



武器翻译(Weapons of translation)手枪:(handgun)自动手枪(Automatic pistol)左轮手枪(Revolver)毛瑟手枪(Mauser pistol)步枪/来福枪*(Rifle)突击步枪(Assault rifle)狙击步枪(sniper rifle)机枪:(Machine)重机枪(Heavy machine gun)轻机枪(Light machine gun)冲锋枪(Submachine gun)榴弹发射器(Grenade Launcher)手榴弹/手雷(Grenade)地雷(Mine)火炮:(Artillery)榴弹炮(Howitzer)迫击炮(Mortar)高射炮(Anti-aircraft)火箭炮(Rocket)注释1:来复枪是英文rifle的翻译,意思是枪管中的膛线。


/view/955958.htm坦克装甲车:(Tanks, armored vehicles)坦克(Tanks)主战坦克(Main battle tanks)装甲车(Armored vehicles)装甲架桥车(Armored vehicle-launched bridge)装甲输送车(Armored transport)火力支援车(Fire Support Vehicle)装甲指挥车(Armored Command Vehicle)装甲侦察车(Armored reconnaissance vehicle)装甲扫雷车(Armored mine-clearing vehicles)步兵战车(Infantry fighting vehicles)军用飞机:(Military aeroplane)战斗机(Fighter)轰炸机(Bomber)隐身战斗机(Stealth fighter)战略轰炸机(Strategic bomber)隐身轰炸机(Stealth bomber)直升机(helicopter)通用直升机(Utility helicopter)侦查直升机(Detection of helicopters)武装直升机(Armed helicopters)运输直升机(Transport helicopter)攻击机(Attack aircraft)反潜机(Anti-submarine aircraft)侦察机(reconnaissance planes)预警机(AW ACS)电子战飞机(Electronic warfare aircraft)空中加油机(Air refueling)军用舰艇:(Military Ships)航空母舰(aircraft carrier)核动力航母(Nuclear-powered carrier)直升机航母(helicopter carrier)战列舰(Battleship)巡洋舰(Cruiser)导弹巡洋舰(Missile Cruiser)驱逐舰(Destroyer)护卫舰(Frigate)登陆舰(Landing ship)潜艇(Submarine)攻击核潜艇(SSN)导弹:(Missile)地地导弹(To-surface missile)地空导弹(Surface to air missile)空空导弹(AAM)空地导弹(Ground missile)巡航导弹(Cruise)反舰导弹(Anti-ship missile)反坦克导弹(Anti-tank missile)核武器:(Nuclear Weapons)原子弹(Bomb)氢弹(Hydrogen)生化武器:(Biological and chemical weapons)芥子气(Mustard)沙林(Sarin)。



现代武器种类1、枪械:手枪pistol;handgun冲锋枪sub-machine gun机枪machine gun特种枪special gun步枪rifle2、火炮:加农炮cannonhowitzer迫击炮mortar高射炮anti-aircraft gun航炮aerial cannon舰炮ship-borne gun榴弹炮海岸炮seacoast artillery火箭炮bazookatank gun反坦克炮anti-tank gun3、舰艇:战斗舰艇、两栖作战舰艇、勤务舰艇战斗舰艇:航母aircraftbattleship驱逐舰destroyer cruiser坦克炮战列舰巡洋舰护卫舰frigate submarine两栖舰:两栖攻击舰amphibious assault ship两栖运输舰amphibious transport dock登陆舰landing vessel勤务舰:潜艇补给舰supply vessel救生舰lifeguard vessel训练舰training ship医院船hospital ship 4、装甲车辆:装甲运输车armored vehicles步兵战车IFV 坦克tank 5、核武器:原子弹atomic bomb氢弹hydrogen bomb or H-bomb中子弹neutron bomb6、精确制导武器:导弹missile制导炮弹GP(Guided Projectile)制导导弹guided missile7、生化武器:生物战剂biological agent,化学战剂chemical agents,细菌bacteria,毒素toxin;poison等。

8、防爆武器:橡皮子弹rubber bullet高压水枪water cannon催泪瓦斯firing teargas9、新概念武器:激光武器laser weapon粒子束武器ion beam weapon等离子武器plasma weapons微波武器microwave weapon动能武器kinetic-energy weapon机器人武器robot weapons 10、飞机:轰炸机bomberfighter jet强击机attack airplane反潜机ASW运输机transport plane歼击机电子战飞机electronic warfare air plane预警机airborne warning aircraft空中加油机air refuelling tanker单纯的课本内容,并不能满足学生的需要,通过补充,达到内容的完善教育之通病是教用脑的人不用手,不教用手的人用脑,所以一无所能。



军事武器中英文翻译1.武器中英文名字对照,来自百度冲锋枪(Submachine gun)Uzi(再次回归)Spectre(幽灵冲锋枪)Scorpion(蝎式冲锋枪,同样回归)Mac11(想必都很熟悉吧)PM63(波兰枪)MPL (瓦尔特公司的名枪)MP5K(不多解释了)Ak74su(传说中的神器啊)步枪(Rifle)Ak47(这个也不多说了)AUG(终于回归步枪)CAR15(以色列曾经的制式步枪)Enfield XL64 (恩菲尔德系列的步枪,英国SA80枪族中的佼佼者)FN FAL(回归)FAMAS(变了样子且连发)G11(样子很后现代,三连发,首支无壳弹步枪)M16(1950年制造,越南战争进行了一次很成功的实战测试)Galil(以色列的制式步枪)M14(回归)霰弹枪(Shotgun)HS10(样子很奇怪的枪)Ithaca 37(求生之路2玩过吧,黑色的单喷)奥林匹亚(Olympia)(爷爷级火枪)Spas-12(从手拉式泵动变成了半自动,样子也变了,折叠托收了回去,游戏里出现附加火焰子弹版)KS23(俄罗斯的喷子,现在被改用为特种卡宾枪)机枪(Machinegun)M60(回归)Death machine(M134,minini gun,杀人机器)(999发子弹,手持转轮机枪,只能在补给箱或赌注比赛中使用)HK21(G3的机枪型号)RPK (玩过CF的都知道吧)狙击枪 (Sniper Rifle)L96A1(BF里的解锁枪)SVD(德拉贡诺夫,而且本次的狙击镜也回归正常)WA2000(从MW2中回归)PSG-1(CF的连狙)手枪(Pistol)ASP(有点像USP45)CZ75(捷克枪)M1911(勃朗宁的神作)Makarov(苏制PM 9毫米手枪)Python(蟒蛇左轮)发射器 (Launch)中国湖(China Lake)(泵动式榴弹发射器,只是在美国一个军事实验基地“中国湖”研发的,和中国没关系)XM191(Grim Reaper)(四联装火箭筒。

枪械英语词汇 Firearms English

枪械英语词汇 Firearms English

枪械英语词汇Firearms English (.38 Special revolver)三八左轮枪(9 mm pistol)九○手枪(Beretta M92 pistol)九二手枪(Browning12.7mm M2 HMG)五○机枪(Browning7.62mm M19A4 MMG)三○机枪(Bursted barrel)膛炸(Japanese 38th Year Rifle)三八大盖(Japanese 38th Year Rifle)三八式步枪(M14 rifle)五七步枪(M1903 Springfield rifle)三○步枪(M1911A1 .45 ACP pistol)四五手枪(Mauser 96C Pistol)自来得同“驳壳枪”。

(Mauser 96C Pistol)快慢机(Mauser 96C Pistol)盒子炮(Mauser 96C Pistol)驳壳枪(Mauser M1888 Rifle)汉阳造(Mauser M1924 Gewehr)中正式步枪(Type 54 pistol)黑星手枪(Type 59 pistol)红星手枪(Type 65 rifle)六五步枪(ZB 26 LMG)xx制轻机枪更新AAT (Arme Automatique Transformable) (法文)通用机枪General Purpose Machine Gun,GPMG(英文)通用机枪Accelerator枪机加速器Accuracy准确度Accuralize准确化ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight)先进光学战斗瞄准具ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)柯尔特自动手枪弹Action枪机Action shooting战斗射击Adjustable choke可调式收束器Adjustable sight可调式瞄准具Adjustable trigger可调式扳机Advanced primer ignition提前击发Airgun气枪Airsoft软弹气枪AK (Avtomat Kalashnikov)卡拉什尼可夫自动步枪Ambidextrous双手通用Ammunition弹药Annealing退火处理Anti-material rifle反物资步枪,反设备步枪Antiquexx枪Anvil底火砧座AP (Armor Piercing)穿甲弹Aperture觇孔Aperture sight觇孔瞄准具Armorer军械士Arquebus轻型火绳枪火绳枪(matchlock)Assault rifle突击步枪Assault weapon攻击性武器ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Bureau)菸酒枪械管理局AUG (Arme Universal Gewehr)陆军通用步枪Autoloading自动装填Automatic自动在一般用法上通常指的是全自动(full automatic),如自动武器(automatic weapon)。



武器英语Weaponry / Enginery EnglishI.Cold weapons匕首,剑号dagger, dirk, knife, stylet剑sword, blade, glave, glaive,军刀,马刀,佩剑sabre弯刀falchion刀knife, reamer, broadsword枪,矛,叉spear,长枪, 长矛pike, lance红缨枪red-tasseled spear戟Halberd, halberd盾shield,斧axe, hatchet (小斧,短斧), chopper钺, 战斧tomahawk, battle-axe锏, 钉头锤, 狼牙棒mace棒, 棍stick, wand, rod, cudgel弓, bow 弩crossbow箭, 剑号arrow, 箭杆shaft鞭whip, lash, scourge锤, 槌hammer, mallet拐杖crutch, cane, walking stick戈dagger-axe镗,钻bore , drill钩hook, a hook-like sword, hamulus, catch铲shovel流星锤bola耙harrow, rake,镰刀sickle钩镰brushhook, billhook链chain, daisy chain三节棍three-section cudgel判官笔judge pen铁尺iron ruler暗器concealed weapons梅花针pyonex, plum-blossom needle飞镖dart 飞旋镖boomerang铳blunderbussII.H ot weapons / firearms1.枪gun步枪rifle, musket, musketry (步枪射击术) , vandook; [美俚] barndook;气步枪air rifle 半自动步枪Semiautomatic rifle; 标准步枪standard rifle 大口径步枪big bore rifle 卡宾枪carbine, carabine, carabin机关枪machine gun冲锋枪sub-machine gun手枪pistol, handgun电子枪Electronic gun左轮手枪revolver2.炮弹bomb, shell手榴弹, 手雷grenade, hand grenade地雷mine, land mine, 触发地雷contact mine待发地雷actuated mine反坦克地雷anti-tank mine 化学地雷chemical mine 自发地雷automatic action mine鱼雷, 水雷torpedo弹道导弹ballistic missile火箭弹rocket bomb巡航导弹cruise missile, aerodynamic missile防空导弹(地空导弹)anti-aircraft missile, antimissile guided missile, air defence missile; land-to-air missile空空导弹air-to-air missile舰舰导弹ship-to-ship missile反舰导弹anti-ship missile反坦克导弹anti-tank (guided) missile空地导弹air-to-ground guided missile火炮, 大炮artillery, cannon, ordnance火箭炮, 火箭筒rocket artillery, bazooka, rocket launcher/ tube自行火炮self-propelled gun3.运载工具坦克tank 两栖坦克amphibious tank=amtannk装甲车armored car, panzer步兵战车IFV=infantry fight vehicle军用车辆military vehicle4.弹药, 军火ammunition。



武器:weapon vs. arms knife : 刀arrow : 箭spear : 矛gun : 枪cannon : 炮missile : 导弹tank : 坦克,战车Warplane : 战机short-range missiles 短程导弹surface-to-surface missiles 地对地导弹aircraft carriers 航空母舰anti-ship missile 反舰导弹fourth generation jet fighter 第四代战机ammo 弹药arsenal 兵工厂军火库magazine 军火库弹药仓bayonet 刺刀sword 剑rapier (双刃)轻剑sabre 马刀军刀claymore 双刃重剑cutlass 弯刃短剑scabbard 鞘spear 矛枪梭标shield 盾盾牌挡板javelin 标枪lance 长矛鱼叉pike 长矛长枪stick 棍棒杖club 棍棒cudgel 短而重的棍棒truncheon 短粗的警棍baton 警棍指挥棒bow 弓arrowhead 箭头sling 投石器catapult 抛石机弹弓弹射器pistol 手枪revolver 左轮手枪automatic 自动武器cannon 大炮machine gun 机关枪antiaircraft gun 高射炮battery 炮兵连rifle 步枪barrel 枪管炮管clip 弹夹breech 后膛(枪炮的)chamber 弹膛药室bandoleer 挎在肩上的子弹袋lead 子弹pellet 小弹丸散弹slug 子弹ball 炮弹弹丸fusillade 快速连续射击burst 一阵射击爆炸bullet 枪弹子弹salvo 炮火齐射齐发礼炮ricochet 回跳跳弹dud 哑弹discharge 开火开枪射箭plug 枪击volley 齐发齐射群射grenade 手榴弹装化学剂的灭火弹mine 一种爆炸性武器minefield 布雷区depth charge 深水炸弹booby trap 铒雷armour 装甲装甲钢板half-track 关履带车battleship 战列舰主力舰cruiser 巡逻舰巡航舰destroyer 驱逐舰frigate 护卫舰护航舰sloop 海岸炮舰landing craft 登陆艇submarine 潜水艇minesweeper 扫雷舰扫雷艇interceptor 截击机missile 飞弹导弹guided missile 导弹导向飞弹ballistic missile 弹道导弹projectile 抛射物发射体rocket 火箭火箭弹warhead 弹头导弹弹头水雷submarine mine深水炸弹depth charge; depth bomb核动力航空母舰nuclear-powered aircraft战列舰battleship护卫艇corvette供应舰tender ship; depot ship洲际导弹intercontinental missile中程导弹mediurn-range missile巡航导弹cruise missile核弹头nuclearwerhead地对地导弹surface to-surface missile地对空导弹surface-to-air missile舰对空导弹ship-to-air missile空对空导弹air-to-air missile空对地导弹air-to-surface missile反幅射导弹anti-radiation missile反舰导弹anti-ship missile反潜导弹anti-submarine missile自导鱼雷homing torpado弹翼missile wing。



武器:weapon vs. arms knife : 刀arrow : 箭spear : 矛gun : 枪cannon : 炮missile : 导弹tank : 坦克,战车Warplane : 战机short-range missiles 短程导弹surface-to-surface missiles 地对地导弹aircraft carriers 航空母舰anti-ship missile 反舰导弹fourth generation jet fighter 第四代战机ammo 弹药arsenal 兵工厂军火库magazine 军火库弹药仓bayonet 刺刀sword 剑rapier (双刃)轻剑sabre 马刀军刀claymore 双刃重剑cutlass 弯刃短剑scabbard 鞘spear 矛枪梭标shield 盾盾牌挡板javelin 标枪lance 长矛鱼叉pike 长矛长枪stick 棍棒杖club 棍棒cudgel 短而重的棍棒truncheon 短粗的警棍baton 警棍指挥棒bow 弓arrowhead 箭头sling 投石器catapult 抛石机弹弓弹射器pistol 手枪revolver 左轮手枪automatic 自动武器cannon 大炮machine gun 机关枪antiaircraft gun 高射炮battery 炮兵连rifle 步枪barrel 枪管炮管clip 弹夹breech 后膛(枪炮的)chamber 弹膛药室bandoleer 挎在肩上的子弹袋lead 子弹pellet 小弹丸散弹slug 子弹ball 炮弹弹丸fusillade 快速连续射击burst 一阵射击爆炸bullet 枪弹子弹salvo 炮火齐射齐发礼炮ricochet 回跳跳弹dud 哑弹discharge 开火开枪射箭plug 枪击volley 齐发齐射群射grenade 手榴弹装化学剂的灭火弹mine 一种爆炸性武器minefield 布雷区depth charge 深水炸弹booby trap 铒雷armour 装甲装甲钢板half-track 关履带车battleship 战列舰主力舰cruiser 巡逻舰巡航舰destroyer 驱逐舰frigate 护卫舰护航舰sloop 海岸炮舰landing craft 登陆艇submarine 潜水艇minesweeper 扫雷舰扫雷艇interceptor 截击机missile 飞弹导弹guided missile 导弹导向飞弹ballistic missile 弹道导弹projectile 抛射物发射体rocket 火箭火箭弹warhead 弹头导弹弹头水雷submarine mine深水炸弹depth charge; depth bomb核动力航空母舰nuclear-powered aircraft战列舰battleship护卫艇corvette供应舰tender ship; depot ship洲际导弹intercontinental missile中程导弹mediurn-range missile巡航导弹cruise missile核弹头nuclearwerhead地对地导弹surface to-surface missile地对空导弹surface-to-air missile舰对空导弹ship-to-air missile空对空导弹air-to-air missile空对地导弹air-to-surface missile反幅射导弹anti-radiation missile反舰导弹anti-ship missile反潜导弹anti-submarine missile自导鱼雷homing torpado弹翼missile wing减速伞drag parachute制导装置guidance device弹体guided missile doby固体火箭发动机solid propellant rocket 尾翼tail fin飞行弹道trajectory地对空导弹surface-to-air missile舰对空导弹ship-to-air missile空对空导弹air-to-air missile空对地导弹air-to-surface missile反幅射导弹anti-radiation missile反舰导弹anti-ship missile反潜导弹anti-submarine missile飞行弹道trajectory战斗机combat aircraft截击机interceptor强击机attacker化学炸弹chemical bomb主战坦克capital tank重型坦克heavy tank中型坦克medium tank轻型坦克light tank水陆两用坦克amphibious tank喷火坦克flame-throwing tank架桥坦克bridge tank扫雷坦克mine-sweeping tank坦克推土机tankdozer侦察坦克reconnaissance tank无炮塔坦克turretless tank坦克牵引车recovery tank坦克修理后送车repair-service tank 反坦克三角锥anti-tank pyramids炮手gunner坦克兵tank soldier炮口muzzle炮管barrel清烟器fume extractor炮塔turret瞄准镜gun sight发动机散热窗radiator grille发射制导装置launching guidance device 发射管launching tube反弹道导弹anti-ballistic missile集束炸弹bomb-cluster地下井missile silo移动式井盖sliding silo door火箭发射场rocket launching site发射塔launching tower勤务塔service tower燃料库fuel depot; fuel reservoir指挥室command post通气道air vent; ventilation shaft多级火箭multistage rocket引爆装置igniter热核燃料fusionable material蘑菇状烟云mushroom cloud冲击波shock wave; blast wave放射性落下灰尘radioactive fallout核爆炸观测仪nuclear explosion observation device 辐射仪radiation gauge辐射级仪radiation level indicator军事卫星military satellite侦察卫星reconnaissance satellite预警卫星early warning satellite电子侦察卫星electronic reconnaissance satellite导航卫星navigation satellite测地卫星geodesic satellite军用通讯卫星military communications satellite军用气象卫星military meteorological satellite卫星通信车satellite communications vehicle警戒雷达warning radar引导雷达director radar制导雷达guidance radar目标指示雷达target radar测高雷达height finding radar三坐标雷达three-dimensional radar导航雷达navigation radar机载截击雷达airborne intercept radar炮瞄雷达gun-pointing radar对空警戒雷达aircraft-warning radar航海雷达marine radar对海管戒雷达naval warning radar侦察雷达reconnaissance radar卫星通信天线satellite communication antena驱逐舰destroyer空速管airspeed head; pilot tube无线电罗盘radio compass平视显示机head-up display火箭弹射座椅ejector seat副翼aileron襟翼flap燃油箱fuel tank垂直尾翼tail fin; vertical stabilizer阻力伞舱drag parachute housing水平尾翼horizontal stabilizer液压油箱hydraulic oil container副油箱auxiliary fuel tan主起落架main landing gear机翼整体油箱integral wing tank机炮machine gun; cnnon进气道系统air-inlet system前起落架front landing gea空气数据计算机air-data omputer迎角传感器angle of attack sensor进气口头锥air-inlet nose cone歼击轰炸机fighter-bomber轻型轰炸机light bomber战略轰炸机strategic bomber电子战机electronic fighter高速侦察机high-speed reconnaissance plane空中加油机tanker aircraft水上飞机seaplane; hydroplane反潜巡逻机anti-submarine patrol aircraft教练机trainer aircraft; trainer垂直起落飞机vertical take-off and landing无尾飞机tailless aircraft隐形轰炸机stealth bomber可变翼机adjustable wing plane动力滑翔机power glider旋翼rotor航空炸弹aerobomb钢珠弹bomb with steel balls; container bomb unit 桩寨pile stockade鹿寨abatis反坦克断崖anti-tank ditch反坦克崖壁anti-tank precipice反坦克三角锥anti-tank pyramids备用油箱reserve主动轮driving wheel遮护板shield负重轮loading wheel烟幕弹发射筒smoke bomb discharger诱导轮inducer潜望镜periscope鱼雷torpedoes电动机鱼雷electric torpedo航空鱼雷aerial torpedo火箭助飞鱼雷rocket-assisted torpedo线导鱼雷wire-guided torpedo发射机transmitter自导控制组件self-directing unit装药和电子组件charge and electron unit待发装置actuator指令控制组件command control unit电源控制组件power-supply control unit 燃烧室combustor推进器propeller潜艇submarine鱼雷发射管firing tube声纳sonar操纵线control wire水雷submarine mine自航式水雷mobile mine锚雷mooring mine触发锚雷moored contact min触角antenna雷索mine-mooring cable沉底水雷ground mine漂雷floating mine阻拦装置arrester飞行甲板flight deck舰桥bridge机库hangar升降机口aircraft lifts; elevators舰载机起飞弹射装置catapults油料舱fuel bunker弹药舱ammunition store贮存舱storage hold通信中心室communication center核反应堆nuclear reactor生活舱accommodation巡洋舰cruiser导弹护卫舰missile frigate供应舰tender ship; depot ship舰队补给舰fleet depot ship海上补给船sea depot ship运输舰transport ship汽油运输船gasoline transport ship扫雷舰mine sweeping vessel扫雷艇minesweeper鱼雷艇torpedo boat导弹快艇missile speedboat导弹潜艇guided-missile submarine核动力潜艇nuclear-powered submarine 登陆舰landing ship情报收集船information-collecting ship 测量船survey vessel。



局部武器装备英文简称(红色为常用)A:Attacker = 攻击机AA: Anti-Air = 防空AAA: Anti-Air Artillery = 高射炮AAAV: Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle = 先进两栖突击车AAM: Air-to-Air Missile = 空对空导弹AAR: Air-to-Air Refueling = 空中加油AAW: Anti-Air Warfare = 防空作战ABL: AirBorne Laser = 机载激光器ABM: Anti-Ballistic Missile = 反弹道导弹ACMS: Air bat Maneuvering System = 空战机动系统ACV: Armored bat Vehicle = 装甲战车AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle = 装甲战车AEM&C: Airborne Early Warning and Control = 空中预警与指挥AEW: Airborne Early Warning = 空中早期预警AFB: Air Force Base = 空军基地AGM: Air-to-Ground Missile = 空对地导弹AGS: Armored Gun System = 装甲火炮系统AGS: Advance Gun System = 先进火炮系统AIM: Air Intercept Missile = 拦射空空导弹ALBM: Air-Launched Ballistic Missile = 空射弹道导弹ALCM: Air-Launched Cruise Missile = 空射巡航导弹AMRAAM: Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile = 先进中程空空APAR: Active Phase-Array Radar = 主动相控阵雷达APC: Armored Personnel Carrier = 装甲人员输送车APFSDS-T:AP Fin-Stab. Discarding Sabot-Tracer = 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲曳光弹APS: Artillery Pointing System = 火炮指示系统ARM: Anti Radiation Missile = 反辐射导弹ASM: Air-to-Surface Missile = 空对舰导弹ASRAAM: Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile = 先进短程空空导弹ASROC: Anti-Submarine Rocket = 反潜火箭ASuW: Anti-Surface Warfare = 反面作战ASW: Anti-Submarine War = 反潜ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare = 反潜作战ATC: Air Traffic Control = 空中交通管制ATGM: Anti-Tank Guided Missile = 反坦克导弹ATM: Advanced Turret Module = 先进炮塔模块AUV: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle = 自主式水下航行器AWAC: Airborne Warning And Control = 空中预警和控制AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System = 空中预警与指挥系统AWOL: Absent WithOut Leave = 擅离职守;无故离队;开小差B:Bomber = 轰炸机BB: Battle Ship = 战列舰BC: Battle Cruiser = 战列BDA: Battle Damage Assessment = 战斗损害评估BPI: Boost Phase Intercept = 加速阶段拦截BRAA: Bearing, Range, Altitude and Aspect = 目标飞行情况BVR: Beyond Visual Range = 超视距BVRAAM: Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile = 超视距空空导弹C:Carrier = 运输机C3:mand, Control and munication = 指挥控制通信系统CAP: bat Air Patrol = 战斗空中巡逻CAS: Close Air Support = 近距空中支援CASE: puter Aided Software Engineering = 电脑辅助软件工程CBU: Clustered Bomb Unit = 集束炸弹CENT: Central mand = 中央司令部CFC: Carbon Fiber posite = 碳纤维复合材料CC: Cruiser = 巡洋舰CG: Cruiser (Guided-missile) = 导弹巡洋舰CIC: bat Information Center = 战斗信息中心CIC: mander in Chief = 最高指挥官CIWS: Close-In Weapon System = 近战武器系统CIWS: Close Intercept Weapon System = 近程防御系统Chief of Naval Operation = 海军作战部长INT: munication Intelligence = 通信情报DAC INS: mand Display and Control Integrated Navigation System = 集成控制导航系统CR: Close Range = 近程C/S:Course and Speed = 航向与速度CV: Carrier Vessel = 常规动力航空母舰CVN: Carrier Vessel (Nuclear-powered) = 核动力航母CVBG: Carrier Battle Group = 航母战斗群DASS: Defensive Aids Sub-System = 防御性辅助子系统DD: Destroyer = 驱逐舰DDG: Destroyer (Guided-missile) = 导弹驱逐舰DU: Depleted Uranium = 贫铀DVI: Direct Voice Input = 直接语音输入技术E:Electronic = 电子战机ECCM: Electronic Counter-Counter Measures = 电子反对抗,反电子战ECM: Electronic Counter Measures = 电子对抗,电子战ELINT: Electronic Intelligence = 电子情报EMCON: Emissions Control = 发射控制EML: Electric Magnet Launcher = 电磁炮EMP: Electric Magnet Palse = 电磁脉冲ERAAM: Extended Range Air-to-Air Missile = 延程空空导弹ESM: Electronic Signal Measures = 电子信号警告ESM: Electronic Support Measures = 电子支援ETG: Electro Thermal Gun = 电热炮ETCG: Electro Thermal Chemical Gun = 电热化学炮EW: Early Warning = 预警EW: Electronic Warfare = 电子战EWAC: Early Warning And Control= 预警及控制F:Fighter = 战斗机FAE: Fuel Air Explosive = 油气炸弹FEL: Free Elctron Laser = 自由电子激光器FF: Frigate = 护卫舰FFG: Frigate(Guided-missile) = 导弹护卫舰FLIR: Forward Looking Infra-Red = 前视红外FLOT: Forward Line Of Troops = 前线FMRAAM: Future Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile = 未来中程空空导弹FMTV: Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles = 中型战术车族GEM:Guidance-Enhanced Missile = 制导增强导弹GEGeo-Stationary Orbit = 地球同步轨道GPS:Global Positioning System = 全球定位系统GZ:Ground Zero = 核爆炸中心地面投影H:Helicopter = 直升机HE: High Explosive = 高爆炸药HEAT: High-Explosive Anti-Tank = 高爆反坦克炸药(成形炸药)HMD: Helmet Mounted Display = 头盔显示器HPM: High Power Microwave = 高功率微波HQ: Headquarters = 总部HUD: Head-Up Display = 抬头显示器HVU: High Value Unit = 高价值单位IADS: Integrated Air Defense System = 综合防空系统ICBM: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile = 洲际弹道导弹IFF: Identification of Friend or Foe = 敌我识别IFV: nfantry Fighting Vehicle = 步兵战车IPE: Individual Protection Ensemble = 单兵防护装备IRBM: Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile = 中程弹道导弹IRST: Infra-Red Search and Track = 红外搜索跟踪JDAM: Joint Direct Attack Munitions = 联合直接攻击弹药JHMCS: Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System = 联合头盔指引系统JSF: Joint Strike Fighter = 联合打击战斗机J-STAR: Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar system = 联合侦察和目标打击系统JTIDS: Joint Tactical Info Distribution System = 联合战术信息分发系统K:Kerosene = 加油机KIA: Kill in Action = 阵亡LANTIRN: Low-Alt. Nav.& Targeting Infra-Red for Night = 低空导航与目标指示红外夜视仪LAV: Light Armored Vehicle = 轻型装甲车辆LCA: Light bat Aircraft = 轻型战斗机LELow Earth Orbit = 近地轨道LD: Laser Designator = 激光导引LGB: Laser Guided Bomb = 激光制导炸弹LORCAP: Long-Range bat Air Patrol = 长距离战斗空中巡逻LPT: Low Profile Turret = 低矮炮塔LRBM: Long-Range Ballistic Missile = 远程弹道导弹LRIP: Low Rate Initial Production = 低速试产MBT: Main Battle Tank = 主战坦克MC: Marine Corps = 海军陆战队MCA: Medium bat Aircraft = 中型战斗机MCM: Mine Counter-Measures = 扫雷MFD: Multi-Function Display = 多功能显示器MFR: Multifunction Radar = 多用途雷达MIL-STD: Milliraty Standard = 军事标准MLU: Mid-Life Update = 中期延寿〔战机〕MOPP: Mission-Oriented Protective Posture = 攻击中的防X状态MOAB: Massive Ordnance Air Blast = 巨型空中炸弹MOAB: Mother Of All Bombs = 炸弹之母MPRF: Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency = 中脉冲重复频率MRLS: Multiple Rocket Launching System = 多管火箭发射系统NAVSSI :Navigation Sensor System Interface = 导航传感器系统界面NCTR: NonCooperative Target Recognition = 非己方目标识别NBC: Nuclear Biological and Chemical = 核、生物、化学OICW: Objective Individual bat Weapon = 目标单兵战斗武器OOB: Order Of Battle = 战斗序列OPCW: Org. for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons = 制止化学武器组织OTH: Over the Horizon = 超视距OWS: Overhead Weapon System = 遥控炮塔P:Patrol = 巡逻机PA: Phase Array = 相控阵PAC: Patriot Advanced Capability = 改良型爱国者导弹PGM: Precision-Guided Munitions = 准确制导炸弹PIM: Path of Intended Motion = 预定机动路线PK: Probability of Kill = 杀伤率PLGR: Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver = 准确轻型GPS接收器R:Reconnaissance = 侦察机RATRocket Assisted Take-Off = 火箭辅助起飞RCS: Radar Cross Section = 雷达截面RLG: Retractable Landing Gear = 回收式起落架ROE: Rules of Engagement = 交战规那么ROV: Remote Operated Vehicle = 遥控车辆、飞机RPG: Rocket Propelled Grenade = 火箭助推榴弹RTB: Return To Base = 返回基地RTReady to Take-Off = 起飞准备就绪RWR: Radar Warning Receiver = 雷达告警器SAM: Surface to Air Missile = 防空导弹SAR: Search and Rescue = 搜索救援SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar = 合成孔径雷达SAT: Satellite munication = 卫星通信SDV: Swimmer Delivery Vehicle = 潜水员输送载具SEAD: Suppression of Enemy Air Defense = 压制敌方防空任务SLBM: Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile = 潜射弹道导弹SLGR: Small Lightweight GPS Receiver = 小型轻便GPS接收器SOP: Standard Operation Procedure = 标准操作程序SRBM: Short-Range Ballistic Missile = 近程弹道导弹SSBN:Ballistic-missile Nuclear-powered Strategic Sub. = 战略导弹核潜艇SSL: Solid State Lasers = 固态激光器SSM: Surface-to-Surface Missile = 面对面导弹SSN: Strike Submarine (Nuclear-powered) = 攻击型核潜艇SSNDS:SSN Direct Support = 直接支援核潜艇SSPK: Single-Shot Probability of Kill = 单发杀伤率START: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty = 战略武器削减条约STK: Strike = 袭击STN: Satellite Tracking Network = 卫星跟踪网STOL: Short Take Off and Landing = 短距起降STOP: Simultaneous Time on Top = 同时到达SURTASS: SURface Towed Array Sonar System = 水面拖曳阵列声纳系统TASM: Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile = 战斧反舰导弹TEL: Transporter/Erector/Launcher = 运输/起竖/发射车THAAD: Theater High Altitude Area Defense = 战区高空区域防空TLAM: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile = 战斧对地攻击导弹..TMA: Target Motion Analysis = 目标运动分析TOW: Tube-launched Optic-tracked Wire-guided = 光学有线制导管内发射反坦克导弹(陶式导弹)TVC: Thrust Vector Converter = 矢量推力UAV: Unmanned Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶飞行器UCAV: Unmanned bat Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶战斗机UFCP: Up Front Control Panel =(战机座舱)前部控制屏UUV: Unmanned Underwater Vehicle = 无人水下航行器VL: Verticle Landing = 垂直起降VLS: Vertical Launch System = 垂直发射系统VTOL: Vertical Take Off and Landing = 垂直起降WECDIS: Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems = 海图显示和信息系统WRM: War Reserve Materials = 战争物资储藏W/S: Weapon System = 武器系统WYPT: Waypoint = 路径点jz*。





希望对您有所帮助,第二部分见下:刀法术语的一些英文翻译:1. 直劈:Straight Slice2. 斜挑:Oblique Flick3. 横切:Horizontal Cut4. 反手刀:Backhand Slice5. 旋风刀:Whirling Blade6. 刀法组合:Combination of Blade Techniques7. 刀术:Blade Art8. 刀法套路:Routine of Blade Techniques9. 刀势:Blade Posture10. 刀花:Blade Flower11. 刀锋:Edge of the Blade12. 刀身:Body of the Blade13. 刀锋流转:Flow of the Blade Edge14. 刀法精髓:Essence of Bladesmanship由于武术术语的翻译存在一定的差异,以上仅供参考。

枪法的一些武术术语英文翻译:1. 枪法:Spear Technique2. 直刺:Straight Thrust3. 斜挑:Oblique Flick4. 横扫:Horizontal Sweep5. 回旋枪:Whirling Spear6. 枪花:Spear Flower7. 枪阵:Spear Formation8. 枪法组合:Combination of Spear Techniques9. 枪术:Spear Art10. 枪法套路:Routine of Spear Techniques11. 枪势:Spear Posture12. 枪锋:Edge of the Spear13. 枪身:Body of the Spear14. 枪法精髓:Essence of Spearmanship由于武术术语的翻译存在一定的差异,以上仅供参考。



英语知识Trigger guard 护弓Trigger pull 扳机压力Trigger safety 扳机保险Trigger shoe 扳机套Tripod 三脚架Tubular magazine 管状弹仓Tumbler 清壳机Turn bolt 转栓式Turret 调整钮Twist barrel 扭式枪管Twist rate 缠距、缠度Two stage trigger 两段式扳机UZI submachine gun 乌兹冲锋枪Variable choke 可变集束器Variable scope 可变倍率瞄准镜Varmint hunting 猎狐鼠Varmint rifle 狐鼠步枪Vent 引火孔Vent pick 火孔针Vent rib 散热肋条Vertex 弹道顶点Vierling 四管复合枪Volley fire 排放Volley sight 排放瞄准具More: /peixun/ Edit:英语培训More:yypxjgwk Wad 药垫Wadcutter (WC)圆柱平头弹Wax bullet 蜡弹头Weak hand 非惯用手Weaver stance 韦佛式射姿Weaver style base 韦佛式瞄准具基座Weaver style ring 韦佛式瞄准镜环Wheelgun 转轮枪Wheellock 簧轮枪Windage 风偏修正Worm 螺钩Wrap around grip 包覆式握把X-Ring X 环Yoke 弹筒吊杆Zeroing 归零作为一个会议口译译员,应该全面发展,不仅能搞同声传译工作,也要能搞即席传译工作,二者缺一不可。






【各种武器】air gun: 汽枪ammunition: 弹药anti-aircraft: 高射的anti-personnel: 杀伤人员的anti-tank: 反坦克的artillery: 火炮assault rifle: 突击步枪automatic: 自动的bayonet: 刺刀bazooka: 巴祖卡火箭筒bomb: 炸弹bullet: 子弹cannon: 加农炮carbine: 卡宾枪club (baton; truncheon): 棍棒cluster munition (cluster bomb): 集束炸弹flamethrower: 火焰喷射器grenade launcher: 榴弹发射器handgun: 手枪hand grenade: 手榴弹howitzer: 榴弹炮improvised explosive device (IED): 简易爆炸装置land mine (proximity mine): 地雷machine gun: 机关枪missile: 导弹mortar: 迫击炮musket: 鸟铳pepper spray (OC spray): 胡椒喷雾pistol: 手枪revolver: 左轮手枪rifle: 步枪riot shield: 防暴盾rocket: 火箭rocket launcher (missile launcher): 火箭筒semi-automatic: 半自动的shotgun: 霰弹枪sniper rifle: 狙击步枪submachine gun (SMG): 冲锋枪tear gas (lachrymatory agent; lachrymator): 催泪弹time bomb: 计时炸弹【200个常见病症】1. Acne: 痤疮2. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) (formerly ADD): 注意力不足过动症;注意力缺失症3. Agoraphobia: 广场恐惧症4. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): 艾滋病5. Albinism: 白化症6. Alcoholism: 酗酒7. Allergy: 过敏8. Alzheimer’s disease: 老年痴呆症;阿尔茨海默病9. Amnesia: 失忆症10. Anaemia: 贫血11. Anorexia nervosa: 神经性厌食症;厌食症12. Anthrax: 炭疽病13. Antisocial personality disorder (APD): 反社会型人格异常14. Anxiety disorder: 焦虑症15. Appendicitis: 阑尾炎16. Arthritis: 关节炎17. Asperger syndrome: 亚斯伯格症候群18. Asthma: 哮喘19. Athlete’s foot: 脚气;香港脚20. Autism: 自闭症21. Baldness (hair loss; alopecia): 脱发;秃头;光头22. Beriberi: 脚气病23. Bipolar disorder (bipolar affective disorder; formerly manic depressive disorder): 躁郁症24. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD): 身体变形性精神障碍25. Borderline personality disorder (BPD): 边缘性人格障碍26. Bowel cancer (colorectal cancer): 大肠癌27. Breast cancer: 乳癌28. Bronchitis: 支气管炎29. Brucellosis (Bang’s disease): 布鲁氏菌病30. Bunion (Hallux valgus): 拇外翻畸形31. Thrush (candidiasis; yeast infection): 念珠菌症32. Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis): 查加斯病33. Chlamydia trachomatis: 砂眼衣原体34. Bulimia nervosa: 神经性暴食症;暴食症35. Cardiovascular disease (CVD): 心血管疾病36. Cat scratch disease: 猫抓病37. Cataracts: 白内障38. Cervical cancer: 子宫颈癌39. Chickenpox: 水痘40. Chlamydia: 衣原菌41. Cholera: 霍亂42. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): 慢性疲勞症候群43. Claustrophobia: 幽闭恐惧症44. Coeliac disease (gluten intolerance): 麸质不耐症;面筋不耐症45. Colitis: 结肠炎46. Common cold: (nasopharyngitis): 普通感冒;伤风47. Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”): 结膜炎;红眼病48. Coronary heart disease: 冠心病49. Cowpox: 牛痘50. Emphysema: 肺气肿51. Gangrene: 坏疽52. Goitre (bronchocele): 甲状腺肿53. Heart disease: 心脏病54. Hyperopia (farsightedness; longsightedness): 远视55. Delirium (acute confusional state): 谵妄56. Dementia: 痴呆症57. Dengue fever: 骨痛热症58. Depression: 抑郁症59. Dermatitis: 皮炎60. Dermatophytosis (tinea; ringworm): 癣61. Diabetes: 糖尿病62. Diphtheria: 白喉63. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID; “multiple personalities”): 解离性人格疾患;人格分裂64. Down syndrome: 唐氏综合症65. Dwarfism: 侏儒症66. Dysentery: 痢疾67. Ebola virus disease (EVD): 埃博拉病毒68. Eczema: 湿疹69. Encephalitis: 脑炎70. Epiglottitis: 会厌炎71. Epilepsy: 癫痫72. Erectile dysfunction (impotence; male impotency): 勃起功能障碍73. Exhibitionism: 暴露癖74. Food poisoning: 食物中毒75. Fungal infection (mycosis): 霉菌病;真菌病76. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: 胃食管反流病77. Gender identity disorder (GID): 性别认同障碍78. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): 广泛性焦虑症79. Genital warts: 尖锐湿疣;生殖器湿疣80. Glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis): 傳染性單核白血球增多症;淋巴腺热;腺热病81. Glaucoma: 青光眼82. Gonorrhoea: 淋病83. Gout: 痛风84. Haemorrhoids (“piles”): 痔疮85. Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD): 手足口病86. Head lice (pediculosis): 头虱87. Heart attack (myocardial infarction): 心脏病发作;心肌梗死88. Henipavirus (Hendra virus; Nipah virus): 立百病毒89. Hepatitis A: 甲型肝炎90. Hepatitis B: 乙型肝炎91. Hepatitis C: 丙型肝炎92. Hepatitis D: 丁型肝炎93. Hepatitis E: 戊型肝炎94. Hepatitis: 肝炎95. Hernia: 疝气96. Herpes zoster (shingles): 带状疱疹97. Herpes: 疱疹98. Histrionic personality disorder (HPD): 戏剧化人格违常99. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus): 人类免疫缺陷病毒100. HPV (Human Papillomavirus): 人类乳突病毒101. Huntington’s disease: 亨丁顿舞蹈症102. Hyperthyroidism: 甲状腺功能亢进症103. Hypothermia: 低体温症104. Impetigo (school sores): 脓痂疹105. Hypoglycaemia: 低血糖106. Infertility: 不孕107. Influenza: 流行性感冒;流感108. Irritable bowel syndrome: 肠易激综合征109. Jaundice: 黄疸病110. Kleptomania: 盗窃狂症111. Kuru: 库鲁病112. Kwashiorkor: 夸休可尔症113. Lead poisoning: 铅中毒114. Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease; canicola fever): 钩端螺旋体病115. Learning disability: 学习障碍116. Leprosy: 麻风病117. Leukaemia: 白血病118. Lockjaw: 牙关紧闭症119. Lung cancer: 肺癌120. Lupus erythematosus (lupus): 红斑性狼疮121. Lyme disease: 莱姆病122. Lymphoma: 淋巴瘤123. Metastasis: 远端转移124. Multiple myeloma: 多发性骨髓瘤125. Osteoarthritis: 退化性关节炎126. Paratyphoid fever (enteric fever): 副伤寒127. Mad-cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy): 疯牛病128. Major depressive disorder (clinical depression): 重性抑郁障碍129. Malaria: 疟疾130. Malnutrition: 营养不良131. Measles: 麻疹132. Megalomania: 自大狂133. Melancholia (lugubriousness; moroseness): 忧郁134. Melanoma: 黑色素瘤135. Meningitis: 脑膜炎136. Meningococcal disease:137. Meningococcal disease: 脑膜炎球菌病138. Mental Retardation (MR): 智能障碍;智力障碍139. Miliaria (sweat rash; prickly heat): 痱子140. Mood disorder: 情感障碍141. Multiple Sclerosis (MS): 多发性硬化症142. Mumps: 腮腺炎143. Myopia (nearsightedness; shortsightedness): 近视144. Presbyopia: 老花145. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD): 自恋型人格障碍146. Narcolepsy: 发作性嗜睡病147. Night terror: 夜惊148. Obesity: 肥胖149. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): 强迫症150. Osteoporosis: 骨质疏松症151. Pancreatitis: 胰腺炎152. Panic disorder: 恐慌症153. Parkinson’s disease: 帕金森综合症154. Phenylketonuria (PKU): 苯丙酮尿症155. Porphyria: 紫质症156. Prostatitis: 前列腺炎157. Pilonidal disease (pilonidal cyst): 藏毛性疾病158. Plague: 瘟疫159. Pneumonia: 肺炎160. Polio (poliomyelitis; infantile paralysis): 小儿麻痹161. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): 创伤后心理压力紧张综合症;创伤后压力症162. Premature ejaculation: 早泄163. Problem gambling (ludomania): 问题赌博164. Prostate cancer: 前列腺癌165. Psittacosis: 鹦鹉热166. Pulmonary embolism: 肺栓塞167. Psoriasis: 牛皮癬168. Psychosis: 思觉失调169. Pubic lice (crab lice; “crabs”): 阴虱170. Q fever: Q型流感171. Repetitive strain injury (RSI): 重复使力伤害;重复性劳损172. Rabies: 狂犬病173. Rheumatic fever: 风湿热174. Rickets: 佝偻病175. Sickle-cell disease (sickle-cell anemia): 镰刀型红血球疾病176. Silicosis: 矽肺177. Rheumatism: 风湿病178. Rhinitis: 鼻炎179. Rubella (German measles): 德国麻疹180. Salmonella: 沙门氏菌181. Scabies: 疥疮182. Scarlet fever: 猩红热183. Schizoaffective disorder: 分裂情感性障碍184. Schizoid personality disorder (SPD): 类精神分裂型人格违常185. Schizophrenia: 精神分裂症186. Scurvy: 坏血病187. Sepsis (septicemia): 败血症188. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): 严重急性呼吸系统综合症;萨斯病;非典189. Skin cancer (skin neoplasm): 皮肤癌190. Sleep disorder: 睡眠障碍191. Sleepwalking (somnambulism): 梦游症192. Slipped disc: 腰椎间盘突出193. Smallpox: 天花病毒194. Somatization disorder (Briquet’s disorder): 躯体化失调195. Spina bifida: 脊柱裂196. Stomach flu (gastroenteritis): 肠胃炎197. Tay-Sachs disease: 家族性黑蒙性白痴198. Tennis elbow: 网球肘199. Toxic shock syndrome: 中毒性休克综合征200. Stroke: 中风【130个形容个性的词汇】乐观– optimistic悲观– pessimistic内向– introverted外向– extroverted自信– self-confident豁达– 1. optimistic 2. open-minded风趣– witty忠诚– loyal谨慎– cautious耿直– honest and just机智– 1. quick-witted 2. resourceful务实– pragmatic博学– learned感性– emotional理性– rational优雅– graceful; elegant随和– laidback; easy-going含蓄– reserved慷慨– generous果断– decisive利索–quick on one’s feet; nimble; sprightly [of old people]忍耐– tolerant; patient寡言– quiet; taciturn [formal]冲动– impulsive; impetuous [formal]踏实– down-to-earth豪爽– direct and straight-forward; forthright [formal]勤奋– hardworking; diligent [formal]开放– open-minded; liberal; progressive好客– hospitable细心– 1. attentive 2. meticulous孝顺–filial [formal]; loyal or obedient to one’s parents稳重– stable柔弱– 1. weak 2. delicate冷淡– cold and indifferent; aloof冷漠– cold; detached; apathetic; indifferent自嘲– self-deprecating自卑– have an inferiority complex; self-abasing [formal]狭隘– narrow-minded虚伪– 1. hypocritical 2. fake愚笨– 1. foolish 2. clumsy无知– ignorant迷信– superstitious保守– conservative随便– 1. casual 2. promiscious现实– realistic孤僻– antisocial懒惰– lazy封闭– closed off; unreceptive [formal]单纯– pure; innocent幼稚– childish; naive呆板– 1. stiff; inflexible 2. dull吝啬– stingy; mean; miserly [formal]抠门– stingy; cheap淡定– calm and collected大胆– bold; daring; fearless胆小– cowardly活泼– cheerful; chipper; vivacious [formal] 坦率– frank [neutral]; blunt [negative]正直– upright准时– punctual体贴– considerate; thoughtful明智– wise英明– wise古怪– eccentric凶– aggressive; hostile;笨拙– clumsy变态– perverted轻浮– frivolous; flippant愚蠢– foolish健忘– forgetful贪婪– greedy馋– 1. gluttonous 2. greedy刻薄– mean天真– naïve淫荡– dirty; lewd [formal]; licentious [formal] 下流– vulgar [formal]好色– dirty; lecherous [formal]缺德– wicked; mean卑鄙– despicable; base [formal]土– unsophisticated怕羞– shy; timid; bashful [formal]腼腆– shy; timid; bashful [formal]合群– sociable懂事– 1. sensible 2. obedient; well-behaved 贱– nasty; bitchy多变– fickle鲁莽– reckless; hot-headed挑剔– picky; fussy顽固– stubborn; obstinate [formal]肤浅– superficial; shallow自恋– narcissistic [formal]臭美– vain任性– headstrong; willful粗鲁– rude; abrupt健壮– strong; healthy; athletic幽默– funny; hilarious; humorous搞笑– funny; hilarious宅– nerdy; s/he is a homebody节俭– frugal; thrifty神经质– neurotic。



英语知识Trigg‎er guard‎护弓Trigg‎er pull 扳机压力Trigg‎er safet‎y 扳机保险Trigg‎er shoe 扳机套Tripo‎ d 三脚架Tubul‎ar magaz‎ine 管状弹仓Tumbl‎er 清壳机Turn bolt 转栓式Turre‎t 调整钮Twist‎barre‎l 扭式枪管Twist‎rate 缠距、缠度Two stage‎trigg‎er 两段式扳机‎UZI subma‎chine‎gun 乌兹冲锋枪‎Varia‎ble choke‎可变集束器‎Varia‎ble scope‎可变倍率瞄‎准镜Varmi‎nt hunti‎ng 猎狐鼠Varmi‎nt rifle‎狐鼠步枪Vent 引火孔Vent pick 火孔针Vent rib 散热肋条Verte‎x 弹道顶点Vierl‎ing 四管复合枪‎Volle‎y fire 排放Volle‎y sight‎排放瞄准具‎More: http://www.sheng‎/peixu‎n/ Edit:英语培训More:yypxj‎gwk Wad 药垫Wadcu‎tter (WC)圆柱平头弹‎Wax bulle‎t 蜡弹头Weak hand 非惯用手Weave‎r stanc‎ e 韦佛式射姿‎Weave‎r style‎base 韦佛式瞄准‎具基座Weave‎r style‎ring 韦佛式瞄准‎镜环Wheel‎gun 转轮枪Wheel‎lock 簧轮枪Winda‎ge 风偏修正Worm 螺钩Wrap aroun‎ d grip 包覆式握把‎X-Ring X 环Yoke 弹筒吊杆Zeroi‎ng 归零作为一个会‎议口译译员‎,应该全面发‎展,不仅能搞同‎声传译工作‎,也要能搞即‎席传译工作‎,二者缺一不‎可。




简明英汉军事装备词汇手册1. 武器类- 步枪:rifle- 冲锋枪:submachine gun- 轻机枪:light machine gun- 重机枪:heavy machine gun- 狙击步枪:sniper rifle- 火箭筒:rocket launcher- 榴弹发射器:grenade launcher- 手枪:pistol- 军刀:military knife- 刺刀:bayonet2. 装甲车辆类- 坦克:tank- 装甲车:armored vehicle- 炮兵系统:artillery system- 火炮:cannon- 防空炮:anti-aircraft gun- 自行火炮:self-propelled gun- 火箭炮:rocket artillery3. 军用飞机类- 战斗机:fighter jet- 轰炸机:bomber- 侦察机:reconnaissance aircraft- 战略轰炸机:strategic bomber- 战术轰炸机:tactical bomber- 直升机:helicopter4. 地面防御系统类- 导弹系统:missile system- 防空导弹:anti-aircraft missile- 地空导弹:surface-to-air missile- 防空炮台:anti-aircraft gun emplacement - 导弹拦截系统:missile interception system - 军事雷达:military radar5. 舰艇类- 航空母舰:aircraft carrier- 驱逐舰:destroyer- 潜艇:submarine- 炮艇:gunboat- 护卫舰:frigate- 军舰护卫编队:naval escort formation6. 训练设备类- 模拟器:simulator- 训练场:training ground- 射击练习场:shooting range- 军营训练设施:military training facility- 训练器材:training equipment7. 通讯设备类- 通讯雷达:communication radar- 通讯设备:communication equipment- 无线电台:radio station- 通讯卫星:communication satellite- 军事通讯网络:military communication network8. 辅助设备类- 防护装备:protective gear- 夜视仪:night vision device- 气象设备:meteorological equipment- 火炮瞄准镜:artillery sight- 弹药:ammunition- 炮弹:shell。

冷兵器 英文词汇

冷兵器 英文词汇

冷兵器英文词汇Cold weapons, also known as traditional weapons or melee weapons, are weapons that do not rely on firearms or explosive devices. These weapons have been used throughout human history and encompass a wide range of designs and purposes. Some examples of cold weapons include swords, daggers, spears, axes, maces, and bows.In ancient times, cold weapons played a significant role in warfare. Armies would often have specialized soldiers who were experts in a particular weapon, such as a swordsman or archer. These weapons were also used for hunting and self-defense. In some cultures, specific weapons were considered status symbols, and only certain individuals were allowed to use them.Today, cold weapons are used primarily for recreational purposes, such as fencing or historical reenactments. They are also used by martial artists as a form of self-defense or for training purposes. Some people collect cold weapons as a hobby or for display purposes, and there are museums dedicated to showcasing the evolution of these weapons throughout history.One of the most iconic cold weapons is the sword, which has been used for over 3,000 years. Swords have played a significant role in numerous cultures, from the Viking longswords to the Japanese katana. Swords were often associated with nobility and were handed down through generations as family heirlooms.Another notable cold weapon is the bow and arrow, whichhas been used for hunting and warfare since ancient times. Bows exist in many different forms, from longbows to recurve bows, and are still used by some people today for hunting or sport.Although firearms have largely replaced cold weapons in modern warfare, they remain an important part of humanhistory and continue to be appreciated for their artistic and cultural value.。

枪械英语词汇 Firearms English

枪械英语词汇 Firearms English

枪械英语词汇 Firearms English来源:作者:(.38 Special revolver) 三八左轮枪(9 mm pistol) 九○手枪(Beretta M92 pistol) 九二手枪(Browning 12.7mm M2 HMG) 五○机枪(Browning 7.62mm M1919A4 MMG) 三○机枪(Bursted barrel) 膛炸(Japanese 38th Year Rifle) 三八大盖(Japanese 38th Year Rifle) 三八式步枪(M14 rifle) 五七步枪(M1903 Springfield rifle) 三○步枪(M1911A1 .45 ACP pistol) 四五手枪(Mauser 96C Pistol) 自来得同“驳壳枪”。

(Mauser 96C Pistol) 快慢机(Mauser 96C Pistol) 盒子炮(Mauser 96C Pistol) 驳壳枪(Mauser M1888 Rifle) 汉阳造(Mauser M1924 Gewehr) 中正式步枪(Type 54 pistol) 黑星手枪(Type 59 pistol) 红星手枪(Type 65 rifle) 六五步枪(ZB 26 LMG) 捷克制轻机枪更新AAT (Arme Automatique Transformable) (法文)通用机枪General Purpose Machine Gun,GPMG(英文)通用机枪Accelerator 枪机加速器Accuracy 准确度Accuralize 准确化ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight) 先进光学战斗瞄准具ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) 柯尔特自动手枪弹Action 枪机Action shooting 战斗射击Adjustable choke 可调式收束器Adjustable sight 可调式瞄准具Adjustable trigger 可调式扳机Advanced primer ignition 提前击发Airgun 气枪Airsoft 软弹气枪AK (Avtomat Kalashnikov) 卡拉什尼可夫自动步枪Ambidextrous 双手通用Ammunition 弹药Annealing 退火处理Anti-material rifle 反物资步枪,反设备步枪Antique 古董枪Anvil 底火砧座AP (Armor Piercing) 穿甲弹Aperture 觇孔Aperture sight 觇孔瞄准具Armorer 军械士Arquebus 轻型火绳枪火绳枪(matchlock)Assault rifle 突击步枪Assault weapon 攻击性武器ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Bureau) 菸酒枪械管理局AUG (Arme Universal Gewehr) 陆军通用步枪Autoloading 自动装填Automatic 自动在一般用法上通常指的是全自动(full automatic),如自动武器(automatic weapon)。

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SilverTip 银尖
975f/s f代表feet 英尺
12ga. 12号散弹枪
Anti-Material Rifles 反器材步枪(可刺穿墙和装甲车)
Portable Rocket Launcher 便携式火箭
Packet missile 单兵导弹
Fire arm 轻武器枪械
Light weapon 班走武器
Small arm 轻武器(一个人用的)
手枪弹357sig 保留sig不需要翻译
9mm bullets 9mm子弹
Sierra 95gr.FMJ-TC Sierra公司名gr 重量单位:格令
RN round nose 圆头
MP5 Series MP5枪族
Army 陆军(与海军、空军分开)
Armor Piercing 穿甲弹
Round 子弹
枪挂榴弹发射器40mm under-barrel grenade launchers 40mm代表:阳线内径40mm Wound ballistics 创伤弹道学
Headshot 爆头
Automatic grenade launchers 自动榴弹发射器Multi-made 多用途
Anti-personnel 杀伤
Grenade 手榴弹
Caseless 无壳弹
Fixed stocks 固定枪托
Short barrel 短枪管
High explosive anti-tank effect 破甲效应Fragment 破片




突击武器 偷鸡武器LOL。
