















自考00078银行会计学 练习题 03

自考00078银行会计学 练习题 03


A、教育储蓄存款是为接受非义务教育积蓄资金,实行优惠利率,分次存入,到期一次支取本息的业务B、教育储蓄存款的开户对象是在校小学四年级(含四年级)以上学生C、教育储蓄存款的储存期分为一年、三年、六年D、教育储蓄存款的起存点1 000元,每户本金最高限额为2万元2、()是指客户按月定额存入,到期一次支取本息的服务。


A、借:短期储蓄存款——X X储户贷:库存现金B、借:库存现金贷:短期储蓄存款——X X储户C、借:银行存款贷:吸收存款D、借:短期存款贷:银行存款4、下列有关单位定期存款表述错误的是()。



A、1日B、10日C、15日D、20日7、中国银行客户朝阳百盛公司存入现金70 000元,中国银行接柜后以现金缴款单第二联作贷方凭证登记分户账,其会计分录应为()。

A、借:库存现金70 000贷:短期存款——朝阳百货公司70 000B、借:短期存款——朝阳百货公司70 000贷:库存现金70 000D、借:短期存款——朝阳百货公司70 000贷:银行存款70 0008、下列关于基本存款账户表述错误的是()。


自考英语二(00015)Unit3 TextB 练习

自考英语二(00015)Unit3 TextB 练习

Section C (P156)
1. How can you stand _b_y_ and let him treat his dog like that?
2. The survey made by scientists shows that kids are all prone _to__ eat junk food.
游风险保持警惕) in the north of the country. (be alert to)
4. At the conference, the CEO annouced that the senior
managers _e_n_jo_y_e_d__c_er_t_a_in__p_ri_v_il_e_g_e_s (享有一定的特权).
If left alone on a desert island, what would you do first?
3. Do you still remember those days when we spent in Hong Kong last year?
Do you still remember those days we spent in Hong Kong last year? 4. All their belongings, together with the remains of torn-up newspapers, lies scattered over the carpets. All their belongings, together with the remains of torn-up newspapers, lie scattered over the carpet. 5. It seems that more and more of my friends are facing great challenges in his lives.

自考Unit3 TextA【精选】

自考Unit3 TextA【精选】
• They befriended me when I first arrived in London as a student.
• His parents befriended some American soldiers who served in Wales during World War II.
have a day off work.
More than likely
• It is more than likely the votes will have to be counted again.
• I'm really at my best when I'm challenged. • The job doesn't really challenge him. • challenge somebody to do something
organization. • 背叛朋友是卑劣的行为
– To betray a friend is a base action.
• used to emphasize a statement or answer:
– The blood tests prove that Vince is indeed the father.
• request somebody tembers are requested to attend the annual meeting.
• a multitude of somebody/something • a very large number of people or things:


















参见教材75页.4、A公司利润表中利润总额为600万,财务费用为120万,所得税费用150万,则利息保障倍数为( ).A.7.25B。







第三章辛亥革命第一节举起近代民族民主革命的旗帜一、单选题1、1904年至1905年,外国侵略者在中国东北为争夺在华利益而进行的战争是A. 英法战争B. 英俄战争C. 日美战争D. 日俄战争2、标志腐朽的清政府已经成为“洋人的朝廷”的是A. 《天津条约》的签订B. 《北京条约》的签订C. 《马关条约》的签订D. 《辛丑条约》的签订3、在近代中国,首先发动资产阶级民主革命的领袖人物是A. 康有为B. 梁启超C.孙中山D. 宋教仁4、中国资产阶级革命派的阶级基础是A. 买办资产阶级B. 官僚资产阶级C.民族资产阶级D. 城市小资产阶级5、1894年,孙中山建立的中国第一个资产阶级革命组织是A.兴中会B. 华兴会C. 光复会D. 岳王会6、20世纪初,章炳麟发表的宣传民主革命思想的著作是A.《驳康有为论革命书》B. 《革命军》C. 《警世钟》D. 《猛回头》7、在20世纪初民主革命思想传播过程中发表《驳康有为论革命书》一文的是A.章炳麟B. 邹容C. 陈天华D. 黄兴8、20世纪初,邹容发表的宣传民主革命思想的著作是A. 《驳康有为论革命书》B.《革命军》C. 《警世钟》D. 《猛回头》9、在20世纪初民主革命思想传播过程中发表《革命军》一文的是A. 章炳麟B.邹容C. 陈天华D. 黄兴10、在20世纪初民主革命思想传播过程中发表《警世钟》和《猛回头》的是A. 章炳麟B. 邹容C.陈天华D. 黄兴11、近代中国第一个全国性的资产阶级革命政党是A. 兴中会B.中国同盟会C. 中华革命党D. 中国国民党12、1905年8月20日,孙中山、黄兴等人在东京成立的资产阶级革命政党是A. 国民党B. 中华革命党C. 中国国民党D.中国同盟会13、1905年8月,中国同盟会成立后创立的机关报是A.《民报》B. 《时务报》C. 《民国日报》D. 《新民丛报》14、中国资产阶级民主革命进入了一个新阶段的标志是A. 兴中会的成立B.中国同盟会的成立C. 国民党的成立D. 中华革命党的成立15、1905年11月,孙中山在《民报》发刊词中将中国同盟会的政治纲领概括为A. 创立民国、平均地权B. 联俄、联共、扶助农工C.民族主义、民权主义、民生主义D. 驱除鞑虏、恢复中华、创立合众政府16、1905年至1907年,资产阶级革命派和改良派论战的焦点是A. 要不要平均地权B. 要不要废科举和兴西学C. 要不要实行共和D.要不要以革命手段推翻清政府二、多选题1、1904年至1905年,为争夺在华利益而在中国东北进行战争的列强是A. 英国B. 法国C.日本D.俄国2、从1902年至1911年,中国各地先后发生的爱国运动有A.拒俄运动B.拒法运动C.抵制美货运动D.收回利权运动3、在近代中国,资产阶级革命派的骨干力量是A.资产阶级知识分子B.小资产阶级知识分子C. 民族工商业人士D. 民间会党人士4、1895年,孙中山在香港成立兴中会总部时提出的革命纲领是A.驱除鞑虏B.恢复中华C. 平均地权D.创立合众政府5、20世纪初,陈天华发表的宣传民主革命思想的著作是A. 《驳康有为论革命书》B. 《革命军》C.《警世钟》D.《猛回头》6、在20世纪初年的中国,宣传资产阶级民主革命思想的代表人物有A. 严复B.章炳麟C.邹容D.陈天华7、20世纪前后,在民主革命思想传播过程中建立的资产阶级革命团体包括A.华兴会B.光复会C.科学补习所D.岳王会8、1905年8月,中国同盟会成立时制定的革命纲领是A.驱除靴虏B.平均地权C.恢复中华D.创立民国9、1905年11月,孙中山在《民报》发刊词中将中国同盟会的政治纲领概括为A.民族主义B.民权主义C.民生主义D. 民粹主义10、1905年至1907年,资产阶级革命派和改良派展开论战的各自舆论阵地是A.《民报》B. 《时务报》C. 《民国日报》D.《新民丛报》11、1905年至1907年间,资产阶级革命派与改良派论战的主要议题是A.要不要社会革命B. 要不要废科举和兴西学C.要不要实行共和D.要不要以革命手段推翻清政府12、孙中山在《民报》发刊词中阐发的民族主义是指A. 打倒封建主义B. 打倒帝国主义C.以革命手段推翻清王朝D.变“次殖民地”的中国为独立的中国三、简答题1、清朝末年的“新政”及其破产。



第三章 向量空间一、单项选择题1.设A ,B 分别为m ×n 和m ×k 矩阵,向量组(I )是由A 的列向量构成的向量组,向量组(Ⅱ)是由(A ,B )的列向量构成的向量组,则必有( )A .若(I )线性无关,则(Ⅱ)线性无关B .若(I)线性无关,则(Ⅱ)线性相关C .若(Ⅱ)线性无关,则(I )线性无关D .若(Ⅱ)线性无关,则(I )线性相关2.设4321,,,αααα是一个4维向量组,若已知4α可以表为321,,ααα的线性组合,且表示法惟一,则向量组4321,,,αααα的秩为( )A .1B .2C .3D .43.设向量组4321,,,αααα线性相关,则向量组中( )A .必有一个向量可以表为其余向量的线性组合B .必有两个向量可以表为其余向量的线性组合C .必有三个向量可以表为其余向量的线性组合D .每一个向量都可以表为其余向量的线性组合4.设有向量组A :α1,α2,α3,α4,其中α1,α2,α3线性无关,则( )A 。

α1,α3线性无关 B.α1,α2,α3,α4线性无关C.α1,α2,α3,α4线性相关D.α2,α3,α4线性相关5.向量组)2(,,,21≥s s ααα 的秩不为零的充分必要条件是( )A .s ααα,,,21 中没有线性相关的部分组B .s ααα,,,21 中至少有一个非零向量C .s ααα,,,21 全是非零向量D .s ααα,,,21 全是零向量6.设α1,α2,α3,α4是4维列向量,矩阵A =(α1,α2,α3,α4)。

如果|A |=2,则|—2A |=()A.-32B.-4C 。

4 D.327。

设α1,α2,α3,α4 是三维实向量,则( )A. α1,α2,α3,α4一定线性无关B. α1一定可由α2,α3,α4线性表出C. α1,α2,α3,α4一定线性相关 D 。

α1,α2,α3一定线性无关8.向量组α1=(1,0,0),α2=(1,1,0),α3=(1,1,1)的秩为( )A.1 B 。



第四章开天辟地的大事变第一节新文化运动与五四运动一、单选题1、新文化运动兴起的标志是A. 梁启超在上海主办《时务报》B. 严复在天津主办《国闻报》C.陈独秀在上海创办《青年》杂志D. 周恩来在天津创办《觉悟》杂志2、1915年陈独秀在上海创办《青年》杂志,标志着A. 保路运动的兴起B.新文化运动的兴起C. 护法运动的兴起D. 五四运动的兴起3、1915年9月在上海创办《青年》杂志(后改名为《新青年》)的是A.陈独秀B. 李大钊C. 胡适D. 鲁迅4、五四前新文化运动的主要内容是A.提倡民主和科学B. 宣传公平和正义C. 弘扬民族文化D. 主张文学革命5、在新文化运动中诞生的第一篇白话文小说是A.《狂人日记》B. 《阿Q正传》C. 《狂人日记》D. 《狂人日记》6、在俄国十月革命影响下,中国率先举起马克思主义旗帜的知识分子是A. 陈独秀B. 陈望道C.李大钊D. 毛泽东7、五四运动爆发的直接导火线是A. 北洋军阀接受日本提出的“二十一条”B. 北洋军阀与日本签订“西原借款”合同C.中国外交在巴黎和会上的失败D. 中国外交在华盛顿会议上的受挫8、中国新民主主义革命的伟大开端是A. 护国战争B.五四运动C. 五卅运动D. 北伐战争9、1919年6月3日后,五四运动的主力A.从学生转为工人B. 从工人转为学生C. 从农民转为工人D. 从工人转为农民10、中国近代史上第一次彻底反帝反封建的革命运动是A. 辛亥革命B.五四运动C. 五卅运动D. 国民革命11、中国工人阶级开始登上政治舞台、成为中国革命的领导力量是在A.五四运动B. 京汉铁路罢工C. 五卅运动D. 省港大罢工12、中国无产阶级逐渐代替资产阶级成为近代中国民族民主革命的领导者是在A. 辛亥革命以后B.五四运动以后C. 北伐战争以后D. 南昌起义以后二、多选题1、新文化运动的主要阵地是A.北京大学B. 中山大学C.《新青年》编辑部D. 《湘江评论》编辑部2、五四前的新文化运动的内容主要包括提倡A.民主B.科学C.白话文、新文学D. 社会革命3、在率先由民主主义者转变为共产主义者的过程中,李大钊讴歌十月革命的代表作有A.《法俄革命之比较观》B. 《马克思主义》C.《庶民的胜利》D.《Bolshevism的胜利》4、五四运动在1919年6月3日后发生的重要转变是A. 运动的中心从北京转到西安B.运动的中心从北京转到上海C.运动的主力从学生转为工人D. 运动的主力从工人转为农民三、简答题1、新文化运动的历史意义。



全国自考(英语词汇学)模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 填空题 3. 名词解释 4. 简答题 5. 论述题单项选择题1.Words like “bear, nut, knock out” can be categorized as _____. ( )A.terminologyB.jargonC.slangD.neologisms正确答案:C解析:俚语属非标准语言,介于一般标准词汇和团体内部用词之间,bear(警察),nut和knock out都是俚语词。

2.Terminology consists of______terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas. ( )A.technicalB.artisticC.differentD.academic正确答案:A解析:术语是指特定学科和学术领域所使用的专有名词,如医学名词:photoscanning(光扫描),hepatitis(肝炎)等。

3.Which of the following words does not belong to jargon? ( )A.Orchestra.B.Bottom line.C.Ballpark figures.D.Bargaining chips.正确答案:A解析:题干译文:下列哪个词不属于行话?行话是流行于艺术、科学、商业和其他职业内部的专有词汇。

如商业行话:bottom line表示“难以逃脱的暗示,不可避免的结果,最终的说法”,ballpark figures代表“估计,估算”,bargaining chips表示“协商中任何一方所拥有的优势”。


4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following except______. ( )A.open heart surgeryB.fast foodC.moon walkD.space shuttle正确答案:B解析:迅速发展的科技孕育出大量新词,如航天科学方面:space shuttle(航天飞机),moon walk(月球行走);医学方面:open heart surgery(心脏直视手术)。








乙类功放静态工作点设置在I B=0的截止点,晶体管只在正弦波的半个周期内导通,即晶体管的导通角θ=180°,乙类功放的效率相对而言最高,理论上为η=78.5%.但非线性失真也最大,即存在交越失真。

甲乙类功放的静态工作点设置在靠近截止区的较低的I B>0点上,介于甲类和乙类之间,晶体管的导通周期超过正弦波的半个周期,即导通角360°>θ>180°,甲乙类功放的出现主要是为消除交越失真,其效率低于乙类而高于甲类,非线性失真较甲类大而比乙类小得多。

3—1—2题解:I C M,P CM,U(BR)CEO。




但需注意当U ce>U(BR)CEO时,管子有可能被击穿而损坏;当P c>P c M时,晶体管就有可能因过损耗导致管子升温过高,使管子性能恶化甚至损坏;当I c>I CM时,管子的性能也将显著下降,甚至有烧毁的危险。






马克思主义基本原理概论第三章测试题一、单选1.地理环境是()A.社会制度性质的决定性因素B.社会经济结构的划分依据C.社会形态更替的决定力量D.社会存在发展的必要条件2 .地理环境在社会发展中的作用主要通过()A.对个体心理素质的影响实现B.对物质生产的影响实现C.对个体生理结构的影响实现D.对民族气质的影响实现3.地理环境在社会发展中的作用是()A.影响社会结构的划分 B.影响社会发展的速度C.决定社会制度的性质D.决定社会形态的更替4.在人类社会发展中起决定作用的是A.差异多样的地理环境B.丰腴富饶的自然资源C.协调合理的人口结构D.物质资料的生产方式5.在人类社会发展中起决定作用的因素是()A.地理环境B.人口因素C.政治制度D.生产方式6 .在社会发展中起决定作用的是()A.人和自然的矛盾B.剥削阶级和被剥削阶级的矛盾C.先进思想和落后思想的矛盾D.生产力和生产关系的矛盾7 .社会意识具有复杂的结构,从其主体的角度看可分为A.社会心理和思想体系B.意识形态和非意识形态C.个体意识和群体意识D.先进意识和落后意识8.根据社会意识反映社会存在的程度和特点,可以把社会意识划分为()A.个体意识和群体意识B.意识形态和非意识形态C.先进意识和落后意识D.社会心理和思想体系9.下列各项属于意识形态的是A.哲学 B.物理学 C.数学 D.语言学10.在现代生产力系统中,教育属于A.实体性因素B.运筹性因素C.准备性因素D.渗透性因素11.现代生产力系统的渗透性因素是指( )A.教育B.管理C.生产资料D.自然科学12.衡量生产力水平的客观尺度是()A.劳动工具的状况B.劳动对象的广度C.劳动者的素质D.劳动产品的质量13.下列概念中,反映人与人之间的经济关系的是( )A.生产力B.生产关系C.生产方式D.生产资料14.在生产关系的各项内容中,起决定作用的是A.人们在生产中的地位 B.人们在生产中的相互关系C. 产品的分配方式D.生产资料的所有制形式15.既坚持历史决定论又承认主体选择的作用,这属于A.历史唯物论观点 B.相对主义观点 C.诡辩论观点 D.折衷主义观点16.物质资料的生产方式是(或:生产方式包括)A.生产资料与消费资料的统一 B.劳动资料与劳动对象的统一C.生产力与生产关系的统一D.劳动者与劳动工具的统一17.下列选项中属于上层建筑两大组成部分的是()A.政治思想和法律思想B.政治制度和法律制度C.政治法律思想和道德观念D.政治法律制度和社会意识形态18 .在上层建筑的各种要素中,居于主导地位的是()A.艺术B.宗教C.政治D.哲学19 .社会形态最基本的划分法之一是()A.意识形态划分法B.经济社会形态划分法C.文化形态划分法D.政治形态划分法20.划分经济社会形态所依据的标准是A.生产力的水平B.生产关系的性质C.社会意识的内容D.政治制度的状况21.下列各项中,属于经济社会形态序列的是( )A.渔猎社会B.封建社会C.工业社会D.信息社会22 .下列各项属于技术社会形态序列的是( )A.原始社会 B.农业社会 C.封建社会 D.资本主义社会23.下列各项属于社会基本矛盾的是()A.生产力和生产关系的矛盾B.社会存在和社会意识的矛盾C.人口增长和资源匮乏的矛盾 D.发展经济和保护环境的矛盾24. 除了生产力与生产关系的矛盾,另一对社会基本矛盾是( )A.社会存在与社会意识的矛盾B.人口因素与资源环境的矛盾C.统治阶级与被统治阶级的矛盾D.经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾25.在生产力和生产关系这对矛盾中()A.生产力的性质决定生产关系的性质B.生产力的变化落后于生产关系的变化C.生产关系总是适应生产力的发展水平D.生产关系可以超越生产力的发展水平26.经济基础决定上层建筑,说的是()A.任何社会的上层建筑都根源于它的经济基础B.任何社会的上层建筑都产生于它的经济基础之后C.上层建筑任何部分的变化都与经济基础的变化同步D.上层建筑任何部分的性质都由经济基础直接决定27 .社会形态的发展是一种自然历史过程,这是一种( )A.历史唯物主义的观点B.历史唯心主义的观点C.机械决定论的观点D.历史宿命论的观点28.社会历史发展的决定性是指()A.历史决定论 B .历史被动论 C.历史宿命论 D.历史意志论29.人民群众创造历史的活动受历史条件的制约。



第三章I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. The is ' the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words' (Crystal 1985).A. morphB. allomorphC. morphemeD. allophone2. Morphemes are units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known asA. concrete, allomorphsB. abstract, morphsC. abstract, lexemesD. concrete, morphs3. Most morphemes are realized by single morphs. Words of this kind are called words.A. polysemousB. monomorphemicC. polymorphemicD. stem4. Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known asA. lexemesB. headwordsC. allomorphsD. phones5. The popular method of classifying English morphemes is to group them into morphemes and morphemes.A. derivational, inflectionalB. free, boundC. free, inflectionalD. root, bound6. Free morphemes are identical with words.A. compoundB. rootC. convertedD. clipped7. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in words.A. rootB. inflectionalC. derivedD. compound8. Morphemes which cannot occur as words are hound.A. separateB. compoundC. derivedD. converted9. Free morphemes have meanings in themselves and can be used as grammatical units in sentences.A. incomplete, independentB. complete, freeC. complete, dependentD. free, complete10. Morphemes which are other morphemes are considered to be free.A. different fromB. dependent onC. related withD. independent of11. The minimal meaningful units of a language are known asA. morphsB. morphemesC. allomorphsD. lexemes12. im-", "ir-", "il-" "in- "and are all of the , negative prefix.A. morphs, morphemeB. morphemes, morphC. allomorphs, morphsD. allomorphs, morpheme13. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known asA. derivational morphemesB. inflectional morphemesC. bound rootsD. free roots14. Derivational affixes can be further divided into andA. bound roots and suffixesB. prefixes and suffixesC. bound roots and prefixesD. inflectional affixes and prefixes15. According to the functions of affixes, we put them into affixes and affixes.A. inflectional, derivationalB. reflective, flexibleC. converted, boundD. root, bound16. affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words.A. ConvertedB. InflectionalC. DerivationalD. Bound17. A is the form to which affixes of any kind can be added.A. rootB. stemC. lexemeD. headword18. The , whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.A. stemB. rootC. prefixD. suffix19. "-dict-" is a/anA. free rootB. inflectional morphemeC. bound rootD. derivational morpheme20. In the word "contradict", "contra-" is a/anA. bound rootB. inflectional morphemeC. free rootD. derivational morpheme21. In "tomatoes", "tomato" is a/an and "-es" is a/anA. stem, suffixB. root, prefixC. bound root, prefixD. stem, root22. Bound morphemes include two types: andA. prefix, suffixB. bound root and prefixC. bound root, affixD. derivational morpheme and suffix23. In "went" we find morphemes, and in "classroom s" root.A. two, twoB. one, twoC. one, threeD. two, three24. "predict" is made up of a/an _-- morpheme and a/an morpheme.A. prefix, boundB. root, boundC. inflectional, derivationalD. inflectional, root25. "antecedent" is made up ofA. a prefix and a bound rootB. a bound root and a suffixC. a prefix, a bound root and a suffixD. a bound root, a free root and a suffix26. Most do not change the word classes of the original words.A. suffixesB. prefixesC. affixesD. bound roots27. In "clockwise", we can findA. two free rootsB. a free root and a suffixC. a prefix and a free rootD. a free root and a bound root28. In English, inflectional affixes are and derivational affixes are both andA. suffixes, prefixes, suffixesB. infixes, suffixes, prefixesC. prefixes, suffixes, prefixesD. prefixes, infixes, prefixes29. The morpheme "-s" in "desks" is called morpheme.A. derivationalB. freeC. grammaticalD. inflectional30. In English, bound roots are either orA. Latin, FrenchB. Greek, ScandinavianC. Latin, GreekD. French, GreekII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. Though borrowing has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary as indicated, in modern times, however, vocabulary is largely enriched on a/an basis.2. Before we actually deal with the means of word-formation, we need to analyze the structures of words and gain a working knowledge of the different word-forming elements which are to be used to create new words.3. It seems to be generally agreed that a is the smallest unit of a language that stands alone to communicate meaning.4. The word " denaturalization" can be broken down into morphemes.5. Suffixes usually change the word-class while do not usually change the world-class.6. Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as7."water" has morpheme(s).8. The _ is the base form of a word that expresses its essential meaning.9. An is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds.10. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationship are called affixes.11. Free morphemes and free are identical.12. The number of inflectional affixes is small and which makes English one of the easiest language to learn.13. affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes14. The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words is15."-s", "-ed", "-er" and "-est" are all morphemes because they do not generate new words.16. "er-", "im-", "ab-", and "-ly" are all morphemes because they generate new words.17. usually do not change word-class of the stems but only modify their meanings.18. Structurally speaking, a word is not the smallest unit because many words are and separable.19. The root, whether free or bound, generally carries the component of meaning in a word.20. roots in English are either Latin or Greek.21 .A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further an-alysed total loss of identity.22. A can include a root, although sometimes it can replace a root.23. Most morphemes are realized by morphs.24. A root is that part of a word form that remains when all and derivational affixes have been removed.25. A stem is a form to which of any kind can be added.26. "idealization" has morphemes.27. "gone", "easier", "green houses" and "swimming" all contain a(n) morpheme.28. Most inflectional morphemes are29. morphemes are chiefly found in derived words.30. Derivational affixes are added to other morphemes to create words.III. Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to (1)types of morphemes (2)language family(3)modes of vocabulary development(4)classification of words and(5)sources of borrowing.A B1. man A. inflectional morpheme2. Spanish B. bound root3.-ed C. stem4. sit-in D. derivational morpheme5. penicillin E. free morpheme6. pork F. terminology7. Prussian G. creation8. -dict- H. denizen9. pre- I. Baho-Slavic10. national in international J. ItalicIV. Study the following words and expressions and identify (1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1.-s- in works ( )2. anti- in antislavery ( )3.liberate in proliferation ( )4.-dict- in dictator ( )5. Norwegian ( )6. dumb( = stupid) ( )7. surplus value ( )8. have (auxiliary) ( )9. pork (from pore) ( )10.guess ( = think) ( )V. Define the following terms.1. root2. stem3. derivational morphemes/affixes4. inflectional morphemes/affixes5. bound root6. affixes7. bound morphemes 8 .free morphemes9. allomorphs 10. morphs 11. morphemesVI. Answer the following questions .Y our answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Why do we say that free morphemes and free roots are identical?2. What are the differences between a bound morpheme and a bound root?3. Are a root and a stem the same? Give your reasons.4.According to the functions of affixes how many groups can you put them into? What are their characteristics?VI. Analyze and comment on the followings. Write your answers in the space given.1. Analyze the morphological structures of the following words. Point out the types of morphemes.predictionstrawberriesencouragement2. Analyze the morphological structure of the following words in the light of free morphemes and bound morphemes,then explain the differences between the two kinds of morphemes.idealizationhand-madeluckily参考答案I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.C2.B3.B4.C5.B6.B7.C8.A9.B 10.D 11 .B 12.D 13 .B 14.B 15 .A16.C 17 .B 18.B 19.C 20.D 21 .A 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.C 26. B 27. B 28.A 29. D 30. CII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. internal2. morphological3. word4. five5. prefixes6. morphs7. one8. root9. allomorph 10. inflectional 11. roots 12. stable 13. Derivational 14. morpheme 15. inflectional 16. derivational 17. Prefixes 18. analyzable 19. main 20. Bound 21. without 22. stem 23. single 24. inflectional 25. affixes 26. three 27. inflectional 28. suffixes 29. Bound 30. newIII. Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to (1) types of morphemes;(2)language family;(3)modes of vocabulary development (4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1.E2.J3.A4.G5.F6.H7.18.B9.D 10.CIV. Study the following words and expressions and identify(1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and @sources of borrowing.1.bound morpheme/inflectional morpheme/suffix2. bound morpheme/derivational morpheme/reflex3. free morpheme/free root4. bound root5. Germanic/Scandinavian6. semantic-loan7. translation-loan 8. functional word 9. denizen 10. revival of archaic or obsolete wordsV .Defame the following terms.1. A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further anal ysed without total loss of identity .The root, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.2. A stem may consist of a single root morpheme or two root morphemes or a root plus an affix. A stem is a form to whichaffixes of any kind can be added.3.Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes.4. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional, and those added to stems to create new words are derivational.5. A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning but cannot stand alone as a word.6. Affixes are forms that are attached to stems to make new words or show grammatical meaning.7.Bound morphemes are the morphemes that cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words.8.Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. They are identical with root words.9. A single morpheme may be phonetically realized by two or more morphs. These alternative phonetic forms or variants areallomorphs.10.A morpheme must be realized as certain phonetic forms or variants in different phonetic environments. Each of thephonetic forms or variants is a morph.11. A morpheme is the minimal/smallest meaningful unit of a languageVI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are consid6red to be free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences .They are identical Mth root words, as each of them consists of a single free root. Therefore, we might as well say that free morphemes are free roots.2.Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. Bound morphemes include bound root and affix. Bound root is only one type of bound morpheme.3. A root and a stem are not the same. A root is the basic form of word which cannot be further analysed. A stem may consist of a single root or two roots and a root plus an affix. Therefore, a stem can be a root or a form bigger than a root.4. According to the functions of affixes, we can put them into two ups: inflectional and derivational affixes. Inflectional affixes are attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical morphemes. The number of inflectional affixes is small and stable. Derivational affixes are added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes come beforethe word and the suffixes after the word.VI.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given.1. (1) Each of the three words consists of three morphemes : prediction (pre +dict + ion) ,strawberries(straw + berry + es),encouragement(en + courage + ment).(2)"pre-", "-ion", "-es en-" and "-ment" are bound morphemes as they cannot stand alone as words. "pre-", "-ion", "en-"and "-ment" are derivational morphemes and "-es" is an inflectional morpheme, while "-dict-" is a bound root.(3) "straw", "berry" and "courage" are all free morphemes as they can stand alone as words.2. (1) Each of the three consists of three morphemes: idealization(ideal + ize + ation), hand-made (hand + make + d),luckily(luck + y + ly).(2) "ideal", "hand", "make" and "luck" are all free morphemes, and "-ize", "-ation", "-d", "-y" and "-ly" are all boundmorphemes. Of the bound morphemes, "-d" is an inflectional morpheme, and other four are derivational morphemes. (3) Free morphemes can exist themselves as words. They have complete meaning in themselves and can be used as freegrammatical units in sentences. Bound morphemes cannot occur as separate words.They must be bound to other morphemes, bound or free. Derivational affixes are used to create new words, but inflectional affixes are used to indicate grammatical meaning.。





























第三章总线、中断与输入输出系统历年真题精选1. 通道程序执行结束后引发的中断是( B )。

A. 外中断B. I/O中断C. 程序性中断D. 机械校验中断2.磁盘外部设备适合于连接到( B )。

A. 字节多路通道B. 数组多路通道或选择通道C. 选择通道或字节多路通道D. 数组多路通道或字节多路通道3. 总线控制机构为解决N个部件利用总线时优先顺序的裁决,集中式按时查询,需外加控制线线数为( D )。

N]A.3 B. N+2 C. 2N+1 D. 2+[log24. 虽然中断响应顺序由硬件排队器固定好,但中断实际处置完的顺序是可以通过(系统软件)修改各中断级处置程序的(中断屏蔽)位,而动态改变。

5. 在知足通道设计流量不低于设备工作时的最大流量时,为使微观上不丢失设备信息,可以加设(数据缓冲器)或动态提高响应的(优先级)来弥补。

6. 总线控制方式有哪三种?各需要增加几根用于总线控制的控制线?并说明每种方式优先级的灵活性。

(P64-65)7.((1)20,20,25,40,40,100 us (2)200 B/ms (3)5 us )8.(1)1-3-4-2同步强化练习一、填空题。

1. 中断响应就是允许其中断CPU(现行程序)运行,转去对该请求进行预处置,包括保留(断点及其现场),调出有关处置该中断服务程序,准备运行。

2. 中断系统软硬件功能分派实质是中断(响应)硬件和中断(处置平衡)软件的功能分派。

3. 数组多路通道适用于连接多台(高)速设备,其通道“数据宽度”为(定长块)。

4. 输入输出系统包括输入输出设备、(设备控制器)及输入输出操作有关的(软硬件)。

5. 总线控制机构集中在一处的称(集中)式控制,分散在各部件的称(散布)式控制。

6. 多数低性能单用户计算机的输入输出由(程序员)安排,I/O系统设计主要解决CPU、主存和I/O设备在(速度)上的庞大不同。

7. 信息在总线上的双向传输有(半)双向和(全)双向两种。

自考英语一unit3 text B 练习

自考英语一unit3 text B 练习
Unit 3 Text B Bike to Work: Reasons You Should Try
Exercise P150-153
1. It’s freezing to death.冷死了。
2. It's freezing/chilly out there!外面真冷啊! 3. It’s freaking cold!冷得出奇。 4. It's a bit nippy today.今天有点冷。
14. It's brass monkey weather today. You'd better wrap up warm!
winter gear 御寒装备
Tomorrow is supposed to be mind-numbingly cold. I need to get out my heavy winter jacket.明天应该非常冷,我需要拿出我的 厚棉袄了。 long underwear/ long johns 秋裤 thermal wear 新型保暖内衣 down jacket 羽绒服 bundle up 多穿点儿、裹得严严实实 pocket warmer/hand warmer/foot warmer 暖宝宝
(依个人经验而定).(depending on)
personal experience
5. _D_u_e__to__th_e__tr_a_f_fi_c_j_a_m_(因为交通拥堵), he was late for work.(due to)
Riding a bike in Copenhagen is not like bicycling in Beijing. First of all, it is quick. Many Danish workers ride to work every morning. Punctuality is important and they ride as fast as they can so as to be on time. For others, it is simply exercise. So why not speed up? Second, because people ride fast, bicycle helmets and front and back lights are required. Since the weather can change abruptly in Denmark, lights are compulsory. Riders have to have a white light on the front of the bike and a red light at the back. Anyone who rides without lights can end up with a big fine.



⾃考词汇第三章练习题第三章I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. The is ' the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words' (Crystal 1985).A. morphB. allomorphC. morphemeD. allophone2. Morphemes are units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known asA. concrete, allomorphsB. abstract, morphsC. abstract, lexemesD. concrete, morphs3. Most morphemes are realized by single morphs. Words of this kind are called words.A. polysemousB. monomorphemicC. polymorphemicD. stem4. Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known asA. lexemesB. headwordsC. allomorphsD. phones5. The popular method of classifying English morphemes is to group them into morphemes and morphemes.A. derivational, inflectionalB. free, boundC. free, inflectionalD. root, bound6. Free morphemes are identical with words.A. compoundB. rootC. convertedD. clipped7. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in words.A. rootB. inflectionalC. derivedD. compound8. Morphemes which cannot occur as words are hound.A. separateB. compoundC. derivedD. converted9. Free morphemes have meanings in themselves and can be used as grammatical units in sentences.A. incomplete, independentB. complete, freeC. complete, dependentD. free, complete10. Morphemes which are other morphemes are considered to be free.A. different fromB. dependent onC. related withD. independent of11. The minimal meaningful units of a language are known asA. morphsB. morphemesC. allomorphsD. lexemes12. im-", "ir-", "il-" "in- "and are all of the , negative prefix.A. morphs, morphemeB. morphemes, morphC. allomorphs, morphsD. allomorphs, morpheme13. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known asA. derivational morphemesB. inflectional morphemesC. bound rootsD. free roots14. Derivational affixes can be further divided into andA. bound roots and suffixesB. prefixes and suffixesC. bound roots and prefixesD. inflectional affixes and prefixes15. According to the functions of affixes, we put them into affixes and affixes.A. inflectional, derivationalB. reflective, flexibleC. converted, boundD. root, bound16. affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words.A. ConvertedB. InflectionalC. DerivationalD. Bound17. A is the form to which affixes of any kind can be added.A. rootB. stemC. lexemeD. headword18. The , whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.A. stemB. rootC. prefixD. suffix19. "-dict-" is a/anA. free rootB. inflectional morphemeC. bound rootD. derivational morpheme20. In the word "contradict", "contra-" is a/anA. bound rootB. inflectional morphemeC. free rootD. derivational morpheme21. In "tomatoes", "tomato" is a/an and "-es" is a/anA. stem, suffixB. root, prefixC. bound root, prefixD. stem, root22. Bound morphemes include two types: andA. prefix, suffixB. bound root and prefixC. bound root, affixD. derivational morpheme and suffix23. In "went" we find morphemes, and in "classroom s" root.A. two, twoB. one, twoC. one, threeD. two, three24. "predict" is made up of a/an _-- morpheme and a/an morpheme.A. prefix, boundB. root, boundC. inflectional, derivationalD. inflectional, root25. "antecedent" is made up ofA. a prefix and a bound rootB. a bound root and a suffixC. a prefix, a bound root and a suffixD. a bound root, a free root and a suffix26. Most do not change the word classes of the original words.A. suffixesB. prefixesC. affixesD. bound roots27. In "clockwise", we can findA. two free rootsB. a free root and a suffixC. a prefix and a free rootD. a free root and a bound root28. In English, inflectional affixes are and derivational affixes are both andA. suffixes, prefixes, suffixesB. infixes, suffixes, prefixesC. prefixes, suffixes, prefixesD. prefixes, infixes, prefixes29. The morpheme "-s" in "desks" is called morpheme.A. derivationalB. freeC. grammaticalD. inflectional30. In English, bound roots are either orA. Latin, FrenchB. Greek, ScandinavianC. Latin, GreekD. French, GreekII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. Though borrowing has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary as indicated, in modern times, however, vocabulary is largely enriched on a/an basis.2. Before we actually deal with the means of word-formation, we need to analyze the structures of words and gain a working knowledge of the different word-forming elements which are to be used to create new words.3. It seems to be generally agreed that a is the smallest unit of a language that stands alone to communicate meaning.4. The word " denaturalization" can be broken down into morphemes.5. Suffixes usually change the word-class while do not usually change the world-class.6. Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as7."water" has morpheme(s).8. The _ is the base form of a word that expresses its essential meaning.9. An is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds.10. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationship are called affixes.11. Free morphemes and free are identical.12. The number of inflectional affixes is small and which makes English one of the easiest language to learn.13. affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes14. The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words is15."-s", "-ed", "-er" and "-est" are all morphemes because they do not generate new words.16. "er-", "im-", "ab-", and "-ly" are all morphemes because they generate new words.17. usually do not change word-class of the stems but only modify their meanings.18. Structurally speaking, a word is not the smallest unit because many words are and separable.19. The root, whether free or bound, generally carries the component of meaning in a word.20. roots in English are either Latin or Greek.21 .A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further an-alysed total loss of identity.22. A can include a root, although sometimes it can replace a root.23. Most morphemes are realized by morphs.24. A root is that part of a word form that remains when all and derivational affixes have been removed.25. A stem is a form to which of any kind can be added.26. "idealization" has morphemes.27. "gone", "easier", "green houses" and "swimming" all contain a(n) morpheme.28. Most inflectional morphemes are29. morphemes are chiefly found in derived words.30. Derivational affixes are added to other morphemes to create words.III. Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to (1)types of morphemes (2)language family(3)modes of vocabulary development(4)classification of words and(5)sources of borrowing.A B1. man A. inflectional morpheme2. Spanish B. bound root3.-ed C. stem4. sit-in D. derivational morpheme5. penicillin E. free morpheme6. pork F. terminology7. Prussian G. creation8. -dict- H. denizen9. pre- I. Baho-Slavic10. national in international J. ItalicIV. Study the following words and expressions and identify (1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1.-s- in works ( )2. anti- in antislavery ( )3.liberate in proliferation ( )4.-dict- in dictator ( )5. Norwegian ( )6. dumb( = stupid) ( )7. surplus value ( )8. have (auxiliary) ( )9. pork (from pore) ( )10.guess ( = think) ( )V. Define the following terms.1. root2. stem3. derivational morphemes/affixes4. inflectional morphemes/affixes5. bound root6. affixes7. bound morphemes 8 .free morphemes9. allomorphs 10. morphs 11. morphemesVI. Answer the following questions .Y our answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Why do we say that free morphemes and free roots are identical?2. What are the differences between a bound morpheme and a bound root?3. Are a root and a stem the same? Give your reasons.4.According to the functions of affixes how many groups can you put them into? What are their characteristics?VI. Analyze and comment on the followings. Write your answers in the space given.1. Analyze the morphological structures of the following words. Point out the types of morphemes.predictionstrawberriesencouragement2. Analyze the morphological structure of the following words in the light of free morphemes and bound morphemes,then explain the differences between the two kinds of morphemes.idealizationhand-madeluckily参考答案I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.C2.B3.B4.C5.B6.B7.C8.A9.B 10.D 11 .B 12.D 13 .B 14.B 15 .A16.C 17 .B 18.B 19.C 20.D 21 .A 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.C 26. B 27. B 28.A 29. D 30. CII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. internal2. morphological3. word4. five5. prefixes6. morphs7. one8. root9. allomorph 10. inflectional 11. roots 12. stable 13. Derivational 14. morpheme 15. inflectional 16. derivational 17. Prefixes 18. analyzable 19. main 20. Bound 21. without 22. stem 23. single 24. inflectional 25. affixes 26. three 27. inflectional 28. suffixes 29. Bound 30. newIII. Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to (1) types of morphemes;(2)language family;(3)modes of vocabulary development (4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1.E2.J3.A4.G5.F6.H7.18.B9.D 10.CIV. Study the following words and expressions and identify(1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and @sources of borrowing.1.bound morpheme/inflectional morpheme/suffix2. bound morpheme/derivational morpheme/reflex3. free morpheme/free root4. bound root5. Germanic/Scandinavian6. semantic-loan7. translation-loan 8. functional word 9. denizen 10. revival of archaic or obsolete wordsV .Defame the following terms.1. A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further anal ysed without total loss of identity .The root, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.2. A stem may consist of a single root morpheme or two root morphemes or a root plus an affix. A stem is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.3.Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes.4. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional, and those added to stems to create new words are derivational.5. A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning but cannot stand alone as a word.6. Affixes are forms that are attached to stems to make new words or show grammatical meaning.7.Bound morphemes are the morphemes that cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words.8.Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. They are identical with root words.9. A single morpheme may be phonetically realized by two or more morphs. These alternative phonetic forms or variants are allomorphs.10.A morpheme must be realized as certain phonetic forms or variants in different phonetic environments. Each of the phonetic forms or variants is a morph.11. A morpheme is the minimal/smallest meaningful unit of a languageVI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are consid6red to be free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences .They are identical Mth root words, as each of them consists of a single free root. Therefore, we might as well say that free morphemes are free roots.2.Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. Bound morphemes include bound root and affix. Bound root is only one type of bound morpheme.3. A root and a stem are not the same. A root is the basic form of word which cannot be further analysed. A stem may consist of a single root or two roots and a root plus an affix. Therefore, a stem can be a root or a form bigger than a root.4. According to the functions of affixes, we can put them into two ups: inflectional and derivational affixes. Inflectional affixes are attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical morphemes. The number of inflectional affixes is small and stable. Derivational affixes are added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes come beforethe word and the suffixes after the word.VI.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given.1. (1) Each of the three words consists of three morphemes : prediction (pre +dict + ion) ,strawberries(straw + berry + es), encouragement(en + courage + ment).(2)"pre-", "-ion", "-es en-" and "-ment" are bound morphemes as they cannot stand alone as words. "pre-", "-ion", "en-"and "-ment" are derivational morphemes and "-es" is an inflectional morpheme, while "-dict-" is a bound root.(3) "straw", "berry" and "courage" are all free morphemes as they can stand alone as words.2. (1) Each of the three consists of three morphemes: idealization(ideal + ize + ation), hand-made (hand + make + d), luckily(luck + y + ly).(2) "ideal", "hand", "make" and "luck" are all free morphemes, and "-ize", "-ation", "-d", "-y" and "-ly" are all bound morphemes. Of the bound morphemes, "-d" is an inflectional morpheme, and other four are derivational morphemes. (3) Free morphemes can exist themselves as words. They have complete meaning in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. Bound morphemes cannot occur as separate words.They must be bound to other morphemes, bound or free. Derivational affixes are used to create new words, but inflectionalaffixes are used to indicate grammatical meaning.。

第3章 词汇 练习参考答案

第3章 词汇 练习参考答案


































































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第三章I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. Theis ' the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words' (Crystal 1985).A. morphB. allomorphC. morphemeD. allophone2. Morphemes areunits, which are realized in speech by discrete units known asA. concrete, allomorphsB. abstract, morphsC. abstract, lexemesD. concrete, morphs3. Most morphemes are realized by single morphs. Words of this kind are calledwords.A. polysemousB. monomorphemicC. polymorphemicD. stem4. Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known asA. lexemesB. headwordsC. allomorphsD. phones5. The popular method of classifying English morphemes is togroup them into morphemes andmorphemes.A. derivational, inflectionalB. free, boundC. free, inflectionalD. root, bound6. Free morphemes are identical withwords.A. compoundB. rootC. convertedD. clipped7. Bound morphemes are chiefly found inwords.A. rootB. inflectionalC. derivedD. compound8. Morphemes which cannot occur as words arehound.A. separateB. compoundC. derivedD. converted9. Free morphemes havemeanings in themselves and can be used asgrammatical units insentences.A. incomplete, independentB. complete, freeC. complete, dependentD. free, complete10. Morphemes which areother morphemes are considered to be free.A. different fromB. dependent onC. related withD. independent of11. The minimal meaningful units of a language are known asA. morphsB. morphemesC. allomorphsD. lexemes12. im-", "ir-", "il-" "in- "and are allof the, negative prefix.A. morphs, morphemeB. morphemes, morphC. allomorphs, morphsD. allomorphs, morpheme13. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known asA. derivational morphemesB. inflectional morphemesC. bound rootsD. free roots14. Derivational affixes can be further divided intoandA. bound roots and suffixesB. prefixes and suffixesC. bound roots and prefixesD. inflectional affixes and prefixes15. According to the functions of affixes, we put them intoaffixes andaffixes.A. inflectional, derivationalB. reflective, flexibleC. converted, boundD. root, bound16.affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words.A. ConvertedB. InflectionalC. DerivationalD. Bound17. Ais the form to which affixes of any kind can be added.A. rootB. stemC. lexemeD. headword18. The, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.A. stemB. rootC. prefixD. suffix19. "-dict-" is a/anA. free rootB. inflectional morphemeC. bound rootD. derivational morpheme20. In the word "contradict", "contra-" is a/anA. bound rootB. inflectional morphemeC. free rootD. derivational morpheme21. In "tomatoes", "tomato" is a/anand "-es" is a/anA. stem, suffixB. root, prefixC. bound root, prefixD. stem, root22. Bound morphemes include two types:andA. prefix, suffixB. bound root and prefixC. bound root, affixD. derivational morpheme and suffix23. In "went" we findmorphemes, and in "classroom s" root.A. two, twoB. one, twoC. one, threeD. two, three24. "predict" is made up of a/an _-- morpheme and a/anmorpheme.A. prefix, boundB. root, boundC. inflectional, derivationalD. inflectional, root25. "antecedent" is made up ofA. a prefix and a bound rootB. a bound root and a suffixC. a prefix, a bound root and a suffixD. a bound root, a free root and a suffix26. Mostdo not change the word classes of the original words.A. suffixesB. prefixesC. affixesD. bound roots27. In "clockwise", we can findA. two free rootsB. a free root and a suffixC. a prefix and a free rootD. a free root and a bound root28. In English, inflectional affixes areand derivational affixes are bothandA. suffixes, prefixes, suffixesB. infixes, suffixes, prefixesC. prefixes, suffixes, prefixesD. prefixes, infixes, prefixes29. The morpheme "-s" in "desks" is calledmorpheme.A. derivationalB. freeC. grammaticalD. inflectional30. In English, bound roots are eitherorA. Latin, FrenchB. Greek, ScandinavianC. Latin, GreekD. French, GreekII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. Though borrowing has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary as indicated, in modern times, however, vocabulary is largely enriched on a/anbasis.2. Before we actually deal with the means of word-formation, we need to analyze thestructures of words and gain a working knowledge of the different word-forming elements which are to be used to create new words.3. It seems to be generally agreed that ais the smallest unit of a language that stands alone to communicate meaning.4.The word " denaturalization" can be broken down intomorphemes.5. Suffixes usually change the word-class whiledo not usually change the world-class.6. Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as7."water" hasmorpheme(s).8.The _ is the base form of a word that expresses its essential meaning.9.Anis any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds.10.Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationship are calledaffixes.11. Free morphemes and free are identical.12.The number of inflectional affixes is small andwhich makes English one of the easiest language to learn.13.affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes14.The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words is15."-s", "-ed", "-er" and "-est" are allmorphemes because they do not generate new words.16. "er-", "im-", "ab-", and "-ly" are allmorphemes because they generate new words.ually do not change word-class of the stems but only modify their meanings.18. Structurally speaking, a word is not the smallest unit because many words areand separable.19.The root, whether free or bound, generally carries thecomponent of meaning in a word.20.roots in English are either Latin or Greek.21 .A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further an-alysedtotal loss of identity.22.Acan include a root, although sometimes it can replace a root.23. Most morphemes are realized bymorphs.24.A root is that part of a word form that remains when alland derivational affixes have been removed.25. A stem is a form to whichof any kind can be added.26. "idealization" hasmorphemes.27. "gone", "easier", "green houses" and "swimming" all contain a(n)morpheme.28. Most inflectional morphemes are29.morphemes are chiefly found in derived words.30. Derivational affixes are added to other morphemes to createwords.III.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to (1)types of morphemes (2)language family(3)modes of vocabulary development(4)classification of words and(5)sources of borrowing.A B1. man A. inflectional morpheme2. Spanish B. bound root3.-ed C. stem4. sit-in D. derivational morpheme5. penicillin E. free morpheme6. pork F. terminology7. Prussian G. creation8. -dict- H. denizen9. pre- I. Baho-Slavic10. national in international J. ItalicIV.Study the following words and expressions and identify (1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1.-s- in works ( )2. anti- in antislavery ( )3.liberate in proliferation ( )4.-dict- in dictator ( )5. Norwegian ( )6. dumb( = stupid) ( )7. surplus value ( )8. have (auxiliary) ( )9. pork (from pore) ( )10.guess ( = think) ( )V. Define the following terms.1. root2. stem3. derivational morphemes/affixes4. inflectional morphemes/affixes5. bound root6. affixes7. bound morphemes8 .free morphemes9. allomorphs10. morphs11. morphemesVI. Answer the following questions .Y our answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Why do we say that free morphemes and free roots are identical?2. What are the differences between a bound morpheme and a bound root?3. Are a root and a stem the same? Give your reasons.4.According to the functions of affixes how many groups can you put them into? What are their characteristics?VI.Analyze and comment on the followings. Write your answers in the space given.1. Analyze the morphological structures of the following words. Point out the types of morphemes. predictionstrawberriesencouragement2.Analyze the morphological structure of the following words in the light of free morphemes and bound morphemes,then explain the differences between the two kinds of morphemes.idealizationhand-madeluckily参考答案I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.C2.B3.B4.C5.B6.B7.C8.A9.B 10.D11 .B 12.D 13 .B 14.B 15 .A16.C 17 .B 18.B 19.C 20.D21 .A 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.C26. B 27. B 28.A 29. D 30. CII. Complete the following statements with proper words orexpressions according to the course book.1. internal2. morphological3. word4. five5. prefixes6. morphs7. one8. root9. allomorph 10. inflectional11. roots 12. stable13. Derivational 14.morpheme15. inflectional 16. derivational17. Prefixes 18. analyzable19. main 20. Bound21.without 22. stem23. single 24. inflectional25. affixes 26. three27. inflectional 28. suffixes29. Bound 30.newIII.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to (1) types of morphemes;(2)language family;(3)modes of vocabulary development (4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1.E2.J3.A4.G5.F6.H7.18.B9.D 10.CIV.Study the following words and expressions and identify(1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and @sources of borrowing.1.bound morpheme/inflectional morpheme/suffix2. bound morpheme/derivational morpheme/reflex3. free morpheme/free root4. bound root5. Germanic/Scandinavian6.semantic-loan7. translation-loan8. functional word9. denizen10. revival of archaic or obsolete wordsV .Defame the following terms.1. A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further anal ysed without total loss of identity .The root, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.2. A stem may consist of a single root morpheme or two root morphemes or a root plus an affix. A stem is a form to whichaffixes of any kind can be added.3.Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes.4. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional, and those added to stems to create new words are derivational.5. A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning but cannot stand alone as a word.6. Affixes are forms that are attached to stems to make new words or show grammatical meaning.7.Bound morphemes are the morphemes that cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words.8.Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. They are identical with root words.9. A single morpheme may be phonetically realized by two or more morphs. These alternative phonetic forms or variants areallomorphs.10.A morpheme must be realized as certain phonetic forms or variants in different phonetic environments. Each of thephonetic forms or variants is a morph.11. A morpheme is the minimal/smallest meaningful unit of a languageVI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are consid6red to be free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences .They are identical Mth root words, as each of them consists of a single free root. Therefore, we might as well say that free morphemes are free roots.2.Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. Bound morphemes include bound root and affix. Bound root is only one type of bound morpheme.3. A root and a stem are not the same. A root is the basic form of word which cannot be further analysed. A stem may consist of a single root or two roots and a root plus an affix. Therefore, a stem can be a root or a form bigger than a root.4.According to the functions of affixes, we can put them into two ups: inflectional and derivational affixes. Inflectional affixes are attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical morphemes. The number of inflectional affixes is small and stable. Derivational affixes are added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes come beforethe word and the suffixes after the word.VI.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given.1. (1) Each of the three words consists of three morphemes : prediction (pre +dict + ion) ,strawberries(straw + berry + es),encouragement(en + courage + ment).(2)"pre-", "-ion", "-es en-" and "-ment" are bound morphemes as they cannot stand alone as words. "pre-", "-ion", "en-"and "-ment" are derivational morphemes and "-es" is an inflectional morpheme, while "-dict-" is a bound root.(3) "straw", "berry" and "courage" are all free morphemes as they can stand alone as words.2.(1)Each of the three consists of three morphemes: idealization(ideal + ize + ation), hand-made (hand + make + d),luckily(luck + y + ly).(2) "ideal", "hand", "make" and "luck" are all free morphemes, and "-ize", "-ation", "-d", "-y" and "-ly" are all boundmorphemes. Of the bound morphemes, "-d" is an inflectional morpheme, and other four are derivational morphemes. (3)Free morphemes can exist themselves as words. They have complete meaning in themselves and can be used as freegrammatical units in sentences. Bound morphemes cannot occur as separate words.They must be bound to other morphemes, bound or free. Derivational affixes are used to create new words, but inflectional affixes are used to indicate grammatical meaning.。
