朱利亚尼作品100-11《快板》Allegro,Op.100-11; M. Giuliani古典吉他谱
二、巴罗克音乐的风格特征?巴罗克时期是复调音乐发展的全盛时期,也是向主调音乐转型的时期,其风格特征主要表现在以下几个方面:1、通奏低音 (thoroughbass,basso continuo,又称数字低音):即作曲家在创作时只写旋律和低音,在低音旁用数字标出该音在和弦中的位置,然后演奏者根据这些标识,即兴地把和声填上去(例如:低音旁标记数字6,表示在该音的上方奏出六度音程,演奏者还会根据当时约定俗成的原则同时奏出一个三度音,构成三和弦的第一转位)。
1.44页最后苐二行的最后一小节应为A的小三和弦,要标为Am,然后一直延续,2. 44页最后一小节再変成A的大三和弦,故最后一小节上面应再标上A。
音乐人物丨意大利作曲家、小提琴家朱塞佩·托雷利(Giuseppe Torelli)朱塞佩·托雷利(Giuseppe Torelli, 1658-1709),意大利作曲家及炫技派小提琴家。
在西洋音乐史中,对于弦乐及小号曲目中的大协奏曲(concerto grosso)和独奏协奏曲(solo concerto)曲式具有极大的影响。
出生於意大利维罗纳,年轻时曾至圣佩托尼奥S. Petronio担任教堂乐团提琴手,也曾至德国安斯巴赫(Ansbach)及维也纳工作。
现存一百部以上托雷里的作品都只有手稿,而他大部分的创作都是给《D 调小号》及小提琴。
其中Op.1 为十首三重奏鸣曲(trio sonata),包括七首四个乐章型式(慢-快-慢-快)的教堂奏鸣曲(sonata da chiesa),而后来这四个乐章的形式也成为标準的奏鸣曲式(sonata form)。
在他的作品中,有些也把一个声部的小提琴标上“独奏(solo)” 的记号,或是写一些炫技的片段给独奏乐器。
他也开始区分独奏协奏曲和大协奏曲,也明确的使用独奏者或独奏群与管弦乐的对比的写作手法,与并且确立了三个乐章(快─慢─快) 的协奏曲乐章形。
迪亚贝利f大调小奏鸣曲168no2钢琴曲1. 背景介绍迪亚贝利(Domenico Scarlatti)是一位意大利巴洛克时期的作曲家和键盘演奏家,他的钢琴曲《f大调小奏鸣曲168no2》是他在西班牙宫廷任职期间创作的一部作品。
2. 音乐特点《f大调小奏鸣曲168no2》以其精巧的结构和优美的旋律闻名于世。
3. 音乐结构这首钢琴曲的结构清晰,构思巧妙。
4. 音乐表现《f大调小奏鸣曲168no2》的演奏要求钢琴演奏者具备出色的技巧和对音乐情感的深刻把握。
5. 音乐欣赏对于音乐爱好者来说,《f大调小奏鸣曲168no2》是一部极具挑战性和表现力的钢琴曲。
6. 结语《f大调小奏鸣曲168no2》是迪亚贝利钢琴曲中的经典之作,展现了作曲家对音乐的高超理解和对西班牙音乐的独特把握。
里丁格a小调协奏曲1. 引言里丁格a小调协奏曲(Rieding Concerto in A minor)是匈牙利作曲家奥斯卡·里丁格(Oscar Rieding)创作的一部小提琴协奏曲。
2. 背景介绍奥斯卡·里丁格是19世纪末20世纪初的匈牙利作曲家和小提琴家。
3. 曲式结构《里丁格a小调协奏曲》是一部由三个乐章组成的协奏曲。
它们分别是:•第一乐章:快板(Allegro moderato)•第二乐章:慢板(Andante)•第三乐章:快板(Allegro)这种三乐章的结构是协奏曲常见的形式,它允许独奏乐器与管弦乐队之间的对话和交流。
4. 第一乐章:快板(Allegro moderato)第一乐章是《里丁格a小调协奏曲》中最具活力和激情的乐章。
5. 第二乐章:慢板(Andante)第二乐章是《里丁格a小调协奏曲》中的慢板乐章,它为整个作品带来了一种温柔和抒情的氛围。
6. 第三乐章:快板(Allegro)第三乐章是《里丁格a小调协奏曲》中最活泼和欢快的乐章。
目 录第0章 绪 论0.1 复习笔记0.2 课后习题详解第1章 芭蕾的起源1.1 复习笔记1.2 课后习题详解第2章 芭蕾的雏形2.1 复习笔记2.2 课后习题详解第3章 前浪漫主义芭蕾第4章 浪漫主义芭蕾4.1 复习笔记4.2 课后习题详解第5章 俄罗斯芭蕾5.1 复习笔记5.2 课后习题详解第6章 世纪之交的芭蕾改革(20世纪)6.1 复习笔记6.2 课后习题详解第7章 前苏联芭蕾第8章 当代欧美芭蕾8.1 复习笔记8.2 课后习题详解第0章 绪 论0.1 复习笔记一、芭蕾释义1Ballet(芭蕾)(1)在我国舞蹈文献中,一般把Ballet译为“芭蕾”、“舞剧”;(2)把汉语“舞剧”译为英文或其他西文时,往往译成dance drama。
(2)狭义Ballet是西方的一种特定的舞种,是classical ballet的略称,专指15世纪出现于意大利,经三百年的发展而形成的,有特定的审美标准和技术规范的欧洲古典舞蹈,也就是通常所说的“古典芭蕾”或“芭蕾舞(剧)”。
DIN EN 10296-1:2004-02
Nationaler Anhang NA (informativ) Literaturhinweise
DIN EN 10208-1, Stahlrohre für Rohrleitungen für brennbare Medien – Technische Lieferbedingungen — Teil 1: Rohre der Anforderungsklasse A; Deutsche Fassung EN 10208-1:1997. DIN EN 10217-1, Nahtlose Stahlrohre für Druckbehälter — Technische Lieferbedingungen — Teil 1: Rohre aus unlegierten Stählen mit festgelegten Eigenschaften bei Raumtemperatur; Deutsche Fassung EN 10216-1:2002. DIN EN 10224, Rohre und Fittings aus unlegierten Stählen für den Transport wässriger Flüssigkeiten einschließlich Trinkwasser — Technische Lieferbedingungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 10224:2002. DIN V 17006-10, Bezeichnungssysteme für Stähle — Zusatzsymbole für Kurznamen; Deutsche Fassung CR 10260:1998.
Gesamtumfang 36 Seiten
1.波兰舞曲 ( OP.26 NO.1 )......................................肖邦
2.谐谑曲 ( OP.20 NO.1 )........................................肖邦
3.前奏曲 ( OP.32 NO.5 )................................拉赫玛尼诺夫
1、小奏鸣曲(Op.36 No.5Ⅰ)--克莱门蒂曲2、D大调奏鸣曲(Ⅲ终曲)---海顿曲
3、C大调小奏鸣曲(Op.55 No.3Ⅰ)--库劳曲4、G大调奏鸣曲--齐玛洛萨曲
1、纪念册的一页(Op.12 No.7)---格里格曲2、在夜晚(Op.88 No.2)-----霍夫曼曲3、美国歌曲----于勃曲
1、练习曲(Op.299 No.15)----车尔尼曲2、练习曲(Op.748 No.15)-----车尔尼曲
3、练习曲(Op.37 No.8)---莱蒙曲4、练习曲(Op.46 No.1)-----海勒曲
SAE J941-2010 Motor Vehicle Drivers'Eye Locations
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2010 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Issued 1965-11 Revised 2010-03 RATIONALEThis revision contains editorial changes to improve the document structure and clarity. No technical changes were made.FOREWORDThis SAE Recommended Practice describes the eyellipse, a statistical representation of driver eye locations, which isused to facilitate design and evaluation of vision in motor vehicles. Examples of eyellipse applications include rearview mirror size and placement, wiped and defrosted areas, pillar size and location, and general exterior field of view. These applications are covered in other SAE and ISO practices.The 2002 revision of the eyellipse was the most significant update to SAE J941 since its inception. The 2002 eyellipses differed from the previous eyellipses in the following ways:a. The axis angles in plan view and rear view are parallel to vehicle grid.b. The side view X axis angle is tipped down more at the front.c. For the 95th percentile eyellipse (99th shown in parentheses):1. The X axis length is 7.5 (18.9) mm longer.2. The Y axis is 44.6 (63.6) mm shorter. 3. The Z axis is 7.4 (10.1) mm longer.d. The centroid location is generally higher and more rearward.e. The centroid location in side view is a function of packaging geometry (SgRP, steering wheel location, seat cushionangle, and the presence or absence of a clutch pedal). f. The eyellipse is no longer positioned according to the drivers’ torso angle.g. The eyellipse for seat tracks shorter than 133 mm in length has an X axis length unchanged from the prior SAE J941.The Y and Z axis lengths, and the centroid location, are based on the new values/ equations given in this document. h. Neck pivot (P) and eye (E) points are based on the previous plan view sight lines to rearview mirrors and A-pillars, butare adjusted to the shape and location of the new eyellipses.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---New additions, incorporated as appendices to this document, are summarized as follows:a. Fixed seat eyellipses for an adult user population at a 50/50 gender mix and 95th and 99th percentile tangent cutoffs(Appendix B).b. A procedure for calculating adjustable and fixed seat eyellipses for any user population stature and gender mix atselected percentile tangent cutoffs (Appendices A and C). c. Tables providing comparisons between tangent cutoff eyellipses and inclusive eyellipses. An inclusive eyellipse canbe constructed using these tables (Appendix D). Eyellipses for Class B vehicles are unchanged from prior versions of SAE J941 (Appendix E). Appendices are informative only and are not normative requirements of this document.TABLE OF CONTENTS1.SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 42.REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................. 42.1Applicable Publications ................................................................................................................................. 42.1.1SAE Publications ........................................................................................................................................... 42.2Related Publications ..................................................................................................................................... 52.2.1SAE Publications ........................................................................................................................................... 52.2.2Other Publication ........................................................................................................................................... 53.DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 53.1Eyellipse ........................................................................................................................................................ 53.2Cyclopean Eye or Mid-Eye Point .................................................................................................................. 63.3Tangent Cutoff Plane .................................................................................................................................... 63.4Tangent Cutoff Eyellipse ............................................................................................................................... 63.5Neck Pivot Points (P points) ......................................................................................................................... 63.6Neck Pivots, P1 and P2 ................................................................................................................................ 63.7Neck Pivots, P3 and P4 ................................................................................................................................ 73.8Eye Points (E points)..................................................................................................................................... 73.9Inclusive Eyellipse ......................................................................................................................................... 83.10Dimensions and Definitions in SAE J1100 ................................................................................................... 84.ADJUSTABLE SEAT 95TH AND 99TH PERCENTILE TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSESFOR A 50/50 MALE/FEMALE GENDER MIX ............................................................................................... 94.1Reference anthropometry ............................................................................................................................. 94.2Axis Lengths .................................................................................................................................................. 94.3Axis Angles ................................................................................................................................................. 104.3.1Rear and Plan View Angles ........................................................................................................................ 104.3.2Side View Angle, β ...................................................................................................................................... 104.4Centroid Locations ...................................................................................................................................... 114.4.1Locating Equations ..................................................................................................................................... 114.4.2Seats with Vertical Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 114.4.3Left, Right, Mid-Eye Centroids .................................................................................................................... 125.EYELLIPSE LOCATING PROCEDURE, CLASS A VEHICLES ................................................................. 125.1Determine seat characteristics A19, W20, H30, TL23. ............................................................................... 125.2Determine H8 and L6. ................................................................................................................................. 125.3Determine t based on the percentage of vehicle production that has a clutch pedal. ................................ 125.4Construct identical left and right eyellipses based on the axes given in Table 2. ...................................... 125.5Locate the centroids using Equations 2 through 5. .................................................................................... 125.6Tilt the front of the eyellipse X axis down in side view according to Equation 1. (12)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6.NECK PIVOT (P) AND EYE (E) POINTS: LOCATING PROCEDURE, CLASS A VEHICLES (13)6.1Background (13)6.2Neck Pivot (P) Points (13)6.3Eye (E) Points (13)7.NOTES (14)7.1Marginal Indicia (14)APPENDIX A ADJUSTABLE SEAT TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSES FOR ANY USER POPULATIONSTATURE DISTRIBUTION AND GENDER MIX [INFORMATIVE] (15)APPENDIX B FIXED SEAT 95TH AND 99TH PERCENTILE TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSES FOR AN ADULT POPULATION AT A 50/50 GENDER MIX [INFORMATIVE] (21)APPENDIX C FIXED SEAT TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSES FOR ANY USER POPULATION STATURE DISTRIBUTION AND GENDER MIX [INFORMATIVE] (25)APPENDIX D TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSES AND INCLUSIVE EYELLIPSES [INFORMATIVE] (29)APPENDIX E EYELLIPSES FOR CLASS B VEHICLES [INFORMATIVE] (32)APPENDIX F BACKGROUND FOR THIS REVISION OF SAE J941 [INFORMATIVE] (35)FIGURE 1 TYPICAL THREE-DIMENSIONAL TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSES FOR THE LEFT AND RIGHT EYES (6)FIGURE 2 P POINT LOCATIONS RELATIVE TO 95TH PERCENTILE EYELLIPSE MID-EYE CENTROID WITH SEAT TRACK TRAVEL >133 MM (7)FIGURE 3 NECK PIVOT POINT AND ASSOCIATED EYE POINTS (8)FIGURE 4 ADJUSTABLE SEAT TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSE FOR ONE EYE, THREE VIEWS (10)FIGURE 5 EYELLIPSE PACKAGE FACTORS, SIDE VIEW AXIS ANGLE, AND CENTROID LOCATION (12)FIGURE A1 SIDE VIEW LOCATION OF THE MALE AND FEMALE EYE CENTROIDS RELATIVE TO THE REFERENCE CENTROID (16)FIGURE A2 DETERMINATION OF EYELLIPSE X AXIS END POINTS AND LENGTH (16)FIGURE B1 FIXED SEAT EYELLIPSE SIDE VIEW AXIS ANGLE AND CENTROID LOCATION (21)FIGURE B2 FIXED SEAT TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSE FOR ONE EYE - TRUE VIEWS (23)FIGURE C1 FIXED SEAT EYELLIPSE SIDE VIEW, (X, Z) AXIS AND AXIS ANGLE, δ (27)FIGURE D1 TWO DIMENSIONAL TANGENT CUTOFF DESCRIPTION (29)FIGURE E1 EYELLIPSE LOCATION IN CLASS B VEHICLES (33)TABLE 1 REFERENCE ANTHROPOMETRY (NHANES III)(1) (9)TABLE 2 LEFT AND RIGHT EYELLIPSE AXIS LENGTHS (TRUE VIEW) (9)TABLE 3 NECK PIVOT POINTS RELATIVE TO THE 95TH PERCENTILE EYELLIPSE MID-EYE CENTROID (13)TABLE A1 POPULATION ANTHROPOMETRY(1) (19)TABLE A2 LEFT AND RIGHT EYELLIPSE AXIS LENGTHS (MM) (19)TABLE A3 CHANGE IN EYELLIPSE CENTROID LOCATION(1) (50% MALE POPULATION) (20)TABLE B1 FIXED SEAT EYELLIPSE AXIS LENGTHS (22)TABLE D1 TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSE PERCENTILES AND CORRESPONDING 2-D AND 3-DINCLUSIVE EYELLIPSE PERCENTILES, ADJUSTABLE SEAT (30)TABLE D2 TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSE PERCENTILES AND CORRESPONDING 2-D AND 3-DINCLUSIVE EYELLIPSE PERCENTILES, FIXED SEAT (31)TABLE E1 LENGTH OF 3 AXES IN TRUE VIEW FOR THE FOUR EYELLIPSES (MM) ........................................... 32--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---1. SCOPEThis SAE Recommended Practice establishes the location of drivers’ eyes inside a vehicle.Elliptical (eyellipse) models in three dimensions are used to represent tangent cutoff percentiles of driver eye locations.Procedures are provided to construct 95th and 99th percentile tangent cutoff eyellipses for a 50/50 gender mix, adult user population.Neck pivot (P) points are defined in Section 6 to establish specific left and right eye points for direct and indirect viewing tasks described in SAE J1050. These P points are defined only for the adjustable seat eyellipses defined in Section 4.This document applies to Class A Vehicles (Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, and Light Trucks) as defined in SAE J1100. It also applies to Class B vehicles (Heavy Trucks), although these eyellipses have not been updated from previous versions of SAE J941.The appendices are provided for information only and are not a requirement of this document.2. RE F ERENCES2.1 Applicable DocumentsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.Publications2.1.1 SAEAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), .SAE J826 Devices for Use in Defining and Measuring Vehicle Seating AccommodationSAE J1100 Motor Vehicle DimensionsSAE J1516 Accommodation Tool Reference PointSAE J4002 H-Point Machine (HPM-II) Specifications and Procedure for H-Point Determination—Auditing Vehicle SeatsSAE J4004 Positioning the H-Point Design Tool—Seating Reference Point and Seat Track Length--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---2.2 Related PublicationsThe following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this specification.Publications2.2.1 SAEAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), .SAE J1050 Describing and Measuring the Driver’s Field of ViewSAE J1517 Driver Selected Seat PositionSAE Paper 650464 Automobile Driver Eye Position, J. F. Meldrum (1965)SAE Paper 680105 The Eyellipse and Considerations in the Driver’s F orward F ield of View, W. A. Devlin and R. W.Roe (1968)SAE Paper 720200 Driver Head and Eye Positions, D. C. Hammond and R. W. Roe (1972)SAE Paper 750356 Describing the Driver’s Workspace Eye, Head, Knee, and Seat Positions, R. W. Roe (1975)SAE Paper 852317 Describing the Truck Driver Workspace, N. L. Philippart and T. J. Kuechenmeister (1985) (in SAE SP-712)SAE Paper 980012 Development of an Improved Driver Eye Position Model, M.A. Manary, et al (1998) (in SAE SP-1358)M. S. Sanders (1983), “U.S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck Workspace Data Survey,” Final Report submitted to SAE, Warrendale, PAB. E. Shaw and M. S. Sanders (1984), “Female U.S. Truck Driver Anthropometric and Truck Workspace Data Survey,” --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Final Report submitted to SAE, Warrendale, PA2.2.2 OtherPublicationAvailable from UMTRI, RIPC, 2901 Baxter Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2150, Tel: 734-764-6504, .W. A. Devlin (1975), “Visibility Design Guide,” Proposed SAE Recommended Practice (also, ISO/TC159/SC4(USA1)6), SAE Driver Vision Committee, Troy, MI3. DE F INITIONS3.1 EYELLIPSEA contraction of the words eye and ellipse used to describe the statistical distribution of eye locations in three-dimensional space located relative to defined vehicle interior reference points. See Figure 1.FIGURE 1 - TYPICAL THREE-DIMENSIONAL TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSESFOR THE LEFT AND RIGHT EYES3.2 CYCLOPEAN EYE OR MID-EYE POINTMidpoint between left and right eye points and/or left and right eyellipse centroids at centerline of occupant.3.3 TANGENT CUTOFF PLANEPlane tangent to an eyellipse.NOTE: When projected at a specified angle or to a specific target, a tangent cutoff plane may be considered a sight plane. In a two-dimensional view, a sight plane may be considered a sight line. See Figure D1 in Appendix D. 3.4 TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSEThree dimensional eyellipse derived as the perimeter of an envelope formed by an infinite number of planes dividing the eye locations so that P percent of the eyes are on one side of the plane and (100 – P) percent are on the other. See Appendix D.3.5 NECK PIVOT POINTS (P POINTS)Points about which a driver’s head turns on a horizontal plane. See Figure 2.3.6 NECK PIVOTS, P1 AND P2Neck (head) pivot points used to position eye points for measuring the driver binocular obstruction due to A-pillars at the left and right side of the vehicle. See Figure 2. --` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---FIGURE 2 - P POINT LOCATIONS RELATIVE TO 95TH PERCENTILE EYELLIPSEMID-EYE CENTROID WITH SEAT TRACK TRAVEL >133 mm3.7NECK PIVOTS, P3 AND P4Neck (head) pivot points used to position eye points for measuring driver field of view from rearview mirrors located to the left and right of the driver. See Figure 2. 3.8EYE POINTS (E POINTS)Two points representing the left and right eyes of the driver, used in conjunction with a Neck Pivot Point to describe specific viewing tasks. See Figure 3.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---FIGURE 3 - NECK PIVOT POINT AND ASSOCIATED EYE POINTS 3.9 INCLUSIVE EYELLIPSEEyellipse that contains a specified percentage of drivers’ eyes inside its boundaries.3.10 Dimensions and Definitions in SAE J1100a. H-POINTb. SEATING REFERENCE POINT, SgRPc. BALL OF FOOT REFERENCE POINT (BOFRP)d. ACCELERATOR HEEL POINT (AHP)e. H-POINT TRAVEL PATH, TH21, TL23f. A19 — SEAT TRACK RISEg. H30 — SEAT HEIGHTh. L6 — BALL OF FOOT REFERENCE POINT (BOFRP) TO STEERING WHEEL CENTERi. CLASS A and CLASS B VEHICLES--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---4. ADJUSTABLE SEAT 95TH AND 99TH PERCENTILE TANGENT CUTOF EYELLIPSES F OR A 50/50MALE/FEMALE GENDER MIX4.1 Reference AnthropometryThese eyellipses are based on the user populations described in Table 1. Driver eyellipses for a 50/50 gender mix shall be used for designing Class A vehicles.TABLE 1 - REFERENCE ANTHROPOMETRY (NHANES III)(1)Gender Mean Stature mm Standard Deviation of Stature mmMales 1755 74.2F emales 1618 68.71. Source: U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III).Height for males (and females) 20 years and older, number of examined persons, standard error of themean, and selected percentiles, by ethnicity/race, age: United States, 1988-1994, obtained from/nchs/. Standard deviations for each gender were estimated by dividing the differencebetween the 95th and 5th percentiles by the difference in z scores (3.29).The 95th and 99th percentile tangent cutoff eyellipses for a 50/50 gender mix are constructed from tables and equations given in 4.2 through 4.3.2. These eyellipses are applicable to driver and front outboard passenger seat locations.4.2 Axis LengthsAxis lengths are given in Table 2. See Figure 4.TABLE 2 - LEFT AND RIGHT EYELLIPSE AXIS LENGTHS (TRUE VIEW)Seat Track Travel(TL23) mm PercentileX Axis LengthsmmY Axis LengthsmmZ Axis Lengthsmm>133 95 206.4 60.3 93.499287.185.3132.1 1-133 95 173.8(1)60.3 93.499242.1(1)85.3 132.11. For seat track travels of 100 to 133 mm, the eyellipse X axis length was retained from the prior SAE J941. No neweye position data was collected for these shortened seat track travels.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---FIGURE 4 - ADJUSTABLE SEAT TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSE FOR ONE EYE, THREE VIEWS4.3 Axis Angles 4.3.1Rear and Plan View AnglesThe eyellipse is aligned with the vehicle axes in plan view (Z-plane) and rear view (X-plane), but it is tilted down at the front in side view (Y-plane). 4.3.2Side View Angle, βIn side view the angle of the eyellipse is0.12=β (Eq. 1)where:β is in degrees (positive, tipped down at the front from horizontal)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---4.4 Centroid Locations 4.4.1 Locating EquationsEquations 2 through 5 are used to calculate the eyellipse centroid location. See Figure 5.2)3)4)5)where:L1 is the BOFRP x coordinate,L6 is the x distance from steering wheel center to BOFRPx H30 is the z distance of the SgRP from the AHPt is the transmission type (1 with clutch pedal, 0 without clutch pedal) W20 is the SgRP y coordinate and H8 is the AHP z coordinate 4.4.2Seats with Vertical AdjustmentFor driver seats that provide vertical adjustment, Equations 2 to 5 were developed with H30 (and SgRP) positioned at the middle of the vertical adjustment range. Typically this was 20 to 25 mm vertically above the full down H-point travel path (Figure 5). If manufacturers define their SgRP so it is not at 20 mm above the driver’s full down H-point travel path, the accuracy in locating the vertical position of the eyellipse using the manufacturer’s H30 dimension in Equation 5 will be reduced. If the H-point vertical adjustment (TH21) is less than 40 mm, then H30 and the eyellipse Z centroid should be located from a point midway between the full up and full down travel path.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---FIGURE 5 - EYELLIPSE PACKAGE FACTORS, SIDE VIEW AXIS ANGLE, AND CENTROID LOCATION 4.4.3Left, Right, Mid-Eye CentroidsThe distance between the left eye centroid, Y cl , and right eye centroid, Y cr , is 65 mm. The mid-eye (cyclopean eye), Y cycl ,is located on the occupant centerline at W20.5. EYELLIPSE LOCATING PROCEDURE, CLASS A VEHICLES 5.1 Determine seat characteristics A19, W20, H30, TL23. 5.2 Determine H8 and L6.5.3Determine t based on the percentage of vehicle production that has a clutch pedal.If 50% or more of anticipated production has a clutch pedal, set t=1. Otherwise, set t=0. 5.4 Construct identical left and right eyellipses based on the axes given in Table 2.5.5 Locate the centroids using Equations 2 through 5.5.6Tilt the front of the eyellipse X axis down in side view according to Equation 1.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6. NECK PIVOT (P) AND EYE (E) POINTS: LOCATING PROCEDURE, CLASS A VEHICLES16.1 BackgroundThese points are defined to simplify application of the eyellipse for specific viewing tasks requiring head and eye rotation in plan view. (See SAE J1050.) Neck pivot (P) points provide a plan view head rotation pivot center so the left and right eye (E) points can be repositioned for these specific viewing tasks. These P points are derived from a 95th percentile, 50/50 gender mix eyellipse. To determine the P points, tangents were constructed to a forward target (A-pillar or exterior rearview mirror). Each P point was derived so that its left and right eye points were as close as possible to a tangent point on the surface of a 3D 95th percentile eyellipses. P points were not developed for the 99th percentile eyellipse.6.2 Neck Pivot (P) PointsLocate these points relative to the cyclopean (mid-eye) eyellipse centroid using values given in Table 3. See Figure 2.TABLE 3 - NECK PIVOT POINTS RELATIVE TO THE 95TH PERCENTILEEYELLIPSE MID-EYE CENTROIDSeatTrack Travel (TL23) Neck PivotPoint(P points)XmmY(Left-hand drive)mmY(Right-hand drive)mmZmm>133 mm P1 0 –7.3 +7.3 –20.5>133 mm P2 26.2 +20.6 –20.6 –20.5>133 mm P3 191.0 –11.2 +11.2 +22.5>133 mm P4 191.0 +11.2 –11.2 +22.5<133 mm P1 16.3 –7.3 +7.3 –20.5<133 mm P2 39.2 +20.6 –20.6 –20.5<133 mm P3 175.0 –11.2 +11.2 +22.5<133 mm P4 175.0 +11.2 –11.2 +22.5NOTE: + values of X are rearward of the centroid, + values of Y are right of the centroid and + values of Z are above the centroid.The X, Y, and Z values in the Table 3 may be added to Equations 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, to obtain P point locations relative to vehicle grid.6.3 Eye (E) PointsPosition the eye (E) points relative to the P points as shown in Figure 3 and the following equations:Ex = Px – 98 (Eq. 6)E l = Py – 32.5 (Eq. 7)E r = Py + 32.5 (Eq. 8)Ez = Pz (Eq. 9)1P points cited in regulations will be different from those in 6.1 if the regulations are based on older versions of this standard. Use the regulatory P points for compliance purposes.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---where:Px, Py, and Pz is the (x,y,z) coordinate of the P point,Ex, Ez is the (x,z) coordinate for the left and right eye point,E l and E r are the y-coordinate of the left eye and right eye, respectively.7. NOTES7.1 Marginal IndiciaA change bar (I) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.PREPARED BY THE SAE DRIVER VISION STANDARDS COMMITTEE--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---APPENDIX A - ADJUSTABLE SEAT TANGENT CUTOFF EYELLIPSES FOR ANY USER POPULATIONSTATURE DISTRIBUTION AND GENDER MIX [INFORMATIVE]A.1 GENERALIn this Appendix, a procedure is given for constructing eyellipses for driver populations that are different from the standard population listed in Table 1, either because the underlying stature distribution is different, the gender mix is different, or a different tangent cutoff contour is desired. The user can apply the equations given in this appendix for gender mixes containing 10% to 75% females. For larger or smaller percentages of females in the driver population, the eyellipse side view axis angle and centroid z location will be incorrect. A.2 AXIS ANGLESThe eyellipse is aligned with the vehicle axes in plan view (Z-plane) and rear view (X-plane), but it is tilted in side view (Y-plane). In side view the angle of the eyellipse is given in Equation A1. See Figure 5.)19A (6.18−=β (Eq. A1)where:A19 is the seat track rise angleA.3 REFERENCE CENTROID LOCATIONA.3.1 Locating EquationsThe reference centroid for the normative part of this document, calculated using Equations A2 through A4, is based on adriver population defined by NHANES III anthropometry and consisting of 50% males and 50% females (Table 1). The mean stature for this reference population is 1686 mm. Clause A.6 describes how to adjust these equations for othernational driver populations.A2)A3)A4)where:L1 is the x coordinate of the BOFRPL6 is the x distance from steering wheel center to BOFRP W20 is the y coordinate of the SgRP H8 is the z coordinate of the AHPH30 is the z distance of the SgRP from the AHP andt is the transmission type (1 with clutch pedal, 0 without clutch pedal) A.3.2Seats with Vertical AdjustmentF or driver seats that provide vertical adjustment, Equations A2 to A4 were developed with H30 defined approximately 20 mm vertically above the driver’s full down H-point travel path (F igure 5). If manufacturers define their SgRP at a vertical position that is not at 20 mm above the full down H-point travel path, the accuracy in locating the vertical position of the eyellipse will be reduced. If the H-point vertical adjustment (TH21) is less than 40 mm, then H30 and the eyellipse Z centroid should be located from a point midway between the full up and full down H-point travel path.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---LENGTHSA.4 AXISA.4.1 X Axis LengthIn this section the term side view axis length refers to the true length of the eyellipse X axis, not the horizontal length in side view. Figures A1 and A2 illustrate the calculation of side view axis length.FIGURE A1 - SIDE VIEW LOCATION OF THE MALE AND FEMALE EYE CENTROIDSRELATIVE TO THE REFERENCE CENTROIDFIGURE A2 - DETERMINATION OF EYELLIPSE X AXIS END POINTS AND LENGTH--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。
1第1 级第1 级F. Sor : Op.35 No.2 「Andantino」苏尔:练习曲,作品35第2号「行板」............................................ 0M. Carcassi : Op.59 1st. Part C Major「Waltz」卡尔卡西:吉他教本作品59,第1部,C大调圆舞曲..........0M. Carcassi : Op.59 1st. Part G Major「Galop」卡尔卡西:吉他教本作品59,第1部,G大调嘉洛舞曲......0F. Sor : Estudios Op.35 No.1 苏尔:练习曲,作品35第1号.................................................................... 0F. Sor : 12 Estudes Op.6 苏尔:12首练习曲,作品第6号任选一首.......................................................... 0D. Aguado : Method for Guitar No.1 - No.21 阿括多:吉他教本,第1号第21号任选一首.................... 0M. Giuliani : Le Papillon Op.50 32 Easy Piece 朱利亚尼:蝴蝶,作品50号32首简易小品任选一首.....0R. de Vissee : 「Prelude」from《Suite in d》维赛:d小调组曲之「前奏曲」...................................... 0A. Logy : 「Aria」from《Partita in a》罗吉:a小调组曲之「抒情调」................................................0F. Carulli : 《Waltz and 3 Variations》卡路里:圆舞曲与三个变奏...................................................... 0第 2 级第 2 级M. Carcassi : Op.59 3rd. Part No.18 卡尔卡西:吉他教本作品59 第3部50首渐进练习曲第18首............ 0F. Sor : 《Estudios》Op.35 No.14 苏尔:练习曲,作品35第14号......................................................... 0D. Aguado : Metodo de Guitarra 1st. Part Estudios No.10 阿括多:吉他教本第1部,第10首练习曲......... 0D. Aguado : Metodo 1st. Part EstudiosNo.22-27 阿括多:吉他教本第1部,第22-27首练习曲任选一首.....0D. Aguado : Arpeggio Etudes No.8 in e 阿括多:e小调琶音练习曲第8号............................................. 0F. Sor : 《Galop》苏尔:嘉洛舞曲........................................................................................................ 0J. Ferrer : 《Tango No.3》婓瑞:探戈第三号....................................................................................... 0J.S. Sagreras : 《Maria Luisa》沙格瑞拉斯:玛丽亚露易莎................................................................. 0第 3 级第 3 级F. Sor : 《Estudios》Op.35 No.4 苏尔:练习曲,作品35第4号............................................................ 0D. Aguado : 《Metodo de Guitarra》1st. Part Estudios No.10 阿括多:教本,第1部,第10首练习曲....... 0D. Aguado : 《Metodo de Guitarra》1st. Part Estudios No.13阿括多:教本,第1部,第13首练习曲....... 0M. Carcassi :《25Estudes》Op.60 卡尔卡西:25首练习曲作品60 任选一首....................................... 0N. Coste : 《Estudio in d Andante》柯斯特:d小调行板练习曲月光.................................................... 0L. Milan : 《Seis Pavanas》米兰:六首孔雀舞曲任选一首................................................................... 0M. Carcassi : 《Six Caprices》Op.26 卡尔卡西:六首绮想曲作品26 任选一首.................................... 0Anonymous : 《Kemp’s Jig》无名氏:肯普的基格舞曲....................................................................... 0台湾吉他学会吉他检定考试1 - 10 级曲目2第 4 级第4 级F. Sor : 20 EtudesNo.17 Op.6 No.11「ed.A.Segovia」苏尔:20首练习曲第17首赛戈维亚编............... 0F. Sor : Estudios Op.35 No.8 苏尔:练习曲,作品35第8号................................................................... 0D. Aguado : Metodo de Guitarra 1st. Part Estudios No.27 阿括多:吉他教本,第1部,第27首练习曲.... 0F. Tarrega : 《La Mariposa Estudio》泰雷嘉:练习曲蝴蝶.................................................................. 0G. Sanz : 《Canarios》From Suite Espana 桑兹:加纳利欧舞曲选自西班牙组曲................................ 0F. Carulli : 《Rondo》in A 卡路里:轮旋曲........................................................................................ 0F. Tarrega : 《Maria》《Marieta》泰雷嘉:玛丽亚,玛丽耶塔任选一首................................................ 0A. Barrios : 《Villancico Navidad 》巴里奥斯:圣诞之歌..................................................................... 0F.M. Torroba : 《Torija》From Castillas de Espana 托罗巴:托利哈选自西班牙城堡组曲.................. 0H. Villa-Lobos : 《Prelude No.1 No.3》魏拉罗伯斯:第1和第3号前奏曲任选一首............................ 0M. Ponce :《Estrellita》庞赛:宛若星辰小星星................................................................................ 0A. Lauro : 《El Negrito》劳罗:黑人圆舞曲....................................................................................... 0J.L. Gonzalez : 《Amanecer Etude》巩萨瑞斯:拂晓无言歌.......................................................... 0S. Myers : 《Cavatina》From Deer Huntered. by J.Williams 梅耶:短歌选自电影越战猎鹿人威廉士改编........ 0L. Brouwer : 《Un Dia de Noviembre》布劳威尔:11月的某一天...................................................... 0L. Chao-Hsuan : 《Lotus Pond》or《Starry Night》吕昭炫:《荷花池》《星夜》任选一首........... 0第 5 级第 5 级F. Sor : 20 EtudesNo.13 16 ed.Segovia 苏尔:20首练习曲第13和第16首赛戈维亚编-任选一首...... 0D. Aguado : Metodo de Guitarra 3rd. Part Estudios No.3 阿括多:吉他教本,第3部,第6首练习曲....... 0F. Tarrega : 《Estudio de forma de Minuete》泰雷嘉:小步舞曲形式的练习曲...................................... 0J.S. Bach : 《Prelude in c BWV999》巴赫:c小调前奏曲,作品第999号........................................... 0A. Mudarra : 《Fantasia》慕达拉:幻想曲.......................................................................................... 0H. Villa-Lobos : 《Prelude No.2 4 5》魏拉罗伯斯:前奏曲第24和第5号任选一首.......................... 0M. Ponce : 《Tres Canciones Populares Mexicanas》庞赛:三首墨西哥民谣....................................... 0M. Ponce : 《Prelude》in E 庞赛:E大调前奏曲与另一首吉他与大键琴合奏相类似之版本................... 0I. Albeniz : 《Granada Serenata》From Suite Espanola Op.47 阿尔班尼士:格拉那达小夜曲................... 0M. Llobet : 《13 Catalan Folksongs》刘贝特:13首卡达兰民谣集任选一首........................................... 0T. Takemitsu :《The Last Waltz》From 12 Song for Guitar From 12 Song for GuitarFrom 12 Song for Guitar武满彻:最后的华尔兹选自12首地球之歌............. 0T. Takemitsu :《What a Friend》From 12 Song for Guitar 武满彻:至好朋友选自12首地球之歌.................... 0A. York : 《Sunburst》约克:炙热的阳光............................................................................................ 0L. Brouwer : 《Berceuse》Cancion de Cuba From Dos Temas Populares Cubanos 布劳威尔:古巴民谣... 0L. Chao-Hsuan : 《Recollection》吕昭炫:《回想曲》.................................................................... 03第 6 级第 6 级F. Sor : 20 EtudesNo.12 19 ed.Segovia 苏尔:20首练习曲第12和第19首赛戈维亚编-任选一首..... 0H. Villa-Lobos : 《12 Etudes》No.1 8 11 魏拉罗伯斯:练习曲第18和第11号任选一首.................... 0F. Tarrega : 《Estudio de Velocida》泰雷嘉:速度练习曲..................................................................... 0F. Tarrega : 《Capricho Arabe》泰雷嘉:阿拉伯风狂想曲...................................................................... 0J. Malats : 《Serenata Espanola》Arr. by F.Tarrega 马拉兹:西班牙小夜曲泰雷嘉改编.................. 0J.S. Bach :《Prelude》from BWV998 巴赫:前奏曲选自作品第998号.............................................. 0M. Giuliani : 《Gran Overture》Op.61 朱利亚尼:大序曲作品61号.................................................... 0F. Sor : 《Introdution Variations》“Marborough” Op.28 苏尔:马波罗序曲与变奏作品28号........ 0F. Sor : 《Sonata》Op.15 苏尔:奏鸣曲作品第15号.......................................................................... 0M. Giuliani : 《Allegro Spirito》From Sonata Op.15 朱利亚尼:华丽奏鸣曲选自作品第15号......... 0M. Falla : 《Homenaje le Tombeau de Debussy》法雅:德布西赞歌................................................... 0A. Tansman : 《Danza Pomposa》汤斯曼:壮丽的舞曲....................................................................... 0B. Terzi : 《Nevicata Pastorale》Op.29 特纪:雪中的田野作品第29号............................................... 0A. Luiz-Pipo : 《Cancion y Danza No.1》皮博:歌与舞曲第1号........................................................ 0J.L. Merlin : 《Suite del Recuerdo》梅林:回忆组曲.......................................................................... 0R. Dyens : 《Saudade No.3》迪杨斯:乡愁曲第3号............................................................................. 0R. Dyens : 《Tango en Skai》迪扬斯:冒牌探戈................................................................................. 0第7 级第7 级F. Sor : 20 EtudesNo.20 ed.Segovia 苏尔:20首练习曲第20首赛戈维亚编....................................... 0N. Coste : 25 Etudes Op.38 No.23 柯斯特:25首练习曲第23首作品第38号.......................................... 0A. Barrios : 《Estudios de Concierto No.2 》巴里奥斯:演奏会用之练习曲第2号............................... 0H. Villa-Lobos : 《12 Etudes》No.2 7 12 魏拉罗伯斯:练习曲第27和第2号任选一首...................... 0J.S. Bach : 《Fuga》BWV1000 in a 巴赫:a小调复格曲作品第1000号.............................................. 0J.S. Bach : 《Fuga or Allegro》from BWV998 巴赫:复格或快板选自作品第998号任选一首............. 0J.K. Mertz : 《Hungarian Fantasy》梅尔兹:匈牙利幻想曲............................................................... 0M. Giuliani : 《Sonata Eroica》Op.150 朱利亚尼:英雄奏鸣曲作品第150号....................................... 0F. Sor : 《Theme Variations》Op.9 From Magic Flute 苏尔:魔笛主题与变奏作品第9号............... 0I. Albeniz : 《Asturias/Leyenda》《Seville》阿尔班尼士:传说,赛维亚舞曲任选一首...................... 0F.M. Torroba : 《Suite Castellana》托罗巴:卡斯提亚组曲.................................................................. 0F.M. Torroba : 《Sonatina in A》托罗巴:A大调小奏鸣曲.................................................................... 0A. Barrios : 《Vals No.3 No.4 》Op.8 巴里奥斯:圆舞曲第3号第4号任选一首.............................. 0J. Jirmal : 《Baden Jazz Suite》吉莫尔:巴登爵士组曲...................................................................... 0R. Dyens : 《Libra Sonatine》迪扬斯:天秤座小奏鸣曲...................................................................... 04第8 级第8 级J.S. Bach : 《Fuga》From Lute Suite No.2 BWV997 巴赫:复格选自鲁特组曲第2号作品第997号........... 0F. Sor : 《Grand Solo》Op.14 Arr. by D. Aguado 苏尔:大独奏作品第14号阿括多编曲............... 0M. Giuliani : 《La Rossiniane》No.1 - No.3 朱利亚尼:罗西尼风曲第1号至第3号任选一首............... 0J. Turina : 《Homenaje a Tarrega》Op.69 图里那:泰雷嘉赞歌作品第69号.......................................... 0J. Turina : 《Sonata》Op.61 图里那:奏鸣曲作品第61号..................................................................... 0M.C. Tedesco : 《Tarantella》Op.87a 特德斯可:塔朗特舞曲作品第87号之a...................................... 0A. Barrios : 《La Catedral 》巴里奥斯:大圣堂................................................................................... 0J. Rodrigo : 《Invocation y Danza》罗德里哥:祈祷与舞蹈................................................................ 0J. Duarte : 《Variations on a Catalan Folk Song》Op.25 杜亚特:卡达兰民谣变奏曲作品第25号......... 0C. Domeniconi : 《Koyunbaba Suite for Guitar》Op.19 多明尼可尼:牧羊人组曲作品第19号............ 0L. Brouwer : 《El Decamaron Negro》布劳威尔:黑色十日谭........................................................... 0第9 级第9 级J.S. Bach : 《Chaconne》From Violin Partita No.2 BWV1004 巴赫:夏康舞曲选自第2号小提琴组曲作品第1004号..... 0J.S. Bach : 《4 Lute Suites 》BWV995-997 1006a 巴赫:4首鲁特组曲任选一首完整组曲....................... 0D. Aguado : 《Rondo Brillante》阿括多:华丽的轮旋曲....................................................................... 0B. Britten : 《Nocturnal 》Op.70 布瑞顿:夜曲作品第70号................................................................ 0M. Tippett : 《Blue Guitar》Sonata for Solo Guitar 提毕:蓝色吉他为吉他独奏的奏鸣曲.................. 0M. Ponce : 《Sonata III》庞赛:奏鸣曲第3号........................................................................................ 0M.C. Tedesco : 《Capriccio Diabolico》Op.85 特德斯可:恶魔绮想曲作品第85号............................ 0A. Lauro : 《Sonata》劳罗:奏鸣曲................................................................................................... 0A. Ginastera : 《Sonata for Guitar》Op.47 希那斯特拉:奏鸣曲作品第47号..................................... 0S. Rak : 《Variations on a Theme by Jaromira Klempire》瑞克:克兰派尔的主题与变奏曲................ 0第10 级第10 级J.S. Bach : 《Sonatas Partitas for Violin》BWV1001-1006 巴赫:无伴奏小提琴组曲任选一首完整曲....0W. Walton : 《Five Bagatelles》华尔顿:5首小品................................................................................ 0M. Ponce : 《Sonata Classica》Hommage a F.Sor 庞赛:古典奏鸣曲苏尔赞歌............................... 0M.C. Tedesco : 《Sonata》Omaggio a Boccherini Op.77 特德斯可:奏鸣曲鲍凯利尼赞歌作品第77号.. 0J. Rodrigo : 《3 Spanish Pieces》Fandango Passacaglia Zapateado 罗德里哥:三首西班牙小品...... 0L. Brouwer : 《Sonata》布劳威尔:奏鸣曲......................................................................................... 0Edited by Yih So。
西方音乐史第一章古代音乐第一节、古希腊音乐神话传说与音乐西方音乐的许多观念源于古希腊苏格拉底(Socrates)的音乐思想—— The unexamined life is not worth living古希腊时期的音乐状况:1、剧场是最重要的公共音乐活动场所2、音乐在古希腊戏剧中占重要地位3、合唱是重要的音乐形式4、音乐、诗歌、舞蹈三位一体5、荷马史诗(Homeric Singing)古希腊的乐器:里拉(Lyre)、阿夫洛斯(Aulos)1、最早的是笛子2、竖琴的前身里拉琴(lyza)3、定音最早是希腊著名的唯心主义哲学家毕达哥拉斯发明的4、“五度相生”音乐理论:1、音阶:由高到低排列、四音列、完全体系(perfect system)与次完全体系(lesser perfect system)2、记谱法:调式(4对、主-副):多利亚(dorian)、弗里几亚(phrygian)、利第亚(lydian)、混合利第亚(mixolydian)第二节、古罗马音乐————————————————————————————第二章中世纪音乐“黑暗年代”音乐艺术发展速度非常非常之慢世俗音乐非常少,其主要功能变成了为宗教服务,成为宗教的附庸乐谱的出现——纽姆谱中世纪后期音乐风格罗马风格时期,哥特时代宗教音乐家马绍等------------------------------------第一节、格列高利圣咏教会网罗的各种民间创作的经文歌统称为格里高里圣咏单音音乐——只有一个声部调式——在一个八度之内,各个音的排列形式一、基督教的礼拜仪式1、日课(Office)A 晨祷(Matins,2 or 3 A.M.)B 早祷(Lauds, dawn)C 第一课/早课(Prime,6 A.M.)D 第三课(Terce,9 A.M.)E 第六课(Sext, noon)F 第九课(None,3 P.M.)G 晚祷(Vespers,sunset)H 夜课(Compline,before bedtime)2、弥撒(Mass)A 常规弥撒(固定部分)B 专用弥撒(可变部分)二、格列高利圣咏的特征1、单声部,无附加声部;2、纯人声演唱,无器乐伴奏;3、无严格节奏规范,即兴风格;4、以纯自然音阶为基础的调式音乐;5、拉丁文歌词;6、旋律平缓,以级进和三度进行为主;7、多样的演唱方式:A 独唱B 齐唱C 交替歌唱D 应答歌唱8、三种风格:A 音节式B 纽姆式C 花唱式三、格列高利圣咏的形式:1、圣歌 (Psalm)2、交替圣歌 (Antiphon)3、应答圣歌 (Responsory)4、赞美诗 (Hymn)第二节、世俗音乐一、世俗音乐的特点:1、单声部为主2、民歌、创作歌曲为主3、即兴创作、表演4、业余、零散不系统化二、诗人、作曲家和歌手—游吟诗人(Troubadours)1、时间:12—13世纪2、地域:法国南部,意大利及西班牙北部3、内容:方言爱情、田园歌曲4、演唱方式:根据歌词内容灵活处理,吟唱,琉特琴伴奏。
Matériel électrique pour atmosphères explosives gazeuses – Partie 0: Règles générales (CEI 60079-0:2004, modifiée); Version allemande EN 60079-0:2006
Gesamtumfang 83 Seiten DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDE
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EN 60079-18:2004
EN 60079-18 Corr. 2006-04
EN 60079-25:2004
EN 60079-25:2004 Corr. 2006-04
EN 60079-26:2004
EN 60086-1:2001 – EN 60192:2001 EN 60216-1:2001
里丁格a小调协奏曲【最新版】目录1.作品背景2.作曲家介绍3.里丁格 a 小调协奏曲的特点4.里丁格 a 小调协奏曲的影响正文1.作品背景里丁格 a 小调协奏曲是德国作曲家约翰·乔治·里丁格于 18 世纪创作的一部协奏曲。
2.作曲家介绍约翰·乔治·里丁格(Johann Georg Rieding,1678-1738)是德国巴洛克时期的著名作曲家和小提琴家。
里丁格的作品以协奏曲和小提琴奏鸣曲为主,其中最著名的当属 a 小调协奏曲。
3.里丁格 a 小调协奏曲的特点里丁格 a 小调协奏曲在技巧和艺术性上都具有很高的水平。
4.里丁格 a 小调协奏曲的影响里丁格 a 小调协奏曲对后来的古典音乐产生了深远的影响。
总之,里丁格 a 小调协奏曲是一部具有高度技巧性和艺术价值的作品,为古典音乐领域留下了宝贵的财富。
Key words Giuseppe Terragni; rational form; classical order; regional characteristi cs意大利的建筑自古典时期和文艺复兴时期就奠定了理性的根基,这也是意大利建筑发展的一条线索。
《意大利现代建筑》的作者特里·柯克(Terry Kirk)①在前言中也说道:意大利和现代一词似乎是冲突的[1]。
有未来主义者彻底而激进的宣言;有以乔瓦尼·穆齐奥(Giovanni Muzio) ②为代表的“回归古典秩序”的探索;有马尔切洛·皮亚琴蒂尼(Marcello Piacentini)③所代表的,建立在官方话语与民族身份之上的古典与现代的折中。
而以七人小组(Gruppo 7)④为代表的理性主义者,在这一时期进行了短暂但影响深远的实践,朱塞佩·特拉尼(Giuseppe Terragni)正是其中最为重要的人物之一。
特拉尼(1904—1943)出生于意大利梅达,1921年他进入当时的米兰理工大学学习,并在毕业后与理性主义七人小组(Gruppo7)其他成员共同发表了理性主义摘要 建筑领域的现代主义运动,很大程度上来自永恒秩序被击碎后的形式焦虑,无论是保守的历史主义还是激进的未来派,都是以自己的方式回应现代性的危机。
第一乐章 Allegro moderato 很快的快板 g小调
第一乐章Allegro moderato 很快的快板g小调。