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Calaf sees Torandot for the first time and f_a_lls_i_n_lo_vewith her . But a slave of Calaf’s father’s ,Liu, also expresses her love for him. The story becomes a
Have you ever _w_i_tn_e_ss_ed__the opera?
n. person who sees the event take place目击者,见证人 Eg. He appeared in the court as the witness of the accident. v. To see or to observe目击,做......的证人
(金戈铁骑 整理制作)
The universal language
Reading Language points
Complete the passage according to the text:
set; avoid; potential; fall in love; take on;be drunk with; exercise control over;break one’s promise;be desperate to; kill; celebrate; cast; witness
3. Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden City —there could not be a Leabharlann Baiduetter setting! (P18) 想想在紫禁城上演这出歌剧吧—不可 能有比这更好的场景了!
1) imagine verb [T] to form or have a mental picture or idea of something: 想象
A. cause B. placed C. set D. made Vi. To leave for, to head for He ___out for the trip early the next day.
A. set B. went C. made D. came Adj. determined or rigid The man is __to passing the test
Eg. He witnessed the traffic accident . v.To experience or to undergo 地点,时间,组织等见证
Eg. The year 2000 witnessed great changes in China .
The year 1976 ______the passing of the three great leaders in China .
The story is __s_e_t ___in The Forbidden City.To _a_vo_id__marriage,Turandot says her _p_o_te_n_tia_l husband must answer three of her riddles or die.
office looking for you.
2) fall in love
to be very attracted to someone and begin to love them: They met and fell madly in love. He fell in love with a young German student. I thought I was falling in love.
3. We must ______some money for the future . A. set off B. set aside C. set down to D. set in
4.What is it that ____ the machine into operation ? A makes B sets C gets D puts
triangle love and it __t_ak_e_s_o_n_amazing colours. Turandot isdr_u_nk__w_it_hpower and trieexsetrocis_e_co_n_t_ro_l_ov_er her father,who canb’rtea_k_h_i_s _pr_o_m_isaelthough he sees
fall in love (with sb.)
to start to love someone romantically and sexually: I was 20 when I first fell in love.
be in love
to love someone in a romantic and sexual way: I’m in love for the first time and it’s wonderful. They’re still madly in love (with each other).
n. 投掷,抛;铸件,铸型;演员阵容;脱落物
1.The actress___ the farmer's wife in the film has been arrested by the police.
A acted as B cast as C playing as D.acting for
many deaths disturbing .
Turandot is __d_es_p_er_a_te_to know his name and terrifies and even threatens Liu, who kills herself. Finally the whole city _ce_l_eb_r_at_e_s _their happiness many actors and directors are __c_a_st___for this opera.
A. decided B. set C. pleased D tended
1.On the festival eve, people ___firecrackers to celebrate the new year. A set about B set out C set off D set up 2.People ___ doing experiment after getting the permission. A. went out B. set about C. made out D took out
avoid verb [T]
to stay away from someone or something, or prevent something from happening or not allow yourself to do something: 避免
I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays—they’re always so busy. [+ ing form of verb] I try to avoid going shopping on Saturdays.
2. In order to avoid marriage, she says that any potential husband must answer three riddles correctly or die. (P18) 为了不出嫁,她说任何想要成为他的丈夫的人必须猜中三 道谜语,否则就要被处死。
1)shortly adverb soon: 很快
2)We will shortly be arriving in King’s Cross Station.
3) shortly after/before sth. 4) a short time after or before something: 5)Shortly after you left, a man came into the
That day he acted on the stage ,________ Hamlet A. starred B. starring C to star D star
Vt. to launch ,hurl投,掷,抛,扔,撒 Eg. He cast the net to fish. Vt. to be chosen to play a special part in the play 选派......扮演角色 Eg. He was cast to play a policeman in the play.
Vt. To be laid, for a novel or a film ,etc. The story is _____ in Paris.
A. placed B. set C. occurred D happened Vt. to cause, to have His words ____ me thinking.
a 110-year-old man.
—My goodness! I can’t imagine ________
that old. (2006江苏 )
A. to be
B. to have been
C. being
D. having been
3. Never in my wildest dreams _____ these people are living in such poor conditions.(2006安徽) A.I could imagine B. could I imagine C. I couldn’t imagine D. couldn’t I imagine
A. had B. witnessed C. knew D. led
n. a film star电影明星
Eg. He became a famous pop star overnight .
vt. To play a leading role主演
Eg. The film was starred by John .
[+ (that)] Imagine (that) you’re eating an ice cream— try to feel how cold it is. [+ question word] Can you imagine how it feels to be blind? [+ ing form of verb] She imagined herself sitting in her favorite armchair back home.
4. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ________be so rude to a lady. (2001 上海)
A. might B. need C. should D. would
4. Shortly afterwards, another prince, Calaf sees Turandot for the first time and falls in love. (P18) 过后不久,另一位王子卡拉夫第一次见到图兰朵, 并且爱上了她。
1. It is difficult to imagine his _______ the
decision without any consideration. (2006 陕西)
A. to accept C. accepting
B. accept D. accepted
2. —There is a story here in the paper about