[J. Sheon][坏蛋特调]歌词
《Bad Chick》Cro版歌词完整版打印下载打印
![《Bad Chick》Cro版歌词完整版打印下载打印](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5685f7d667ec102de3bd89b8.png)
作词 : Carlo Waibel作曲 : Carlo WaibelIch sag ja, ja, ja du bist die schönste Frau der WeltUnd nein, ist schon okay wenn du das auch bestellstDu sollst es haben, wenn dir dieses Haus gefälltIch trau's mich nicht zu sagen ich hab SchissDenn mein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so badEy egal wieviel Uhr, ich bin immer zu spätDer Typ aufm Sofa der immer nur schläftImmer nur gähnt, Immer nur fehltEy Jungs, tut mir Leid war Zeit es zu erwähnenIch hab doch letzten Monat diese Frau besuchtWir waren was essen, hatten ein RendezvousAuf jeden Fall sie ist jetzt meine FreundinUnd immer wenn ich bei ihr penn mache ich kein Auge zuAber nicht wegen ***, ich hab Schiss (vor ihr)Denn sie zwingt mich und sagt du kommst mit (zu mir)Und dann erzählt sie von irgendeiner Cliqu'Und dass ich nicht mehr rauskomm denn alle wären informiertSie sagt lass uns ein Pärchen seinIch würde gerne rennen, doch sie sperrt mich einUnd ich wäre ihr Ken in dem MärchenteilBitte, bitte penn doch heute mal als Erster ein****, alles dreht sich nur um dichAngeline, Brad Pitt, Jungs glaubt mir ich hab Schiss Denn mein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so badSie ist so bad, ey, sie klaut' meinen TankWill nicht, dass ich geh, beraubt meine BankStellt meinen Wecker immer drei Stunden nachEy, du musst mir glauben, dieser Scheiß hier ist wahrSie hat mein Handy und gibt's nicht herNein, ruf' nicht an denn es ist gesperrtUnd den Mac hat sie obendrein mit versteigertIch denke mal, dass ihr mich deshalb nicht erreicht habt Und ja ich hab meinen Flug verpasstDoch ich steh mittlerweile mehr als mit 'nem Fuß im KnastUnd neulich häng' ich so allein in ihrer Bude abDa kommen die Cops durch die Tür und sagen "Wir suchen was" Ich sag "Superkrass, ich bin hier eingesperrtIch glaub ihr Name ist Janine und ich weiß nicht mehrUnd alles was sich hier befindet, das gehört mir nicht" Doch leider glaubt mir das der Typ von der Behörde nicht****, 30 Kilo Rauschgift, obwohl ich nicht mal kiffJungs glaubt mir, ich hab SchissDenn mein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad, so bad, so badMein Chick ist so bad"Ja? "- "Ähm, pennst du noch?""Ich, oder was jetzt?"- "Oh mann, das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein Alter,das kotzt echt ab, dass du immer zu spät bist.""Jetzt wart doch mal ey,du wirst es mir jetzt nicht glauben,aber, gestern Nacht, überkrass.Du kennst doch noch die eine ausm...ah ne, die kennst du nicht, aber egal, auf jeden Fall..."-"Ey immer so blöde Ausreden,irgendwelche Mädchen, dir fällt immer so ein Quatsch ein.""Aber ey jetzt wart doch mal die gibt's wirklich,ey wieso sollt ich die erfinden?"- "Erst ist der Hund abgehauen, dann hast du den Bus verpasst...""Ja ich weiß, die Geschichte war erfunden,aber DIE ist wirklich echt mann!"- "Jeder norma le Mensch kann doch pünktlich sein...""Ja aber, ey wenn die einfach meinen Wecker verstellt mann!- "Ey ganz ehrlich...""Da kann ich doch nix dafürwenn die meinen Wecker einfach umstell von 9... auf 10... oder auf 11"- "Boah bitte, werd' endlich mal erwachsen."我说对对对你是这个世界上最美的女孩哦不好吧既然你已经买下了它你应该拥有这栋别墅如果你真的喜欢它我不自信不敢说我害怕因为我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏了嘿不管现在是几点我总是来的太迟她总是在沙发上睡觉总是打哈欠总是好想她嘿小子对不起现在是时候告诉你了我上个月就约过这个女孩儿了我们在一起吃了饭那真是一次完美的约会不管怎样她现在已经是我的女朋友了当我和她睡觉时我总是不敢闭上双眼但是不是因为***** 我只是害怕她因为她总是强迫我对我说:“到我这里来”之后她会和她的闺蜜们说我以后不会再来了因为所有的人都知道了她说就让我们做一对小情侣我真想赶紧逃跑她要把我关起来我曾是童话世界里她的王子今天请让我们像初次那样入睡该死全世界都在围绕着你旋转朱莉,皮特,兄弟们相信我我是真的害怕因为我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏了她太坏了嘿她偷光了我的油箱她不想我离开她抢光了我的银行总是把我的闹钟向后拨了三个小时嘿你必须相信我这些蠢事都是真的她拿走了我的手机不还给我哦不要再给我电话因为手机已经被锁住了还有我的电脑也被她卖了我终于知道你们为什么联系不上我了是的我还错过了我的航班可是我那时已经仿佛双脚立于监狱而且最近我被孤独的关在她的房间里这时从门外进来了一群条子他们说:“我们来找些东西”我说:“太好了我被锁在这里了我只知道她的名字是简妮关于她的其他事情我并不是很清楚而且这里所有的东西都不是我的“只可惜这群条子根本不相信我说的话该死 30公斤的** 即使我一点都没磕兄弟们相信我我是真的害怕因为我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏太坏太坏我的小妞太坏了”是谁?“”呃你还在睡觉?“”我,现在要干嘛?“”哦兄弟你不是认真的吧,你每次都迟到,这真的是太恶心了”“现在你等一下嘿,你可能不相信,但是,昨天晚上,太销魂了你其实认识那个女...啊不,那个女孩你不认识,但是随意,无论如何...”“唉总是这样愚蠢的借口,不管是什么样的女孩,总能让你这样回想起来胡说八道”“但是嘿等等这次是真的,我为什么要虚构一个女孩?”“先是狗跑了,然后又是公交车没赶上”“是的我知道,那些故事是我编的,但是这一次是真的兄弟!”“每一个普通人都可以做到准时...”“是的但是,嘿只是她调过了我的闹钟兄弟!”“唉说真的...”“我真的什么事都没法做当我的闹钟从九点调到十点或者十一点“”哦兄弟你什么时候才能长大“。
下面是小编整理的坏家伙歌词,分享给大家!坏家伙歌词坏家伙 (《雄兵连》动漫片尾曲) - 韦琪/曹蜀/芶正佳词:芶正佳曲:芶正佳/曹蜀编曲:曹蜀Hey boy是否还记得你曾经年少稚气的脸庞滚烫愤怒的热血能否再逆流而上一路走来身边嘲笑你的人他们过得怎么样什么样没两样又或者是为了hso正惆怅扬帆起航梦想的船帆此刻正漂洋挥舞的大鼓已敲响远方的号角吹得嘹亮想见梦中人机会太渺茫词对岸的姑娘太漂亮当我凯旋归来时yeah必定家喻户晓礼炮放啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguy啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguy I just hate to be the badguy 梦想的船帆一旦扬起注定会孤独你得不怕输不怕苦得大度没有回头路当你停下来整理帆布那些人会告诉你应该先去找个靠山能够先暂时让你有个港湾靠山吃山中途靠岸一站仰天浩瀚一面对人高看一眼装备秒还一件风景好看一点But不论前方是黑夜或黎明我也将勇敢的孤胆前行就算从白天工作到夜幕降临我前进不停面对挑战我呵风云变天地震充满了精气神击败了赛亚人啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguy I just hate to be the badguy 啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguy啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguy啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguy啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguyWhen you want to give upYou are doubting yourselfYou will feel the taste of loneliness and failureThen you're a loserThe people around you are notLooking at you so whatI just need a pen and a piece of paperAttentionYes sirThe next ten seconds all to the man stood up and listen No money no car no house ***** don't love youBut if you write your story wellSomeone will appreciate your music and youDon't care about the miscellaneous remarks thatTurn what you want be trueBecause you are the king of your ownNapolen saidThe man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossibleDon't waste time only the last winner can climb to hold on 啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguy啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguy啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦I just hate to be the badguyI just hate to be the badguy雄兵连创作背景作为国内首部3D军事科幻类动漫作品,《雄兵连》描述了在神河宇宙中各星系文明与神秘的虚空世界之间的发生的科幻战争故事。
bad guy歌词中英文完整版下载,bad guy原唱歌词中文翻译Billie Eilish
![bad guy歌词中英文完整版下载,bad guy原唱歌词中文翻译Billie Eilish](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e70bc4ebd0d233d4b04e6907.png)
bad guy歌词完整版下载,bad guy原唱歌词中文翻译Billie Eilish ========== bad guy歌词完整版如下============bad guy -Billie EilishWhite shirt now red my bloody nose白色的衬衫现在血溅上了我的鼻尖Sleepin' you're on your tippy toes沉睡着你踮着你小心翼翼的脚尖Creepin' around like no one knows匍匐在我的四周仿佛无人知晓Think you're so criminal你是如此罪恶Bruises on both my knees for you为了你我的膝盖被淤伤布满Don't say thank you or please别再说那些客套话I do what I want when I'm wanting to当我想要的时候我会不顾一切My soul so cynical我的灵魂吗早已愤世嫉俗So you're a tough guy所以你一定是个硬汉Like it really rough guy就像电影里经典的硬汉Just can't get enough guy永远欲求不满的硬汉Chest always so puffed guy永远热血沸腾的硬汉I'm that bad type我是比较坏的那种Make your mama sad type让你的妈妈难过的那种Make your girlfriend mad type让你的女朋友生气的那种Might seduce your dad type会诱惑你爸爸的那种I'm the bad guy duh我正是故事的反派I'm the bad guy我就是那个坏蛋I like it when you take control我喜欢你掌握一切的模样Even if you know that you don't即使你知道你已占于下风Own me I'll let you play the role 占有我我来让你做决裁者I'll be your animal我会成为你的宠物My mommy likes to sing along with me 我的妈妈喜欢和我一起唱歌But she won't sing this song但这首歌她绝不会唱If she reads all the lyrics如果她读过了这首歌的歌词She'll pity the men I know她也会可怜这个我认识的男人So you're a tough guy所以你一定是个硬汉Like it really rough guy就像电影里经典的硬汉Just can't get enough guy永远欲求不满的硬汉Chest always so puffed guy永远热血沸腾的硬汉I'm that bad type我是比较坏的那种Make your mama sad type让你的妈妈难过的那种Make your girlfriend mad type让你的女朋友生气的那种Might seduce your dad type会诱惑你爸爸的人I'm the bad guy duh我正是故事的反角I'm the bad guy duh我就是那个反角I'm only good at being' bad bad我唯一擅长的事情便是使坏I like when you get mad我喜欢你恼羞成怒的模样I guess I'm pretty glad that you're alone我猜你现在孤身一人这让我很开心You said she's scared of me你说她会害怕我吗I mean I don't see what she sees我的意思是我无法看到她的目之所及But maybe it's 'cause I'm wearing your cologne 但或许是因为我喷着你的古龙水吧I'm a bad guy我就是那个反派I'm a bad guy我是个坏人Bad guy bad guy坏人I'm a bad我是个坏蛋Billie Eilish - bad guyBillie Eilish - bad guy========== bad guy歌词中文翻译结束End =======。
bad guy歌词中文翻译
![bad guy歌词中文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b3809b88662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb6be.png)
Bad Guy歌词中文翻译1. 歌曲简介Bad Guy是美国女歌手比莉·艾利什(Billie Eilish)的一首热门歌曲,收录于她的首张录音室专辑《当我们都沉睡在哪》(When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?)中。
Bad Guy风格独特,充满了比莉·艾利什标志性的暗黑主义和反叛情绪。
2. 歌词分析Bad Guy的歌词充满了比莉·艾利什的嚣张和自傲,用一种冷嘲热讽的方式表达了对世界的不满和对自由的追求。
以下是Bad Guy歌词的中文翻译:•“White shirt now red, my bloody nose”(白色衬衫,红色鼻血):比莉用这句话描绘了一个血腥的画面,突出了她自己与众不同的形象,也暗示了她受伤的过去。
•“Sleepin’, you’re on your tippy toes”(你睡着时,你竖起脚尖):这句歌词表达了比莉对那些虚伪、装出一副完美形象的人的不满。
•“Creepin’ around like no one knows”(偷偷摸摸地到处鬼鬼祟祟):这句歌词表达了比莉对那些喜欢隐藏真实本性的人的痛恨。
•“Got nothin’ in my brain”(我脑袋里什么都没有):这句歌词勾勒了一个与众不同、不被世人理解的形象,强调了比莉的自由个性。
•“My mommy likes to sing along with me”(我的妈妈喜欢和我一起唱):这句歌词揭示了比莉与母亲之间的亲密关系,也再次衬托出她与众不同的家庭背景。
•“But she won’t sing this song if she reads all the lyrics”(但如果她读了歌词,她就不会唱这首歌):这句歌词表达了比莉对于她作品中的争议内容的不在乎态度,她更愿意为自己而歌,不受他人干预。
bad romance中文歌词
![bad romance中文歌词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2a16670be97101f69e3143323968011ca300f731.png)
bad romance中文歌词bad romance中文歌词导语:《Bad Romance》是美国流行女歌手Lady Gaga演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词和曲谱由Lady GaGa、RedOne共同负责制作。
Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh ohCaught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh ohCaught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫Rah rah ah ah ah ah!Roma roma mamaa!Ga ga ooh la la!Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫Rah rah ah ah ah ah!Roma roma mamaa!Ga ga ooh la la!Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫I want your ugly I want your disease 我想要你丑陋我想要你生病I want your everything As long as its free 只要免费你的一切我统统都要I want your love(Love love love I want your love)给我你的爱I want your drama 虚情假意也好The touch of your hand 只要你双手的触感I want your leather studded kiss in the scene 我要你数不清的亲吻I want your love 给我你的爱Love love love I want your love 爱爱爱给我你的爱(Love love love I want your love)爱爱爱给我你的爱You know that I want you And you know that I need you 你知道我要你你知道我离不开你I want a bad, your bad romance 我想要坏,你的坏的浪漫I want your loving and I want your revenge 我要你爱我我还要你的报仇You and me could write a bad romance 我们(你和我)可以共谱一篇坏浪漫(Oh oh oh oh oooh!)I want your loving and All your loves revenge 我要你爱我和你所有情人的报仇You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh!Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh!Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫Rah rah ah ah ah ah!Roma roma mamaa!Ga ga ooh la la!Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫I want your horror I want your design 我要你恐惧的表情我要你设下的'陷阱Cause youre a criminal As long as youre mine 因为你是我爱情的罪犯I want your love 给我你的爱(Love love love I want your love uuhh)爱爱爱给我你的爱I want your psycho Your vertigo stick 我要你发狂展现你的男子汉气概Want you in my rear window baby you are sick 从四面八方宝贝你病了I want your love 我要你的爱Love love love I want your love(Love love love I want your love)爱爱爱给我你的爱You know that I want you(Cause Im a freak bitch baby!)你知道我要你And you know that I need you 快来买我的廉价爱情你知道我离不开你I want a bad, bad romance 我想要坏,你的坏的浪漫I want your loving and I want your revenge 我要你爱我我还要你的报仇You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫(Oh oh oh oh oooh!)I want your loving and All your loves revenge 我要你爱我我还要你所有情人的报仇You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh!Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh!Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫Rah rah ah ah ah ah!Roma roma mamaa!Ga ga ooh la la!Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫Rah rah ah ah ah ah!Roma roma mamaa!Ga ga ooh la la!Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫Walk, walk fashion baby 走走时尚宝贝Work it Move that bitch crazy 让女人都臣服于你Walk, walk fashion baby 走走时尚宝贝Work it Move that bitch crazy 让女人都臣服于你Walk, walk fashion baby 走走时尚宝贝Work it Move that bitch crazy 让女人都臣服于你Walk, walk fashion baby 走走时尚宝贝Work it Im a freak bitch, baby快来买我的廉价爱情I want your love and I want your revenge我想要你的爱我还想要你的报仇I want your love I dont wanna be friends 我要你的爱我才不要做朋友Je veux ton amour Et je veux ten revendre 我要你爱我我要你恨我Je veux ton amour 我要你爱我I dont wanna be friends我才不要做朋友Oh oh oh oh oooh!I dont wanna be friends (Caught in a bad romance)我才不要做朋友(陷入了你给的坏浪漫)I dont wanna be friends我才不要做朋友Oh oh oh oh oooh!Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance)给我坏浪漫(陷入了你给的坏浪漫)Want your bad romance!给我坏浪漫!I want your loving and I want your revenge我要你爱我我还要你的报仇You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫(Oh oh oh oh oooh!)I want your loving and All your loves revenge 我要你爱我我还要你所有情人的报仇You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh!Caught in a bad romance陷入了你给的坏浪漫Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance)给我坏浪漫(陷入了你给的坏浪漫)Want your bad romance给我坏浪漫Oh oh oh oh oooh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh!Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance)给我坏浪漫(陷入了你给的坏浪漫)Rah rah ah ah ah ah!Roma roma mamaa!Ga ga ooh la la!Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫不能自拔【bad romance中文歌词】。
赛车总动员2我是探员利兰·超动力紧急呼叫探员芬恩·麦导弹I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile.{\r}芬恩,我的身份已经暴露,局面已失控Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped.{\r}你猜我在这儿发现了什么?You won't believe what I found out here.{\r}我们从来没见过这么大的东西This is bigger than anything we've ever seen, and no one even knows it exists.{\r}甚至没人知道有这种东西存在{\r}芬恩,我需要支援Finn, I need backup, but don't call the cavalry, it could blow the operation.{\r}不过别联络装甲部队,会把行动搞砸的{\r}你要小心,这里现在不安全- And be careful. It's not safe out here. Let's go.{\r}这就把我的方位传送给你,祝你好运Transmitting my grids now. Good luck.{\r}片名:《汽车总动员2》{\r}好了,兄弟,我们到了All right, buddy, we're here.{\r} 就是你雇我带你来的地方Right where you paid me to bring you.{\r}不过你来这儿干嘛?Question is, why?{\r}我要找一辆车I'm looking for a car.{\r}一辆车?哈!A car? Ha!{\r}嘿,伙计,这是离陆地最远的地方了Hey, pal, you can't get any further away from land than out here.{\r}这就是我要来的地方Exactly where I want to be.{\r}我告诉你吧,这地方除了咱俩就没别人I got news for you, buddy. There's nobody out here but us.{\r}你在这里干什么?What are you doing out here?{\r}我还能干什么,老大?我是捕蟹船耶What does it look like, genius? I'm crabbing.{\r}那就调头,从哪儿来回哪儿去Well, turn around and go back where you came from.{\r}凭什么,我看谁敢赶我?Yeah, and who's gonna make me?{\r}行了,行了,把你的新式武器收起来吧All right. All right. Don't get your prop in a twist.{\r}真过分!抱歉朋友,看来这就是终点站了What a jerk. Sorry, buddy. Looks like it's the end of the line.{\r}人呢?Buddy?{\r}通知:所有工人上码头报到Incoming. All workers report to the loading dock.{\r}芬恩·麦导弹呼叫利兰·超动力Leland Turbo, this is Finn McMissile. I'm at the rally point. Over.{\r}我已到达集结地点,完毕{\r} 好的,伙计们,你们知道规矩All right, fellas, you know the drill.{\r}芬恩呼叫利兰,请回答,完毕Leland, it's Finn. Please respond. Over.{\r}加油啊,各位,箱子可不会自己卸自己Come on, guys. These crates aren't gonna unload themselves.{\r}车太多了,都给我让开Too many cars here. Out of my way.{\r}泽达普教授?\NProfessor Z黱dapp?{\r}就是这个,教授,在装船之前你要看看吗?Here it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it?\NHere it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it?{\r}啊,是的,千万小心Ah, yes. Very carefully.{\r}噢,摄像机Oh, a TV camera.{\r}- 它是用来做什么的?- 这个摄像机非常非常危险- What does it actually do? - This camera is extremely dangerous.{\r}你在忙活什么呢,教授?What are you up to now, Professor?{\r}这是贵重设备,在途中一定要小心保护This is valuable equipment. Make sure it is properly secured for the voyage.{\r}- 没错- 嗨,Z教授!- You got it. - Hey, Professor Z!{\r} 这是我跟你说过的英国间谍之一This is one of those British spies we told you about.{\r}哈!我们抓住他时,他正呆在不该他去的地方Yeah! This one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong.{\r}探员利兰·超动力Agent Leland Turbo.{\r}那是芬恩·麦导弹!It's Finn McMissile!{\r}他看到了摄像机,干掉他!He's seen the camera! Kill him!{\r}全体就位!全体就位!All hands on deck! All hands on deck!{\r}哇!Whoa!{\r}啊啊啊啊啊!Waargh!{\r}他要干什么?What?{\r}上快艇!Get to the boats!{\r}- 他逃脱了!- 逃不掉的!- He's getting away! - Not for long!{\r}解决他了,教授He's dead, Professor.{\r}妙极了!Wunderbar!{\r}芬恩·麦导弹一死,谁还妨碍得了我们?With Finn McMissile gone, who can stop us now?{\r}脱线,拖车脱线,时刻为您服务Mater -Tow Mater, that's who - is here to help you.{\r}- 嘿,奥的斯!- 嘿,脱线- Hey, Otis! - Hey, Mater.\N- Hey, Otis! - Hey, Mater.{\r}我…老天,真不好意思I... Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.{\r}我以为这次能行呢,可是…I thought I could make it this time, but...{\r}多么流畅啊,是吧?Smooth like pudding, huh?{\r}唉,我这是骗谁呢?我一直都是辆柠檬车Who am I kidding? I'll always be a lemon.{\r}真够呛,你又漏油了,肯定是垫圈的问题Well, dad-gum, you're leaking oil again. Must be your gaskets.{\r}嘿,不过从好的一面来说Hey, but look on the bright side.{\r}这是你本月第十次拖车服务,所以免费哦This is your tenth tow this month, so it's on the house.{\r}脱线,只有你对我这种破车这么好You're the only one that's nice to lemons like me, Mater.{\r}别灰心,哇塞,每辆车都会出状况的Don't sweat it. Shoot, these things happen to everybody.{\r}- 可你就从不漏油- 那倒是,不过我也不是十全十美的- But you never leak oil. - Yeah, but I ain't perfect.{\r}你可别告诉别人,我觉得我锈得越来越明显了Don't tell nobody, but I think my rust is starting to show through.{\r} 嘿,闪电麦坤回来了吗?Hey. Is Lightning McQueen back yet?{\r}还没Not yet.{\r}他赢了第四座活塞杯,一定开心坏了He must be crazy excited about winning his fourth Piston Cup.{\r}第四座!哇!Four! Wow!{\r}是的,我们都为他骄傲死了Yeah, we're so dad-gum proud of him, but I wish he'd hurry up and get back,{\r}不过我希望他赶快回来{\r}因为最好的朋友要在一起欢度整个夏天'cause we got a whole summer's worth of best friend fun to make up for.{\r}只有我和…Just me and...{\r}麦坤!McQueen!{\r}- 哇,哇,哇!- 麦坤!- Whoa, whoa, whoa! - McQueen!{\r}- 脱线!我不赶时间!- 嘿,大伙儿,麦坤回来啦!- Mater! I'm in no hurry! - Hey, everybody. McQueen's back!{\r}- 啊啊!- 麦坤回来啦!- Aaah! - McQueen's back!{\r} - 麦坤回来啦!麦坤回来啦!- 啊!哦哦!哈!- McQueen's back! McQueen's back! - Aaah! Oooh-hoo! Oooh-hah!{\r} 麦坤回来啦!McQueen's back!{\r}噢,闪电!欢迎回来!Oh, Lightning! Welcome home!{\r} - 你回来真是太好了,宝贝!- 祝贺你,兄弟- Good to have you back, honey! - Congratulations, man.{\r}欢迎回家,战士Welcome home, soldier.{\r}这地方没你就是不一样,孩子The place wasn't the same without you, son.{\r} 什么?他到别处去了?What? Did he go somewhere?{\r} 大家好,回家真好It's good to be home, everybody.{\r} - 脱线!- 麦坤!- Mater! - McQueen!{\r}- 脱线!- 麦坤!- Mater! - McQueen!{\r}噢!Oooh!{\r}哇哇!Whoooa!{\r}嘿,奥的斯,这次你走了多远?Hey, how far did you make it this time, Otis?{\r}- 到边境线还有一半路程- 哦,还不错嘛,伙计!- Halfway to the county line. - Ooh, not bad, man!{\r}就是!我也不相信呢!I know! I can't believe it either!{\r} - 麦坤!欢迎你回来!- 脱线,见到你真好- McQueen! Welcome back! - Mater, it's so good to see you.{\r}你也是,哥们儿You too, buddy.{\r}兄弟,你肯定猜不到我有什么好点子!Oh, man, you ain't going to believe the things I got planned for us!{\r}这哥俩见面真是一年比一年亲热!These best friend greetings get longer every year!{\r}- 想不想试试真正好玩的?- 我有东西要先给你看- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first.{\r}哇Wow.{\r}真难以置信,活塞杯上有新名字了I can't believe they renamed the Piston Cup{\r}你的名字就在哈德森医生的下面after our very own Doc Hudson.{\r}我知道医生说这些不过是些旧杯子I know Doc said these things were just old cups,{\r}但被其他人赢走了感觉还是不好,对吧?but to have someone else win it just didn't feel right, you know?{\r}医生真的为你感到骄傲,我能肯定Doc would've been real proud of you. That's for sure.{\r}好了,哥们儿,我整个夏天就在等这个All right, pal. I've been waiting all summer for this.{\r}- 你有什么好点子?- 嗬嗬!你确定自己能搞得定?- What you got planned? - Ho-ho-ho! You sure you can handle it?{\r}瞧你说的,我可是闪电麦坤!Do you know who you're talking to? This is Lightning McQueen!{\r}没什么是我搞不定的I can handle anything.{\r}呃…脱线?Er... Mater?{\r}记住,刹车在这上没用!Just remember, your brakes ain't going to work on these!{\r}- 脱线?- 放轻松- Mater? - Relax.{\r}这些铁轨好多年没用过了!These train tracks ain't been used in years!{\r}啊啊!Aaaah!{\r}- 啊啊!- 快点,再快点,加油,来吧!- Aaaah! - Faster, faster. Come on. Here we go!{\r}加油!Faster!{\r}哦,哇Ooh. Wow.{\r}嗯,我不确定,你觉得呢?Yeah, I don't know. Do you think?{\r}我觉得会很好玩的!This is going to be good!{\r}看见没?Did you see that?{\r}噢哦,这就不好玩了Uh-oh. This ain't going to be good.{\r}哈哈!今天过得最开心了!Ha-ha! Boy, this was the best day ever!{\r}还留了个新凹痕,我最喜欢的纪念And my favorite souvenir, this new dent.{\r}- 天,脱线,今天真是… - 哇塞,这不算什么- Boy, Mater, today was ah... - Shoot, that was nothing.{\r}晚上等着看我的新点子吧!Wait till you see what I got planned for tonight!{\r}脱线,脱线,喔!我只想安安静静吃顿晚饭Mater, Mater, whoa! I was thinking of just a quiet dinner.{\r}我也是这么想的That's exactly what I was thinkin'.{\r}- 不是,我指莎莉,脱线- 那更好了!- No, I meant with Sally, Mater. - Even better!{\r}你,我和莎莉小姐,出去吃晚饭You, me and Miss Sally goin' out for supper.{\r}脱线,我是说就我和莎莉Mater, I meant it would be just me and Sally.{\r}- 哦- 你明白的,就今晚- Oh. - You know, just for tonight.{\r}- 哦… - 明天你想玩什么都可以- Oh... - We'll do whatever you want tomorrow.{\r}好吧OK.{\r}- 理解万岁- 是啊,当然- Thanks for understanding. - Yeah, sure.{\r}- 那你们玩得开心点- 好的- Y'all go on and have fun now. - All right, then.{\r}回头见,兄弟See you soon, amigo.{\r}啊,这里可真美Ah, this is so nice.{\r}我们总算能独自呆着,感觉真好I can't tell you how good it is to be here alone,{\r}只有我们两个just the two of us, finally.{\r}- 你和我- 嗯哼!晚上好- You and me. Ahem! Good evening.{\r}- 哦!- 我叫脱线- Oh! - My name is Mater,{\r}是你们的服务生and I'll be your waiter.{\r}脱线服务生,真好玩Mater the waiter. That's funny right there.{\r}脱线?你在这儿上班?Mater? You work here?{\r}是啊,我在这儿上班,不然你以为呢?Yeah, I work here. What'd you think?{\r}我趁人不备偷偷溜进来I snuck in here when nobody was lookin'{\r}假扮成你们的服务生and pretended to be your waiter so I could hang out with you?{\r}就为了跟你们一起玩?{\r}哦,也是,那多可笑呀是吧?Oh, yeah. How ridiculous would that be?{\r}你们两个小情侣要点饮料吗?Can I start you two lovebirds off with a couple of drinks?{\r}- 好的,我就喝平常喝的- 这样好不好?我也要那个- Yes. I'll have my usual. - You know what? I'll have that, too.{\r}呃…对,你常喝的Uh... Right. Your usual.{\r}- 多谢,伙计- 谢谢,圭多- Thanks, man. - Grazie, Guido.{\r}圭多,麦坤常喝的是什么饮料?Guido, what's McQueen's usual?{\r}我怎么知道?【意大利语】How should I know?{\r}- 好极了,来两杯【脱线以为说的是饮料名】- 安静!我的节目开始了- Perfect. Give me two of them. - Quiet! My program's on.{\r}今夜,来到梅尔·多拉真人秀的是…Tonight on the Mel Dorado Show...{\r}他的故事全球瞩目His story gripped the world.{\r}石油大亨,亿万富翁麦尔斯·艾克斯勒洛德Oil billionaire Miles Axlerod,{\r}力图成为不使用GPS进行环球航行的第一车in an attempt to become the first car to circumnavigate the globe without GPS,{\r}讽刺的是,他耗尽燃油,身陷荒野ironically ran out of gas, and found himself trapped in the wild.{\r}36天后从死亡边缘生还Feared dead, he emerged 36 days later,{\r}依靠他从自然界中提取的燃料发动了自己running on a fuel he distilled himself from the natural elements!{\r}此后,他就卖掉了石油公司Since then, he's sold his oil fortune,{\r}自己从油老虎摇身一变为电动车converted himself from a gas-guzzler into an electric car{\r}并献身于寻找可再生清洁燃料的事业and has devoted his life to finding a renewable, clean-burning fuel.{\r}如今他宣称他的聚合油公司已经完成这一使命Now he claims to have done it with his allinol.{\r}并向全世界展示他的超级燃料的威力And to show the world what his new super fuel can do{\r}他举办了一项史无前例的赛车锦标赛he's created a racing competition like no other,{\r}邀请最伟大的冠军选手inviting the greatest champions{\r}在首轮国际大奖赛中一争高下to battle in the first everWorld Grand Prix.{\r}热烈欢迎,麦尔斯·艾克斯勒洛德Welcome, Sir Miles Axlerod.{\r}谢谢,梅尔,很高兴上节目,请听我说Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here. Listen to me.{\r}大量使用石油,耗资巨大,加剧污染Big oil. It costs a fortune. Pollution is getting worse.{\r}它是化石燃料,什么叫化石?就像灭绝的恐龙I mean, it's a fossil fuel. "Fossil," as in dead dinosaurs.{\r}我们都知道它们是怎么灭绝的And we all know what happened to them.{\r}新能源是未来的趋势,相信我,梅尔Alternative energy is the future. Trust me, Mel.{\r}凡是看过聚合油在国际大奖赛上的表现的人After seeing allinol in action at the World Grand Prix,{\r}绝不会再回去用汽油了nobody will ever go back to gasoline again.{\r}那恐龙到底是怎么灭绝的呢?What happened to the dinosaurs, now?{\r}现在卫星连线一位大奖赛的参赛选手And on satellite, a World Grand Prix competitor{\r}世界上最快的车之一,弗朗西斯科·伯努利and one of the fastest cars in the world, Francesco Bernoulli.{\r}真荣幸,多拉先生,你真荣幸It is an honor, Signore Dorado, for you.{\r}为什么没邀请闪电麦坤?Why not invite Lightning McQueen?{\r}当然邀请了Of course we invited him,{\r}但显然,经过了这么长的赛季之后but apparently after his very long racing season{\r}他想休息休息he is taking time off to rest.{\r}闪电麦坤不会有机会赢弗朗西斯科的The Lightning McQueen would not have a chance against Francesco.{\r} 我每小时可以跑300公里I can go over 300 kilometers an hour.{\r}换算成英里就是…总之比麦坤快多了In miles, that is like... way faster than McQueen.{\r}我们来进行电话连线Let's go to the phones. Baltimore, Maryland, you're on the air.{\r}马里兰州巴尔的摩的听众,你的电话接通了{\r}- 真的吗?你好?- 是的,请讲话- Am I on? Hello? - You're on. Go ahead.{\r}- 你好?- 请说- Hello? - Go ahead.{\r}我们来接通油车水镇的电话Let's go to Radiator Springs. You're on, caller.{\r}这位听众,你已经打进来了{\r}你们弄来的那个意大利家伙That Italian feller you got on there{\r}不许这样乱讲闪电麦坤can't talk that way about Lightning McQueen.{\r}他是全世界跑得最快的车He's the bestest race car in the whole wide world.{\r}- 噢哦- 如果他是,用你的说法- Uh-oh. - If he is, how you say,{\r}"跑得最快的车",那他干嘛非要休息呢?"the bestest race car," then why must he rest? Huh?{\r}因为他知道什么是最重要的'Cause he knows what's important.{\r}他更喜欢时不时地放慢脚步,享受生活Every now and then he prefers just to slow down, enjoy life.{\r}噢!你们听见了!闪电麦坤更喜欢慢慢开!Oh! You heard it! Lightning McQueen prefers to be slow!{\r}当然了,这对弗朗西斯来说不新鲜This is not news to Francesco.{\r}我想睡觉的时候就看他的比赛When I want to go to sleep, I watch one of his races.{\r}跑完两圈之后,我就打瞌睡了After two laps, I am out cold.{\r}我不是那个意思That ain't what I meant.{\r}那边出什么事了?McQUEEN: What's going on over there?{\r}他怕弗朗西斯科He is afraid of Francesco.{\r}是那辆意大利方程式赛车McQUEEN: That's that Italian formula car.{\r}- 他叫… - 弗朗西斯科·伯努利- His name is... - Francesco Bernoulli.{\r}- 难怪都挤过来看- 你怎么知道他名字?- No wonder there's a crowd. - Why do you know his name?{\r}别那么说话,好像大舌头似的And don't say it like that. It's three syllables, not ten.{\r}什么嘛,他多帅呀What? He's nice to look at. You know, open-wheeled and all.{\r}开放式轮胎,浑身上下都有型{\r}挡泥板不好吗?我还以为你喜欢我的挡泥板What's wrong with fenders? I thought you liked my fenders.{\r}- 我告诉你吧- 脱线?- Let me tell you something else. - Mater?{\r}麦坤能围着你转圈跑McQueen could drive circles around you.{\r}他就只会转圈跑啊,不是吧?Driving in circles is all he can-a do, no?{\r}当然不是No.{\r}我是说,我是说,他不管在哪儿都能跑过你I mean, yes.I mean, he could beat you anywhere.{\r}不管什么时候,什么赛道Any time, any track.{\r}梅尔,我们能继续吗?Mel, can we move on?{\r}弗朗西斯科需要一位稍微聪明点的听众Francesco needs a caller who can provide{\r}比如一辆自卸卡车a little more intellectual stimulation, like a dump truck.{\r}哈哈!丢人了吧,自卸车都是哑巴Ha-ha! That shows what you know. Dump trucks is dumb.{\r}嘿!哇!Hey! Whoa!{\r}嗨,我是闪电麦坤Yeah, hi. This is Lightning McQueen.{\r}闪电麦坤?The Lightning McQueen, huh?{\r}我不喜欢你那样侮辱我最好的朋友I don't appreciate my best friend being insulted like that.{\r}麦坤,那是你最好的朋友?哦!McQueen, that was your best friend? Oh!{\r}这就是你和弗朗西斯科的不同之处了This is the difference between you and Francesco.{\r}弗朗西斯科知道自己有多棒Francesco knows how good he is.{\r}他不需要拖车围在身边来证明这一点He does not need to surround himself with tow trucks to prove it.{\r}真是外强中干啊Those are strong words from a car that is so fragile.{\r}外强中干!他说弗朗西斯科外强中干!Fragile! He calls Francesco fragile!{\r}你可不够快,麦坤!Not-a so fast, McQueen!{\r}"不够快"是你的新座右铭吗?"Not so fast. " Is that your new motto?{\r}座右铭?Motto?{\r}看起来这事得在赛场上解决了This sounds like something that needs to be settled on the race course.{\r}你看怎么样,闪电麦坤?What do you say, Lightning McQueen? We've got room for one more racer.{\r}我们还能再加一位选手{\r}很乐意,不过我的团队已经休假了,所以…I would love to, but my crew is off for the season, so...{\r}"艾尔·雷欧·麦坤之队"{\r}"加油维修站"Pit stop.{\r}不过呢,他们刚刚回来了You know what? They just got back.{\r}算我一个,兄弟们Deal me in, baby.{\r}咔嚓!耶Ka-chow! Yeah.{\r}我知道我刚回来,不过我们不会去太久的I know, I know.I just got back, but we won't be long.{\r}别担心我,我在这儿有很多事做No, don't worry about me. I've got enough to do here.{\r}不过脱线会玩得很开心的Mater's going to have a blast, though.{\r}你要带脱线去的吧?You're bringing Mater, right?{\r}你从来没带他参加过你的比赛You never bring him to any of your races.{\r} 啊Ah.{\r}就让他呆在维修站,给他戴个耳机Just let him sit in the pits. Give him a headset.{\r}答应嘛,这肯定会是他这辈子最兴奋的事了Come on, it will be the thrill of a lifetime for him.{\r}- 你的饮料,先生- 脱线- Your drink, sir. - Mater.{\r}我没偷喝!I didn't taste it!{\r}想跟我来看看世界吗?How'd you like to come and see the world with me?{\r}- 你说真的?- 是啊,这事是你给我招来的- You mean it? - Yeah. You got me into this thing.{\r}- 你也跑不了- 太好了!- You're coming along. - All right!{\r}咔嚓!Ka-chow!{\r}哈哈!Ha-ha!{\r}哈哈!Ha-ha!{\r}嘿!Hey!{\r}嘿!Hey!{\r}嘿!借过!Hey, excuse me!{\r}我是多摩君,谢谢!Domo arigato!{\r}耶!Yeah!{\r}圭多,看呀,法拉利,还有轮胎Guido, look. Ferraris and tires.{\r}- 快来!- 嗬嗬!看这个- Let's go! - Ho-ho! Look at this.{\r}从现在起,脱线,要记住,要乖乖的OK, now, Mater, remember, best behavior.{\r}- 听你的,哥们儿,嘿,那是什么?- 脱线!- You got it, buddy. Hey, what's that? - Mater!{\r}嘿,麦坤!过来Hey, McQueen! Over here.{\r}- 路易斯!- 嗨,兄弟- Lewis! - Hey, man.{\r}- 杰夫!- 嗨,闪电- Jeff! - Hey, Lightning.{\r}这个晚会真棒啊Can you believe this party?{\r}嗨Hey.{\r}你干得真不错,把叶子都清干净了You done good. You got all the leaves.{\r}- 看那个拖车- 不知道是跟谁一起来的- Check out that tow truck. - Man, I wonder who that guy's with.{\r}啊…不好意思,我离开一小会儿Ah... Will you guys excuse me just for one little second?{\r}嗬嗬!干得好!Ho-ho! Good job!{\r}脱线!听着,这里不是油车水镇Mater! Listen, this isn't Radiator Springs.{\r}你才知道啊?You're just realizing that?{\r}嗬嗬!你还没倒过时差来吧Oh-ho! That jet lag really done a number on you.{\r}脱线,这里跟家里不一样Mater, things are different overhere.{\r}也就是说,你的举止也要跟在家时不一样Which means maybe you should, you know, act a little different, too.{\r} - 怎么个不一样法?- 就当帮我忙- Different than what? - Well, just help me out here.{\r}你要帮忙?哇塞,干嘛这么客气You need help? Shoot! Why didn't you say so?{\r}咱拖车就是干这个的That's what a tow truck does.{\r}- 对,我是说… - 看那边- Yeah, I mean... - Looky there.{\r}是圣弗朗西斯科先生,我来介绍你It's Mr. San Francisco. I'll introduce you.{\r}- 不要啊,脱线!- 看着我,我已经在帮你了- Mater, no! - Look at me. I'm helping you already.{\r}嗨,圣弗朗西斯科先生,我介绍你认识…Hey, Mr. San Francisco, I'd like you to meet...{\r}啊,闪电麦坤!晚上好Ah, Lightning McQueen! Buona sera.{\r}- 幸会,弗朗西斯科- 幸会- Nice to meet you, Francesco. - Nice to meet you, too.{\r}你看起来很帅,没我想得那么帅,但还不错You are very good-looking. Not as good as I thought, but good.{\r}不好意思,能合个影吗?Excuse me. Can I get a picture with you?{\r}麦坤的朋友就是我朋友Anything for McQueen's friend.{\r}莎莉小姐看到这个会高兴得跳起来Miss Sally is going to flip when she sees this.{\r}她是闪电麦坤的女朋友She's Lightning McQueen's girlfriend.{\r}- 喔!- 她是你的狂热粉丝- Oooh! - She's a big fan of yours.{\r}嘿,她品味不错嘛Hey, she has-a good taste.{\r}脱线太夸张了,我不觉得她是"狂热粉丝"Mater's prone to exaggeration. I wouldn't say she's a "big fan".{\r}没错,她是超级狂热粉丝!You're right. She's a huge fan!{\r}她没完没了地说你的开放式轮胎She goes on and on about your open wheels.{\r}就提过一次,哪有没完没了Mentioning it once doesn't qualify as going on and on.{\r}弗朗西斯科对粉丝的狂热早就习惯了Francesco is familiar with this reaction to Francesco.{\r}女人热爱一辆车很正常,不需要掩饰Women respect a car that has-a nothing to hide.{\r}是啊,呃…Yeah, er...{\r}- 我们干杯吧- 我们?- Let us have a toast. - Let's.{\r}将我明日的胜利献给莎莉小姐I dedicate my win tomorrow to Miss Sally.{\r} 噢,不好意思Oh. Sorry.{\r}我已经把我明日的胜利献给她了I already dedicated my win tomorrow to her.{\r}要是我们都献就没意思了So, if we both do it, it's really not so special.{\r}- 另外我也没有饮料- 我去给你拿一杯- Besides, I don't have a drink. - I'll go get you one.{\r}我能不能跟他们借几块钱买饮料啊?Do you mind if I borrow a few bucks for one of them drinks?{\r}- 饮料是免费的- 免费?哇塞,那我还呆在这儿干什么?- They're free. - Free? Shoot, what am I doing here?{\r}我得看着他点儿,明天赛场上见I should probably go keep an eye on him. See you at the race.{\r}是的,你会见到弗朗西斯科的,但不是这样Yes, you will see Francesco, but not like this.{\r}而是这样,并且离你越来越远You will see him like-a this as he drives away from you.{\r}"拜拜,麦坤"{\r}哈,还挺可爱的Ha! That's cute.{\r}你给每辆参赛的车都画一个吗?You had one of those made up for all the racers?{\r}不是No.{\r}那就好Okay.{\r}- 拜拜,麦坤!- 明天他一定输得很惨!- Ciao, McQueen! - He is so getting beat tomorrow!{\r}女士们先生们,有请麦尔斯·艾克斯勒洛德Ladies and gentlecars, Sir Miles Axlerod.{\r}我极其荣幸地向你们介绍It is my absolute honor to introduce to you{\r}第一次国际赛车大奖赛的选手们the competitors in the first ever World Grand Prix.{\r}来自巴西的8号…From Brazil, Number 8...{\r}- 噢,你好- 你好- Oh, hello. - Hello.{\r}为什么大众卡尔曼·吉亚没有散热器 A V olkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator.{\r}因为它采用风冷系统That's because it's air-cooled.{\r}好极了,我是灵智速探员Great. I'm Agent Shiftwell. Holley Shiftwell from the Tokyo station.{\r}东京站的霍莉·灵智速{\r}- 我有来自伦敦的情报- 别在这儿说- I have a message from London. - Not here.{\r}尝尝中楼的点心吧\NTry the canap閟on the mezzanine.{\r}实验人员分析了我发的照片吗?The lab boys analyzed the photo I sent? What did they learn about the camera?{\r} 关于摄像机有什么发现?{\r}看起来是一台标准的电视摄像机It appears to be a standard television camera.{\r}他们说最好你下次能拍到距离更近的照片They said ifyou could get closer photos next time that would be great.{\r}这就是伦敦的情报?This was London's message?{\r} 哦,不,长官Oh, no. No, sir.{\r}你看到的那个钻井平台The oil platforms you were on,{\r}位于世界储油量最大的油田上turns out they're sitting on the biggest oil reserve in the world.{\r}我们怎么会没发现它呢?How did we miss that?{\r}他们对所有的卫星都实施了干扰They've scrambled everyone's satellites.{\r}美国人在你之前刚刚发现它The Americans discovered it just before you did.{\r}他们在那里安插了一位隐藏很深的卧底探员They placed an agent on that platform under deep cover.{\r}他能弄到那辆车的照片He was able to get a photo of the car who's running the entire operation.{\r}我们就知道是谁在背后操控一切了{\r}很好Great.{\r}是哪辆车?有人见过照片吗?Who is it? Has anyone seen the photo yet?{\r}不,还没有Nope, not yet.{\r}今晚美国人来这里把照片交给你The American is here tonight to pass it to you.{\r}他准备好后会给你发信号He'll signal you when he's ready.{\r}很好,很好Good, good.{\r}哦,不Oh, no.{\r}- 怎么了?- 计划有变- What is it? - Change of plan.{\r} - 你去见美国人- 什么?我?- You're meeting the American. - What? Me?{\r}下面那些恶棍就是钻井平台上的Those thugs down there were on the oil platform.{\r}让他们看见我,行动会暴露的If they see me, the mission is compromised.{\r}可我是技术员,我是在实验室做分析的No, I'm technical. I'm in diagnostics. I'm... I'm not a field agent.{\r}我…我不是外勤探员{\r}现在是了You are now.{\r}给我来一个,谢谢I'll take one of them. Thank you.{\r} 老是搞不清麦坤喜欢喝哪一种Never know which one McQueen will have a hankering for.{\r}嗨,你这儿有什么是免费的?Hey. What you got here that's free? How about that pistachio ice cream?{\r}那个开心果冰激凌免费吗?{\r}- 不,这是芥末酱- 差不多啦差不多啦- No, no, wasabi. - Same old same old.{\r}怎么了?这东西看上去很好吃的样子啊!What's up with you? That looks delicious!{\r} 呃…请再来点,不是免费的吗?Er... little more, please. It is free, right?{\r}继续继续,再多来点Keep it coming. A little more.{\r}来嘛,别舍不得,免费的嘛Come on, let's go. It's free.{\r} 就这样,来一勺,一大勺You're gettin' there. Scoop, scoop.{\r}这就对了嘛,一大勺冰激凌!There ya go! Now that's a scoop of ice cream!{\r}深表同情My condolences.{\r}现在出场的是我们最后一位选手And now our last competitor.{\r}95号,闪电麦坤!Number 95, Lightning McQueen!{\r}咔嚓!Ka-chow!{\r}非常感谢您的邀请,艾克斯勒洛德先生Thank you so much for having us, Sir Axlerod.{\r}我很期待参加比赛,这是个很好的机会I really look forward to racing. This is a great opportunity.{\r}噢,大家都很高兴,闪电Oh, the pleasure is all ours, Lightning.{\r}你和你的团队为比赛You and your team bring excellence and professionalism{\r}带来了卓越和专业的精神to this competition.{\r}谁能给我点水!啊!Somebody get me water! Aah!{\r} 哦,凉快多了,凉快多了Oh, sweet relief. Sweet relief.{\r} 无论如何,不要吃免费的开心果冰激凌Whatever you do, do not eat the free pistachio ice cream.{\r}它变质啦It has turned.{\r}艾克斯勒洛德先生,很抱歉Sir Axlerod, I can explain.{\r} - 这是脱线,他… - 我认识他- This is Mater. He's... - I know him.{\r}就是那个把电话打进节目的家伙嘛This is the bloke that called in to the television show.{\r}- 我得谢谢你- 不,谢谢你- You're the one I have to thank. - No, thank you.{\r}这次旅行太棒了This trip's been amazin'.{\r}哈,他有点兴奋,是吧?Ah. He's a little excited, isn't he?{\r}- 脱线!- 等等,我…哦,哇塞- Mater! - But wait, I... Oh, shoot.{\r}- 脱线- 谁有毛巾?- Mater. - Has anyone got a towel?{\r}脱线,控制一下你自己,别出丑了Mater, get a hold of yourself. You're making a scene!{\r}- 可我从来不漏油的,从来不漏- 马上去拾掇一下自己!- But I never leak oil. Never. - Go take care of yourself right now!{\r}请让让!漏油了,卫生间在哪儿?谢谢Comin' through! Leakin' oil. Where's the bathroom? Thank you.{\r}我得马上,哦,呃…I gotta go. Oh, er...{\r}呃…Er...{\r}抱歉,女士们Sorry, ladies.{\r}居然漏油,我从来不漏油的I'm leakin'. I never leak. I never leak.{\r}从来不漏油,从来不,从来不I never leak, I never leak, I never leak.{\r}哦,我从来不漏油,唔!Oh, oh, I never leak. Oooh!{\r} 从来不漏油,从来不,从来…I never leak, I never leak, never...{\r}哇噢!Wow-wee!{\r}里面是?What in the?{\r}嘿,好痒啊!Hey, that tickles!{\r}哇哇哇!Waaargh!{\r}麦导弹,我到了,是时候放货了Okay, McMissile. I'm here. It's time for the drop.{\r}好的,美国人激活了他的跟踪信号OK, so, the American has activated his tracking beacon.{\r}收到,跟进Roger that. Move in.{\r}停下!嘿!Stop! Hey!{\r}- 哦,开什么玩笑- 怎么了?- Oh, you've got to be joking. - What's the problem?{\r}- 他在洗手间- 那就进去- He's in the loo. - So, go in!{\r}- 我不能进男厕所!- 时间紧急- I can't go into the men's loo! - Time is of the essence.{\r}好吧All right.{\r}噢!不管怎么着,我是再也不进去了!Oh! Whatever you do, I would not go in there!{\r}嗨,格里莫林和步行者!Hey! A Gremlin and a Pacer!{\r} 不是说你们的品牌和型号不好No offense to your makes and models,{\r}不过比起我那个被闲置不用的表妹贝茜but you break down harder than my cousin Betsy{\r}你们出故障更严重after she got left at the altar!{\r}搞什…?哇,你还好吧?What the? Whoa. Are you OK?{\r}- 我没事- 嘿,拖车!- I'm fine. - Hey! Tow truck!{\r} 我们要谈点私事,你不介意回避下吧We'd like to get to our private business here, if you don't mind.{\r}噢,抱歉Oh, yeah, sorry.{\r}别让我妨碍了你们谈私事Don't let me get in the way of your private business.{\r}还有点小忠告Oh, a little advice. When you hear a giggle and see that waterfall,{\r}当你们听见咯咯笑声,看见瀑布的时候{\r}最好按绿色按钮you best press that green button.{\r}- 多谢- 它是用来调节温度的- Thank you. - It's to adjust the temperature.{\r}- 知道了- 是摄氏度,不是华氏度- Got it. - And it's in Celsius, not Fahrenheit.{\r}马上消失!Get out of here!{\r}好好,等她开始咯咯笑的时候All right, then. And when she starts gigglin', prepare to be squirted.{\r}你们就准备被喷吧{\r}抱歉,女士'Scuse me, ma'am.{\r}该死的开心果冰激凌Dad-gum pistachio ice cream.{\r} - 不会是他吧?他是美国人吗?- This cannot be him. Is he American?{\r}当心了女士们,脱线要耍帅了Look out, ladies. Mater's fittin' to get funky.{\r}- 太像美国人了- 那就是他- Extremely. - Then it's him.{\r}- 你好- 你好- Hello. - Well, hello.{\r}为什么大众卡尔曼·吉亚没有散热器 A V olkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator.{\r}当然不需要,因为它采用风冷系统Well, of course it doesn't. That's 'cause it's air-cooled.{\r}好极了,嗯…我是东京站的Perfect. Erm... I'm from the Tokyo Station.{\r}当然了,卡尔曼·吉亚不是唯一的一款'Course, Karmann Ghias weren't the only ones.{\r}还有甲壳虫,3型方背式车身,盘式电动机Besides the Beetles, you had Type 3 Squarebacks with the Pancake motors.{\r}- 是的,我知道- 而且在他们之前- Yeah, OK. I get it. - And before both of them{\r}还有2型客车there's the Type 2 buses.{\r}- 我朋友菲尔莫就是一个- 听着!- My buddy Fillmore's one of them. - Listen!{\r}嗯…我们应该找个更隐蔽的地方Erm... We should find somewhere more private.{\r}老天,你觉得有这样的地方吗?Gee, don't you think that's a little?{\r}也对,没法知道哪个地方已经暴露了You're right. Impossible to know which areas here are compromised.{\r} - 那么,我能再见到你吧?- 让我想想- So, when can I see you again? - Well, let's see.{\r}- 明天,我会去赛场- 明白- Tomorrow I'll be out there at the races. - Got it.{\r}那我们就在那儿会合We'll rendezvous then.{\r}- 你回来了,刚才去哪儿了?- "会合"是什么意思?- There you are. Where have you been? - What's a "rendezvous"?{\r}- 呃…有点像约会- 约会?- Er... It's like a date. - A date?{\r}脱线,出什么事了?Mater, what's going on?{\r}出的事就是明天我有个约会What's going on is I got me a date tomorrow.{\r}。
《女同志01》歌词 广播剧
![《女同志01》歌词 广播剧](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a05f4577453610661ed9f4d2.png)
[00:01.97]가수: F.T Island (FT 아일랜드)[00:03.74]곡명: 나쁜여자야(坏女人)(na bbeun yeo ja)[00:05.77]앨범: Jump Up[00:09.16]네사람이아닌가봐우린인연이아닌가봐[00:09.75]ne sa ram i ah nin ga bwa uh rin in yeon i ah nin ga bwa[00:18.37]你似乎并不属于我我们之间似乎没有缘分[00:19.02]이제이별하자고그만헤어지자고하면난어떡하니[00:19.39]i je i byeol ha ja go geu man he eo ji ja go ha myeon nan eo ddeok ha ni [00:27.84]如果你现在说要离开就这样分手的话我该怎么办[00:28.21]날모르는사람처럼모두없었던일인것처럼[00:28.56]nal mo reu neun sa ram cheo reom mo du eop seot deon il in geot cheo reom [00:37.17]好未曾认识我一样好像未曾发生过一般[00:37.66]다잊어버리면이제난어떡해너만을사랑했는데[00:38.08]da i jeo beo ri myeon i je nan eo ddeok hae neo man eul sa rang haet neun de [00:45.62]假如现在忘记一切那么我该怎么办只爱着你的我[00:46.88]넌나쁜여자야넌나쁜여자야[00:48.18]neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya[00:56.80]你是坏女人啊你是坏女人啊[00:57.18]남자의가슴에남자의두눈에눈물나게하는거니[00:57.56]nam ja ui ga seum eh nam ja ui du nun eh nun mul na ge ha neun geo ni[01:06.60]非得令男人心碎令男人双眼流下泪水吗[01:06.83]넌나쁜여자야넌나쁜여자야[01:07.06]neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya[01:15.25]你是坏女人啊你是坏女人啊[01:15.72]널사랑했는데너밖에없는데[01:16.28]neol sa rang haet neun de neo bakkeh eop neun de[01:20.50]我是如此的爱着你将你视为我的唯一[01:20.85]결국나를떠나가는넌나쁜여자야[01:21.54]gyeol guk na reul ddeo na ga neun neon na bbeun yeo ja ya[01:29.39]结果你却离开了你是坏女人啊[01:35.90]난모르는사람처럼모두없었던일인것처럼[01:36.23]nan mo reu neun sa ram cheo reom mo du eop seot deon il in geot cheo reom [01:43.73]好像未曾认识我一样好像未曾发生过一般[01:45.21]다지워버리면이제난어떡해너만을사랑했는데[01:45.54]da ji weo beo rin myeon i je nan eo ddeok hae neo man eul sa rang haet neun de [01:52.60]一切都抹去的话现在我该怎么办只爱着你一个人的我[01:52.95]넌나쁜여자야넌나쁜여자야[01:53.38]neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya[02:02.44]你是坏女人啊你是坏女人啊[02:02.86]남자의가슴에남자의두눈에눈물나게하는거니[02:03.11]nam ja ui ga seum eh nam ja ui du nun eh nun mul na ge ha neun geo ni[02:11.42]非得令男人心碎令男人双眼流下泪水吗[02:11.89]넌나쁜여자야넌나쁜여자야[02:12.18]neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya neon na bbeun yeo ja ya ha i ya[02:21.27]你是坏女人啊你是坏女人啊[02:21.57]널사랑했는데너밖에없는데[02:21.80]neol sa rang haet neun de neo bakkeh eop neun de[02:26.06]我是如此的爱着你将你视为我的唯一[02:26.43]결국나를떠나가는[02:26.69]gyeol guk na reul ddeo na ga neun[02:30.62]结果你却离开了[02:31.29]너때문에난행복했었는데[02:31.55]neo ddae mun eh nan haeng bok hae sseot neun de[02:34.83]因为你我曾幸福过[02:35.24]너때문에난사랑했었는데[02:35.59]neo ddae mun eh nan sa rang hae sseot neun de[02:39.74]因为你我曾深爱过[02:40.39]너의영원한사랑은오직나하나뿐이라고믿었는데[02:40.71]neo ui yeong weon han sa rang eun oh jik na ha na bbeun i ra go mideot neun de [02:49.64]曾经认为你的爱只会属于我[02:51.32]넌나쁜여자야[02:51.71]neon na bbeun yeo ja ya[02:56.04]你是坏女人啊[02:56.59]난나쁜남자야난나쁜남자야[02:56.91]nan na bbeun nam ja ya ha i ya nan na bbeun nam ja ya ha i ya[03:05.62]我是坏男人啊我是坏男人啊[03:05.91]너와의기억을우리의사랑을이젠모두지우려해[03:06.23]neo wa ui gi eok eul uh ri ui sa rang eul i jen mo du ji uh ryeo hae[03:14.91]想将你我的记忆你我之间的爱全部都抹去[03:15.20]나만을사랑한그리운사람아[03:15.81]na man eul sa rang han geu ri un sa ram ah[03:21.15]属于我的爱情啊深沉思念的爱情啊[03:24.45]널사랑했는데너밖에없는데[03:24.70]neol sa rang haet neun neo bakkeh eop neun de[03:29.78]我是如此地爱着你将你视为我的唯一[03:30.70]이젠나를떠나가는넌나쁜여자야[03:31.02]i jen na reul ddeo na ga neun neon na bbeun yeo ja ya [03:40.05]现在却离开了我你是坏女人啊[03:45.35]。
young for you歌词,坏蛋必须死宣传曲歌词在线看近日,一部中韩合拍的喜剧惊险故事片《坏蛋必须死》上映了,由陈柏霖、孙艺珍、乔振宇等主演,认真的讲一个故事,这部电影受到了很多的好评。
该电影日前曝光了宣传曲《Young for you》,这首歌轻快诙谐,和电影的基调很相符,我们一起看一下这首歌的歌词吧,还有中文翻译哦,喜欢的朋友们可以自己下载听一下哦,希望你们会喜欢。
young for you (为你年轻)Sunday's coming i wanna drive my car周日就要到了,我想开车去你的公寓to your apartment with a present like a star带着晨星般的礼物forecaster said the weathers may be rainy hard预报说那天将会下大雨but i know the sun will shine for us但是我知道阳光会为我们闪耀oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark慵懒的海鸥带我飞出黑暗i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana我穿着我的牛仔裤,喂我的猴子吃香蕉then i think my age how old,skyline how far那时我在想我有多大,还有地平线到底有多远where we need each other in california在加利福尼亚州我们彼此需要you show me your body before night comes down在夜幕降临前你向我展现你的身姿i touch your face and promise to stay ever-young我抚摸你的脸庞,许诺我们永远这样年轻on this ivory beach we kissed so long在这象牙色的海滩上我们长吻it seems that passion's never gone仿佛激情永不消退you sing me your melody and i feel so please你为我唱你的旋律,我感到如此的舒适i want you to want me to keep your dream我渴望你也想要我守护你的梦想together we'll run wild by a summer symphony我们在夏季的交响乐中肆意奔跑this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy这是我们的喜悦而并非幻想the tin-man's surfing i wanna try my luck我想尝试冲浪to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs像服了兴奋剂般冲上浪尖i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart 我知道你对我骄傲易变的心不会有任何责备welcome to the golden beatnik park欢迎来到比特尼克一代的黄金花园oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard钻石般的海岸将我拉离花院incredible sunward i watch as you're in photograph我难以置信的朝着太阳看你的照片for camera your smile's so sweet,palm trees' so lush画面中你的微笑如此甜美,棕榈树如此青翠。
巔峰 不過是開頭
誰是高手 跟我同夥 ya?
心裡的節奏 就要衝出喉嚨
現在倒數秒鐘 你跟我一起加油
成功的顏色 讓別人看不透
就掀起潮流 要世界跟隨 我
懷疑 不會是我的座右銘
自己 超越每個自己
看清 瞄準目標就大膽出手 ? Oh?
是否能走到最後 一起
是否能重新選擇 不再放棄
10.羅志祥 - 拿手絕活
作詞:葛大為 / 作曲:Anderson Anthony George、Smith Steven Andrew、Dane Deviller Anthony、Sean Hosein Syed
Show! Show! 用力秀出你的獨門舞功 全世界著魔
(We can work it out , work it out)
刪掉 二手的情報
快樂 載點自己找
出招 不要達人來安排 才帥
逆向思考 想法不是單行道
那一條牙膏 在對我傻笑
想睡就睡 想鬧就鬧
藍色的碗盤 多買了一套
要多少替代的丑角 無辜的陪笑
我在搞笑 藉著熱鬧 掩蓋著心跳
邊哭邊笑 偏要說著 一個人真好
萬一你又出包 有我幫你罩 Boom ~ Yeah~ Boom ~ Let`s be the Party boy!
《亲爱的对不起》歌词 阿龙正罡
![《亲爱的对不起》歌词 阿龙正罡](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/edad252131b765ce04081410.png)
bad中文歌词bad中文歌词迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)美国歌手、词曲创作人、舞蹈家、表演家、慈善家、音乐家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人。
bad 真棒your butt is mine 我清楚你的一切I Gonna tell you right 我要教训你一顿Just show your face 快在众人面前In broad daylight 显露你的真样I’m telling you 我要告诉你On how I feel 我的感觉Gonna Hurt Your Mind 这会伤害你Don’t shoot to kill 别气得发狂Come on 来吧Come on 来吧Lay it on me 都算在我头上All right 怎么样?I’m giving you 等我On count of three 数到三To show your stuff 你就得表现给我看Or let it be 要么就滚蛋I’m telling you 我告诉你Just watch your mouth 说话要留神I know your game 我了解你的把戏What you’re about 你的为人Well they say the sky’s the limit 他们说天空有极限And to me that’s really true 对此我确信无疑But my friend you have seen nothin’ 但我的朋友你什么都还Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息Because I’m bad, I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒Come on(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know I’m bad, I’m bad(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know it 你清楚You know I’m bad, I’m badCome on, you know 你了解(Bad, bad, really, really bad)And the whole world 整个世界必须Has to answer right now 马上给出答案Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次Who’s bad 谁才是真棒?The word is out 话已出口You’re doin’ wrong 你正在做错事Gonna lock you up 得治治你Before too long 趁不太晚Your lyin’ eyes 你撒谎的眼睛Gonna tell you right 暴露了你自己So listen up 所以听仔细Don’t make a fight 别气得来打一仗Your talk is cheap 你的'话语不值钱You’re not a man 你不是一个男子汉Your throwin’ stones 做事不敢认To hide your hands 还在装蒜Well they say the sky’s the limit 他们说天空有极限And to me that’s really true 对此我确信无疑But my friend you have se en nothin’ 但我的朋友你什么都还Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息Because I’m bad, I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒Come on(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know I’m bad, I’m bad(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know it 你清楚You know I’m bad, I’m badCome on, you know 你了解(Bad, bad, really, really bad)And the whole world 整个世界必须Has to answer right now 马上给出答案Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次Who’s bad 谁才是真棒?We could change the world tomorrow 我们明天可以让世界改观This could be a better place 一切都将会不一样If you don’t like what I’m sayin’ 但如果你不喜欢我的言谈Then won’t you slap my face 为什么却不敢来向我挑战Because I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒。
QQ炫舞歌曲名称对应列表大全(最新版)song_0001 10 Minutes [李孝利]song_0002 鹊桥汇[花儿乐队]song_0003 欧若拉[张韶涵]song_0004 今天你要嫁给我[陶喆/蔡依林]song_0005 不想长大[S.H.E]song_0006 第一次爱的人[王心凌]song_0007 芥末巧克力[杨丞琳]song_0008 舞娘[蔡依林]song_0009 傻瓜爱情[李俊基]song_0010 不怕不怕[郭美美]song_0011 Super Star [S.H.E]song_0012 波斯猫[S.H.E]song_0013 就是爱[蔡依林]song_0014 看我72变[蔡依林]song_0015 化蝶飞[花儿乐队]song_0016 爱你[王心凌]song_0017 一个人的精彩[萧亚轩]song_0018 潘朵拉[张韶涵]song_0019 爱情36计[蔡依林]song_0020 皇帝[胡彦斌]song_0021 精舞门[罗志祥]song_0022 反转地球[潘玮柏]song_0023 见习爱神[Twins]song_0024 周星星[吴克群]song_0025 狠狠爱[徐若瑄]song_0026 香水百合[张韶涵]song_0027 Never Say Good Bay [Baby.VOX]song_0028 大舌头[吴克群]song_0029 Ring Ring Ring [S.H.E]song_0030 睫毛弯弯[王心凌]song_0031 分开旅行[刘若英/黄立行]song_0032 嘻唰唰[花儿乐队]song_0033 国王游戏[罗志祥]song_0034 表白[萧亚轩]song_0035 I'm coming [Rain]song_0036 雨樱花[飞儿乐队]song_0037 Venus [孙燕姿]song_0038 南极星[阿沁]song_0039 迷魂记[183club]song_0040 陪在你身边[曹成模]song_0041 Never Say Goodbye [Mario&Nesty]song_0042 L.O.V.E [萧亚轩]song_0043 代言人[萧亚轩]song_0044 Get High [飞儿乐团]song_0045 Fly Away [飞儿乐团]song_0046 第一天[孙燕姿]song_0047 绿光[孙艳姿]song_0048 好久不见[5566]song_0049 大暴走[阿泌]song_0050 完美情人[183club]song_0051 甜蜜约定[183club]song_0052 想入非非[徐若瑄]song_0053 中国话[S.H.E]song_0054 幸福猎人[罗志祥]song_0055 With U [Rain]song_0056 c'est si bon [5566]song_0057 shee [baby.VOX]song_0058 Chinese Girl [张惠妹]song_0059 我要飞[飞儿乐团]song_0060 灰姑娘的眼泪(电音版) [王心凌] song_0061 Da Da Da [王心凌]song_0062 隐形的翅膀(REMIX)[张韶涵] song_0063 爱的天灵灵[王心凌]song_0064 样子[张韶涵]song_0065 傻瓜的天才[周笔畅]song_0066 我的答铃[郭美美]song_0067 爱情女神[郭美美]song_0068 You & I [张娜拉]song_0069 只一天[安七炫]song_0070 暴风中[张佑赫]song_0071 Sunny [张佑赫]song_0072 U [SuperJunior-M]song_0073 靠近[Brown Eyed Girls]song_0074 O-正反合[东方神起]song_0075 Sky [东方神起]song_0076 TWINS [Supejunior-M]song_0077 当我们宅一块[罗志祥]song_0078 日不落[蔡依林]song_0079 One Two Three N'Four [李孝利] song_0080 被你骗了[Brown Eyed Girls] song_0081 ariari [李贞贤]song_0082 Last Angel [幸田来未]song_0083 结婚吧[Seeya]song_0084 穷开心[花儿乐队]song_0085 哈利BOBO [BOBO]song_0086 Honey [少女时代]song_0087 再次重逢的世界[少女组合]song_0088 说吧! [Battle]song_0089 大喜咒[花儿乐队]song_0090 特务J [蔡依林]song_0091 Mr.Q [蔡依林]song_0092 I Love Y ou Cheol Soo [李贞贤] song_0093 独一无二[李贞贤]song_0094 Come Over [幸田来未]song_0095 Party [TAKE]song_0096 不要爱上她[李孝利]song_0097 Bad driver [宝儿]song_0098 青花瓷[周杰伦]song_0099 甜甜的[周杰伦]song_0100 阳光宅男[周杰伦]song_0101 扯[周杰伦]song_0102 千面女孩[李贞贤]song_0103 Hand made CITY [早安少女组] song_0104 你最珍贵[7 Princess]song_0105 期待爱[林俊杰]song_0106 summer dance [李贞贤]song_0107 只是梦吧[安七炫]song_0108 HappyHappy [MyGirl]song_0109 Wonderland [幸田来未]song_0110 头号甜心[张韶涵]song_0111 悲しみトワイライト[早安少女组] song_0112 Hey! [李贞贤]song_0113 Crocodile [李贞贤]song_0114 说吧[李贞贤]song_0115 我是你的唯一[李贞贤]song_0116 Mirrorcle World [滨崎步]song_0117 梦が咲く春[仓木麻衣]song_0118 千里之外[周杰伦]song_0119 welcone to my style [李贞贤]song_0120 发如雪[周杰伦]song_0121 二人[aiko]song_0122 我的果汁分你一半[花儿乐队] song_0123 girls' generation [少女时代]song_0124 爱无赦[蔡依林]song_0125 Me [SuperJunior-M]song_0126 再见[张震岳]song_0127 你是我的奇迹[SuperJunior-M] song_0128 两个人[蔡妍]song_0129 爱在西元前[周杰伦]song_0130 简单爱[周杰伦]song_0131 爱的初体验[张震岳]song_0132 浏阳河2008 [周笔畅]song_0133 热爱[王心凌]song_0134 初次和你相遇[Seeya]song_0135 任意门[杨丞琳]song_0136 有时寂寞[陈慧琳]song_0137 找到天使了[薛凯琪]song_0138 挥挥手[汪峰]song_0139 大明星[BOBO]song_0140 I'll be there [萧亚轩]song_0141 还不是因为爱(REMIX) [苏醒] song_0142 七里香[周杰伦]song_0143 私奔到月球[五月天]song_0144 离开地球表面[五月天]song_0145 飘飘[王心凌]song_0146 4 Minutes [Madonna]song_0147 我恋爱了[张韶涵]song_0148 两个人的寂寞[萧亚轩]song_0149 芝麻开门[尚雯婕]song_0150 HiHi ByeBye [王心凌]song_0151 小快乐[尚雯婕]song_0152 水仙[王心凌]song_0153 两个下雪的夜[尚雯婕]song_0154 Kissing you [宝儿]song_0155 Prisoner Of Love [宇多田光] song_0156 不要说话[陈奕迅]song_0157 火花[高耀太]song_0158 As long as you love me [后街男孩] song_0159 即使知道要见面[Sara]song_0160 It's our style [李凯年]song_0161 嗨!MR DJ [李琳]song_0162 转机[潘玮柏]song_0163 漂亮小姐[陈奕迅]song_0164 风云决[任贤齐]song_0165 干物女[林宇中]song_0166 老人与海[海鸣威]song_0167 出神入化[飞轮海]song_0168 夏日疯[潘玮柏]song_0169 七年的爱[金贤正]song_0170 幸福的眼泪[蔡妍]song_0171 17171771 [紫雨林]song_0172 奇迹[宝儿]song_0173 No.1 [宝儿]song_0174 电话情缘[Mina Rendezvous]song_0175 Everytime mix [Britney Spears]song_0176 If You Come To Me [Atomic Kitten] song_0177 See You Again [Miley Cyrus]song_0178 season in the sun [西域男孩]song_0179 Sunny Came Home [Shawn Colvin] song_0180 shape of my heart [后街男孩]song_0181 I'm Yours [Jason Mraz]song_0182 什么都不要对我说[尤里沙图诺夫] song_0183 下雨天[南拳妈妈]song_0184 shining star [后街男孩]song_0185 Everybody [后街男孩]song_0186 V ALENTI [宝儿]song_0187 伦敦大桥垮下来[S.H.E]song_0188 Can You Feel My World [王力宏]song_0189 最后的战役[周杰伦]song_0190 Far away from home [Groove coverage] song_0191 You are not alone [Michael Jackson] song_0192 零缺点[孙燕姿]song_0193 honey honey [孙燕姿]song_0194 Tomorrow [Avril Lavigne]song_0195 Home [西城男孩]song_0196 Cry Me A River [Justin Timberlake] song_0197 It's My Life [Bon Jovi]song_0198 MOTO [宝儿]song_0199 my love [蔡妍]song_0200 QUINCY [宝儿]song_0201 危险的演出[蔡妍]song_0202 pocketful of sunshine [natasha]song_0203 Ghetto [Akon]song_0204 夏天的风[温岚]song_0205 宇宙小姐[S.H.E]song_0206 女孩当自强[S.H.E]song_0207 稻香[周杰伦]song_0208 烟火[光良]song_0209 冒险でしよでしよ[平野绫]song_0210 来吧[蔡妍]song_0211 玩酷[潘玮柏]song_0212 左边[杨丞琳]song_0213 明日のプリズム[平野绫]song_0214 beautiful world [宇多田光]song_0215 一秒ごとにLove for you [仓木麻衣] song_0216 不潮不用花钱[林俊杰]song_0217 暧昧スクリーム[平野绫]song_0218 一枝独秀[罗志祥]song_0219 [高耀太]song_0220 不落的太阳[张佑赫]song_0221 听袁唯仁弹吉他[S.H.E]song_0222 思念是一种病[张震岳]song_0223 王子的新衣[萧敬腾]song_0224 Blues [萧敬腾]song_0225 Get The Party Started [蔡依林]song_0226 买买买[BY2]song_0227 I Won't Last a Day Without You [蔡依林] song_0228 圣诞歌[高耀太]song_0229 带我走[杨丞琳]song_0230 桃花源[蔡依林]song_0231 anytime [倖田未来]song_0232 我的二分之一[Super junio-M]song_0233 快乐童话[马天宇]song_0234 幸福神偷[王心凌]song_0235 星间飞行[中岛爱]song_0236 浪漫爱[江雨晨]song_0237 The one [SS501]song_0238 sentimental city [白智英]song_0239 一闪一闪[BIGBANG]song_0240 love story [Rain]song_0241 help [YUI]song_0242 crossroad [YUI]song_0243 潮男正传[罗志祥]song_0244 拿手绝活[罗志祥]song_0245 太烦恼[杨丞琳]song_0246 i am [SS501]song_0247 Strong Baby [Bigbang]song_0248 我的爱吊点滴[杨丞琳]song_0249 我的主题曲[江雨晨]song_0250 Fresh Women [Rain]song_0251 没有比这更好的[金钟国]song_0252 为了爱情[金钟国]song_0253 Nobody [WonderGirls]song_0254 给我一首歌的时间[周杰伦]song_0255 时光机[周杰伦]song_0256 你不是真正的快乐[五月天]song_0257 if u seek amy [Britiney Spears]song_0258 OOXX [黑girl]song_0259 叫姊姊[黑girl]song_0260 怪怪女[青鸟飞鱼]song_0261 没有如果[梁静茹]song_0262 Fighter [Christina Aguilera]song_0263 朋友你们还好吗[薛之谦]song_0264 由你选择[林俊杰]song_0265 TELL ME [WonderGirls]song_0266 越来越爱[飞轮海]song_0267 Sweet dreams [Beyonce Knowles] song_0268 Circus [Britiney Spears]song_0269 Food song [WonderGirls]song_0270 Let's talk about love [少女时代] song_0271 玩偶[王力宏]song_0272 NANANA [吴克群/王心凌]song_0273 无可取代[弦子]song_0274 寂寞暴走[飞轮海]song_0275 Winter Bell [倖田未来]song_0276 Againts the grain [Akon]song_0277 星河之役[薛之谦]song_0278 Come on over [Christina Aguilera] song_0279 不爱最大[弦子]song_0280 大丈夫[蔡依林]song_0281 Did ya [宝儿]song_0282 星光[S.H.E]song_0283 小心眼[大嘴巴]song_0284 Survivor [东方神起]song_0285 rock me in [布兰妮]song_0286 花蝴蝶[蔡依林]song_0287 sorry,sorry [SuperJunior-M] song_0288 夜访吸血鬼[五月天]song_0289 越慢越美丽[蔡依林]song_0290 高调爱[罗志祥]song_0291 新窝[飞轮海]song_0292 不敢当[梁静茹]song_0293 way to go [少女时代]song_0294 Whenever, Wherever [Shakira] song_0295 SHE [Groove Coverage]song_0296 爱你我爱你[金钟国]song_0297 我有我的young [飞轮海]song_0298 双人舞[潘玮柏]song_0299 numb [Linkin park]song_0300 in the end [Linkin Park]song_0301 Be with you [潘玮柏]song_0302 快闪[BY2]song_0303 lady go! [幸田来未]song_0304 share the world [东方神起]song_0305 无敌帅[BY2]song_0306 走向我[裴涩琪]song_0307 耍大牌[蔡依林]song_0308 国王皇后[大嘴巴]song_0309 Maria [金雅中]song_0310 橘子汽水[南拳妈妈]song_0311 不得不爱[潘玮柏]song_0312 零距离[范玮琪]song_0313 KISS ME [AS ONE]song_0314 Ha ha ha [少女时代]song_0315 亲爱的[潘玮柏]song_0316 如果我变成回忆[TANK]song_0317 命运[Rain]song_0318 你不像她[南拳妈妈]song_0319 别碰我[Sweetbox]song_0320 星期六晚上(Remix Ver.)[Tyfoon]song_0321 打造情侣[SS501]song_0322 有你陪着我[安又琪]song_0323 原谅我就是这样的女生[戴佩妮]song_0324 傻瓜呀[蔡妍]song_0325 新少女祈祷[BY2]song_0326 幸福的糖e [许慧欣]song_0327 New Divide [Link Park]song_0328 把心拉近[吴克群]song_0329 Girlfriend [Avril Lavigne]song_0330 爱极限[许慧欣]song_0331 Hey Mr.BiG [李孝利]song_0332 王妃[萧敬腾]song_0333 一到十等于我和你[范玮琪]song_0334 DNA [五月天]song_0335 阳光美眉[TANK]song_0336 绷带俱乐部[TANK]song_0337 不会胆怯[SS501]song_0338 你是我的[李贞贤]song_0339 是你(It's you) [Super Junior-M]song_0340 更[高耀太]song_0341 remember the time [Michael Jackson]song_0342 beat it [Michael Jackson]song_0343 可爱万岁[S.H.E]song_0344 只对你有感觉[飞轮海&HABE]song_0345 放肆[五月天]song_0346 ECSTASY [幸田未来]song_0347 我想我更懂你[潘玮柏&苏芮]song_0348 everythings gonna be alright [Sweetboy] song_0349 豆浆油条[林俊杰]song_0350 Tonight, i feel close to you [孙燕姿&仓木麻衣]song_0351 走吧走吧GO! [Bigbang]song_0352 疼爱[萧敬腾]song_0353 因为我很笨[SS501]song_0354 麦芽糖[周杰伦]song_0355 留在我身边[青山黛玛&SoulJa]song_0356 说出愿望吧(genie)[少女时代]song_0357 All About Us [T.A.T.U]song_0358 影舞者[蔡依林]song_0359 嗯哩呦[大张伟]song_0360 流着眼泪唱起歌[大张伟]song_0361 一样的心[Kara]song_0362 摇摆[蔡妍]song_0363 INVOKE [T.M.Revolution]song_0364 Be What you Wanna Be [Darin Zanyaar] song_0365 firefly [A-Teens]song_0366 唱得响亮[2009快乐女声]song_0367 快乐崇拜[张韶涵、潘玮柏]song_0368 Call You Tonight [Whitney Houston] song_0369 最后的问候[Bigbang]song_0370 恋爱达人[罗志祥、小S]song_0371 我们能不能不分手[花儿乐队]song_0372 转(Club Mix)[Mina]song_0373 dna [BY2]song_0374 One [Epik High]song_0375 讨人喜欢[金钟国]song_0376 最熟悉的陌生人[萧亚轩]song_0377 夜曲[周杰伦]song_0378 星晴[周杰伦]song_0379 恋爱ING [五月天]song_0380 Super Girl [SuperJunior-M]song_0381 Baby One More Time [Britney Spears] song_0382 Candy [HOT]song_0383 爱的主打歌[萧亚轩]song_0384 爱我别走[张震岳]song_0385 Larger Than Life [后街男孩]song_0386 第五季[张韶涵]song_0387 住在心里面[吴克群]song_0388 ペガサス幻想[MAKE-UP]song_0389 那个男人的谎言[Tae In]song_0390 看得最远的地方[张韶涵]song_0391 我还记得你的微笑[金莎]song_0392 我们就是未来[H.O.T]song_0393 Mr. [Kara]song_0394 My Love [西城男孩]song_0395 Straight Through My Heart [后街男孩] song_0396 钻石糖[萧亚轩]song_0397 闪闪惹人爱[萧亚轩]song_0398 爱情接力(Y ou & Me)[Super Junior-M] song_0399 要嫁就嫁灰太狼[周艳泓]song_0400 梦想的窗[乔任梁]song_0401 喜欢你怎么办[王心凌]song_0402 动情[SuperJunior-M]song_0403 谎言[Bigbang]song_0404 Together [高耀太]song_0405 one love [blue]song_0406 Fallin' For You [Colbie Caillat]song_0407 Amis [尚雯婕]song_0408 寻找爱蜜莉[张韶涵]song_0409 永不停歇[尚雯婕]song_0410 因为是女人[Ivy]song_0411 花火[阿信&丁当]song_0412 happy loving [王心凌]song_0413 金钟罩铁布衫[S.H.E]song_0414 心电心[王心凌]song_0415 全世界不懂无所谓[丁当]song_0416 D.I.S.C.O [温岚]song_0417 最近我爱上了Lily Allen [薛凯琪]song_0418 You are the Ace [Ivy]song_0419 One time [Justin Bieber]song_0420 1234567 [方大同]song_0421 Beyond the game [Alout]song_0422 让我听你的声音[Bigbang]song_0423 FUNRUN [胡彦斌]song_0424 I can do better [Avril Lavigne]song_0425 Touch me [Ivy]song_0426 So happy I could die [Lady GaGa]song_0427 We are [F.I.R]song_0428 雨爱[杨丞琳]song_0429 加油[林俊杰]song_0430 爱的主场秀[罗志祥]song_0431 ola Yeah![Bigbang]song_0432 小小虫[方大同]song_0433 笔墨登场[胡彦斌]song_0434 Good [lvy]song_0435 Super Driver [平野绫]song_0436 冲浪季节[飞儿乐团]song_0437 X [林俊杰]song_0438 Find My Way [飞儿乐团]song_0439 Mr.Honey [王心凌]song_0440 What About Now [西城男孩] song_0441 Bo Peep Bo Peep [T-ara]song_0442 Teeth [Lady Gaga]song_0443 Shining [王心凌]song_0444 全城热恋[张禹凌、BOBO] song_0445 in your eyes [罗志祥/杨丞琳] song_0446 青春斗[杨丞琳]song_0447 大家一起喜洋洋[周笔畅]song_0448 满分10分的10分[2PM]song_0449 恨你[2PM]song_0450 爱情如此简单[Namolla Family] song_0451 爱疯头[罗志祥]song_0452 WOW [罗志祥/萧亚轩]song_0453 爱不爱我[大嘴巴]song_0454 JoJo [SHINee]song_0455 搜寻游戏[大嘴巴]song_0456 single ladies [Beyonce Knowles] song_0457 abradacabra [Brown Eyed Girls] song_0458 Oh![少女时代]song_0459 lovely day [朴信惠]song_0460 Apple is A [T-ara]song_0461 Change [Hyun A]song_0462 吻得太逼真[张敬轩]song_0463 OK Man [黄靖伦]song_0464 我的宝贝[蔡旻佑]song_0465 I don't Wanna lose you [吴建豪] song_0466 Reason [吴建豪]song_0467 谎言(Dance Ver.) [T-ara]song_0468 拿去[大嘴巴]song_0469 愿望树上[张敬轩]song_0470 无条件Happy Ending [少女时代] song_0471 知己[蔡卓妍]song_0472 shero [S.H.E]song_0473 easy [宝儿]song_0474 Hey! [蔡旻佑]song_0475 Happy birthday My dear [大嘴巴] song_0476 Ring Ding Dong [SHINee]song_0477 一如当初[T-ara]song_0478 Telephone [Lady GaGa、Beyonce] song_0479 Lupin [Kara]song_0480 Stand By Me [SHINee]song_0481 凑热闹[BY2]song_0482 好奇傻死猫[BY2]song_0483 浪漫窝[弦子]song_0484 舞台[弦子]song_0485 因为你[After school]song_0487 勇敢爱[阮经天]song_0486 这叫爱[BY2]song_0488 超人不会飞[周杰伦]song_0489 Tasty Love [Kara]song_0490 Oh Africa [Akon]song_0491 烟花易冷[周杰伦]song_0492 幸福的节拍[杨丞琳]song_0493 狼来了[杨丞琳]song_0494 移动世界[吴克群]song_0495 当美女[郭美美]song_0496 什么态度[郭美美]song_0497 Because Of You [Gummy]song_0498 因为你而疯了[T-ara]song_0499 Kissin U [Miranda Cosgrove]song_0500 你是我的OK绷[浪花兄弟&周杰伦] song_0501 Waka Waka [夏奇拉]song_0502 自导自演[周杰伦]song_0503 鱼罐头[周笔畅]song_0504 孤独啊[CNBLUE]song_0505 Once [Diana Vickers]song_0506 Haru Haru [Bigbang]song_0507 I don't care [2NE1]song_0508 Heartbreaker [G-Dragon]song_0509 Time to love2 [T-ARA]song_0510 PP别黏在椅上[BY2]song_0511 伤心农场[BY2]song_0512 Somebody to Love [Justin Bieber] song_0513 BONAMANA [SuperJurior-M]song_0514 跨时代[周杰伦]song_0515 Boys Boys Boys [Lady Gaga]song_0516 Just Dance [Lady Gaga]song_0517 Baby [Justin Bieber]song_0518 爱的飞行日记[周杰伦&杨瑞代] song_0519 香水[何润东]song_0520 我记得我爱过[何润东]song_0521 Fire [2NE1]song_0522 Cabi Song [少女时代&2PM]song_0523 Bang! [After School]song_0524 Anyone Of Us [Gareth Gates]song_0525 You belong with me [Taylor Swiff] song_0526 Sunshine Girl [Moumoon]song_0527 Run Devil Run [少女时代]song_0528 即时生效[蔡依林]song_0529 Love Story [Taylor Swiff]song_0530 Gee [少女时代]song_0531 美人计[蔡依林]song_0532 I Love Y ou Forever [Jewel]song_0533 带我离开[BY2]song_0534 Lucifer [SHINee]song_0535 舞动梦想[柳岩&亚帅公爵组合] song_0536 柴米油盐酱醋茶[王力宏]song_0537 爱的双重魔力[BY2]song_0538 发呆[BY2]song_0539 LOVE [CNBLUE]song_0540 With you [AAA]song_0541 N-N-N-Neva Baby [Ke$ha]song_0542 LOOK LOOK LOOK [蔡妍]song_0543 恋爱料理[周笔畅]song_0544 甩葱歌[初音未来]song_0545 曾轻蔑的爱情[AKB48]song_0546 独领风骚[信]song_0547 伯牙绝弦[王力宏]song_0548 杜U Love Me [王力宏]song_0549 情报[唐禹哲]song_0550 花一开就相爱吧[林依晨]song_0551 Lady Galaxy [宝儿]song_0552 Saturday [Basshunter]song_0553 自己人[王力宏]song_0554 十八般武艺[王力宏]song_0555 传话游戏[唐禹哲]song_0556 黑发尤物[蔡依林]song_0557 派大星[蔡依林]song_0558 天使经过身边[林依晨]song_0559 谁捡到我的梦[林依晨]song_0560 畅一首歌[郑元畅]song_0561 Can't Stop Love [Darin]song_0562 Mine [Taylor Swift]song_0563 BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER [Bigbang] song_0564 to be free [岚]song_0565 真红[Hey!Say!JUMP]song_0566 Wanna [Kara]song_0567 潇洒小姐[萧亚轩]song_0568 NU.ABO [f(x)]song_0569 娘子汉[蔡依林]song_0570 七上八下[蔡依林]song_0571 抱紧你[萧亚轩]song_0572 狂想曲[萧亚轩]song_0573 爱我恨我[吴克群]song_0574 Altair~和你相遇~[少年カミカゼ] song_0575 Tears Go By [三枝夕夏IN db] song_0576 素颜[许嵩&何曼婷]song_0577 城府[许嵩]song_0578 Who's That Chick` [Rihanna]song_0579 Gotta Be Somebody [Shayne Ward] song_0580 Angel [Akon]song_0581 Harari Hirari [sona]song_0582 像疯了一样只要你一个[F.T.Island] song_0583 没关系[吴克群]song_0584 Take a Break [吴克群]song_0585 Can't Nobody [2NE1]song_0586 红蜻蜓[BY2]song_0587 Only Girl(In The World) [Rihanna] song_0588 Teenage Dream [Katy Perry]song_0589 Raise Your Glass [Pink]song_0590 Heavy Potation [AKB48]song_0591 crossroad [滨崎步]song_0592 触电[黄宇曛]song_0593 庆祝[杨丞琳]song_0594 比死还痛苦[MC梦]song_0595 magnet [初音ミク巡音ルカ]song_0596 What's My Name [Rihanna]song_0597 非爱不可[彭于晏]song_0598 动脉[飞轮海]song_0599 千年泪[Tank]song_0600 HOOT [少女时代]song_0601 Speak Now [Taylor Swift]song_0602 Mean [Taylor Swift]song_0603 Hello [SHINee]song_0604 半塘主义[S.H.E]song_0605 Breathe [miss A]song_0606 爱之深责之切[吴克群]song_0607 25 Signs [The Fireflies]song_0608 等你爱我[陈奕迅]song_0609 果てない空[岚]song_0610 Sunshine [猴子把戏]song_0611 Sexy Girl [飞轮海]song_0612 永远在身边[大嘴巴]song_0613 有何不可[许嵩]song_0614 全面通缉[潘玮柏]song_0615 心疼你的心疼[飞轮海]song_0616 Roll With the Punches [Lenka]song_0617 拜托了,My Bus! [张根硕]song_0618 多余的解释[许嵩]song_0619 玫瑰花的葬礼[许嵩]song_0620 偏爱[张芸京]song_0621 让每天都是圣诞节[萧亚轩]song_0622 舒服舒服[大张伟]song_0623 只对你有感觉[林俊杰]song_0624 waiting miles away [madonna]song_0625 love the way you lie [rihanna]song_0626 Dancin' Around the Truth [the stunners] song_0627 all American nightmare [Hinder]song_0628 Beginner [AKB48]song_0629 anyclub [李孝利]song_0630 你你你[t-are]song_0631 Dangerous [James Blunt]song_0632 Shine a Light [McFly]song_0633 Love Me [Justin Bieber]song_0634 What The Hell [Avril Lavigne]song_0635 小小蚂蚁[潘玮柏]song_0636 我的电话[潘玮柏]song_0637 离开你那天[郭书瑶]song_0638 最佳男朋友[郭书瑶]song_0639 你是唯一[张芸京]song_0640 破天荒[张芸京]song_0641 和平分手[徐良]song_0642 Keep Your Head Down [东方神起] song_0643 Visiai Dreams [少女时代]song_0644 柊の通学路[渡り廊下走り隊]song_0645 制服レジスタンス[AKB48]song_0646 独一无二[罗志祥]song_0647 Burning up [Nick Carter]song_0648 Born This Way [Lady Gaga]song_0649 想象之中[许嵩]song_0650 天真[徐良]song_0651 Honey [郭书瑶]song_0652 Dirty Desire [宇多田光]song_0653 UUU [潘玮柏]song_0654 触动[潘玮柏]song_0655 天地一斗[周杰伦]song_0656 美丽的误会[罗志祥]song_0657 恋爱节奏[王心凌]song_0658 太完美[SuperJunior-M]song_0659 鬼把戏[KenT]song_0660 BAD APPLE [nomico]song_0661 歌に形はないけれ[初音未来]song_0662 Bye-Bad-Bye [CHIHIRO]song_0663 Price Tag [Jessie J]song_0664 微博控[许嵩]song_0665 河山大好[许嵩]song_0666 乱乱村[KenT]song_0667 未来爱情[潘玮柏]song_0668 亚特兰提斯[飞儿乐团]song_0669 坏女孩[徐良]song_0670 一万零一夜[罗志祥]song_0671 浪漫惊喜[KenT]song_0672 U Make Me Wanna [Blue]song_0673 RIVER [AKB48]song_0674 Here I Am [ZE:A]song_0675 直觉[CNBLUE]song_0676 吹一样的风[SuperJunior-M]song_0677 至少要知道这个[东方神起]song_0678 现実という名の怪物と戦う者たち[高桥优] song_0679 谁的乌托邦[张韶涵]song_0680 回归K-PAX星球[KenT]song_0681 女朋友因为你排第二[KenT]song_0682 毁人不倦[许嵩]song_0683 降温[许嵩]song_0684 微凉的记忆[周传雄]song_0685 不后悔[周传雄]song_0686 追爱[张靓颖]song_0687 不好听[徐良]song_0688 情胜策略[方大同]song_0689 Judas [Lady Gaga]song_0690 黏黏黏黏[王心凌]song_0691 Shampoo [After School]song_0692 TO ME [Rainbow]song_0693 GARNET CROW [flying]song_0694 Starry Heavens [Day After Tomorrow]song_0695 是的[CNBLUE]song_0696 渴了[张惠妹]song_0697 U [U]song_0698 Guardian Angel [Lil Eddie]song_0699 改变[张靓颖]song_0700 Mr.Taxi [少女时代]song_0701 装憨憨假空空[周传雄]song_0702 你在看我吗[张惠妹]song_0703 take me [方大同]song_0704 想你想你[王心凌]song_0705 ヤンキーソウル[AKB48]song_0706 爱就爱[张靓颖]song_0707 danger [f(x)]song_0708 Supa Luv [Teen Top]song_0709 Love Song [Bigbang]song_0710 狂想曲[萧敬腾]song_0711 High咖[张惠妹]song_0712 匆匆[周传雄]song_0713 三国杀[汪苏泷]song_0714 摇滚吧姑娘[王心凌]song_0715 Bangkok City [橙子焦糖]song_0716 Ppang [JJ]song_0717 Hands Up [2PM]song_0718 Hot Summer [f(x)]song_0719 Bad Girl,Good Girl [miss]song_0720 咒文Miroti [东方神起]song_0721 自以为[方大同]song_0722 Green boys [GReeeeN]song_0723 every [GReeeeN]song_0724 We Believe [David Cook]song_0725 Who Says [Selena Gomez& the Scene] song_0726 同时重生[twins]song_0727 Talk To Me [twins]song_0728 u-go-girl [李孝利]song_0729 blow [Ke$ha]song_0730 love [f(x)]song_0731 为爱疯狂[张靓颖]song_0732 一直幸福[王心凌]song_0733 If I Ruled the World [Big Time Rush] song_0734 高手[胡歌]song_0735 幸福预兆[杨丞琳]song_0736 舞力出动[付辛博]song_0737 love girl [CNBLUE]song_0738 幸福微甜[SuperJunior-M]song_0739 you can dance [Miss Tila]song_0740 爱的ATM [王心凌]song_0741 superstar [东方神起]song_0742 斯诺克[付辛博]song_0743 If I Only Knew [James Fauntleroy] song_0744 ---Is It OK [James Fauntleroy]song_0745 Love Alone [miss A]song_0746 便利店约会[付辛博]song_0747 One Night In Shanghai [胡彦斌] song_0748 我们的歌[王力宏]song_0749 窝喔[青鸟飞鱼]song_0750 不分手的恋爱[汪苏泷]song_0751 Juliette [SHINee]song_0752 Don't Stop Movin [S Club 7]song_0753 Chu~ [f(x)]song_0754 Get Out [JYJ]song_0755 三日月の背中[NMB48]song_0756 抱きしめちゃいけない[AKB48] song_0757 MIN MIN MIN [SDN48]song_0758 火力全开[王力宏]song_0759 FLY [SuperJunior K.R.Y.]song_0760 仆が负けた夏[NMB48]song_0761 说爱就爱[吴建豪]song_0762 有没有[BY2]song_0763 Mr. Know It ALL [Kelly Clarkson] song_0764 Thank you my girl [东方神起]song_0765 UGLY [2NE1]song_0766 The World As I See It [Jason Mraz] song_0767 Invincible [ZEA]song_0768 自行浪漫[王心凌]song_0769 爱不离手[萧亚轩]song_0770 NEVERLAND [U-KISS]song_0771 皮影戏[周杰伦]song_0772 Papi [Jennifer Lopez]song_0773 电司[LOLLIPOP F]song_0774 Love Conquest [LOLLIPOP F] song_0775 Boyfriend [Boyfriend]song_0776 Wish You Were Here [Avril Lavigne] song_0777 You Love Me [Kelly Clarkson] song_0778 Toes [Lights]song_0779 The Boys [少女时代]song_0780 夜空下[A.S.RED]song_0781 O.K [B1A4]song_0782 Please [金贤重]song_0783 Paradise [Infinite]song_0784 Mine Mine [周杰伦]song_0785 I Just Wanna Marry U [李玟]song_0786 星空[五月天]song_0787 重新爱[LOLLIPOP F]song_0788 Play! [大嘴巴]song_0789 TNT [乐天女孩]song_0790 你可以不用给我答案[金沙]song_0791 In My Head [CNBLUE]song_0792 带你去兜风[周笔畅]song_0793 Yeah!Yeah!Yeah! [MiChi]song_0794 Jump On It [MiChi]song_0795 Come Back To Me [宇多田光]song_0796 Baby Don't Cry [安室奈美惠]song_0797 学不会[林俊杰]song_0798 I Don't Know [中岛美嘉]song_0799 Luckylove [Ace of base]song_0800 ——————————————————————song_0801 琴伤[周杰伦]song_0802 迷魂曲[周杰伦]song_0803 月光闪耀[王心凌]song_0804 我爱我[萧亚轩]song_0805 诺亚方舟[五月天]song_0806 异想记[杨幂]song_0807 hide and seek [安室奈美惠]*若有错误请多包涵*歌曲song_0800尚无。
李弘基--坏女人 音译歌词
![李弘基--坏女人 音译歌词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0131a92e192e45361066f526.png)
nou男不牛加哈 哈啊咿呀
nou带不奶那 撒拉恩嫂呢带
nou诶要喔那 撒拉因
(吼)集那哈那不你啦够 你都呢带
那男不囊加压 哈咿呀
那男不囊加压 哈啊咿呀
nou男不牛加压 哈咿呀
nou男不牛加压 哈啊咿呀
nou男不牛加压 哈咿呀
nou男不牛加压 哈啊咿呀
nou男不牛加哈 哈咿呀
nou男不牛加哈 哈怒吴啦给哈呢狗你
那骂了擦啦嘛 哭了有撒拉嘛啊~~~~
那擦啦买呢带 nou吧带口呢奶
《别问很可怕》J. Sheon版歌词完整版打印下载打印
![《别问很可怕》J. Sheon版歌词完整版打印下载打印](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9fecc4da0912a21615792969.png)
作词 : J.Sheon/谢干干
作曲 : J. Sheon/转转
Oh girl
Oh girl
Oh girl
到底是怎样别问很可怕Oh girl
唉为何你的幽默跟浪漫要跟我以外的人分享到底是怎样别问很可怕Oh girl 太意外。
badguy减字谱《bad guy》是美国流行歌手比莉·艾利什的一首歌曲,由她自己创作并在2019年3月29日发行。
在这篇文章中,我将以简体中文写下bad guy减字谱,详细解读这首歌的曲谱和歌词,并分析其深层含义。
bad guy的减字谱如下:D-A-Dde-d-D-A-Dbad guy是一首快节奏的歌曲,以简单却吸引人的旋律开场。
bad guy的曲谱采用D调,主要使用了D和A两个音符组成的音阶。
除了曲谱,bad guy的歌词同样具有独特而深层的意义。
歌曲中的“bad guy”形象是她对自己的一种认知,同时也传递出一种反叛和自由的态度。
比如,“I'm the bad guy, duh”就是她坦诚承认自己具有某种自私、冷漠甚至阴险的一面。
此外,bad guy还通过幽默和夸张的方式,揭示了现代社会盲目追求和容忍的负面行为。
比如,“I'm that bad type,Make your mama sad type,Make your girlfriend mad tight”等歌词很好地调侃了一些人为了追求独特或者与众不同的形象,而在道德和原则上妥协。
匹配时间为: 02 分 51 秒的歌曲
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作曲 : J.Sheon/剃刀蔣/Razor Chiang/米奇林/Mickey Lin 作词 : J.Sheon
看似爱喝酒喜欢R&B的 flow
怎么她的 tone
文青带白目骨子里缤纷的 soul
I'mma give you what you like
Baby girl I'mma give you what you like listen 多么能奢望品品你的美
你说DJ欠我辅导 aye it's okay
想要 have a taste for fun
I'mma give you what you like
Baby girl I'mma give you what you like listen 多么能奢望品品你的美
Let's get elevated girl
Taste like a shooting star
Yeah right
All the pretty girls sing with me say hey hey
I want all the guys sing with me say ho ho Come on everybody
Jump in the verse say taste taste Getting with it vibe with it say fun fun。