








不过,我们需做一些图片,与客户确认;6) How do you consider the direction ofcavity & core?1. It is easy to decide that. The visiblesurface is cavity. It will not stick on the cavity side.2. If this side is cavity, the part has a30% chance to stick to the cavity. We need to make extra room for futurechanges / modifications.3. I think so. But we need to make somepictures and confirm with customer.1、模具构造挺简单的,应当不会;2、产品扣位处可能粘行位。


7) Do you foresee sticking slide or anglelifter?1. No. The mould structure is simple.2. The undercut area may stick slide. Wemay consider to add an ejector pin on the slide.3. The part may stick on the angle lifter,so we need to consider the parting line for this area.1、是啊,没错。



产品检讨1. 和滑块干涉的倒勾请加料填平至滑块可以顺利滑动(The undercut area where interfere with slide block need to be filled material to help the slider can move smoothly.)2. 加肉太多(The thickness is added too thick.)3. 加肉面积太大(The thickening area is too wide.)4. GATE位置移位(Gate position is moved.)5. 滑块拆的位置(The split line of slide block or the area of slide.)6. 此处有尖角,填充困难(This area is hard to be filled due to the sharp feature.)7. 此处钢材太薄,强度不足而且不容易冷却(The strength of this area is too weak and isn’t easy to get cold due to the steel too thin.)8. 圆柱特征要有一半圆不可以拆在滑块上,以免粘滑块造成拉白,拉断(The semicircle of cylinder avoids designing on slide block lest it will be pulled apart or cause drag mark)9. 此处做斜销在作动时会削到成品肉厚(The part will get damage if we make lifter in this area.)10. 这个面是装配面,不能加料(This is critical surface where is not allow to add material.)11. 此处料位太厚,会有缩水,建议减料改善(Owing to the shrinkage of the thickness that we suggest to reduce some wall thickness to improve it.)12. 此面是不是外观面,此处做滑块的话会有夹线,是否可以接受(Please confirm whether it is critical surface or not. Please confirm whether it is acceptable to has Slide split line if we have slide in this area. )13. 此处有倒勾,能否减料,使公母模靠破,不做滑块和斜销(Please confirm whether we can reduce material to the area where have undercut as indicated to have shut off on cavity side. No slide block and lifter to be made. )14. 请尽快确认这种拆模方式和结构,否则会影响模期(Please confirm the issues of Parting line, Gate position...Etc otherwise the lead-time will be extended.)15. 此面是否有特殊要求,能否有顶针印(Please confirm whether it is a critical surface or not and can we haveE.J. pin mark on it.)16. P.L面开在此处,模具上会有尖角和刀口,对模具寿命有影响(There are sharp edges if set the parting line at here, It will reduce the tool life)17. 加大拔模角,以便脱模顺利(We would suggest to enlarging draft to help tool released.)18. GATE做在此处的话有两个缺点:1.盖子打开时可以看到GATE的修剪部位; 2.两个斜销在同一侧,顶出也不是很平衡.(Two imperfect points if the gate is to be designed in this area as below:a). Easy to see the gate mark when you open the cap.b). Unbalance of ejector when two lifters are at the same side)19. GATE做在此处的话.盖子打开后看不到GATE的修剪部位(The gate mark is not visual if the gate position is design like it.)20. 如果GATE一定要做在你们指定的位置的话,那还不如做在这一侧,这样的话还可以减小这个位置的缩水(If you insist that the gate position have to be as original design then we would further recommend to have it to the area where indicate as it can avoid shrink problem in this area.)21. 在此处GATE做潜顶针的话,背后的外观面会有冲料痕,而且成品又是黑色的,会最明显(If the gate type has to be design as sub. gate then the back surface of part will have flow mark with serious due to black colour.)22. P.L开在此处不合理,模具加工困难,P.L应改为和图示的一样(This area is not suitable to have Parting line as the tool will become more complicate therefore we recommend to have Parting line as indicated.)23. 此成品粘母模的机会很大,能否在公模加倒勾,拉料顶针或者公模保留E.D.M 纹,开模时使成品留在公模一侧(It is possible sticking on cavity, therefore, please confirm whether it can make undercuts, snatch pins or leave coarse E.D.M. on core to snatch part on)24. 此处料厚段差很大,成品表面会有应力痕,是否接受(Please confirm whether it is acceptable to has stress line on surface, it is cause to the thickness isn’t equally.)25. 请注明何处为外观面,能否提供2D图和注意事项(Please advise where is the critical surface. Please also provide us 2D drawing with critical dimensions. )26. 红色所示处是有问题的地方,请特别注意(Please pay more attention to the area where highlighted as red colour as this area have problem.)27. 成品设计此处有问题,建议如下图所示修改(We would suggest to have part design as attached as the current designhave problem.)28. 此处改为一个球形的凹槽(We would suggest to modify it as a globe recess.)29. 圆柱特征要有一半不可以拆在滑块里,以防拉断(this issue same as no.8)30. 此处大滑块上走小滑块,小滑块要先退,大滑块要做延迟(The inside small slide block will recede first and the parent slide block have to postpone sliding.)31. 滑块要用液压油缸抽芯以保证开合模顺序(The slide pins will use oil cylinder to assure the process in proper order.)32. 这个面有装配,加料的话装配时会顶住,如图所示(This surface can not add material where will intervene between two parts as it is assembly. Please see the sketch as attached. )33. 可降低斜销面,增加成品些许肉厚来做变化(To descend the surface of lifter in order to thicken the part.) 34. 一半做斜销,一半做自然(Half side with Lifter and half side with solid / nature.)35. 此处两个柱子重迭,有倒勾,不能做自然,要做SLIDE(These two bosses are overlapping with undercut therefore it can not be made as solid. We suggest to making it as slide block.)36. 此处强迫顶出(This area need to be as force ejection.)37. 公模两段开模,这个地方先退(Here will be fore receding as double ejection.)38. 此处做镶件会有夹线,能否接受(Please confirm whether it is acceptable that here will have a split line.)39. 此面公母模1度靠破,会有段差,可否接受(Please confirm whether it is ok to have mismatch to the area where have 1 degree of shut off in Core / Cavity side.)40. 这个尺寸能否加大(Please confirm whether we can enlarge this dimension.)41. 此处加一个凹槽,胶片的弹出效果会更好一些,试模后看装配的效果再做修正(It will be effect better elastic of film if it adds a recess. See how it is effect on assembly parts, and then make further decision.)42. 此处有倒勾,建议将剖面线所示部位CUT即可避免此处的倒勾(Here has undercut, we suggest to cutting out the indicated part as it highlight to avoid undercut.)43. 成型后SUB GATE要修平(The gate (sub gate) need to be trimmed evenly after moulded.)44. 此处倒勾先垂直顶出,之后再手动取出(This area of undercut needs to be ejected as vertical then take it out manually.)45. 这两个面都有滑块,GATE改在此处改不到(The gate is not suitable in this area as there is two slide blocks seal off this area.)46. 此处加做一个旋转GATE,射出时方便调整成品的质量(We would suggest to placed a runner shut-off insert to adjust the volume of part filling.)47. 此倒勾在滑块上强迫脱模,倒勾是否可以减小到0.6(This undercut will be force ejected out, Please confirm whether it can be reduced to 0.6 mm.)48. 此柱子无法脱模,请确认是否是在转图时错位,能否提供客户的原始图档(This boss is not releasable. Please check file again and if possible pleas e-send us native data. )49. 此柱子是实心的,会缩水(This boss will shrink due to it is solid boss.)50. 这个面是否要咬花,咬花番号是什么,最小的拔模角要多大(Please confirm whether this surface need to be textured or not? Please advise texture spec. And what's the min. draft. )51. 这个面是否要打光,贴标签(Please confirm whether this surface need to be polished and stuck on a sticker or not?)52. 红色显示的几个面拔模角太小,出模时会拉伤,建议加大拔模角(The areas where highlighted as red colour have problem of small draft angle and we would suggest to enlarging draft to avoid the part cause dragging mark.)53. 此RIB太薄,会填充不足This rib can not be filled properly due to too thin.54. 此RIB太厚,会缩水This rib will have shrink problem due to too thick.55. 此处倒勾出模困难,建议先不做倒勾,成型后再二次加工,但要做治具,费用要另外算(We would recommend doing this undercut as second operation as current design have problem to build a tool. And the jig cost will be occurred. ) 56. 柱子底部都要做火山口(The base of all bosses are required a crater to avoid shrinkage.) 57. XXX,你现在有空吗?我可以问你一些问题吗?Could I ask you some questions if you are free ?/ Are you free now ?MayI ask you same questions ( a question)?58.请问次产品的面是否为外观面?表面做什么处理?是晒纹/抛光?Can you tell me weather the surface of this part is a visible / estheticone ? What will we do for its surface? Texture or polishing ?59.请问产品这个面是否可加顶针或顶块?产品允许加扁顶针吗?Does this part need an ejector pin or an ejector bar? Can we add an ejector blade?60. 这个产品的柱位我们打算做司筒或镶针,可以吗?Can we add ejector sleeves or ejector pins in the boss of this part.61.产品的这个位置不能出模,我们打算做行位,在此面上会有分模线,你接受吗?There’s an undercut at this position and it needs a slider. It will also have a parting line on this side, is that OK?62 产品里面的这个位置我打算做斜顶或内行位,有问题吗?We will make the lifter and (inner) slider in the position, will that bea problem?63 你提供的2D产品图与3D产品图不一致,请问以哪个图为准?The 2D and 3D drawing you provided is not the same , can you tell me which one is correct ?64 你提供的3D产品图有的地方没有出模角,有的地方胶位太厚,有的地方胶位太薄,这些产品我们可以自己修改吗?修改后会交给你确认。




1)Is everything clear on this mould?(Any question on this mou ld?)--Yes,everything is clear.--No,I need to confirm some questions with you.--Now,we have the basic information,such as:cavity number, product material,moulding machine specifications and steel in formation etc.But we do not have the standard of spare parts,g ate requirements and the surface requirement of the part.2)、这个产品有没有问题?1、没有问题,客户很专业;2、我检查到了以下问题:A.除了骨位以外,大部分都加了拨模角。



2)Any question on this product?--No.Our customer is very professional.--I found the following problems after checking it:A.The draft angle is almost added except for some ribs.It will not affect the mould structure.B.No draft angle on the part.We can not confirm the parting lin e and the mould construction.3)、模具有没有薄钢位?1、有,这里就有薄钢位,模具强度会受影响;2、我仔细检查了产品的3D图,没有看到薄钢位,我如果以后发现了,我会立即告诉你。



外贸英语口语对话场景20篇As a language model, I can generate scenarios for you, but please note that due to the limitations of the text-based interface, I cannot simulate actual spoken language interactions. However, I can provide you with written examples of common dialogues in foreign trade English to help you understand the language used in these scenarios. Please feel free to adapt and modify these examples to suit your needs.Here are 20 examples of foreign trade English dialogue scenarios:1. Negotiating Payment Terms.A: Hello, we would like to discuss the payment termsfor our order.B: Sure, what are your thoughts on payment?A: We prefer to pay by L/C, with a 30% deposit and the balance paid before shipment.B: I understand. However, we usually require a 50% deposit and the balance paid upon delivery.A: That seems a bit high for us. Could we possibly negotiate a 40% deposit?B: Let me discuss this with my team. I'll get back to you shortly.2. Confirming Order Details.A: Just to confirm, the order is for 1000 units of our model X product, correct?B: Yes, that's correct. We also need them to be shipped by the end of the month.A: We should be able to meet that deadline. Do you have any specific packaging requirements?B: Yes, we need each unit to be individually packaged in a protective box.A: Noted. We'll make sure to include that in our shipping plan.3. Discussing Shipping Arrangements.A: How will you be shipping the goods to us?B: We usually use sea freight for large orders like this one. It's the most cost-effective option.A: That's fine with us. Do you offer insurance for the shipment?B: Yes, we do. It's included in our sea freight quote.A: Great. Please make sure to include the tracking number in your shipment confirmation email.B: Absolutely, we'll send you all the necessary details once the shipment is on its way.4. Inquiring About Product Availability.A: I'm interested in your model Y product. Do you have it available for immediate shipment?B: Let me check. Yes, we do have it in stock. We can ship it out within the next week.A: That's perfect. Could I also get a quote for 100 units?B: Sure, I'll send you a detailed quote later today.A: Thank you. I'll review it and get back to you soon.5. Requesting Samples.A: We're interested in your product line, but we would like to see some samples first.B: Absolutely, we can arrange that. Which products are you particularly interested in?A: We're most interested in your model Z product. Could we get a few samples of that?B: Sure, I'll have our sales team send you some samples as soon as possible.A: Thank you. We look forward to evaluating them.6. Discussing Product Quality.A: We've received the samples and are very impressed with the quality.B: Thank you, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality.A: However, we noticed a few minor defects on some of the samples. What's your policy on product quality control?B: We take quality control very seriously. I'll have our quality assurance team investigate this matter immediately.A: We appreciate your prompt action. Please keep us updated on the progress.7. Negotiating Prices.A: We're interested in placing a large order, but we feel the prices are a bit high.B: We understand your concern. However, our prices are competitive in the market.A: We understand that, but we're hoping for a discount for such a large order.B: Let me discuss this with our management team. I'll get back to you with our best offer.A: Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.8. Confirming Delivery Schedule.A: Just to confirm, the delivery schedule for our order is as follows: 500 units by the end of March and the remaining 500 units by the end of April, is that correct?B: Yes, that's correct. We'll do our best to adhere to this schedule.A: Thank you. Please let us know immediately if there are any changes.B: Absolutely, we'll keep you updated throughout the process.9. Requesting Technical Support.A: We've encountered some technical issues with the product. Could you please provide support?B: I'm sorry to hear that. Our technical team will be happy to assist you.A: Could they please provide us with a detailed troubleshooting guide?B: Yes, I'll have them prepare one and send it to you as soon as possible.A: Thank you for your prompt response. We appreciate your support.10. Following Up On Orders.A: I would like to follow up on our order. When can we expect delivery?B: Let me check the status. It appears that the order is on schedule for delivery next week.A: That's great. Could you please provide us with a tracking number?B: Sure, I'll send you the tracking number via email along with an updated shipment status.A: Thank you for the update. We look forward toreceiving the goods.11. Discussing Warranty Period.A: What is the warranty period for your products?B: Our standard warranty period is one year from the date of purchase.A: That seems a bit short for such high-end products. Could we possibly negotiate a longer warranty period?B: I understand your concern. Let me discuss this with our management team and get back to you with our best offer.A: Thank you. We appreciate your consideration.12. Requesting Custom Packaging.A: We would like to request custom packaging for our order.B: Could you please provide more details about your packaging requirements?A: We need each unit to be individually wrapped in our company's branded packaging.B: I see. We can certainly arrange that. However, there may be additional costs involved.A: We understand that. Please provide us with a quote for the custom packaging.B: Sure, I'll have our team calculate the costs and send you a quote shortly.13. Confirming Order Cancellation.A: We've decided to cancel our order due to some unexpected changes in our business.B: I'm sorry to hear that. Could you please confirm the order number and the reason for the cancellation?A: The order number is XYZ123. The reason for the cancellation is due to a change in our product line-up.B: I understand. We'll process the cancellation and refund your deposit as soon as possible.A: Thank you for your prompt response. We appreciate your cooperation.14. Inquiring About Payment Status.A: Could you please provide an update on the status of our payment?B: Let me check. Your payment has been processed and should reflect in your account within the next 24 hours.A: Thank you for the update. We'll check our account accordingly.B: If you have any further questions or concerns,please feel free to contact us.15. Requesting Product Catalog.A: Could you please send us your product catalog?B: Sure, I'll have it sent to you via email later today.A: Thank you. We're interested in several products and would like to evaluate them further.B: Great! The catalog should give you a good overviewof our product line. Let us know if you have any questions.16. Discussing Terms Of Payment.A: What are your terms of payment?B: We usually require payment in full upon delivery. However, we can also offer a 30-day payment term with a 2% discount.A: We would prefer the 30-day payment term. Could you please provide us with the necessary documentation?B: Absolutely, I'll have our accounting team prepare the necessary documents and send them to you along with the invoice.A: Thank you. We'll make the payment within the agreed term.17. Confirming Shipment Details.A: Just to confirm, the shipment is scheduled to arrive at our warehouse next week, is that correct?B: Yes, that's correct. We'll send you the tracking number once the shipment is on its way.A: Great. Please make sure to notify us immediately if there are any changes to the shipment schedule.B: Absolutely, we'll keep you updated throughout the process.18. Requesting Technical Support For Installation.A: We would like to request technical support for the.。



外贸和客户沟通的常用英语口语Common English Phrases for Communicating with Foreign Customers in International Trade Greeting and Introduction:Good day! How can I assist you today?It's a pleasure to speak with you.My name is [Your Name], and I represent [Your Company].Discussing Products and Services:We specialize in [Product/Service Category].Our products are known for their [Quality/Durability/Innovation].Would you like to know more about our latest offerings?Pricing and Terms of Payment:Our prices are competitive and we offer excellent value for money.We accept payment by [Payment Methods e.g., L/C, T/T, PayPal].Terms of payment are [e.g., 30% deposit, balance before shipment].Orders and Shipping:How many units are you interested in ordering?We offer express shipping to most destinations.The estimated delivery time is [Time Period].Handling Queries and Complaints:I'm sorry to hear about that. We'll investigate the issue immediately.We take customer feedback very seriously and strive to resolve any issues promptly.Could you please provide more details about the problem?Following Up and Closing the Deal:We look forward to your order.Thank you for considering our products/services. We hope to work with you soon.If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.Ending the Conversation:It was a pleasure speaking with you. Have a great day!We appreciate your time and look forward to our future collaboration.Goodbye and thank you for your inquiry.。



外贸英语口语对话3篇店铺为大家整理了外贸英语口语对话3篇,一起来学习吧!一、产品质量的保证约翰:I can promise you that, if you buy our product, you will be getting quality.我可以向你保证.如果你买了我们的产品.你会得到好品质.萨姆:I've looked at your units, and I am very happy with them. Your goods are all far above standard quality.我看过你们的单件.我很满意.你们的商品质量高过标准质量.约翰:We spend a lot of money to make sure that our quality is much better. We don't sacrifice quality for quick profits.我们投入了大量的资金来确保质量一流.我们不会为了即期利润而有损质量.萨姆:Well, we're really interested in placing an order under negotiation. We can start the negotiations as soon as you want.是的.我方真的很愿意谈判后就订货.你们想谈判的话我们随时都可以.约翰:That's great. I'm glad we'll be able to do business together. I'll have some quotes ready for you by tomorrow morning.那最好不过了.我很高兴我们能在一起做生意.到明天早晨我方将为您准备好一些报价单.萨姆:Fine. Also, would you mind if I asked to see a surveyor's report of your products? I may have a few more questions aboutyour quality analysis.很好.还有.您不介意我要求看一下你方产品的检查报告吧.对你们的质量分析我可能还有一些问题.二、跟客户介绍产品卡尔先生:This is the model I was interested in.这就是我所感兴趣的那种样式.罗伯特先生:I should be very happy to give you any further information you need on it.我很乐意提供您所需要的关于它的进一步的信息.卡尔先生:Yes.What are the specifications?好的.都有哪些规格呢?罗伯特先生:If I may refer you to the brochure you'll find all the specifications there.如果您看一下这个手册.就会找到所有的规格.卡尔先生:Ah, yes. Now what about service life?哦.好的.关于使用寿命呢?罗伯特先生:Our tests indicate that this model has a service life of at least four years.我们的实验表明这种样式至少可以使用4年.卡尔先生:Is that an average figure for this type of equipment?那是这种样式的平均水平吗?罗伯特先生:Oh no. far from it.That's about one year longer than anyother make in its price range.哦.不是的.相差还很远.这种比在它的价格范围之内的任何其他样式都要高出1年左右.卡尔先生:Now what happens if something goes wrong when we're using it?如果这种设备在我们使用的时候发生故障.该怎么办呢?罗伯特先生:If that were to happen.please contact our nearest agent and he`ll send someone round immediately.一旦发生那样的情况.同我们最近的办事处联系.他会马上派人过去的.三、产品出口包装卡尔:These are the various kinds of packing for pliers. Normally, we have three types of packing: skin packing, hanging packing, and blister packing.这些是钳子的各种包装.通常有三种:薄膜包装.挂式包装.罩板包装.瑞秋:Oh, the packing looks very nice.这些包装很好看.卡尔:The skin packing is the most advanced packing for this product in the world market. It catches the eyes and can help push sales.薄膜包装是世界市场上这种产品的最新包装.它惹人注目.能帮助促销.瑞秋:Good, what about the export packing?很好.那么出口包装如何?卡尔:Well, they are packed in boxes of two dozens each, 100 boxes to a wooden case.每两打装一盒.一百盒装一木箱.瑞秋:Is the wooden case strong enough for transportation? You see, 100 boxes of pliers are very heavy. It's about 2,400 kilograms.木箱是否很坚固适应运输需要?一百盒钳子很重.大约有二千四百公斤.卡尔:You can rest assured of that. So far, no customers have complained about our outer packing.这点你尽可放心.目前.还没有客户抱怨我们的外包装有问题.瑞秋:I'm glad to hear that. By the way, do you accept neutral packing?这样太好了.顺便问一下.你们接受中性包装吗?卡尔:Yes, we can pack the goods according to your instructions.接受.我们可以根据你方的指示说明进行包装.瑞秋:Very good. Ok, Carl, I'm now totally satisfied with your packing. You can execute our first order now, and I will open the L/C immediately after I return to Taipei.好的.卡尔.就这样吧.我很满意你们的包装.现在你可以生产我们的第一批订货了.我回到台北后就立即开立信用证.卡尔:All right. We'll make the shipment as soon as your L/C is on hand.那好.一收到你方信用证.我们即安排装运.。



模具常用英语对话1.XXX!你现在有空吗,我可以问你一些问题吗?Could I ask you some questions if you are free? / Are you free now? May I ask you some questions (a question)?2.请问此产品的面是否为外观面?表面做什么处理?是晒纹/抛光?Can you tell me whether the surface of this part is a visible/esthetic one? What will we do for its surface? Texture or Polishing ?3.请问产品这个面可否加顶针或顶块?产品允许加扁顶针吗?Does this part need an ejector pin or an ejector bar? Can we add an ejector blade?4.这个产品的柱位我们打算做司筒。

(或镶针)可以吗?Can we add ejector sleeves or ejector pins in the boss of this part?5.产品的这个位置不能出模,我们打算做行位,在此面上会有分模线,你接受吗?There's an undercut at this position and it needs a slider. It will also have a parting line on this side, is that OK?6.产品里面的这个位置我们打算做斜顶或内行位,有问题吗?We will make the lifter and (inner) slider in this position, will that be a problem?7.你提供的2D产品图与3D产品图不一致,请问以哪一个图面为准?The 2D and 3D drawing you provided is not the same, can you tell me which one iscorrect?8.你提供的3D产品图有的地方没有出模角,有的地方胶位太厚,有的地方胶位太溥,这些产品问题我们可以自己修改吗?修改后会给交给你确认。



外贸英语口语情景对话以下是一段外贸英语口语情景对话:A: Hello, this is [公司名] International, how can I assist you? B: Hi, this is [客户名] from [客户公司名]. I'm calling to inquire about your company's products and services.A: Thank you for calling, [客户名]. I understand you're interested in learning more about our products and services. What specifically would you like to know?B: Well, I'm particularly interested in your [产品/服务名称]. Can you provide me with additional information and pricing details?A: Absolutely, [客户名. Our [产品/服务] is one of our most popular products/services and we offer various options to meet different needs and budgets. May I ask about your specific requirements?B: Sure, I'm looking for a [产品/service] that can [产品/service 功能].A: Thank you for the information. Let me provide you with our latest catalog and pricing sheet for our [product/service], which will give you a better understanding of our products and services.B: Thank you very much for the information. I'll review it andget back to you if I have any further questions.A: You're welcome, [客户名. If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at any time.这段对话是客户打电话来询问公司的产品和服务。



外贸英语口语对话大全1)We thank you for your inquiry of ... and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice No. ... As soon as you have handed in your application for import license, please send us a copy for reference.感激你方的...月...日询盘。



2)Enclosed please find our Proforma Invoice No. ... for...附上我方...形式发票第...号,请查收。

3)We are pleased to send you our Proforma Invoice No. ... in triplicate as requested.按要求,兹寄上我方形式发票第...号, 一式三份.4)We have been informed by ... that you are thinking of purchasing... and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice in duplicate.我方从...获悉你方正在考虑购买...,现附上我方形式发票,一式两份。

Replies to Inquires 答复询价1)Referring to your letter dated... in which you inquired for... , we have pleasure in cabling you an offer as follows:关于贵方...月...日对...询价函,现电报报价如下:2)In answer to your inquiry for...(name of commodity), we offeryou ...(quantity).关于贵公司所询...(商品), 现可供...(数量)。



外贸人展会中必背的英语口语11.关于品质13.签单前建议1.Before the formal contract is drawn up we’d like to restate the main points of the agreement.2.We can get the contract finalized now.3.Could you repeat the terms we’ve settled?4.It is very important for us to abide by contracts and keep good faith.5.Have you any questions as regards to the contract?6.I’d like to hear your ideas about the problem.7.I think it is better to have a good understanding of all clauses before signing a contract.8.Do you have any comment to make about this clause?9.Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?10.Everything has been arranged well.I hope the signing of the contract will go smoothly.11.These are two originals of the contract we prepared.14询问付款客户询问付款方式:1.Shall we discuss the terms of payment?2.What is your regular practice about terms of payment?3.What are your terms of payment?4.How are we going to arrange payment?回复询问付款方式:1.We’d like you to pay us by L/C.2.We always require L/C for our exports and we pay by L/C for our imports as well.3.We insist on full payment.4.We ask for a30percent down payment.5.We expect payment in advance on first orders.客户建议付款方式:1.We hope you will accept D/P payments terms.2.In view of this order of small quantity,we propose payment by D/P with collection through a band so as to simplify the payment procedure.3.Payment by L/C is the safest method,but rather complicated.礼貌拒绝客户:1.I’m sorry.We can’t accept D/P or D/A.We insist on payment by L/C.2.I’m afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms.3.“Payment by installments”is not the usual practice in world trade.4.It is difficult for us to accept your suggestion.接受客户付款方式:1.In view of our long friendly relations and the efforts you have made in pushing the sales,we agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight;however,this should not be taken as a precedent.2.I have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment.信用证要求及货币:1.When should we open the L/C?2.Your L/C must reach us30days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements.3.How long should our L/C be valid?4.The L/C should be valid30days after the date of shipment.5.Could you tell me what documents you’ll provide?6.Together with the draft,we’ll also send you a full set of bill of lading,an invoice,and an insurance policy,a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection.I suppose that is all.7.In what currency will payment by made?8.We usually do business in U.S dollars as world prices are often dollars based.15.参观工厂1.You’ll understand our products better if you visit the factory.2.I wonder if you could arrange a visit to the factory.3.Let’s me know when you are free.We will arrange the tour for you.4.I would be pleased to accompany you to the workshops.5.We will drive you to our plant,which is about thirty minutes from here.6.Can I have a brochure of your factory?7.Here is the product shop;shall we start with the assembly line?8.All products have to go through five checks during the manufacturing process.9.The production method ahs been improved by introducing advanced technologies.10.It is a pleasure to show our factory to our friends,what is your general impression?11.It is nice to meet you.Welcome to our factory.12.Shall we rest a while and have a cup of tea before going around?13.I would like to look over the manufacturing process.How many workshops are there in the factory?14.Some accessories are made by our associates specializing in these fields.15.It is very kind of you to say so.My associate and I would be interested in visiting your factory.16.We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.17.Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples?。



外贸面试英语口语对话【四篇】【篇一】外贸面试英语口语对话A: To start with, may I know why you are interested in working for our company?A:我想问下, 你为什么有兴趣来我们公司工作?B: First of all, as far as 1 know,your company has had impressive records in business.Second,I want to enter the foreign trade field.B:第一,据我所知,贵公司卓越的业绩给人留下深刻的印象。

第二, 我想从事外贸行业。

A: What was your chief responsibility in your past work?A:过去那份工作你主要负费什么?B:I am in charge of marketing activities in Southeast Asia, for example, organizing trade conferences and arranging exhibitions.B:我负责东南亚的市场营销活动, 比如说,组织贸易洽谈会,安排展会等。

【篇二】外贸面试英语口语对话A: Tell me about yourself and your past experience.A:说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。

B:I have worked as an executive secretary for five years, first for a trading company, and now I am working for a trust company. I interact well with peers,clients, administratorsand bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments.B:我已经做执行秘书五年了。

linda外贸英语口语 -回复

linda外贸英语口语 -回复

linda外贸英语口语 -回复Sure, here are some sample paragraphs of Linda's conversational English for foreign trade scenarios:1. Hey, I've just checked our inventory. Looks like we've got plenty of those widgets you're interested in. Let's talk about pricing and shipping details.2. Payment terms? We usually prefer T/T upfront, but for you, I think we can offer a 30% deposit with the balance upon delivery. Sound good?3. Got a question about the specs? No worries, I'll send you the detailed specifications sheet later today. Just let me know if you need any clarification.4. Hey, I noticed you're in the market for some new products. We've just launched a line of eco-friendly goods that might be right up your alley. Wanna take a look?5. Hey, just wanted to check in on that order. Is everything going smoothly? Let me know if you need any assistance with the paperwork or customs clearance.6. I'm afraid there's been a slight delay in shipping. The container's been held up at the port due to some unexpected congestion. But I'll keep you updated on the latest.7. Got a great new promotion coming up. I think it's a perfect fit for your target market. Wanna discuss the details and see if we can work out a special deal?8. Hey, I'm heading to your city next week for a trade show. Would you be interested in meeting up to discuss our partnership face-to-face?9. Just received your sample order. It's been processed and will be shipped out tomorrow morning. Tracking details will be sent to you shortly.10. Thanks for the feedback on the last shipment. I'venoted your comments and will make sure to address them in our next batch. Appreciate your business!。



外贸英语全套日常交际英语口语In international trade, effective communication is crucial. When introducing your company, you might say, "We are a leading manufacturer of high-quality textiles. Our products are known for their durability and style." This opens the conversation about your offerings.When discussing products, it's helpful to ask questions like, "What specific features are you looking for?" or "Can you tell me more about your requirements?" This showsinterest in the client's needs. If a client expresses concerns, a reassuring response could be, "I understand your concerns. We have a quality assurance team that ensures all products meet international standards."Negotiating prices is often part of the conversation. You might say, "We can offer a discount for bulk orders." Thisencourages further discussion. It's also useful to confirm details by saying, "Let me summarize what we've discussed."When wrapping up a meeting, you can say, "Thank you for your time. I will send you the proposal by the end of the week." Following up is critical. A simple email stating, "I wanted to check if you had any questions regarding our last conversation," keeps the communication flowing.Understanding cultural nuances is important too. A friendly, polite tone often goes a long way. Using phrases like, "I appreciate your understanding," or "It was a pleasure speaking with you," helps build relationships.Always be clear and concise in your communication, whether it’s through email or during meetings. This helps prevent misunderstandings and fosters a professional relationship.。

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1) Is everything clear on this mould? ( Anyquestion on this mould? )
--Yes, everything is clear.
--No, I need to confirm some questions with you.
--Now, we have the basic information, such as: cavity number, product material,moulding machine specifications and steel information etc. But we do not havethe standard of spare parts, gate requirements and the surface requirement ofthe part.



2) Any question on this product?
--No. Our customer is very professional.
--I found the following problems after checking it:
A. The draft angle is almost added exceptfor some ribs. It will not affect the mould structure.
B. No draft angle on the part. We can notconfirm the parting line and the mould construction.
1、有,这里就有薄钢位, 模具强度会受影响;

3) Are there any weak steel (thin steel)areas on the mould?
1. Yes, Here is weak steel. Mould strengthwill be effected.
2. I have checked 3D part drawingscarefully, no weak steel. I will let you know if I find it later.

4) After injection, will there be any sinkmarks on the part?
1. Should not have. The wall thickness iseven. The part might have slight sink marks.
2. The part wall thickness is uneven,especially these ribs & bosses are too thick. The sink mark will be veryvisible. It is a cosmetic part. We strongly suggest customer to modify thepart.




5) Will there be any deformation on thepart?
1.No, the part is quite simple.
2.Possible. The part is very long and thin, very easy to be deformed ( warpage).Please inform customer about this.
3.The part is flat, easy to be deformed. We need to find a suitable gatelocation.。
