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The wind of freedom blows
斯坦福大学 (Stanford University)
斯坦福大学(Stanford University)全称为小 利兰· 斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior University),是美国的一所私立大学,被公认 为世界上最杰出的大学之一。斯坦福大学于 1891年由利兰· 斯坦福建立,位于加利福尼亚州 的斯坦福市,临近旧金山。斯坦福大学拥有的资 产属于世界大学中最大的之一,它占地35平方 公里,是美国面积第二大的大学
哈佛大学(Harvard University)
学校名称:哈佛大学 外文名称:Harvard university 简称:Harvard 校训:“真理”(Veritas) 创办时间:1636年(丙子年)09月08日 类别:私立大学 现任校长:德鲁· 吉尔平· 福斯特 知名校友:奥巴马, 林书豪,盖茨等 所属地区:美国马萨诸塞州剑桥 主要院系:文理学院、商业管理学院、肯尼迪管理学院、 设计学院等
Let's Do Something Important
华盛顿大学 University of Washington
华盛顿大学创建于1861年,位于美国西雅图,是一所世 界顶尖的著名大学,世界大学排名第16位,全球大学研 究论文质量排名第4位,医学领域世界排名第三位,生 命科学领域世界排名第五位,华盛顿大学是美国十所最 顶尖的研究型大学,被誉为公立常春藤。华盛顿大学 2012年度财政预算为57亿美元,长期保持世界大学财政 支出和研究经费前三位。华盛顿大学教授队伍包括: 247位美国院士,161位美国科学委员会委员,9位诺贝 尔得主。华盛顿大学在医学、生命科学、计算机科学、 教育学、航空航天、公共关系、社会工作和海洋科学领 域领先世界
斯坦福大学 Stanford University_入学要求_录取条件_专业学费_世界排名_2018申请指南

斯坦福大学Stanford University_入学要求_录取条件_专业学费_世界排名_2018申请指南斯坦福大学简介斯坦福大学(Stanford University),或作“史丹福大学”,全称“小利兰·斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior University)”,美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福市的私立研究型大学,由加利福尼亚州州长及铁路富豪利兰·斯坦福和他的妻子于1891年建立,也是为纪念他们因伤寒而于十六岁生日前夕死去的儿子。
他们成功拯救的记录中包括了罗莎·卢森堡的论文, 戈培尔的日记,以及俄国秘密警察在巴黎的记录。


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Cobb salad科布沙拉
Ranch salad dressing
designer pizza
French-dipped sandwiches
hot fudge sundaes
Famous Places
* national park 红木林国家公园(Redwoods National Park) 拉森火山国家公园(Lassen Volcanic National Park) 优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park) 三王峡谷国家公园(Kings Canyon National Park) 红杉国家公园(Sequoia National Park) 死亡谷国家公园(Death Valley National Park) 约书亚树国家公园(Joshua Tree National Park) 海峡群岛国家公园(Channel Islands National Park)
• The capital city : Sacramento
• The biggest city: Los Angeles

Name: gains, Stanford University (Abram Leland Stanford Junior leads)Location: America, Stanford, California, MichaelRelative rankings: in 2007, the American news and world report "magazine announced the latest American university rankings, 1, 2, Princeton university, harvard, Yale 3 4, Stanford universityIn 2006, Shanghai jiaotong University higher education institute, University of academic rankings announced the Harvard had one leads at Harvard University and Stanford 2 leads Stanford University USA 3 leads the UK University of Cambridge, UK, CambridgeProperties: private schoolThe number of students 6654: undergraduate student, 8037 postgraduates.Teachers: 1750Scientific research units: Stanford center (linear accelerator SLAC)Creating time: the 1891 on October 1Founder: mandalorian Stamford couplesWeb: /Famous Chinese alumni: ZhuDiWen: 1997 Nobel laureateBrad: the first astronautYang: yahoo co-founder, Chinese americansWangWenHua: Taiwan writer and hostChinese-american singer fei xiang:Sergei sergey: Google co-founder, and americansLarry page: Google co-founder. Ronald chan (far: Hong Kong savantas policy development directorLiZe major: li Hong Kong businessman of the firstbornYellow LanXuan: China Taiwan, differential geometry, mathematiciansOnce in China: Taiwan mathematicians, algebraic geometryintroductionStanford University (Stanford leads) was established in 1885. The king was served, railway, California governor of California's old mandalorian Stamford for commemorating him when traveling in Italy, the son of death and disease in the parlour, decided to donate at Stanford university's establishment, and his seed for training 8180 acres of horse farm out of school campus. Generation couples in the previous at Harvard University visited the headmaster to commemorate their son's death in harvard yard in a building, but rejected, so just built the civilization in the world. The university of California and decided to America after a wealth, although it is desolate in the sight of the remote western. Until now, it had been called Stamford "farm. Therefore, at Stanford university, students must bicycle is transportation.Stanford university buildings are yellow brick red tile, ease, all is the seventeenth century Spain preaching hall, harvard, Yale university, who have the different styles and buildings, less the northeastern university on the wall with ivy, entering university, first saw a yellow stone under the red roof around buildings, shopping arcade, brown, pashhur in classical and modern mirror cheng was filled with thick cultural and academic atmosphere. Center square is the main part of the Stanford in it, and to institute of education, school, college and law school, etc. Outward, Stanford science park, botanical garden, golf courses and several scientific test. Stanford university most famous buildings are in Stamford memorial church. Design of campus, at the famous designers Fred rick ohms steidle (Frederick Olmsted), the famous amber hurst institute of design, but also his most people commend his beloved, is the central park in New York, San Francisco Manhattan of golden gate park. He is the characteristic of natural SenLinShi design, plus free curve path. But without such characteristics at Stanford, impressive but have no natural means, show the several kilometers of artificial scale coconut avenue.Stanford university, funds sufficient fund, teaching equipment are extremely abundant. 6.5 million library book. The school sets up more than 70 computers for students to use, also has several computer laboratory and computer center service for the students. Student campus network and the teachers and students can contact. In addition, the school sports facilities, there are many people can accommodate 85000 stadium, golf courses and swimming pool, etc.In the 1960s, when in the university of California, Berkeley, both academic and student movement on occasion, famous for its obscurity at Stanford university yet ". But today, Stanford university has been regarded as "on the west bank of the Harvard University.Stamford bridge after takeoff, is in the 1970s, I'm afraid we have to Stanford. More than 8,000 acres "big area, the school to use up, then in 1959, engineering of the gate of Stanford university, it is to point to a thousand acres, very low, only symbolic rent or lease industry, the establishment of a company, graduated from alumni, provide them with school of research projects and student internships. Stanford became the first campus" industrial park of university. Due to the enormous harvest land out of this proposal, Stanford makes herself in the frontier in the United States: "industrial enterprise in a business, soon beyond the scope of land can be provided at Stanford, California, development of expansion of the elite, sophisticated technology, Silicon Valley" Silicon Valley "Silicon Valley and translation). Stanford university was inundated with science and technology group and enterprise, and high-tech, and business, and pragmatism and pioneering spirit of" the spirit of these typical established close contact. Along the west coast of the United States ", each with high-tech computer companies, including Microsoft "darling, in the first set of Stanford university, a more important position. Stanford university graduates for human civilization and progress of science and technology, world political, economic, and modern commercial development is extremely outstanding contributions. They have HuFu (Hoover) President of the United States, the world science and technology leader, and the winner of the Nobel Prize. Stanford university based and created the famous American silicon valley, a world-renowned modern science and technology culture. Stanford university graduates to create the world first-class enterprise, including HP, Cisco, EBay, objectives, Gap, Google, Art, Yahoo, from Nike, and hundreds of American famous listed companies, etc.If, harvard and Yale represents the traditional humanism, so, Stanford university is a symbol of the spirit of science and technology in the 21st century.Stanford university is a private university four years, is the American news and world report "asthe first five star grade, the academic rank first. In 2002, the American news announced the latest national ranking, engineering college graduate institute of education, the second of the second, graduate business enterprise management is at first, and the leading American law institute -- and in the U.S. -- in the rankings have been at the top. Once, the United States Supreme Court justices, nine of six from Stanford university law school. Ph.D. Program rankings, biology, and computer science and the first card auspicious Mellon university, the Massachusetts institute of technology, the university of California, Berkeley, geology, tied for first the mathematics and Princeton university, university of California, Berkeley, physics and tied for third at Harvard University, Princeton university, university of California, Berkeley, applied mathematics tied for third, fourth chemical fifth. Other ranked course and English, psychology, mass communication, biochemistry, economics and drama. According to a recent official statistics show that at Stanford university graduates, the average annual income at the university. In 1998, President Clinton's only daughter Chelsea chose to Stanford university, become the fresh ", no doubt, this is the strength of Stanford university and a proof.Distinctive university systemStanford university system and other universities. In the year in school, students are divided into four quarters, each should choose different classes. Therefore, Stanford university students than those two semesters of university student learning courses, pressure than any other university students will also. Stanford students must complete course in nine areas, including cultural and ideological and natural science, technology and practical science, literature and art, philosophy and social science and religion. In addition, the students' writing and language must meet standards. Stanford recently put non-western writers joined to society "western culture year its nuclear taught outline, caused the attention and academic.The famous professors strong lineupAccording to the data in 1995, Stanford university professor of more than 1,300, ten Nobel Prize winner, five Pulitzer prize winner, 142 of the American art academy of sciences, the national academy of sciences and BaShiSiWei 14 national science winner. And there LiuShiQiWei students acquire a rhodes scholarship - that is, President Clinton once igc to Oxford study that scholarship.The most prestigious MBA business and professionalStanford university business school at harvard business school and was considered the best business schools. These two colleges in the USA authoritative magazine business rankings tied forfirst. Harvard business representative comparison of traditional management training, training is "suits type" big enterprise management personnel, Stanford business is more emphasis and create a new technology of the new enterprise spirit of "small", cultivate the T-shirt is a new generation of "little entrepreneurs. Light from a number of students, Stanford business scale than harvard business school. Stanford MBA students have 720 name, only a Sloan enterprise management personnel training plan for ten months, enrolls around 50 people each year. But from the students' quality, more than 730 across the United States, not a business school entrance competition is fierce. Stanford business so In recent years, a year for five to six thousand to Stamford bridge, but only the business SanBaiLiuShiGe fulfiled. From this perspective, Stanford business is the highest "value". So the main cause is the school to ensure the quality of teaching, ensure the high quality and students.Stanford college students has certain theoretical depth, because it is believed that the graduates from college education in the schools should benefit at least twenty years. That is to say, they should not only understand they will face after graduation: what kind of business world, also should have enough talent to cope with two years later after the changes of the business world. In the first year, after the course at the general requirements, students in a professional direction, these professional direction includes manufacturing management, create and small business administration and management, international business management and public health career management etc. The purpose is to make the student in the industry in the future may have system and in-depth understanding, practical and theoretical knowledge.Stanford business management experience in emphasis, but also emphasize on economic, financial and market operation, the theory of long-term research results are more than other leading business. Over the past decades, this school professor several research achievements, won the Nobel Prize in economics. At the same time, the Stanford business in recent years in the teaching of high-tech special emphasis. Many of the course content involves how to high-tech company, founded in an industry or large enterprises implement technical transformation, and how to use new technology to develop new products, etc. Therefore, the school year to invite a lot from silicon valley etc for senior management staff and students about their actual experience. While many MBA students in studying in silicon valley, small business plan, development and management, in no graduation and the company has established close contact.Very high attrition rate at Stanford university MBA is one reason for the world famous professional. Currently about 5,000 applicants, most of the year to 8,000 people, and acceptance rate is only 7%. Teacher is one of the key factors of MBA education. Stanford business school teachers strength, teachers and students of the ratio of 1:6 since 1990, including three Nobel Prize winners. MBA is not usually so simple a master's degree, it is a system and a wide range of professional. So that the diversity of students is a very important aspect. Stanford MBA students from various fields, so we can increase the complementary between students in a certain extent, to promote the students' learning.To ensure quality at Stanford university, and an important means to strengthen the media supervision is. Some American mainstream media published annually MBA professional ranks, the applicant and unit of choose and employ persons have very important influence. These media usually send questionnaire among students, after analyzing system. Ranking is an important index of the students.In May 2008 at Stanford university in MBA education has achieved in the development ofeducation in the MBA, ranking second.None of the "silicon valley and Stanford research areaActually, said to Stanford university is the inevitable result of Stanford research parks and contact "silicon valley. Many early parlour's engineers are Stanford university graduates in 1920. But at Stanford university is still a" country university, by 1960, she ranked by 1985 the national university more was awarded the first prize. The rise of Stanford university is to create the conditions in the microelectronics industry silicon valley is one of the world's most advanced, the most cutting-edge technology and talents, here, there are more than 40 Nobel laureate, has thousands of academy of sciences and academy. In 1998, the total GDP of silicon valley area approximately $240 billion, accounting for American national around 3% of China's GDP, equivalent to about 25 percent of the total. Silicon valley has the outstanding performance, is inseparable from Stanford university, and at the same time, the incubator of silicon valley also helped the Stanford university, so she can have today's achievements.In the review of Stanford university and silicon valley, we have to concern at Stanford university and silicon connected at Stamford bridge - research area. Stanford study by Stanford university park is professor vice President in 1951, creating the world's first research area, known as "the father of research area since late 1940's. Because of the federal government, education to increase the investment decision, American education tends to get recovery at the corner. Stanford, and east famous university is not equate, western and eastern developed than drain seriously. Stanford university professor, vice President of the university is the future. In his view, the" university is not only knowledge of a country, which parts of the industry development, the industrial layout, population density and the region's popularity, can play a huge economic effects, and to become the first-class university professor, must have the first-class. But when the professor of brand and Stanford unattractive. Therefore, put forward his "new ideas, and the academic cutting-edge contains two meanings, one is to attract top talent." As long as there is good professor, they will attract investment, the government will also attract graduate and promising young school thriving. Actually, this is professor of a predicted: to improve the reputation and strength, Stanford in the near future government investment in education to get as much. Professor "academic cutting-edge ideas of another layer is set up several academic top department. It is based on outstanding talents and attract more sophisticated department" academic cutting-edge ideas, professor and principal Wallace, WallaceSterling) decided to contained (Stanford land into money, but money by employing famous professors -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- into academic prestige. Their way is so simple, land rent for the school to earn money. In the old book at the south, gives the gift of land (Stanford campus), but not sell without prohibit rental. Therefore, they underline 7.5% of land, about acre campus, rent to engaged 665 high-tech industrial plant, it is then the Stamford industrial park.Stanford not only attracts talents and academic solver. At the same time, the research on the academic garden market operation pattern is derived for a new enterprise initiation of the economic environment, high-tech, high-risk but profitable economic environment in attracting all sorts of entrepreneurs. Because of the university's research parks with intelligence and industry resources, the enormous productivity, has caused the government's attention. The national sciencefoundation set up the implementation of innovative research plan "small. The program helps businesses, emerging enterprises have private investment and other sources of funding of research and development, and encourage them to universities, government agencies or big company work. In addition, the state is agreement with adventure capital plan and allow duty-free industrial funds bonds issued by the small, offered support. Anyhow, entrepreneurs can get many aspects of financial and policy support, especially in silicon valley provides superior conditions of venture capital, is the study of the park at success factor, is the study of the development of the whole park in silicon valley.At the same time, Stanford university of sustainable development and industrial relations of cooperation. Science and technology is the productive forces, knowledge is the university of science and technology, is the most important knowledge, this series of logical relationship with the knowledge to promote industrial university, industrial development, innovation in technology. The logical relationship is Practical Education concept of "the Stanford. Stanford university Education (Mr." Practical educational complete) on the influence from the beginning of Stanford university, a growth. Mr. Stanford and had no higher education as a businessman, he is entering society. Social practice, the businessman, he understands the importance of education for revitalization, at the same time, he understood the need of business education, especially higher education what. "Practical education becomes established the concept of Stanford university. And as Stanford research professor of superstores park is the concept of such an important character, he opposed the university's becoming a reality" ivory tower. Hence, in his leadership, in 1944, formulate the university in the coming 20 years development planning, so as to cause the attention of governments at Stanford university, and make full use of the federal government's funding from the Stanford university, a regional university research into the national famous universities. The plan includes: 1. Combining point at Stanford university, trying to make the tip at Stanford university become industry research and development center. The objective of the university and industry together for hi-tech development, regional economic growth and contribute to the school with also offer excellent graduates employment opportunities. 2 the university's financial and material resources together, to attract first-rate researchers, the institute of advanced laboratory, etc, and in some ways "guide. (3) the world also don't ignore the foundation education in university. The teaching and scientific research of the university, the strategy of" secondary discipline as a potential growth industry technical reserves. 4 in order to increase the communication between teachers and industry, Stanford university has developed a set of stimulating the enthusiasm of the compensation system, and the priority of university academic goals may contribute to the enterprise enters the garden.Stanford study not only on basic research area, applied research and development activities. Basic research in university laboratory, not only in research and industry indoors. In university laboratory and the application research institute in industrial and university teachers often by researchers to attend. Development activities are concentrated in industrial laboratory. University to develop activity in two ways: one is a teacher when the enterprise consultants, Two is company has absorbed in development research experience and ability of students.In addition, Stanford university also through various forms to strengthen the contact with the company. Open courses, such as advisers, when evening, director of research facilities, and share the joint research and graduate students part-time job, hire enterprise property of part-time teachers review committee members, or when the papers, etc. Stanford university also adoptsclosed-circuit television, the vivid image, the televised courses to the park is located in the study of high technology enterprise, the enterprise employees leave in not allowed under the condition of the factory to study for a master's degree, the degree of flexible measures, not to learn, not even campus to write papers. Each of these students learning is also support to attend study, they did not pay the worker, the student tuition. Regular double The cooperation of both sides, has a lot of advantages. For the company, technology transfer, and often astonishing speed of the experimental results obtained teachers just renovation programmes and graduates in the company, can immediately. Also has a lot of advantages of university, such as can be obtained from the enterprise there are used to establish scholarships, hire purchase of teachers and experimental equipment of funds. Especially in silicon valley, many companies have a few decades ago for free use of Stanford university laboratory and beholden, now is the company by Stanford university ambitious project.Effective management is the key to success. Stanford research focus in the park construction land rental and management. Initial study park land loan for 99 years, 1960 to shorten the period for 51 years, was the total pre-paid rental need. Established in 1987, to pay the rent every year. The application of Stanford cautious investor, because the study of industrial park is strictly limited into the land rent, so must pass all the behavior, both sides talks on a strict should establish commercial basis. Even so, the companies, enterprises are still willing to study in it.nor park, because it means success rate of increase. Located inside the park, the company can often contact with relevant departments and university can be found by the contact business more opportunities. So, in the research area in the kinds of behavior all boils down to is "seeking symbiosis long development and progress, and these will lead to social progress and improve the positive changes. Therefore, to study the dominant ideology of parks are: to around, university and occupiers of each group, and obtain enough credit. Of course, at lease the land in Stanford university and parlour's demonic has received considerable economic benefit. Stanford university only concession, land in advance about 300 million dollars annually. In addition, the rent every year about 130 million dollars. These are used to improve income of the park.Stanford university education, it really in sets of society, to feed on, but also in their scientific research for social progress and economic development.conclusionThe first President Michael Jordan at Stanford university in 1891 October 1st class to teachers and students of official guests and published exciting speech, he said: "our university is most young though a human wisdom, but she is with the successor. None inheritance, fast and robust growth. He said:" our teachers and students in the first year of the task, which is one of human civilization will coexist with school lays the foundation. The school will lead any traditional, anyone can block the way she, she is pointing ahead of all the signs. For a century, Stanford university for a few younger generations to provide a good living condition and learning conditions, many famous scientist, affect the scholars, and appeared has or may change the idea. Reviewing the history of Stanford university, we found that, in her "academic - technology into productivity - outstanding as school-running concept, in the vision, and in the school of management on its produced in teaching and scientific research achievements, making her among the world first-class university.Brand age: 120Description: university of private brand. The railway WangLiLan big, Stanford in 1885, founded in palo alto, California. Now it has eight graduate school graduate business, education, and earth sciences, humanities, engineering, and natural science institute, interdisciplinary special industry institute, law, medicine. The important scientific research institutions and laboratory: Stanford accelerator laboratories, hoover war, revolution and peace institute, Marine station, at Johns Hopkins, electronic lab physics laboratory, international issues research center, energy research institute. The famous American high technology development zone with the rise of silicon valley and the role of Stanford university. The school graduates in famous article 31 President Herbert hoover Nobel Prize winner, j. Steinbeck and the Supreme Court's first female judge s. converge.this topie etc.Official website: /Headquarters address: the United StatesBrand evaluation: u u u u u (u u u u reputation u u u u global cognitive u u u u u brand value u u)A graduate course, medical, electronics/electrical engineering, environment engineering, statistics, petroleum engineering, biochemistry, mechanical engineering and computer engineering, industrial engineering, operations research, aerospace engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, geological science and civil engineering b. undergraduate curriculum: medical, electronics/electrical engineering, environment engineering, statistics, petroleum engineering, biochemistry, mechanical engineering and computer engineering, industrial engineering, operations research, aerospace engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, geological science and civil engineeringapplication* of Stanford university in a very competitive school, 1997, who apply for 16800 have admitted only 15%. Overseas had 17 people apply, finally only 123 man accepted.Most people study subjects * is biological, followed by economic, political science, psychology, and English.Time: every February * application, August.* total cost: 25-40 million yuan tuition: A graduate course fee: around 20 million yuan, b. undergraduate course fee: around 20 million yuanApplication: 1300 yuan * ($150)* accommodation expenses: 10-15 million RMBAccommodation for 5 million * yuan* living: 5-8 million RMBAdmission requirementsVerbal: 59 - SAT * 69 points, Math 660-750, born overseas with best TOEFL.Department of psychology and common * of implementing six dual-degree programmes, psychological or legal major students can apply for the first course, admission into two department shall be respectively. In September for a future as soon as possible, complete application shall be the application procedures shall be completed in January 1.admissionStanford university system and other universities. In the year in school, students are divided into four quarters, each should choose different classes. Therefore, Stanford university students than those two semester college students learning courses, pressure than any other university students will also.Spring admission deadline: 1 May start time: August 20thAutumn admission deadline: on October 1st opening date: January 18Library and computer resourcesStanford university, funds sufficient fund, teaching equipment are extremely abundant. Library boasts over 670 million books record and 40,000 journals. Campus with more than 70 computers for students to use, also has several computer laboratory and computer center service for the students. Student campus network and the teachers and students can contact. In addition, the school sports facilities, there are many people can accommodate 85000 stadium, golf courses and swimming pools, fully embodies the advantages of large area of campus.The student servicesStanford has excellent students training. And many important university recently to provide students with more research opportunities, Stanford university students often just send an E-mail can get the scientific research work, especially in summer.This Brand in the World Brand laboratory (World's) next Lab 2006 World Brand "top 500 ranked the 42nd.Stanford university education system EPGY global famous of Stanford university professor is for。

Health care
The rudiment of the Stanford
In 1876, former California Governor Leland Stanford purchased 650 acres of Rancho San Francisquito for a country home and began the development of his famous Palo Alto Stock Farm. He later bought adjoining properties totaling more than 8,000 acres.
12.ຫໍສະໝຸດ 13Leland Stanford, who grew up and studied law in New York, moved
West after the gold rush and, like many of his wealthy contemporaries, made his fortune in the railroads. He was a leader of the Republican Party, governor of California and later a U.S. senator. He and Jane had one son, who died of typhoid fever in 1884 when the family was traveling in Italy. Leland Jr. was just 15. Within weeks of his death, the Stanfords decided that, because they no longer could do anything for their own child, "the children of California shall be our children." They quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son.

1 2
根据课程内容和学生兴趣,设计具有实际意义的 项目。
学生分组完成项目,培养团队协作和项目管理能 力。
项目完成后进行展示,提高学生的表达和沟通能 力。
涉及基础医学知识、生物学基础 等课程,为学生打下医学基础。
提供临床医学、病理学等方面的 课程,培养学生诊断和治疗疾病 的能力。
03 斯坦福大学教学方法
• 斯坦福大学简介 • 斯坦福大学课程设置 • 斯坦福大学教学方法 • 斯坦福大学师资力量 • 斯坦福大学学术成果与社会贡献 • 斯坦福大学国际交流与合作
01 斯坦福大学简介
1885年成立,是美 国最早的私立大学之 一。
在学术、科研、创业 等方面均取得斯坦福大学为社会培养了大量优秀人才,这些人才在各个领 域都取得了卓越的成就,为社会的发展做出了重要贡献。
斯坦福大学的科研成果和发明创造了许多世界领先的技术和 产品,这些技术和产品在全球范围内得到了广泛应用,对世 界经济的发展起到了积极的推动作用。
06 斯坦福大学国际交流与合 作
斯坦福大学吸引了来自世界各地 的优秀学生和学者,为他们提供

值线性代数中的基础方法, 例如 QR 分解、奇异值分解以及 Givens 变换等. 书中 几个章节提供了算法的部分程序编码, 以便读者能够运用 MATLAB 语言或其他高 级程序设计语言来具体实现. 过去 25 年里, 我和一大批人在 Lanczos 方法的诸多层面进行过合作. 在此特别 感谢加州大学伯克利分校的 Beresford Parlett 教授和斯坦福大学的 Gene Golub 教 授, 感谢他们在理论上对我的巨大影响. 我很喜欢他们的书籍, 也十分乐于和他们 探讨问题. 我也非常感激伯克利国家实验室的 Horst Simon 博士, 波音公司的 John Lewis 博士和加州大学戴维斯分校的 Zhaojun Bai 教授. 他们和我在 Lanczos 方法 的实际应用上有非常重要的合作. 最后, 特别感谢我的同事 Tom Kowalski 博士, 他不仅参与了将本书提到的一 些方法应用到工程软件 NASTRAN1 中的工作, 还完成了本书的校对, 并提供了宝 贵的更正建议.
精确算术的 Lanczos 方法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.1 计算公式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2 三对角问题的求解 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

院校概况斯坦福大学(Stanford University)—永远追逐在知识最前沿的研究型大学。
斯坦福算是美国人自己建立的第一所真正的“美国大学”跟耶鲁和普林斯顿不一样,于1885年由Leland 和Jane Stanford建立的斯坦福从一开始便同时招收男女学生。
综合评价支持雅思成绩申请;排名第六; 私立综合性大学;提供奖学金滚动招生; 西海岸,远离都市喧嚣;学术信息选择该校的理由斯坦福大学(Standford University)的本科教育仅次于哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学,与麻省理工及宾夕法尼亚州立大学齐名。

1. 哈佛大学(Harvard University)哈佛大学成立于1636年,是全美最古老的大学之一,也是全美著名的私立研究型大学,位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市。
2. 斯坦福大学(Stanford University)斯坦福大学成立于1885年,位于加利福尼亚州的斯坦福市,是全美著名的私立研究型大学之一。
3. 麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)麻省理工学院成立于1861年,位于马萨诸塞州的剑桥市,是全美最著名的科技学院之一。
4. 加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)加州大学伯克利分校成立于1868年,位于加州的伯克利市,是全球顶尖的公立大学之一。

剑桥大学在各个学科领域都具有世界一流的学术研 究实力,特别是在科学和工程领域。
剑桥大学的研究涉及广泛,包括人文科学、生命科 学、物理学等多个领域。
这个PPT课件将介绍一些世界上著名的大学,包括美国的哈佛大学、斯坦福大 学和麻省理工学院,以及英国的牛津大学和剑桥大学,还有加拿大的多伦多 大学和渥太华大学。
哈佛大学成立于1636年,是美国最古老的大学 之一,也是世界上最著名的学府之一。
哈佛大学在各个学科领域都享有盛誉,特别是 在人文、社会科学和医学领域。
哈佛大学的校园环境优美,拥有悠久的历史和 建筑,如哈佛广场和哈佛校园花园。
哈佛大学致力于推动国际交流与合作,吸引了 来自世界各地的学生和学者。
斯坦福大学成立于1885校园风景如画,拥有广袤的草坪、雄 伟的建筑和现代化的设施。
斯坦福大学在计算机科学、商学、人工智能等领域 具有卓越的实力和研究成果。
斯坦福大学致力于解决全球性的重大问题,如环境 保护、健康与医学创新等。
牛津大学的校园建筑融合了中世纪和现代风格, 校园内有许多美丽的学院和图书馆。


斯坦福大学简称斯坦福,是美国一所私立大学, 被公认为世界上最杰出的大学之一。它位于加利 福尼亚州的斯坦福市,临近旧金山。斯坦福大学 拥有的资产属于世界大学中最大的之一。它占地 35平方公里,是美国面积第二大的大学。 全称:小利兰·斯坦福大学 英文:Leland Stanford Junior University 学校性质:私立 创建时间:公元1891年10月1日 创始人:利兰·斯坦福夫妇
l 耶鲁大学(Yale University),旧译“耶劳大书院”, 是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学, 始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大 学。 校训(格言):Lux et Veritas(拉丁文,意为“真 理和光明”) 耶鲁大学成立于1701年,是一所私立大学。它和哈 佛大学、普林斯顿大学齐名,历年来共同角逐美国 大学和研究生院前三名的位置。该校教授阵容、课 程安排、教学设施方面堪称一流。秋季的校园中金 黄暗红的落叶遍地,阳光斜照那些黄褐色巨石建成 的古色古香的巍峨建筑物。耶鲁的名气、它的美丽 和庄严,以及夕阳西下时站在校园中央向四周环视 时那种凝重的历史感吸引着世界各地优秀的学子们.
她与世界上第一条地下铁,第一条电话线生活在 同一个城市!美国独立战争以来几乎所有的革命先驱 都出自于她的门下,她被誉为美国政府的思想库。先 后诞生了八位美国总统,四十位诺贝尔奖得主和三十 位普利策奖得主。她的一举一动决定着美国的社会发 展和经济的走向,商学院案例教学盛名远播。培养了 微软,IBM一个个商业奇迹的缔造者。她的燕京学社 倾力于中美文化的交流,沟通中美两国关系的基辛格 博士,奠基了中国近代人文和自然学科的林语堂,竺 可桢、梁实秋、梁思成,一个个响亮的名字,都和这 所世界最著名的高等学府息息相关。

斯坦福大学(Stanford University),全名小利兰·斯坦福大学,或译作史丹佛大学,通常直接称作斯坦福大学,坐落于美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福市,是一所享誉世界顶尖的私立研究型大学。
该校校区位于加利福尼亚州的帕罗奥图(Palo Alto),与旧金山相邻,占地35平方公里,是美国面积第二大的大学,与哈佛大学并列为美国东西两岸的学术重镇。
Stanford University was founded in 1885 by California senator Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane, “to promote the public welfare by exercising an influence in behalf of humanity and civilization.”When railroad magnate and former California Gov. Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane Lathrop Stanford, lost their only child, Leland, Jr., to typhoid in 1884, they decided to build a university as the most fitting memorial, and deeded to it a large fortune that included the 8,180-acre Palo Alto stock farm that became the campus. They made their plans just as the modern researchuniversity was taking form.Leland Stanford Junior University –still its legal name –opened Oct. 1, 1891.The Stanfords and founding President David Starr Jordan aimed for their new university to be nonsectarian, co-educational and affordable, to produce cultured and useful graduates, and to teach both the traditional liberal arts and the technology and engineering that were already changing America.Their vision took shape on the oak-dotted fields of the San Francisco Peninsula as a matrix of arcades and quadrangles designed for expansion and the dissolving of barriers between people, disciplines and ideas.From t he start, stewardship of the founders’ extraordinary land gift has helped support university endeavors, and has made room for a multiplicity of institutes, schools and laboratories that cross-fertilize each other with innovations that have changed the world. Computer time-sharing, the first isolation of highly purified stem cells and the first synthesis of biologically active DNA, among many other breakthroughs, all originated at Stanford.The early years were difficult, however, as even the Stanfords’ weal th proved inadequate to their vision. After her husband’s death, Jane Stanford kept the fledgling university open through her leadership. The 1906 earthquake dealt a further blow, killing two people and destroying several campus buildings, some so new they had never been occupied.University benefactor and trustee Herbert Hoover, future U.S. president and member of Stanford’s Pioneer Class of 1895, professionalized university operations in the 1920s and helped to put Stanford on a sound financial footing. He founded aninstitute to collect global political material –today’s Hoover Institution Library and Archives –and led the creation of the Graduate School of Business, both now world leaders in their respective fields.斯坦福大学创办于1885年,由加州参议员利兰·斯坦福和他的妻子简创立,旨在“代表人类和文明发挥影响,增进公共福利。

美国芝加哥大学出版社 (University of Chicago Press)美国芝加哥大学出版社University of Chicago Press成立于1891年,曾被时任美国芝加哥大学校长William Rainey Harper称为大学的一个“有机部分”,很大程度上扩大了芝加哥大学的学者们在全世界范围的影响力。
【使用指南】HighWire Press简介:HighWire出版社是美国斯坦福大学创立。
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1129种期刊4737282全文1876531篇免费【使用指南】BioMed Central BioMed Central(以下简称BMC)是生物医学领域的一家独立的新型出版社,以出版网络版期刊为主,目前出版170种生物学和医学领域的期刊(不断增加中),少量期刊同时出版印刷版。
包含学科:生物医学(生物医学计算生物遗传学病原体 ONE等)J-STAGE 简介: J-STAGE ( Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator , Electronic, 日本电子科技信息服务)向全世界即时发布日本科学技术研究的杰出成果和发展,它出版的期刊涉及到各个学科领域。

Famous alumni
There are many celebrities out from Stanford University
Let us come together to look at the well-known alumni of Stanford University
Phil Knight
Stanford Business School
Stanford Business School and Harvard Business School is considered to be the best business schools in the United States. Two colleges repeatedly tied for first place in the ranking of the U.S. magazine Business School. But Stanford's acceptance rate is only 7%.
Die Luft der Freiheit weht
•Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is recognized as one of the world's leading research and teaching institutions.位于旧金山、 圣荷西矽谷的心脏,斯坦福大学被确认为是世界上领先的研究与教学机构.
Stanford University has 30 libraries, not only a collection of more than 650 million copies, and a fully computerized management. The school has more than 7,000 computers for student use, and also provide services for students with more than one computer room and computer center. Students can take advantage of the network contact with the school's teachers and students. In addition, the school's sports facilities can accommodate 85,000 people stadium, golf course and swimming pool, fully reflects the benefits of campus area.

Stanford University: A Beacon of Academic Excellence andInnovationNestled in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University stands as a testament to the power of education, research, and innovation. Founded in 1885 by Leland and Jane Stanford in memory of their only son, the university has grown into a global leader in higher education, attracting students and scholars from every corner of the world.Academic ExcellenceStanford University consistently ranks among the top universities in the world, renowned for its rigorous academic programs and exceptional faculty. With over 7,000 undergraduate students and nearly 12,000 graduate students, the university offers a wide range of disciplines, from engineering and business to humanities and social sciences. The university's commitment to interdisciplinary learning fosters an environment where students can explore their passions and challenge conventional thinking.Innovation and ResearchAt the forefront of innovation, Stanford University is home to numerous research centers and institutes, including theStanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) and the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL). These centers have produced groundbreaking discoveries and technologies that have transformed industries and improved lives. Stanford's close proximity to Silicon Valley further enhances its reputation as a hotbed of technological innovation, fostering collaboration between academia and industry.Campus Life and CommunityLife at Stanford extends beyond the classroom, with a vibrant campus life that encourages intellectual curiosity and personal growth. Students engage in a diverse array of extracurricular activities, from athletics and the arts to community service and leadership roles. The university's commitment to diversity and inclusivity creates a welcoming environment where students from all backgrounds can thrive. The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn, both inside and outside the classroom, fostering a culture of intellectual exploration and discovery.Notable Alumni and FacultyStanford University boasts an impressive list of alumni and faculty who have made significant contributions to society. Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, and leaders in variousfields have all called Stanford home. From entrepreneurs like Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google, to writers and thinkers like John Steinbeck and Albert Einstein, Stanford's alumni and faculty continue to shape the world through their work.ConclusionStanford University is more than just an institution of higher learning; it is a beacon of academic excellence, innovation, and intellectual curiosity. With its rich history, distinguished faculty, and diverse student body, the university offers a unique opportunity for students to grow, learn, and make a difference in the world. As one of the world's most prestigious universities, Stanford continues to inspire generations of scholars and leaders, setting the standard for excellence in higher education.。
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Famous alumni
There are many celebrities out from Stanford University Let us come together to look at the well-known alumni of Stanford University
Hale Waihona Puke KnightThe founder of Nike
The well- known golf player—— Tiger Woods
The founders of Google
Larry Page
Selgey Blin
Sally Ride
The first female astronaut in American history
Steven Chu (朱棣文 )
He won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1997
Jerry Yang (杨致远) The founder of Yahoo!
Leo Chen(陈欧)
the Chief Executive Officer of 聚美优品
That’s all . Thanks for your attention.
Die Luft der Freiheit weht
•Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is recognized as one of the world's leading research and teaching institutions.位于旧 金山、圣荷西矽谷的心脏,斯坦福大学被确认为是世界上领先的研究与 教学机构.
Made by
Birth of the university
Jane and Leland Stanford established the university in memory of their only child who died of typhoid fever at 15. Within weeks of his 1884 death, the Stanfords determined that, because they no longer could do anything for their own child, they would use their wealth to do something for "other people's" children.
Stanford Business School
Stanford Business School and Harvard Business School is considered to be the best business schools in the United States. Two colleges repeatedly tied for first place in the ranking of the U.S. magazine Business School. But Stanford's acceptance rate is only 7%.
Different university system
Stanford University's academic structure is different from the other universities. In the school rules, the year is divided into four quarters, students each quarter must choose a different lesson.
Stanford University has 30 libraries, not only a collection of more than 650 million copies, and a fully computerized management. The school has more than 7,000 computers for student use, and also provide services for students with more than one computer room and computer center. Students can take advantage of the network contact with the school's teachers and students. In addition, the school's sports facilities can accommodate 85,000 people stadium, golf course and swimming pool, fully reflects the benefits of campus area.