of the project and the economic benefits,with a decisive role in project cost control is an important stage,rationally define and control the direction of the project cost of accurate positioning and building Optimization guiding role.In the decision-making phase of the most important is to do a good job feasibility study,the work is done well,returns on investment and can form a good proportion. Otherwise,invest more,less effective,resulting in loss of control and waste of investment.At present,some of the projects planned the owners of departure from the subjective desires of a feasibility study on the lack of scientific proof. Feasibility Study untrue,false or engineering functions obtaining the approval of their superiors,actually put into the feasibility study will be awarded in the study for the project after the smooth functioning buried a lot of hidden problems,lead to insufficient follow-up funds for the project andhad to extend the time limit so that the project could not have planned the use of cost-effective,even become hopeless completion of the beard works.Therefore,in order to phase in the investment decision-making effectively control construction costs,we must do the following aspects: Implementationof the construction project and corporate accountability,Construction of the project from planning to implementation of the entire process and the use of the funds to repay responsibilities to the people. in addition to establishing a legal system and the project supervision matching mechanism by the departments in charge of the industry and supervision departments for setting up a monitoring group to oversee the use of funds.A realistic approach to market analysis,to avoid the blindness of the project decision-making,reduces and reduces investment risk. Fully consider building projects in the future market competitiveness,design task more scientific and reliability.Capital financing must have a formal commitment document,the parties must do investment funds in place,and funds must have documents to ensure that the project can be approved after the scheduled implementation. To the various loan conditions should be carefully analyzed to minimize the burden of interest and repayment pressure.To strengthen the engineering geology,hydrology,geology and land,water,electricity,transport,environmental projects such as external conditions for the work of depth to make the investment estimate there are sufficient grounds.Taking extensive investigation and research,comparison of similar projects,seriously functional analysis,multi-program comparison and choice. After full technical appraisal and economic evaluation,and the final technologically advanced,functional and reliable. Reasonable economic projects,thus calculate a more accurate and realistic estimation of theamount of investment,so that the project cost from the start positioning in a more reasonable level.The design phase of the project cost control for a long time,China's building control very effective,- investment projects is not uncommon,this will affect owners of investment returns,it adds to the owners and within budget,as well as difficulties in fund owners,the impact on the future management or the owners make payments in arrears,and so on. Hence,the control of the project cost is of great significance,however the project cost is the primary means of control design,Currently most of the property owners in the design stage seldom works on cost control,and they found that the cost of the design will not have a great impact,it is wrong,on the contrary,Design phase of the project cost control is the most important step. Because it determines engineering design,construction methods,materials and equipment types,models of the project cost is of critical significance,design optimization phase of the program or minor changes,project cost will have a significant impact,Design phase of the project cost control of the total project cost of 70%. Following is how to control the project from design to create the Law: As the owners must design,the design selected on the quality level is a direct impact on the quality of product design level,and the design quality products in the level of direct influence on the pricing of the works. Different design units on the same project design are different. the same item of different design institute works between certain aspects of the project cost on the existence of differences between,We assume that with a design from two different design institute to design,Construction plans after the completion of a requested advisory unit cost to do the budget,certainly different design institute the total cost of the project is absolutely not the same,and most of the difference between the two over 10% even more than30%,and not necessarily high cost than the design of low cost,and good design is often low cost,We all know that different people have different design styles and different levels,the design works naturally,therefore chosen to design units is the control on the first step. Through tender to select the design of the units is a good method,the tender documents to elaborate on this particular aspect of the requirements,cost control targets,and so on.Otherwise,in the subsequent design process design units will put an increase in the cost of the design requirements; through tendering the project design into the market,compared to select the best design units.Promoting the design bidding and design optimization campaign mode design units assessed by experts using scientific group France,in accordance with applicable,economic,aesthetic principles and advanced technology,reasonable structure to meet building energy efficiency and environmental requirements,comprehensive assessment of the merits of the program design,selection of the best determination of the successful program.Successful investment program estimated to be close to the general construction project scope of investment. This means two design contracts will help design the program of choice and competition to ensure that the selected design advanced technology,unique novelty,adaptability,as well as to control the cost of the project. Design units should strive to improve their quality of the project design clever idea,contemporary reducing the project cost on to rack their brains to improve design quality,strive to put the design phase of the project cost control approval of the investment ceiling.Strengthening the design stage of the design phase to strengthen supervision of the Commissioner to determine a reasonable design,maturetechnology,reduction in the construction phase major design changes and changes in the program,in the effective control of the project cost will play a role. 1 to the design of the project if the project supervision to get involved,excluding unfavorable factors may generally is excluded from the 80% errors. In the entire process of building cost control,construction began at best to save and invest 20%,the key lies in the construction phase of the identification and control costs. Supervision of the design phase include : Design Institute under the design drawings and notes help owners deal with different design options for the economy,capital expenditure to develop the preliminary estimates,to ensure that the investment can be most effectively utilized. With the owners of the Commissioner include:According to the Design Institute to provide design drawings and notes to help owners deal with different design options for the economy,capital expenditures to develop the preliminary plan to ensure that investment can be most effectively used; with the owners of different design options,the need to calculate their own materials and equipment to conduct a cost analysis and study,to the design staff costs,to assist them in the investment limit within limits designed to save and invest. To seek a one-time small investment and economic good design program made the most rational economic indicators.Design actively promote the so-called cap limit design,even with the approval of the design task and investment estimates,guarantee the functional requirements of the premise. The preliminary design and control budget,according to the preliminary approval of the total budget for the design and construction design control. Limits,and every one professional,each of whom have a design threshold of a target. In the design process,designers should progress to more programs,design optimization,ensuring that the design is technically advanced and reasonable,innovative,stylish,and do not break the limit investment objectives,thus eliminating theengineering design raise the factor of safety and design standards,or only consider the technical feasibility of the program,rather than economic rationality phenomenon,the project cost to ensure effective control.Also known as the value of value engineering analysis,is a modern scientific management technique,is a new techno-economic analysis,is the product of functional analysis to conserve resources and reduce the cost of the purpose of an effective method. It made up for the traditional cost management simply focus on cost reduction and quality management only emphasizes improving the quality deficiencies,construction is conducive to resolving the long-standing long period,a lot of wastage,poor quality,high-cost problems. Value Engineering laws generally divided into three steps: assessment of the design of object technology and economic Score; Calculation of the target group of technical and economic indicators; calculate the geometric design of the object,on average; From comparison choose the best design.Construction phase of the project implementation unit construction cost management to control the cost of the project is reasonable in the project to meet quality standards premise,in the investment decision-making stage,the design phase and construction phase of the project put the project approval occurred in the control limits,strive in various construction projects rational use of human,material and financial resources to achieve good investment returns and social benefits.The project cost control and management is a dynamic process. The dynamic market economy,to make the investment in the identification and control become more complex,this will require the construction units to the management of project cost to the project runs through the entire process,it is necessary to have a comprehensive focus. The implementation phase of the projects. The implementation phase of the project cost management is theimplementation of the entire process of project management. Project implementation phase of the project cost management can be divided into three parts: the tender management,construction management and settlement management.Bidding for the construction phase of the construction units Bidding system control engineering cost effective means,bid organization can improve the cost-effectiveness of construction projects and ensure the quality of construction projects,shortening the construction cycle return on the investment,construction units can take full advantage of bidding for the effective means of cost control.Construction No. 10 on the 7th ministerial decree issued a "contract with the Construction Contract Pricing Management." clearly pointed out in bidding for projects using inventories. This requires the building of units conducting the tender exercise,in the tender document to include not only the usual content,like tender notes before schedule,tender notes,the conditions of the contract,the contract terms of the agreement,contract format,technical specifications,drawings,tender documents and other reference format,it is also necessary to provide the engineering inventory,Bidding as a reference document of the important components.Construction units in the tender document for the project inventory,in accordance with state or local rules promulgated by the calculation that the reunification of the divided projects,unified measurement units and the reunification of the engineering calculation rules,according to design drawings to be calculated and statistical arranged,obtain the list. Quantities to be followed in the preparation of an objective,impartial,scientific,and rational principle. Compilers must have strong manly budget,and should have certain knowledge of the engineering design and construction experience,and the material and mechanical construction technology forcomprehensive scientific knowledge,in order to calculate the volume of the works without heavy missed. The basis of which must be in accordance with state regulations engineering calculation rules,and the sub-projects division engineering units,and in accordance with design drawings,design essential Love tender documentation requirements are calculated.Quantities of the project should have a testing general,the entries must be simple,while not appear Lousing wrong items Pricing should guarantee the correctness of the project. Should the requirements of the different grades separate engineering division,the situation was different; We may have different prices for the items separately. This requires the preparation of the list compilers,seriously study design drawings,Analysis of the tender documents include the elements of the work and the different technical requirements,all familiar with the process,and to the scene of serious investigation,is forecast to make possible the construction of the case,right will have an impact on the Price of projects to be broken down. In addition,because the project inventories to calculate the amount of the project is not complete engineering and consider the interests of the construction units,clearly paying the price for the same overall price,the quantity list by the number of actual construction is a practical terms.In the evaluation and review of the tender offer should do the units total individual Price quotations and the comprehensive assessment. Price does not meet the requirements of individual shows Price meets the requirements,and the lowest total Price could not explain the single lowest bidder. Bidders often know the total cost to maintain the same circumstances; the project is likely to change smaller projects to lower the price.Changes may be larger projects price increases to achieve the completion of clearing works will be added for the purpose. We would also do price and the corresponding quantity of comprehensive engineeringassessment of the large volume of projects to focus on the price analysis. Price will do with the contents of the work,construction program,a comprehensive technical evaluation process,thereby preferred choice of a construction unit. Construction of the construction phase of the contract cost control basis. Signed tight construction contract,while strengthening the construction contract management can guarantee that the contract price is reasonable,legitimacy and reduce the performance of the contract A,B in disputes and safeguard the interests of both the contract,effective control of the works investment costs.After the signing of the contract,to do the management contract documentation,contract and the supplementary contract agreement until the regular meeting site in minutes. Work contacts such as a single content of a contract extension and explained that the integrity must be preserved,in addition to establishing a technical files,Implementation of the contract for dynamic analysis,results of the analysis to take proactive measures.Construction phase in the construction phase construction plan is based on the budget or Ken works contract price of the target,Ken control the cost of the project. At this stage of conservation has room for a small,but the possibility of waste is great. Thereby to control the cost of the project to give sufficient attention.Construction program to strengthen the comparative technical and economic construction program is construction design of a re - to the contents of the work,a reasonable construction plan,shorten the construction period and ensure the quality of the project,improving economic efficiency,Construction of the program right from the technical and economic evaluation were compared,through qualitative and quantitative analysis,the quality,time,Cost three technical and economic indicators,be rational,and effective use of manpower,material and financial resources,achieve better economic efficiency,good construction management relations,a comprehensive cost management is an important way.Strictly related changes to the project budget control in the proposed budget. Construction of the changes caused by many reasons,including works poorly designed,so that the engineering contract with the drawings provided inconsistent; The current market supply of materials does not meet the standard specifications of the design requirements. These issues have to leave breadwinner project cost factors. Therefore,in the construction process,we must tighten customs change,through no design changes to expand the scale and improve the design standards; increase the construction and contents,the best implementation of the "grade control,visa quota" system. Right to change the design,particularly as it relates to the cost of the design changes must be approved by the design units,construction units scene representatives,supervision engineers common signature,and should be ahead of this type of change,reduce losses,because it has been completed or partially completed project will entail the demolition of the contents,it is bound to cause major changes to the loss. Therefore,the construction units should be assigned to the project cost management professionals Permanent construction site,to grasp at any time. Control project cost of the changes.Works on the scene visa formalities through strict control of the construction project supervision system,the establishment of specialized departments,Professional use of the professional management of projects and to avoid project management personnel just visas,not economic account of the phenomenon. Investment out of control caused serious consequences. To serious change visa procedures to be taken to the building,Supervisor,the construction site together representatives signed the way toensure that change,visa authenticity,legitimacy,economic and avoid fraud and the resulting phenomena arising from the dispute.In the course of construction,the construction units to enhance on-site construction management,supervision and construction side according to the drawings,and strictly control the change of the negotiations,materials substitution,the scene visas,and various additional extra budgetary labor costs for the necessary changes should be done first afterwards,after money,Change event on the timely change in the calculation of the workload and the cost of change occurred to grasp at any time cost of the project level,things to avoid a backlog of work that the true cost of the project.Construction unit representatives to the scene to supervise doing a good job record,particularly concealed records and visas,reduce clearing the passing phenomenon. Many works visa scene is not as serious,works to bring a very large settlement of the trouble,lead to considerable economic losses,the scene strict visa management of the construction phase of the project cost control key.Of project list rigorous review of the project on the review of inventories,Engineers’ monitor list of measures to control the project. BOQ to provide the list of measures is to complete construction projects,occurred in the pre-construction engineering and construction process technology,life and safety aspects of non-engineering projects entities. At this stage because many projects are in construction plans and the construction site of the imperfections on the tender wait until the construction tender of the project design and actual scene have better access. Management Engineer addresses the gathering first-hand information on the original,itemized checking identification,inconsistent make revisions.Control material consumption,rationally define material prices. Cost of the project control materials price control is the main,the cost of materials in engineering often holds substantial proportion,usually accounts for the estimated costs of 70%,representing the direct costs of 80%. It is necessary in the construction phase in strict accordance with the contract amount of material control; material set reasonable prices,so as to effectively control the cost of the project. Market economy material supply a variety of channels,variety and price range materials,construction unit budget management and field personnel should pay close attention to market rates,with the progress of the scene,the market,hand in the construction of the information and materials for the completion of the accounts provide a strong basis.Technology and economic integration,strengthening investment control. Effective control of the investment,from organizational,technical,economic,contracts,and other measures. Therefore,the construction units must strengthen management,engineering and technical personnel of the "economy" concept,the quality of education,Training pragmatic working style,the construction side to help improve construction design,reasonable security,financial,and material resources. Accelerate the pace of work to improve the quality of the projects. Construction should encounter problems in a timely manner with the designer linked to choose both economic and scientific potential solutions,overcome the waste caused by command,to give due attention to the importance of investment in conservation,is responsible for the engineering technician with the combination of economic officers from the tender,contract negotiations,costing the budget,signed paid to the progress of the completion of the accounts,a cost analysis,the whole process management and strictly control the cost of the project.。
会计学中英文资料外文翻译外文原文Title:Future of SME finance(Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery will depend on the possibility of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to exploit their potential for growth and employment creation.SMEs make a major contribution to growth and employment in the EU and are at the heart of the Lisbon Strategy, whose main objective is to turn Europe into the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. However, the ability of SMEs to grow depends highly on their potential to invest in restructuring, innovation and qualification. All of these investments need capital and therefore access to finance.Against this background the consistently repeated complaint of SMEs about their problems regarding access to finance is a highly relevant constraint that endangers the economic recovery of Europe.Changes in the finance sector influence the behavior of credit institutes towards Crafts, Trades and SMEs. Recent and ongoing developments in the banking sector add to the concerns of SMEs and will further endanger their access to finance. The main changes in the banking sector which influence SME finance are:•Globalization and internationalization have increased the competition and the profit orientation in the sector;•worsening of the economic situations in some institutes (burst of the ITC bubble, insolvencies) strengthen the focus on profitability further;•Mergers and restructuring created larger structures and many local branches, which had direct and personalized contacts with small enterprises, were closed;•up-coming implementation of new capital adequacy rules (Basel II) will also change SME business of the credit sector and will increase its administrative costs;•Stricter interpretation of State-Aide Rules by the European Commission eliminates the support of banks by public guarantees; many of the effected banks arevery active in SME finance.All these changes result in a higher sensitivity for risks and profits in the finance sector.The changes in the finance sector affect the accessibility of SMEs to finance.Higher risk awareness in the credit sector, a stronger focus on profitability and the ongoing restructuring in the finance sector change the framework for SME finance and influence the accessibility of SMEs to finance. The most important changes are: •In order to make the higher risk awareness operational, the credit sector introduces new rating systems and instruments for credit scoring;•Risk assessment of SMEs by banks will force the enterprises to present more and better quality information on their businesses;•Banks will try to pass through their additional costs for implementing and running the new capital regulations (Basel II) to their business clients;•due to the increase of competition on interest rates, the bank sector demands more and higher fees for its services (administration of accounts, payments systems, etc.), which are not only additional costs for SMEs but also limit their liquidity;•Small enterprises will lose their personal relationship with decision-makers in local branches –the credit application process will become more formal and anonymous and will probably lose longer;•the credit sector will lose more and more its “public function” to provide access to finance for a wide range of economic actors, which it has in a number of countries, in order to support and facilitate economic growth; the profitability of lending becomes the main focus of private credit institutions.All of these developments will make access to finance for SMEs even more difficult and / or will increase the cost of external finance. Business start-ups and SMEs, which want to enter new markets, may especially suffer from shortages regarding finance. A European Code of Conduct between Banks and SMEs would have allowed at least more transparency in the relations between Banks and SMEs and UEAPME regrets that the bank sector was not able to agree on such a commitment.Towards an encompassing policy approach to improve the access of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to financeAll analyses show that credits and loans will stay the main source of finance forthe SME sector in Europe. Access to finance was always a main concern for SMEs, but the recent developments in the finance sector worsen the situation even more. Shortage of finance is already a relevant factor, which hinders economic recovery in Europe. Many SMEs are not able to finance their needs for investment.Therefore, UEAPME expects the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to strengthen their efforts to improve the framework conditions for SME finance. Europe’s Crafts, Trades and SMEs ask for an encompassing policy approach, which includes not only the conditions for SMEs’ access to lending, but will also strengthen their capacity for internal finance and their access to external risk capital.From UEAPME’s point of view such an encompassing approach should be based on three guiding principles:•Risk-sharing between private investors, financial institutes, SMEs and public sector;•Increase of transparency of SMEs towards their external investors and lenders;•improving the regulatory environment for SME finance.Based on these principles and against the background of the changing environment for SME finance, UEAPME proposes policy measures in the following areas:1. New Capital Requirement Directive: SME friendly implementation of Basel IIDue to intensive lobbying activities, UEAPME, together with other Business Associations in Europe, has achieved some improvements in favour of SMEs regarding the new Basel Agreement on regulatory capital (Basel II). The final agreement from the Basel Committee contains a much more realistic approach toward the real risk situation of SME lending for the finance market and will allow the necessary room for adaptations, which respect the different regional traditions and institutional structures.However, the new regulatory system will influence the relations between Banks and SMEs and it will depend very much on the way it will be implemented into European law, whether Basel II becomes burdensome for SMEs and if it will reduce access to finance for them.The new Capital Accord form the Basel Committee gives the financial marketauthorities and herewith the European Institutions, a lot of flexibility. In about 70 areas they have room to adapt the Accord to their specific needs when implementing it into EU law. Some of them will have important effects on the costs and the accessibility of finance for SMEs.UEAPME expects therefore from the new European Commission and the new European Parliament:•The implementation of the new Capital Requirement Directive will be costly for the Finance Sector (up to 30 Billion Euro till 2006) and its clients will have to pay for it. Therefore, the implementation – especially for smaller banks, which are often very active in SME finance –has to be carried out with as little administrative burdensome as possible (reporting obligations, statistics, etc.).•The European Regulators must recognize traditional instruments for collaterals (guarantees, etc.) as far as possible.•The European Commission and later the Member States should take over the recommendations from the European Parliament with regard to granularity, access to retail portfolio, maturity, partial use, adaptation of thresholds, etc., which will ease the burden on SME finance.2. SMEs need transparent rating proceduresDue to higher risk awareness of the finance sector and the needs of Basel II, many SMEs will be confronted for the first time with internal rating procedures or credit scoring systems by their banks. The bank will require more and better quality information from their clients and will assess them in a new way. Both up-coming developments are already causing increasing uncertainty amongst SMEs.In order to reduce this uncertainty and to allow SMEs to understand the principles of the new risk assessment, UEAPME demands transparent rating procedures –rating procedures may not become a “Black Box” for SMEs:•The bank should communicate the relevant criteria affecting the rating of SMEs.•The bank should inform SMEs about its assessment in order to allow SMEs to improve.The negotiations on a European Code of Conduct between Banks and SMEs , which would have included a self-commitment for transparent rating procedures by Banks, failed. Therefore, UEAPME expects from the new European Commission andthe new European Parliament support for:•binding rules in the framework of the new Capital Adequacy Directive, which ensure the transparency of rating procedures and credit scoring systems for SMEs;•Elaboration of national Codes of Conduct in order to improve the relations between Banks and SMEs and to support the adaptation of SMEs to the new financial environment.3. SMEs need an extension of credit guarantee systems with a special focus on Micro-LendingBusiness start-ups, the transfer of businesses and innovative fast growth SMEs also depended in the past very often on public support to get access to finance. Increasing risk awareness by banks and the stricter interpretation of State Aid Rules will further increase the need for public support.Already now, there are credit guarantee schemes in many countries on the limit of their capacity and too many investment projects cannot be realized by SMEs.Experiences show that Public money, spent for supporting credit guarantees systems, is a very efficient instrument and has a much higher multiplying effect than other instruments. One Euro form the European Investment Funds can stimulate 30 Euro investments in SMEs (for venture capital funds the relation is only 1:2).Therefore, UEAPME expects the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to support:•The extension of funds for national credit guarantees schemes in the framework of the new Multi-Annual Programmed for Enterprises;•The development of new instruments for securitizations of SME portfolios;•The recognition of existing and well functioning credit guarantees schemes as collateral;•More flexibility within the European Instruments, because of national differences in the situation of SME finance;•The development of credit guarantees schemes in the new Member States;•The development of an SBIC-like scheme in the Member States to close the equity gap (0.2 – 2.5 Mio Euro, according to the expert meeting on PACE on April 27 in Luxemburg).•the development of a financial support scheme to encourage the internalizations of SMEs (currently there is no scheme available at EU level:termination of JOP, fading out of JEV).4. SMEs need company and income taxation systems, which strengthen their capacity for self-financingMany EU Member States have company and income taxation systems with negative incentives to build-up capital within the company by re-investing their profits. This is especially true for companies, which have to pay income taxes. Already in the past tax-regimes was one of the reasons for the higher dependence of Europe’s SMEs on bank lending. In future, the result of rating will also depend on the amount of capital in the company; the high dependence on lending will influence the access to lending. This is a vicious cycle, which has to be broken.Even though company and income taxation falls under the competence of Member States, UEAPME asks the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to publicly support tax-reforms, which will strengthen the capacity of Crafts, Trades and SME for self-financing. Thereby, a special focus on non-corporate companies is needed.5. Risk Capital – equity financingExternal equity financing does not have a real tradition in the SME sector. On the one hand, small enterprises and family business in general have traditionally not been very open towards external equity financing and are not used to informing transparently about their business.On the other hand, many investors of venture capital and similar forms of equity finance are very reluctant regarding investing their funds in smaller companies, which is more costly than investing bigger amounts in larger companies. Furthermore it is much more difficult to set out of such investments in smaller companies.Even though equity financing will never become the main source of financing for SMEs, it is an important instrument for highly innovative start-ups and fast growing companies and it has therefore to be further developed. UEAPME sees three pillars for such an approach where policy support is needed:Availability of venture capital•The Member States should review their taxation systems in order to create incentives to invest private money in all forms of venture capital.•Guarantee instruments for equity financing should be further developed.Improve the conditions for investing venture capital into SMEs•The development of secondary markets for venture capital investments inSMEs should be supported.•Accounting Standards for SMEs should be revised in order to ease transparent exchange of information between investor and owner-manager.Owner-managers must become more aware about the need for transparency towards investors•SME owners will have to realise that in future access to external finance (venture capital or lending) will depend much more on a transparent and open exchange of information about the situation and the perspectives of their companies.•In order to fulfil the new needs for transparency, SMEs will have to use new information instruments (business plans, financial reporting, etc.) and new management instruments (risk-management, financial management, etc.).外文资料翻译题目:未来的中小企业融资背景:中小企业融资已经改变未来的经济复苏将取决于能否工艺品,贸易和中小企业利用其潜在的增长和创造就业。
工程术语1、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准GB50300-20011建筑工程building engineering为新建、改建或扩建房屋建筑物和附属构筑物设施所进行的规划、勘察、设计和施工、竣工等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
2建筑工程质量quality of building engineering反映建筑工程满足相关标准规定或合同约定的要求,包括其在安全、使用功能及其在耐久性能、环境保护等方面所有明显的隐含能力的特性总和。
4进场验收site acceptance对进入施工现场的材料、构配件、设备等按相关标准规定要求进行检验,对产品达到合格与否做出确认。
5检验批inspection lot按同一的生产条件或按规定的方式汇总起来供检验用的,由一定数量样本组成的检验体。
7见证取样检测evidential testing在监理单位或建设单位监督下,由施工单位有关人员现场取样,并送至具备相应资质的检测单位所进行的检测。
8交接检验handing over inspection由施工的承接方与完成方经双方检查并对可否继续施工做出确认的活动。
9主控项目dominant item建筑工程中的对安全、卫生、环境保护和公众利益起决定性作用的检验项目。
10一般项目general item除主控项目以外的检验项目。
11抽样检验sampling inspection按照规定的抽样方案,随机地从进场的材料、构配件、设备或建筑工程检验项目中,按检验批抽取一定数量的样本所进行的检验。
12抽样方案sampling scheme根据检验项目的特性所确定的抽样数量和方法。
公路工程建设中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Asphalt Mixtures-Applications, Theory andPrinciples1 . ApplicationsAsphalt materials find wide usage in the construction industry. The use of asphalt as a cementing agent in pavements is the most common of its applications, however, and the one that will be considered here.Asphalt products are used to produce flexible pavements for highways and airports. The term “flexible” is used to distinguish these pavements from those made with Portland cement, which are classified as rigid pavements, that is, having beam strength. This distinction is important because it provides they key to the design approach which must be used for successful flexible pavement structures.The flexible pavement classification may be further broken down into high and low types, the type usually depending on whether a solid or liquid asphalt product isused. The low types of pavement are made with the cutback, or emulsion, liquid products and are very widely used throughout this country. Descriptive terminology has been developed in various sections of the country to the extent that one pavement type may have several names. However, the general process followed in construction is similar for most low-type pavements and can be described as one in which the aggregate and the asphalt product are usually applied to the roadbed separately and there mixed or allowed to mix, forming the pavement.The high type of asphalt pavements is made with asphalt cements of some selected penetration grade.Fig. ·1 A modern asphalt concrete highway. Shoulder striping is used as a safely feature.Fig. ·2 Asphalt concrete at the San Francisco International Airport.They are used when high wheel loads and high volumes of traffic occur and are, therefore, often designed for a particular installation.2 . Theory of asphalt concrete mix designHigh types of flexible pavement are constructed by combining an asphalt cement, often in the penetration grade of 85 to 100, with aggregates that are usually divided into three groups, based on size. The three groups are coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and mineral filler. These will be discussed in detail in later chapter.Each of the constituent parts mentioned has a particular function in the asphalt mixture, and mix proportioning or design is the process of ensuring that no function is neglected. Before these individual functions are examined, however, the criteria for pavement success and failure should be considered so that design objectives can be established.A successful flexible pavement must have several particular properties. First, it must be stable, that is to resistant to permanent displacement under load. Deformation of an asphalt pavement can occur in three ways, two unsatisfactory and one desirable. Plastic deformation of a pavement failure and which is to be avoided if possible. Compressive deformation of the pavement results in a dimensional change in the pavement, and with this change come a loss of resiliency and usually a degree of roughness. This deformation is less serious than the one just described, but it, too, leads to pavement failure. The desirable type of deformation is an elastic one, which actually is beneficial to flexible pavements and is necessary to their long life.The pavement should be durable and should offer protection to the subgrade. Asphalt cement is not impervious to the effects of weathering, and so the design must minimize weather susceptibility. A durable pavement that does not crack or ravel will probably also protect the roadbed. It must be remembered that flexible pavements transmit loads to the subgrade without significant bridging action, and so a dry firm base is absolutely essential.Rapidly moving vehicles depend on the tire-pavement friction factor for control and safety. The texture of the pavement surfaces must be such that an adequate skid resistance is developed or unsafe conditions result. The design procedure should be used to select the asphalt material and aggregates combination which provides a skid resistant roadway.Design procedures which yield paving mixtures embodying all these properties are not available. Sound pavements are constructed where materials and methods are selected by using time-tested tests and specifications and engineering judgments along with a so-called design method.The final requirement for any pavement is one of economy. Economy, again, cannot be measured directly, since true economy only begins with construction cost and is not fully determinable until the full useful life of the pavement has been recorded. If, however, the requirements for a stable, durable, and safe pavement are met with a reasonable safety factor, then the best interests of economy have probably been served as well.With these requirements in mind, the functions of the constituent parts can be examined with consideration give to how each part contributes to now-established objectives or requirements. The functions of the aggregates is to carry the load imposed on the pavement, and this is accomplished by frictional resistance and interlocking between the individual pieces of aggregates. The carrying capacity of the asphalt pavement is, then, related to the surface texture (particularly that of the fine aggregate) and the density, or “compactness,”, of the aggregates. Surfac e texture varies with different aggregates, and while a rough surface texture is desired, this may not be available in some localities. Dense mixtures are obtained by using aggregates that are either naturally or artificially “well graded”. This means that the fine aggregate serves to fill the voids in the coarser aggregates. In addition to affecting density and therefore strength characteristics, the grading also influences workability. When an excess of coarse aggregate is used, the mix becomes harsh and hard to work. When an excess of mineral filler is used, the mixes become gummy and difficult to manage.The asphalt cement in the flexible pavement is used to bind the aggregate particles together and to waterproof the pavements. Obtaining the proper asphalt content is extremely important and bears a significant influence on all the items marking a successful pavement. A chief objective of all the design methods which have been developed is to arrive at the best asphalt content for a particular combination of aggregates.3 . Mix design principlesCertain fundamental principles underlie the design procedures that have been developed. Before these procedures can be properly studied or applied, some consideration of these principles is necessary.Asphalt pavements are composed of aggregates, asphalt cement, and voids. Considering the aggregate alone, all the space between particles is void space. The volume of aggregate voids depends on grading and can vary widely. When the asphalt cement is added, a portion of these aggregate voids is filled and a final air-void volume is retained. The retention of this air-void volume is very important to thecharacteristics of the mixture. The term air-void volume is used, since these voids are weightless and are usually expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the compacted mixture.An asphalt pavement carries the applied load by particle friction and interlock. If the particles are pushed apart for any reason , then the pavement stability is destroyed. This factor indicates that certainly no more asphalt should be added than the aggregate voids can readily hold. However ,asphalt cement is susceptible to volume change and the pavement is subject to further compaction under use. If the pavement has no air voids when placed, or if it loses them under traffic, then the expanding asphalt will overflow in a condition known as bleeding. The loss of asphalt cement through bleeding weakens the pavement and also reduces surface friction, making the roadway hazardous.Fig. ·3 Cross section of an asphalt concrete pavement showing the aggregate frameworkbound together by asphalt cement.The need for a minimum air-void volume (usually 2 or 3 per cent ) has been established. In addition, a maximum air-void volume of 5 to 7 per cent should not be exceed. An excess of air voids promotes raveling of the pavement and also permits water to enter and speed up the deteriorating processes. Also, in the presence of excess air the asphalt cement hardens and ages with an accompanying loss of durability and resiliency.The air-void volume of the mix is determined by the degree of compaction as well as by the asphalt content. For a given asphalt content, a lightly compacted mixwill have a large voids volume and a lower density and a greater strength will result. In the laboratory, the compaction is controlled by using a specified hammer and regulating the number of blows and the energy per blow. In the field, the compaction and the air voids are more difficult to control and tests must be made no specimens taken from the compacted pavement to cheek on the degree of compaction being obtained. Traffic further compact the pavement, and allowance must be made for this in the design. A systematic checking of the pavement over an extended period is needed to given factual information for a particular mix. A change in density of several per cent is not unusual, however.Asphalt content has been discussed in connection with various facets of the ix design problem. It is a very important factor in the mix design and has a bearing an all the characteristics ld a successful pavement: stability, skid resistance, durability, and economy. As has been mentioned, the various design procedures are intended to provide a means for selecting the asphalt content . These tests will be considered in detail in a future chapter ,but the relationship between asphalt content and the measurable properties of stability, unit weight, and air voids will be discussed here.Fig.4 Variations in stability, unit weight, and air-void content with asphalt cement content.If the gradation and type of aggregate, the degree of compaction, and the type of asphalt cement are controlled, then the strength varies in a predictable manner. The strength will increase up to some optimum asphalt content and then decrease with further additions. The pattern of strength variation will be different when the other mix factors are changed, and so only a typical pattern can be predicted prior to actualtesting.Unit weight varies in the same manner as strength when all other variable are controlled. It will reach some peak value at an asphalt content near that determined from the strength curve and then fall off with further additions.As already mentioned, the air-void volume will vary with asphalt content. However, the manner of variation is different in that increased asphalt content will decrease air-void volume to some minimum value which is approached asymptotically. With still greater additions of asphalt material the particles of aggregate are only pushed apart and no change occurs in air-void volume.In summary, certain principles involving aggregate gradation, air-void volume, asphalt content, and compaction mist be understood before proceeding to actual mix design. The proper design based on these principles will result in sound pavements. If these principles are overlooked, the pavement may fail by one or more of the recognized modes of failure: shoving, rutting, corrugating, becoming slick when the max is too ‘rich’; raveling, cracking,having low durability when the mix is too‘lean’.It should be again emphasized that the strength of flexible is, more accurately, a stability and does not indicate any ability to bridge weak points in the subgrade by beam strength. No asphalt mixture can be successful unless it rests on top of a properly designed and constructed base structure. This fact, that the surface is no better than the base, must be continually in the minds of those concerned with any aspect of flexible pavement work.[1] International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2014, V ol.7 (2), pp.83-92[2] Neville Adam .Concrete Technology-An Essential Element of Structural Design[M].Concrete International,1998.[3] Hewlett Peter C,et al. Lea,s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete[M]. 4thed.Butter-worth-Heinemann,London,1998.[4] M Karasahin . Anisotropic Characteristics of Granular Material . Proceedings of the Fifith Inter-national Symposium on Unbound Aggregates in Roads,2000:139-142 .[5]Sean Davit .Irish Experience in the Use of Unbound Aggregates in Roads1970-2000 .Un-bound Aggregates in Roads Construction,2000.[6]Moore W M,Milberger L J .Evaluation of the TTI Gyratory Compactor .Texas Transportation Institute Report No .99-3 .译文:沥青混合料的应用、理论和原则1、应用沥青材料如今在建筑行业广泛使用。
工程管理论文中英文资料对照外文翻译The Internet is Applicated in Real EstateThe Real Estate Industry and the World Wide Web: Changing Technology, Changing Location.The Internet, in its Web based graphics version, has captured the imagination of both consumers and businesses. Its convenience, speed, low cost and versatility are being exploited on a daily basis in ever-changing ways. Together with its capacity to transform existing businesses, promote new businesses and facilitate exchange of information and data, its other striking attribute has been the speed with which this new technology has spread throughout the global economy.Keywords:The internet;Real Estate;ApplicatedThe number of computer hosts grew by more than ten-fold between 1995 and early 1999. The number of Web sites increased almost 100-fold, to over two million, between 1995 and 1998.By the year 2000, there will be approximately 400-500 million Internet users in the world, and the total number of Web sites will exceed five million.This new technology has the potential for affecting the real estate industry directly and indirectly. Directly, it may become a tool that allows a real estate business to expand its information and sales network. Indirectly, it may change the location equation where and how firms do business which in turn will affect the role of firms involved in real estate development, investment and transactions.Measuring the Spread of the WebThere are few reliable published statistics on Internet or Web use, and statistics reported by different analysts are often inconsistent. Our discussion of the Web and real estate is based on limited information from surveys and on examination of Web sites rather than on more comprehensive data. We have built our overview of the role of the World Wide Web and real estate by examining a variety of sources(including trade publications, existing Web sites, and our own survey of selected real estate firms)From E-mail to E-commerceBefore the advent of the World Wide Web, the Internet existed mostly for the purposes of e-mail, data transfers, newsgroups and bulletin boards, and its reach was limited primarily to the academic and the defense community. The technology itself was not particularly user-friendly, the network speed was not very high, the medium was limited to text and data, and accessing information was cumbersome and time-consuming. The browser technology greatly simplified usage, enabled multimedia information, and created interactive possibilities. The technology brought together TV entertainment, library information, news bulletins, communication and data in one desktop machine.Although initially the greatest patrons of the Internet were the academic community, the commercial sector quickly caught on to the potential of the Web. The private sector saw in the Web an opportunity to widen its marketing reach, lower costs of information dissemination, improve customer relations, and ultimately to conduct sales. Existing private sector Web sites can be roughly categorized into three types, as summarized. The most basic level is for simple information dissemination. The firm registers a Web site and develops a page giving basic company information. The second stage is an expansion of information, marketing goods and services or providing other customer information. The third stage is the addition of transactions tothe activities possible on the Web site.Most business sites at present are in Stage 2. The use of the World Wide Web for detailed information dissemination, and marketing has had several advantages. For the firm, marketing, information dissemination and customer services on the Web can be monitored and analyzed with some details unavailable from conventional methods of marketing using other media. Internet tools can now provide a firm with data on who accessed the site, which pages were visited most, heavily, from where and for how long. This information contributes to improved measures of the results of promotional efforts. The promotional costs associated with the Internet have also been very low. For example, in direct mail marketing, to send a one-page color brochure to 5,000 random addresses will cost upwards of $2,500. The cost of setting up a Web site could be one-tenth of this amount or less (although tracking and analysis can quickly add to the cost)?Many different sectors, including real estate, have found the Internet to be both efficient and cost-effective as a marketing device.The next logical step - a full-fledged office/store on the Web with transaction capability and commerce on the Internet is now being attempted in varying degrees depending on the firm's area of business. Retail sites selling products between $10 and $100, the kind that are traditionally part of a direct mail sales catalog, seem to be the ones having the greatest success(although 4% of sites sell products over $10,000 and another 13% sell products ranging from $100 to$9,999)?A number of retail sites have also harnessed a secondary revenue stream from advertising. Advertising revenues on the Web have crossed the billion-dollar mark and total Internet generated revenue will approach$100 billion this year.Consumers' Use of the WebSurveys of consumers using the Web suggest that a Web site does notsubstitute for the more traditional forms of business, but can greatly facilitate the run-up to the final transaction. The most common use of the Web is for information searching, closely followed by work-related uses, education, and entertainment. A significant majority of those that use the Web for shopping do so to carry out detailed research on product information(90%)and to do price comparisons(85%). This more often leads to purchases through normal channels(67%). Most of the online purchases tend to be of items that are standardized-four of the five top items bought on the Web, according to survey, are software, books, hardware and music (the fifth is travel). More than half of consumers who make purchases on the Web spend less than $500 in a six-month period.The demographics of Web users vary widely in age and income. Surveys by Georgia Tech, Active Media and Web indicate that the average age of Web users is 35 years, with average household income $67,000. Most are college educated (65%). A high proportion of the respondents (42%) has accessed real estate sites.Limits to the Web - Some "Catches" to the New Technology New technology is frequently a mixed blessing, and the World Wide Web is no exception. Apart from the teething troubles that any new technology faces and the time, as well as resources needed to learn, adapt and master it, the Web poses some unique issues and problems of its own. Consumers today are facing information overload of taxing proportions. It is not always easy, or even possible, to locate the relevant information on the Web, despite sophisticated search engines. Once the site is located, fancy graphics, complex linkages, labyrinthine routings, and a lot of irrelevant information may overwhelm the consumer - in short, poor and confusing site design can reduce the site's effectiveness.From the point of view of the business, there are two commonly heardcomplaints. First, the business may find that its site does not figure prominently on search results, limiting the number of customers reached. Second, for many firms, Web initiated leads are as yet few and far between. Real Estate Web SitesReal Estate firms and related businesses were among the early private sector pioneers of Internet use and have had a fast growing presence on the Web. presence on the Web. One example of the real estate sector's presence on the Internet in its pre-World Wide Web incarnation was the real estate classified bulletin board of Prodigy, the online service, which had listings for homes and other real estate. A few real estate related Web sites started in 1994 (generally regarded as the inaugural year of the Web). The New York City Real Estate Guide Web site, created in the summer of 1994, was one of the first to offer free access to the latest New York real estate information. By the summer of 1995, the site was receiving more than 100,000 inquiries a month.The real estate industry registered its entry on the Web in a dramatic way in 1995. By the end of that year there were close to 4,000 real estate Web sites. The content matter of the sites, as well as the mix of real estate related firms on the Web have changed over time. Initially, quite a few of the sites were residential real estate brokerages and listing guides, but fairly rapidly the list expanded to include commercial and retail listings, mortgage brokers,appraisers, architects, real estate attorneys, developers, construction firms, and suppliers. As investment vehicles for real estate expanded, REITs, publicly held firms, and investment advisors also added Web sites.The early real estate broker Web sites quickly took advantage of the unique features of the Web. Prospective customers could find out what properties were for sale or rent, look up detailed descriptions of each listing, view photographs and floor plans, and contact the broker by e-mail. Viewerscould also look up statistical and data reports on conditions in various geographical areas and on emerging macroeconomic trends.Ever since then, the real estate industry has been among the most enthusiastic users of the Web, by some measures accounting for 4% to 6% of commercial Web sites. A survey conducted by Real Estate Broker's Insider in early 1998 confirmed that nearly 95% of the respondents/brokers had a Web site, and more than 90% of the housing stock on sale at a given time is now listed on the Web. Indeed, because of the dispersed, localized nature of the role of information in real estate, the prospective gains from information dissemination, comparability, and Web links were particularly significant in real estate.For much of the real estate sector, the Internet generates not so much the actual transactions themselves, but creates initial leads that are later followed by transactions, purchases and sales. Web sites frequently lead to contacts that are then nurtured through telephone and person-to-person meetings. For residential real estate, Web activity includes residential searches, housing details, and pricing information (both on houses and mortgages), with follow-up contact with brokers. Real estate-related transactions are seen in the hospitality industry (making reservations for hotels and vacation homes and in online mortgage applications). Mortgage and home loan finance companies report both inquiries from mortgage shoppers who obtained initial information from their Web sites, as well as closing of loans through the Web, lead to great savings in time and overhead costs.It is not just the real estate professionals who are enthusiastic about their Internet presence, judging it to be as effective as print and radio advertising. Mortgage shoppers, homebuyers and vacation rental seekers as well applaud, in particular, the convenience it brings to the entire process of searching, researching, comparing, communicating and transacting business.Beyond these sectors, many other types of real-estate related firms are using the Web to broaden their market areas, increase the depth of their marketing, and to provide a range of services to existing customers. Commercial brokers provide not only information on available sites but also on market conditions for different locations and sometimes more in-depth economic analysis of a region. REITs and other investment firms provide detailed information on their products as well as background market or economic information. Public companies provide up-to-date stock quotes and quarterly and annual reports on the Web.Web Penetration and Use: The Experience of Leading Real Estate Firms We conducted a limited survey of a sample of leading real-estate related firms in the US and California. Responses from approximately 60 of these firms showed that over four-fifths had Web Sites by March 1999. 2 Of those with Web sites, one-third had inaugurated their sites by the end of 1996. Among the earliest with a Web presence were brokers, investment firms, lenders, business and financial services firms, law firms, residential developers, and a trade organization. Another third of the group were newcomers, with sites inaugurated in 1998 or early 1999. Commercial developers were prominent among this group, with residential developers, consultants and advisors, lenders, REITs and investment firms also among this group. Those without sites were more likely to be privately held firms with a relatively narrow base of activity (for example, a commercial developer centered in the San Francisco Bay Area)?Most with Web sites used their site to provide information about the company and to market services. In addition, about one-third marketed property from their site, providing detailed information on the characteristics of buildings available, surrounding communities, and other related data. Other Web site uses include employee recruiting, providing information formembers or investors, and disseminating related information on topics such as regulations or real estate markets.What does the Web specifically do for Real Estate?According to Activemedia, an internet research company, some of the sectors experiencing the greatest growth in terms of their presence on the Web in 1998 were computer hardware and software, real estate, publishing and information, finance and Internet services. A significant initial motivation for this rush for the Web is provided by, what can be termed, the "tiptoe" effect. The first ones on the Web had an additional advantage over those who did not; information on their services, products, home listings now be accessed conveniently by those with computers. The low setup cost, however, and the potential disadvantage of not having a Web presence has propelled others in the profession to set up their own sites.Real estate shares in some of the basic advantages of the Web mentioned earlier, such as ease of marketing, communication and feedback from clients, lowered costs of operations and convenience of customer service and support. In addition, the Web provides positive features specific to the real estate industry.Key elements include the following.1.Increased geographic reach.The Web has dramatically increased the geographic reach of both buyers and sellers. Although the "local" aspect of real estate will perhaps never be whittled away completely, there is no doubt that inquiries about properties can now emanate from far away to a much greater degree than before. This, in turn, potentially increases the size and "depth" of the market and makes it more efficient.2.Capability of visualization.In some sense, increased geographic reach has become possible due tothe other emergent feature of the Web, the capability of visualization. In its most state-of-the-art form, Web sites now allow prospective buyers to take virtual tours of homes, resorts, hotels and convention centers.3.Reduced transaction costs.The Web may reduce transactions costs. This has been particularly apparent in the case of mortgages. According to Fannie Mae, 1.5% of all mortgages were handled online this past year. The Web-attributable features that make this kind of a transaction possible are instantaneous comparability, interactive capability, online calculation, online applications, and continuous updating of the sites.4.Improved information dissemination.The Web offers broad opportunities for increasing the scope and depth of information provided by many different types of firms. A well constructed home page gives an overview of a firm's range of services or activities. Links allow the customer or client to learn much more detail about the selected items of most interest, while ignoring less relevant pieces of information. A number of sites take advantage of the ability to link to resources beyond the company's Web pages, linking customers and clients to related Web resources.Unlike retail sectors, such as books and computer hardware, the Web as yet has not become a threat to the "middle man" role of many real estate firms. Instead, it is more likely to be used as a means of expanding services offered or locations served. However, in the long term, the Web and related Internet technology have the potential to change the structure of business activity, which in turn will affect the demand for real estate in type if not in quantity. For example, some retailers already have closed stores while expanding sales on the Web. Also, the Internet has been seen as one factor allowing the decentralization of office space. These trends to date have notled to a decline, but rather to a redistribution in the demand for office, retail and warehouse space.These are summarized .Speculation on Potential Impact of Internet on Real Estate Industry.1.Shortening of Transaction Cycle2.Precise Market Targeting3.Transformed Competition4.Cost savings:a)Marketing,b)Sales,c)Operation5.Possibility of Disintermediation;Lowering of Commissionsbination of Comparison Shopping and Direct Sales7.Access to MBS Secondary MarketHow to Find the Real Estate Sector on the WebThere are a few key sites that can be used to access the broad range of real-estate related Web sites. These include:-Site sponsored by the National Association of Realtors, linking users to realtor, home sales and market information.-Site sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders, providing a wide range of market information.-Directory to commercial real estate sites, including brokers,developers, investors and analysts. and , two sites that provide users with information about mortgage rates, mortgage brokers and with the opportunity to submit an application online. (National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts) and (Real Estate Investment Advisory Council), two associations related to real estate investment trusts.-The California Association of Realtors site.the site for the Urban Land Institute, with information onthe organization, programs, conferences, and publications related to real estate and land use. has three online magazines including National Real Estate Investor, Shopping Center World, and Midwest Real Estate News. An additional real estate online magazine, can available at .Ashok Deo BardhanRESEARCH FELLOWCynthia A. KrollREGIONAL ECONOMIST互联网在房地产业的应用摘要:互联网,仅仅它的网页图形版本,就已经吸引了众多消费者和商家的目光。
(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文资料翻译施工项目的成本控制1 引言项目是企业的形象窗口和效益源泉。
2 概述施工项目成本控制,指在成本发生和形成过程中,对生产经营所消耗的人力、物资和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时预防、发现和纠正偏差从而把各项费用控制在计划成本的预定目标之内,以保障企业的生产经营效益。
3 施工企业成本控制原则施工企业成本控制以项目成本控制为中心,其是企业成本管理的基础和核心,项目经理部在对施工项目进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则:1)成本最低化原则。
1)《The Role of Quantity Surveyors in Sustainable Construction》该文研究了数量调查师在可持续建筑中的作用,并深入探讨了数量调查师在项目的可持续性评估、营建阶段和运营阶段的角色和责任。
中文翻译:数量调查师在可持续建筑中的作用2)《Cost engineering》该文研究了造价工程的理论和实践,并提供了一系列工具和方法用于项目成本的控制和评估。
中文翻译:造价工程3)《Construction cost management: learning from case studies》该文通过案例分析的方式来探讨建筑项目成本管理的实践。
中文翻译:建筑项目成本管理:案例学习4)《Project Cost Estimation and Control: A Practical Guide to Construction Management》该书是一本实用指南,详细介绍了在工程起始阶段进行项目成本估算的方法和技巧,以及如何在项目执行阶段进行成本控制。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)The significance of control construction costs manages on entireprocessFirst, The necessary of control construction costs manages on entire process Talk about the management and the control on construction costs, that the field we are just accustomed to is thought of is a project advance in final account. Indeed , right away at present system and reality,what the job of that the management and the control on construction costs is advance in final account. Be that in advance, the people who work on final account according that already be ascertaied of the working drawing to calculate project amounts,apply a quota mechanically, the meter mechanically fetching cost, or designing that according to the drawing sheet and construction organization after construction is over as well as the scene construction visa takes notes weaves the final account being completed. This is necessary , useful no doubt. But we must see that when pre-final accounts personnel weave working drawing budget or the final account being completed, the construction plan and thedesign paper already determined. But construction being to take according to picture as principle, so then in advance, job done by final account personnel is only the change secretly scheming against cost produced by design alteration and prevents upvaluation from calculating boldly. But suppose the project is unreasonable on economy, there is a fault in decision-making; suppose designing a scheme feasible or be not optimum on the technology; the final account personnel can do nothing for sb then in advance. Job of final account personnel does accounts in advance only under just saying system currently in effect, after the event , can only reflect already complete project amounts inactively , can only reflect design and be under construction passively. This evidently is single-faceted , insufficient , we must carry out the entire proceeding supervisory control on the construction costs of building a project.Concrete conditions of union our country, cost of construction manages have problems as follows:1、Be not enough to take investment decision into the stage of construction costs seriously charge indeed.Investment decision is to produce the construction costs headstream, This one stage blow the expense at take up the total investment forehead about 0.5%~3%,but that can have an effect to raise the project benefit of investment. That the project carries out rational choice on construction is that resource carries out direct , the most important optimization deploy means on economy , project benefit of investment affects efficiency and beneficial result to entire national economy. The developed country charges attach importance to control on investment decision stage construction costs,and costs not stinting big capital of money making the studies on the stage of carrying out investment decision energetically, make relatively comparatively accurate construction costs , go along the controlFor a long time, there is the grave phenomenon investing in swelling in engineering construction of our country,bring the limit for a project feeling longer and longer, construction costs is higher and higher. The cause of that is short of the effective basis of the building of earlier stage ascertaining construction costs, only basis the already completed according to the expert , decision-makers draw lessons to estimate the project construction costs. Because a lot of factor effects, the“three surpass " phenomenon very common, there are main cause as follows:(1) personal factor brings about rough estimate lessening(2) equipment composes in reply material price's not working out according to market quotations.(3) construction units bring forward the too high for exceeding a design criterion 2、The design stage of construction costs is not under the control of strictThe design stage is the faucet in that project construction costs controls. After the investment decision is be made rationally , that is the process of plan the technology and organic together economly . Effective control the cost of construction requires strictly and all-round in the enginee designing . Engineering design of current our country also puts move bidding system , fair competition into practice , cost of construction looks on control engineering effective to design stage as one of thestandard choosing main part being hit by the bid unit , cost of construction carries out the administration controlling on the entire proceeding .Our country major part design that the unit carries out thorough analysis lack on construction project technology and economy , big multiple technologies make light of economy in design but at present , design that the personnel is responsible seemingly only to design project mass , are concerned with the construction costs height not very. Optimize a design plan to such an extent as having no way to pass, the first step designs , the rough estimate gets to the effect controlling general cost of construction's establishment. Mass and depth that engineering design pursues etc. is also insufficient , amounts project mistakes in amounts project detailed lists calculates , misses and not calculating, can't arouse increasing by estimating a project momentary, the mass making a tender work is difficult to ensure that , have no way to have an effect to control construction costs asa result also.3、Has not adopt the amounts project detailed list quoted price way being applied or used universally on the international all roundAdopt the amounts project detailed list quoted price way being put into use commonly on the international , is that our country construction costs system reforms and cause the inevitable trend reforming to bid system in invitation to bid tender.One of important act carrying out project public bidding system being to build socialist market economy and to perfect construction market operating mechanism in construction field. After the construction project tender is carried out all round in our country, the effect is obvious in the respect of shortening the mass building a time limit for a project , ensuring a project , reducing construction costs , boycotting an unhealthy tendency. Have ensured the invitation to bid people and bidder's lawful rights and interests also effectively. With the socialist market economy uninterrupted growth,the original tender stage puts the budget quota valuation pattern into practice already doing not adapting , adopt the amounts project detailed list quoted price way being put into use commonly on the international to carry out a tender is an inevitable trend. Ministry of Construction has issued amounts project detailed list valuation method , amounts project detailed list valuation has been in construction project tender job , person has provided project quantity from invitation to bid according to national unification project amounts calculation regulation , quoted price, and classics have judged the reason bidder autonomously trying the at a low price middle bid construction costs valuation pattern.That carrying out amounts project detailed list valuation method is one important measure of item of construction costs deepen the reform, is standard tender behavior effective measure. This method is beneficial to changing over taking that "amounts" ", "price" are "quota-consuming" as dominant static state managing a pattern , make project amounts in detailed list not enter competition, competition being confined to price only; Beneficial to rightness appraises enterprise strength; Project mass beneficial to ensuring that, reduces construction costs; May cut down the physical labour complicated and overloaded repeating the amounts calculating a project; Facilitate the tender quoted price job; Argue with the dispute back and forth in cutting down project settlement; Receive a track step by step with the convention "controllingamounts , guiding price , competing for a fee's on" the international, deepen the reformation that project valuation manages mainly according to the marketplace changes development, taking one's place on the international market for our country contracts business creates condition.4、The stage being under construction controls lack to construction costsWant to have strict control design alteration too in the stage being under construction. Guard the pass though that working drawing appears in joint trial or are able to have all sorts of problems, but call for to design a branch in the process of construction hard to avoid is strict out of the construction works complexity, the situation changing after avoiding doing first, is also that the weight avoiding break a rough estimate , effective control engineering of construction costs cost of construction plays with a link. At the same time, the sharpening contract manages , ensures equality and mutual benefit issuing contract of method and contracting method.5、The construction costs being completed settling a stage's controls a project inefficientlyThat the final account being completed is that entire construction costs is under the control of the most important one is encircled by construction works. How the final account being completed can reflect actual entire project cost of construction honestly , have also reflected the ability issuing contract of method and contracting method to construction costs administration , have finished handling a project in time the final account being completed must collect , arrange settling a data , pursuing , designing the certificate material changing notice , various warning including that the project is completed and so on being completed. These data collecting must pay attention to whose validity with obtaining evidence, specimen seal impression having designing personnel's signature and being related to if the design alteration advice note must be made known to lower levels by plain design organ. Scene inspection and control visa must label seal and the ratification going on a punitive expedition to such that designing a personnel etc. having construction site person in charge of first party. Great majority our country construction projects are completed in the project being under construction when the final account, during the period of the final account being completed contracting method , are are under construction contracting method calculating commonly much in the book being completed winding up an account , are issue contract of haggie just inexhaustible in devices and schemes , are dispute over trifles phenomenon is grave , project settlement drags repeatedly , some confirmation having drug once and , greatly, affecting engineering construction project sigmatism and building construction costs.A construction project includes the following procedure from brewing , planning , designing that to establishing completion and commissioning: Be that the project letter of advice stage , feasibility appraise the stage , design stage , the stage being under construction , acceptance check stage and the queen being completed estimate that.Correspondingly, the construction costs ascertaining that and the project construction phase job look at and appraise the stage adapting to , several being allotted in general for the following: The investment studying stage establishment inthe project letter of advice and feasibility is estimated, design stage establishment designs a rough estimate in the first step, budget designing that the stage weaves working drawing in working drawing, budget builds ampere of construction costs face to face with working drawing for basis tender project engineering contract, price is also that the form ascertains that with the business contract; Project amounts putting stage into practice being going to be completed according to contracting reality in project, takes contract price as basis , considers cost of construction rise aroused by inflation of prices at the same time , considers the project and cost being difficult to estimate that to designing middle but happening in putting stage reality into practice , the example is ascertained estimating price; All-in cost costing in the reality being completed checking and accepting a stage , assembling into engineering construction process middle all round, weaves the final account being completed , embodies the actual cost of construction that a construction project according to the facts."Four guess that two-valence "is interrelated , the former restricts the latter , the latter supplements the former.What is called, build the construction costs administration and control, it is the occurrence contracting the stage and construction in the investment decision stage , design stage , construction project putting stage into practice with construction construction costs to control within the cost of construction quota O. K. , correcting the deviation happening at any time, to ensure that the project manages the target realization , get fairly good benefit of investment and social benefits in an attempt being able to use manpower and material resources, financial resources rationally in building a project one by one.Second, the importance of the investment decision-making stage of project cost controlConstruction projects in the investment decision-making stage, the project of the techno-economic decision-making, as well as the cost of construction projects completed and put into production after the project cost-effective, have a decisive impact on the construction project cost control is an important stage. Project cost management as a decision-making stage in the feasibility study report shall be prepared, and economic evaluation of the proposed project, select the technically feasible and economically the construction of example programs and to optimize the construction program on the basis of the preparation of high-quality items investment is estimated that the project construction so that the real control of the project has played the role of total investment.The impact of the decision-making phase of the project cost are the main factors: a, the determine level of construction standards; b, the choice of built-up areas; c, building location (site) selection; d, project the economic scale; e, technology selection f, equipment selection .Such as the choice of built-up areas, there is a basic principle, that is close to raw materials, fuel and consumer principles. This project completed and put into production, you can avoid the raw materials, fuels, and finished the long-haul transport, reduce costs, lower costs; transportation distance may be shortened to reduce the flow of time, speed up cash flow and is conducive to business. If theproject's economic size, economies of scale, product standard is a reasonable means of production volume, a number of products under certain conditions, was "increasing returns" of economic phenomena, that is, with the expansion of production volume, unit cost reduction, revenue increase.Therefore, in order to phase in the investment decision-making control over project cost effective, we must do a good job in the following areas:(1) the implementation of construction project legal person responsibility system, the construction project from planning to implementation of the whole process of the use of funds and repayment responsibilities to people and projects at the same time establish a system of matching corporate oversight mechanisms, by the competent authorities and supervision of the industry sector establishment of a monitoring group to oversee the use of project funds.(2) to conduct market analysis and seeking truth from facts, to avoid the blindness of the project decision-making, reduce risk and lower investment, give full consideration to construction projects in the future competitiveness of the market so that more scientific book design and reliability(3) Capital financial capital must be committed to a formal document, investment funds must be put in place the parties, there must be a funding document to ensure that projects are implemented on schedule after approval. Conditions of the loans should be carefully analyzed and compared to minimize the interest burden and repayment pressure.(4) Strengthening of engineering geology, hydrogeology, as well as land, water, electricity, transport, environmental protection projects such as the work of the depth of the external conditions, so that there is sufficient basis to estimate the investment. At the same time, extensive research should be to compare similar projects, a serious functional analysis, comparison and choice of multi-program, a full-scale technical feasibility studies and economic evaluation, the finalization of technologically advanced, reliable, economical and rational project construction program in order to estimate more accurate and realistic estimate of the amount of investment in order to make the project cost from the start position in a more reasonable level.Third, the design phase of the importance of project cost controlMake investment decisions in the project, the project cost control is the key to the design. Design is in the technical and economic implementation of the proposed project to conduct a comprehensive arrangement, is also planning the construction process. Technologically advanced, economical and rational design can reduce the project construction period, savings investment, to improve efficiency. According to expert analysis, design fee generally equal to the construction of the project life-cycle cost of less than 1%, which costs less than 1% of project cost accounts for the impact of degrees above 75%. Because of the general construction projects, selection of materials and equipment accounted for more than 50% of the cost of the project, and in the design phase of architectural forms, structural type, the selection of equipment and materials have been identified in the construction of post-implementation phase, the impact of the project cost a small (10 % or less). This shows that the design quality is crucial to the entire projectThe same construction project, the same single unit of work can have different programs, which have different costs, it is therefore necessary to meet the function under the premise of doing a number of options, through technical comparison, economic analysis and efficiency evaluation, selection of technology selection into the application of economic and rational design, that is, the process of design optimization. Often used to optimize the design of the program, also known as the value of value engineering analysis, that is, as far as possible in meeting the functionality or improve the function of the premise, as far as possible to reduce costs.Occurred in the cost of all parts of the application of value engineering, construction investment will require a lot of people, financial, and material, and thus the value of engineering construction works great. For a rather mature and effective management methods, value engineering in a number of works have been widely used in construction.In the engineering design phase correctly handle the technical and economic relationship between the unity of opposites, we can control the key to investment, design and cost management must work closely with staff to make a lot of the technical and economic comparison, in the reduction and control of project efforts, engineering Cost management in the design process should be timely investment analysis on the comparison, the cost of information feedback and dynamic impact on the design, in order to ensure effective control over investment.At the design stage to project cost control should focus on the following aspects.(1) to promote the design and the design of the bidding campaign optimization design approachThe assessment team of experts using scientific methods, in accordance with applicable, economic, aesthetic principles, as well as technologically advanced, well-structured to meet the building energy saving and environmental requirements, a comprehensive assessment of the merits of design, selection of the best in determining the successful program. Estimates of selected investment program in general to be close to the scope of construction projects. The design of these two methods both contract design choice and competition, to ensure selection of the design of technologically advanced, innovative and unique, adaptable, and help control project cost. Design units should strive to improve their own quality, clever engineering design ideas, great care, in order to reduce the project cost more than their brains in order to improve design quality, and strive to put at the design stage in the approval of project cost control within the investment limits.(2) actively pursuing the design limitThe so-called cap design, is in accordance with the approved design of the book and investment is estimated that in the guarantee under the premise of the functional requirements. Preliminary design and budget control, in accordance with the approved budget for the preliminary design and total control of the construction design. Through the ceiling design, every professional, every designer has a target investment limit. During the design process, designers should be more into the program to compare and optimize the design, Not only to ensure that technically advanced and reasonable design, innovative aesthetics, but also the investment limit is not exceededthe target in order to put an end to the design of the project to raise the factor of safety and design standards, or only consider the feasibility of technical solutions, rather than the phenomenon of economic rationality to ensure effective cost control.(3) the implementation of the design of reward and punishment systemIn order to limit the design of the implementation into practice, the limit should be set up and sound system designed to reward and punishment. To limit the design is done well, cost savings and control of investment there is the effectiveness of the project legal person should be given appropriate incentives and design units. Design to limit the development of the internal design of assessment and incentive methods to limit attention to the design, made to save investment and effective cost control offices and the significant achievements of individuals, should be rewarding. Do not attach importance to limit the design, do not take measures to save the investment, resulting in more than a design limit investment offices and individuals should be given to economic penalties. Do reward and encourage designers to design deep potential economic importance to design the control of a reasonable project cost will be a major breakthrough.Fourth、the cost control of the implementation phase of construction project1, the bidding process stageThe implementation of construction project bidding is effective means of construction projects to control the implementation phase of the project cost. If we want To do a good job for bidding, the first we should make sure that qualification is clearance, and resolutely put an end to bribery, such as all the Phenomenon about destruction of all bidding discipline; Secondly, we should strengthen the bid management, to ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of bid preparation; Third, make sure the method of Evaluation and Calibration are Scientific .when select the successful projects as a standard we should concern about the reasonable, short period, reputable companies, construction considerations such as experience. when we evaluation, the first is technical standard assessment, the follow is business assessment,this can ensure open, fair and just.2, the construction phaseIn the construction phase construction ,the goles based on project budget or contract price of Civil works and installation works and project cost control of Civil works and installation works. At this stage the scope for savings has been small, but it is likely to lead to waste,this make us give them adequate attention for the control of project cost.(1) strengthen the technical and economic comparison of construction programConstruction is an important work of the design of constructing orgnization. Reasonable constructing program can shorten the period of constructing, ensure the quality of the project and enhance economic efficiency. Comparing and analysing the constructing program from technical and economic view and comparing the three techno-economic index of the quality, duration and cost through qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis can take good use of manpower, material and financial resources, achieving better economic benefits. Consequently, good construction management is an important way of all-round cost management.(2) a sound system design change Examination and approval systemIf design subject need to be change, we should take action as far as possible in advance, because the sooner the change, the smaller loss; Second, before each design ofchanges we must analysis the quality of project and cost, and this should receive the consent of the original design. If it breakthrough the total project cost estimates after the change, this must be approved by the review of the relevant departments, we should prevent these things happened such as increasing design elements ,improving the design standards, increasing the project cost.(3) check strictly with visa procedures of the project site we should Construct project management system , establish the specialized departments,and through the use of specialized management of professionals for the project, to avoid the phenomenon that project management staff just care visa only, take no concern about the economic accounts, resulting the serious consequences such as investment is out of control.For Seriously changes of visa procedures we should make the building side, supervision side, the construction site together representatives signed a manner to ensure that the authenticity of the visa, the rationality of the economy of changes and to avoid the disputes caused by the phenomenon of fraud.(4) do a good job in the completion of the audit settlement priceClearing refers to the completion of construction enterprises in accordance with the terms of the contract completed by the contractor within the engineering, land quality experience, and in accordance with the contract, the construction units to carry out the final project settlement price. Completion of the project audited settlement is approved in accordance with the construction of the project cost. Therefore, the completion of settlement of the audit is a very important work, should focus on the following:① check the accuracy of the project quantity.the check of project Quantity is the most important and most complicated, the most detailed work in process of the settle of completed project, this must be based on completion of the project plan, changed design and construction of the scene .it strictly in accordance with the provisions of the rules one by one in terms of project review to prevent the units of construction to increase the volume of inflated project cost in the settlement on completion of the project.② examine whether the additional apply is right . check the sub-projects listed in the price in line with the fixed unit price, check whether the name, specification, measurement units and the content consistent with the units of the valuation table; for the unit price of conversion, the first step is to check if the conversion price was fixed allowed, followed check if the conversion price is correct.③ check if the standards for the admission fee In line with the cost of the fixed and the cost of policies and regulations of the project during the construction.Fifth, the thinking and outlook of project cost management system From a long time, we generally ignore the the project cost control of preparatory work for the construction phase, and control projects often focus on the cost of the construction phase - the budget review working drawings and reasonable settlement。
建筑工程灌注桩中英文资料外文翻译文献Bored pileSummaryDrill ( flushing, dig ) pile from the nineteen sixties, beginning in Henan province Nanyang region since the development application, because of its many advantages, has been widely used in soft soil, loess, including soil, expansive soil and other special types of foundation and industrial, civil, municipal, railway, highway, port and other types of Engineering practice. And precast pile, bored pile construction of no noise, no vibration, on the surrounding buildings and small environmental impact, pile diameter, buried deep, large bearing capacity. China's drilling pile maximum diameter of pile has reached 4000mm, maximum deep pile has reached 104m, and the steel pipe pile maximum diameter of 1200mm, the largest pile of prestressed concrete pipe pile with deep 83m, maximum diameter of 1300mm, the biggest pile depth 40m.Along with our country socialist construction is booming, with high-rise buildings, large span bridges on the rise, the bearing capacity of pile foundation with higher requirements. Large diameter bored pile therefore gets rapid development, pile length and pile diameter also do bigger more. However, in the existing various methods of pile, bored pile has many advantages and is widely used in construction, but it is hard to avoid the impact of mud, which not only reduces the bearing capacity of pile expectations, but also caused a serious waste of materials. Manual hole digging pile is difficult to achieve greater depth, its bearing capacity is also difficult to just as one wishes. In view of bored pile in this situation, how to improve the pile construction technology level, make the input material to be more reasonable to use, so as to greatly increase the bearing capacity of single pile in engineering field, have become hot issues in recent years.The introduction of bored cast-in-place pilePerfusion pile refers to the construction site by mechanical drilling, steel pipe soil compaction or human mining method in the foundation pile hole in form, and on its inner placed reinforcement cage, concrete made with different pile, drilling method, grouting pile can be divided again for cast-in-place pile, bored pile and digging several types of piles. Bored pile by pile into the definition and classification of a kind of pile.The characteristics of bored cast-in-place pile1、And sinking pile of hammering method, construction noise and vibration is smaller2、To construct than the precast pile of large diameter of pile3、In all kinds of ground can be used4、The construction quality of the pile bearing capacity influence5、Because the concrete is in the mud perfusion is difficult to control, so the quality of concreteBored pile construction methodPercussion drilling, punching grabbing drilling and rotary drilling hole can adopt slurry wall construction method. The construction process is: site formation, slurry preparation, buried tube and laying work platform rig and positioning, drilling, hole cleaning and inspection of hole quality and lower steel cage, underwater concrete perfusion to pull out the barrel to check quality. Construction sequence:(1) the construction preparationConstruction preparation comprise: selecting drill, drill, layout. Construction of bored pile drilling rig is the main equipment, according to the geological conditions and various drilling machine applied to select conditions(2) drilling machine installation and positioningIstallation of drilling machine based if not stable, easy to produce in the drilling machine construction, pile and pile inclined inclined eccentric and other adverse effects, therefore requires the installation of foundation stability. On the formation of softer, sloping ground, be bulldozed, the pad plate or tie reinforcement.In order to prevent the pile position allowed, construction is very important to the set the center position and the correct installation of drilling machine, the rig drilling machine, first use of the power drill and near the cage with the drill pipe, moving roughly position, and then Jack rack jacking, accurate positioning, so that the lifting pulley, drill bit or fixed drill hole cards and casing center in a vertical line, in order toensure the verticality of the drilling rig. Drilling position deviation is not more than 2cm. Aligned with the pile location, with sleeper flat drill beam at the top of the tower, and symmetrical to the drill axis pulling cable wind rope.(3)buried tubeUnderground water level below the Kong Bitu under the hydrostatic pressure to the hole collapse, and even the phenomenon of flow of sand. If you can keep the borehole wall high underground water head, increase the hole hydrostatic pressure, to prevent collapse hole, hole wall. Casing in addition to play this role, at the same time, good isolation of surface water, ground, protecting the orifice pile hole drill guide fixed(4)slurry preparationDrilling mud is composed of water, clay ( bentonite ) and an additive composition. A floating drilling waste slag cooling the drill bit, drill, lubrication, increasing hydrostatic pressure, and in the hole wall to form a slurry, partition within the bore to prevent seepage, the hole collapse effect. Modulation of the drilling mud and circulating purifying mud, should be based on the drilling method and formation conditions to determine the slurry consistency, slurry consistency should be considered stratigraphic changes or operational requirements of motor control, the mud is too thin, small, poor effect of elimination of slag wall; slurry is too thick will weaken bit impact function, reduce drilling speed.(5) drillingThe borehole is a key working procedure, in construction must strictly according to the operating requirements, in order to ensure drilling quality, attention must be given to the hole quality, must be opposite for this good midline and verticality, and pressed well casing. Must pay attention in the construction are continuously added and pumping the slurry slag ( impact type ), but also at any time to check whether there is deviation phenomenon into hole. Using the impulse or clamshell type drilling machine construction, soil due to vibration and impact near the adjacent hole stability. So the drilled hole should be timely cleaning hole, decentralization and pouring underwater concrete reinforcing cage. Drill order should also be practical to plan, should not only guarantee a pile hole construction does not affect the last pile hole drill, and the moving distance of not too far and mutual interference.(6) the hole cleaningThe drilling depth, diameter, location and shape of hole is directly related to the quality of pile and pile body black. Therefore, in addition to drilling process closeobservation supervision, to meet the design requirements in drilling hole depth, with deep, hole, pore shape, pore size and other inspections. In the end hole inspection in full compliance with the design requirements, shall immediately proceed to bottom hole cleaning, avoid it too long that mud settling, caused by borehole collapse. For friction pile when the hole wall is easy to collapse, in underwater concrete perfusion before the sediment thickness of not more than 30cm; when the hole wall is not easy to collapse, not more than 20cm. For the post, in water or shoot the breeze, sediment thickness less than 5cm. Hole cleaning method is to use different and flexible application of drilling rig. Usually you can use normal circulation rotary drilling rig, reverse circulation rotary machine vacuum suction machine and slag pumping cylinder hole cleaning. The mud suction machine hole cleaning, required equipment, convenient operation, hole cleaning is thorough, but unstable in the soil should be used cautiously. Its principle is to use compressor generates high pressure air into a suction dredge pipeline will mud blowing.(7) pouring underwater concreteAfter finishing hole, can be prefabricated reinforcement cage hanging vertically into the hole, positioning to be fixed, and then using a perfusion catheter concrete, pouring concrete don't interrupt, or prone to the phenomenon of broken pile.Effect of bored pile bearing performance factorsIn the construction process, construction machinery, due to geological effects, often caused by pile soil ( weak layers ), the thickness of 0.2 ~ 0.5m, thick and up to 1m. Especially in soft soil with mud, drilling, hole bottom sediment is inevitable; even after careful cleaning hole, the hole cleaning after and before concrete, will precipitate some sediment, and in drilling process, widespread presence on the hole wall and the hole bottom soil disturbance. All of these affect the bearing capacity of bored pile play.Pile static load test show that, bored pile end bearing capacity of only the ultimate load of the 15% ~ 35%, the side resistance and tip resistance of the existing synchronization phenomenon. Give full play to the role of lateral friction resistance is only a few millimeters of the displacement of pile top, to give full play to the role of tip resistance of pile diameter, needed to reach 10% - 30% of the displacement of pile top. Such a large displacement in engineering is not allowed. Pile side friction resistance to damage, and the damage limit is reached, and the end resistance cannot get sufficient play, its potential is great. This is the ultimate bearing capacity of bored pile is not to cause.Research shows that, at the bottom of pile soil exists, not only affects the tip resistance of the play, also make the side friction resistance loss. The existence of weak interlayer of pile, the pile body and the soil friction between the nature of the change, the friction between pile and soil by load transfer, is very bad. This is the bored pile bearing not tall benefit is another reason.Improve the bearing capacity of Bored PilesAccording to the bearing capacity of bored pile is not to cause analysis, engineering and some improving bearing capacity of pile foundation of the method, mostly around the elimination of pile bottom sediment, a pile of weak interlayer.(1)pre loading method in advance of the pile bottom for preloading, the pile soil compaction, improve the bearing capacity of piles. But time-consuming, costly, and not easy to implement.(2) extending end bearing area. The belled pile, in the past used in engineering is more, but on the bottom of pile soil are still incapable of action.(3) sand lining pile technology : the method for cast-in-place pile, construction, use double sleeve around the pile in sand filling, become sand set of about 3 ~ 10cm, sand set can improve the lateral wall of the friction resistance of pile.(4)Grouting technology:routing technology grouting method can be divided into the first grouting and grouting method. The first method of grouting is drilled in the Kong Zhuangcheng hole and before concrete grouting, the nozzle pipe into the hole bottom is inserted into the soil, spraying slurry, so that at the bottom of pile soil mixed with cement, then pile concrete.Pile capCap refers to bear, distribution from pier to carry the load on pile top, set to connect all the top of the pile of reinforced concrete platform.Cap is piles and columns or piers contact part. The root cap, even ten piles are linked with the formation of the pile foundation. Cap for high pile cap and pile caps: low pile cap generally buried or partially buried in the earth, high pile cap generally above the ground or water. High rise pile cap having a free length, the surrounding supporting body to withstand horizontal load. Pile stress situation is extremely unfavorable. Pile internal force and displacement under the action of external force than the same level of low pile cap to be big, the stability is poor because of low pile cap.High rise pile cap is generally used for port, wharf, marine engineering andbridge engineering. Low pile cap is generally used in industrial and civil buildings. Pile head generally into platform 0.1 meters, and a reinforced anchor into the cap. Platform to build on the columns or piers, forming a complete power transmission system.In recent years due to the large diameter bored pile, pile rigidity, strength is big, so high pile in bridge foundation construction has been widely used.灌注桩概述钻(冲、挖)孔灌注桩,从20世纪60年代初在河南省南阳地区研制应用以来,因其具有众多的优点,已广泛应用于包括软土、黄土、膨胀土等特殊土在内的各类地基和工业、民用、市政、铁路、公路、港口等各类工程实践中。
土木工程混凝土论文中英文资料外文翻译文献外文资料STUDIES ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF CONCRETESUBJECTED TO SUSTAINEDELEVATED TEMPERATUREConcrete has a remarkable fire resisting properties. Damage in concrete due to fire depends on a great extent on the intensity and duration of fire. Spalling cracking during heating are common concrete behaviour observed in the investigation of the fire affected structures. Plenty of literature is available on the studies of concrete based on time temperature cures. In power, oil sectorsand nuclear reactors concrete is exposed to high temperature for considerable period of time. These effects can be reckoned as exposure to sustained elevated temperature. The sustained elevated temperature may be varying from a few hours to a number of years depending upon practical condition of exposures. The knowledge on properties under such conditions is also of prime importance apart from the structures subjected to high intensity fire. Impact studies of structure subjected to sustained elevated temperature becomes more important as it involves sensitive structures which is more prone to attacks and accidents. In this paper impact studies on concrete subjected to sustained elevated temperature has been discussed. Experiments have been conducted on 180 specimens along with 180 companion cube specimens. The temperatures of 100°C, 200°C and 300°C for a duration of exposure of 2 hours 4 hours and 6 hours has been considered in the experiments. The results are logically analyzed and concluded.1. INTRODUCTIONThe remarkable property of concrete to resist the fire reduces the damage in a concrete structure whenever there is an accidental fire. In most of the cases the concrete remains intact with minor damages only. The reason being low thermal conductivity of concrete at higher temperatures and hence limiting the depth of penetration of firedamage. But when the concrete is subjected to high temperature for long duration the deterioration of concrete takes place. Hence it is essential to understand the strength and deformation characteristics of concrete subjected to temperature for long duration. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the variation in Impact Strength of concrete when subjected to a temperature range 100oC, 200oC and 300oC sustained for a period of 2 hrs, 4 hrs and 6 hrs.The review of the literature shows that a lot of research work [1 – 3] has taken place on the effect of elevated temperature on concrete. All these studies are based on time –temperature curves. Hence an attempt has been made to study the effect of sustained elevated temperature on impact strength of concrete and the results are compared with the compressive strength. The experimental programme has been planned for unstressed residual strength test based on the available facilities. Residual strength is the strength of heated and subsequently cooled concrete specimens expressed as percentage of the strength of unheated specimens.2. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION2.1. TEST SPECIMEN AND MATERIALSA total of 180 specimens were tested in the present study along with 180 companion cubes. An electric oven capable of reaching a maximum temperature of 300oC has been used for investigation. Fine and coarse aggregates conforming to IS383 has been used to prepare the specimen with mix proportions M1 = 1:2.1:3.95 w/c = 0.58, M2 = 1:1.15:3.56 w/c = 0.53, M3 = 1:0.8:2.4 w/c = TEST VARIABLESThe effects of the following variables were studied.2.2.1 Size sSize of Impact Strength Test Specimen was 150 mm dial and 64 mm thickness and size of companion cube 150 x 150 x 150 mm.2.2.2 Maximum TemperatureIn addition to room temperature, the effect of three different temperatures (100oC, 200oC and 300oC) on the compressive strength was investigated.2.2.3 Exposure Time at Maximum TemperatureThree different exposure times were used to investigate the influence of heat on compressive strength; they are 2 hrs, 4 hrs and 6 hrs.2.2.4 Cooling MethodSpecimens were cooled in air to room temperature.3. TEST PROCEDUREAll the specimens were cast in steel moulds as per IS516 and each layer was compacted. Specimens were then kept in their moulds for 24 hours after which they were decoupled and placed into a curing tank until 28 days. After which the specimens were removed and were allowed to dry in room temperature. These specimens were kept in the oven and the required target temperature was set. Depending on the number of specimen kept inside the oven the time taken to reach the steady state was found to vary. After the steady state was reached the specimens were subjected to predetermined steady duration at the end of which the specimens are cooled to room temperature and tested.ACI drop weight impact strength test was adopted. This is the simplest method for evaluating impact resistance of concrete. The size of the specimen is 150 mm dial and 64 mm thickness. The disc specimens were prepared using steel moulds cured and heated and cooled as. This consists of a standard manually operated 4.54 kg hammer with 457 mm drop. A 64 mm hardened steel ball and a flat base plate with positioning bracket and lugs. The specimen is placed between the four guides pieces (lugs) located 4.8 mm away from the sample. A frame (positioning bracket) is then built in order to target the steel ball at the centre of concrete disc. The disc is coated at the bottom with a thin layer of petroleum jelly or heavy grease to reduce the friction between the specimen and base plate. The bottom part of the hammer unit was placed with its base upon the steel ball and the load was applied by dropping weight repeatedly. The loading was continued until the disc failed and opened up such that it touched three of the four positioning lugs. The number of blows that caused this condition is recorded as the failure strength. The companion cubes were tested for cube compression strength (fake).4. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS4.1 RESIDUAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH VS. TEMPERATUREFrom Table 1, at 100°C sustained elevated temperature it is seen that the residual strength of air cooled specimens of mixes M1, M2 and M3 has increased in strength 114% for M1 mix, 109% for M2 mix and 111% for M3 mix for 6 hours duration of exposure. When the sustained elevated temperature is to 200°C for air cooled specimens there is a decrease in strength up to 910% approximately for M1 mix for a duration of 6 hours, but in case of M2 mix it is 82% and for M3 mix it is 63% maximum for 6 hours duration of exposure. When the concrete mixes M1, M2 and M3 are exposed to 300°C sustained temperature there is a reduction in strength up to 78% for M1 mix for 6 hour duration of exposure.4.2 RESIDUAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH VS DURATION OF EXPOSUREFrom Table 1, result shows that heating up to 100°C for 2 hours and 4 hours, the residual strength of mix M1 has decreased where as the residual strength of mix M2 and M3 has increased. The residual strength is further increased for 6 hours duration of exposure in all the three mixes M1, M2 and M3 even beyond the strength at room temperature. When the specimens of mixes M1, M2 and M3 are exposed to 200°C for 2,4 and 6 hours of duration, it is observed that the residual strength has decreased below the room temperature and has reached 92% for M1 mix, 82 and 73% for M2 and M3 mix respectively. Concrete cubes of mixes M1, M2 and M3 when subjected to 300°C temperature for 2,4 and 6 hours the residual strength for mix M1 reduces to 92% for 2 hours up to 78% for six hours duration of exposure, for M2 mix 90% for 2 hours duration of exposure up to 76% for six hour duration of exposure, for M3 mix 88% up to 68% between 2 and 6 hours of duration of exposure.5. IMPACT STRENGTH OF CONCRETE5.1 RESIDUAL IMPACT STRENGTH VS TEMPERATUREFrom the table 1, it can be observed that for the sustained elevated temperature of 100°C the residual impact strength of all the specimens reduces and vary between 20 and 50% for mix M1, 15 to 40% for mix M2 and M3. When the sustained elevated temperature is 200°C the residual impact strength of all the mixes further decreases. The reduction is around 60-70% for mix M1, 55 to 65% for M2 and M3 mix. When the sustained elevated temperature is 300°C it is observed that the residual impact strength reduces further and vary between 85 and 70% for mix M1 and 85 to 90% for mix M2 and mix M3.5.2 RESIDUAL IMPACT STRENGTH VS DURATION OF EXPOSUREFrom the Table 1 and Figures 1 to 3, it can be observed that there is a reduction in impact strength when the sustained elevated temperature is 100°C for 2 hrs, 4 hrs and 6 hrs, and its range is 15 to 50% for all the mixes M1, M2 and M3. The influence of duration of exposure is higher for mix M1 which decreases more rapidly as compared to mix M2 and mix M3 for the same duration of exposure. When the specimens are subjected to sustained elevated temperature of 200°C for 2,4 and 6 hour of duration, further reduction in residual impact strength is observed as compared to at 100°C. The reduction is in the range of 55-70% for all the mixes. The six hour duration of exposure has a greater influence on the residual impact strength of concrete. When the sustained elevated temperature is 300°C for 2,4 and 6 hours duration of exposure the residualimpact strength reduces. It can be seen that both temperature and duration of exposure have a very high influence on the residual impact strength of concrete which shows a reduction up to 90% approximately for all the mixes.6. CONCLUSIONThe compressive strength of concrete increases at 100oC when exposed to sustained elevated temperature. The compressive strength of concrete decreases when exposed to 200°C and 300°C from 10 to 30% for 6 hours of exposure. Residual impact strength reduces irrespective of temperature and duration. Residual impact strength decreases at a higher rate of 20% to 85% as compared to compressive strength between 15% and 30 % when subjected to sustained elevated temperature. The impact strength reduces at a higher rate as compared to compressive strength when subjected to sustained elevated temperature.混凝土受持续高温影响的强度的研究混凝土具有显着的耐火性能。
工程造价论文中英文资料对照外文翻译Risk Analysis of the International Construction ProjectABSTRACTThis analysis used a case study methodology to analyse the issues surrounding the partial collapse of the roof of a building housing the headquarters of the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ). In particular, it examined the prior roles played by the team of construction professionals. The analysis revealed that the SAZ’s traditional construction project was generally characterized by high risk. There was a clear indication of the failure of a contractor and architects in preventing and/or mitigating potential construction problems as alleged by the plaintiff. It was reasonable to conclude that between them the defects should have been detected earlier and rectified in good time before the partial roof failure. It appeared justified for the plaintiff to have brought a negligence claim against both the contractor and the architects. The risk analysis facilitated, through its multi-dimensional approach to a critical examination of a construction problem, the identification of an effective risk management strategy for future construction projects. It further served to emphasize the point that clients are becoming more demanding, more discerning, and less willing to accept risk without recompense. Clients do not want surprise, and are more likely to engage in litigation when things go wrong.KEY WORDS:Arbitration, claims, construction, contracts, litigation, project and risk The structural design of the reinforced concrete elements was done by consulting engineers Knight Piesold (KP). Quantity surveying services were provided by Hawkins, Leshnick & Bath (HLB). The contract was awarded to Central African Building Corporation (CABCO) who was also responsible for the provision of a specialist roof structure using patented “gang nail” roof trusses. The building construction proceeded to completion and was handed over to the owners on Sept. 12, 1991. The SAZ took effective occupation of the headquarters building without a certificate of occupation. Also, the defects liability period was only three months .The roof structure was in place 10 years before partial failure in December 1999. The building insurance coverage did not cover enough, the City of Harare, a government municipality, issued the certificate of occupation 10 years after occupation, and after partial collapse of the roof .At first the SAZ decided to go to arbitration, but this failed to yield an immediate solution. The SAZ then decided to proceed to litigate in court and to bring a negligence claim against CABCO. The preparation for arbitration was reused for litigation. The SAZ’s quantified losses stood at approximately $ 6 million in Zimbabwe dollars (US $1.2m) .After all parties had examined the facts and evidence before them, it became clear that there was a great probability that the courts might rule that both the architects and the contractor were liable. It was at this stage that the defendants’ lawyers requested that the matter be settled out of court. The plaintiff agreed to this suggestion, with the terms of the settlement kept confidential .The aim of this critical analysis was to analyse the issues surrounding the partial collapse of the roof of the building housing the HQ of Standard Association of Zimbabwe. It examined the prior roles played by the project management function and construction professionals in preventing/mitigating potential construction problems. It further assessed the extent to which the employer/client and parties to a construction contract are able to recover damages under that contract. The main objective of this critical analysis was to identify an effective risk management strategy for future construction projects. The importance of this study is its multidimensional examination approach.Experience suggests that participants in a project are well able to identify risks based on their own experience. The adoption of a risk management approach, based solely in past experience and dependant on judgement, may work reasonably well in a stable low risk environment. It is unlikely to be effective where there is a change. This is because change requires the extrapolation of past experience, which could be misleading. All construction projects are prototypes to some extent and imply change. Change in the construction industry itself suggests that past experience is unlikely tobe sufficient on its own. A structured approach is required. Such a structure can not and must not replace the experience and expertise of the participant. Rather, it brings additional benefits that assist to clarify objectives, identify the nature of the uncertainties, introduces effective communication systems, improves decision-making, introduces effective risk control measures, protects the project objectives and provides knowledge of the risk history .Construction professionals need to know how to balance the contingencies of risk with their specific contractual, financial, operational and organizational requirements. Many construction professionals look at risks in dividually with a myopic lens and do not realize the potential impact that other associated risks may have on their business operations. Using a holistic risk management approach will enable a firm to identify all of the organization’s business risks. This wi ll increase the probability of risk mitigation, with the ultimate goal of total risk elimination .Recommended key construction and risk management strategies for future construction projects have been considered and their explanation follows. J.W. Hinchey stated that there is and can be no ‘best practice’ standard for risk allocation on a high-profile project or for that matter, any project. He said, instead, successful risk management is a mind-set and a process. According to Hinchey, the ideal mind-set is for the parties and their representatives to, first, be intentional about identifying project risks and then to proceed to develop a systematic and comprehensive process for avoiding, mitigating, managing and finally allocating, by contract, those risks in optimum ways for the particular project. This process is said to necessarily begin as a science and ends as an art .According to D. Atkinson, whether contractor, consultant or promoter, the right team needs to be assembled with the relevant multi-disciplinary experience of that particular type of project and its location. This is said to be necessary not only to allow alternative responses to be explored. But also to ensure that the right questions are asked and the major risks identified. Heads of sources of risk are said to be a convenient way of providing a structure for identifying risks to completion of a participant’s part of the project. Effective risk management is said to require amulti-disciplinary approach. Inevitably risk management requires examination of engineering, legal and insurance related solutions .It is stated that the use of analytical techniques based on a statistical approach could be of enormous use in decision making . Many of these techniques are said to be relevant to estimation of the consequences of risk events, and not how allocation of risk is to be achieved. In addition, at the present stage of the development of risk management, Atkinson states that it must be recognized that major decisions will be made that can not be based solely on mathematical analysis. The complexity of construction projects means that the project definition in terms of both physical form and organizational structure will be based on consideration of only a relatively small number of risks . This is said to then allow a general structured approach that can be applied to any construction project to increase the awareness of participants .The new, simplified Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM Regulations) which came in to force in the UK in April 2007, revised and brought together the existing CDM 1994 and the Construction Health Safety and Welfare (CHSW) Regulations 1996, into a single regulatory package.The new CDM regulations offer an opportunity for a step change in health and safety performance and are used to reemphasize the health, safety and broader business benefits of a well-managed and co-ordinated approach to the management of health and safety in construction. I believe that the development of these skills is imperative to provide the client with the most effective services available, delivering the best value project possible.Construction Management at Risk (CM at Risk), similar to established private sector methods of construction contracting, is gaining popularity in the public sector. It is a process that allows a client to select a construction manager (CM) based on qualifications; make the CM a member of a collaborative project team; centralize responsibility for construction under a single contract; obtain a bonded guaranteed maximum price; produce a more manageable, predictable project; save time and money; and reduce risk for the client, the architect and the CM.CM at Risk, a more professional approach to construction, is taking its place along with design-build, bridging and the more traditional process of design-bid-build as an established method of project delivery.The AE can review the CM’s approach to the work, making helpful recommendations. The CM is allowed to take bids or proposals from subcontractors during completion of contract documents, prior to the guaranteed maximum price (GMP), which reduces the CM’s risk and provides useful input to design. The procedure is more methodical, manageable, predictable and less risky for all.The procurement of construction is also more business-like. Each trade contractor has a fair shot at being the low bidder without fear of bid shopping. Each must deliver the best to get the projec. Competition in the community is more equitable: all subcontractors have a fair shot at the work .A contingency within the GMP covers unexpected but justifiable costs, and a contingency above the GMP allows for client changes. As long as the subcontractors are within the GMP they are reimbursed to the CM, so the CM represents the client in negotiating inevitable changes with subcontractors.There can be similar problems where each party in a project is separately insured. For this reason a move towards project insurance is recommended. The traditional approach reinforces adversarial attitudes, and even provides incentives for people to overlook or conceal risks in an attempt to avoid or transfer responsibility.A contingency within the GMP covers unexpected but justifiable costs, and a contingency above the GMP allows for client changes. As long as the subcontractors are within the GMP they are reimbursed to the CM, so the CM represents the client in negotiating inevitable changes with subcontractors.There can be similar problems where each party in a project is separately insured. For this reason a move towards project insurance is recommended. The traditional approach reinforces adversarial attitudes, and even provides incentives for people to overlook or conceal risks in an attempt to avoid or transfer responsibility.It was reasonable to assume that between them the defects should have been detected earlier and rectified in good time before the partial roof failure. It did appearjustified for the plaintiff to have brought a negligence claim against both the contractor and the architects.In many projects clients do not understand the importance of their role in facilitating cooperation and coordination; the design is prepared without discussion between designers, manufacturers, suppliers and contractors. This means that the designer can not take advantage of suppliers’ or contractors’ knowledge of build ability or maintenance requirements and the impact these have on sustainability, the total cost of ownership or health and safety .This risk analysis was able to facilitate, through its multi-dimensional approach to a critical examination of a construction problem, the identification of an effective risk management strategy for future construction projects. This work also served to emphasize the point that clients are becoming more demanding, more discerning, and less willing to accept risk without recompense. They do not want surprises, and are more likely to engage in litigation when things go wrong.国际建设工程风险分析摘要此次分析用实例研究方法分析津巴布韦标准协会总部(SAZ)的屋顶部分坍塌的问题。
外文文献:Project Cost Control: The Way it WorksBy R. Max WidemanIn a recent consulting assignment we realized that there was some lack of understanding of the whole system of project cost control, how it is setup and applied. So we decided to write up a description of how it works。
Project cost control is not that difficult to follow in theory.First you establish a set of reference baselines. Then, as work progresses, you monitor the work, analyze the findings, forecast the end results and compare those with the reference baselines. If the end results are not satisfactory then you make adjustments as necessary to the work in progress, and repeat the cycle at suitable intervals。
If the end results get really out of line with the baseline plan, you may have to change the plan。
More likely, there will be (or have been) scope changes that change the reference baselines which means that every time that happens you have to change the baseline plan anyway。
工程变更中英文资料外文翻译文献Highway engineering change reasonanalysis and cost of the project of influenceAbstract: in the implementation stage because of highway engineering design factors, environmental factors, the influence of various engineering changes happened is more common, combining with engineering practice, this paper discusses the causes and engineering change of project cost.Keywords: engineering change, Reason, CostDue to the highway project period, long, long line, so broad in construction of various causes by the engineering change is inevitable. Engineering change could lead to increase of construction cost or time limit of the owner and the contractor, between the claim will claim and the cost of the project.Owner of change and the causes of the costAnd when the owner change engineering bidding of construction conditions of commitment. "SanTongYiPing" referred to in the preceding paragraph, the engineering tight finish, delay purpose will increase the contractor's settlement fee, but little impact on total cost, the owner or project quantity change projects. Increase the project content or quantity, will increase the cost, Project content or cancel or reduce the number will reduce cost, but may affect the use function of engineering, because the owner with agreements for the existence of incomplete, or in the contract when division, can increase content of missing the contract cost, and the owners' requirements, and shorten delivery of finished ahead of the original contract period, invest more in construction unitcost of manpower and material resources, to increase, and improve the design standard requirement owner, beautiful Angle from security requirements of engineering structure change type, elevation, baseline, location, size and strength, make cost increase, and the owner to change in the construction organization design has approved the construction plan, cost increase, and the owner of the contract with the owner of the materials or equipment supply for the category and quantity, cause cost increase or decrease, and the owner of the contract specifies unreasonable, can make the cost is increasedThe design of change and the causes of the costThe design adopts the new standard, new technology, new technology, to replace the original design of the project, and put to use more favorable for owner reduce project cost, the depth of the design documents, cannot satisfy the relevant provisions of the relevant design phase of engineering change and requirements, cost increase or decrease, and when designing units in the preliminary design to fully consider the network planning, and in local government and related departments (e.g., environmental protection, water conservancy, electricity, gas, communication, navigation, etc.) and the requirements of the project, the main structure change shape and size change etc, make the cost increase, and design personnel errors or omissions caused engineering change. Due to the "two SanShen school system to implement the change that cost is increased, Unit, uncoordinated cooperation between designers, or the highway facilities with the principal part of the project design, cause sync job change, make cost increase, and the design drawing not timely delivery time delay, provide, construction, make the cost compensation shutdown caused by increased.Tthe contractor to change and cause the influence. CostThe contractor is unable to perform the contract or can't completely, the contractor shall take remedial measures proposed change, this kind of change of engineering cost, can increase by contractor burden loss, the contractor has been approved changes when bidding of construction project, this kind of change of cost, but almost no effect for the contractor may save construction cost, and the contractor for construction is convenient, or to shorten the construction period, or to reduce the investment of construction, and puts forward such reasons, and more economical and reasonable, optimizing design scheme, this kind of change if owner recognized, can reduce the construction cost, also can reduce the cost of the owner and the contractor, mutually beneficial, According to the contract, the contractor couldn't finish, engineering construction contractextension, the owner may terminate the contract terms, according to the content of construction contract in whole or in part, by the contractor, this kind of other changes generally does not make owner cost increase, but will make the contractor under loss, due to the contractor technology or management of the error caused by engineering change, this kind of change to the contractor, the owner may claim generally do not increase the cost, stipulated in the contract, the contractor change by owner procurement materials, using other kinds of materials, and therefore model brand damage by contractor, unless the owner to approbate, generally do not add costthe supervisor of change and the causes of the costSupervision by the owner, commissioned by the cause of the change of the owner or expenses directly influence the cost. 1 and supervision engineer in order to coordinate the contractor's operation, or section of this project contractors to coordinate with relevant departments or units where the relations of production, easy cause engineering change caused by increased cost. the site supervision engineers in actual situation in the contract and the technical specification for the design, according to local modification and perfect or by design, this kind of change unit may cause increased cost. and supervision engineers work and coordination ability damage caused by lack of rework, engineering cost change work. and supervision engineer proposed optimization design or construction, the design optimization or contractor agree, can reduce engineering changes caused by the project cost.The environment factors and impact on the cost of changeEngineering geology unknown or insufficiency in design, engineering cost increased to. and highway engineering construction projects from the construction, project feasibility study, design and construction drawing design to construction, due to various reasons, the project in the declaration and approval process, some problems existing in the construction stage, these problems caused by exposure to change, and engineering cost increase. and national policies, laws and regulations and standard, the change of change, resulting in increased cost. Four, the local government of the people's production and life convenient scheme adopted by engineering change after that cost increase. whose house is caused by delay, the work of engineering change, could lead to increased cost.Highway engineering change of a variety of reasons, this means that the appraisal work for engineering changes are complex and difficult to decrease the cost, the change of the effects are also different. Through the analysis, is looking for engineering changes the various causes, andthrough the analysis of the cost control are not isolated, control cost, the key is to establish and perfect the scientific management system. Based on control cost, quality assurance and accelerate the progress, the principle of efficiency to determine the necessity and feasibility of engineering change. Only in this way can we truly achieve the effective control of the construction project cost and improve the economic benefit and social benefit.公路工程变更原因分析及其对工程造价的影响摘要:公路工程在实施阶段由于设计因素、环境因素等多方面的影响,发生工程变更是较常见的,文章结合工程实践,探讨工程变更的原因及其对工程造价的影响。
毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献Architecture StructureWe have and the architects must deal with the spatial aspect of activity, physical, and symbolic needs in such a way that overall performance integrity is assured. Hence, he or she well wants to think of evolving a building environment as a total system of interacting and space forming subsystems. Is represents a complex challenge, and to meet it the architect will need a hierarchic design process that provides at least three levels of feedback thinking: schematic, preliminary, and final.Such a hierarchy is necessary if he or she is to avoid being confused , at conceptual stages of design thinking ,by the myriad detail issues that can distract attention from more basic consideration s .In fact , we can say that an architect’s ability to distinguish the more basic form the more detailed issues is essential to his success as a designer .The object of the schematic feed back level is to generate and evaluate overall site-plan, activity-interaction, and building-configuration options .To do so the architect must be able to focus on the interaction of the basic attributes of the site context, the spatial organization, and the symbolism as determinants of physical form. This means that ,in schematic terms ,the architect may first conceive and model a building design as an organizational abstraction of essential performance-space in teractions.Then he or she may explore the overall space-form implications of the abstraction. As an actual building configuration option begins to emerge, it will be modified to include consideration for basic site conditions.At the schematic stage, it would also be helpful if the designer could visualize his or her options for achieving overall structural integrity and consider the constructive feasibility and economic of his or her scheme .But this will require that the architect and/or a consultant be able to conceptualize total-system structural options in terms of elemental detail .Such overall thinking can be easily fed back to improve the space-form scheme.At the preliminary level, the architect’s emphasis will shift to the elaboration of his or her more promising schematic design options .Here the architect’s structural needs will shift toapproximate design of specific subsystem options. At this stage the total structural scheme is developed to a middle level of specificity by focusing on identification and design of major subsystems to the extent that their key geometric, component, and interactive properties are established .Basic subsystem interaction and design conflicts can thus be identified and resolved in the context of total-system objectives. Consultants can play a significant part in this effort; these preliminary-level decisions may also result in feedback that calls for refinement or even major change in schematic concepts.When the designer and the client are satisfied with the feasibility of a design proposal at the preliminary level, it means that the basic problems of overall design are solved and details are not likely to produce major change .The focus shifts again ,and the design process moves into the final level .At this stage the emphasis will be on the detailed development of all subsystem specifics . Here the role of specialists from various fields, including structural engineering, is much larger, since all detail of the preliminary design must be worked out. Decisions made at this level may produce feedback into Level II that will result in changes. However, if Levels I and II are handled with insight, the relationship between the overall decisions, made at the schematic and preliminary levels, and the specifics of the final level should be such that gross redesign is not in question, Rather, the entire process should be one of moving in an evolutionary fashion from creation and refinement (or modification) of the more general properties of a total-system design concept, to the fleshing out of requisite elements and details.To summarize: At Level I, the architect must first establish, in conceptual terms, the overall space-form feasibility of basic schematic options. At this stage, collaboration with specialists can be helpful, but only if in the form of overall thinking. At Level II, the architect must be able to identify the major subsystem requirements implied by the scheme and substantial their interactive feasibility by approximating key component properties .That is, the properties of major subsystems need be worked out only in sufficient depth to very the inherent compatibility of their basic form-related and behavioral interaction . This will mean a somewhat more specific form of collaboration with specialists then that in level I .At level III ,the architect and the specific form of collaboration with specialists then that providing for all of the elemental design specifics required to produce biddable construction documents .Of course this success comes from the development of the Structural Material.1.Reinforced ConcretePlain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement ,water ,fine aggregate, coarse aggregate (crushed stone or gravel),air, and often other admixtures. The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork, then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cement/water mix, resulting in hardened concrete. The finished product has high compressive strength, and low resistance to tension, such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength. Consequently, tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete element.It is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of standard wood or steel sections that requires a modified approach to the basic principles of structural design. The two components of the heterogeneous reinforced concrete section are to be so arranged and proportioned that optimal use is made of the materials involved. This is possible because concrete can easily be given any desired shape by placing and compacting the wet mixture of the constituent ingredients are properly proportioned, the finished product becomes strong, durable, and, in combination with the reinforcing bars, adaptable for use as main members of any structural system.The techniques necessary for placing concrete depend on the type of member to be cast: that is, whether it is a column, a bean, a wall, a slab, a foundation. a mass columns, or an extension of previously placed and hardened concrete. For beams, columns, and walls, the forms should be well oiled after cleaning them, and the reinforcement should be cleared of rust and other harmful materials. In foundations, the earth should be compacted and thoroughly moistened to about 6 in. in depth to avoid absorption of the moisture present in the wet concrete. Concrete should always be placed in horizontal layers which are compacted by means of high frequency power-driven vibrators of either the immersion or external type, as the case requires, unless it is placed by pumping. It must be kept in mind, however, that over vibration can be harmful since it could cause segregation of the aggregate and bleeding of the concrete.Hydration of the cement takes place in the presence of moisture at temperatures above 50°F. It is necessary to maintain such a condition in order that the chemical hydration reaction can take place. If drying is too rapid, surface cracking takes place. This would result in reduction of concrete strength due to cracking as well as the failure to attain full chemical hydration.It is clear that a large number of parameters have to be dealt with in proportioning a reinforced concrete element, such as geometrical width, depth, area of reinforcement, steel strain, concrete strain, steel stress, and so on. Consequently, trial and adjustment is necessary in the choice ofconcrete sections, with assumptions based on conditions at site, availability of the constituent materials, particular demands of the owners, architectural and headroom requirements, the applicable codes, and environmental reinforced concrete is often a site-constructed composite, in contrast to the standard mill-fabricated beam and column sections in steel structures.A trial section has to be chosen for each critical location in a structural system. The trial section has to be analyzed to determine if its nominal resisting strength is adequate to carry the applied factored load. Since more than one trial is often necessary to arrive at the required section, the first design input step generates into a series of trial-and-adjustment analyses.The trial-and –adjustment procedures for the choice of a concrete section lead to the convergence of analysis and design. Hence every design is an analysis once a trial section is chosen. The availability of handbooks, charts, and personal computers and programs supports this approach as a more efficient, compact, and speedy instructional method compared with the traditional approach of treating the analysis of reinforced concrete separately from pure design.2. EarthworkBecause earthmoving methods and costs change more quickly than those in any other branch of civil engineering, this is a field where there are real opportunities for the enthusiast. In 1935 most of the methods now in use for carrying and excavating earth with rubber-tyred equipment did not exist. Most earth was moved by narrow rail track, now relatively rare, and the main methods of excavation, with face shovel, backacter, or dragline or grab, though they are still widely used are only a few of the many current methods. To keep his knowledge of earthmoving equipment up to date an engineer must therefore spend tine studying modern machines. Generally the only reliable up-to-date information on excavators, loaders and transport is obtainable from the makers.Earthworks or earthmoving means cutting into ground where its surface is too high ( cuts ), and dumping the earth in other places where the surface is too low ( fills). Toreduce earthwork costs, the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts and wherever possible the cuts should be placednear to fills of equal volume so as to reduce transport and double handlingof the fill. This work of earthwork design falls on the engineer who lays out the road since it is the layout of the earthwork more than anything else which decides its cheapness. From the available maps ahd levels, the engineering must try to reach as many decisions as possible in the drawing office by drawing cross sections of the earthwork. On the site when further information becomes available he can make changes in jis sections and layout,but the drawing lffice work will not have been lost. It will have helped him to reach the best solution in the shortest time.The cheapest way of moving earth is to take it directly out of the cut and drop it as fill with the same machine. This is not always possible, but when it canbe done it is ideal, being both quick and cheap. Draglines, bulldozers and face shovels an do this. The largest radius is obtained with thedragline,and the largest tonnage of earth is moved by the bulldozer, though only over short distances.The disadvantages of the dragline are that it must dig below itself, it cannot dig with force into compacted material, it cannot dig on steep slopws, and its dumping and digging are not accurate.Face shovels are between bulldozers and draglines, having a larger radius of action than bulldozers but less than draglines. They are anle to dig into a vertical cliff face in a way which would be dangerous tor a bulldozer operator and impossible for a dragline. Each piece of equipment should be level of their tracks and for deep digs in compact material a backacter is most useful, but its dumping radius is considerably less than that of the same escavator fitted with a face shovel.Rubber-tyred bowl scrapers are indispensable for fairly level digging where the distance of transport is too much tor a dragline or face shovel. They can dig the material deeply ( but only below themselves ) to a fairly flat surface, carry it hundreds of meters if need be, then drop it and level it roughly during the dumping. For hard digging it is often found economical to keep a pusher tractor ( wheeled or tracked ) on the digging site, to push each scraper as it returns to dig. As soon as the scraper is full,the pusher tractor returns to the beginning of the dig to heop to help the nest scraper.Bowl scrapers are often extremely powerful machines;many makers build scrapers of 8 cubic meters struck capacity, which carry 10 m ³ heaped. The largest self-propelled scrapers are of 19 m ³struck capacity ( 25 m ³ heaped )and they are driven by a tractor engine of 430 horse-powers.Dumpers are probably the commonest rubber-tyred transport since they can also conveniently be used for carrying concrete or other building materials. Dumpers have the earth container over the front axle on large rubber-tyred wheels, and the container tips forwards on most types, though in articulated dumpers the direction of tip can be widely varied. The smallest dumpers have a capacity of about 0.5 m ³, and the largest standard types are of about 4.5 m ³. Special types include the self-loading dumper of up to 4 m ³ and the articulated type of about 0.5 m ³. The distinction between dumpers and dump trucks must be remembered .dumpers tip forwards and the driver sits behind the load. Dump trucks are heavy, strengthened tipping lorries, the driver travels in front lf the load and the load is dumped behind him, so they are sometimes called rear-dump trucks.3.Safety of StructuresThe principal scope of specifications is to provide general principles and computational methods in order to verify safety of structures. The “ safety factor ”, which according to modern trends is independent of the nature and combination of the materials used, can usually be defined as the ratio between the conditions. This ratio is also proportional to the inverse of the probability ( risk ) of failure of the structure.Failure has to be considered not only as overall collapse of the structure but also asunserviceability or, according to a more precise. Common definition. As the reaching of a “ limit state ” which causes the construction not to accomplish the task it was designed for. Ther e are two categories of limit state :(1)Ultimate limit sate, which corresponds to the highest value of the load-bearing capacity. Examples include local buckling or global instability of the structure; failure of some sections and subsequent transformation of the structure into a mechanism; failure by fatigue; elastic or plastic deformation or creep that cause a substantial change of the geometry of the structure; and sensitivity of the structure to alternating loads, to fire and to explosions.(2)Service limit states, which are functions of the use and durability of the structure. Examples include excessive deformations and displacements without instability; early or excessive cracks; large vibrations; and corrosion.Computational methods used to verify structures with respect to the different safety conditions can be separated into:(1)Deterministic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as nonrandom parameters.(2)Probabilistic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as random parameters.Alternatively, with respect to the different use of factors of safety, computational methods can be separated into:(1)Allowable stress method, in which the stresses computed under maximum loads are compared with the strength of the material reduced by given safety factors.(2)Limit states method, in which the structure may be proportioned on the basis of its maximum strength. This strength, as determined by rational analysis, shall not be less than that required to support a factored load equal to the sum of the factored live load and dead load ( ultimate state ).The stresses corresponding to working ( service ) conditions with unfactored live and dead loads are compared with prescribed values ( service limit state ) . From the four possible combinations of the first two and second two methods, we can obtain some useful computational methods. Generally, two combinations prevail:(1)deterministic methods, which make use of allowable stresses.(2)Probabilistic methods, which make use of limit states.The main advantage of probabilistic approaches is that, at least in theory, it is possible to scientifically take into account all random factors of safety, which are then combined to define the safety factor. probabilistic approaches depend upon :(1) Random distribution of strength of materials with respect to the conditions of fabrication and erection ( scatter of the values of mechanical properties through out the structure );(2) Uncertainty of the geometry of the cross-section sand of the structure ( faults andimperfections due to fabrication and erection of the structure );(3) Uncertainty of the predicted live loads and dead loads acting on the structure;(4)Uncertainty related to the approximation of the computational method used ( deviation of the actual stresses from computed stresses ).Furthermore, probabilistic theories mean that the allowable risk can be based on several factors, such as :(1) Importance of the construction and gravity of the damage by its failure;(2)Number of human lives which can be threatened by this failure;(3)Possibility and/or likelihood of repairing the structure;(4) Predicted life of the structure.All these factors are related to economic and social considerations such as:(1) Initial cost of the construction;(2) Amortization funds for the duration of the construction;(3) Cost of physical and material damage due to the failure of the construction;(4) Adverse impact on society;(5) Moral and psychological views.The definition of all these parameters, for a given safety factor, allows construction at the optimum cost. However, the difficulty of carrying out a complete probabilistic analysis has to be taken into account. For such an analysis the laws of the distribution of the live load and its induced stresses, of the scatter of mechanical properties of materials, and of the geometry of the cross-sections and the structure have to be known. Furthermore, it is difficult to interpret the interaction between the law of distribution of strength and that of stresses because both depend upon the nature of the material, on the cross-sections and upon the load acting on the structure. These practical difficulties can be overcome in two ways. The first is to apply different safety factors to the material and to the loads, without necessarily adopting the probabilistic criterion. The second is an approximate probabilistic method which introduces some simplifying assumptions ( semi-probabilistic methods ) .文献翻译建筑师必须从一种全局的角度出发去处理建筑设计中应该考虑到的实用活动,物质及象征性的需求。
5.1现场布置5.1Site Layout5.1.1项目组织机构图5.1.1P roject Organization Chart5.1.2组织机构说明psccInT'linEpwum-2二亠•2runfi:nSubgrade Cvnstrytciwi Structure Construction tcidm c3n71+n j n-+j o nDmipxctr-SEnJnLion"eiAIIlconwfrerj冲iont巾amsuhmTsotlr-巾g5.1.2Introduction of Organization 根据本工程的特点,本着“精干、高效”的原则组建南苏丹 Magwi-Lobone公路项目部,项目经理为项目的第一责任人。
In accordancewith features of the project and under the principle of “ highcapability and efficiency”,establish the Southern Sudan Magwi-Lobone Highway Project Department,and the project manageris the primary person in charge of the project.项目部下设:The Project departmentcomprises:♦决策层:项目经理、项目副经理、总工程师;♦Decision-making level: Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, General ProjectEngineer;♦管理层:施工部、技术部、合同部、财务部、QHSE 部、机物部、行政部;♦Managementlevel: Construction Dept., Technology Dept., Contract Dept., Financial Dept., QHSE Dept., Mechanical Materials Dept., Administration Dept.;♦工区作业层:根据本工程特点,按照工区管理作业队及班组的形式。
中英文对照工程施工合同(协议)Contract合同(协议)编号( Contract NO. ):签订日期( Date ):发包方(简称甲方)Party A:承包方(简称乙方):Party B:根据《中华人民共和国合同(协议)法》以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议(合同(协议)),共同遵守。
According to P.R.C Contract Law , and other relevant laws and regulations to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect.1. 工程概况 Project overview1.1 工程名称:Project name:1.2 工程地点:Project location:1.3 工程范围:A. 新研发中心和新厂房的网络综合布线系统的施工;B. 数据中心的建设,主要包含:数据中心的装饰工程、电气系统、空调系统、机房闭路监控系统、机房门禁系统、消防系统改造、机柜系统等。
Project contents: A. The new R D and new plant construction of network cabling systems; B. Data Center, mainly includes: data center decoration and electrical systems, air-conditioning systems, CCTVsystems, access control systems, firefighting system reform, server rack systems.1.4 开工条件:合同(协议)生效后,甲方预付款到位和现场具备开工条件。
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工程造价论文中英文资料对照外文翻译This paper focuses on the risk analysis of nal n XXX the unique risks associated with nal n projects。
including political。
and cultural risks。
It then outlines the XXX a risk analysis。
including risk n。
risk assessment。
and XXX.nXXX。
XXX by a range of unique risks that must be XXX for risk management in nal n projects.Unique Risks Associated with nal n ProjectsXXX are subject to a range of unique risks that are not present in XXX。
economic uncertainty。
cultural differences。
and legal XXX can impact the project。
Economic uncertainty XXX。
or XXX project stakeholders。
while legal issues XXX.Risk Analysis ProcessThe risk analysis process involves several steps。
including risk n。
risk assessment。
and XXX all potential risks that couldimpact the project。
This can be done through brainstorming ns。
interviews with project stakeholders。
and analysis of historical data from XXX of each identified risk。
This can be done using XXX methods。
such as risk matrix analysis or Monte Carlo XXX impact of identified risks。
This can include risk transfer。
risk avoidance。
risk n。
or risk acceptance.Importance of Effective Risk ManagementEffective risk management is crucial for the success of nal XXX potential risks。
XXX project delays。
cost overruns。
or other negative XXX。
effective risk management can help to build trust and credibility with project stakeholders。
which can be important for XXX。
effective risk management is a key factor in ensuring the long-term success of nal n projects.This XXX of the roof of the Standards XXX。
it XXX in the project。
The analysis found that the nal n project carried high risk。
and that the XXX n problems。
as alleged by the plaintiff。
It XXX defects should have been detected and rectified earlier。
beforeXXX was justified.Through its multi-XXX n problem。
the risk analysis XXX discerning。
and less willing to accept risk without XXX do not want surprises。
and are XXX.The n project involved us parties。
XXX (HLB) for quantity surveying services。
and Central African Building n (CABCO) as the XXX "gangnail" roof trusses。
The project was completed on Sept。
12.1991.and handed over to the owners。
the Southern African Zoological n (SAZ) occupied the headquarters building without a certificate of n。
and the XXX d was only three months.Unfortunately。
despite being in place for 10 years。
The building insurance coverage was insufficient。
and the City of Harare。
a government municipality。
only issued the certificate of n 10 XXX。
To address these issues。
XXX and its defects。
This process would involve a neutral third party who would XXX may also be an n。
but it can be costly and time-consuming。
XXX of each n and work towards a n that is XXX.XXX n。
but this approach proved unsuccessful。
As a result。
they decided to pursue legal n against XXX approximately $6XXX (equivalent to US $1.2 n).After reviewing the available evidence。
it XXX that therewas a high XXX。
It was at this point that the defendants' lawyers suggested settling the matter out of court。
The plaintiff agreed to this proposal。
and the terms of the XXX.The purpose of this critical analysis is to examine the XXX of the roof of the building that housed the headquarters of the Standard n of Zimbabwe。
The analysis will XXX。
it will XXX under that contract。
The ultimate goal of this analysis is to XXX issues.To begin with。
the analysis will XXX that led to the partial collapse of the building's roof。
It will consider the design and n processes。
as well as the materials used。
The study will also examine the project management n to XXX.Next。
the analysis will XXX of the project management nand XXX.Finally。
the analysis will propose an effective risk management XXX。
and management.In n。
this critical analysis will provide XXX of the building housing the HQ of the Standard n of XXX。
as well as the legal aspects of the n。
it will XXX.XXX。
XXX for risk management may only work in a stable。
low-risk environment。
When there is change。
XXX necessary。
but it should not replace the XXX Instead。
it XXX clarifying objectives。
identifying uncertainties。
introducing effective n systems。
improving n-making。
implementing risk control measures。
protecting project objectives。
and providing knowledge of risk history。
Note: I XXX to repeat n and made XXX.)XXX。
without considering the potential impact of other associated risks on their business ns。
Adopting a XXX XXX。
By taking a holistic approach to risk management。