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1.(√)The cpu and memory are located on a special circuit beard in the system unit called the montherbocrd

2.(√)the main difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that supercomputers are designed to execute a few programs as quickly as possible,whereas mainframes are designedto handle many programs running at the same(but at a slower pace)

3.(×)Being computer fluent means that you should be able to builda computer yourself.

4.(√)Embedded computers are selfcontained computer devices that have therv own programming and do not receive input

5.(√)Currently,the performance of tasks by robot is based on preprinted algorithms

1.(×)A web browser is a special device that is installed in your computer that allows it to communicate with devices on a network

2.(√)data can be a number a word a picture,or a sound

3.(√)strictly defined,a computer is a data processing device

4.(√)one of the benefits of becoming computer fluent is being a savvy computer user and consumer and knowing how to avoid viruses the programs that pose treats to computer security 。

5(√)trend-spotting programs,developed for business,have been used to predict criminal activity


1.virtual function虚拟函数

2.pointer 指针

3.cursor 光标

4.package 包裹

5. Boot 引导,自举 6 TCP/IP 传输攻之协议/互联网协议 7 DNS 域名服务 8.HTTP 超文本传输协议

9 URL 统一资源定位器10.instruction 指令11.output 输出12.FTP文件传输协议13 capacity 容量14 throughput 吞吐量15 Ethernet 以太网 16 field 域 17 item 条目


1.操作系统 operating system

2.网络计算机 network computer

3.专家系统expert system



6.企业内部网 intranet

7.主关键字 key


9.芯片 chip 10.人工智能 artificial intelligence 11.download 下载 12.防火墙 firewall 13.www 万维网 14.集线器hub 15.程序 program 16.协议protocol


1. When hypertext pages are mixed with other media,the result is called(hypermedia)

2. The(processor)is "intelligence" of a computer system

3. (multimedia) means from the user's prespective that computer information can be represented through audio and/or video in addition to text,image graphics and animation

4. All Intranet related documents are written in (HTML)

5. (Interframe) compression use a system of key and delta frams to eliminate redundant information between frams

6. A computer system has input output (storage) and processing component

7. C++'s advantages include strong typing (Operator overloading) and less emphasis on the processor


1(Network computer) A computer having the hardware and
