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1) To use the machine, first the correct coins, then select (挑选) the drink you want and press the button.

Tip: a verb that means "put or set sth. into, between, or among"

Answer: insert

2) Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also, , from the Polish.

Tip: a phrase that means "from time to time" or "now and then"

Answer: on occasion

3) Food chemists will the health food (保健食品) on sale to see if it really does give the benefits claimed.

Tip: a verb that means "try to find out information about"

Answer: investigate

4) , it was the wrong time to open a new data processing (数据处理) center in this city.

Tip: a phrase that means "looking backward" or "reviewing the past"

Answer: In retrospect

5) My reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.

Tip: an adjective that means "of or at the beginning; first"

Answer: initial

6) A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural .

Tip: a noun that means "a thing that appears to or is perceived by the senses", to be used in the proper number

Answer: phenomenons

7) Make sure the label (标签) is firmly to the parcel (包裹) before you mail it.

Tip: a word that means "fasten or join (one thing to another)"

Answer: attached

8) My boyfriend bought me dinner to being late the day before.

Tip: a phrase similar in meaning to "compensate for"

Answer: make up for

9) The committee a decision from the head office before it takes any action.

Tip: a verb that means "wait for", but more formal, to be used in the proper tense.

Answer: is awaiting

10) We don't usually accept late applications, but since you were so sick I'll make an .

Tip: a noun that means "a person or thing that is excepted or not included"

Answer: exception

11) The little girl did seem to be frightened of being left by herself in the house.

Tip: a phrase that means "not...at all", consisting of two parts which shall be filled separately in the two blanks.

Answer: not, in the least

12) The WTO (= World Trade Organization世界贸易组织) is intended to trade among its member states.

Tip: a verb that means "help to grow or develop"

Answer: promote

13) When I got to his house I found Jim an article about the current situation in Afghanistan.

Tip: a phrase that means "be engaged in a physical or mental activity"

Answer: working on

14) All we were told before leaving the office was that the committee would consider our applications .

Tip: a phrase close in meaning to "at the proper time"

Answer: in due course

15) When the moon from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.

Tip: a verb that means "come out"

Answer: emerged

. continual continuous
1) I've had problems

with this computer ever since I borrowed it from a friend.
2) Gas central heating provides instant warmth and a supply of hot water.
3) Your interruptions are making it very difficult for me to concentrate.
4) The traffic was awful, a line of vehicles extending as far as the eye could see.

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: continual, continuous, continual, continuous

2. principal principle
1) The aim of the policy is to bring peace to the area.
2) His interest in life was to become the most outstanding genetic engineer (遗传工程专家) in Europe.
3) A bicycle or a motorcycle is built on the same , though the force that moves them is different.
4) He never allowed himself to be bullied (威吓) into doing anything that went against his .
5) Complaints from the students began arriving at the 's office.

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: principal, principal, principle, principles, principal

. Doctors are the first to admit that the treatment has side effects.

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: themselves

2. I saw the minister of education in the VIP lounge (贵宾厅) at the airport.

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: himself/herself

3. Look, Dad, she drew this beautiful bird .

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: herself/by herself/on her own

4. We've checked the wiring and the aerial (天线) so the problem may have to do with the television .

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: itself

5. We've often made that mistake .

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: ourselves

6. Did you fix the computer ?

Tip: study the related information provided above

Answer: yourself/by yourself/on your own

1) , how much do you think it's worth? (painting, really, a Picasso (毕加索画作))

Answer: Assuming(that) this painting really is a Picasso

2) , where are we going to get the money? (proposal, accept)

Answer: Assuming(that) the proposal is accepted

3) All we have to do is to explain the problem to her, . (of course, she, prepared, listen)

Answer: assuming, of course, that she's prepared to listen

4) , I doubt they'll take any notice. (even, smokers, do see, health warnings)

Answer: Even assuming(that) smokers do see the health warnings
