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高考英语阅读理解训练题及答案解析 1

To Richard Dorsay, a 36-year-old homeless Chicagoan. it was, at last, a place to call his own But to everyone else. it was the Lake Shore Drive road bridge, so when Chicago city authorities discovered Dorsay living inside the bridge's steel s1ructurc last month. they had no choice but to drive him away.

He had been living in the bridge for three years. lie also furnished it with a television, a microwave and a PlayStation, and borrowed power from the municipal(市政的)electricity supply. But that wasn't the most extraordinary thing. The most extraordinary thing was that the Lake Shore Drive Bridge is a drawbridge.

“The first time, it was scary," Dorsay told a reporter from the Chicago Sun-Times, recalling how a bell would ring and his home would tip into the air, allowing ships to pass along the Chicago River below. "After that, it was almost like riding a ferry's wheel." Brian Steele, a spokesman for the Chicago Department of Transportation, puts it more straightforwardly. "Essentially," he says, "it changed his living space from horizontal(水平的) to vertical. "

Dorsay had a history of homelessness and emotional problem. but in

the bridge. he thought, he had finally found a kind of stability. "You've got to be kind of agile(敏捷的)," he admitted. "But it doesn't take genius to figure out what to do. " Dorsay is now without a home, though he is currently staying with his parents. Gary, his father, said,"I've always hoped that he would find a place and he would seek employment. He is strong enough and bright enough to do something."

(B) 24. According to Richard Dorsay, why did he like living in the bridge?

A. It was free.

B. He felt more secure there.

C. It was an extraordinary thing.

D. He liked scary things.

推理题。最后一段"Dorsay had a history of homelessnees and emotional problems, but in the bridge. he thought, he had finally found a kind of stability. "意思是:Dorsay曾经无家可归.有过心理问题,但他认为住在桥里使他最终找到了某种德定,和答案相符。

(C) 25. What did city authoritics do when they found Dorsay living in a bridge?

A. They advised him to leave.

B. They gave him a bus ride.

C. They forced him to leave.

D. They sent him to his parents.

第一段结尾“drive him away”表示把他赶走。

(D) 26. The underlined word "borrowed" in the second paragraph means that .

A. he would give the power back to the municipal electricity supply


B. he used his power given by the municipal electricity supply

C. he had asked for the permission to use power from the city electricity supply

D. he found a way to use electricity from the city without permission

从第二段“He had been living in the bridge for three years. He also furnished it with a television, a microwave and a PlayStation. and borrowed power from the municipal(市政的)electricity supply.”可以理解是他从本市的电力供应中“偷”电。

(A) 27. What made the bridge a scary place to live?

A. The bridge rose up to let ships pass.

B. His living space was vertical.

C. It was steel structured.

D. It was not it safe place to live.

第三段“tip into the air”是指“一头朝空中翘着”所以A为正确选项。

高考英语阅读理解训练题及答案解析 2

At the time of birth, babies can explore(探索) all of the five senses—hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, and smelling, though these senses are not fully developed. They explore the new world with their available senses.

Right from the time of birth, babies have a good understanding of sound. In fact, the sense of hearing develops much before the birth of them. When in their mother’s womb(__), they can hear their mothers’ heartbeats. _________. And it is very easy for them to understand the tone
