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noun/n. 名词article/art. 冠词冠词分为不定冠词(a, an),定冠


pronoun/pron. 代词preposition/prep. 介词

verb/v.;vt. /vi. 动词conjunction/conj. 连词

adjective/adj. 形容词adverb/adv. 副词


abbr. abbreviation 缩写AmE American English 美式英语BrE British English 英式英语 e.g. for example 例如

esp. especially 尤其是etc. et cetera(and so on) 等等

fml formal 正式的infml informal 不正式的

int. interjection 感叹词num. number 数字

para. paragraph 段落,分段符号pl. plural 复数

sb. somebody 某人sth. something 某物,某事



1.主语:是一个句子的主干部分之一,主语表明是“什么人” ,“ 什么事”.通常由名词,代词,动词不定式,动名词来充当.

Lucy likes her new bike.

We work hard.

To learn a foreign language is not easy.

Playing football after school is great fun.


They work very hard.

Tom feels much better now.

(系动词:表示状态,后面往往接形容词如:seem get is am are sound smell look become) It sounds good. You look well.


They can speak English well.

3. 表语:跟在连系动词后面的词语或从句,用来说明主语的身份,特征,状态.

My sister is a nurse.

The trees turn green.

The flower is beautiful.

To see is to believe.


We study English.

I saw him yesterday.

He wanted to have a pen.

She likes playing basketball.

Our teacher said that he would go there.


He gave me two books.




This is a red car.

The building is their teaching building.

The woman doctor is my wife.

I have something to tell you.

The man in front of the gate is Mr. Li.

Every student has an English book.



词不定式,以及after, when, as soon as , until, if, before等引起的从句.

You are quite right.

They often draw in the park.

We came here in order to learn English.

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home


宾语+ 宾补叫复合宾语,复合宾语有以下几种类型:

名词(代词)+ 不定式

名词(代词)+ 分词

名词(代词)+ 名词

名词(代词)+ 形容词

a名词(代词)+ 不定式

John asked me to help him.

Let him go home.

I saw her come out of the room

b名词(代词)+ 分词(现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动)I found him standing at the gate .

She could feel her heart beating violently.

He spoke slowly in order to make himself understood.

He spoke loudly in order to make himself heard.

c名词(代词)+ 名词(作宾补的表示独一无二的职位前不加the.) They appointed her head of the English Department.

They made him captain of the ship.

d名词(代词)+ 形容词

We must keep the room clean.

We found her busy.

I found the story interesting.


1 主语+谓语(不及物动词)(S+Vi)

He came.

She dances.

2 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语(S+Vt+O)

I saw her.

They like watching TV.

3 主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+直接宾语

(S+Vt+IO+DO) (IO indirect)

I gave her a book.

She showed her friends all the pictures.

4 主语+连系动词+表语(S+V+P)

I am a student.

She looks very young.

5 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补


I asked Mary to help me.

We call our headmaster a wise man.
