
号牌号码Plate No.档案编号File No.核定载人数 5人Approved Passengers Capacity 5总质量 Gross Mass 整备质量Unladen Mass 1585kg 核定载质量 --Approved Load 外廓尺寸Overall Dimension 准牵引总质量 --Traction Mass备注Comment 检验记录Inspection Record检验有效期至Inspection Result effective until (条形码Barcode )说明:一、这里的翻译模板是依据2008年新版《机动车行驶证》式样。
中华人民共和国机动车行驶证Vehicle License of the People’s Republic of China号牌号码 Plate No.车辆类型 小型轿车Vehicle Type Coupe所有人 Owner 住址 Address使用性质 非营运Use Character non-commercial 品牌型号 Model 车辆识别代号 VIN发动机号码Engine No. 注册日期Register Date发证日期Issue Date二、“使用性质”为“营运”的译为commercial,“非营运”译为non-commercial。
四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为gross mass或total mass 均可。
五、“整备质量”是指无装载的汽车裸重,可译为unladen mass,也可译为bare mass,或equipment self mass。

签证相关各类证件翻译汇总1、身份证Name: xxxxSex :FemaleNationality: HanD.O.B:12 Jan 1983Adress: Room XXX No.167 XXX District XX City XXX ProvinceDate Issue : 31 Mar 2001Expiry: 10 YearsSerial No: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Branch Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau2、行驶证THE LICENSE OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF P.R.C.Register Code: 粤B XXXXX Type: SedanOwner: XXXXAddress: XXX, Huaqiang Road North, Futian District, Shenzhen, GD Province, P.R.CHINAEngine Code: XXXXX VIN: LXXXModel: Volks Wagon Passat SXXXXTotal Weight: 18XX kg Carry Weight: 14XX kgPassengers: 5 personsRegister Date: June XX, 200X Issued Date: July XX, 200XSize: 1234x5678x9100mmIssued By: Vehicle Management OfficeShenzhen Traffic Management Bureau (Seal)3、企业营业执照BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICALPERSON( DUPLICATE ) No.11xxxx2Register Number: QIHEJINGZONGFUZI No.00xxxx0The Enterprise Name: Shenzhen xxxxxxx Co., Ltd.Address: Unit xxxx Building, No. xxxxxx Road, xxxxx District, ShenzhenLegal Representative: xxxxxxRegister Capital: USDxxxxxx.00 (Real Capital USDxxxxxx.00) Enterprise Type: Joint Venture (Hong Kong joint)Scope of Business: Manufacture of xxxxxx and parts, peripheral and service.Branch: No branch.Business Term: From 8th xxxxt xxxx to 7th xxxxt xxxxDate of Set-up: 8th xxxx xxxxIssued By: The Bureau of Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administration (seal)Date: 16th September 20044、户口本Residence Type Non Agricultural ResidenceName of House OwnerResidence NumberAddressCertified Seal ofCertified Seal of Guangdong ProvinceHousehold Registration OfficePublic Security BureauFor Hukou certificate onlyBaomin Local Police StationShenzhen Public Security BureauUndertaker’s Stamped signature : Xiaoyan HeIssue Date: 01 July 2000Permanent resident population's registerNameHouseholder or Relation with The HouseholderFormer Name SexPlace of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number Height Blood GroupHighest Academic Marital Status Military ServicePlace of Work OccupationPrevious Dwelling Place Before Moving into the City/Town and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/Town and Date of Moving into Present Dwelling PlaceSeal of Registrar: Issued Dart:5、企业注册证Foreign Investment Enterprise Representation Office Register CertificateRegister Number: Qi Du Yue Shen Ban Zi No. 7608XXThis representation office was approved to be registered and issue this certificate. Document No. 0059XXXName: Shanghai XX Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Representation officeAddress: Unit X, Block X, World Finance Center, 4003 Shennan Road East, Luohu Distric, ShenzhenLegal Representative: XXXScope of Business: Represent the Company to perform business expansion.Affiliate of: Shanghai XXX Co., Ltd.Valid from XX, 200X to XX, 202XIssued by: Shenzhen Administration for Industrial and Commercial (Seal)Date: XX, 20056、结婚证People’s Republic of China Marriage CertificateName: XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: XX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XXX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issue Department: Bureau of Civil Affairs at Shenzhen City (Seal) Issue Date: XX, 200X7、房产证Owner Buildings and fixturesXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)[100%]************* Building name Land Building area Building inside areaLand No. Land area Purpose of building Residence Completion datePurpose of Land Residence Location area Futian District Registered valueLand location Summary of other rights and appendixUsage period 70 years, from XX, 199X to XX, 20XX Transferable building.1) Mortgaged to China XXXX Bank,Shen Fang Di Zi No. 30XXXXX(Original)Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Bureau (Chop) Register date: XXX, 199X8、完税证明Taxpayer’s name XXXXX Number of ID XXXXXXXXXXXXX Categories of income Income period Amount of Income Actual amount of tax paymentSalary Income Aug. 2006 ¥¥Salary Income July 2006 ¥¥Salary Income June 2006 ¥¥Salary Income May 2006 ¥¥Salary Income Apr. 2006 ¥¥Salary Income March 2006 ¥¥Salary Income Feb. 2006 ¥¥Salary Income Jan. 2006 ¥¥Salary Income Jan. 2006 ¥¥Salary Income Dec. 2005 ¥¥Salary Income Nov. 2005 ¥¥Salary Income Oct. 2005 ¥¥Salary Income Sept. 2005 ¥¥Salary Income Aug. 2005 ¥¥Total amount ¥¥Total amount words SAY XXXX THOUSAND XXXX HUNDRED AND XXX POINT XXX YUAN TOTAL SAY XXX THOUSAND XXX HUNDRED AND XXX POINT XXX YUAN TOTALCertified Seal of Beijing XichengDistrict Local Taxation BureauFor Individual IncomeTax Certificate ONLYSeal of Shang Di9、存款余额证明CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF CHINA MERCHANT BANKNo. of Client: Date:2006/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No. Currency Kind Balance Status11 RMB Current Accounting xxxxx ActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No. Currency Kind Value Date Balance Satus0001 RMB Fixed Time and CurrentAccounting 20060808 xxxxx ActivityChina Merchant Bank Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal)10、学位证/毕业证Diploma of Bachelor's DegreeZhang San, male, born in March, 1984, has completed course of study in the School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University, majoring in Human Resource during September 2002 to June 2006. There upon, he has approved to graduate from the university. In accordance with "The Registration on Academic Degree of the People's Republic of China", Mr. Zhang San has been awarded the Bachelor's degree of Management.Chairman: Li SiWuhan Univeristy Academic Degree CommitteeJune 30, 2006Certificate No.:Graduation CertificateZhang San, male, born on March 20, 1984, was an undergraduate student majoring in Human Resource in the School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University during September 2002 to June 2006. He has completed all the prescribed four years undergraduate courses, passed all the examinations and is entitled to be a graduate of Wuhan University.President: Li SiDate: June 30, 2006Wuhan UniveristyRegistration No.:。

Plate Noner: 所有人 Address:住址 Model: 品牌型号 Use Character: 使用性质 Non-Commercial 非营运 Engine No. 发动机号码 VIN: 车辆识别代号 Register Date: 注册登记日期 Issue Date: 发证日期 Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Branch (SEAL) 公安局交通警察支队 Plate No.:号牌号码 Gross Mass: 总质量 Approved Load:核定载质量-Approved Passengers Capacity: 核定载客 Seating Capacity of Cab:--驾驶室共乘 Interior Dimension of Container:-- 货箱内部尺寸 Number of Leaf Spring:--钢板弹簧片数 Overall Dimension: 外廓尺寸 Inspection Record: 检验记录 Inspection Result effective until: To 检验合格至.. 有效 Vehicle Type: 车辆类型 Unladen Mass: 整备质量 Traction Mass:准牵引总质量--
英语 中华人民共和国机动车行驶证

四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为gross mass或total mass 均可。
五、“整备质量”是指无装载的汽车裸重,可译为unladen mass,也可译为bare mass,或equipment self mass。

中华人民共和国机动车行驶证Vehicle License of the People’s Republic of China号牌号码Plate No.车辆类型Vehicle Type所有人Owner住址Address使用性质Use Character品牌型号Model车辆识别代号VIN发动机号码Engine No.注册日期Register Date发证日期Issue Date号牌号码Plate No.档案编号File No.核定载人数Approved Passengers Capacity总质量Gross Mass整备质量Unladen Mass核定载质量Approved Load外廓尺寸Overall Dimension准牵引总质量Traction Mass备注Comment检验记录Inspection Record检验有效期至Inspection Result effective until (条形码Barcode)说明:一、这里的翻译模板是依据2008年新版《机动车行驶证》式样。
注意这里不建议译作operation al、non-operational,因为operational的意义相对比较广泛,一般是指“操作”、“手术”等,“营运”一般不用这个词。
四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为gr oss mass或total mass均可。
五、“整备质量”是指无装载的汽车裸重,可译为unladen mass,也可译为bare mass,或equipment self mass。

机动车行驶证翻译 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为gross mass或total mass均可。
五、“整备质量”是指无装载的汽车裸重,可译为unladen mass,也可译为bare mass,或equipment self mass。
附录:车辆类型 vehicle type道路车辆 road vehicle商用车辆 commercial vehicle机动车辆 motor vehicle电动车辆 electric vehicle摩托车 motorcycle轻便摩托车 moped轿车 passenger car微型轿车 minicar普通级轿车 subcompact car中级轿车 compact car中高级轿车 intermediate car高级轿车 limousine (pullman saloon)活顶轿车 convertible saloon旅行轿车 station wagon短头轿车 forward control passenger car小型轿车 coupe敞蓬小轿车 drop head coupe跑车 sports car赛车 racer (racing car)单座小客车 one-seater七座小客车 seven-seater越野车 off-road vehicle轻型越野车 light-off-road vehicle中型越野车 medium off-road vehicle重型越野车 heavy off -road vehicle超重型越野车 extra heavy off- road vehicle 吉普车 jeep硬顶吉普车 hard top jeep客车 bus微型客车 minibus轻型客车 light bus中型客车 medium bus大型客车 large bus客货两用小客车 estate car (estate)多用途客车 multipurpose vehicle厢式小客车 closed car出租小客车 taxicar城市客车 urban bus大客车 coach城间大客车 intercity bus长途大客车 long distance coach旅游客车 sightseeing bus(touring bus) 铰接客车 articulated bus无轨客车 trolley bus双层客车 double-deck bus团体客车 private coach货车 truck (lorry)微型货车 mini-truck轻型货车 light truck中型货车 medium truck重型货车 heavy truck公路货车 highway vehicle小型货车 pick-up平板货车 platform truck(flat bed truck) 通用货车 general -purpose vehicle短轴距货车 short-wheel base truck长轴距货车 long-wheelbase truck集装箱运输货车 container carrier客货两用车 cargo-bus厢式货车 van牵引汽车 towing vehicle全挂牵引汽车 towing vehicle牵杆式牵引车 full-trailer towing vehicle半挂牵引车 semi-trailer towing vehicle道路列车 road train客用道路列车 passenger road train铰接式道路列车 articulated road train双挂式道路列车 double road train混合式道路列车 composite road train天然气车辆 natural gas vehicle (NGV)压缩天然气车辆 compressed natural gas vehicle 液化天然气车辆 liquid petroleum gas vehicle 液化石油气车辆 liquid petroleum gas vehicle 双燃料车辆 duel fuel vehicle单燃料车辆 single fuel vehicle专用车 special vehicle垃圾车 dust car (refuse collector)冷藏车 refrigerated van洒水车 street sprinkler (street flusher) 囚车 prison van殡仪车 hearse售货车 mobile store(mobile shop)图书馆车 mobile library宣传车 mobile louderspeaker商业广告车 spiel truck展览汽车 demonstration car博览会专用车 fairground vehicle流动艺术展览车 artmobile邮政车 mobile post office运油车 fuel tanker加油车 refueller飞机牵引车 aircraft tractor救护车 ambulance (medical vehicle)病院汽车 clinic car医疗急救车 rescue ambulanceX射线诊断车 mobile-x-ray clinic防疫监测车 mobile epidemic control vehicle 计划生育车 mobile family -planning clinic 伤残者运送车 handicapped person carrier炊事车 kitchen vehicle餐车 mobile canteen沐浴车 mobile shower bath保温车 insulated van电视转播车 TV relaying vehicle电视录像车 video recording vehicle摄影车 mobile photographic studio电影放映车 film projection vehicle邮件运输车 mail carrier农用车 farm vehicle种子检测车 plant seeds inspection van植物保护车 plant pest control vehicle计量检测车 metrology inspection vehicle环境检测车 mobile environment monitor畜禽防疫车 mobile animal eqidemic control交通监理车 traffic control car刑事勘察车 mobile crime investigation vehicle气卸散装水泥车 bulk-cement pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装煤粉车 bulk-coal powder pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装电石粉车 bulk-calcium carbide pneumatic delivery tanker 气卸散装化学粉粒车 bulk-chemicals pneumatic delivery tanker食用植物油运油汽车 edible oil tanker食用植物油加油车 edible oil pump delivery tanker活鱼运输车 life fish carrier气卸散装面粉车 bulk-flour pneumatic delivery tanker吸尘车 vacuum sweeper高压清洗车 high-pressure sewer flushing vehicle吸污车 suction -type sewer scavenger真空吸粪车 suction -type tumbrel tanker自装卸垃圾车 refuse collecting truck旋转板自装卸垃圾车 compression refuse collector 航空食品装运车aircraft caterer’s delivery truck 散装粮食运输车 bulk-grain carrier散装饲料运输车 bulk-fodder transport truck牲畜运输车 livestock carrier家禽运输车 poultry carrier养蜂车 mobile bee-keeper原木运输车 logging transporter管材运输车 pole transporter车辆运输车 car transporter锅炉车 mobile boiler除雪车 snow sweeper机场客梯车 mobile aircraft landing stairs消防车 fire-fighting vehicle水罐消防车 fire-extinguishing water tanker泡沫消防车 fire-extinguishing foam tanker救火泵车 fire pumper消防水罐车 fire tanker泡沫灭火车 foam vehicle消防指挥车 fire service commanding car云梯消防车 fire-fighting truntable ladder厢式汽车 van厢式零担运输车 break bulk cargo carrier罐式汽车 tanker酸罐车 acid tanker液化气罐车 liquified gas tanker奶罐车 milk tanker食品液罐车 beverage tanker背罐车 demountable tanker carrier装卸机械 loading (unload) machine叉式装货机 fork-type loading (unload) machine 刮板式装货机 scraper type loading machine单斗式装货机 single bucket loading machine带升降塔架车辆 tower crane塔式超重机 tower crane汽车吊车 truck crane移动式起重机 mobile crane固定式起重机 stationary crane起重举升汽车 crane/lift truck特种结构汽车 special construction vehicle随车起重运输车 truck with loading crane后栏板起重运输车 tail-lift truck高空作业车 hydraulic aerial cage(公路事故或故障车辆的)急修车 breakdown truck 修理车 mobile workshop救险车 recovery vehicle技术服务车 service car现场用小车 spot dolly工具车 tool car故障检修车 trouble car勘测工程车 recording bus筑路工程用车 road machine压路机 road roller推土机 ball dozer平路机 motor grader铲运机 wheeled loading shovel轮式装载车 wheeled loader轮式挖掘机 wheeled excavator混凝土搅拌车 concrete mixer truck焊接工程车 mobile welding workshop沥青洒布车 asphalt distribution truck沥青路面养护车 asphalt pavement maintenance truck 沥青运输车 heated bitument tanker建筑大板运输车 prfab building panel transporter 电信工程车 telecommunicatin field service truck 工程机械运输车 construction machinery transporter 仓栅式汽车 storage/stake truck钻孔立柱车 pole drill and erection truck油田试井车 oil-well testing vehicle井架运输车 derrick transporter修井车 well maintenance vehicle地锚车 mobile ground anchor vehicle灌注车 oil well cracking acid pumping truck 照明车 flood lighting vehicle后翻倾式自卸汽车 rear dump truck两侧翻倾式自卸汽车 side dump truck三面翻倾式自卸汽车 three-way dump truck重型自卸汽车 heavy duty dump truck矿用自卸汽车 mining dump truck专用自卸汽车 special dump truck摆臂式自装卸汽车 swept-body dump truck车厢可卸式汽车 roll-off skip loader全挂车 full trailer半挂车 semi-trailer特种挂车 special trailer栏板货厢式挂车 cargo trailer平板式挂车 flat platform trailer 低架式挂车 low-loader trailer厢式挂车 trailer van自卸式挂车 dumper trailer旅居挂车 caravan。

Registration date
Vehicle registration number
Vehicle owner/Identification document type/No.
Registration authority
Registration date
34. Date of issuance:2008-02-04
24. Inner dimensions of cargo body
Length ---- Width ----- Height -------mm
25. Total mass
26. Verified loading capacity
Registration authority
Registration date
Vehicle registration number
Vehicle owner/Identification document type/No.
Registration authority
Registration date
Vehicle registration number
Registration Information
Vehicle owner/Identification document type/No.
xxxxxx/ID card/0000000000000
2. Registration authority
32. Vehicle date of production
Page 2

注意这里不建议译作operational、non-operational,因为operational 的意义相对比较广泛,一般是指“操作”、“手术”等,“营运”一般不用这个词。
四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为gross mass或total mass 均可。
五、“整备质量”是指无装载的汽车裸重,可译为unladen mass,也可译为bare mass,或equipment self mass。

四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为grossmass或totalmass 均可。

号牌号码Plate No. 档案编号 File No. 核定载人数Approved Passengers Capacity 总质量 Gross Mass 整备质量 Unladen Mass 核定载质量 Approved Load 外廓尺寸 Overall Dimension 准牵引总质量 Traction Mass 备注 Comment检验记录 Inspection Record 检验有效期至Inspection Result effective until (条形码Barcode )说明:一、这里的翻译模板是依据2008年新版《机动车行驶证》式样。
中华人民共和国机动车行驶证V ehicle License of the People ’s Republic of China号牌号码 Plate No. 车辆类型V ehicle Type 所有人 Owner 住址 Address使用性质 Use Character 品牌型号 Model 车辆识别代号 VIN发动机号码 Engine No.注册日期 Register Date 发证日期 Issue Date二、“使用性质”为“营运”的译为commercial,“非营运”译为non-commercial。
四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为gross mass或total mass 均可。
五、“整备质量”是指无装载的汽车裸重,可译为unladen mass,也可译为bare mass,或equipment self mass。

中华人民共和国机动车行驶证Vehicle License of the People’s Republic of China号牌号码Plate No.车辆类型Vehicle Type所有人Owner 住址Address使用性质Use Character 品牌型号Model车辆识别代号VIN发动机号码Engine No.注册日期Register Date 发证日期Issue Date号牌号码Plate No.档案编号File No.核定载人数Approved Passengers Capacity总质量Gross Mass整备质量Unladen Mass核定载质量Approved Load外廓尺寸Overall Dimension 准牵引总质量Traction Mass备注Comment检验记录检验有效期至Inspection RecordInspection Result effective until(条形码Barcode )说明:说明:一、这里的翻译模板是依据2008年新版《机动车行驶证》式样。
前者可译为commercial ,后者可译为non-commercial 。
注意这里不建议译作operational 、non-operational ,因为operational 的意义相对比较广泛,一般是指“操作”、“手术”等,“营运”一般不用这个词。
三、“核定”译为approved 、authorized 、ratified 均可。
四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,是指汽车满载后,连装载物、连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,汽车本身的总质量,译为译为gross mass 或total mass 均可。