Savings Definition 节约的定义
Frugality. It's not exactly an alluring word, is it? Most of us worry that being frugal means living a bleak, depressing life, missing out on "normal" society.节约,是不是一个诱人的词呢?多数人会想着勤俭节约是不是意味着要过着凄苦无望的日子,并且要与正常的社会脱轨。
The truth is, frugality simply means applying a bit of thought to how you spend your money. It's not about being cheap or miserly; it's about taking control.事实上,节约,很简单,就是指花些心思在如何花钱上,并不是指买便宜货,斤斤计较,而节约就是要我们“节流”。
And don't you just love it when a bit of cleverness saves you a ton of cash?不仅要喜欢还要想办法给自己省钱。
Maybe you found a fantastic dress on ebay – for half the price as in the shops. Or you compared the price of that new television in a couple of different stores, and saved $100. Or you found out how to fix something, instead of buying a new one.可以是你在易趣网店半价购买了一件很喜欢的漂亮裙子,或是你货比三家后节省了100美元,再或者是你懂得修补不用再买新的。
1.人力资源管理导论组织:(organization) 管理者:(manager) 管理过程:(management process) 人力资源管理:(human resource management) 职权:(authority) 直线职权:(line authority) 职能职权:(staff authority) 直线经理:(line manager) 职能经理:(staff manager) 全球化:(globalization) 人力资本:(human capital) 伦理道德:(ethics)2.公平就业机会及相关法律积极的反歧视行动:(affirmative action) 规范化指南:(uniform guide lines) 受保护群体:(protected class) 混合动机:(mixed motive) 合格者:(qualified individuals) 性骚扰:(sexual harassment) 五分之四法则:(4/5 ths rule) 消极影响:(adverse impact) 差别拒绝率:(sisparate rejection rates) 限制性政策:(restricted policy) 人口比较:(population comparisons) 真实职业资格:(bona tide accupational qualification) 建设性争议处理程序:(alternative dispute resolution) 建设性争议处理计划:(ADR program) 多元化:(diversity) 刻板印象:(stereotyping) 歧视:(discrimination) 象征主义:(tokenism) 种族中心主义:(ethnocentrism) 性别角色刻板印象:(gender-role stereotype) 善意努力战略:(good faith effort strategy) 逆向歧视:(reverse discrimination)3.人力资源管理战略与分析战略规划:(strategic plan) 战略管理:(strategic management) 使命陈述:(mission statement) 公司战略:(corporate-level strategy) 竞争战略:(competitive strategy) 竞争优势:(competitive advantage) 职能战略:(functional strategy) 战略性人力资源管理:(strategic human resource management) 战略地图:(strategy map) 人力资源计分卡:(HR scorecard) 数字仪表盘:(digital dashboard) 基于战略的衡量指标:(strategy-based metrics) 人力资源管理审计:(HR audit) 高绩效工作系统:(high-performance work system)4.职位分析与人才管理过程人才管理:(talent management)职位分析:(job analysis) 职位描述:(job description) 任职资格:(job specification) 组织结构图:(organization chart) 工作流程图:(process chart) 工作流分析:(workflow analysis) 业务流畅再造:(business process reengineering) 职位扩大化:(job enlargement) 职位轮换:(job rotation) 职位丰富化:(job enrichment) 工作日记/日志:(diary/log) 职位分析问卷法:(position analysis questionnaire) 标准职位分类:(standard occupational classification) 任务描述:(task statement) 职位要求矩阵:(job requirements matrix)5.人事规划与招聘人事规划:(workforce planning) 趋势分析:(trend analysis) 比率分析:(ratio analysis) 散点分析:(scatter plot) 任职资格条件库:(qualifications inventories) 人员替代图:(personnel replacement charts) 职位替代卡:(position replacement card) 马尔科夫分析法:(markov analysis) 继任规划:(succession planning) 员工招聘:(employee recruiting) 招聘产出金字塔:(recruiting yield pyramid) 职位空缺公告:(job posting)非常规性配员:(alternative staffing) 即时招聘服务机构:(on-demand recruiting services) 大学校园招募:(college recruiting) 求职申请表:(application form)员工测试与甄选疏忽雇佣:(negligent hiring) 信度:(reliability) 测试效度:(test validity) 效标关联效度:(criterion validity) 内容效度:(content validity) 构想效度:(construct validity) 期望图:(expectancy chart) 兴趣测试:(interest inventories) 工作样本:(work samples) 工作样本技术:(work samples technique) 管理评价中心:(management assessment centers) 情境测试:(situational test) 视频模拟测试:(video-based simulation) 小型工作培训和评价方法:(miniature job training and evaluation)7.非结构化面试:(unstructured interviews) 结构化面试:(structured interviews) 情景面试:(situational interview) 行为面试:(behavioral interview) 职位相关性面试:(job-related interview) 压力面试:(stress interview)结构化顺序面试:(unstructured sequential interview) 小组面试:(panel interview) 集体面试:(mass interview) 求职者面试顺序误差:(candidate-order or contrast error) 结构化情境面试:(structured situational interview)8.员工培训与开发新员工入职引导:(employee orientation training) 培训:(training)任务分析:(task analysis) 培训疏忽:(negligent training) 胜任素质模型:(competency model) 绩效分析:(performance analysis) 在岗培训:(on-the -job training) 学徒制培训:(apprenticeship training) 工作指导培训:(job instruction training) 程序化学习:(programmed learning) 行为塑造:(behavior modeling) 电子化绩效支持系统:(electronic performance support system) 工作助手:(job aid) 终身学习:(lifelong learning) 交叉培训:(cross training) 虚拟课堂:(virtual classroom) 管理技能开发:(management development) 职位轮换:(job rotation) 行为学习:(action learning) 案例研究法:(case study method) 管理游戏:(management games) 角色扮演:(role play)企业内开发中心:(inhouse development centres) 高管教练:(executive coach) 组织发展:(organization development) 控制实验:(controlled experimentation)9.绩效管理与评价绩效评价:(performance appraisal) 绩效评价过程:(performance process) 绩效管理:(performance management) 图评价尺度法:(graphic rating scale) 交替排序法:(alternative ranking method) 配对比较法:(paired comparison method) 强制分布法:(forced distribution method) 关键事件法:(critical incidentmethod) 行为锚定等级评价法:(behaviorally anchored rating scale) 目标管理:(management by objectives)电子化绩效监控:(electronic performance monitoring) 标准不清:(unclear standard) 晕轮效应:(halo effect) 居中趋势:(central tendency) 宽大或严格倾向:(strictness/leniency) 近因效应:(recency effect) 绩效评价面谈:(appraisal interview)10.员工保留、敬业度及职业生涯管理职业生涯:(career) 职业生涯管理:(career management) 职业生涯开发:(career development)职业生涯规划:(career planning) 现实震荡:(reality shock) 导师指导:(mentoring) 教练指导:(coaching) 晋升:(promotion) 调动:(transfer) 不服从上级:(insuboardination) 自由解雇:(terminate at will) 解雇面谈:(termination interview) 重新谋职咨询:(outplacement counseling) 离职面谈:(exit interview) 临时解雇:(lay off) 裁员:(down sizing) 解雇管理:(managing dismissals) 生命周期:(lifecycle career) 职业生涯管理:(career management) 职业锚:(career anchor)11.制定战略性薪酬计划员工薪酬:(employee compensation) 直接经济报酬:(direct financial payment) 间接经济报酬:(indirect payments) 职位评价:(job evaluation) 报酬要素:(compensable factores) 杠杆职位:(benchmark jobs) 职位排序:(ranking method) 职位分类法:(job classification or job grading) 职级:(classes) 职等:(grades)职位等级定义:(grade definition) 计点法:(point method) 市场竞争性薪酬系统:(market-competitive pay system) 薪酬政策线:(wage curves) 薪酬调查:(salary survey) 薪酬等级:(pay ranges) 比较比率:(compa ratios) 胜任素质薪酬:(competency-based pay) 宽带薪酬:(broad banding) 可比价值:(comparable worth)12.绩效薪酬和经济性奖励经济类奖励:(financial incentives ) 生产率:(productivity) 日公平工作标准:(fair day 's work) 科学管理运动:(scientific management movement) 可变薪酬:(variable pay) 期望:(expectancy) 关联性:(instrumentality) 效价:( Valance) 行为修正:(behavior modification) 简单计件工资:(straight piecework) 标准工时计划:(standard hour plan) 绩效加薪:(merit pay or merit raise) 年终奖:(annual bonus) 股票期权:(stock option) 团体或群体奖励计划:(team or group incentive plans) 组织绩效奖励计划:(organization-wide incentive plans) 利润分享计划:(profit -sharing plans)收益分享计划:(gainsharing plan) 收入风险型薪酬计划:(earnings-at-risk pay plans) 员工持股计划:(employee stock owership plan) 广泛股票期权计划:(broad-based stock option plans)13.福利与服务福利:(benefits) 失业保险:(unemployment insurance) 补充性薪酬型福利:(supple-mental pay benefits) 病假:(sick leave) 遣散费:(severance pay) 补充性失业福利:(supplemental unemployment benefits) 工伤保险:(worker 's compensation) 健康维护组织:(health maintenance organization) 自选医疗服务组织:(preferred provider organization) 团体人寿保险:(group life insurance) 社会保障:(social security) 养老金计划:(pension plans) 固定收益制计划:(defined benefit plans) 固定缴费制计划:(defined contribution plans) 可转移性:(portability) 储蓄节约计划:(savings and thrift plan) 延期利润分享计划:(deferred profit -sharing plan) 员工持股计划:(employee stock ownership plan) 现金金额养老金计划:(cash balance plans) 养老金担保公司:(pension benefits guarantee corporation) 提前退休窗口:(early-retirement window) 员工援助计划:(employee assistance program) 弹性福利计划:(flexible benefits plan)自助餐式福利计划:(cafeteria benefits plan) 弹性工作时间:(flextime)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek) 职位分享:(job sharing) 工作分享:(work sharing)14.伦理道德、员工关系管理伦理道德:(ethics)程序公平:(procedural justice) 分配公平:(distributive justice) 社会责任:(social responsibility) 网络欺凌:(cyberbullying) 组织文化:(organizational culture) 非惩罚性惩戒:(ninpunitive discipline) 解雇:(dismissal)员工关系:(employee relations) 建议团队:(suggestion teams) 问题解决团队:(problem-solving teams) 质量圈:(quality circle) 自我管理:(self-managing)15.劳资关系与集体谈判封闭型企业:(closed shop) 工会制企业:(union shop) 工会代理制企业:(agency shop) 工会会员优先企业:(preferential shop) 会员资格保持型企业:(maintenance of membership arrangement) 工作权利:(right to work)工会渗透:(union salting) 授权卡:(authorization cards) 谈判单位:(bargaining unit) 代表取消:(decertification) 集体谈判:(collective bargaining) 有诚意谈判:(good faith bargaining) 自愿性谈判主题:(voluntary or permissible bargaining items) 非法谈判主题:(illegal bargaining items) 强制性谈判主题:(mandatory bargaining items) 僵持:(impasses) 调解:(mediation) 实情调查员:(factfinder) 仲裁:(arbitration)利益仲裁:(interest arbitration) 权利仲裁:(rights arbitration) 经济罢工:(economic strike) 同情罢工:(sympathy strike) 野猫罢工:(wildcat strike) 反不当劳资关系行为罢工:(unfair labor practice strikes) 设置纠察:(picketing) 联合施压运动:(corporate campaign)联合抵制:(boycott) 内部游戏:(inside games) 闭厂:(lockout) 禁令:(injunction) 争议处理程序:(grievance procedure)16.员工安全与健康职业病:(occupational illness)传讯:(citation) 不安全工作条件:(unsafe conditions) 工作伤害分析:(job hazard ananlysis) 运行安全审查:(operational safety reviews) 行为安全教育:(behavior-based safety) 安全意识项目:(safety awareness) 工作倦怠:(burnout) 自然安全:(natural security) 机械安全:(mechanical security) 组织安全:(organizational security)17.全球化人力资源管理国际人力资源管理:(international human resource management) 工人理事会:(works councils) 外派员工:(expatriates) 母国公民:(home-country nations)第三国公民:(third -country nations) 虚拟团队:(virtual team) 民族中心主义:(ethnocentric) 多国中心主义:(polycentric) 全球中心主义:(geocentric) 适应性甄选:(adaptability scerrning) 国外服务补贴:(foreign service premium) 艰苦补贴:(hardship allowances) 迁移补贴:(mobility premiums)。
节约用水的原因与意义的英语Saving water is an important practice that everyone should adopt in their daily lives. There are numerous reasons and significances associated with conserving water, which I will discuss in detail in this essay.Firstly, saving water helps to ensure a sustainable future. Water is a finite resource, and its supply is gradually diminishing. By conserving water, we can help to delay the depletion of this valuable resource. It is estimated that by 2025, two-thirds of the global population may face water scarcity, and saving water now can contribute to preventing this alarming situation. Conserving water today means that future generations will have access to this essential resource, ensuring their survival and well-being.Secondly, saving water helps to protect the environment. The extraction, treatment, and distribution of water require significant amounts of energy and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing our water usage, we can reduce these energy demands and emissions, leading to a cleaner and healthier environment. Additionally, saving water also helps to preserve aquatic ecosystems. Many rivers, lakes, and wetlands are facing severe pollution and depletion due to excessive water usage and mismanagement. By conserving water, we can maintain a healthybalance in these ecosystems, ensuring the survival of various plant and animal species.Another reason to save water is to mitigate the effects of climate change. Climate change is causing increased droughts and water scarcity in many regions around the world. By conserving water, we can create a buffer against these effects and ensure that there is sufficient water available for essential needs, such as drinking, sanitation, and agriculture. In drought-prone areas, water-saving measures are crucial for maintaining agricultural productivity and preventing widespread food shortages.Furthermore, saving water promotes sustainable agriculture. Agriculture accounts for a significant portion of global water usage, and inefficient irrigation practices can lead to excessive water consumption and environmental degradation. By adopting water-efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation or precision farming, farmers can reduce their water usage while maintaining crop yields. This not only conserves water but also helps to protect soil fertility and reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, leading to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural system.Lastly, saving water encourages responsible and mindful consumption habits. By being mindful of our water usage and minimizing wasteful practices, we can develop a sense ofresponsibility towards our environment and future generations. This mindset can extend to other areas of our lives, such as energy consumption or waste management, promoting a more sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle overall.In conclusion, saving water has numerous reasons and significances. It helps to ensure a sustainable future, protect the environment, save costs, mitigate climate change effects, promote sustainable agriculture, and encourage responsible consumption habits. Everyone has a role to play in conserving water, and by making small changes in our daily lives, we can collectively make a significant impact on water conservation efforts.。
Savings Definition 节约的定义
Savings Definition 节约的定义.A saving is an improvement in cost compared to the same period in the previous financial year, achievedthrough a deliberate action所谓节约,即通过专门的措施与上一财务年度同期相比较产生的成本改善。
Example: By benchmarking prices of a product, an opportunity to decrease the cost was identified. By using the outcome of thebenchmarking while negotiating with the supplier a cost decrease was achieved. This is to be considered as a saving.例如:通过对比产品价格,确认降低成本的可能性。
Example: Raw material price is going down and therefore the supplier of on the saving as part of our contract. This is NOT to be considered a saving but a cost reduction in material movement.例如:如果原材料价格下降,由此供应商产生的节约可作为合同的组成部分,但是不能视为真正意义上的节约,只能视为涉及材料相关活动的降低成本。
–Savings and increases shall be tracked separately节约与增长应当分别进行控制追踪Example: Consolidating the divisional steel purchases to a single source, supplier A, yields company B a saving of 2% on thepurchase price. Two months later the steel price increases, following the market movement, with 4%. The 2% saving is still to beconsidered a saving since the cost with the previous supplier would have been 2%+4% higher.例如:如果部门钢材采购来源应固定单一,供应商A向B公司让出2%的采购价格。
节能的定义在世界能源委员会1979给出的定义,节能(energy conservative)是:“采用技术上可行、经济上合理、环境和社会可接受的一切措施,来提高能源资源的利用效率”。
上世界90年代,国际上又通行用“能源效率”(energy efficiecy)的概念代替70年代提出的节能(energy conservative)概念。
1.人力资源管理导论组织:(organization)管理者:(manager)管理过程:(management process)人力资源管理:(human resource management)职权:(authority)直线职权:(line authority)职能职权:(staff authority)直线经理:(line manager)职能经理:(staff manager)全球化:(globalization)人力资本:(human capital)伦理道德:(ethics)2.公平就业机会及相关法律积极的反歧视行动:(affirmative action)规范化指南:(uniform guide lines)受保护群体:(protected class)混合动机:(mixed motive)合格者:(qualified individuals)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)五分之四法则:(4/5 ths rule)消极影响:(adverse impact)差别拒绝率:(sisparate rejection rates)限制性政策:(restricted policy)人口比较:(population comparisons)真实职业资格:(bona tide accupational qualification)建设性争议处理程序:(alternative dispute resolution)建设性争议处理计划:(ADR program)多元化:(diversity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)歧视:(discrimination)象征主义:(tokenism)种族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)性别角色刻板印象:(gender-role stereotype)善意努力战略:(good faith effort strategy)逆向歧视:(reverse discrimination)3.人力资源管理战略与分析战略规划:(strategic plan)战略管理:(strategic management)使命陈述:(mission statement)公司战略:(corporate-level strategy)竞争战略:(competitive strategy)竞争优势:(competitive advantage)职能战略:(functional strategy)战略性人力资源管理:(strategic human resource management)战略地图:(strategy map)人力资源计分卡:(HR scorecard)数字仪表盘:(digital dashboard)基于战略的衡量指标:(strategy-based metrics)人力资源管理审计:(HR audit)高绩效工作系统:(high-performance work system)4.职位分析与人才管理过程人才管理:(talent management)职位分析:(job analysis)职位描述:(job description)任职资格:(job specification)组织结构图:(organization chart)工作流程图:(process chart)工作流分析:(workflow analysis)业务流畅再造:(business process reengineering)职位扩大化:(job enlargement)职位轮换:(job rotation)职位丰富化:(job enrichment)工作日记/日志:(diary/log)职位分析问卷法:(position analysis questionnaire)标准职位分类:(standard occupational classification)任务描述:(task statement)职位要求矩阵:(job requirements matrix)5.人事规划与招聘人事规划:(workforce planning)趋势分析:(trend analysis)比率分析:(ratio analysis)散点分析:(scatter plot)任职资格条件库:(qualifications inventories)人员替代图:(personnel replacement charts)职位替代卡:(position replacement card)马尔科夫分析法:(markov analysis)继任规划:(succession planning)员工招聘:(employee recruiting)招聘产出金字塔:(recruiting yield pyramid)职位空缺公告:(job posting)非常规性配员:(alternative staffing)即时招聘服务机构:(on-demand recruiting services)大学校园招募:(college recruiting)求职申请表:(application form)6.员工测试与甄选疏忽雇佣:(negligent hiring)信度:(reliability)测试效度:(test validity)效标关联效度:(criterion validity)内容效度:(content validity)构想效度:(construct validity)期望图:(expectancy chart)兴趣测试:(interest inventories)工作样本:(work samples)工作样本技术:(work samples technique)管理评价中心:(management assessment centers)情境测试:(situational test)视频模拟测试:(video-based simulation)小型工作培训和评价方法:(miniature job training and evaluation) 7.求职者面试非结构化面试:(unstructured interviews)结构化面试:(structured interviews)情景面试:(situational interview)行为面试:(behavioral interview)职位相关性面试:(job-related interview)压力面试:(stress interview)结构化顺序面试:(unstructured sequential interview)小组面试:(panel interview)集体面试:(mass interview)求职者面试顺序误差:(candidate-order or contrast error)结构化情境面试:(structured situational interview)8.员工培训与开发新员工入职引导:(employee orientation training)培训:(training)任务分析:(task analysis)培训疏忽:(negligent training)胜任素质模型:(competency model)绩效分析:(performance analysis)在岗培训:(on-the-job training)学徒制培训:(apprenticeship training)工作指导培训:(job instruction training)程序化学习:(programmed learning)行为塑造:(behavior modeling)电子化绩效支持系统:(electronic performance support system)工作助手:(job aid)终身学习:(lifelong learning)交叉培训:(cross training)虚拟课堂:(virtual classroom)管理技能开发:(management development)职位轮换:(job rotation)行为学习:(action learning)案例研究法:(case study method)管理游戏:(management games)角色扮演:(role play)企业内开发中心:(inhouse development centres)高管教练:(executive coach)组织发展:(organization development)控制实验:(controlled experimentation)9.绩效管理与评价绩效评价:(performance appraisal)绩效评价过程:(performance process)绩效管理:(performance management)图评价尺度法:(graphic rating scale)交替排序法:(alternative ranking method)配对比较法:(paired comparison method)强制分布法:(forced distribution method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)行为锚定等级评价法:(behaviorally anchored rating scale)目标管理:(management by objectives)电子化绩效监控:(electronic performance monitoring)标准不清:(unclear standard)晕轮效应:(halo effect)居中趋势:(central tendency)宽大或严格倾向:(strictness/leniency)近因效应:(recency effect)绩效评价面谈:(appraisal interview)10.员工保留、敬业度及职业生涯管理职业生涯:(career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业生涯开发:(career development)职业生涯规划:(career planning)现实震荡:(reality shock)导师指导:(mentoring)教练指导:(coaching)晋升:(promotion)调动:(transfer)不服从上级:(insuboardination)自由解雇:(terminate at will)解雇面谈:(termination interview)重新谋职咨询:(outplacement counseling)离职面谈:(exit interview)临时解雇:(lay off)裁员:(down sizing)解雇管理:(managing dismissals)生命周期:(lifecycle career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业锚:(career anchor)11.制定战略性薪酬计划员工薪酬:(employee compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial payment)间接经济报酬:(indirect payments)职位评价:(job evaluation)报酬要素:(compensable factores)杠杆职位:(benchmark jobs)职位排序:(ranking method)职位分类法:(job classification or job grading)职级:(classes)职等:(grades)职位等级定义:(grade definition)计点法:(point method)市场竞争性薪酬系统:(market-competitive pay system)薪酬政策线:(wage curves)薪酬调查:(salary survey)薪酬等级:(pay ranges)比较比率:(compa ratios)胜任素质薪酬:(competency-based pay)宽带薪酬:(broad banding)可比价值:(comparable worth)12.绩效薪酬和经济性奖励经济类奖励:(financial incentives )生产率:(productivity)日公平工作标准:(fair day’s work)科学管理运动:(scientific management movement)可变薪酬:(variable pay)期望:(expectancy)关联性:(instrumentality)效价:(Valance)行为修正:(behavior modification)简单计件工资:(straight piecework)标准工时计划:(standard hour plan)绩效加薪:(merit pay or merit raise)年终奖:(annual bonus)股票期权:(stock option)团体或群体奖励计划:(team or group incentive plans)组织绩效奖励计划:(organization-wide incentive plans)利润分享计划:(profit-sharing plans)收益分享计划:(gainsharing plan)收入风险型薪酬计划:(earnings-at-risk pay plans)员工持股计划:(employee stock owership plan)广泛股票期权计划:(broad-based stock option plans) 13.福利与服务福利:(benefits)失业保险:(unemployment insurance)补充性薪酬型福利:(supple-mental pay benefits)病假:(sick leave)遣散费:(severance pay)补充性失业福利:(supplemental unemployment benefits)工伤保险:(worker’s compensation)健康维护组织:(health maintenance organization)自选医疗服务组织:(preferred provider organization)团体人寿保险:(group life insurance)社会保障:(social security)养老金计划:(pension plans)固定收益制计划:(defined benefit plans)固定缴费制计划:(defined contribution plans)可转移性:(portability)储蓄节约计划:(savings and thrift plan)延期利润分享计划:(deferred profit-sharing plan)员工持股计划:(employee stock ownership plan)现金金额养老金计划:(cash balance plans)养老金担保公司:(pension benefits guarantee corporation)提前退休窗口:(early-retirement window)员工援助计划:(employee assistance program)弹性福利计划:(flexible benefits plan)自助餐式福利计划:(cafeteria benefits plan)弹性工作时间:(flextime)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)职位分享:(job sharing)工作分享:(work sharing)14.伦理道德、员工关系管理伦理道德:(ethics)程序公平:(procedural justice)分配公平:(distributive justice)社会责任:(social responsibility)网络欺凌:(cyberbullying)组织文化:(organizational culture)非惩罚性惩戒:(ninpunitive discipline)解雇:(dismissal)员工关系:(employee relations)建议团队:(suggestion teams)问题解决团队:(problem-solving teams)质量圈:(quality circle)自我管理:(self-managing)15.劳资关系与集体谈判封闭型企业:(closed shop)工会制企业:(union shop)工会代理制企业:(agency shop)工会会员优先企业:(preferential shop)会员资格保持型企业:(maintenance of membership arrangement)工作权利:(right to work)工会渗透:(union salting)授权卡:(authorization cards)谈判单位:(bargaining unit)代表取消:(decertification)集体谈判:(collective bargaining)有诚意谈判:(good faith bargaining)自愿性谈判主题:(voluntary or permissible bargaining items)非法谈判主题:(illegal bargaining items)强制性谈判主题:(mandatory bargaining items)僵持:(impasses)调解:(mediation)实情调查员:(factfinder)仲裁:(arbitration)利益仲裁:(interest arbitration)权利仲裁:(rights arbitration)经济罢工:(economic strike)同情罢工:(sympathy strike)野猫罢工:(wildcat strike)反不当劳资关系行为罢工:(unfair labor practice strikes)设置纠察:(picketing)联合施压运动:(corporate campaign)联合抵制:(boycott)内部游戏:(inside games)闭厂:(lockout)禁令:(injunction)争议处理程序:(grievance procedure)16.员工安全与健康职业病:(occupational illness)传讯:(citation)不安全工作条件:(unsafe conditions)工作伤害分析:(job hazard ananlysis)运行安全审查:(operational safety reviews)行为安全教育:(behavior-based safety)安全意识项目:(safety awareness)工作倦怠:(burnout)自然安全:(natural security)机械安全:(mechanical security)组织安全:(organizational security)17.全球化人力资源管理国际人力资源管理:(international human resource management)工人理事会:(works councils)外派员工:(expatriates)母国公民:(home-country nations)第三国公民:(third-country nations)虚拟团队:(virtual team)民族中心主义:(ethnocentric)多国中心主义:(polycentric)全球中心主义:(geocentric)适应性甄选:(adaptability scerrning)国外服务补贴:(foreign service premium)艰苦补贴:(hardship allowances)迁移补贴:(mobility premiums)。
节约词语的解释及近义词节约(拼音:jié yuē,英文:economy),就是节省的意思。
选自《汉书·辛庆忌传》:“ 庆忌居处恭俭,食欲被服尤节约。
” 茅盾《清明前后》第三幕:“她主张节约材料,减低成本,加精技术,改良出品。
” 犹节束。
” 孙诒让间诂:“《淮南子·齐俗训》云:‘古者非不能竭国糜民,虚府殫财,含珠麟施,纶组节束追送死也。
’ 许注云:‘纶,絮也;束,缚也。
” 节制约束。
二、节约词语的近义词朴素[ pǔ sù ]朴实[ pǔ shí ]节俭[ jié jiǎn ]三、节约词语的造句1、我们要提倡节约,反对浪费。
请节约用水的英语节约用水的英文:water saving英[ˈwɔ:təˈseiviŋ] 美[ˈwɔtɚˈsevɪŋ]1、Please do not waste water请节约用水2、The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。
一、watern. 水;雨水;海水;海域v. 给…浇水;供以水;加水;流泪;流口水Water will flow from their buckets; their seed will have abundant water. 水会从他们的桶里流出,而种子会获得充足的水源。
二、savingadj. 节约的;保存的;补偿的;救助的n. 节约;存款;挽救v. save的现在分词Saving is getting节约等于收入。
扩展资料表示节约的词:economy、practice thrift一、economy英[ɪˈkɒnəmi] 美[ɪˈkɑ:nəmi]n.经济;节约;理财;秩序It seems a false economy to me to cut down on libraries.在我看来,减少图书馆的数量并不是真正的节约。
二、practice thrift英[ˈpræktis θrift] 美[ˈpræktɪs θrɪft]In daily life, we should practice thrift, cultivate social responsibility, we n ow have all the treasure.在日常生活中,我们更要勤俭节约,培养社会责任感,珍惜我们现在拥有的一切。
节约英文范文关于勤俭节约的英语作文Nowadays,withtherapiddevelopmentofthemodernsociety,isseemst hatmoreandmorepeopledesirearatherluxuriousthanwealthylife,a ndsomeevenconsideritshamefultobethrifty.Therearetwodifferen topinionsaboutthisphenomenon.Oneisthatbeingthriftisagoodvir tueandshouldbetakenseriously.Theotheristhatwaysoflivingarep eople’spersonalchoices,andshouldnotbebotherbyanyoneelse.AsfarasIa mconcerned,Icannotpositivemorewiththeformerforvariousreason s.Firstofall,livingawealthylifedoesnotmeannotbeingabletobethr ift.Itisnotdifficultforanyooeconomizehisorhermaterialswhile enjoyingthedelightandconveniencetheyarebringing.Forexample, itsoundswonderfultohaveavillawithmanycolorfullights,butthel ightsneednottobekeptonduringdaytime.Itsoundsfortabletotakea bathinalargebathtub,butthere’snoneedtokeepthetaponallthetime.Inthesewayspeoplecancertain lyenjoytheirlivesinexpensively.Moreover,thenaturalresourcesarelimitedandareonadecline.Ifpe oplejustkeepwastingresources,ourlatergenerationswillhavelit tletouse.Meanwhile,althoughscienceandtechnologyhaveenhancea lot,there’sstillnotaperfectwaytomassproduceproductswithoutpollutingth eenvironmentorreleasingalotofgreenhousegases.Ifpeoplekeepth ewasting,thehumanitywillliterallyfaceextinction.Lastbutnotleast,beingthriftisagoodvirtuewhichhasbeenpassedf romgenerationtogeneration.Historyhasalsoprovedthatthosewhoa rethrifthavemuchmoreblessingsthanthosewhoareextravagant.Soi tisimportanttoeducatepeoplethatit’sgoodtohaveadream,butit’sharmfultohaveasumptuousandwastefulone.Tosumup,asanoldsayinggoes,thriftisnotonlyagreatvirtue,butal soagreatrevenue.Ifmorepeoplebeethriftyandlessconceited,thew orldwillundoubtedlybeeamuchbetterone.Saving Water and ElectricityWe live in the earth which is surrounded by the water, water is very important to people’s lives, no one can live without water. Electricity is also important, we can see in the night and so many things we use must work with electricity. Water and electricity are precious resources, we should save them and use them in recycle. Saving these precious resources makes a contribution to people.“家园只有一个,地球不能克隆”。
英文介绍节约的重要性作文Saving is important because it helps us to be more responsible with our resources. When we save, we are able to use less and make the most of what we have. This not only benefits us, but also the environment, as it reduces waste and consumption.Saving is also important because it allows us to be prepared for unexpected situations. By saving money, we can have a safety net in case of emergencies, such as medical expenses or sudden job loss. This can provide us with a sense of security and peace of mind.In addition, saving helps us to achieve our long-term goals. Whether it's buying a house, starting a business, or traveling the world, saving allows us to work towards our dreams and aspirations. It gives us the financial means to make our goals a reality.Furthermore, saving encourages us to be more mindful ofour spending habits. When we are conscious of saving, we are more likely to make thoughtful and intentional decisions about how we use our money. This can lead to better financial management and overall well-being.Moreover, saving can have a positive impact on our mental and emotional health. When we save, we feel a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. It can boost our confidence and self-esteem, knowing that we are taking control of our finances and planning for the future.Finally, saving is important because it teaches us the value of patience and discipline. It requires us to make sacrifices and delay gratification in order to achieve our goals. This can instill important life skills that can benefit us in various aspects of our lives.。
SavingWater(节约用水)Saving Water(节约用水)Saving WaterThe world is not only hungry,but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.节约用水我们的世界不仅饥饿,而且因为缺水而干渴。
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from saving cames having谚语
英语作文节约的重要性Saving is important. We should save money, save water, save electricity, save resources and save the environment. We should not waste anything, because wasting is bad and saving is good. We should save for the future, for ourselves and for the next generation. Saving is a good habit.We should save money. We should not spend too much on things we don't need. We should buy things on sale and use coupons. We should compare prices and look for bargains. We should save for emergencies and for big things like a car or a house. We should save for retirement and for our children's education. We should save for the future.We should save water. We should not waste water when we shower, brush our teeth, wash dishes or water the plants. We should fix leaks and use water-saving devices. We should use less water to help the environment. We should save water for the future.We should save electricity. We should not waste electricity when we turn on lights, use appliances or charge our devices. We should turn off things when we don't use them. We should use energy-saving light bulbs and appliances. We should use less electricity to help the environment. We should save electricity for the future.We should save resources. We should not waste paper, plastic, metal or other things. We should recycle and reuse things. We should use things for a long time and not throw them away. We should use less resources to help the environment. We should save resources for the future.We should save the environment. We should not pollute the air, water or land. We should not harm animals or plants. We should protect nature and wildlife. We should plant trees and clean up litter. We should save the environment for the future.。
节约英语作文翻译Saving is an important aspect of life that helps us manage our finances effectively. It's not just aboutcutting corners or being stingy; it's about making smart choices with our money. Whether it's saving for a rainy day, a vacation, or a big purchase, being able to put some money aside is crucial.One way to save is to be mindful of our spending habits. We often spend money on things we don't really need or want, just because they catch our eye or because we're feeling a bit impulsive. By taking a moment to consider whether a purchase is really worth it, we can avoid wasting money on frivolous items.Another tip for saving is to set a budget and stick to it. This means knowing how much money we have coming in and going out each month, and making sure we don't spend more than we earn. It can be helpful to use a budgeting app or software to track our expenses and income, so we can seewhere our money is going and make adjustments if necessary.Saving also means being resourceful and creative. Instead of buying new things whenever we need something, we can look for ways to reuse or repurpose what we already have. For example, we can fix broken items instead of replacing them, or we can shop at thrift stores or garage sales for second-hand。
节约社会(Saving society)
节约社会(Saving society)节约社会(Saving society)节约社会(Saving society) write an essay of 160―200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on should write neatly on answer sheet 2. (20 points)as is vividly revealed in the drawing above, water is being wisely utilized in the daily life of a family. the good conduct is indeed praiseworthy and should be popularized in our society.the implied meaning of the drawing can be stated as follows. to begin with, to practise economy is closely related to our daily life. in terms of our clothing, food, sheltering, and transport, much work can be done to save valuable energy and natural resources such as power, water, coal, gas and so on. we, as university students, should take the wise use of paper and second-hand textbooks into consideration. what s more, the public participation is the foundation of a society in which to practise economy is advocated and treasured. since social environment is shaped by the general public, the cultivation of economy-practising society depends on the activeinvolvement of every member of our society, be he old or young. in sum, our daily life should be permeated with the sense of practising economy and public participation should be my view, necessary measures should be taken so as to practise economy. on the one hand, we should launch a public campaign to help people build up the sense of practicing economy in our routine life. on the other hand, education on how to practise economy must be promoted by relevant government departments and professionals at different levels. only in this way can we create a real economy-practising society.。
单词save的中文是什么意思篇1英语单词save的中文意思及物动词保存;节省;储蓄;解救不及物动词节省;挽救;救球介词连词除…之外名词救援,救援及物动词1、I saved the animals from the flood.我把动物从洪水中救出来。
2、You may save your pains.你不必费心。
3、He saved me from drowning.他救了我,使我免遭溺毙。
介词1、The shop is open save on Sundays.那家商店除星期日外都营业。
英语单词save的词典解释1、拯救;搭救;挽救;救助If you save someone or something, you help them to avoid harm or to escape from a dangerous or unpleasant situation.e.g……a final attempt to save 40,000 jobs in Britain's troubled aero industry……为保住陷入困境中的英国航空业的4万份工作所作的最后一次努力。
e.g. One man was still missing last night after the Belgian trawler Lucky capsized off the Dutch coast. Three other men were saved……昨晚比利时拖网渔船“幸运号”在荷兰海岸附近沉没后,仍有1人失踪,其余3人被救起。
savingHis boxing career was ended after two sight-saving operations.他的拳击生涯在两次视力救治手术之后终止了。
节能的定义在世界能源委员会1979给出的定义,节能(energy conservative)是:“采用技术上可行、经济上合理、环境和社会可接受的一切措施,来提高能源资源的利用效率”。
上世界90年代,国际上又通行用“能源效率”(energy efficiecy)的概念代替70年代提出的节能(energy conservative)概念。
节约英语作文Saving: A Key to ProsperityIn today's world, where resources are finite and consumption is ever-increasing, the concept of saving has taken on a new level of importance. Saving is not just about money; it extends to time, energy, and the environment. This essay will explore the significance of saving in various aspects of life and why it is crucial for both individual prosperity and the sustainability of our planet.Firstly, saving money is a fundamental aspect of financial stability. By setting aside a portion of our income, we create a safety net that can be used in times of emergency or to achieve long-term goals such as buying a home, starting a business, or funding our retirement. The act of saving encourages financial discipline and allows for a more secure future.Secondly, saving time is essential for personal productivity and well-being. In our fast-paced lives, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, leaving little room for relaxation and self-care. By effectively managing our time, we can prioritize tasks, delegate when necessary, and ensure that we have moments to rest and recharge. This not only improves our work efficiency but also contributes to a balanced lifestyle.Moreover, saving energy is a critical step towards environmental conservation. The excessive use of non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels has led to significant environmental degradation. By conserving energy through simple measures like turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and opting for public transportation, we can reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change.Lastly, saving water is another area where small actions can have a significant impact. Water is a precious resource, and with the increasing global water crisis, it is imperativethat we use it wisely. Simple practices like fixing leaks, using water-saving fixtures, and being mindful of our water consumption can help conserve this vital resource for future generations.In conclusion, saving in all its forms is a practice that benefits not only the individual but also society at large.It is a key to prosperity, allowing for financial security, improved quality of life, and a healthier planet. By embracing a culture of saving, we can ensure a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.。
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Savings Definition 节约的定义.A saving is an improvement in cost compared to the same period in the previous financial year, achievedthrough a deliberate action所谓节约,即通过专门的措施与上一财务年度同期相比较产生的成本改善。
Example: By benchmarking prices of a product, an opportunity to decrease the cost was identified. By using the outcome of thebenchmarking while negotiating with the supplier a cost decrease was achieved. This is to be considered as a saving.例如:通过对比产品价格,确认降低成本的可能性。
Example: Raw material price is going down and therefore the supplier of on the saving as part of our contract. This is NOT to be considered a saving but a cost reduction in material movement.例如:如果原材料价格下降,由此供应商产生的节约可作为合同的组成部分,但是不能视为真正意义上的节约,只能视为涉及材料相关活动的降低成本。
–Savings and increases shall be tracked separately节约与增长应当分别进行控制追踪Example: Consolidating the divisional steel purchases to a single source, supplier A, yields company B a saving of 2% on thepurchase price. Two months later the steel price increases, following the market movement, with 4%. The 2% saving is still to beconsidered a saving since the cost with the previous supplier would have been 2%+4% higher.例如:如果部门钢材采购来源应固定单一,供应商A向B公司让出2%的采购价格。
–Both current year actions and last year actions, dating back up to 12 months (drag-through savings) shall be counted当年的措施和去年的措施,应涵盖12个月(周期节约)的计算Example: Reengineering on item A yields a reduction of material cost from $100 to $80, starting in November 2010. During theperiod from November 2010 to October 2011 the cost of item A will be $20 less than the same period in the previous year, hence wehave a saving of $20. In November 2011 the cost of item A in the same period in the previous year is $80, so there no longer anysaving.例如:从2010年起,针对A物项改进可将材料成本从100美元减至80美元。
–All savings shall be agreed and approved by the local Finance manager and be consistent with financial reports 10所有节约应当由当地财务经理同意批准且与财务报告10保持一致。
Savings Definition 节约的定义.Material Saving材料节约–Is calculated by multiplying the achieved improvement in material cost by the volume consumed in the period材料节约通过将改善的材料成本乘以该期间消耗的量计算。
Example: A saving of $2 was achieved in one of the components in item A, effective immediately. Item A was sold in 5000 units inthe following month and the saving for the month is calculated as $2x5000=$10000.例如:物项A中的一个零件节约2美元,则立即产生成效。
.Labour Saving 人工节约–Is calculated as achieved reduction of labour cost in the period人工节约可通过在一定时期降低人工成本达成。
–HC reduction saving is calculated as the cost of HC reduced in the period减少HC节约通过在一定时期减少HC成本来计算。
Example: Person A has been made redundant due to efficiency improvements in the factory and leaves the company. The savingin the following month is calculated as the monthly cost of A.例如:由于工厂的有效改善,人员A为冗员并离开公司。
Example: The direct labour cost is 10% lower than the same period last year. This is not to be considered a saving, unless thereare specific actions supporting the 10% reduction.例如:直接人工成本与去年同期相比低10%。
–Re-deployed HC can be counted as a saving only if filling a vacant position already announced只有在填补空缺职位时,重新调整的HC才能视为一种节约。
Example: Person B has been working in a cell that has been outsourced. However, as there are vacant positions announced inone of the other cells, B applies for that job. As B has been a trusted and proven worker he is hired for the new position. Thesaving in the following month is calculated as the monthly cost that B had in his previous position. 例如:人员B一直在某个已经外包的单位工作。
–Saving from temporary labour reduction is counted as the cost of reduced temporary labour, with same orincreased overall throughput减少临时人工节约可视为减少临时人工的成本,整体产量相同或有所增加。
Example: Efficiency improvements in the factory allows for higher throughput with reduced temporary labour. The saving iscalculated as the cost of the reduced temporary labour in the period.例如:工厂的有效改善可产生更高的产出并减少临时人工。
Example: Temporary labour is reduced as sales is declining. This is NOT considered a saving.例如:由于销售下降,可以减少临时人工。
11Savings Definition 节约的定义.Savings from services 服务项目的节约Is calculated by multiplying the achieved reduction by the volume consumed in the period服务项目的节约可以通过将降低成本乘以一定时期的消耗量进行计算。