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Inventory is the main asset of the enterprise, inventory management is a business management an important content, sometimes even will become important factors influencing the survival of enterperses. Inventory management is an important part of internal control, is the enterprise to achieve its management goal, implement operating policies and decision-making, preserving the flow of production security and integrity, ensuring legitimate financial accounts, accounting information authenticity of an internal self coordination, control and supervision control system.

But with the growing market competition, the enterprise old stock management way has not been able to meet the need of market economy, many enterprises in the management of exposed many serious problems. Inventory management of inventory information management and decision-making based on this analysis, effective control, and ultimately improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, enhance the comprehensive strength and

competitiveness, at the lowest cost to provide the maintenance of production and operating activities required for the purposes of inventory.

This paper analyzes in the inventory management problems, put forward to strengthen the enterprise inventory management specific countermeasures, in order to improve enterprise inventory management level and efficiency.

Key words: inventory inventory countermeasure management problem


1.存货的概述 (5)

1.1存货的概念 (5)

1.1.1存货的定义 (5)

1.1.2存货的分类 (5)

1.2加强企业存货管理的重要性 (6)

2.企业存货管理中存在的问题 (6)

2.1存货管理混乱、帐实不符 (6)

2.1.1存货的收入、发出和结存缺乏真实记录 (6)

2.1.2存货摆放絮乱 (7)

2.1.3验收时间过长 (7)

2.2存货储量不合理、资金占用量大 (7)

2.3内部控制不健全,岗位职责不明确 (7)

2.3.1存货管理制度不规范,岗位职责不清 (8)

2.3.2审计部门缺失,内部控制不足 (8)

2.4缺乏对物流人员的整合 (8)

2.4.1企业内部物流资源缺乏优化管理 (8)

2.4.2未充分利用企业外部物流资源 (9)

2.5管理信息落后,存货信息缺乏共享 (9)

3加强企业存货管理的对策 (10)

3.1建立健全存货管理制度 (10)

3.1.1建立科学高效的存货管理制度 (10)

3.1.2强化企业存货管理措施、确保行之有效 (10)

3.2合理确认存货储量,做好存货规划 (10)

3.3建立健全企业内部控制制度 (11)

3.3.1建立严格的内部稽核制度 (11)

3.3.2制定存货资金限额标准 (11)

3.3.3建立清查盘点制度 (11)

3.4合理整合物流资源,充分利用第三方物流 (11)

3.4.1加强存货的过程监控 (12)

3.4.2精选物流公司 (12)

3.5加强企业的交流与合作,充分利用存货管理信息 (12)

3.6树立管理新思路,选择先进的存货管理模式 (12)

3.6.1构建进销存货管理系统 (12)

3.6.2采用经济批量法 (13)

3.6.3采用零度存法 (13)

参考文献 (15)
