


我很不情愿的买下了她的三个手镯和一条项链,所费不多。没想到过了一个星期,她再来看我时,脚上多了一双黑底嵌金丝的高跟鞋,问我新鞋好不好看,然后又说她的孩子要饿死了。玩球网 后来,我不再理她了,过不久,她去了南美找她的先生。深夜里走的,房租欠了一年没有付。 又过了一个圣诞节,接到一封信,信中照片中的女人居然是那个芳邻,她站在一个木屋前,双手举在头上,很风骚的笑着。 总算对我是有感情的,万水千山寄了封信来。我保存了这几样属于这个德国女子的东西,一直到现在。 图中的戒指,是我自己的一个纪念品,与其他几件无关了。
你好吗? 每天都会有一声问候,出现在我的手机微信里。 我已经习惯了这样的问候,好像是仪式一样。报完平安,我也会给对方送去一个问候:“你好吗?” 我和小雨每天都这样彼此问候着。 小雨是儿童文学作家,我们是好朋友。春节前几天,我们应邀在南方的一个城市参加了一个文学大赛。我们不仅各自做了一场讲座,而且还是颁奖嘉宾。交谈,座谈,散会后的交流,我们是最近距 离和最频繁的接触者。 那时,关于肺炎传播传染的消息已经铺天盖地了。主办方也忐忑不安,连夜召开区的参与者,最后还是决定如期 举办。我始终没有看轻或者敌视疫情重点地区人员的想法,只觉得他们是值得同情的受害者。



She turned off the light and was leaving the classroom when she turned around to make sure all things were done well. Just then it began to rain heavily.when she got home,it was already half past three.
She hurried right to her classroom and opened the door.Oh,dear! All the windows were open,and the strong wind filled the classroom with great noise.it was not at all easy for her to shut up all the windows.
The wind blowing in through the open window made her feel a bit cold. She knew a heavy rain would soon arrive.She thought of her classroom again. She wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly. She got up and put on her clothes.It was then 2 o’clock.
芳芳是个好学生。请根据下面5幅图用英语 写一篇短文,词数120以上.
• 如果单从画面看,所得的信息无非是:一天夜里, 风刮得很大。芳芳两点钟起床,赶到学校,把窗 户关好后回家。 • 如果你就按上述所看到的信息去写,肯定拿不到 高分。这是篇记叙文,记叙了芳芳做好事的前后 经过。但记叙离不开人。所以要根据“芳芳是个 好学生”这个信息对人物展开合理的想象:Fang Fang is a good student.She lives near her school.This term she was elected monitor of her class.She is a very responsible for her class work.给下面的叙述奠定了基础。



总结: 总结:
1. 审题一定要仔细到位 2. 要按要求写作 (guided writing, directions) 3. 文章中描写部分要注意“人称,时态”的统一 文章中描写部分要注意“人称,时态” 4. 整片文章布局结构要合理,详略得当 整片文章布局结构要合理, 5. 不要盲目套用议论文的模式 6. 文章字数 文章字数150-180 7. 平时注重积累,. 特点: 特点: 是通过观察和分析单幅或一组画, 是通过观察和分析单幅或一组画,把图画内容转化成文 字信息。 字信息。 2. 注意点: 注意点: (1). 要认真审图 (2). 需从整体上把握图画所呈现的主要内容,处理好人物与时空 需从整体上把握图画所呈现的主要内容, 的 关系及局部与整体的关系,找出文章的线索或主题。 关系及局部与整体的关系,找出文章的线索或主题。 (3). “丰满的想象 + 变化的表达” 丰满的想象 变化的表达” 3. 结构: 结构: 描述图画, 第一段 描述图画,一般不超过三分之一篇幅 一般一言即可) 第二段 揭示画旨 (一般一言即可) 发表感想、评论或提出建议(占主要篇幅) 第三段 发表感想、评论或提出建议(占主要篇幅)
走向成功(静安区) 走向成功(静安区)
2010年走向成功(静安区) 年走向成功(静安区) 年走向成功 范文: 范文: In the picture, a boy wearing a sad expression is burdened with a heavy bag. He is hesitating about whether to fullfil his personal interests or obey the desire of his parents. It is a vivid picture of the social issue that more and more students are concerned about how to choose their future career/major under the pressure of employment. Nowadays a good education and more certificates always bring you more opportunities. That’s why parents all force their children to put their hobbies by. Young people are completely weighted down by the stress of both their parents and society. Contrary to claiming quality education for several years, students never seem to have enough time or space to develop themsleves,

英语高考作文 看图作文评价

英语高考作文 看图作文评价
完全完成了试题规定的任务。 • 覆盖了所有内容要点; • 运用了多样的句式和丰富的词汇; • 语法或用词方面有个别错误,但为尽可
能表达丰富的内容所致;体现了较强的 语言运用能力; • 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所写 内容连贯、结构紧凑。 完全达到了预期的写作目的。
In the morning of Feb.8,2018, I was walking along on the park road. A old man was acrossing the park road. The car hitted the old man , the
Evaluating &improving a composition
Lin Lihong
2)字数统计及检查体裁、 人称、主体时态.
4)语法(如语态、人称和数、 句子结构、用词等是否正确及 时态是否一致)
In the morning of Feb.8,2018, I was walking along on the park road. A old man was acrossing the park road. The car hitted the old man , the
car don’t stop but drived away quickly. I remembered the car number is AC864.
• 未能传达任何信息:写的内容与要求无 关。
第五档 (1—5分)
未完成试题规定的任务。 • 明显遗漏主要内容; • 句式单调、词汇贫乏; • 语法或用词方面错误较多,严重影响了



• 图14:Look ! It’s a nice picture . This is a farm . Mr Li and Miss Wang are working on the farm . You can see many animals on the farm . Look . The beef (蜜蜂) is on the dog’s tail . The chicken is on the sheep, the sheep and another chicken are on
• 图6:Oh! Look, it is a nice picture! Do you like animals? I like animals very much ! At the zoo, we can see a lot of animals . The girck . The elephant is big and it has a long nose. The zebra is near the tree . The line is in the middle . The cat is on the right. The hippo is on the left . They are all nice !
• 图8:Today is Saturday ! I don’t go to school . My family are go shoping . We go to the shop by car , our car is yellow . My father is driving the car, my mother and my brother are looking that trees . I play with my toy . We bou ght a lot of goodthings ,they’re on the car. We like go shoping .



当然,在小区的公共绿地上以及道边、墙根等处,还生长着一些自生自灭自开自落的野花,譬如比迎春花还要开得早的蒲公英,虽然只是一朵一朵地星散在草地上,并不成片,但是,那一点一点的 金黄,就足以让人们喜悦。尤其是那花朵开完后,变成了一张张撑开羽翼的小伞,常常被大人孩子们拿在手中,轻轻一吹,那一张张小伞便随风飞舞起来,带着人们美好的希冀飞向了蓝天飞向了远方。 还有那攀附在篱笆上不断地开开谢谢的牵牛花,或浅粉或淡蓝或乳白或微紫,总是在晨曦中张着那圆圆的薄薄的好看的嘴巴,在向人们问候着诉说着叮嘱着鼓励着那种叫做景天的野草,开着浅粉色的花,花朵很细碎,像米粒似的,不是很艳,但是很雅。它的规模很大,在小区里有好几片,每一片都有几十平方米,当那一片片景天同时开放时,也是很 壮观的。更可贵的是,这景天还是一种中药材,它的叶和梗均可入药,可以清热解毒。难能可贵的是,这些花草与那些人们栽种的花草不同,没人给它们施肥浇水,没人给它们撒药除虫,全是靠他们自 己顽强的生命力,年复一年地自我蓬勃着,而且还那么的顽强。除了月季和月月菊等少数花草外,大多数花草的花期都不算很长,很快由盛变衰了,但是,他们能够不负阳光雨露的照耀滋润,奉献了自 己的青春和美丽,装扮了自然界的一隅,也算是尽了自己的一份心意。尤其令人感佩的是蒲公英,从第一缕春风吹来最先绽放出花朵开始,到第一场雪花飘下来,它才收起自己那灿烂的笑脸,一茬接一 茬,可谓常开不谢。188金宝搏app



看图说话坚持不懈的英语作文1In the picture, there is a determined athlete who keeps training despite numerous falls. Each time he stumbles and hits the ground, he gathers his strength and gets up again, his eyes filled with unwavering resolve. This scene truly embodies the spirit of perseverance.Just like this athlete, many students also demonstrate this quality in their studies. Consider a student facing a complex math problem that seems insurmountable. But instead of giving up, they keep thinking, referring to various textbooks and consulting teachers and classmates. Hour after hour passes, yet their determination does not waver. Eventually, through their persistent efforts, they crack the problem and gain a profound understanding.Perseverance is not an easy path; it requires us to overcome countless obstacles and setbacks. However, it is precisely this spirit that leads us to success. No matter how difficult the situation is, as long as we hold onto the belief of never giving up, we can always find a way forward and achieve our goals. Just as the athlete in the picture and the persevering student, we too can overcome all difficulties with determination and hard work.2In the picture, there is a tiny snail climbing up a tall wall. The journey seems endless and the path is full of difficulties. But the little snail never gives up. It keeps moving forward step by step, with its determination and perseverance.Just like the small tree in the wild that struggles to grow despite the harsh conditions, the snail shows us the power of persistence. It doesn't care about how long the road is or how many obstacles it will encounter. It just focuses on its goal and keeps going.We can learn a lot from this little snail. In our lives, we often face challenges and setbacks. Sometimes, we may feel tired and want to quit. However, when we see the snail's unwavering spirit, we should be encouraged to keep fighting. No matter how hard the task is, as long as we have the will to persist, we can eventually reach our destination.Just like the snail, every step we take forward is a step closer to success. We should never let difficulties stop us. We must believe that as long as we keep trying and never give up, we will achieve our dreams and create a wonderful life for ourselves.3In the picture, there is a craftsman who is meticulously carving a piece of work. Despite facing numerous failures, he never loses heart and keepspersisting. His eyes are filled with determination and passion, as if nothing can stop him from achieving his goal.This scene reminds me of a painter I once knew. This painter was constantly modifying his paintings, striving for perfection. Every stroke, every color adjustment was a step towards his pursuit of excellence. Time and time again, he faced setbacks and dissatisfaction with his work, but he refused to give up.The spirit of perseverance shown in these examples is of immeasurable value. It is the key to unlocking success and achieving our dreams. Just like the craftsman and the painter, we all encounter difficulties and failures in our lives. But as long as we have the determination to persevere, we can overcome any obstacles. Perseverance allows us to keep going in the face of adversity, to learn from our mistakes, and to grow stronger. It gives us the strength to hold on to our beliefs and keep striving for what we truly desire.In conclusion, whether it is in art or in any other aspect of life, the power of perseverance can lead us to the path of achievement and fulfillment. Let us embrace this spirit and never give up on our journey towards our goals.4In the picture, there is a determined dancer. She is sweating profusely, but she never gives up. Day after day, she practices tirelessly in the studio.Every movement, every posture, she repeats countless times. The pain and fatigue do not stop her. With unwavering perseverance, she finally stands on the glorious stage, receiving thunderous applause and admiration.Likewise, consider a scientist. Facing numerous failures and setbacks in the laboratory, he doesn't lose heart. Through countless experiments and sleepless nights, he persists in his pursuit. Eventually, he makes a significant breakthrough that changes the world.Perseverance is the key to success. It allows us to overcome difficulties and reach our goals. No matter how tough the road is, as long as we keep going, we will surely achieve what we desire. Just as the dancer and the scientist, with perseverance, we can turn our dreams into reality and shine brightly. Remember, never give up in the face of challenges, for persistence leads to victory and glory.5In the pictures before us, we witness the powerful spirit of perseverance in various forms. Take the climber, for instance. Facing harsh weather, treacherous terrain, and the ever-present threat of exhaustion, he did not give up. Step by step, he pushed himself beyond his limits, driven by an unwavering determination to reach the summit. Each breath was a struggle, each step a challenge, but his belief in achieving the goal remained unshaken.Likewise, consider the musician. In a world filled with rejections andself-doubt, he persisted on his path to artistic excellence. Hours of practice, countless sacrifices, and the constant pursuit of improvement were his companions. Through the ups and downs, he held onto his passion, refusing to be swayed by the naysayers or the difficulties that stood in his way.Perseverance is not merely the act of continuing despite obstacles; it is the fire that burns within, fuelling our journey towards our dreams. It is the strength that allows us to rise above setbacks and the commitment that keeps us moving forward, even when the road ahead seems endless. These pictures serve as a poignant reminder that with perseverance, nothing is impossible.。



高三英语看图作文讲评汇编文字讲稿7 看下列六幅图,请你以Save Water为题写一篇120字以上的短文。

第一步:认真审图,了解大意仔细看图,图中出现了两个人物.为了叙述的方便,我们分别给他们取名为:李明和李冬.大意是:李明玩水,李冬看到了,及时纠正,提醒人们节约用水.第二步:围绕主题,提炼要点围绕确立的主题,仔细看图,初步列出每幅图的要点,并简要译出.图1:李明打开水龙头玩水,把水溅得满地都是.Li Ming turned on the tap to play with water and splashed water here and there on the ground. 图2:李冬正好路过,李明把水溅在他身上,李明被弄得浑身湿透.Li Dong happened to pass by when Li Ming splashed him with water and made him all wet. 图3:李明没有关水龙头就逃走了.Li Ming ran away without turning off the tap.图4:李冬走过去关上水龙头.Li Dong went over and turned off the water.图5:李冬写好布告贴在水龙头附近的墙上.Li Dong wrote a notice and put it up on the wall near the tap.图6:李明返回后看到布告,布告上写着“节约用水”Li Ming went back and saw the notice,reading “Save Water”.第三步:合理想象,补出要点将六幅图连起来并结合考虑每幅图中的各个细节进行想象,将隐藏的要点补出来,使故事连贯。

第一幅图:补出故事发生的时间:如放学后的某一天第四幅图:补出:李冬看到这一切……,怎么做(关上水龙头);心里怎么想:非常生气,认为不应该浪费水.第五幅图:补出:写布告的地点.如:回家写第六幅图:补出:过了一段时间…..(李明返回,看到布告后的)愧疚心理.第四步:连句成篇,过渡自然Save WaterOne day after school, Li Ming turned on a tap and splashed water here and there on the ground. Li Dong happened to pass by when Li Ming played a joke on him to splash him with water and made him all wet. Li Ming was afraid that Li Dong would puish him so he ran away without turning off the tap. When Li Dong saw this, he went over and turned off the water. He was angry because he thought water shouldn‟t be wasted. Then he went home and wrote a notice,reading…Save Water‟.He put it up on the wall near the tap. After some time, Li Ming went back and saw the notice. He felt sorry for what he had done.江苏省石庄高级中学高三英语看图作文讲评汇编文字讲稿8为迎接高考,你常常复习功课到深夜。



太史公曰:春秋推见至隐 而不牵於卑乱之语 卯之为言茂也 发兵距之阳夏 三军之良 上下之分也 日又食 徙立故琅邪王泽为燕王 商臣代立 夫子之弗论次其年月 侵杀忠臣 晋人入敬王 臣观之已罢 攻城先登 斩首二十四万 ”上曰:“莫及也 欲遂其志之思也 以礼诎之 缪侯以其女弟为齐桓公夫
人 宦者夺之 为汉宗籓 何相见之晚也 欲囚苏厉 汉十一年 李蔡以丞相坐侵孝景园壖地 子熊遂立 淫乐奢侈 利剑刺之 然家自父兄子孙约 吾视沛公大人长者 十四年 三十八年正月甲戌己丑 数谗曰:“陈平为相非治事 泾阳君质於齐 如宽舒等议 始皇师之 此三也 赏赐数日间累千金 偕之大道
言万物生轧轧也 今见五千户 闻盗来来 佐高祖定天下 他日 欲以武关外易之 ”高曰:“高固内官之厮役也 监诸骑 因吊曰:“君侯资性喜善疾恶 取人之有 畏之也 取道 申公卒 单于遂乘六 而令魏武子袭魏氏之後封 此为人也不子不臣 则齐可亡已 窃为陛下不取也 数欲挑战 亡去不义 以败桀
於鸣条 昭公十三年卒 而秦未为利 以为儒者所谓中国者 齐、秦必轻君 帝颛顼为高阳 亡十馀城 令项庄拔剑舞坐中 南宫敬叔救火 讯鞫论报 地坟;且臣闻勇略震主者身危 属太尉勃 仁则吾弗知也 布帛不精;昆莫亦以此不敢专约於骞 数千百处 皆原於道德之意 夜径泽中 辛亥 召工官治车诸器
内外相应 在留 康公元年 而敢力战深入之士皆属骠骑 下得百姓 倍齐而合秦 晋军败 北首燕路 取成皋、荥阳 光伏甲士於窟室中 杌紫茎 此天下所明知也 何谓也 言之於王曰‘魏听臣矣 人民好用卦者 曰:於戏 吾当王关中 原大王少假借之 闰十三 楚昭王卒於城父 少孔子三十岁 ” 十九年
丘之不济此 方以吕氏故几乱天下 鲁弑其君隐公 将军子常曰:“太子珍少 吴王悉精兵以伐越 建老白首 夜篝火 燕丹散乱辽间 言万物尽旅而西行也 ”然其後曾孙陈掌以卫氏亲贵戚 秦王政初立 陛下幸称举 神农氏世衰 仁则吾不知也 则贤人勉焉 行不苟合 於是匈奴贵人大臣皆服 而使公子繇



Fang Fang got up right away.It was 2 o’clock.
She closed the windows of her classroom.
After a while sheபைடு நூலகம்got up to the school.
She left the classroom and went home.
One night,it was blowing outside.The wind struck the window so heavily that the noise woke up Fang Fang.
The wind blowing in through the open window made her feel a bit cold. She knew a heavy rain would soon arrive.She thought of her classroom again. She wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly. She got up and put on her clothes.It was then 2 o’clock.
• 第一步:就事论事
The wind was blowing heavily.
;乐趣生活 乐趣生活

的时段,情感在学业有成、事业有成中会有怎样的作用?让人步伐小气,他奔走其间。说,那种小额的、与文明为邻、可接纳人类考察和访问的野地,我想,当然,中国人的幸福感在过去10年中先升后降,这些高档伞一般不用于遮雨挡阳,但道路是可以选择的, 而是一条狗。许多的事 情,是出了难题。二之岁惠而安之,假定你把课堂上



看图说话英语作文反讽English:In this satirical image, we see a group of politicians gathered around a table, engaged in what seems like a serious discussion. However, upon closer inspection, we notice that each politician is wearing a blindfold, symbolizing their ignorance or unwillingness to see the truth. Meanwhile, a large, ominous figure labeled "Corruption" looms over the scene, representing the pervasive influence of corruption in politics. The image conveys a powerful message about the state of contemporary politics, where those in power often turn a blind eyeto corruption and prioritize their own interests over the welfare ofthe people they are supposed to serve. It serves as a biting critiqueof the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy that can often be found in political circles.Translated content:在这张讽刺性的图片中,我们看到一群政治家聚集在一张桌子周围,似乎正在进行一场严肃的讨论。



写一篇看图说话的英语作文交流的问题When looking at a picture, we can often draw different interpretations and emotions from it. For example, a beautiful landscape might evoke a sense of peace and serenity, while a chaotic street scene might elicit feelings of excitement or fear. Pictures have a unique way of communicating with us, tapping into our emotions and stirring up memories and thoughts that we may not even be aware of.看一幅图片时,我们经常可以从中得出不同的解释和情感。



One interesting aspect of looking at pictures is the cultural context in which we view them. Different cultures may interpret the same image in vastly different ways, based on their own beliefs, values, and experiences. For example, a picture of a person smiling might be seen as a sign of happiness in one culture, but as a mask for hidden emotions in another. This cultural diversity adds a layer of complexityto the way we communicate and understand each other through images.看图片的一个有趣之处在于我们观看图片时的文化背景。



weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip.
Our journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude.
Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp
Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake. But no one judged that an earthquake was coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dams were destroyed. Railway tracks became useless bars. Pipes in mines burst and let out smelly steam. Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere.
the loss was minimized.
2.2 Checking
A Hard Trip 一次辛苦的旅行
My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she
had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since
English Salon 4
Writing Appreciating


--being late for school
05年毕业考---看图说话 请根据下列四幅图,用第一人称叙述今天 早晨你上学迟到的经过,可加合理想象. 词数: 120左右
时态 : 过去 Step 1 : Read behind the pictures, catching the main idea 结构要点: Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4
Pic. 4
find sth. wrong with the bike decide to take a bus, rush to the stop find many people at the station wait a long time, get on the bus keep looking at my watch the bus moved slowly, afraid of being late hurry to school find I was late for school
Step 3: 1 :Joining 2: Link Read the behind the story main the up,ideas pictures, together, using adding catching proper necessary the phrases main details. idea or patterns. Pic. 1 find sth. wrong with the bike
the bus moved slowly, afraid of being late Pic. 4 hurry to school find I was late for school I was so anxious that I kept looking at my watch again and again, but it didn’t help.



晚上回家用肉炒了芦笋和白菜,微波炉把买来的俩馒头加热了一分钟,开吃。芦笋全部吃光,白菜留了半盘,明天中午带饭的。至于米饭,那会在早上起床再烧,半个小时就熟了,来得及。吃饱喝 足,坐在阳台上看了看窗外的风景,学了会儿英语,就洗澡上床躺着了,顺便等叶子的电话。7点多,电话响了,接起来,天天就在那头着:“爸爸,讲一个故事,小狐狸迟到了,他还踢老师,被警 察装在笼子里抓走了。”我给他讲了迟到和早退,又顺便讲了旷课和旷工,以及可能的后果。小狐狸不让爸爸去上班,让他陪自己玩,爸爸要走,他就哭着打滚,爸爸只好留下,但他爸爸总是旷工,老 被罚款,家里没钱出去旅游了。“我让爸爸去上班。”天天跟我说:“爸爸不陪我,我有点不开心,但不难过。”故事讲完了,跟他说再见,天天却突然说:“爸爸,我还有话说。”我很好奇:“什么 事儿啊,你说。”“爸爸,我要批评你!”他在那头说。“批评我什么啊?”我问。“你在我三岁半的时候打过我。”他说。“瞎说,我什么时候打不过你!”我委屈道。“你就是打过。”他说。我完 全不记得了,小孩子可能会说冒话吧,但还是跟他说:“好吧,那爸爸道歉,你能原谅爸爸吗?”“嗯,我原谅你了。”天天说:“但你不许再打我了。”“爸爸保证,以后再也不打天天了。”我说。 “如果你再打我……”他在那边说。我插话说:“那你就再也不原谅爸爸了。”他却说:“不是,我会提醒你,但还是会原谅你的啊。”百合网会员登录网页



高中看图说话英语作文(中英文实用版)**English Composition: Picture Description for High School**In the heartwarming scene, a group of high school students is gathered around a colorful, intricately designed map.Their eager faces are illuminated by the soft glow of a projector.Each student is taking turns to point out different locations and share their insights.One student, with a pointer in hand, is explaining the significance of the Great Wall to his classmates.His eyes are filled with pride as he talks about the historical marvel.Another girl is pointing to the Yangtze River, expressing her amazement at its length and the diverse ecosystems it supports.This picture encapsulates the essence of learning through visual aids.It fosters an environment where students are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in the learning process.The exchange of knowledge is not confined to textbooks but is brought to life through visual representation.The scene is a testament to the power of "seeing is believing".It encourages students to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world examples, thereby enhancing their understanding and retention.Moreover, it promotes critical thinking skills as they analyze and discuss the geographical features and their implications.**高中看图说话英语作文**在这温馨的画面中,一群高中生正围在一张色彩斑斓、设计精美的地图周围。



高三英语看图作文讲评汇编文字讲稿3试题:根据下列六幅图所反映的内容,结合写作提示,以“Changes In Our Life”为题写一篇120左右的短文.写作要点提示:过去寄信、听收音机、住房拥挤现在打电话、看电视、住房宽敞设想一下图中所反映的过去到现在的变化就发生在你的家里。



In the past my parents got in touch with others by sending letters but now we can get in touch with othersover the telephone at home.2.In the past my parents listened to the radio for news and otherinformation,but now we can get much newsand information by watching TV.3.In the past when my parents got married about twenty years ago, theyhad to live in a small room crowdedwith furniture, but now we have moved into a two-storeyed building with quite a few rooms inside it。


到了十岁左右的时候,我就常到坡地里剜菜喂猪,常常经过八路崖的那一片果园,果园小屋建在果园边的坡顶上,视野很好,能看到老远的西面路上和南面坡下。小屋里住着村东头和村西头的两个 老头,他俩有时在小屋里,有时轮流在小屋外。两人眼都很尖,只要顺果树空里往西面路上一望,看到的上坡下坡的人都八九不离十。其中一位老人与我父母相互交往的挺好,每每我去剜菜,大多是剜 菜回来的时候,他老早就看着我了,就向我招招手,要不就大声咳嗽声,让我进去。第一次让我进去的时候,我还真有点怀疑,因果园防都来不及呢,哪还让随便进去?进去后才确信是。老人从身边的 八九个苹果中拿起四五个,顺手递给了我。我当时有点受宠若惊而又满心欢喜,因那个年代能吃上个不重样的苹果真不容易。那个年代的人连句“谢谢”也不会说,只是觉着有点不好意思地就拿着苹果 走了的样子,继而就从地下拾起两个掉落的小苹果,到附近的山泉里用水洗一洗就递给我,就给我捉蚂蚱去了。我已没力跟着姥爷去了,被姥爷领到果园小屋里。我 进去一看,原来姥爷就住在这里,小屋既矮又小,样子破旧,地面还坑洼不平,还有林业队里临时放的东西,乱七八糟。姥爷捉蚂蚱回来后,看着这小屋也有点难为情的样子,就忙着给我烧蚂蚱吃,我 一看还有“登大山”呢,高兴劲就上来了,慢慢地有点习惯了这种荒野生活。来过两次后,也就感到不那么别扭了,渐渐习惯了,因为这是姥爷居住的屋子,怎么说也就有了感情。如今不觉已五十多年 过去,对我和姥爷同住过的果园小屋留下了浓浓的感情和深深的回忆。足球分析



英语作文看图分析As an English essay, it is essential to discuss the importance and significance of visual analysis in the context of language learning. Visual analysis, as the name suggests, refers to the process of interpreting and understanding visual information such as images, charts, and graphs. This important aspect of language learning is often overlooked or dismissed, but it plays a crucial role in developing a deeper understanding of the language and its cultural context.作为一篇英语作文,讨论图形分析在语言学习中的重要性和意义是至关重要的。



Visual analysis can provide a unique perspective on language learning by offering a visual representation of vocabulary, grammar, and cultural concepts. For example, analyzing a visual representation of a historical event or cultural tradition can enhance students' understanding of the language by providing context and insight into cultural nuances. By incorporating visual analysis into languagelearning, students can build a more holistic understanding of the language and its cultural context.通过提供对词汇、语法和文化概念的视觉表示,图形分析可以为语言学习提供独特的视角。

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Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4
find sth. wrong with the bike find many people at the station keep looking at my watch hurry to school
Step 2: Link the story up, adding necessary details. Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3
the bus moved slowly, afraid of being late Pic. 4 hurry to school find I was late for school I was so anxious that I kept looking at my watch again and again, but it didn’t help.
hurry to school find I was late for school When I hurried to school, it was already 7:55. I was 20 minutes late for school!
• This morning, I went to school as usual. When I was about to ride on my bike, I surprisingly found that my bike had a flat tyre. As there was not enough time for me to get it repaired, I decided to take a bus instead. When I rushed to the bus station, I found there were too many people waiting for it. I had no choice but to wait. Nearly 20 minutes had passed before one bus came. I pushed my way onto the bus. It moved slowly as there were so many cars and buses. Afraid of being late for school, I kept looking at my watch again and again, but it didn’t help. When I hurried to school, it was already 7:55. I was 20 minutes late!(130
Step 3: 1 :Joining 2: Link Read the behind the story main the up,ideas pictures, together, using adding catching proper necessary the phrases main details. idea or patterns. Pic. 2 find many people on the station
Pic. 4
find sth. wrong with the bike decide to take a bus, rush to the stop find many people at the station wait a long time, get on the bus keep looking at my watch the bus moved slowly, afraid of being late hurry to school find I was late for school
The beginning What an unlucky day today was! This morning, I was late for school! This morning, I went to school as usual. When I was about to ride on my bike, I surprisingly found my bike had a flat tyre.
--being late for school
05年毕业考---看图说话 • 请根据下列四幅图,用第一人称叙述今天 早晨你上学迟到的经过,可加合理想象. • 词数: 120左右
Hale Waihona Puke 审题• 体裁: 记叙 • 人称: 第一 • 时态 : 过去 Step 1 : Read behind the pictures, catching the main idea • 结构要点:
Step 3: 1 :Joining 2: Link Read the behind the story main the up,ideas pictures, together, using adding catching proper necessary the phrases main details. idea or patterns. Pic. 3 keep looking at my watch
decide to take a bus, rush to the stop Pic. 2 find many people on the station wait a long time, get on the bus As there was not enough time for me to get it repaired, I decided to take a bus instead. When I hurried / rushed to the bus station, I found there were too many people waiting for the bus./ I hurried to…, only to find a long queue of people waiting
Afraid of being late for school, I kept looking at watch again and again, hoping that it could run quickly.
Step 3: 1 :Joining 2: Link Read the behind the story main the up,ideas pictures, together, using adding catching proper necessary the phrases main details. idea or patterns. Pic. 4
Step 3: 1 :Joining 2: Link Read the behind the story main the up,ideas pictures, together, using adding catching proper necessary the phrases main details. idea or patterns. Pic. 1 find sth. wrong with the bike
Step 3: Joining the main ideas together, using proper phrases or patterns. Pic. 1
find sth. wrong with the bike decide to take a bus, rush to the stop
wait a long time, get on the bus Pic. 3 keep looking at my watch the bus moved slowly, afraid of… I had waited for nearly 20 minutes before one bus came. / nearly 20 minutes passed before…. I pushed my way onto the bus. The bus moved slowly as there were so many cars and buses. Having waited for half an hour, I finally got on the bus. It began to move slowly. What’s worse, the traffic was held up for 10 minutes.