



第十八届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试题(2001年)全卷共六题,总分为140分一、(22分)有一放在空气中的玻璃棒,折射率 1.5n =,中心轴线长45cm L =,一端是半径为110cm R =的凸球面.1.要使玻璃棒的作用相当于一架理想的天文望远镜(使主光轴上无限远处物成像于主光轴上无限远处的望远系统),取中心轴线为主光轴,玻璃棒另一端应磨成什么样的球面?2.对于这个玻璃棒,由无限远物点射来的平行入射光柬与玻璃棒的主光轴成小角度1φ时,从棒射出的平行光束与主光轴成小角度,求21/φφ(此比值等于此玻璃棒望远系统的视角放大率).二、(22分)正确使用压力锅的方法是:将己盖好密封锅盖的压力锅(如图复18-2-1)加热,当锅内水沸腾时再加盖压力阀S ,此时可以认为锅内只有水的饱和蒸气,空气己全部排除.然后继续加热,直到压力阀被锅内的水蒸气顶起时,锅内即已达到预期温度(即设计时希望达到的温度),现有一压力锅,在海平面处加热能达到的预期温度为120℃.某人在海拔5000m 的高山上使用此压力锅,锅内有足量的水.1.若不加盖压力阀,锅内水的温度最高可达多少?2.若按正确方法使用压力锅,锅内水的温度最高可达多少?3.若未按正确方法使用压力锅,即盖好密封锅盖一段时间后,在点火前就加上压力阀。

此时水温为27℃,那么加热到压力阀刚被顶起时,锅内水的温度是多少?若继续加热,锅内水的温度最高可达多少?假设空气不溶于水.已知:水的饱和蒸气压w ()p t 与温度t 的关系图线如图复18-2-2所示.大气压强()p z 与高度z 的关系的简化图线如图复18-2-3所示.27t =℃时27t =3w (27) 3.610Pa p ︒=⨯;27t =0z =处5(0) 1.01310Pa p =⨯三、(22分)有两个处于基态的氢原子A 、B ,A 静止,B 以速度0v 与之发生碰撞.己知:碰撞后二者的速度A v 和B v 在一条直线上,碰撞过程中部分动能有可能被某一氢原子吸收。



高中物理竞赛试题及答案一、选择题(每题5分,共40分)1. 一个物体从静止开始,以加速度a=2m/s²做匀加速直线运动,经过时间t=3s,其位移s是多少?A. 9mB. 12mC. 18mD. 24m2. 一个质量为m的物体在水平面上受到一个恒定的拉力F,摩擦系数为μ,求物体的加速度a。

A. F/mB. (F-μmg)/mC. μgD. F/(2m)3. 一个电子在电场中受到的电场力F=qE,其中q是电子的电荷量,E 是电场强度。

如果电子的初速度为v₀,那么电子在电场中做匀速直线运动的条件是什么?A. qE = mv₀²/2B. qE = mv₀C. qE = 0D. qE = mv₀²4. 一个质量为m的物体从高度h自由落下,忽略空气阻力,经过时间t时的速度v是多少?A. v = gtB. v = √(2gh)C. v = √(gh)D. v = 2gh5. 两个相同的弹簧,将它们串联起来,挂在天花板上,然后在下方挂一个质量为m的物体,求弹簧的伸长量。

A. mg/2kB. mg/kC. 2mg/kD. mg/k - m6. 一个质量为m的物体在光滑的水平面上,受到一个恒定的水平力F,求物体经过时间t后的速度v。

A. v = F/mB. v = F*t/mC. v = √(2Ft)D. v = √(Ft/m)7. 一个物体在水平面上以初速度v₀开始做匀减速直线运动,加速度大小为a,求物体在时间t内通过的位移s。

A. v₀t - 1/2at²B. v₀²/2aC. v₀t + 1/2at²D. v₀²/2a - 1/2at²8. 一个质量为m的物体在竖直方向上做自由落体运动,经过时间t时,其动能Ek是多少?A. 1/2mv₀²B. 1/2mgt²C. mg*tD. 1/2mgt二、计算题(每题15分,共60分)1. 一个质量为2kg的物体,在水平面上以10m/s²的加速度加速运动,如果物体与地面之间的摩擦系数为0.05,求作用在物体上的水平拉力F。



高中的物理竞赛试题及答案高中物理竞赛试题一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 一个物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,经过4秒后速度达到4m/s。


A. 0.5 m/s²B. 1 m/s²C. 2 m/s²D. 4 m/s²2. 两个质量分别为m1和m2的物体,通过一根轻绳连接并悬挂在无摩擦的定滑轮上。

如果m1 > m2,系统将如何运动?A. 系统静止不动B. 系统加速下降C. 系统加速上升D. 系统减速上升3. 一个电子在电场中受到的电场力大小为F,如果电场强度增加到原来的两倍,电子受到的电场力将如何变化?A. 保持不变B. 增加到原来的两倍C. 增加到原来的四倍D. 增加到原来的八倍4. 一个物体在水平面上以初速度v0开始滑行,摩擦系数为μ。


A. 无法确定B. \( \frac{v_0}{\mu g} \)C. \( \frac{v_0}{\sqrt{\mu g}} \)D. \( \sqrt{\frac{v_0}{\mu g}} \)5. 一个弹簧振子的振动周期为T,当振幅减半时,振动周期将如何变化?A. 保持不变B. 减半C. 增加到原来的两倍D. 增加到原来的四倍6. 一个点电荷Q产生电场的强度在距离r处为E,当距离增加到2r时,电场强度将如何变化?A. 保持不变B. 减半C. 增加到原来的两倍D. 增加到原来的四倍7. 一个物体在竖直方向上做自由落体运动,忽略空气阻力。

经过时间t后,物体的速度和位移分别是多少?A. 速度v=gt,位移s=1/2gt²B. 速度v=2gt,位移s=gt²C. 速度v=gt,位移s=gt²D. 速度v=2gt,位移s=2gt8. 一个物体从高度h自由落下,不计空气阻力。


A. \( \sqrt{2gh} \)B. \( \sqrt{gh} \)C. \( 2\sqrt{gh} \)D. \( \sqrt{h/g} \)9. 一个物体在水平面上以初速度v0开始滑行,经过时间t后,其速度变为v。



高中物理竞赛题(含答案)一、单项选择题1. 在自由落体过程中,物体的势能增加,动能减小。

A. 正确B. 错误2. 一列火车以$v$速度行驶,它的长度为$L$,宁静的人听到车头发出声音后$T$秒后听到车尾发出的声音。

则$v$为:A. $\frac{L}{2T}$B. $\frac{2L}{T}$C. $\frac{L}{T}$D. $\frac{T}{L}$3. 两个均质、半径相等、长度不同的均匀圆筒A、B,均可在竖直平面内以固定点O为转轴转动,轴线分别与定点OA、OB平行。

当它们同时从静止转动起来时,轮毂周向速度$V_1$比$V_2$:A. $V_1=V_2$B. $V_1>V_2$C. $V_1<V_2$D. 不确定4. 一个长为$L$的导线,施加电流$I$,沿任意方向在匀强磁场中运动,做完一周回路时,会发生电流改变的原因是:A. 因为改变导线的长度B. 因为导线被磁场力拉直了C. 因为导线切割磁力线D. 不确定5. 一根长度为$l$,截面积为$S$,长度均匀分布电荷$q$的细长直线,经过小球$O$($O$到直线距离为$r$)的电场强度$E$是:A. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{r^2}$B. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{\sqrt{l^2+r^2}}$C. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{ql}{\sqrt{l^2+r^2}}$D. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{l^2+r^2}$答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A二、填空题1. 一个直导线,垂直于均匀磁场B,长度为$l$,电流为$I$,受到的磁感应强度$B_1$是$______$2. 单色光的波长为500nm,折射率为1.5,其在空气和该介质交界面的发射角是$______°$3. 质量为$m$,长度为$l$,弹性系数为$k$的弹簧在自由状态下的振动周期是$______$4. 质量为$m$的物体在竖直向下的重力作用下自由下落的过程中,重力势能不断$______$,动能不断$______$5. 一列火车以$v$速度行驶,铁轨相对静止。



物理竞赛高中试题及答案一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1. 光在真空中的传播速度是()。

A. 3×10^8 m/sB. 2×10^8 m/sC. 3×10^5 m/sD. 2×10^5 m/s答案:A2. 根据牛顿第二定律,一个物体的加速度与作用力成正比,与物体的质量成反比。


A. 增加一倍B. 减少一半C. 保持不变D. 增加两倍答案:B3. 一个物体从静止开始自由下落,不计空气阻力,其下落过程中的加速度是()。

A. 9.8 m/s²B. 10 m/s²C. 9.8 km/h²D. 10 km/h²答案:A4. 以下哪个选项是正确的能量守恒定律的表述?()A. 能量不能被创造或销毁,但可以改变形式。

B. 能量可以被创造或销毁,但不能改变形式。

C. 能量不能被创造或销毁,也不能改变形式。

D. 能量可以被创造或销毁,也可以改变形式。

答案:A5. 一个电子在电场中受到的电场力是()。

A. 与电子的电荷成正比B. 与电子的电荷成反比C. 与电场强度成正比D. 与电场强度成反比答案:A6. 根据热力学第一定律,在一个封闭系统中,能量()。

A. 可以被创造或销毁B. 可以被转移但不能被创造或销毁C. 既不能被创造也不能被销毁D. 可以被创造但不能被销毁答案:C7. 一个物体在水平面上以恒定速度运动,其动能()。

A. 保持不变B. 增加C. 减少D. 先增加后减少答案:A8. 光的折射定律表明,入射角和折射角之间的关系是()。

A. 入射角越大,折射角越大B. 入射角越大,折射角越小C. 入射角和折射角成正比D. 入射角和折射角成反比答案:A9. 根据电磁学理论,一个闭合电路中的感应电动势与()。

A. 磁通量的变化率成正比B. 磁通量的变化率成反比C. 磁通量的大小成正比D. 磁通量的大小成反比答案:A10. 一个物体在竖直方向上受到的重力是50 N,若要使其保持静止状态,需要施加的力是()。



高中物理竞赛题(含答案)高中物理竞赛题(含答案)一、选择题1. 以下哪个量纲与能量相同?A. 动量B. 功C. 功率D. 力答案:B. 功2. 以下哪个力不属于保守力?A. 弹簧力B. 重力C. 摩擦力D. 电场力答案:C. 摩擦力3. 一块物体在重力作用下自由下落,下列哪个物理量不随时间变化?A. 动能B. 动量C. 速度D. 位移答案:B. 动量4. 在以下哪个条件下,物体落地时速度为零?A. 重力作用下自由下落B. 匀加速直线运动C. 抛体运动D. 飞机减速降落答案:B. 匀加速直线运动5. 下列哪个现象可以说明动量守恒定律?A. 质点在外力作用下保持做直线运动B. 物体上升时速度减小C. 原地旋转的溜冰运动员脚迅速收回臂伸直D. 跳板跳高运动员下降时肌肉突然放松答案:C. 原地旋转的溜冰运动员脚迅速收回臂伸直二、填空题1. 单个质点的能量守恒定律表达式为________。

答案:E1 + K1 + U1 = E2 + K2 + U22. 一个质量为2.0 kg的物体从静止开始下滑,下滑的最后速度为4.0 m/s,物体下滑的高度为5.0 m,重力加速度为9.8 m/s²,摩擦力大小为2.0 N,那么物体所受到的摩擦力的摩擦因数为________。

答案:0.53. 在太阳系中,地球和太阳之间的引力为F,地球和月球之间的引力为f。


下列哪个关系式成立?A. F = 300,000fB. F = 0.012fC. F = 300,000²fD. F = 0.012²f答案:A. F = 300,000f4. 一个质点从A点沿一固定的能量守恒定律表达式为E1 + K1 + U1 = E2 + K2 + U2路径运动到B点,以下哪个表达式正确?A. E1 + K1 + U1 = E2 + K2 + U2 + WB. E1 + K1 + U1 = E2 + K2 + U2 - WC. K1 + U1 = K2 + U2D. E1 - E2 = U2 - U1答案:D. E1 - E2 = U2 - U1三、解答题1. 一个木块沿水平面内的光滑竖直墙壁从静止开始下滑,当木块下滑一段距离后,由于摩擦力的作用,木块的速度减小。



2001年高考物理试题全集含答案一、选择题1. 当质点作直线运动时,它的运动状态可以用物理量来描述。


A. 位置B. 速度C. 动量D. 直径2. 如图所示,A、A、A三者连接成三角形,并用左手泡沫环使之漂浮。

在电磁感应现象中,A、A、A三角形内的泡沫环A. 都会变成椭圆B. 都会消失C. A和A会变成椭圆,A消失D. A和A都会消失,A变成椭圆二、填空题1. 灯泡额定电压为 220V,额定功率为 40W,则该灯泡的额定电流为 __________。

2. 物体通过光的传播将()能传递给观察者。

3. 直流电压表接在电路中,读数为 20V。

当与之并接一个标称电阻值为100 Ω 的电阻后,电压表读数为 12V。

则该电路的等效电阻为__________ Ω。

三、判断题1. 定态条件下,质点所受合力为0,每时每刻的速度都是恒定不变的。

2. 红光入射到石英玻璃表面会发生全反射现象。

3. 样品的质量密度与样品在等于 4℃时的质量与体积之比相等。

四、简答题1. 铜经历一个温度周期变化,记录温度变化与它导电性能变化的曲线。


2. 解释电流强度、电压和电阻之间的关系。

3. 弹簧静力特性是指弹簧伸长(缩短)的长度与外力的关系。


五、计算题1. 某机动车在直路上做匀速直线运动,已知它从静止开始,经过200m 需用 10s 时间。


六、实验题1. 用简易物理实验装置测量水的沸点,并进行数据处理和结果分析。

答案:选择题:1. D2. C填空题:1. 0.182 A2. 能量3. 300 Ω判断题:1. 错误2. 正确3. 正确简答题:1. 随着铜的温度升高,其导电性能先增强后减弱。






1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.AII卷包括7个小题.共156分。







上面放含IAA 的琼脂块,下面放空白琼脂块补充方法、步骤与结果(二):(4分)取补充步骤(一)下面琼脂块(b)的一部分放在去尖的胚芽鞘一侧注:考生只用文字或图示答题均给满分。

26.(25分)(1)既能进行有氧呼吸又能进行无氧呼吸(4分)(2)出芽生殖(2分)(3)酵母菌自身的生长和繁殖(5分)(4)C12H22O11 + H2O 2C6H12O6(2分)C6H12O62C2H5OH + 2CO2(2分)(5)C2H5OH的分子量为46.0500 t ×8.00%×98.5%×34240.46⨯×0320.01== 662 t (10分) 27.(9分)(1)B 和C (2分) (2)E ,(第一空2分,第二空3分,共5分)还原(或加成、加氢、催化加氢等)(2分)28.(30分)(1)关闭弹簧夹时,反应产生的气体使试管内液面上的压力增加,所以液面下降。




高中物理竞赛试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 根据牛顿第二定律,物体的加速度与作用力成正比,与物体的质量成反比。

如果一个物体的质量是另一个物体的两倍,且受到相同大小的力,那么第一个物体的加速度是第二个物体加速度的多少?A. 1/2B. 2C. 1/4D. 4答案:A2. 光在真空中的速度是多少?A. 299,792,458 m/sB. 299,792,458 km/sC. 299,792,458 cm/sD. 299,792,458 mm/s答案:A3. 电容器的电容是由什么决定的?A. 电容器的电压B. 电容器的电荷C. 电容器的板间距D. 电容器的板面积和介质常数答案:D4. 以下哪个选项是描述电磁波的?A. 需要介质传播B. 传播速度取决于介质C. 可以在真空中传播D. 速度总是比光速慢答案:C5. 一个物体从静止开始自由下落,其下落的加速度是多少?A. 9.8 m/s²B. 10 m/s²C. 11 m/s²D. 12 m/s²答案:A6. 根据热力学第一定律,系统内能的增加等于系统吸收的热量与系统对外做的功之和。

如果一个系统吸收了100焦耳的热量,同时对外做了50焦耳的功,那么系统内能增加了多少?A. 50 JB. 100 JC. 150 JD. 200 J答案:A7. 以下哪个选项是描述绝对零度的?A. 物体内分子运动完全停止的温度B. 物体内分子运动速度最快的温度C. 物体内分子运动速度最慢的温度D. 物体内分子运动速度为零的温度答案:A8. 在电路中,电流的方向是如何定义的?A. 从负极流向正极B. 从正极流向负极C. 从电源流向负载D. 从负载流向电源答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是描述波长、频率和波速的关系的?A. 波长× 频率 = 波速B. 波长÷ 频率 = 波速C. 波长 + 频率 = 波速D. 波长 - 频率 = 波速答案:A10. 一个物体在水平面上以恒定速度运动,其运动状态是:A. 静止B. 匀速直线运动C. 变速运动D. 无法确定答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据牛顿第三定律,作用力和反作用力大小________,方向________。



2001年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试物理试题物 理本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第Ⅰ卷共3页,第Ⅱ卷4至10页,共150分.考试时间120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分)注意事项:1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔填写在答题卡上.2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案.不能答在试题卷上. 3.考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一.本题共10小题;每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分.1. 在下列四个方程中,x 1、x 2、x 3和x 4各代表某种粒子. ① 3Xe Sr n U 1385495381023592++→+x 1 ② +H 21 x 2n H 1032+→③+→Th U 2349023892x 3④+→+Al He Mg 2713422412x 4以下判断中正确的是 (A) x 1是中子 (B) x 2是质子 (C) x 3是α粒子 (D) x 4是氘核 2.一个理想变压器,原线圈和副线圈的匝数分别为n 1和n 2,则正常工作时输入和输出的电压、电流、功率分别为U 1和U 2、I 1和I 2、P 1和P 2.已知n 1>n 2,则 (A) U 1>U 2,P 1<P 2. (B) P 1<P 2,I 1<I 2 (C) I 1 < I 2,U 1>U 2 (D) P 1>P 2,I 1>I 23. 在X 射线管中,由阴极发射的电子被加速后打到阳极,回产生包括X 光在内的各种能量的光子,其中光子能量的最大值等于电子的动能。

已知阴极与阳极之间的电势差U 普朗克常数h 、电子电量e 和光速c ,则可知该X 射线管发出X 光的 (A) 最短波长为eUh c(B) 最长波长为eUc h (C) 最小频率为heU(D) 最大频率为heU4.如图所示。



高中物理力学部分竞赛题(本试卷满分150 分,,三个大题,共 21 小题。

请考生务必请将所有题目的答案答在答题卡上相应的位置,答在试卷上的不给分,只交答题卡)一、选择题(共70 分;在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得 5 分,选对但不全的得 2.5 分,有错选的得零分。

)1、如图所示,在一条直线上两个振源A、B 相距 6m,振动频率相等,从 t0时刻只振动一个周期,振幅相等,振动图像 A 为甲, B 为乙。

若 A 向右传播的波与时相遇,则()A.两列波在A、B 间的传播速度均为 10m/sB.两列波的波长都是4mC.在两列波相遇过程中,中点C为振动加强点A、B 开始振动,且都B 向左传播在 t1 = 0.3sD.t2 = 0.7s 时刻 B 点经过平衡位置且振动方向向下2、1930 年美国天文学家汤博发现冥王星,当时错估了冥王星的质量,以为冥王星比地球还大,所以命名为大行星.然而,经过近 30 年的进一步观测,发现它的直径只有 2300 公里,比月球还要小. 2006年 8 月 24 日晚在布拉格召开的国际天文学联合会(IAU) 第 26届大会上,来自各国天文界权威代表投票通过联合会决议,今后原来九大行星中的冥王星将不再位于“行星”之列,而属于矮行星,并提出了行星的新定义.行星新定义的两个关键:一是行星必须是围绕恒星运转的天体;二是行星的质量必须足够大,它自身的重力必须和表面力平衡使其形状呈圆球.一般来说,行星直径必须在800公里以上,质量必须在50 亿亿吨以上.假如冥王星的轨道是一个圆形,则由以下几个条件能估测出其质量的是(其中万有引力常量为G)()A.冥王星围绕太阳运转的周期和轨道半径B.冥王星围绕太阳运转的线速度和轨道半径C.冥王星一个的卫星查龙(charon) 围绕冥王星在圆形轨道上转动的线速度和轨道半径D.冥王星一个的卫星查龙(charon) 围绕冥王星在圆形轨道上转动的周期和轨道半径3、如图所示,两个轮子的半径R=0.20 m,由电动机驱动以角速度=8.0 rad/s 匀速同向转动,两轮的转动轴在同一水平面上,相互平行,距离 d =1.6 m . 一块均匀木板条轻轻平放在两轮上,开始时木板条的重心恰好在右轮的正上方. 已知木板条的长度L> 2d,木板条与轮子间的动摩擦因数μ=0.16木板条运动到重心恰好到达左轮正上方所需的时间是( ..)A. 1 s B . 0.785 sC. 1.5 s D .条件不足,无法判断4、如图所示,长为L 的长木板水平放置,在木板的 A 端放置一个质量为 m 的小物块,现缓慢地抬高 A端,使木板以左端为轴转动,当木板转到与水平面的夹角为时小物块开始滑动,此时停止转动木板,小物块滑到底端的速度为v,则在整个过程中()A.木板对物块做功为 1 mv22B.擦力对小物块做功为mgLsinC.支持力对小物块做功为mgLsin1mv2mgL sinD.滑动摩擦力对小物块做功为25、利用速度传感器与计算机结合,可以自动作出物体运动的图像车的速度—时间图像如图所示,出此可以知道().某同学在一次实验中得到的运动小A.小车先做加速运动,后做减速运动B.小车运动的最大速度约为0.8m/sC.小车的最大位移是D.小车做曲线运动0.8m6、如图所示,光滑的半圆柱体的半径为R,其上方有一个曲线轨道AB ,轨道底端水平并与半圆柱体顶端相切。



高中物理竞赛试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 光在真空中的传播速度是()。

A. 3×10^8 m/sB. 3×10^5 m/sC. 3×10^6 m/sD. 3×10^7 m/s2. 根据牛顿第二定律,物体的加速度与作用力成正比,与物体的质量成反比。


A. 质量越大,加速度越小B. 作用力越大,加速度越大C. 质量越小,加速度越大D. 以上说法都正确3. 一个物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,经过时间t后的速度为v,那么在时间t内的平均速度是()。

A. v/2B. vC. 2vD. 04. 根据能量守恒定律,以下说法错误的是()。

A. 能量既不能被创造也不能被消灭B. 能量可以从一种形式转化为另一种形式C. 能量的总量在转化过程中会减少D. 能量的总量在转化过程中保持不变5. 一个物体在水平面上受到水平方向的力F作用,物体与水平面之间的摩擦系数为μ,以下说法正确的是()。

A. 如果F小于μmg,物体将保持静止B. 如果F大于μmg,物体将做匀加速运动C. 如果F等于μmg,物体将保持静止D. 以上说法都正确6. 一个质量为m的物体从高度h处自由落下,忽略空气阻力,落地时的速度v与高度h的关系是()。

A. v = √(2gh)B. v = √(gh)C. v = 2ghD. v = gh7. 根据欧姆定律,电流I与电压V成正比,与电阻R成反比。


A. 电阻R越大,电流I越小B. 电压V越大,电流I越大C. 电流I与电阻R成正比D. 以上说法都正确8. 一个理想变压器的原副线圈匝数比为1:2,当原线圈的电压为220V 时,副线圈的电压为()。

A. 110VB. 440VC. 220VD. 44V9. 一个点电荷q在电场中受到的电场力F与电场强度E的关系是()。

A. F = qEB. F = E^2C. F = q^2D. F = E/q10. 一个物体的体积为V,密度为ρ,其质量m与体积V的关系是()。













现令强磁体M 沿线圈的轴线方向穿过该线圈C,将C两端接一电阻,其阻值R=1000Ω,远大于线圈的电阻阻值。





三、(20分)有一薄透镜如图决18-3,S1面是旋转椭球面(椭圆S1 S2 F1 C F2 图决18-3 绕长轴旋转而成的曲面),其焦点为F1和F2;S2面是球面,其球心C 与F2重合。


(1)求此透镜材料的折射率n(要论证);(2)如果将此透镜置于折射率为n?的介质中,并能达到上述的同样的要求,椭圆应满足什么条件?四、(20分)空间有半径为R长度L很短的圆柱形的磁场区域,圆柱的轴线为z 轴,磁场中任一点的磁感应强度的方向沿以z轴为对称轴的圆的切线,大小与该点离z轴的距离r成正比,B=Kr,K为常数,如图决18-4中“·”与“×”所示。




1.如图所示,两光滑斜面的倾角分别为30°和45°,质量分别为2m 和m 的两个滑块用不可伸长的轻绳通过滑轮连接(不计滑轮的质量和摩擦),分别置于两个斜面上并由静止释放;若交换两滑块位置,再由静止释放.则在上述两种情形中正确的有A.质量为2m 的滑块受到重力、绳的张力、沿斜面的下滑力和斜面的支持力的作用B .质量为m 的滑块均沿斜面向上运动C .绳对质量为m 滑块的拉力均大于该滑块对绳的拉力D .系统在运动中机械能均守恒2.在粗糙水平地面上与墙平行放着一个截面为半圆的柱状物体A , A 与竖直墙之间放一光滑圆球B ,整个装置处于静止状态。

现对B 加一竖直向下的力F ,F 的作用线通过球心,设墙对B 的作用力为F 1,B 对A 的作用力为F 2,地面对A 的作用力为F 3。

若F 缓慢增大而整个装置仍保持静止,截面如图所示,在此过程中A . F 1保持不变,F 3缓慢增大B . F 1缓慢增大,F 3保持不变C . F 2缓慢增大,F 3缓慢增大D . F 2缓慢增大,F 3保持不变 3.一有固定斜面的小车在水平面上做直线运动,小球通过细绳与车顶相连。


设斜面对小球的支持力为N ,细绳对小球的拉力为T ,关于此时刻小球的受力情况,下列说法正确的是 A .若小车向左运动,N 可能为零 B .若小车向左运动,T 可能为零C .若小车向右运动,N 不可能为零D .若小车向右运动,T 不可能为零4.某人骑自行车在平直道路上行进,图中的实线记录了自行车开始一段时间内的v -t 图象,某同学为了简化计算,用虚线作近似处理,下列说法正确的是A .在t 1时刻,虚线反映的加速度比实际的小B .在0-t 1时间内,由虚线计算出的平均速度比实际的小C .在t 1-t 2时间内,由虚线计算出的位移比实际的大D .在t 3-t 4时间内,虚线反映的是匀速运动5.一质量为M 的探空气球在匀速下降,若气球所受浮力F 始终保持不变,气球在运动过程中所受阻力仅与速率有关,重力加速度为g ,现欲使该气球以同样速率匀速上升,则需从气球篮中减少的质量为 A .)(2gFM -B .g F M 2-C .gFM -2 D .0 第1题图第5题图第2题图 第4题图1t 2t t 3t 4t o v第3题图7.如图,一固定斜面上两个质量相同的小物块A 和B 紧挨着匀速下滑,A与B 的接触面光滑。



高中物理竞赛试题及答案1. 题目:一物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,第3秒内通过的位移为15米,求物体的加速度。

答案:根据匀加速直线运动的位移公式,第3秒内的位移为\(\frac{1}{2}a(3^2) - \frac{1}{2}a(2^2) = 15m\),解得\(a =4m/s^2\)。

2. 题目:一个质量为2kg的物体在水平面上以10m/s的速度做匀速直线运动,若受到一个大小为5N的水平力作用,求物体的加速度。

答案:根据牛顿第二定律,\(F = ma\),所以\(a = \frac{F}{m} =\frac{5N}{2kg} = 2.5m/s^2\)。

3. 题目:一个质量为1kg的物体从10m高处自由下落,忽略空气阻力,求物体落地时的速度。

答案:根据自由落体运动的公式,\(v^2 = 2gh\),代入\(g =9.8m/s^2\)和\(h = 10m\),解得\(v = \sqrt{2 \times 9.8 \times 10} = 14.1m/s\)。

4. 题目:一物体在水平面上以10m/s的速度做匀速圆周运动,半径为5m,求物体所受的向心力。

答案:根据向心力公式,\(F = \frac{mv^2}{r}\),代入\(m = 1kg\),\(v = 10m/s\),\(r = 5m\),解得\(F = \frac{1 \times 10^2}{5}= 20N\)。

5. 题目:一物体从高度为20m的斜面顶端以10m/s的初速度滑下,斜面倾角为30°,求物体滑到斜面底端时的速度。

答案:根据能量守恒定律,\(mgh + \frac{1}{2}mv_0^2 =\frac{1}{2}mv^2\),代入\(g = 9.8m/s^2\),\(h = 20m\),\(v_0 = 10m/s\),\(\theta = 30°\),解得\(v = \sqrt{2gh\cos\theta + v_0^2} = \sqrt{2 \times 9.8 \times 20 \times\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} + 10^2} = 22.6m/s\)。



高中物理竞赛试题库附详细答案一、选择题1. 下图是一台垂直面上的运动物体的加速度-时间图象,物体的初始速度为零。

根据图象可知,该物体的速度-时间图象为:A) 直线斜率为正的一条直线B) 曲线C) 直线斜率为负的一条直线D) 无法确定答案:A) 直线斜率为正的一条直线解析:根据加速度-时间图象的性质,直线斜率为正的一条直线表示物体在做匀加速运动。

2. 一个物体垂直抛掷,竖直上抛的速度和竖直下落的速度分别为v0和v1,则该物体上抛的时间与下落的时间比值为:A) v1/v0B) √(v1/v0)C) v0/v1D) √(v0/v1)答案:D) √(v0/v1)解析:根据物体竖直抛掷运动的性质,上抛和下落的时间比值为:上抛的时间/下落的时间= √(v0/v1)。

3. 将物体1质量为m1=2kg的铁块放在静止的光滑桌面上,物体2质量为m2=3kg的物体1上,两物体间没有任何摩擦力。

物体1与物体2在竖直方向上的加速度为:A) 7/5m/s²B) 6/5m/s²C) 5/7m/s²D) 5/6m/s²答案:A) 7/5m/s²解析:根据牛顿第二定律和叠加力的原理:F = (m1 + m2) * am1 * g - m2 * g = (m1 + m2) * a2 * 9.8 -3 * 9.8 = (2 + 3) * a19.6 - 29.4 = 5a-9.8 = 5aa = -9.8 / 5a = -1.96 m/s²因为加速度的方向与重力方向相反,所以取绝对值:|a| = 1.96 m/s²所以物体1与物体2在竖直方向上的加速度为1.96 m/s²,即7/5m/s²。

二、填空题1. 物体从A点自由下落到B点,高度差为10m,重力加速度为10m/s²,则到达B点时的速度为___m/s。

答案:14 m/s解析:根据加速度公式:v² = u² + 2as其中,v是最终速度,u是初始速度,a是加速度,s是位移。



51 10.45
0.39 0.19
10.7 0.19
56 9.90
0.43 0.20
11.7 0.21
65 9.40
0.50 0.23
13.3 0.24
70 9.08
0.54 0.25
14.2 0.25
85 8.39
Part 2a
x0 2 0.02 x0
H(mm) 158 209 190 150 129 119 110
10T(s) 10.31 13.19 11.70
9.80 9.21 8.75 8.10
w(rad/s) 6.09 4.76 5.37 6.41 6.82 7.18 7.76
lnw 0.784921 0.677935 0.729994 0.806954
h0 y 0
x x0 , height of the liquid
w 2 x02 2g
h0 would be the same as if it not rotating. (1)
2g(h0 y0 )
Since the volume of the liquid is constant,
(tan ) tan
(since from the table tan
2 x0 x0
(tan ) 2 w T
x ,
H h0
x2 x




)1、如图所示,把一个架在绝缘支架上不带电的枕形导体放在带负电的导体C附近,达到静电平衡后,下列对导体A端和B端电势判断正确的是( )(取大地为零电势点)A.U A>U B>OB.U A<U B<OC.U A=U B<OD.U A=U B>O2、一定质量的理想气体处于某一平衡状态,此时其压强为P0,有人设计了四种途径,使气体经过每种途经后压强仍为P0,这四种途径是①先保持体积不变,降低压强,再保持温度不变,压缩体积②先保持体积不变,使气体升温,再保持温度不变,让体积膨胀③先保持温度不变,使体积膨胀,再保持体积不变,使气体升温④先保持温度不变,压缩气体,再保持体积不变,使气体降温可以断定( )A.①、②不可能B.③、④不可能C.①、③不可能D.①、②、③、④都可能二、填空题:(请将答案填在题中的横线上,每小题5分,共10分。


若哥伦比亚号航天飞机是在轨道半径为r的赤道上空飞行,且飞行方向与地球自转方向相同,已知地球自转角速度为ω0,地球半径为R,地球表面重力加速度为g, 在某时刻航天飞机通过赤道上某建筑物的上方,则到它下次通过该建筑物上方所需时间为___________________。



三、(14分)如图所示,斜面重合的两契块ABC 和ADC ,质量均为M ,DA 、BC 两面成水平,E 是质量为m 的小滑块,契块倾角为θ,各面均为光滑,系统放置在光滑的水平平台上自静止开始释放,问斜面未分离前小滑块的加速度为多少?四、(15分)某颗地球同步卫星正下方的地球表面上有一观察者,他用天文望远镜观察被太阳光照射的此卫星,试问,春分那天(太阳光直射赤道)在日落12小时内有多长时间该观察者看不见此卫星?已知地球半径为R ,地球表面处的重力加速度为g , 地球自转周期为T ,不考虑大气对光的折射。



Experimental CompetitionSaturday, June 30th, 2001Please read this first:1.The time available is 5 hours for the experimental competition.e only the pen provided.e only the front side of the paper.4.Begin each part of the problem on a separate sheet.5.For each question, in addition to the blank sheets where you may write, there is an a nswer formwhere you must summarize the results you have obtained. Numerical results should be written with as many digits as are appropriate to the given data.6.Write on the blank sheets of paper the results of all your measurements and whatever else youconsider is required for the solution of the question. Please use as little text as possible; express yourself primarily in equations, numbers, figures and plots.7.Fill in the boxes at the top of each sheet of paper used by writing your Country no and Countrycode,your student number (Student No.), the number of the question (Question No.), the progressive number of each sheet (Page No.) and the total number of blank sheets used for each question (Total No. of pages). Write the question number and the section label of the part you are answering at the beginning of each sheet of writing paper. If you use some blank sheets of paper for notes that you do not wish to be marked, put a large X across the entire sheet and do not include it in your numbering.8.At the end of the exam, arrange all sheets in the following order;∙answer form∙used sheets in order∙the sheets you do not wish to be marked∙unused sheets and the printed questionPlace the papers inside the envelope and leave everything on your desk. You are not allowed to take any sheets of paper and any material used in the experiment out of the room.ROTATING LIQUIDThis experiment consists of three basic parts:1. inve stigation of the profile of the rotating liquid’s surface and the determination of the acceleration due to gravity,2. investigation of the rotating liquid as an optical system,3. determination of the refractive index of the liquid.When a cylindrical container filled with a liquid rotates about the vertical axis passing through its center with a uniform angular velocity ω, the liquid’s surface becomes parabolic (see Figure 1). At equilibrium, the tangent to the surface at the point P(x, y ) makes an angle θ with the horizontal such thatR x for gxtan ≤ω=2θ(1) where R is the radius of the container and g is the acceleration due to gravity.It can further be shown that for ω<ωmax (where ωmax is the angular speed at which the center of the rotating liquid touches the bottom of the container)at x=x 0=2R, y(x 0)=h 0 (2)that is; the height of the rotating liquid is the same as if it were not rotating.The profile of the rotating liquid’s surface is a parabola defined by the equationCx y y 420+= (3)where the vertex is at V(0, y 0) and the focus is at F(0, y 0+C ). When optical rays parallel to the axis of symmetry (optical axis) reflect at the parabolic surface, they all focus at the point F (see Fig.1).Apparatus∙ A cylindrical rigid plastic cup containing liquid glycerin. Millimetric scales are attached to the bottom and the sidewall of this cup.∙ A turntable driven by a small dc electric motor powered by a variable voltage supply, which controls the angular velocity.∙ A transparent horizontal screen on which you can put transparent or semi-transparent millimetric scales. The location of the screen can be adjusted along the vertical and horizontal directions.∙ A laser pointer mounted on a stand. The position of the pointer can be adjusted. The head of the pointer can be changed.∙Additional head for the laser pointer.∙ A ruler.∙ A highlighter pen.∙ A stopwatch. Push the left button to reset, the middle button to select the mode, and the right button to start and stop the timing.∙Transmission gratings with 500 or 1000 lines/mm.∙Bubble level.∙Glasses.IMPORTANT NOTES∙DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE LASER BEAM. BE AWARE THAT LASER LIGHT CAN ALSO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REFLECTED OFF A MIRROR-LIKE SURFACE.FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY USE THE GIVEN GLASSES.∙Throughout the whole experiment carefully handle the cup containing glycerin.∙The turntable has already been previously adjusted to be horizontal. Use bubble level only for horizontal alignment of the screen.∙Throughout the entire experiment you will observe several spots on the screen produced by the reflected and/or refracted beams at the various interfaces between the air, the liquid, the screen, and the cup. Be sure to make your measurements on the correct beam.∙In rotating the liquid change the speed of rotation gradually and wait for long enough times for the liquid to come into equilibrium before making any measurements.EXPERIMENTPART 1: DETERMINATION of g USING a ROTATING LIQUID [7.5 pts]∙ Derive Equation 1.∙ Measure the height h 0 of the liquid in the container and the inner diameter 2R of the container.∙ Insert the screen between the light source and the container. Measure the distance H between the screen and the turntable (see Figure 2).∙ Align the laser pointer such that the beam points vertically downward and hits the surface ofthe liquid at a distance x 0=2Rfrom the center of the container.∙ Rotate the turntable slowly. Be sure that the center of the rotating liquid is not touching the bottom of the container.∙ It is known that at x 0= 2Rthe height of the liquid remains the same as the original heighth 0, regardless of the angular speed ω. Using this fact and measurements of the angle θ of the surface at x 0 for various values of ω, perform an experiment to determine the gravitational acceleration g.∙ Prepare tables of measured and calculated quantities for each ω. ∙ Produce the necessary graph to calculate g.∙ Calculate the value of g and the experimental error in it∙ Copy the values 2R, x 0, h 0, H and the experimental value of g and its error onto the answer form.PART 2: OPTICAL SYSTEMIn this part of the experiment the rotating liquid will be treated as an image forming optical system. Since the curvature of the surface varies with the angular speed of rotation, the focal distance of this optical system depends on ω.2a) Investigation of the focal distance [5.5 pts]∙Align the laser pointer such that the laser beam is directed vertically downward at the center of the container. Mark the point P where the beam strikes the screen. Thus the line joining this point to the center of the cup is the optical axis of this system (see Figure 2).∙Since the surface of the liquid behaves like a parabolic mirror, any incident beam parallel to the optical axis will pass through the focal point F on the optical axis after reflection.∙Adjust the speed of rotation to locate the focal point on the screen. Measure the angular speed of rotation ω and the distance H between the screen and the turntable.∙Repeat the above steps for different H values.∙Copy the measured values of 2R and h0and the value of ωat each H onto the answer form.∙With the help of an appropriate graph of your data, find the relationship between the focal length and the angular speed. Copy your result onto the answer form.2b) Analysis of the “image” (what you see on the screen) [3.5 pts]In this part of the experiment the properties of the “image” produced by this optical system will be analyzed. To do so, follow the steps given below.∙Remove the head of the laser pointer by turning it counterclockwise.∙Mount the new head (provided in an envelope) by turning it clockwise. Now your laser produces a well defined shape rather than a narrow beam.∙Adjust the position of the laser pointer so that the beam strikes at about the center of the cup almost normally.∙Put a semitransparent sheet of paper on the horizontal screen, which is placed close to the cup, such that the laser beam does not pass through the paper, but the reflected beam does.∙Observe the si ze and the orientation of the “image” produced by the source beam and the beam reflected from the liquid when it is not rotating.∙Start the liquid rotating, and increase the speed of rotation gradually up to the maximum attainable speed while watching the screen. As ωincreases you might observe different frequency ranges over which the properties of the “image” are drastically different. To describe these observations complete the table on the answer form by adding a row to this table for each such frequency range and fill it in by using the appropriate notations explained on that page.PART 3: REFRACTIVE INDEX [3.5 pts]In this part of the experiment the refractive index of the given liquid will be determined using a grating. When monochromatic light of wavelength λ is incident normally on a diffraction grating, the maxima of the diffraction pattern are observed at angles αm given by the equationm sin d m αλ=(4) where, m is the order of diffraction and d is the distance between the rulings of the grating. In this part of the experiment a diffraction grating will be used to determine the wavelength of the laser light and the refractive index of the liquid (see Figure 3).∙ Use the grating to determine the wavelength of the laser pointer. Copy your result onto the answer form.∙ Immerse the grating perpendicularly into the liquid at the center of the cup.∙ Align the laser beam such that it enters the liquid from the sidewall of the cup and strikes the grating normally.∙ Observe the diffraction pattern produced on the millimetric scale attached to the cup on the opposite side. Make any necessary distance measurements.∙ Calculate the refractive index n of the liquid by using your measurements. (Ignore the effect of the plastic cup on the path of the light.)∙ Copy the result of your experiment onto the answer form.Figure 1. Definitions of the bank angle θ at point P (x,y ), the vertex V and the focus F for the parabolic surface produced by rotating the liquid, of initial height h 0 and radius R , at a constant angular speed ω around the y -axis.P(x,y )x ωθ h 0R F(0,y 0+C )V(0,y 0) yFigure 2 Experimental setup for parts 1 and 2.1. Laser pointer on a stand,2. Transparent screen,3. Motor,4. Motor controller,5. Turntable,6. Axis of rotation,7. Cylindrical container.2 3 x220V ACHh 0yR7152 6~P+ 4Figure 3 Top view of the grating in a liquid experiment.1. Scaled sidewall,2. Grating on a holder,3. Laser pointer,4. Cylindrical container.nR m3241Country no Country code Student No. Question No. Page No. TotalNo. of pagesANSWER FORM1) Determination of g using a rotating liquid2R x0 h0 HExperimental value of g:2a) Investigation of the focal distance2R h0H ωRelation between focal length and ω:2b) Analysis of the “image”Use the appropriate notations explained below to describe what you see on the screen due to reflected beamω range: For the frequency ranges only approximate values are required.Orientation (in comparison with the object beam as seen on the transparent screen): Inverted : INV Erect : ERVariation of the size with increasing ω: Increases : I Decreases : D No change : NCFor the frequency ranges you have found above:Write “R ” if the laser pointer is above the focal point. Write “V ” if the laser pointer is below the focal point. ω RangeOrientation Variationof the size“image”ω=0Country no Country code Student No. Question No. Page No. TotalNo. of pages3) Refractive index Wavelength = Experimental value for n =。

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Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following scenario:At t0, two cars moving along a highway are side-by-side as they pass a third car stopped on the side of the road. At this moment the driver of the first car steps on the brakes while the driver of the stopped car begins to accelerate. The diagram below show the positions of each car for the next 5 seconds.1. During which time interval would cars #2 and #3 be moving at the same average speed?A)t0 to t1B) t1 to t2C)t2 to t3D)t3 to t4E)t4 to t52. About what position after t o would car #1 and car #2 have been side by side?A) 0 m B) 15 m C) 26 m D) 37 m E) 39 m3. Which of the three cars had the greatest average speed during these 5 seconds?A) car #1 D) car #2 and car #3 had the same average speedB) car #2 E) all three cars had the same average speedC) car #34. If car #3 continues to constantly accelerate at the same rate what will be its position at the end of 6 seconds?A) 22 m B) 68 m C) 72 m D) 78 m E) 94 m5. Which of the following resistances could NOT be produced by a circuit containing only three identical 6 ohm resistors?A) 18 Ù B) 14 Ù C) 9 Ù D) 4 Ù E) 20 Ù6. After striking the lens shown in the diagram at right,the light ray will most likely follow which path?A) path AB) path BC) path CD) path DE) path E7. A force of 6 newtons and a force of 10 newtons can be combine to form a resultant with a magnitude of which of the followingA) 0 newtons B) 2 newtons C) 8 newtons D) 20 newtons E) 60 newtons8. A 50 kilogram gymnast falls freely from a height of 4 meters on to a trampoline. The trampoline then bounces her back upward with a speed equal to the speed at which she first struck the trampoline. What is the average force the trampoline applies on the gymnast?A) 50 newtons D) 2000 newtonsB) 200 newtons E) More information is requiredC) 500 newtons9. The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is a simple statement of the Law of the Conservation of Energy. It was first announced about the time ofA) the First World WarB) the U.S. Civil WarC) the French RevolutionD) Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New WorldE) the fall of the Roman Empire10. Each member of a family of six owns a computer rated at 500 watts in a 120 V circuit. If all computers are plugged into a single circuit protected by a 20 ampere fuse, what is the maximum number of the computers can be operating at the same time?A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5 or more Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following scenario:A 5 kg block rests on a flat plane inclined at an angle of 30o to the horizon as shown in the diagram below.13. According to the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, electrons starting in the 4th energy level and eventually ending in the ground state could produce a total of how many lines in the hydrogen spectra?A) 7 B) 6 C) 5 D) 4 E) 314. A football is kicked a distance of 50 yards down field. Neglecting air resistance, which of the following statements would be INCORRECT when the football reaches its highest point.A) all of the ball's original kinetic energy has been changed into potential energyB) the ball's horizontal velocity is the same as when it left the kicker's footC) the ball will have been in the air one-half its total flight timeD) the ball has an acceleration of gE) the vertical component of the velocity is equal to 015. A rectangular piece of metal 3 cm high by 6 cm wide hasa hole cut in its center 1cm high by 4 cm wide as shown inthe diagram at right. As the metal is warmed from 0o C to1000C, what will happen to the dimensions of the hole?A) both height and width will increaseB) both height and width will decreaseC) both height and width will remain unchangedD) height will decrease while width will increaseE) height will increase while width will decrease16. The mass of a planet can be calculated if it is orbited by a small satellite by setting the gravitational force on the satellite equal to the centripetal force on the satellite. Which of the following would NOT be required in this calculation?A) the mass of the satelliteB) the radius of the satellite's orbitC) the period of the satellite's orbitD) Newton's universal gravitational constantE) all of the above are required for this calculation17. If 25% of a sample of a radioactive isotope decays in 4 hours, we would estimate the sample's half life to be aboutA) 1.9 hours B) 4.0 hours C) 8.0 hours D) 9.6 hours E) 13.8 hours18. Which of the following is the best statement of Pascal's Law?A) pressure on a confined fluid is transmitted equally in all directionsB) a numerical arrangement where each number is the sum of the two numbers aboveC) two electrons cannot occupy the same quantum state at the same timeD) the volume of a gas is directly related to its temperatureE) the farther away a galaxy the faster it is receding19. Three identical capacitors each with acapacitance of C are connected as shown inthe following diagram. What would be thetotal equivalent capacitance of the circuit?A) 0.33 CB) 0.67 CC) 1.0 CD) 1.5 CE) 3.0 C20. When submerged under water, the apparent mass of one cubic centimeter of pure gold is18.3 grams. What would be its mass in air?A) 16.3 grams B) 17.3 grams C) 18.3 grams D) 19.3 grams E) 20.3 grams Questions 21 and 22 refer to the following scenario:Five identical light bulbs each, with a resistance of 10 ohms, are connected in a simple electrical circuit with a switch and a 10 volt battery as shown in the diagram below.21. The steady current in the above circuit would be closest to which of the following values?A) 0.2 amp B) 0.37 amp C) 0.5 amp D) 2.0 amp E) 5.0 amp22. Which bulb (or bulbs) could burn out without causing other bulbs in the circuit to also go out?A) only bulb D D) only bulbs C or DB) only bulb E E) bulbs B, C, or DC) only bulbs A or E23. A object is placed 10 cm in front of the center of a concave curved mirror with a radius of curvature of 10 cm. About how far from the mirror will the real image of the object be formed?A) 0 cm D) 20 cmB) 5 cm E) No image is formedC) 10 cm24. An electric heater draws 13 amperes of current when connected to 120 volts. If the price of electricity is $0.10/kWh, what would be the approximate cost of running the heater for 8 hours?A) $0.19 B) $0.29 C) $0.75 D) $1.25 E) $1.55 Questions 25 and 26 refer to the following scenario:The diagram below represents 5 different standing sound waves set up inside of a set of organ pipes 1 meter long.25. What is the length of the longest wavelength shown?A) .5 m B) .75 m C) 1 m D) 2 m E) 4 m26. Which organ pipe shows a standing wave which has twice the frequency of one of the other waves shown?A) C y D) O yB) C z E) C y,C z,O x & O yC) O x27. A spinning ice skater can increase his rate of rotation by bringing his arms and free leg closer to his body. How does this procedure affect the skater's rotational momentum and kinetic energy?A) rotational momentum remains the same while kinetic energy increasesB) rotational momentum remains the same while kinetic energy decreasesC) both rotational momentum and kinetic energy remain the sameD) rotational momentum increases while kinetic energy remains the sameE) both rotational momentum and kinetic energy increase28. Light travels from material X with an index of refraction of n = 1.5 to material Y with an index of refraction of n = 2.0. If the speed of light in material Y is v, what is the speed of light in material X?A) 0.56 v B) 0.75 v C) 1.33 v D) 1.78 v E) 3.0 v29. A 200 gram sample of copper is submerged in 100 grams of water until both the copper and water are at the same temperature. Which of the following statements would be true. A) the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average speeds B) the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average momentaC) the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average kinetic energiesD) the water molecules would have twice the average momentum of the copper molecules E) the copper molecules would have twice the average speed of the water molecules30. Lenz's law concerning the direction of an induced current in a conductor by a magnetic field could be a restatement ofA) Ampere's law D) the Law of Conservation of Energy B) Ohm's law E) none of these C) Maxwell's Law31. A positive point charge of +q and a negative point charge of -q are separated by a distance d . What would be the magnitude of the electric field midway between the two charges?A) E = 0 B) E 2d kq = C) E 22d kq = D) E d kq 4= E) E 28dkq=32. One stereo loudspeaker produces sound with a wavelength of 0.68 meters while the other speaker produces sound with a wavelength of 0.65 meters. What would be the resulting beat frequency?A) 3 Hz B) 23 Hz C) 66.5 Hz D) 500 Hz E) 11,333 Hz33. A small ball rolls down a ramp, across a horizontal table top and off the table edge. Which of the following would best represent a graph of the magnitude of the ball's acceleration vs time?A) B) C) D) E)34. Two toy cars with different masses originally at rest are pushed apart by a spring. Which of the following statements would NOT be true?A) both toy cars will acquire equal but opposite momenta B) both toy cars will acquire equal kinetic energies C) the more massive toy car will acquire the least speedD) the smaller toy car will experience an acceleration of greatest magnitude E) All of the above statements are true35. The intensity of sound 10 meters from a tornado siren is a very loud 130 decibels. At what distance would you need to be for the intensity to drop to 90 decibels?A) 14.3 m B) 31.8 m C) 210 m D) 400 m E) 1000 m36. A mass m is attached to a spring with a spring constant k. If the mass is set into simpleharmonic motion by a displacement d from its equilibrium position, what would be the speed, v , of the mass when it returns to equilibrium position?A) m kd v = B) m kd v =2 C) mg kd v = D) k mgdv =2 E) mk d v =37. A long straight wire viewed end on carries aconventional electric current out of the paper as shown in the diagram. What is the direction of the associated electric field at point P?There would be no electric field produced by the current at pt. P A) B) C) D) E)38. The S-waves (transverse ) and P-waves (longitudinal) produced by earthquakes travel at different speeds through the earth. If the S-waves travel about 4000 m/s while the P-waves travel at nearly 7000 m/s, how far away must an earthquake be for the P-waves to arrive 2 minutes before the S-waves?A) 360 km B) 480 km C) 840 km D) 1120 km E) 1320 km39. Suppose the engine and propeller of a single engine plane are turning in a clock wise direction with respect to the pilot. The gyroscopic action of the moving parts will cause the plane to move in which direction as the pilot tries to make a sharp left hand turn. A) spin clockwise around the long axis of the planeB) spin counter-clockwise around the long axis of the plane C) nose up D) nose down E) none of the above40. A student tunes a crystal radio set by means of a simple RLC circuit to receive a radio station broadcasting at 660 kHz. To receive a station broadcasting at 1320 kHz the capacitor in the RLC circuit could be changed. By what factor must the original capacitance be multiplied to tune in the RLC circuit to the new frequency?A) 0.25 B) 0.50 C) 2 D) 4 E) 16PHYSICSBOWL 2001ANSWERSQuestion Answer Question Answer1 C 21 B2 D 22 A3 D 23 C4 C 24 D5 B 25 E6 C 26 D7 C 27 A8 E 28 C9 B 29 C10 D 30 D11 C 31 E12 B 32 B13 B 33 A14 A 34 B15 A 35 E16 A 36 E17 D 37 E18 A 38 D19 B 39 C20 D 40 A。
