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摘 要:通过对中国股票市场流动性指标和波动性指标的分析,发现市场具有较高的流动 性,市场波动程度略低于其他国家的股票市场.从上海股市和深圳股市的横向比较来看,近年来两 个市场的流动性没有显著的差异,两市波动序列的吻合程度非常高,波动具有很强的同步性,表明 在相同市场制度环境下,市场参与者行为的同质性最终决定了两市运行特征的相似性. 关键词:股票市场;流动性;波动性;市场质量;交易机制

中囝分类号:F 830.91 文献标识码:A

Empirical Study on Liquidity and Volatility in Chinese Stock Market

WANG Jian, ZHUANG Xin-tian

(School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China. Correspondent: WANG Jian, E-mail:wangjian800816 @ 126. corn

Abstract: In Chinese stock market where all the stock buying/selling actions have to be done via an order-commission system,the bid-ask spread is really a market spread and it reflects the immediate trading rests in transactions. Spread and depth are thetwo important liquidity indices. Analyzing both the Shanghai & Shenzhen stock markets, it is found that in Chinese stockmarket the liquidity is relatively higher and volatility slightly lower than other countries. When comparing horizontally, it isshown that the liquidity in the two stock markets has no obvious difference, and the stock price volatilities in the two marketsare much synchronized. It indicates that the homogeneity of investor' behavior makes the business operation of the twomarkets similar eventually.

Key words: stock market; liquidity; volatility; market quality; transaction maehanism

(Received November 2, 2005)
