



包装跌落实验报告格式模板Packing Drop Test Report Template.Purpose:The purpose of this report is to document the results of a series of drop tests that were conducted on a product to assess its ability to withstand impact during transportation and handling.Procedure:The drop tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D4169-96, "Standard Test Method for Drop Test of Filled Transport Packages." The product was packaged in a corrugated cardboard box and dropped from a height of 1 meter onto a concrete surface. The box was dropped six times, with each drop being conducted on a different face of the box.Results:The product sustained no damage during the drop tests. The box showed no signs of damage, and the contents were intact.Conclusion:The product successfully passed the drop tests and is suitable for transportation and handling.中文回答:包装跌落实验报告格式模板。



跌落试验标准(Drop test standard)Package drop test standard published: 10-05-05 source: Hits: 1903 field selection: large and smallPackage drop test standardPeople's Republic of China national standardGB/T4857.5-92 instead of GB4857.5-84Method of drop test for packaged transport packagesPackaging-Transport packages-Vertical impacttest method by droppingTransport package drop test in the standard equivalent to the international standard ISO2248-1985 "packaging - complete and filled".1. subject matter and scope:This standard specifies the content of vertical impact testing for performance test equipment, test procedures and test reports for transport packages.This standard is applicable to the evaluation of the protection ability of transport packages under vertical impact the impact strength and packaging of the contents. It can be used as a single test, also can be used as part of a series of experiments.2. reference standard:Marking method of GB/T4857.1 packaging transport packages of various parts of theGB/Y4857.2 packaging transport packages temperature and humidity conditioningThe general principle of GB/T4857.17 packaging transport packages compilation of performance test programThe quantitative data of GB/T4857.18 packaging transport packages for the compilation of performance test3. test principle: filed test samples to a predetermined height, and then make it according to the predetermined state of free fall, collision and impact table.4. test equipment:4.1. impact: impact test table for the horizontal plane, does not move, not deformation, and meet the following requirements:A. is a single object, quality is at least 50 times of test sample quality;B. have a large enough area, to ensure that the test sample falls completely in the impact on the table;The impact of C. in the table any two points on the level of clearance was more than 2mm;The impact of 100mm2 on the table D. in any area under static load of 10kg, the deformation amount shall not exceed 0.1mm.4.2. lifting device: in lifting or descending process, should not damage the test sample.4.3. support device: support device of test samples should be able to make the test sample in the predetermined state required prior to release.4.4. release: in the release of the test sample in the fall, should make the test sample without any part of touch device, ensure the selfDrop by.5. test procedure:5.1. test sample preparation: prepare the test samples according to the requirements of GB/T4857.17.The various parts of the 5.2. test sample number: each part of the test samples are numbered according to the provisions of GB/T4857.1.Pretreatment of 5.3. test sample: according to the provisions of GB/T4857.2, selected a condition of temperature and humidity on the test sample pretreatment.Temperature and humidity conditions in the 5.4. test:The test shall be carried out in the pretreatment with the same conditions of temperature and humidity. If not up to the pretreatment conditions, should be in as far as possible to test pretreatment temperature and humidity conditions.5.5.Test intensity value choice: according to the provisions of GB/T4857.18 test of strength value.5.6 test procedure:5.6.1 filed test samples to the drop height of the required position, and according to a predetermined state will hold. The vertical height and predeterminedThe height difference does not exceed a predetermined level + 2%. Drop height refers to the test sample is ready to release the lowest and the impact of the tableThe distance between.5.6.2 according to the predetermined state, the release of test samples:A. falls, the angle between the drop side and the level of test sample surface maximum of not more than 2 degrees;B. edge drop, the angle between the edge of the South and drop level maximum of not more than 2 degrees, the test sample surface and the impact of regulationsTable error angle not greater than 5 degrees angle or 10% (with larger values prevail), so that the test sample of gravityBy falling edge line;C. angle drop, the test sample set angle error surface and the impact surface is less than 5 or the 10% (with a large angleThe numerical test samples shall prevail), so that the gravity line through the drop angle;D. no matter what the state and shape of the test samples, test samples should be made by the gravity line surface, line, drop point.The actual impact velocity and impact velocity of 5.6.3. free fall when the difference is no more than a free fall of + 1%.5.6.4. after the test according to the relevant standards or regulations to inspect the damage filling packaging and test results are analyzed.6. test report:The contents of the A. name, specification, type and quantity;The number of B. test samples;C. details: name, packing container size, structure and material specifications; accessories, buffer pad, support,fixing method,Sealing, bundling and other protective measures;The quality and the quality of the contents of the D. test samples, in kilograms;E. pretreatment temperature relative humidity and pretreatment time;F. for testing the temperature and relative humidity;G. detailed placement status test samples when testing;Sequence number h. and drop test samples;Drop height I. test samples, in millimeters;The type of equipment used by J. test;K. records of the test results, and observed in the trial in any help to the correct interpretation of test results of the phenomenon;L. it is shown that the difference of the standard and test method;M. test date, test personnel to sign, seal test.。

ISTA 1A(跌落试验) 中文标准

ISTA 1A(跌落试验) 中文标准

ISTA 1A 中文标准ISTA 1A 2001 - Page 1 of 8ISTA, 国际包装产品性能试验领域内的权威, 你的运输包装的联盟.ISTA 1A 系列是性能试验中最基本的标准.•检验包装及产品承受运输危害的能力;•但不是实际运输危害环境的模拟;•并且不一定遵循运输公司的包装规则要求.若恰当地应用,ISTA 试验标准将提供下列明显的收益:•缩短包装开发的时间及增强产品投放市场的信心;•降低产品破损及遗失率, 保护产品利润;•经济平衡的流通成本;•客户满意生意兴隆不断.试验标准包括三个部分: 概揽,试验及报告.•概揽部分提供进入试验实验室前所需的基本常识;•试验部分提供在试验实验室内进行试验的具体程序;•报告部分列出所要记录的数据以向ISTA 提交试验报告.ISTA 试验标准使用两套重量衡单位: 英制(英寸-英磅) 及国际标准SI (米制). 除在某些表格里分别标列外,此试验标准一般先标列英制(英吋-英磅), 米制标列在括号里.•任一单位都可作为重量衡的标准单位, 但是,•选择的标准单位必须在此试验标准中前后保持一致;•单位换算至两位有效数字;•两套单位系统不完全相等.重要事项:开始试验前, 必须阅读及理解全部文件内容.试验标准1A 概揽试验标准1A 是用于单一包装产品的整体性能试验的标准.•可用于评估一包装产品的性能;•可用于比较不同的包装及产品设计的性能;•包装和产品应作为一个整体而不应作为分开的两者来考虑.•可能不包括某些运输条件, 诸如潮湿, 大气压力或非正常搬运作业.对于不同的运输条件或满足不同的试验目的, 选用其他ISTA 试验标准可能更合适.具体建议:•若用随机振动取代固定位移振动, 采用ISTA 试验标准1G, 而不是1A.•若需测试一包装产品的最低压缩强度数值, 采用ISTA 试验标准1C.•若试验一国际运输的包装产品, 应考虑采用ISTA 局部仿真性能试验标准2A.•若试验小件快递运输包装产品, 应考虑采用ISTA 综合仿真性能试验标准3C.•其它资料请参考选择及使用ISTA 试验标准及试行项目指南.2004 年国际安全运输协会版权所有.≤ 150 lbs (68 kg) 包装产品ISTA 1A 系列非模拟整体性能试验标准1A 21前言ISTA 1A 2001 - Page 2 of 8试验标准1A 概揽试验标准1A 适用于试验不超过150 磅(68 公斤) 的单一包装产品的运输前试验.例外:对于重量超100 磅(45 公斤) 堆放在一可见滑板或托盘上的单一包装产品, 应该根据试验标1B 进行试验.运输者在试验前需确定下列几点:•产品破损包括哪些方面?•如果可以, 产品破损的允许限度是什么?•试验结束后决定产品状况的正确方法, 以及,•试验结束后的可接受的包装状况;•对于有关此决定过程的其它资料, 请参考选择及使用ISTA 试验标准及试行项目指南.试验样品应是未试验过的实际包装和产品. 但若没有实际包装或产品, 代用件应尽可能和实际包装或产品一样.所需样品的数目:•此试验标准中各试验需要一个样品.建议重复试验:为了保证恰当决定包装产品代表性的性能, ISTA•要求执行此试验标准一次,但,•建议执行此试验标准五次或更多次,每次使用新的样品.请注意:已经承受严峻运输条件的包装品不可以被用来代表包装品的标准状况. 为了确保在理想状况下的试验, 运输到已认证的实验室去试验的产品和包装必须是:•在运输到实验室时有额外一层包装的, 或者,•重新在实验室用新包装材料包装的产品.每一试验样品必须按照下表中列出的次序来进行试验:次序# 试验范围试验种类试验设定标准ISTA 认证1 振动固定位移在所定的频率下高峰到低峰(全幅位移)为一英吋(25 毫米)要求跌落高度随包装品的重量不同而不同或可选择: 斜面冲击冲击速度随包装品的重量不同而不同2 冲击或可选择: 水平冲击冲击速度随包装品的重量不同而不同要求产品破损允许限度及损失许可范围试验样品试验次序1AISTA 1A 2001 - Page 3 of 8试验标准1A 所需的设备固定位移振动试验:•能产生一英吋(25 毫米) 固定位移,或产生符合ASTM (美国材料试验协会)D 999-01 试验标准仪器章节方法A1 或A2 要求的可控制位移的振动试验系统.振动台产生的旋转运动或垂直线性运动都可接受.• 0.06 英吋(1.5 毫米)厚, 大约2 英吋(50 毫米) 宽, 适当长度的金属薄片.•测量振动频率- 每秒循环次数(Hz) 或每分周数(CPM)的测速仪器或适当的指示仪.•自动计时器或秒表下列任一设备都可适用于冲击试验所需的设备:冲击试验种类设备种类应符合何种试验标准中的仪器章节的要求?跌落试验自由跌落试验机ASTM D 5276-98垂直冲击试验冲击试验机ASTM D 5487-98(02)或可选择: 斜面冲击试验斜面冲击试验机ASTM D 880-92(02)或可选择: 水平冲击试验水平冲击试验系统ASTM D 4003-98所需的设备振动冲击1AISTA 1A 2001 - Page 4 of 8进行试验标准1A 试验之前试验前, 应按照以下程序标记样品的面,边缘和角:步骤操作1 把包装品放置在发货人予定的运输方位. 若运输方位是可变的, 把包装品放置好以至其贴标签的一面朝上.2 包装品是不是只有六个面(两侧-前面和后面, 两端-左面和右面, 上面和下面)?•若是, 请看步骤5.•若不是, 继续下一步骤.3 制定一标记每一个面, 边缘和角的方法, 并用一示意图记录在试验文件里.4 请看下一步骤.5 包装是不是瓦楞纸箱?•若是, 请看下一步骤.•若不是, 请看步骤8.6 包装是不是有一个连接一侧面和一端面的制造厂接缝?•若是, 请看下一步骤.•若不是, 请看步骤8.7 把包装件放置成你可以直接看到制造厂接缝正位于包装件前面的右边, 然后请看步骤9.8 把包装件放置成其中一个最窄的面正面向你.9 依照下示意图标记包装件各面.1 6245 制造厂接缝310 标记边缘- 用组成一个边缘的两个面的号码来标记.例如:边缘1- 2 是由面1 和面2 组成的.11 标记角- 用组成那个角的三个面的号码来标记.例如:角2- 3-5 是由面2,面3 和面5 组成的.12 请看下一部分.面,边缘和角的标记角2-3-5边缘1-21AISTA 1A 2001 - Page 5 of 8进行试验标准1A 试验之前你应该知道包装品的:•总重量: 英磅(公斤)•外表尺寸(长宽高)(LxWxH) 英吋(毫米或米)请注意:振动试验系统应使用一套合适的限制装置,目的是:•防止试验样品从试验平台上掉下.•维持包装品的试验方位.•在试验中此限制装置应不限制试验样品的垂直运动.试验者应熟悉下列在确定使包装品弹跳所需的频率后计算试验时间的公式.14, 200 振动冲击试验时间(分钟)=周/分钟(CPM)或[周/秒钟(Hz)x 60]下列图表列举了若干个频率下计算的试验时间:CPM Hz 试验时间(分钟)150 2.5 95180 3.0 79210 3.5 68240 4.0 60270 4.5 53300 5.0 48试验跌落高度随包装品的重量不同而变化.从下列图表中找出包装品的重量来决定跌落高度或相当的用于替代跌落试验的冲击速度:包装品重量跌落高度冲击速度相等或大于但小于自由跌落斜面或水平英磅公斤英磅公斤英吋毫米英尺/秒米/秒0 0 21 10 30 760 13 3.921 10 41 19 24 610 11 3.541 19 61 28 18 460 10 3.061 28 100 45 12 310 8.0 2.5100 45 150 68 8 200 6.6 2.0此试验方法要求包装品从若干不同的包装方位跌落.如果跌落包装件可行的话,必须完成所有要求的方位的跌落.若某一要求跌落的方位不可行,相当的斜面或水平冲击试验可以用来替代那一方位的跌落试验.当使用冲击速度时,如果下列试验程序中任一试验设定低于要求的最低值,那一程序步骤必须反复多次直至试验用冲击速度达到最小值.振动试验开始之前冲击试验开始之前测量包装品的重量和尺寸1AISTA 1A 2001 - Page 6 of 8试验标准1A 的试验次序下列试验部分各表格列有指明此试验标准中每一试验所要求的步骤:固定位移步骤操作1 把包装品的面3放置在振动台上.2 启动振动机,使其在机器最低频率下振动, 全振幅位移为一英吋(25 毫克).3 保持一英吋(25 毫克)固定位移,缓慢增加振动台的频率(速度)直到包装品开始离开振动台表面.4 保持机器在步骤3中所得到的频率下振动.5 金属薄片是不是可以间歇地在包装品最长的一面的底部和振动台面之间移动?•若是,保持此频率,继续进行下一步骤.•若不是,逐渐增加频率直到达到步骤5的要求,然后保持那一新的频率.6 用以上振动试验开始之前部分的公式和在步骤5 里所得到的CPM 或Hz 确定试验时间.7 开始计时振动试验时间.8 是否使用振动系统的垂直直线运动?•若是, 请看步骤12.•若不是, 进行下一个步骤.振动完成一半后停止振动试验, 然后完成下表列出的适当步骤:如果单一的90º水平旋转是: 那么进行如下的水平旋转:可能的试验样品放在台面上, 90º9不可能, 由于包装品的尺寸或稳定性试验样品放在台面上, 180º10 启动振动系统, 使用步骤7 中所定的频率继续振动试验.11 金属薄片是不是可以间歇地在包装品最长的一面的底部和振动台面之间移动?•若是, 进行下一步骤.•若不是, 逐渐增加频率直到达到步骤11 的要求.12 完成振动时间.13 如果允许,并且在任何情况下检验不会改变包装现有的状况或产品的位置或状况,检验包装品任何可见的破损.14 振动试验到此结束. 请看冲击试验部分.振动试验部分1AISTA 1A 2001 - Page 7 of 8试验标准1A 的试验次序跌落步骤操作1 根据冲击试验开始之前部分, 确定试验方法和所要求的跌落高度或冲击速度.2 根据面,边缘和角的标记部分,你的包装品是否带有六面?•若有, 进行下一个步骤.• .若没有, 请看步骤6.3 依照步骤1 中决定的方法和设定数据对包装品进行试验.试验应按照下表中的次序.次序号方位特定的面, 边缘或角1 角最脆弱的面3 上的一角, 若未知, 试验角2-3-5.2 边缘绕上面试验过的角的最短的边缘.3 边缘绕上面试验过的角的下一个最长的边缘.4 边缘绕上面试验过的角的最长的边缘.5 面任何最小的一面6 面对面的小面7 面任何中等的一面8 面对面的中等的面9 面任何最大的一面410 面对面的最大的面5 所有的试验到此完毕. 进行下面试验报告部分.6 选择底面角来替换在步骤4 次序1 所要求的角, 开始试验.7 标记符合步骤4 次序2 至4 要求的包装品的各边缘.8 选择任何六面来替换符合步骤4 次序5 至10 要求的包装品的各面.9 用步骤6 至8 标记的角, 边缘和面,然后再回到步骤3 开始试验.10 所有的试验到此完毕. 进行下面试验报告部分.冲击试验部分1AISTA 1A 2001 - Page 8 of 8试验标准1A 的试验报告经过检验, 如果包装品顺利通过试验, 这意味着它符合产品破损允许限度及损失许可范围. ISTA 认证的试验实验室:•应记录存档所有进行过的ISTA 的试验标准或试行项目的试验.•应记录存档关于进行过的ISTA 的试验标准或试行项目的试验报告以申请运输试验包装证书或认可. 其它资料请参考选择及使用ISTA 试验标准及试行项目指南.ISTA 运输试验认证计划右图所示的ISTA 运输试验认证标志是:•一注册的认证标志•只能根据认证协议使用•由国际安全运输协会的会员使用当会员在一包装品上印制此带有认证号码的认证标志时,这意味会员向他们的客户及运输公司表示此包装品通过ISTA 运输前试验标准的要求.为了维持其ISTA 运输试验认证标志上认证号的状况及有效性,每一个包装品在任何时候作出以下列举的任何变动都必须重新进行试验:•产品, 或•生产包装过程, 或•包装产品的变动包括以下几个方面:•设计, 或•尺寸, 或•材料生产包装过程的变动包括以下几个方面:•制造, 或•组装, 或•填充包装的变动包括以下几个方面:•结构, 或•尺寸, 或•重量或•材料, 或•包装部件作为一质量管理程序, 包装品必须定期地重新进行试验, 例如, 每年一次.。


















4、结论通过以上实验,我们可以得出以下结论:1. 智能手机在跌落时易受损,特别是在高度较高和双面跌落时,手机受损的情况会更加严重。

2. 进行跌落测试可以让消费者对于产品的易损性有一个更加客观的认识,同时也对于产品的质量有一个更加全面的评估。

3. 建议消费者在选择产品时,应该考虑产品是否具备一定的防摔性能,以保证产品在日常使用中的安全性和可靠性。




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ISTA 3A 2008 - OVERVIEWPackaged-Products for Parcel Delivery System Shipment 70 kg (150 lb) or Less3A2008ISTA, Distributing Confidence, Worldwide™ISTA 3 Series tests are advanced tests and are designed to:• Challenge the capability of the package and product to withstand transport hazards, but • Utilize general simulation of actual transport hazards, and • Do not necessarily comply with carrier packaging regulations. When properly executed, ISTA procedures will provide tangible benefits of: • Product to market time reduction • Confidence in product launch• Reduction in damages and product loss • Balanced distribution costs• Customer satisfaction contributing to increased market shareThere are three sections to this Procedure: Overview, Testing and Reporting • Overview provides general knowledge required before testing and • Testing presents the specific instructions to do laboratory testing and• Reporting indicates what data shall be recorded to submit a test report to ISTA.Two systems of weights and measures are presented in ISTA test procedures: SI (Metric) or English system (Inch-Pound). Metric units are shown first followed by the Inch-Pound units in parentheses; there are exceptions in some tables (when shown separately).Familiarity with the following units and symbols used in this document is required: For measuring Metric units and symbols English units and symbols Weight kilograms (kg) or grams (gm) pounds (lb) Distance meters (m) or millimeters (mm) feet (ft) or inches (in)Volume Cubic centimeters (cm 3) Cubic inches (in 3)Density kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m 3) pounds per cubic inch (lb/in 3) Temperature Centigrade (°C) Fahrenheit (°F) Absolute Pressure Kilopascal (kPa) Pounds per square inch (psi)• Either system may be used as the unit of measure (standard units), but• The standard units chosen shall be used consistently throughout the procedure. • Units are converted to two significant figures and • Not exact equivalents.NOTE:In other ISTA Test Procedures 68 kilograms is used as the conversion from 150 pounds. In 3A, 70 kilograms and 150 pounds are used because it’s a common dividing point found in parcel delivery systems from countries that use either metric (SI) or English (inch-pounds) units of measure.VERY IMPORTANT:The entire document shall be read and understood before proceeding with a test.ISTA 3 Series General SimulationPerformance Test ProcedureVERSION DATELast TECHNICALChange: JANUARY 2008Last EDITORIALChange: JANUARY 2008For completelisting of Procedure Changes and Version Dates gotoTest Procedure 3A is a general simulation test for individual packaged-products shipped through a parcel delivery system. The test is appropriate for four different types of packages commonly distributed as individual packages, either by air or ground. The types include standard, small, flat and elongated packages. 3A includes an optional combination of a Vibration and Vacuum (highaltitude’s lowered air pressure) test. This tests the container’s (whether primary package or transport package) ability to hold a seal or closure and the retention of contents (liquid, powder or gas) without leaking.STANDARD packaged-products shall be defined as any packaged-product that does not meet any of the definitions below for a small, flat or elongated packaged-product. A Standard packaged-product may be packages such as traditional fiberboard cartons, as well as plastic, wooden or cylindrical containers. Examples shown below:SMALL packaged-products shall be defined as any packaged-product where the:• volume is less than 13,000 cm 3 (800 in 3), and • longest dimension is 350 mm (14 in) or less and • weight is 4.5 kg (10 lb) or less. • Example shown below:FLAT packaged-products shall be defined as any packaged-product where the:• shortest dimension is 200 mm (8 in) or less and• next longest dimension is four (4) or more times larger than the shortest dimension, and • volume is 13,000 cm 3 (800 in 3) or greater. •Example shown below:ELONGATED packaged-products shall be defined as any packaged-product where the:• longest dimension is 900 mm (36 in) or greater and• both of the package’s other dimensions are each 20 percent or less of that of the longest dimension. •Example shown below:NOTE:If a packaged-product is both Flat and Elongated, the package should be tested as Elongated•Testing can be used to evaluate the protective performance of a packaged-product related to vibrations, shocks and other stresses normally encountered during handling and transportation in a parcel delivery system.•Test levels are based on general data and may not represent any specific distribution system.•The package and product are considered together and not separately.•Some conditions of transit, such as moisture, pressure or unusual handling may not be covered.Other ISTA Procedures may be appropriate for different conditions or to meet different objectives.Refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects for additional information.NOTE:Hazardous material packaging that passes this test procedure may not meet international, national or other regulatory requirements for the transport of hazardous materials. This test is not a substitute for United Nations and/or any other required test standards for the transport of hazardous materials, but should be used as an additional test in conjunction with them.Test Procedure 3A covers testing of individual packaged-products weighing 70 kilograms (150 pounds) or less when prepared for shipment via a parcel delivery carrier.The shipper shall determine the following prior to testing:•what constitutes damage to the product and•what damage tolerance level is allowable, if any, and•the correct methodology to determine product condition at the conclusion of the test and•the acceptable package condition at the conclusion of the test.For additional information on this determination process refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects.identical as possible to actual items.One sample is required for this test procedure.To permit an adequate determination of representative performance of the packaged-product, ISTA:•Requires the procedure to be performed one time, but•Recommends performing the procedure five or more times using new samples with each test.Refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects for additional information on statistical sampling. NOTE:In order to ensure testing in perfect condition, products and packages shipped to an ISTA laboratory for testing shall be: •Adequately over-packaged for shipment or•Repackaged in new packaging at the laboratory.NOTE:It is important to thoroughly document the configuration, materials, and construction of the tested product and package. Significant variations in performance can sometimes be caused by seemingly insignificant differences. Photo documentation is strongly recommended to supplement detailed written descriptions.Basis Weights of Corrugated BoardWhen the outer package is a corrugated box, it is strongly recommended that the basis weights of the papers/paperboards used to make the box be determined and documented. It has been determined that basis weights are better indicators of box equivalence than ECT or Burst ratings.Refer to Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects for additional information on documentation and basis weight determination.3A - STANDARD Packaged-Product TestSequence NumberTest CategoryTest TypeTest LevelFor ISTA Certification1 Atmospheric Preconditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Temperature andHumidity Ambient Required2 Atmospheric Conditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Controlled Temperatureand Humidity Temperature and Humidity chosen from chart Optional3 ShockTEST BLOCK 3 Drop9 Drops - height varies with packaged-product weightRequired4 VibrationTEST BLOCK 4 RandomWith and Without Top LoadOverall G rms levels of 0.53 and 0.46Required5 VibrationTEST BLOCK 8 Random under a Vacuum Truck or Truck & Air dependentOptional 6 ShockTEST BLOCK 9 Drop8 Drops - height varies with packaged-product weight. Includes drop on hazardRequired3A – SMALL Packaged-Product TestSequence NumberTest CategoryTest TypeTest LevelFor ISTA Certification1 Atmospheric Preconditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Temperature andHumidity Ambient Required2 Atmospheric Conditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Controlled Temperatureand Humidity Temperature and Humidity chosen from chart Optional3 ShockTEST BLOCK 3 Drop(not in a bag)9 Drops - height varies with packaged-product weightRequired4 VibrationTEST BLOCK 6 Random With and Without Top LoadOverall G rms level of 0.53 and 0.46 Required 5 VibrationTEST BLOCK 8 Random under a Vacuum Truck or Truck & Airdependent Optional 6 ShockTEST BLOCK 9Drop (in a bag)7 Drops – height varies with packaged-product weightRequired3A – FLAT Packaged-Product TestSequence NumberTest CategoryTest TypeTest LevelFor ISTA Certification1 Atmospheric Preconditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Temperature andHumidity Ambient Required2 Atmospheric Conditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Controlled Temperatureand Humidity Temperature and Humidity chosen from chart Optional3 ShockTEST BLOCK 3 Drop9 Drops - height varies with packaged-product weight Required4 VibrationTEST BLOCK 4 RandomWith and Without Top LoadOverall G rms levels of 0.53 and 0.46 Required 5 VibrationTEST BLOCK 8 Random under a Vacuum Truck or Truck & Air dependentOptional 6 ShockTEST BLOCK 9Drop8 Drops - height varies with packaged-product weight. Includes drop on hazard Required7 ShockTEST BLOCK 10 Rotational Edge Drop200 mm (8 in)Required8 ShockTEST BLOCK 11 Full Rotational Flat Drop Varies withpackaged-product dimensions Required9 ShockTEST BLOCK 12Concentrated ImpactHazard Box dropped 400 mm (16 in)Required3A – ELONGATED Packaged-Product TestSequence NumberTest Category Test TypeTest LevelFor ISTA Certification1 Atmospheric Preconditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Temperature andHumidity Ambient Required2 Atmospheric Conditioning TEST BLOCK 1 Controlled Temperatureand Humidity Temperature and Humidity chosen from chart Optional3 ShockTEST BLOCK 3 Drop9 Drops - height varies with packaged-product weight Required4 VibrationTEST BLOCK 4 RandomWith and Without Top LoadOverall G rms levels of 0.53 and 0.46 Required5 VibrationTEST BLOCK 8 Random under a Vacuum Truck or Truck & Air dependentOptional 6 ShockTEST BLOCK 9Drop8 Drops - height varies with packaged-product weight. Includes drop on hazard Required7 ShockTEST BLOCK 10 Rotational Edge Drop200 mm (8 in)Required8 ShockTEST BLOCK 11 Full Rotational Flat Drop Varies withpackaged-product dimensions Required9 ShockTEST BLOCK 13Bridge ImpactHazard Box dropped 400 mm (16 in)RequiredAtmospheric Conditioning:•Humidity recorder complying with of the apparatus section of ISO 2233-00 or ASTM D 4332-00(-01). •Temperature recorder complying with the apparatus section of ISO 2233-00 or ASTM D 4332-00(-01).Optional Atmospheric Conditioning•Chamber and Control apparatus complying with the apparatus section of ISO 2233-00 or ASTM D 4332-00(-01).Random Vibration Test: • Random Vibration Test System complying with the apparatus section of ISO 13355-01 or ASTM D 4728-95(-01). • A form of column stack fixturing • Top-Load Apparatus • Plastic bags• Sand or other dense, flowable materialOptional Random Vibration under Vacuum:•Vacuum Chamber: complying with the apparatus section of ISO 2873-00 or ASTM D6653-01; able to fit on the vibration table; able to draw down the internal absolute pressure to 60 kPa (8.7 psi) for the truck and air test, or 70 kPa (10 psi) for the truck-only test; and able to withstand the air and/or truck random vibration input.3A - SMALL• Two (2) large Consolidation Bags, approximately 1.0 x 0.7 m (39 x 27 in), made of canvas, polyolefin film/fabric, or similarstrong flexible material, and with a zipper or other suitable closure at one end. The bags shall have sufficient capacity and strength to meet the requirements below, in the “Before You Begin Vibration Under Dynamic Load Testing” section, and in Test Block 6 (Vibration for Small).One bag is the Top Load Bag, filled with 36 kg (80 lb) of sand suitably packaged in smaller bags.One bag is the Sample Bag, filled with the Test Specimen and dunnage packages, to simulate a typical pack. • Three (3) over-night style envelopes, 1-#5 padded mailer and 1-#6 fiberboard mailer.• Fiberboard containers as described in the table below are to be constructed of C-flute board with any of the followingminimum values and construction:Burst Test: 1380 kPa or 14 kg/cm 2 or 200 lb/in 2 or ECT Value: 7.0 kN/m width or 40 lb/in width.RSC style boxes shall be used for any dunnage package 125 mm (5 in) or more in height andBook-wrap or telescoping tray style may be used for any dunnage package less than 125 mm (5 in) in height.• Fill each envelope, mailer and corrugated container as indicated in the table below. Corrugated boxes and book wraps arefilled until the desired weight is achieved.It is allowable to substitute dunnage packages with Test Specimen packages or envelopes. The dunnage package thatmost closely represents the Test Specimen shall be substituted. Internal voids of dunnage packages should be filled in order to secure dunnage weight and eliminate concentrated load.The following describes the numbers and sizes of each dunnage package:Approximate Size LxWxH ApproximateWeight Quantity Package TypeMillimeters (mm) Inches (in) ContentsKilograms (kg) Pounds (lb) 3 Over-night envelope 318 x 242 12 ½ x 9 ½25-sheets of paper1 #5 Padded mailer 268 x 407 10 ½ x 16 50-sheets of paper 1 #6 Fiberboard mailer 318 x 483 12 ½ x 19 50-sheets of paper 1 200 x 125 x 50 8 x 5 x 20.5 1.0 1 225 x 150 x 50 9 x 6 x 2 0.51.01 275 x 275 x 100 11 x 11 x 41.02.0 1 275 x 200 x 100 11 x 8 x 4 1.0 2.0 1 175 x 150 x 100 7 x 6 x 4 1.84.01 Fiberboard box or Book-wrap or Telescoping tray300 x 300 x 7512 x 12 x31.8 4.0 1 200 x 200 x 200 8 x 8 x 8 4.5 10.0 1 150 x 150 x 150 6 x 6 x 6 1.02.01 Fiberboard box 250 x 125 x 12510 x 5 x 5 Each corrugatedpackage type andsize shall be filled with foam, paper,sand, etc until the desired weightindicated in thistable is achieved.1.02.0。



Test Request No.: Test Report No.:3 PagesIQ Product Code:Customer Product Code:Sample Source:Purpose/Objective: 测试目的:Product Specification (if applicable ):Quantity :Test Location:数量:测试地点:Test Apparatus & Test Setup:测试设备&测试设置:Test Method:测试方法:Equipment and Setting 设备和设置Test Set-up : Refer picture 1 & 2.测试设置:参考图1&2Test Equipment: emtest UCS 500N5 (Serial No: V1015106284)设施设备:Test Parameter On The Test Equipment 测试参数Voltage : 0% / 40% / 70% & 80% & 0% Short Interuption 电压:0% / 40% / 70% & 80% & 0% 暂时中断Rep Rate : 10s 试验间隔:10sVoltage Dips and Short Interruptions Immunity Test Report电压跌落测试Total no.of pages (including this page)To verify the effect of voltage dips and short interruptions immunity test on the unit according to IEC61000-4-11 and Theben requirement.根据IEC61000-4-11和Theben 要求,检验电压中断测试对样机产生的影响。



序号En glish Chi nese 序号En glish Chi nese 1be nd弯曲102shri nk mark 收缩纹2broken 破烂103stress mark顶白印3broken labe I 标贴烂104thi n spray 喷油过薄4broken screw 缧丝断105u neven coation涂色不均5burn mark 烧痕106u neven spray贲油不均匀6burr 毛边107uneven surface高低落差过大7carton broken外箱烂108u ntrimmed thread 线头过长8color deviatiion 色差过大109water mark水渍9damage 损坏110wri nkle 皱纹10deform 变形111wr ong assortme n错混装11foreig n tape 纸屑112wro ng color 错颜色12de nt mark 凹陷113wro ng labelli ng 错标贴13dirt mark 污渍114wrong packing 错包装14flash 披锋115wro ng products 错货品15flow mark胶料注塑纹116wrong sewing label错缝合标贴16foreign material 外物(就是脏东西117foreig n stuffi ng 线头17gate mark水口修不好118missi ng letter 缺字18glue mark 胶水渍119missi ng segme n缺字划19hole misalig nment 孔位不正120part detach配件甩掉20illegible letter 字型模糊不清121part loose配件松21label peel off 标贴脱落122screw not tight 缧丝未收紧22label peel up 标贴浮起/ 分离123u neven table surface台面不平23large gap 间隙过大124wro ng letter 错字24missi ng glue 漏胶水125wro ng parts 错配件25missi ng label 漏标贴126be nt in sert纸卡变形26mould 发霉127air leakage漏气27no glue 无胶水128ca nn ot assembly组装不成功28oil mark 油渍129dim light 灯光过暗29oxidization 氧化130distortion 失真30paint mark补油不良131intermittent function 间断没功能31pai nt mark 喷油渍132missi ng parts漏配件32poor coati ng 露底色133miss ing products漏货品33poor fitting 接合不良134narrow goal socket袋口过窄34poor glue黏合不良135 no light无灯光35poor hot stamp烫金不良136no sou nd无声音36poor parti ng line接合边位修不好137 noise噪声37poor printing 印刷不良138non function 无功能38poor sea封合位不良139poor packi ng包装不良39poor sewi ng 缝合不良140poor solderi ng 焊接不良40poor silk screen printing丝印不良141water leakage漏水41poor spray喷油不良142weak sou ng声音过弱42poor stitchi ng 缝合孔位过大143wire damage 电线烂43poor tampo printing 移印不良144wire exposed 电线外露44poor trimmimg 修剪不良145wrong function 错功能45poor trimmimg 胶边位修不好146wrong soung错声音46base底座147cracki ng 裂纹47rough edge边位粗糙148blood mark 血渍48rough surface表面粗糙149high pole test failure电气高压测试失败49rust mark 生锈150i nsect昆虫50scratch mark花痕151sharp edge利边,毛刺51screw slip 缧丝滑牙152sharp poi nt尖点52i nstruction sheet came of缺少说明书153sharp poi n俐角53hard to assembly装配困难154short circuit 漏电/ 短路54poor fun ction 功能不良155damaged window shee彩盒损坏55too loose 太松156label misali nged 标贴贴倒56scratch mark刮花157dislocated 移位57color deviation颜色有差别,色差158poor label sticking贴纸不良58electro-plating yellownish 电镀变黄159poor molding 注塑不良59electro-plat ing peel off 电镀脱落160poor packi ng 包装不良60electro-plating abrase电镀擦花161poor electro-plating 电镀不良61tempo i ncomplete 移印不完整162missi ng Part 缺少附件62tempo off position 移印移位163oversize 尺寸过大63pai nt abrase贲油擦花164packi ng damaged包装损坏64electro-plating rainbow 电镀彩虹印165poor bewing车缝不良65electro-plati ng shadow 电镀阴阳色166poor solderi ng 焊接不良66electro-plati ng black mark 电镀发黑167poor shrink wrap 收缩包装不良67oxidatton 氧化168poor tampo 移印不良68i nner carton 内盒169seam open车缝开口69gift box 彩盒170seam torn车缝穿洞70ejector mark 顶针位171stripp ing screw 螺丝打滑71flow mark 流水痕172wrong instruction sheet说明书错误Defect n ame72flow line 流水纹173blister 吸塑73fold mark 折痕174FOLD MARK ON GIFT 彩盒折痕74white mark发白175GIFT BOX DEFORM 彩盒压变形75poor transparency透明度不良176BLISTER DEFORM吸塑变形76sink mark 凹痕177BLISTER CRACK 吸塑裂77poor con tact接触不良178BLISTER POOR HEAT SEALING 吸塑不良78loosen脱落179gift box unseal彩盒无圭寸口贴79air-bubble on painting 漆上有气泡180poor silk sckeen prining 印刷不良80painting scratched油油漆刮花181over plating 电镀过多81pai nting peeled off 油漆脱落182u nder plati ng 电镀不足82pough surface pai nting油漆面粗糙183color mismatch 颜色不配对83rivet 铆钉184color misalignment颜色不配对84blister 泡盒185color deviation 颜色有差别,色差85rust mark锈迹186electro-plating yellownish电镀变黄86flow mark 流水痕187electro-plating peel off 电镀脱落87flow line 流水纹188electro-plating abrase电镀擦花88fold mark 折痕189tempo incomplete移印不完整89white mark发白190tempo off position移印移位90poor tran spare ncy透明度不良191pai nt abrase贲油擦花91sink mark 凹痕192electro-plating rainbow 电镀彩虹印92poor contact接触不良193electro-plating shadow电镀阴阳色93loosen脱落194electro-plating black mark电镀发黑94air-bubble on pai nting 漆上有气泡195oxidatton 氧化95pa inting scratchec油漆刮花196 inner cart on 内盒96painting peeled off油漆脱落197gift box 彩盒97pough surface pai nting油漆面粗糙198ejector mark 顶针位98rivet 铆钉199rust mark 锈迹99blister 泡盒200fixed sleeve 固定套lOOspri ng 弹簧201Cover Plate 面板101Lining 内衬202Slide tube伸缩管203Stem Exte nsion延长杆。





正文:1. 跌落测试标准1.1 国际标准与国内标准的差异1.2 适用于不同产品类别的跌落测试标准1.3 特殊产品的跌落测试标准要求1.4 跌落测试标准的更新与变化趋势1.5 常见跌落测试标准的比较与选择2. 跌落测试流程2.1 确定测试目的和范围2.2 设计测试方案和参数2.3 准备测试装置和工具2.4 进行跌落测试并记录数据2.5 对测试结果进行分析和评估3. 跌落测试报告示例3.1 报告概述和测试对象介绍3.2 测试环境和测试装置说明3.3 跌落测试方案和参数设定3.4 测试过程和结果记录3.5 结果分析和结论4. 实际案例分析4.1 电子产品跌落测试案例4.2 机械设备跌落测试案例4.3 医疗器械跌落测试案例4.4 食品包装容器跌落测试案例4.5 玩具产品跌落测试案例5. 跌落测试的意义和应用前景5.1 提高产品的耐用性和可靠性5.2 减少产品出现故障和损坏的风险5.3 为产品设计和改进提供依据5.4 保障产品的安全性和市场竞争力5.5 跌落测试在不同行业的应用前景总结:通过本文的引言概述、跌落测试标准、测试流程、测试报告示例和实际案例分析,以及对跌落测试的意义和应用前景的探讨,我们深入了解了跌落测试的重要性和应用价值。





G 表格编号: R705-03(1)
核准: 審核: 檢驗:
底面—對角底面側棱檢驗項目判定(OK 或NG )項目底面相邻兩棱材質
F (相邻兩側面)
G (頂角和與相邻的棱)進(出)貨日期
一.跌落方向:A (頂面) B (底面相邻两棱)品名/料號
C (底面—對角)
D (底面)
E (側棱)電子廠
年 月 日客戶/廠商
技檢 驗 標 準。


1-40MHZ 40-60MHZ 60-80MHZ 80-100MHZ 1-100MHZ 100-125MHZ 1-100MHZ
外观 Appea rance
标准要求 RANGE
1︰1±5% 1︰1±5% 1︰1±5% 1︰1±5% 350uH MIN 350uH MIN 350uH MIN 350uH MIN 1.2ohns MAX 1.2ohns MAX 1.2ohns MAX 1.2ohns MAX
-16DB min -18.4 -19.4 -19.5 -17.6 -19.7 -18.9 -18.4 -19.4 -18.5 -19.8 OK -12DB min -16.5 -13.8 -16.5 -15.7 -16.5 -17.7 -14.2 -13.4 -15.8 -14.6 OK -10DB min -12.3 -13.3 -14.5 -12.4 -12.8 -13.4 -12.7 -12.2 -12.4 -13.7 OK -8DB min -10.6 -11.4 -10.5 -11.5 -10.2 -11.5 -10.2 -11.4 -10.5 -9.8 OK -1.0DB max -0.85 -0.87 -0.74 -0.83 -0.85 -0.65 -0.75 -0.82 3:J1-J2
圈比 P4-P5:J3-J4 TR P6-P7:J5-J6
电感 LX
P4-P5 P6-P7
电阻 R
J3-J4 J5-J6
返回 损耗 RL
插入 损耗 IL 串扰 CT 共模 抑制 CMR































ISTA PROJECT 2A 运输规范-低于45.36kg(100 磅) 之外销运输一、简介:(一)畴范国际安全运输协会(ISTA) PROJECT 2A 适用货物重量低于45.36kg(100 磅)之出口货物运输测试。









(2)作下列一项之前处理:气候状况测试前之前处理前处理时间冷藏包装Temp. 5±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪至少72 小时常温气候(典型欧洲) Temp.20±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪至少72 小时热(湿)气候(货抵码头后运输不超过120 英哩) Temp.38±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪至少72 小时热(干)气候(货抵码头后\par 运输超过120 英哩) Temp.38±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪Temp.60±2℃ R.H.30±5﹪至少72 小时至少 6 小时(二)经时压缩测试:经时压缩测试阐述货物暴露在环境中装卸及运输,经常会短暂储存。




国际安全运输协会(ISTA)建议货柜运输使用2 为补偿系数,以补偿温湿度之不同。































跌落测试规范Drop Test Procedure1.0 PURPOSE (目的) :1.1All products must pass the Package Drop Test and/or SingleUnit Drop test . The purpose of this test is to give a certain degree of confidence that the product under test can be shipped via regular shipping channels without sustaining any damage.1.1 所有产品都需经过包装落下测试或单一落下测试合格,这个测试的是给予一确实的角度,让产品能经由正常的运送管道运送而没有损害。

2.0 SCOPE (范围) :2.1This procedure can be used for all packaged products independent of their weight, size or content. Special attention should be paid to the type of product that is contained in the package as to the types of test that should be run prior to and after the test. For a complete test series to meet the corporate specification, the vibration test should be run first and the Package Compression and Cold Drop Test should be run after this test.2.1 这个程序能够使用在所有包装产品,而他们的重量、大小、容量互相独立,要特别注意产品的型式,包含他们测试前后的包装,对于一个完整测试顺序的共同规范,振动测试需在此之前测试。





附 录 A(资料性附录)锂电池测试报告编号:No.:锂电池测试报告Test Report样品名称:Sample name:委托单位:Consignor :测试机构Testing Company样品名称Sample name中文Chinese 英文English样品编号Sample No.样品型号Sample model委托单位Consignor委托单位地址Consignor address 邮政编码Post code制造商Manufacturer 生产厂商Factory样品外观Appearance样品规格Sample specification样品接收日期Accepted date 测试起止日期Test date测试方法和判定标准Test method and criteria 危险品航空运输特定要求原型及低产量锂电池测试规范Special requirements for dangerous goods air transport Pre-production prototypes and low production runs of lithium batteries or cells测试项目Test items 高度模拟、温度试验、振动、冲击、外部短路、撞击/挤压、强制放电。

Altitude simulation, Thermal test, Vibration, Shock, External Short Circuit, Impact/Crush, Forced Discharge.测试结论Conclusion 盖章Stamp签发日期:Date:备注Comments委托单位地址Consignor address 邮政编码Post code批准:审核:编制:Approver:Checker:Compiler:电池的关键部件/元件/材料清单List of key component/part/material of batterie名称 型号 规格 生产厂 认证情况 电池芯 电压,容量保护电路板PTC 规格导线 (线径,燃烧等级)PCB板材 材料牌号、阻燃等级外壳(如有) 材料牌号、阻燃等级绝缘材料(如有) 厚度,阻燃等级热电偶(如有)过流保护器件(如有)热熔断体(如有) 熔断温度……电池的组成方式Battery connection mode电池芯的关键部件/元件/材料清单List of key component/part/material of cell名称 型号 规格 生产厂 认证情况 正极材料负极材料电解液隔膜热熔断体(如有)PTC等限流元件(如有)……测试项目及结果列表 List of test item and result序号No. 测试项目名称Name of test标准要求或标准条款号Standard requirement or theclause number of standard测试结果Test result本项结论Testconclusion备注Remarks1 高度模拟Altitudesimulation见附表A.1See Appendix A.12 温度试验Thermal test见附表A.2See Appendix A.23 振动Vibration见附表A.3See Appendix A.34 冲击Shock见附表A.4See Appendix A.45 外部短路Externalshort-circuit见附表A.5See Appendix A.56 撞击/挤压Impact/Crush见附表A.6See Appendix A.67强制放电Forceddischarge见附表A.7See Appendix A.7测试环境条件Test environmentcondition环境温度:环境湿度:Ambient temperature: Ambient humidity:附表A.1:Appendix A.1:序号No. 1测试项目名称Name of Test Item高度模拟Altitude simulation样品编号Sample No. 样品状态Samplestatus测试前Before测试后After质量损失Massloss(%)剩余电压ResidualOCV(%)测试结果Testresult 电池质量Massm1(g)开路电压V1Opencircuitvoltage(V)电池质量Massm2(g)开路电压V2Opencircuitvoltage(V)注:L--泄漏;V--排气;D--解体;R--破裂;F--起火;O--无泄漏、无排气、无解体、无破裂、无起火。



跌落测试(中文版)ISTA2A2006.ISTA PROJECT 2A 运输规范-低于45.36kg(100 磅) 之外销运输一、简介:(一)畴范国际安全运输协会(ISTA) PROJECT 2A 适用货物重量低于45.36kg(100 磅)之出口货物运输测试。









(2)作下列一项之前处理:气候状况测试前之前处理前处理时间冷藏包装Temp. 5±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪至少72 小时常温气候(典型欧洲) Temp.20±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪至少72 小时热(湿)气候(货抵码头后运输不超过120 英哩) Temp.38±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪至少72 小时热(干)气候(货抵码头后\par 运输超过120 英哩) Temp.38±2℃ R.H.85±5﹪Temp.60±2℃ R.H.30±5﹪至少72 小时至少 6 小时(二)经时压缩测试:经时压缩测试阐述货物暴露在环境中装卸及运输,经常会短暂储存。




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1. Test diagram 测试图示
2. Test result 测试结果
Match condition 符合条件1m No appearance defects 外观良好No appearance defects 外观良好DC 300V/0.01s CR ≦3Ω IR ≧10MΩ Swing 30°Match condition 符合条件Drop height 跌落高度1m Match condition 符合条件1m No appearance defects 外观良好Match condition 符合条件1m No appearance defects 外观良好Match condition 符合条件
No appearance defects 外观良好
2#OK Test result description 结果描述Judgement 判定
Sample No.
样品编号1#Visual Inspection 外观检验
Note 备注
According to (SAE/USCAR-2 5.4.8)OK OK Judgement 综合判定
3#4#5#■ PASS 合格□ NG 不合格
OK Test machine 测试设备Test Item 测试项目
Drop & Condution Test 跌落及导通测试
Result of measurement 测试结果
Test Requirement 测试要求
1. Drop onto a horizontal marble floor surface from a height of 1m, test for 4 faces of product, 3times in each cycle; 距水平大理石地板1米的高度跌落,产品4个面分别做3次;
2. After test, DC voltage :300V, time:10ms, Condution risistance 3Ω Max, Insulation risistance 10MΩ Min, No open/short & miss wire, No NG at moment.
试验后,DC 电压300V,持续时间10ms, 导通阻抗≦3Ω,绝缘阻抗≧10M Ω,无开路,短路和错接,无瞬间不良现象;
3. Connect the cable to the test machine, when testing, Two-hands catch the cable swing up and down at 30 degree; 将线材与测试机连接,当测试时,两手抓住线材做上下30度的摇摆;
4. After test, no appearance defects; 测试后外观良好;
深圳市东景盛电子技术有限公司Drop & Condution Test Report 跌落及导通测试报告Product name 样品名称
Product spec.
HDMI AM TO AM 30AWG 1.4REV. OD :5.0mm Length :1.5/2.0M
Customer 客户名称/
Test date 测试日期
Marble Floor 大理石地板T est environment
Drawing NO.
工程图号HDMI M/M Ni Plated 30AWG OD:5.0 L=1.5/2.0M Black
/Sample Q'ty 样品数量
