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经常会有人提到, 《财富》500强企业 的 CEO 身高都在平均线以上。我们从未
It's often been suggested that the CEOs of the
亲自调查过相关数据,但是非官方研究 Fortune 500 are of above-average height. We've never 表明这一说法并非空穴来风。身高超过 done the number-crunching ourselves, but unofficial 1.9米(6英尺3英寸)的埃尔瑞娜•科恩 (Arianne Cohen)是《高个子之书:至 高点的生命礼赞》(The Tall Book: A Celebration of Life from on High) 并且提供了一系列理论说明为什么高个
studies suggest the assertion has merit. Arianne Cohen, the 6'3'' author of The Tall Book: A Celebration of Life from on High, maintains there is a tangible correlation between height and success -- and offers up a variety of theories on why tall people tend to thrive in business and elsewhere. Fortune recently sat down with Cohen to talk about the role height plays in the
一书的作者, 认为身高和成功的确相关,
子的人更容易在商界和其他领域取得成 workplace. 功。 《财富》最近采访了科恩,她就身高 So there's really a connection between height 在职场中的影响发表了自己的意见。 and success? 身高和成功真的有关吗?
It's huge. Tall people make an average of $789 per
关系很大。高个子的人每高出平均 inch per year (for every inch above a person of average 身高1英寸(2.54厘米)每年就多赚789 height) and this has been shown repeatedly in a set of 美元。过去50年中这个数字在对英国和 four large-scale salary survey studies over 50 years in 美国所做的四项大型薪酬调查研究中都 both the U.K. and the U.S. 反复出现。
Numerous studies show that when bosses are
大量研究表明,当面对两个称职的 given real and fictitious resumes of two competent 求职者递来的有真有假的简历时,70% employees, there's about a 70% chance that bosses 的情况下老板都会选择个子高的那一 个。在后续调查中,每当经理被问及如 何评价即将上任的员工,他们总会对高 因为这些员工还什么都没有做。从这不 难看出人们先入为主地认为个子高的人 能力也卓尔不群。 为何会如此? 个子高的人取得成功的一个原因是
will pick the taller person for the job. In follow-up studies where the managers were asked to rate the employees coming in to the job, they gave flying color reviews to the tall people, which is hilarious because none of the employees had even done anything yet. The clear implication of this is that tall people are perceived as very competent before they ever display proof that they are. Why is that the case? One reason tall people are successful is that they
个子流露溢美之词。 这点实在是很滑稽,
他们让人印象深刻,这点是在人类进化 are very memorable. We are evolutionarily primed so 的过程中形成的看法。每当一个大个子 that whenever somebody sizable walks in the room, 进屋时,他会引起每一个人的关注,因 everyone in the room glances, because millions of 为几百万年以前,块头最大的人要么是 years ago the biggest person was either going to be a 保护者要么是威胁者。给人留下深刻的 protection or a threat. Being memorable is a major 第一印象是一把双刃剑:如果你表现出 boon if you're doing great work, but it's a double-edged 色, 那会锦上添花; 但如果你表现糟糕,sword: If your work is awful, everyone is going to know 那么也尽人皆知,因为人们都没有把你 it; they won't forget.
