


2018高二英语北师大版选修六:课时卷10 含解析

Unit 18 课下能力提升(十) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Even though I've been acting for years, I still get a t________ out of going on stage. 2.A beggar in s________ clothes came to the door to beg for some money. 3.Alison and I had been at school together, and I felt great a________ for her. 4.The bus came to an a________ stop, which made passengers on board lean forward. 5.Judging from their p________ furniture, this family must have a high income. 6.Prisoners should be treated with regard for human ________ (尊严).7.It's ________ (冰冻的) in this house. Can't I turn on the heating? 8.Can the postman ________ (邮递) the luggage to my house? 9.She is so ________ (模糊的) that I can never understand what she is trying to say. 10.________ (娇嫩的) plants must be protected from cold wind and frost. Ⅱ.句型转换 1.The students can have easy access to the computer laboratory of our school. →The computer laboratory of our school ________ ________ ________ ________ the students.


Unit 22 Environmental Protection Warm-up and Lesson 1 Global warming教案Teaching aims 1. learn news words and phrases 2. warm-up: talk about and discuss environmental problems 3. text:global warming . get the general idea of the text 4. language points and to practise using reporting verbs. Teaching time Two periods Teaching process \ Step 1 Revision Step 2 new words learning some students to read the new words first and correct their pronunciation the tape and have them read after the tape them a few min utes to read the new words freely ,tell them if they can’t read the w ords, encourage them to ask the teacher . Step 3 Warm-up unit objectives, and ask the students to tell us the meanings. 1 a) let the students read the key words b)let them look at the pictures and discuss the question: &


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 桐柏一高中2010年春第一次质量评估 高二年级英语试题参考答案及评分细则 第一部分听力理解:每题小1.5分满分30分 1-----5 BCACB 6-----10 BACAA 11---15 CBCBA 16-----20 CBCAB 第二部分英语知识运用:每小题1分满分35分 21---25 BCCDA 26----30 CDADA 31---35 BABBA 36---40 CABDC 41-----45 DADBC 46---50 DADCA 51---55 DBADC 第三部分阅读理解:每小题2分满分40分 56---59 BCDD 60----63 DCAB 64----67 ABCB 68---70 CDB 71----75 FCAGD 第四部分1、单词拼写:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 76. Accuracy 77. trend 78.surrounded 79 embarrassed 80.absence 81. poisonous 82.technical 83.rescue 84.settlers 85.declared 2、短文改错:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) if改为whether learn前加to 去掉 a hearts改为heart Which改为This or改为and easily改为easy would改为will with改为to still改为yet 3、书面表达(25分) Film or book, which do you prefer? Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original. The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow. Some others have just the opposite opinion. They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful. Personally, I agree with the second view. Actually I have more reasons for it. I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas. In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.


Unit 16 Warm-u p biography n.传记 fantasy n.想象(幻想)物 *horror n.惊恐,恐惧abandon vt.放弃,遗弃 come into view 出现 knock sb. over 撞倒某人 victim n.受害者 once upon a time 从前princess n.公主,王妃 criteria n.(评判的)标准novelist n.(长篇)小说家Lesson 1 volcanic eruption 火山爆发preserve vt.保护,保存capsule n.胶囊;太空舱witness v.目击 occur vi.发生 tremble vi.颤抖,发抖 block out 堵住 particularly adv.特别地,特定地loss n.遗失,丢失 awesome adj.令人敬畏的 in a way 从某种程度上说rewind vi.vt.倒回architecture n.建筑 authentic adj.原作的,真正的characteristic adj.典型的monument n.纪念碑,纪念堂gather vi.vt.聚集 on one's side 侧身 sorrow n.悲伤,难过sympathy n.同情 burst vi.爆炸;冲,闯 split up 断绝关系,分成小部分on the way to 在去…的路上pay rise 增加工资 Lesson 2 specific adj.详细的,特定的significance n.重要性,意义abnormal adj.反常的,不正常vivid adj.生动的,逼真的hardship n.艰苦,困苦


北师大版高中英语必修1-选修8重点短语汇总 Unit 1 TV series 电视连续剧 talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈 couch potato 终日懒散在家的人 switch on 把开关打开,接通 switch off 把……关掉,关上 switch over 转换频道,转变 remote control 遥控 alarm clock 闹钟 go off (爆竹、铃等)响 take up 占据 be filled with 充满着 suffer from 忍受,遭受

distance learning 远程学习 at the moment 此刻,目前 over the years 数年间 kung fu (中国)功夫 Unit 2 manned spaceship 载人宇宙飞船 the United Nations 联合国 millions of 数百万 light bulb 电灯泡 in my opinion 在我看来 on one's own 单独地,独自地 give up 放弃 come to 达到某种状态 pull through 使从(受伤)中活下来,度过难关

commit suicide 自杀 get on 融洽相处;进展 get involved with 参加,参与 far too 太……,极为…… come off it 别胡扯 You've got a point here. 你所说的看来有道理。Unit 3 the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 bean paste 豆馅 the Lantern Festival 元宵节 burn down 烧毁 sweet dumpling 元宵 lunar month 太阴月;阴历一个月


Unit 22Environmental Protection 需写准记牢的单词——记其形、明其义 1.reserve n.保护区 2.principle n. 原则,道德准则 3.beyond prep. 超出 4.advocate vt. 主张,提倡 5.recycle vt. 回收利用 6.threaten vt. 威胁 7.seize vt. 依法没收;(用武力)夺取8.behalf n. 代表 9.means n. 方法 10.dust n. 尘土,灰尘 11.adopt vt. 采用 需举一反三的单词——知其性、通其变 1.extinct adj.灭绝的,绝种的→extinction n.灭绝,绝种2.fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的→fashion n.流行,时尚

3.separation n.分离,分开→separate adj.分开的v.分离,分开 4.construct vt.建造→construction n.建造 5.considerate adj.想得周到的,体贴的→consider vt.考虑→consideration n.考虑 需会读明义的单词——识其形、知其义 1.endanger vt. 危害 2.trap vt. 使困住 3.ecology n. 生态 4.botanical adj. 植物的 5.corrupt adj. 贪污受贿的,腐败的 6.conservation n. 保护 7.consensus n. 一致的意见 8.claim vt. 声称 9.relevant adj. 有关的 10.agriculture n. 农业 11.coincidence n. 巧合 12.condemn vt. 迫使(某人)陷于不幸的境地 13.sacrifice vt.&vi. 牺牲;献出 14.substitute n. 代替品,代用品 15.mainland n. 大陆 16.grand adj. 巨大的 17.changeable adj. 多变的


Warm-u p biography n.传记 fantasy n.想象(幻想)物 *horror n.惊恐,恐惧abandon vt.放弃,遗弃 come into view 出现 knock sb. over撞倒某人 victim n.受害者 once upon a time 从前princess n.公主,王妃 criteria n.(评判的)标准novelist n.(长篇)小说家Lesson 1 volcanic eruption火山爆发preserve vt.保护,保存capsule n.胶囊;太空舱witness v.目击 occur vi.发生 tremble vi.颤抖,发抖 block out 堵住 particularly adv.特别地,特定地loss n.遗失,丢失 awesome adj.令人敬畏的 in a way从某种程度上说rewind vi.vt.倒回architecture n.建筑 authentic adj.原作的,真正的characteristic adj.典型的monument n.纪念碑,纪念堂gather vi.vt.聚集 on one's side 侧身 sorrow n.悲伤,难过sympathy n.同情 burst vi.爆炸;冲,闯 split up 断绝关系,分成小部分on the way to 在去…的路上pay rise 增加工资

specific adj.详细的,特定的significance n.重要性,意义abnormal adj.反常的,不正常 vivid adj.生动的,逼真的 hardship n.艰苦,困苦 *pillar n.支柱 violinist n.小提琴家 name ... after 以…命名 come across 偶然遇见 hold up 支撑起 count on 依靠 origin n.起源,开端;出身 figure out 理解 *heather n.石南属植物 discourage vt.使泄气 end up 以…结束,以…告终 put up with 容忍,忍受 suffering n.痛苦,困难 musical adj.音乐的n.音乐剧,音乐片musical instrument 乐器 admirable adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的tease vt.嘲笑,取笑 suspension bridge 吊桥 videophone n.可视电话 in particular 特别,尤其 Lesson 3 superb adj.出色的,卓越的 severe adj.严重的,严厉的restriction n.限制,约束unbearable adj.不能忍受的 stubborn adj.倔强的,固执的 former adj.以前的 troublesome adj.引起麻烦的straightforward adj.直接的;坦率的precise adj.准确的,精确的 *imitation n.模仿 precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的


北师大版教材重点短语打印(必修+选修) 必修一 第一单元课时总结重点短语: Couch potato 电视迷 Sit on the sofa坐在沙发上 Sit in the chair坐在椅子上 Sit at one’s desk坐在桌上 Tell sb about sth告诉某人某事 Wake up=awake醒来 Get up immediately立刻起床 Turn on =switch on打开 Go downstairs下楼 In the living room在卧室In the dining room在餐厅 At the moment现在 Eat sth for lunch/breakfast/dinner早中晚饭吃…… Watch TV series看电视剧 Switch over 换台 Switch off=turn off关掉Do some exercise 做锻炼 Take the dog for a walk遛狗 Walk the dog遛狗 Portable TV便携式电视 Laptop computer笔记本电脑 Make meals做饭 Walks round in a circle绕圈走 Make the bed铺床 Live this lifestyle过……的生活 Lead a……life过……的生活Live a……life过……的生活 Remote control遥控器A remote place遥远的地方At your feet and in your hand近在咫尺Work one’s way through做….来谋生 Go off响起 Jump out of从….跳出来 It takes sb+时间+to do花费时间做某事 It costs sb+时间/金钱+to do花费时间金钱做某事 Take up占据时间和空间

选修7 课文翻译 北师大版

成功学习英语 早在18世纪人们就预言英语有一天会成为全球性语言,而这一预言在近几十年中已经得到了证实。国际公司的增长和通讯方面的巨大进步带来了学习英语的新潮流。当今世界,要想取得令人瞩目的成就,就要会讲至少两种语言,特别是英语。 然而,没有英语语言环境,学习英语是很难的。一些受人推崇的关于获取语言的理论认为,要达到一种外语水平的流利程度和准确性,你需要置身于这种语言环境之中。但遗憾的是,我们很少有人有机会生活在讲英语的国家,所以大部分人还是得靠学校的语言课程来学习外语。 我国最新颁布的英语教学大纲鼓励老师在教室里创设一种丰富多彩的外语环境。这就意味着,他们要确保通过多种方式给学生足够的英语输入量。足够量的语言输入可以以高质量的阅读和听力材料的形式呈现。不管是说还是写,高质量的输入信息才能保证学生高质量的语言输出。 然而,要取得成功就意味着课后仍需要额外付出。专家认为每天仅仅15分钟的课后学习可以促进外语学习的速度。下面是专家对英语学习的建议: ·制定切实可行的学习目标。例如:为扩大词汇量,每天学10个生词——一周五天——周末复习所学生词。一周学50哥词就意味着一个月可掌握200个词。 ·一周先学一首英语歌曲中的单词,再听几遍这首英语歌曲。 ·先观看母语新闻,然后阅读一份英文报纸或访问一家英文新闻网站。读前能了解主要新闻内容会确保用英语阅读时更透彻地理解所读新闻。 ·观看你最喜爱的一张光盘,但要把你熟悉的部分语言调换成英语。 ·和朋友一道学习,互相测试并分享学习策略——这可以使学习更快乐。 ·赞赏自己。如果你达到了目标,就款待自己。将你的目标告知一个朋友,以使他也能够激励你。 这些建议都很容易做到,也值得付出额外的努力。然而,一天多学那15分钟,的确需要很大的付出。为保持不断努力的势头,你需要时常想想为什么要学英语。理由很简单,在当今世界,英语持有通向更光明的前途和把握未来机遇的钥匙。 肢体语言言为心声 如果你看见一位父亲高兴地笑着并轻轻拍打他儿子的后背,你认为会发生什么?你也许会认为这位父亲正祝贺他的儿子某事做得很好,也许是通过了测试或比赛获胜。因为你明白那位父亲的肢体语言所传达的信息,所以你会知道发生了什么事情。在全球,轻拍后背并附带一个微笑通常意为“干得好”。 每一天全世界不同国籍的人都使用着肢体语言。这是一种没有词语,由手势、面部表情和身体动作组成的语言,它极大地丰富了——有时甚至取 代了——口头语言。同其他任何语言一样,肢体语言被用来交流喜怒等情感和态度,但是与口头语言不同的是,他不总是明确清晰的,所以它又不同于口语。高兴地跳起来的人很容易看到,然而把眉毛往上耸来传达怀疑的态度却更易为人们所忽略。 人们经常有意识地使用肢体语言。不知道一个问题答案的人会先耸起双肩然后让它们落下,

高中英语《Conflict》教案1 北师大版选修8

Lesson 1 Living in a Community 教案 Teaching aims 1. Learn news words and phr 2. To get the general idea of the text 3. Language points and to practise using vocabulary belonging to the same semantic family. Teaching important points : 1) Words and phrases: gnarl ,Vietnamese, identification , flee, spare, stick up, commander, a couple of , unofficial , chief , ward , hug, aboard , fire brigade, procedure, mission 2) To improve students ’reading abilities . Teaching difficult points : 1)How to use the useful and important words and phrases. 2)How to get the general idea in a limited time . 重难点突破:本课为阅读课,在清除单词障碍后,重点放在篇章的理解和阅读技巧上。利用课文内容补充关于战争的信息,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,利用录音培养学生的语感和听力技巧。 Teaching aids : cassette , computer 教学板书:见课件 Teaching process Step 1 New words learning Step 2 Before you start (exercise 1) a) Have students look at the pictures on the page and say what they know about World War I , World War II and the Vietnam War. b) Students work in pairs , doing the quiz on Students’ Book page 102. c) Checking their answers, have them give reasons for their choice if they disagree about any of the answers. Step 3 .Read to learn

最新 北师大版高中英语选修七必会单词和短语总结

Unit 19 单词 1.input 2.output 3.fluency 4.accuracy 5.punctuation 6.royal 7.nationwide 8.thankful 9.constitution 10.liberty 11.thrill 12.jungle 13.cafeteria 14.fold 15.global 16.decade 17.trend 18.absence 19.theory 20.acquisition 21.attain 22.surround 23.curriculum 24.adequate 25.medium 26.ensure 27.accelerate 28.target 29.enlarge 30.guarantee 31.adjust 32.inform 33.dedication 34.dedicated 35.manual 36.theft 37.announcement 38.mate 39.cream 40.razor 41.brochure 42.cab 43.relative 44.pat 45.congratulate 46.explicit 47.eyebrow 48.upwards 49.upper 50.unconscious 51.rigid

52.tight 53.resemble 54.transparent 55.unrest 56.merely 57.purchase 58.negotiate 59.outline 60.ambiguous 61.offence 62.approval 63.bent 64.applicant 65.certificate 66.registration 67.competence 68.diploma 69.marketing 70.overview 71.register 72.candidate 73.cheers 74.diagram 75.caption 76.booth 77.barbershop 78.globe 79.barber 80.fasten 81.stewardess 82.steward 83.regulation 84.bingo 85.haircut 86.amateur 87.sincerely 88.embarrass 89.punctual 90.directory 91.personnel 92.bet 93.academy 词组 94.mother tongue 95.the Statue of Liberty 96.catch on 97.for ages 98.on purpose 99.on the other hand 100.provided that 101.I bet 102.Academy of Arts


Unit 19 Language Lesson 1 Language learning Teaching Aim: (1)To introduce four kinds of noun clauses ①subject clause ②object clause ③appositive clause ④predicative clause (2) to learn some strategies about learning a foreign language Setting achievable targets; listening to English songs; watching the news in your own language and then reading an English newspaper; watching DVD; studying with friends; rewarding yourself Stage 1 introduction of the topic—setting a discussion Stage 2 reading extensively ①read for the first time and answer the true or false questions ②reading for the second time and answer the questions in exercise 2 Stage 3 reading intensively Finish the summary of the whole passage. All the words needed are very important for language learning. Stage 4 summarize the main idea of each paragraph and work out the structure of the passage Stage 5 solve language puzzles Since students have read the passage for 2 times and got the main idea of the passage, there are few language puzzles for them now. But accumulation every day is very important. Here, several words are explained. They are: It was predicted that… case stand out

北师大版高中英语选修八 Unit23 conflict-词汇篇1(教师版)-word

Unit 23 Conflict词汇篇1 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 2、灵活运用第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 1. expose vt. 暴露,显露,揭露;使面临,使遭受(危险或不快);使接触,使体验 归纳拓展: expose a set of amazingly white teeth 露出一口雪白的牙齿 be exposed as a liar 说谎的面目被揭穿 expose sb./sth./yourself to sth. 使……面临某物 expose yourself to criticism 使自己受到批评 expose sb. to as much art and culture as possible 使某人受到尽可能多的艺术与文化的熏陶exposed adj.无遮蔽的,易受攻击(或批评)的 be exposed to many dangers 置身于各种各样的危险之中 exposure n. 面临,遭受,揭露 典型例句: Keep indoors and don’t expose your skin to the sun. 留在屋里,不要让皮肤在太阳下暴晒。 As a nurse in the war she was exposed to many dangers. 作为战地护士,她置身于各种各样的危险之中。、 The newspaper story exposed him as (=showed that he was) a liar. 报纸上的这篇报道揭发他是个骗子。 2. spare v. (把不用的或多余的人或物)拔出,抽出,让给;赦免,饶恕,不伤害n. 备用品;备件归纳拓展: spare sb. sth. 让给某人某物,为某人腾出某物 money/time to spare 余钱/余暇 spare sb. trouble/difficulty/pain etc.免除某人的麻烦/困难/痛苦等 spare a thought for替(某人)想一想 spare no expense不惜资金 典型例句: We’re so busy that no one in the offic e can be spared for any other work. 我们都很忙,办事处中谁都抽不出来做其他工作。 Can you spare ten minutes?你能抽出10分钟时间吗? No trouble was spared to make sure the guests enjoyed themselves. 为使宾客尽情欢乐而不遗余力。What do you like doing in your spare time?你在闲暇时喜欢做什么? 3. appoint vt.任命;委派 归纳拓展: appoint sb. to a post 派某人任某职 appoint sb. as... 任命某人担任……

北师大版高中英语选修六第7讲:Unit18 Beauty-词汇篇1(教师版)-教育文档

Unit 18 Beauty词汇篇1 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 2、灵活运用第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 1.beauty n. 美,美丽;美人;美好的东西;极好的榜样;典型的例子;好处,优点 ①[U]美,美丽(指抽象概念) Her beauty had faded over the years. 这么多年过去了,她渐渐失去了美貌。 ②美人,美好的东西;极好的榜样,典型的例子 She was considered a great beauty in her youth. 她年轻时是个公认的大美人。 词汇链接: ①beautiful adj. 美丽的 ②beautify vt. 美化,使美丽 短语拓展: ①beauty contest 选美比赛 ②beauty queen 选美比赛冠军,选美皇后 ③beauty salon/ parlour/ shop 美容院 ④beauty spot = beauty mark 美人痣;风景点 ⑤beauty products 美容产品 ⑥the beauty of... ......的优点,......的好处,......的妙处 ⑦the beauty of the sunset/ poetry/ his singing 落日/诗作/他的歌声之美 2.attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有迷惑力的;动人的,妩媚的


WORD格式-专业学习资料-可编辑 mother tongue 母语 input (信息) 输入 output (信息) 输出 fluency 流利度流畅度accuracy 精确度准确度punctuation 标点符号 royal 王室的皇家的nationwide 全国性地 thankful 高兴的、感谢的constitution 宪法 liberty 自由 the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像jungle 热带丛林 cafeteria 小餐馆咖啡馆 fold 折叠、交叉 global 全世界的全球的decade 十年 trend 趋势、倾向 absence 不存在、缺乏 theory 理论、学说 acquisition (语言习得 attain 达到、获得 surround 环绕围绕curriculum (学校的课程adequate 足够的充分的medium 媒介物、渠道 ensure 确保保证 accelerate 加速 target 目标 enlarge 扩大 guarantee 保证 adjust 调节、调整 inform 告知、通知 dedication 专心致志dedicated 专心致志的manual 手册、指南 theft 偷窃announcement 通告、布告cream 奶油、油 razor 剃刀 catch on 学会 for ages 很长时间 mate 老兄、老弟、伙计brochure 小册子 cab 出租汽车 relative 亲戚、亲属congratulate 祝贺 explicit 明确的、清楚的eyebrow 眉毛 on purpose 故意地 upwards 向上地 upper 上面的unconscious 不知不觉的、无意的rigid 僵硬的 resemble 像、与……相似transparent 清晰易辨的、透明的unrest 不安 merely 只、仅仅 purchase 购买 negotiate 谈判、协商outline 勾出轮廓ambiguous 模棱两可的offence 冒犯、得罪approval 赞成、赞许 bent 弯曲的 applicant 申请人certificate 证书、证明registration 登记、注册competence 能力 diploma 毕业证书 U 19


SectionⅣCommunication Workshop,Language Awareness3,Culture Corner&Bulletin Board 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,填写单词 1.It was e that the plan is a failure.Even a child could see it. 答案:evident 2.Can you r a good dictionary to me? 答案:recommend 3.My mother always t us like children. 答案:treats 4.He is one of the dishonest (商人)in that city. 答案:merchants 5.What is the main (主题)of the play? 答案:theme 6.The film has a rather thrilling (情节). 答案:plot 7.It is (幼稚的)to run into danger for nothing. 答案:childish 8.The great (缺点)of living near a main road is the noise. 答案:drawback

二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The birds got (trap) when eating corn. 2.I bought this book on the (recommend) of a friend. 3.Black and white show a (strike) contrast. 4.There wasn’t enough (evident)to prove he was guilty. 5.It is bad (manner) to interrupt. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.它是以布芒夫人的童话故事版本为基础改编的。 It the version of the fairy tale by Madame Le Prince de Beaumont. 2.她的姐妹们,费利西娅和阿德莱德,行为不佳,把美丽当作仆人。 Her sisters,Felicie and Adelaide,are nasty and Beauty a servant. 3.要么他的一个女儿替他囚禁在城堡中,要么他就得死。 one of his daughters him a prisoner in the castle, he will die.


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