
This course is an introduction to the study of society and culture of English-speaking countries. Chinese students begin to learn English at a very young age, however, language is only half of the solution to understanding people. To truly understand, we must learn their culture as well. In this course, students learn about the characteristics and culture of six major English-speaking countries of the world: United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.二、课程目标本课程是为英语专业学生提供培养英语专业素养的平台,旨在通过介绍六个主要英语国家的社会文化,巩固和加强学生对英语语言的学习,鼓励学生亲身体验英语国家的社会文化,增长见识,拓宽视野,汲取来自不同背景、拥有不同经历的人们的新信息和新观点,学会欣赏和尊重不同社会的生活方式。

《英语国家社会与文化》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程编号:课程中文名称: 英语国家社会与文化课程英文名称:Exploring English-speaking Countries课程类型:专业方向选修课总学时:36理论学时:32 实验学时:4学分:2适用专业:初中毕业起点五年制小学教育专业英语方向2012级专科段先修课程:英语网络阅读开课院系:小学教育系二、课程性质和任务《英语国家社会与文化》本课程是以英语为授课媒介,重点介绍英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰等主要英语国家的历史、宗教、政治、教育、体育、经济、娱乐等社会文化各个层面的背景性人文学科知识。

POA教学法在《英语国家社会与文化》课程中的可行性探索1. 引言1.1 背景介绍《英语国家社会与文化》是一门重要的人文社会科学课程,旨在帮助学生深入了解英语国家的社会结构、文化传统和价值观念。
传统的教学方式往往局限于教师讲授知识和学生passively 接受信息,难以激发学生的主动学习积极性和创造性思维。
1.2 研究目的本研究旨在探讨POA教学法在《英语国家社会与文化》课程中的可行性,通过分析POA教学法的概念和应用,评估其在英语教学中的效果,以及探讨如何有效运用POA教学法来提高学习效果。
具体目的包括:1. 深入了解POA教学法的理论基础和实践方法,为将其引入《英语国家社会与文化》课程提供理论支持;2. 探讨POA教学法在英语教学中的优势和局限性,为在特定课程中的应用提供依据;3. 分析POA教学法在《英语国家社会与文化》课程中的可行性,为教学实践提供指导和借鉴;4. 提出建议并展望未来研究方向,为深入探讨POA 教学法在不同领域的应用提供思路和启示。
1.3 研究意义研究意义是指对于当前学生的英语学习和教学工作的具体帮助。

期末考试范围涵盖所讲授的《英语国家社会与文化》的全部内容最终成绩由平时成绩(20%)和期末考试成绩(80%)按一定比例折算后以百分制计六、课时分配第1章英国简介2第2章英国历史6第3章英国政府2第4章英国政治、阶级与种族2第5章英国经济2第6章英国教育与外交关系2第7章美国简介2第8章美国历史6第9章美国政治2第10章美国经济2第11章美国宗教2第12章美国的社会问题2七、教学内容第一章英国简介【教学目标】1.了解英国的名称、地理位置及组成部分2.理解英国国旗、国歌与国徽的含义3.掌握英国人口与社会等级以及民族价值观的特点【教学内容】1.英国名称、地理位置与组成部分2.英国国旗、国歌与国徽3.英国主要城市4.英国气候特征5.英国人口与社会等级6.英国民族价值观与特征【教学重点】1.英国名称、地理位置与组成部分2.英国人口与社会等级3.英国民族价值观与特征【教学难点】1.英国名称、地理位置与组成部分2.英国国旗、国歌与国徽3.英国民族价值观与特征【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第二章英国历史【教学目标】1.了解英国历史发展的主要阶段2.理解英国历史中的主要事件发生背景、意义与影响3.掌握英国历史中的重要历史事件【教学内容】1.民族的起源(5000BC-1066)2.民族的形成 (1066-1381)3.向现代的转变 (1455-1688)4.大英帝国的崛起与衰落(1688-1945)5.二战后的英国(1945至今)【教学重点】1.凯尔特民族、罗马入侵与盎格鲁-撒克逊民族2.诺曼征服与英国大宪章3.玫瑰战争4.资产阶级革命【教学难点】1.盎格鲁-撒克逊民族入侵2.玫瑰战争3.英国宗教改革4.资产阶级革命【学时数】课堂讲述3学时、课堂讨论1学时、习题2学时第三章英国政府【教学目标】1.了解英国政府的具体内容2.理解英国的宪法及其政治体制3.掌握英国主要政党的基本情况【教学内容】1.西方国家的政治体制2.英国的政治体制3.英国的君主4.英国的议会5.英国的司法部门6.英国三大主要政党【教学重点】1.英国的政治体制2.英国三个主要政党的不同之处与代表人物【教学难点】1.英国宪法的特点2.英国君主的职能3.英国议会的职能4.英国三大主要政党的不同之处【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第四章英国政治、阶级与种族【教学目标】1.了解英国大选的重要性2.理解英国政治发展趋势3.掌握英国社会等级与种族的具体内容【教学内容】1.英国大选2.英国三大主要政党3.英国政治发展趋势4.英国的社会等级5.英国的种族情况【教学重点】1.英国大选2.英国政治发展趋势3.英国社会等级的划分【教学难点】1.英国大选的过程2.英国政治发展趋势3.英国社会等级的划分【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第五章英国经济【教学目标】1.了解英国经济的组成部分2.理解英国经济发展历史与现状3.掌握英国经济不同发展阶段的特点【教学内容】1.英国经济的绝对衰落与相对衰落2.英国经济的现状【教学重点】1.英国经济的绝对衰落与相对衰落2.英国经济的三大产业【教学难点】1.英国经济相对衰落的原因2.英国经济三大产业的不同之处【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第六章英国教育与外交关系【教学目标】1.了解与掌握英国教育发展历史与体制与英国外交关系的发展历史2.理解英国的小学、中学与大学阶段的教育现状3.掌握英国外交政策的基础【教学内容】1.英国教育的目的2.英国教育与社会等级的关系3.宗教对英国教育的影响4.英国教育体制的重要转变5.英国教育的现状6.英国外交政策的基础7.英国外交政策的制定【教学重点】1.英国教育体制发展历史2.英国的高等教育3.英国外交关系发展的历史4.英国外交政策的基础与制定【教学难点】1.英国教育体制发展历史2.英国外交政策的基础与制定【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第七章美国简介【教学目标】1.了解美国的名称、地理位置与组成部分2.理解美国的主要象征,包括国旗、国歌与国徽3.掌握美国文化的基本元素【教学内容】1.美国官方名字2.美国地理位置、国土面积与人口3.美国的州4.美国英语5.美国国旗、国歌与国徽6.美元7.山川、河流与气候8.美国的五大象征【教学重点】1.美国全名、地理位置、五十个州与首都2.美国国旗、国歌与国徽3.美国的地理特征【教学难点】1.美国的地理位置与组成部分2.美国的国旗、国歌与国徽的含义【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第八章美国历史【教学目标】1. 了解美国历史发展的主要阶段2. 理解美国历史中重要历史事件发生的背景与影响3. 掌握美国历史发展中的主要人物与主要事件【教学内容】1.美国历史(1600-1900)2.美国历史(1900-1945)3.美国二战后的历史4.二十一世纪的美国【教学重点】1. 美国独立宣言2. 美国内战的原因与意义3. 美国冷战时期【教学难点】1.美国内战的原因与意义2.美苏争霸时期的主要事件【学时数】课堂讲述3学时、课堂讨论1学时、习题2学时第九章美国政治【教学目标和要求】1.了解邦联条例的不足之处2.理解三权分立原则3.掌握美国宪法的三大原则【教学内容】1.美国宪法2.美国行政机构3.美国立法机构4.美国司法机构5.美国两党制【教学重点】1.邦联条例2.美国宪法3.美国三权分立4.美国权利法案5.美国的两党制【教学难点】1.美国宪法制定的背景2.美国三权分立的特点3.美国两党制的特点【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第十章美国经济【教学目标】1.了解美国经济发展历史2.理解美国经济的现状3.掌握工业革命给美国经济带来的发展【教学内容】1.美国经济简介2.美国经济的发展历史3.美国经济的现状【教学重点】1.工业革命给美国经济带来的主要发展2.美国经济的现状【教学难点】1.工业革命对美国经济发展的主要影响2.美国经济发展的不同阶段【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第十一章美国宗教【教学目标】1.了解美国宗教自由与多样性2.理解美国三大宗教信仰3.掌握美国宗教特征【教学内容】1.基督教简介2.美国宗教的发展进程3.美国的三大信仰及其特点4.美国的宗教特征【教学重点】1.美国历史与宗教自由2.美国三大信仰3.美国宗教特征【教学难点】1.美国的三大信仰及其特点2.美国宗教的三大特征【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时第十二章美国的社会问题【教学目标】1.了解美国的主要社会问题2.理解美国种族问题的起源、发展与现状3.掌握美国五大主要社会问题的起源、发展与现状【教学内容】1.美国种族问题2.美国贫穷问题3.美国毒品问题4.美国犯罪问题5.政府与社会机构滥用权力问题【教学重点】1.美国种族问题的起源、发展与现状2.美国贫穷问题的根源与解决方法3.美国毒品问题与犯罪与美国经济的关系【教学难点】1.美国种族问题的起源、发展与现状2.美国贫穷问题的不同内涵【学时数】课堂讲述1学时、习题1学时八、教材及主要参考书1、教材:朱永涛、王立礼. 英语国家社会与文化入门上册[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2011第三版.2、主要参考书:1)陈治刚,张承谟,汪尧田,汪明. 英美概况(新编本)[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002.2)来安方.新编英美概况(最新修订版)[M]. 河南:河南人民出版社,2003.3)刘炳善.英国文学简史[M]. 河南:河南人民出版社,1992.4)王佐良.欧洲文化入门[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1993.5)吴伟仁.美国文学史及选读[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2007.6) 肖惠云.当代英国概况[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996.7)张奎武.英美概况[M].吉林:吉林科学技术出版社,2000.8)朱永涛.英美文化基础教程[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.。

compare the American education system with that of China, esp. comment on
the pros and cons of them.
5 Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy 12月15日前
• 1.
On Positive Chinese-to-English Transfer
(题目字居中,加粗,Times New Roman四号 )
• 2.
• 3.正文字体用Times New Roman小四号,单倍行距, 500字
• English language and Chinese language as two branches of language are out of question having some similarities. However, because they belong to two different language systems, their users’ different cultural conventions and political beliefs make them differ from each other. All those similarities and differences to some extent make impacts on the language transfer between English and Chinese. ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

“英语国家社会与文化”课程教学大纲一、课程概况英文名:The Society and Culture of Major English-speaking Countries开课单位:外语学院课程编码:学分学时: 3 48授课对象:英语专业学生先修课程:基础英语、英语听力、英语口语课程目的和主要内容:通过中外文化各方面的学习、比较,培养学生对文化的兴趣,增强跨文化交际的能力。

英语专业本科教案英语国家社会与文化授课教案Unit OneIntroduction& Unit 1The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries本课内容:The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries课程名称:英语国家社会与文化授课时间:90分钟教学目的:通过本节课的教学,使学生了解英语国家社会与文化课程的主要内容与要求,了解文化的概念;同时对英国有一个总体上的了解。
教学内容: (详见下页)1.什么是文化?2.英国国土与人民英国的不同名称及其区域3. 伦敦概况教学方法:采取教师教授为主,结合学生课堂讨论。
时间分配: What is culture? (10 分钟.);What’s the relation between Culture and society? (10 分钟);Why should we learn culture (10 分钟);UK- a complicated country with a complicated name(40 分钟)A Brief Idea about London. (20 分钟)课堂板书:1. Culture-the foundation of communication2. The four parts of UK3. Main cities of EnglandLondonBirmingham-second largest city of England.Liverpool-second largest port of EnglandManchester- industrial and commercial centre.课后作业: Exercises in Unit 1Unit OnePart One1.What is culture?Culture-the foundation of communicationCulture is very abstract and complicated. Concretely speaking, it refers to all the aspects of social life, such as, the values, the practices of a society and social conventions, education, politics, art or literature,language,ideas,etc.文化即是人们所思,所言(言语和非言语),所为,所觉的总和.文化是无处不在的,具体说来,包括社会生活的一切方面,如:价值观念,生活行为方式,社会规范等,乃至艺术,政治,经济, 教育,修养,文学,语言,思想等.2. What’s the relation between Culture and society?1)Culture is a separate idea from society, although culture and society are interrelated andcannot exist without each other.2)Culture is a system of values (or beliefs) and norms (or behaviour). A society is a system ofinterrelationships which connect or bind individuals together.3. Why should we learn culture?1)Requirement of communication2) Language and culture are inseparable3)Culture acquisition is important for the study of literature.Part TwoUK- a complicated country with a complicated nameⅠStatus in the worldEffects of its Imperial Past--“an empire in which the sun never set”(日不落帝国):1.one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, a founding member ofNATO, and of the Commonwealth,2. Member of European Union and the Group of seven3.The make-up of the British population (Immigration has produced a population of which 1 in 20 are of non-European ethnicity.)II. The effects of its imperial past* The days of empire ended after World War II1.The effects were mainly encountered in the close relationships which exist with the 50 or more colonies of that empire, and which maintain links through Commonwealth of Nations. But more important international relation is its membership in the European Union since 1973.2.The makeup of the British population--- immigration from India, Pakistan, or Caribbean (西印度群岛与中南美洲海域) countries in the 1950s and1960s. 1/20 are non-European ethnicity.III.The features of British society:1.a multiracial societyRacial, gender, class, regional and economic differences in the societya multi-racial society: most are Christians and because of immigration, many are Muslims; gender difference: male and female live different livesclass difference: the class structure of UK society is relatively obvious (A white-collar worker’s lives are very different from a blue-collar worker’s.)economic and regional difference within each of the 4 countries:-- difference between highland and lowland Scots-- difference between north and south England (South is on average more wealthy than the north)2. a society with class-structure3. a society with difference of region difference: highland and lowland Scots,north and southEngland,the capital and provinces.Part ThreeMain cities of England1. London2. Birmingham-second largest city of England.3. Liverpool-second largest port of England4. Manchester- industrial and commercial centre.London--cultural,bussness,and financial centre1. One of the most famous cities of the world, London is England's capital and a favourite for tourists from all over the world who flock there in their millions. It has a history stretching back almost 2000 years, A population of 7.5 million people, and some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.2.London Attractions:Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.The Tower of London,Tower Bridge,St Paul's Cathedralthe River ThamesCountless fascinating museums, art galleries and famous theatres.The English Royal Family reside in London at Buckingham Palace whereyou can see the famous 'Changing of the Guard' and much more.3. A significant role of LondonWhen a man is tired of London, you are tired of life for there is in London all that life can afford.—Samuel Johnson London is dominant in UK in all sorts of ways.1)It is the largest city in the country with about one seventh of the nation’s population.2)It is seat of government.3)It is the cultural centre.4)It is the business centre.5)It is the financial centre of the nation.6)London is a huge weight in Britain’s economic and cultural life, and to some extent the restof the country lives in its shadow.For reference英国历代国王与王后Geographical features1.Geographical positionThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is situated north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland water. From north to south it is about 1,000 kilometres long.(1) Northwest of Europe(2) North Atlantic Ocean(3) Separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel2.Geographical features(1) An island country, surrounded by sea(2) Highlands in the north and west(3) Lowlands in the east and southeastA. Part of the great European PlainB. Level land and fertile soilC. farming(4) 3 natural zones in ScotlandA. the highlands in the northB. the central lowlandsC. the southern uplands. Rivers and LakesImportant role of rivers in the country’s economy1.Important Rivers(1)the Severn RiverA.the longest in the countryB.only 338 kilos long(2)the Thames RiverA.the 2nd longestB.the most important riverC.336 kilos longD.Oxford and London are on the river(3)River ClydeA.the most important in ScotlandB.important commercial waterway2.the Lake District(1)in northwest England and North Wales(2)popular tourist attractions(3)the home of the Lake PoetsA.William WordsworthB.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC.Robert SoutheyClimate1.Typical feature of Britain’s climate“Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather.”The statement is often made by Englishmen to describe the peculiar meteorological conditions of their country.A maritime type of climate(1)rainy---abundant rainfallThe uncertainty about the weather tends to make the Englishmen cautious.“A foreigner may laugh when he sees the Englishman setting forth on a brilliantlysunny morning wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella, but he may well regret hislaughter later in the day!”(2)changeable and unpredictable, no clear cut of 4 seasons“In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a balmy spring morning; an hour or solater black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down.At midday conditions may be really wintry with the temperature down by about eightdegrees or more centigrade. And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear, the sunwill begin to shine, and for an hour or two befo re darkness falls, it will be summer.”(3)Mild: no extremesIn England one can experience almost every kind of weather except the most extreme.temperature: 4-6℃ in winter, 12-17℃ in summer2.Factors influencing the climate(1)the surrounding waters(2)the prevailing south-west winds(3)the North Atlantic Drift (warm current)3.Rainfall(1) a steady reliable rainfall throughout the year(2)uneven distribution of rainA. a water surplus in the north and westB. a water deficit in the south and eastUnit TwoThe History of England课程名称:英语国家社会与文化本课内容:The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries授课时间:90分钟教学目的:通过本节课的教学,使学生了解英国历史,尤其是英格兰的历史;掌握主要历史事件及人物。

英语国家社会与文化英语国家社会与文化Course syllabus 课程大纲1. Course Information 课程简介(1) Specific Description of Course 课程说明1. Total hours 学时: 362. Hours weekly 周学时: 23. Credits 学分: 2.34. Feature 性质: Elective 选修5. Teacher授课教师: 李雪(2) Course Objectives 课程目标This course aims to help students construct basic knowledge of English speaking countries,in terms of geography, history, politics, arts and literature, religion, mass media andvocation. There are aspects of cultures. Through learning, you are able to establish an imageof English speaking countries; specifically, why English can be spoken quite differently indifferent English speaking countries? Why do we say “He is speaking Queen English,(meaning authentic English)” instead of “He is speaking King English”? What is the leadingMedia in America? How many years are required before you get a doctor or lawyercertificate in Canada? Do you know any interesting holidays celebrated among thesecountries? After finishing this course, you will be able to get quite learned about thesecultural information.具体内容主要涉及,英美各国的地理环境、历史演变、政府体制、经济文化、文学艺术、民族特点、宗教信仰、风俗人情、大众传媒及节假日等多学科的知识,以使学生对各国的文化与背景有一总体的概揽(3) Course Level 课程水平This course is the Bachelor’s Degree elective course of science majors. It is for juniors.本课程是为三年级学生开设的选修课, 要求已经通过六级考试。

Climate Features
• A temperate maritime climate • Three features
– There is often a lot of fog or smog in winter. – There are many more rainy days than sunny
Highlands in Scotland
Ben Nevis
(1 343 meters high)
Airth castle (埃斯城堡)
A 14th century castle
Scottish castle weddings.
Stirling castle (斯特灵城堡)
Palace for Scottish king
days. – The weather is quite instable and changeable.
Introduction to British and American Culture
Mountains and Rivers
• The backbone of UK: Pennines
• Chief mountain ranges: the Cambrians in Wales the Grampians in Scotland (the largest mountain range in the UK)
• What are the major cities in Britain?
• Location: North-western coast of continental Europe
• population: 62,770,000(2013) • density: 270.1persons/sqkm(2013) • total area: 244,820sqkm

(完整word版)英语国家社会与⽂化教案英语专业本科教案英语国家社会与⽂化授课教案Unit OneIntroduction& Unit 1The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries本课内容:The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries课程名称:英语国家社会与⽂化授课时间:90分钟教学⽬的:通过本节课的教学,使学⽣了解英语国家社会与⽂化课程的主要内容与要求,了解⽂化的概念;同时对英国有⼀个总体上的了解。
教学内容: (详见下页)1.什么是⽂化?2.英国国⼟与⼈民英国的不同名称及其区域3. 伦敦概况教学⽅法:采取教师教授为主,结合学⽣课堂讨论。
时间分配: What is culture? (10 分钟.);What’s the relation between Culture and society? (10 分钟);Why should we learn culture (10 分钟);UK- a complicated country with a complicated name(40 分钟)A Brief Idea about London. (20 分钟)课堂板书:1. Culture-the foundation of communication2. The four parts of UK3. Main cities of EnglandLondonBirmingham-second largest city of England.Liverpool-second largest port of EnglandManchester- industrial and commercial centre.课后作业: Exercises in Unit 1Unit OnePart One1.What is culture?Culture-the foundation of communicationCulture is very abstract and complicated. Concretely speaking, it refers to all the aspects of social life, such as, the values, the practices of a society and social conventions, education, politics, art or literature,language,ideas,etc.⽂化即是⼈们所思,所⾔(⾔语和⾮⾔语),所为,所觉的总和.⽂化是⽆处不在的,具体说来,包括社会⽣活的⼀切⽅⾯,如:价值观念,⽣活⾏为⽅式,社会规范等,乃⾄艺术,政治,经济, 教育,修养,⽂学,语⾔,思想等.2. What’s the relation between Culture and society?1)Culture is a separate idea from society, although culture and society are interrelated andcannot exist without each other.2)Culture is a system of values (or beliefs) and norms (or behaviour). A society is a system ofinterrelationships which connect or bind individuals together.3. Why should we learn culture?1)Requirement of communication2) Language and culture are inseparable3)Culture acquisition is important for the study of literature.Part TwoUK- a complicated country with a complicated nameⅠStatus in the worldEffects of its Imperial Past--“an empire in which the sun never set”(⽇不落帝国):1.one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, a founding member ofNATO, and of the Commonwealth,2. Member of European Union and the Group of seven3.The make-up of the British population (Immigration has produced a population of which 1 in 20 are of non-European ethnicity.)II. The effects of its imperial past* The days of empire ended after World War II1.The effects were mainly encountered in the close relationships which exist with the 50 or more colonies of that empire, and which maintain links through Commonwealth of Nations. But more important international relation is its membership in the European Union since 1973.2.The makeup of the British population--- immigration from India, Pakistan, or Caribbean (西印度群岛与中南美洲海域) countries in the 1950s and1960s. 1/20 are non-European ethnicity.III.The features of British society:1.a multiracial societyRacial, gender, class, regional and economic differences in the societya multi-racial society: most are Christians and because of immigration, many are Muslims; gender difference: male and female live different livesclass difference: the class structure of UK society is relatively obvious (A white-collar worker’s lives are very different from a blue-collar worker’s.)economic and regional difference within each of the 4 countries:-- difference between highland and lowland Scots-- difference between north and south England (South is on average more wealthy than the north)2. a society with class-structure3. a society with difference of region difference: highland and lowland Scots,north and southEngland,the capital and provinces.Part ThreeMain cities of England1. London2. Birmingham-second largest city of England.3. Liverpool-second largest port of England4. Manchester- industrial and commercial centre.London--cultural,bussness,and financial centre1. One of the most famous cities of the world, London is England's capital and a favourite for tourists from all over the world who flock there in their millions. It has a history stretching back almost 2000 years, A population of 7.5 million people, and some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.2.London Attractions:Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.The Tower of London,Tower Bridge,St Paul's Cathedralthe River ThamesCountless fascinating museums, art galleries and famous theatres.The English Royal Family reside in London at Buckingham Palace whereyou can see the famous 'Changing of the Guard' and much more.3. A significant role of LondonWhen a man is tired of London, you are tired of life for there is in London all that life can afford.—Samuel Johnson London is dominant in UK in all sorts of ways.1)It is the largest city in the country with about one seventh of the nation’s population.2)It is seat of government.3)It is the cultural centre.4)It is the business centre.5)It is the financial centre of the nation.6)London is a huge weight in Britain’s economic and cultural life, and to some extent the rest of the country lives in its shadow.For reference英国历代国王与王后Geographical features1.Geographical positionThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is situated north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland water. From north to south it is about 1,000 kilometres long.(1) Northwest of Europe(2) North Atlantic Ocean(3) Separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel2.Geographical features(1) An island country, surrounded by sea(2) Highlands in the north and west(3) Lowlands in the east and southeastA. Part of the great European PlainB. Level land and fertile soilC. farming(4) 3 natural zones in ScotlandA. the highlands in the northB. the central lowlandsC. the southern uplands. Rivers and LakesImportant role of rivers in the country’s economy1.Important Rivers(1)the Severn RiverA.the longest in the countryB.only 338 kilos long(2)the Thames RiverA.the 2nd longestB.the most important riverC.336 kilos longD.Oxford and London are on the river(3)River ClydeA.the most important in ScotlandB.important commercial waterway2.the Lake District(1)in northwest England and North Wales(2)popular tourist attractions(3)the home of the Lake PoetsA.William WordsworthB.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC.Robert SoutheyClimate1.Typical feature of Britain’s climate“Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather.”The statement is often made by Englishmen to describe the peculiar meteorological conditions of their country.A maritime type of climate(1)rainy---abundant rainfallThe uncertainty about the weather tends to make the Englishmen cautious.“A foreigner may laugh when he sees the Englishman setting forth on a brilliantlysunny morning wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella, but he may well regret hislaughter later in the day!”(2)changeable and unpredictable, no clear cut of 4 seasons“In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a balmy spring morning; an hour or solater black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down.At midday conditions may be really wintry with the temperature down by about eightdegrees or more centigrade. And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear, the sunwill begin to shine, and for an hour or two befo re darkness falls, it will be summer.”(3)Mild: no extremesIn England one can experience almost every kind of weather except the most extreme.temperature: 4-6℃ in winter, 12-17℃ in summer2.Factors influencing the climate(1)the surrounding waters(2)the prevailing south-west winds(3)the North Atlantic Drift (warm current)3.Rainfall(1) a steady reliable rainfall throughout the year(2)uneven distribution of rainA. a water surplus in the north and westB. a water deficit in the south and eastUnit TwoThe History of England课程名称:英语国家社会与⽂化本课内容:The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries授课时间:90分钟教学⽬的:通过本节课的教学,使学⽣了解英国历史,尤其是英格兰的历史;掌握主要历史事件及⼈物。

Canadian Natural Landscape and Outdoor Activities
Canada's Geography and Climate
The vast size of the country and its location between the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans
The conflict between the North and South over slavery and states' rights
American pop culture and entertainment industry
The center of the American film industry, known for its blockbuster movies and Oscar winning films
British Tradition and Customs
The British have a rich tradition of folklore, including fairy tales, annual rhymes, and traditional customs that are passed down through generations These conditions often reflect the country's history and culture
British Society and Culture
British History and Political System

London held 3 Olympic games – 1908, 1948 and 2012 respectively.
• 2012 Olympics
The City of London is widely referred to simply as the City and is also colloquially known as the Square Mile, as it is 1.12 sq mi (2.90 km2) in area. It is one of the financial centres of the world.
• Since its entry into EU in 1973, the UK has developed a closer relationships with Europe.
The importance of London in the UK
• London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. It is the most populous city in the United Kingdom, with a metropolitan area of over 13 million inhabitants.
• The two maps show the position of the UK in the world and the four constituent parts of the UK
At its height, the British Empire was the largest empire in history. By 1922 the British Empire held sway over about 458 million people, one-fifth of the world's population at the time. The empire covered more than 33,700,000 square km (13,012,000 sq mi), almost a quarter of the Earth's total land area.

“英语国家社会与文化入门”课程教学大纲 (2)

“英语国家社会与文化入门”课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息开课单位:翻译学院课程名称:英语国家社会与文化入门课程编号:210019-210020、211017-211018、222007-222008英文名称:THE SOCIETY AND CULTURE OF MAJORENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES AN INTRODUCTION课程类型:专业基础课总学时:68 理论学时:68 实验学时:0学分:4开设专业:英语(师范)专业、翻译专业、商务英语专业先修课程:综合英语1二、课程任务目标(一)课程任务本课程是一门英语专业、翻译专业、商务英语专业学生的专业基础课之一,是一门基础理论课程。
(二)课程目标在学完本课程之后,学生能够:1. 了解英语国家社会与文化2. 具备一定的跨文化交际能力3. 熟悉并掌握英语国家政治、经济、历史、文化、教育、外交、军事、文娱等领域的英语专有词汇和用语4.提高英语阅读以及英汉翻译能力三、教学内容和要求本课程以英语为授课语言,全面、系统概要地介绍英语国家的历史、政治、经济、地理、文化、教育、外交以及文娱等内容。
BOOK1The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Ⅰ(掌握)Unit 2 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Ⅱ(了解)Unit 3 The Government of the United Kingdom(掌握)Unit 4 Politics, Class and Race(难点)Unit 5 The UK Economy (了解)Unit 6 British Literature(了解)Unit 7 British Education System(掌握)Unit 8 British Foreign Relations(了解)Unit 9 The British Media(理解)Unit 10 Sports, Holidays and Festivals in Britain(掌握)IrelandUnit 11 Land, People and History(理解)Unit 12 Politics and Economy(难点)Unit 13 Irish Culture: How the Irish Live Now(了解)Unit 14 Irish Culture: Language, Literature and Arts (了解)AustraliaUnit 15 The Land and the Peoples of the Dreaming(掌握)Unit 16 Australian Cultural Life(了解)Unit 17 Work and Family Life(了解)Unit 18 Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society(了解)Unit 19 Australia in the World Today(了解)Unit 20 From Racism to Multiculturalism(了解)BOOK2New ZealandUnit 1 Land, People and History(了解)Unit 2 Political System, Education and Economy(掌握)The United States of AmericaUnit 3 American Beginnings (掌握)Unit 4 The Political System in the United States (难点)Unit 5 American Economy (了解)Unit 6 Religion in the United States (难点)Unit 7 American Literature (了解)Unit 8 Education in the United States (掌握)Unit 9 Social Movements of the 1960s (掌握)Unit 10 Social Problems in the United States(掌握)Unit 11 American Way of Life: A Search for Credible Generalizations(掌握)Unit 12 The Women's Liberation Movement in America (了解)Unit 13 Technology in America (了解)Unit 14 Post-WWll American Foreign Policy (了解)Unit 15 Sports and Scenic Spots in America (掌握)Unit 16 Early American Jazz(了解)CanadaUnit 17 The Country and Its People (掌握)Unit 18 The Government and Politics of Canada (了解)Unit 19 The Canadian Mosaic (了解)Unit 20 The Canadian Economy (了解)Unit 21 Canadian Literature (了解)Unit 22 Canada's International Relations(了解)四、学时分配章次各教学环节学时分配小计讲授实验上机习题讨论课外备注Unit 1321 Unit 2321 Unit 3321 Unit 4321 Unit 5321 Unit 6321 Unit 7321 Unit 8321 Unit 9321Unit 10321Unit 11321Unit 12321Unit 13321Unit 14321Unit 15321Unit 16321Unit 17321Unit 18321Unit 19321Unit 20321Unit 21321Unit 22321Revision22合计684622五、考核说明本课程考核方法使用闭卷考试+平时成绩的方式进行评定。

《英语国家社会与文化》课程教学大纲一、课程信息通过本课程的学习,学生应达成以下几方面的目标:1. 了解主要英语国家的社会与文化概貌。
2. 掌握英语专业必备的有关国家背景知识、政治制度及经济制度。
3. 拓阔知识面,能够课外阅读英语国家文化报刊书籍等。
4. 能够正确分析和评价英语国家政治、经济及文化等现象。
课程目标对毕业要求的支撑关系表三、教学内容与预期学习成效四、课程目标达成度评价1. 课程目标1、2的达成度通过课前预习、课堂提问与期末知识点闭卷考试综合考评;2. 课程目标3的达成度通过生词与难句翻译考试综合考评;3. 课程目标4的达成度通过过程布置学生课外阅读任务学生自主学习,写课外阅读小结综合考评。
具体要求及成绩评定方法如下:1. 出勤及课堂表现(5%)设此考核项目,目的是控制无故缺课和课堂懒散无纪律情况,具体方案为:总分为100分,无故旷课一次扣5分,无故缺勤5次及以上者,取消本门课程考核资格;上课睡觉、玩手机、吃零食者被老师发现一次扣5分。
2. 课前预习、课堂提问、语言点(5%)本课程因阅读量大,要求学生课前预习,并能查阅生词,掌握生词、翻译出难句子,回答课后问题。
3. 课后作业与拓展阅读(5%)每单元布置一次课后作业,作业包括课后练习和拓展阅读。
4. 课程项目(5%)学生课后查阅资料、归纳总结写出有关英语国家文化主题研究的两篇书面小结(每人每学期1份)。
5. 期末考试(80%)期末进行综合闭卷考试,总分为100分,主要考查学生对英语国家文化的基本概念和基本知识,测评学生的理解、判断、分析、综合等能力。

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Image •
• 展示技巧 20
• 总分 100
Rubric for Group Presentation
• 项目
No • 主题内容 50
Hale Waihona Puke 材料充实,结构清晰完整,能给听众带来新的
Individual Presentation 顺序
No • 按各分班点名册顺序
No • 1. 电子文档和纸质A4文档
• 2. 邮箱: lxmailch@
• 3.邮件主题: 班级+专业+ 姓名
Image • 如: 越秀16班 金融121 葛竞言
• 3. 电话: 13567360742
己的观点,条理性强,字数达到要求。(占50%) 2.连贯性和结构层次:学生能否将信息和要点进行组
Image 3.词汇的多样性和语法的准确性:学生使用的词汇广 泛、语法结构准确、且适合写作的要求。(占20%) 4.论文格式:写作的格式是否规范。(占10%) 论文如果有抄袭嫌疑,视抄袭严重程度进行处罚,情
No • 成绩构成:平时考核50%,期末考试50%
• 出勤class attendence:缺课一次扣1分 10%
• 课程论文course essay:
• 个人展示Individual presentation: 10%
Image • 小组展示 group presentation 10%
• 期末考试:开卷考试 final exam 50% • 期末考试题型:选择题、判断题、匹配题、简答题
No 一、字数要求:500字左右(不包含参考文献)
• 二、选题:从教师布置的选题中选择一个题目 • 三、评分标准:共计100分,分成五等:
1) 90-100= A(Excellent)
No Image
Group Presentation 梁林10班分组
No Image
Group Presentation 梁林17班分组
No Image
Group Presentation 梁林31班分组
No Image
Topics for Group Presentation
No Image
No 英语国家社会与文化 Image
No • 本课程是大学英语的拓展课程。本课程的目的 和任务是通过介绍六个英语国家(英国、 爱尔兰、 美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰)的社会与文化 ,涵盖了地理、历史、政治、经济、教育和文学 Image 等方面的内容,进一步提高学生的语言运用能力 ,加深对英国国家社会与文化生活基本情况的了 解,从而在工作和生活中更好地进行跨文化交流 。
• English language and Chinese language as two
Image branches of language are out of question having
some similarities. However, because they belong to two different language systems, their users’ different cultural conventions and political beliefs make them differ from each other. All those similarities and differences to some extent make impacts on the language transfer between English and Chinese. ...
• • •
Image 2) 80-89= B (Good)
3) 70-79= C (Satisfactory) 4) 60-69= D (Weak)
5) 60以下= E (Fail)
No 进行资料查找、阅读,并且进行描述和写作,有自
• 1.
On Positive Chinese-to-English Transfer
No •
(题目字居中,加粗,Times New Roman四号 )
• 2.
• 3.正文字体用Times New Roman小四号,单倍行距,
• 4. 参考文献(3个以上)
No Image
Rubric for Individual Presentation
• 项目
No • 主题内容 50
• 语言表达 30
No • Welcome to my Class! Image
• 语言表达 20
Image • 团队合作 15
• 展示技巧 15
• 总分 100
Group Presentation 越秀5班分组
No • 本课程以课堂讲授为主,学生上课前必须认真预 习单元内容,上课时带疑难问题,提问解决,上 课时应积极参加课堂讨论,要求独立完成作业。 • 在理解课堂内容的基础上,课后主动上网查询相
Image 关国家的背景知识,并在课堂上做个人和小组汇
• • •