





















RF 浮动床控制阀安装、维护、使用手册说明书

RF 浮动床控制阀安装、维护、使用手册说明书

RF20、RF50RF 双罐侧装浮床控制阀安装使用说明扫描电子版为最新RF20安装动画RF50安装动画RF 切换动画盐水流量计电动阀吸盐和补水盐水流量计电动阀维修拆卸工艺流程动画一、控制器操作使用说明(1)RF控制器工位显示说明(2)RF控制器设定界面”和“”、在时间模式“示之间进行切换。




























二、设备操作要求1. 操作人员应具备相关的操作技能和知识,了解气浮设备的结构和工作原理;2. 在操作前应检查设备是否正常运行,如有异常应及时报修;3. 操作人员应穿戴好个人防护装备,包括安全帽、防滑鞋、防护眼镜等;4. 操作人员应按照设备操作流程进行操作,不得随意更改设备参数;5. 在操作过程中,应注意设备周围的安全环境,确保设备周围无杂物和障碍物。

三、设备操作流程1. 开机准备a. 检查设备电源是否正常,确认电源开关处于关闭状态;b. 检查设备的水源和气源是否正常供应,如有异常应及时处理;c. 检查设备的控制面板是否正常,确认各指示灯、按钮、开关等是否正常。

2. 设备启动a. 打开设备电源开关,确认设备电源正常供应;b. 打开水源和气源开关,确保水源和气源正常供应;c. 按照操作手册调整设备参数,如气泡大小、浮力等;d. 启动设备,观察设备运行是否正常,如有异常应及时停机检修。

3. 操作过程a. 根据实际情况调整设备参数,以达到最佳处理效果;b. 定期检查设备的水质和气泡效果,如发现异常应及时调整;c. 定期清理设备内部的污泥和杂物,保持设备的清洁和畅通;d. 注意设备的运行状态,如发现异常声音、异味等应及时处理。

4. 停机操作a. 停止水源和气源供应;b. 关闭设备电源开关;c. 清理设备周围的杂物和污泥;d. 记录设备的运行情况和处理效果。

四、设备维护要求1. 定期检查设备的电气系统,确保电气设备正常运行;2. 定期检查设备的水泵、气泵等机械设备,如有异常应及时维修;3. 定期清洗设备内部的滤网、气泡发生器等部件,保持设备的正常运行;4. 定期更换设备的易损件,如密封圈、橡胶管等;5. 定期进行设备的保养和润滑,延长设备的使用寿命。











2. 床温的监测密切观察操作屏上的温度,如床温高于所设定的温度,需检查制冷系统运行是否正常及排水管道有无排水散热的现象;如床温低于设定的温度,需观察产热系统是否运行正常,排水是否停止。





二、设备操作前的准备工作1. 设备检查:操作人员在每次使用设备前,应对设备进行全面检查,主要检查设备的电气设施是否完好稳定,机械部件是否正常运转,密封装置是否严密等。

2. 设备放置:操作人员在选择设备摆放位置时,应确保设备周围无阻碍物,便于操作和维修。

3. 仪表检查:操作人员应对设备的仪表进行检查,确保其正常工作。

三、设备的安全操作1. 操作顺序:在操作设备之前,需要按照确定的操作顺序,确保每个步骤的顺利进行。

2. 人员佩戴:操作人员在操作设备时,必须佩戴符合安全规定的个人防护装备,包括安全帽、防护眼镜、防护服等。

3. 设备开启:在操作设备之前,应按照操作规程将设备开启。

4. 操作注意事项:(1) 严禁将人体部位伸入设备内部或机械运转部位,在设备运转过程中要保持一定距离。

(2) 禁止将易燃易爆物品靠近设备及其电气线路,以免引发火灾事故。

(3) 禁止在设备运转过程中操作中断器、开关等电气设备。

(4) 禁止擅自调整设备的参数,如需调整,须得到相关人员的指导和同意。

5. 设备关闭:操作人员在操作完毕后,应按照操作规程将设备关闭。

6. 设备保养:定期对设备进行保养和维修,确保设备的正常运行和安全性。

四、应急措施1. 火灾事故:如发生火灾事故,应立即按规定方式通知消防部门,并按照应急预案进行安全疏散。

2. 气体泄漏事故:如发生气体泄漏事故,应立即通知相关部门,迅速疏散人员,并戴上呼吸器进行自救。

3. 电气事故:如发生电气事故,应立即切断电源,并通知维修人员进行处理。

4. 人员伤害事故:如发生人员伤害事故,应立即进行急救,并通知相关部门进行处理。

五、操作人员的安全常识1. 操作人员应严格按照操作规程进行操作。

2. 操作人员应定期参加相关的安全培训,提高安全意识和技能。



TABLE OF CONTENTSSymbol Reference ..........................................................2Intended Use and Precautions ........................................3Part Identification – Evacuation HoverJack® ....................4Instructions for Use ........................................................5Product Specifications/Required Accessories ..................6Part Identification – HT-Air® Air Supply ...........................7HT-Air® Keypad Functions ..............................................7Air200G/Air400G Air Supplies ........................................7Cleaning & Preventive Maintenance ..............................8User ManualSymbol ReferenceCE MARKING OF CONFORMITYUK MARKING OF CONFORMITYAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEUK RESPONSIBLE PERSON SWITZERLAND AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVECAUTION / WARNINGMANUAL CLEANINGIMPORTERDISPOSAL FASTEN PATIENT SAFETY STRAPFOOT ENDKEEP DRYLATEX FREEMANUFACTURERDATE OF MANUFACTUREMEDICAL DEVICEMODEL NUMBERSERIAL NUMBERDO NOT LAUNDERUNIQUE DEVICE IDENTIFIERPATIENT WEIGHT LIMITIntended Use and PrecautionsINTENDED USEThe Evacuation HoverJack® Device is used to transport patients up or down stairs in the event of an emergency. The Evacuation HoverJack can also be used to lift a patient in supine position from the floor to bed or stretcher height, utilizing the HoverTech Air Supply to inflate each of the four chambers.INDICATIONS• Patients unable to assist in their own vertical lift or evacuation, such as after a fall or in an emergency situation.• Patients whose weight or girth poses a potential health risk for the caregivers responsible for lifting or moving said patients.• CPR compatible when fully inflated.CONTRAINDICATIONS• Patients who are experiencing thoracic, cervical or lumbar fractures that are deemed unstable should not use the Evacuation HoverJack unless a clinical decision has been made by your facility.INTENDED CARE SETTINGS• Hospitals, long term or extended care facilities.PRECAUTIONS• Make sure patient safety straps are secured before moving. Do not secure before inflation.• Move the Evacuation HoverJack using the transport straps and/or the transport handles located along the top perimeter.• Never use patient safety straps to pull the Evacuation HoverJack, as they may tear.• When moving a patient on the inflated Evacuation HoverJack, use caution and move slowly.• Additional caregivers are recommended when moving or evacuating a patient over 350 lbs./159 kg. • Never attempt to move a patient on an uninflated Evacuation HoverJack.• Never leave a patient unattended on an inflated device.• Use this product only for its intended purpose as described in this manual.• Only use attachments and/or accessories that are authorized by HoverTech International.WARNING/CAUTION• Always use a minimum of two caregivers while inflating/transporting the Evacuation HoverJack.• A minimum of three caregivers is required for stairwell evacuation.• One caregiver should remain on the side of the patient duringinflation with the second caregiver managing inflation. If available, a third caregiver should attend to the other side of the patient.• Reference product-specific user manuals for additional operating instructions.PRECAUTIONS– HOVERTECH INTERNATIONAL AIR SUPPLY• Not for use in the presence of flammable anesthetics or in a hyperbaric chamber or oxygen tent.• Route the power cord in a manner to ensure freedom from hazard. • Avoid blocking the air intakes of the HoverTech International Air Supply.Avoid electric shock. Do not open HoverTech International Air Supply.DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYThis product conforms to the requirements of Medical Devices Regulation (2017/745).SEPARATE INFLATE/DEFLATE VALVES.[Mfg before 6/2023]Note: Two versions of Evacuation HoverJack® Air Patient LiftUNIVERSAL VALVES.[Mfg after 6/2023]Part Identification - Evacuation HoverJack® [Manufactured before 6/2023]Evacuation HoverJack® Instructions for Use as an Air Patient Lift1. Place Evacuation HoverJack® on the floor next to the patient, makingsure the chamber with Valve #4 is on the top and the chamber with Valve #1 is against the floor.2. Make certain that all four red-capped deflation valves are cappedtightly or Universal Valves are closed BEFORE INFLATING.3. Log roll patient onto the deflated Evacuation HoverJack, and positionpatient with feet at the valve end where indicated. Alternatively, the patient can be placed on top of the Evacuation HoverJack using theHoverMatt® Air Transfer System (see HoverMatt manual for instructions).If the HoverMatt is used, make certain that the HoverMatt and patient are properly centered on the Evacuation HoverJack. Always deflate the HoverMatt prior to inflating the Evacuation HoverJack.4. Always use a minimum of two caregivers while using the EvacuationHoverJack during inflation/transport.5. One caregiver should remain on the side of the patient duringinflation with the second caregiver managing inflation. If available, a third caregiver should attend to the other side of the patient.6. Plug the HoverTech International Air Supply power cord into anelectrical outlet.7. Caregiver at foot end turns on HoverTech International Air Supply toinitiate air flow.8. To begin inflation hold hose against valve #1 of Evacuation HoverJack(valve closest to the floor).9. When fully inflated, remove hose. Chamber remains inflated.10. Secure patient safety straps.11. Using the same process: move to valve #2, valve #3 and valve #4in exact succession, or until Evacuation HoverJack reaches desiredheight.12. Turn off HoverTech International Air Supply, and attach valve caps, ifdesired and applicable.13. Move Evacuation HoverJack to desired location.14. If transferring from the Evacuation HoverJack onto an adjacent surface,unbuckle patient safety straps.15. If it is necessary to lower patient, slowly open the uppermost valve.When chamber is fully deflated, move in succession downwards to fully deflate. Depress center button for slower deflation.CHAMBERS MUST BE FULLY INFLATED TO ENSURE STABILITY.DO NOT RELEASE MULTIPLE CHAMBERS AT ONCE WHENLOWERING A PATIENT.Evacuation HoverJack® Instructions for Use as an Evacuation Device1. To inflate, follow steps 1-11 of instructions for use as an air patient lift.2. Unzip foot pouch and position Evacuation HoverJack as close aspossible to adjacent surface.3. Transfer patient from bed or stretcher onto Evacuation HoverJack.4. Ensure that the patient’s body is centered, and zip foot pouch.5. If necessary, inflate the head-end wedge.6. Using the buckles, secure safety straps over the patient and adjustuntil taut.7. Using foot end transport straps and handles located around theperimeter of the Evacuation HoverJack, pull patient to the neareststairwell, and position the Evacuation HoverJack so the patient can be taken down the stairs feet first.8. Before descending the stairs, chambers 3 and 4 must be fullydeflated. To release air, slowly open valve #4. When chamber #4 is fully deflated, repeat the process for chamber #3. DO NOT RELEASE MULTIPLE CHAMBERS AT ONCE. 9. Retighten patient safety straps after deflating chamber #3 and #4 toensure patient is secure.10. Caregiver at head end will control evacuation using head endtransport straps. Caregiver at head end should be physically stronger.11. While 2 caregivers hold the head end transport straps and handles,the footend caregiver will begin to pull the patient down the stairs with the foot end transport strap. The Teflon-infused bottom material will allow the Evacuation HoverJack to slide down each flight. Ifnecessary, the footend caregiver can use their thigh to brace theEvacuation HoverJack and slow the descent. Once at ground level, move the patient to safety.ENSURE THAT PATIENT REMAINS CENTERED ON THEEVACUATION HOVERJACK, AND THAT THEIR HEAD DOESNOT SLUMP FORWARD AND RESTRICT BREATHING DURINGEVACUATION.A MINIMUM OF THREE CAREGIVERS (TWO AT HEADEND ANDONE AT FOOTEND) SHOULD BE USED TO EVACUATE PATIENTDOWN STAIRS).Product Specifications/Required AccessoriesMaterial:Topside Material: Nylon oxford Underside Material: Teflon®Construction:RF-WeldedWidth:32” (81cm)Length:72” (183 cm)Height:30” (76 cm) Inflated [each chamber 7 1/2” (19 cm)] Model #: HJ32EVWeight limit: 1200 lbs (544 kg) for vertical lift.Weight limit: 700 lbs (318 kg) for stairwell evacuation. REQUIRED ACCESSORY:Model #: HTAIR1200 (North American Version) – 120V~, 60 Hz, 10A Model #: HTAIR2300 (European Version) – 230V~, 50 Hz, 6AModel #: HTAIR1000 (Japanese Version) – 100V~, 50/60 Hz, 12.5A Model #: HTAIR2356 (Korean Version) – 230V~, 50/60 Hz, 6AModel #: Air200G (800 W) (North American Version) – 120V~, 60 Hz, 10A Model #: Air400G (1100 W) (North American Version) – 120V~, 60 Hz, 10APart Identification – HT-Air® Air SupplyAir Filter CoverHose NozzleHoseHose Release ButtonControl Panel LabelCarrying Handle/Attachment HookPower Cord StrapPower Cord (US/UK/Euro)WARNING: T he HT-Air is not compatible with DC power supplies.The HT-Air is not for use with the HoverJack Battery Cart.HT-Air® Keypad FunctionsTransfer Speed HighAdjustable/ Pressure SettingTransfer Speed LowStandby (Amber LED)Power IndicationAdjustable SpeedIndication(Green Flashing LED)Green LEDsADJUSTABLE: For use with HoverTech air-assisted positioning devices. There are four different settings. Each press of thebutton increases the air pressure and rate of inflation. The Green Flashing LED will indicate the inflation speed by the number of flashes (i.e. two flashes equals the second inflation speed). All of the settings in the ADJUSTABLE range are substantially lower than the HoverMatt and HoverJack settings. The ADJUSTABLE function is not to be used for transferring.The ADJUSTABLE setting is a safety feature that can be used to ensure the patient is centered on HoverTech air-assisted devices and to gradually accustom a patient who is timid or in pain to both the sound and functionality of the inflated devices. STANDBY: Used to stop inflation/air flow (Amber LED indicates STANDBY mode).HOVERMATT 28/34: For use with 28" & 34" HoverMatts and HoverSlings.HOVERMATT 39/50 & HOVERJACK: For use with 39" & 50" HoverMatts and HoverSlings and 32" & 39" HoverJacks.Air200G/Air400G Air SuppliesIf using HoverTech’s Air200G or Air400G Air Supplies, press the grey button on the top of the canister to initiate air flow. Press the button again to stop air flow.Cleaning & MaintenanceEVACUATION HOVERJACK CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSIn between patient use, the Evacuation HoverJack should be wiped down with a cleaning solution used by your hospital for medical equipment disinfection. A 10:1 bleach solution (10 parts water: one part bleach) or disinfectant wipes can also be used. NOTE: Cleaning with bleach solution may discolor fabric.First remove any visible soil, then clean the area according to the cleaning product manufacturer’s recommended dwell time and level of saturation. A gentle scrub brush can also be used on the affected area, if necessary, to help penetrate the Evacuation HoverJack material.Do not launder the Evacuation HoverJack.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSThe Evacuation HoverJack should be periodically inspected to ensure the following:• All patient safety straps are attached.• Transfer handles are all attached.• All buckles and zippers are intact and operational.• There are no punctures or tears.Evacuation HoverJack with separate inflate/deflate valves:• Inflate valves are all self-sealing with no evident leakage. • All deflate valves are equipped with a red cap.• The red caps are intact.Evacuation HoverJack with Universal Valves:Universal valves open fully and close tightly.AIR SUPPLY CLEANING AND MAINTENANCESee air supply manual for reference.NOTE: CHECK YOUR LOCAL/STATE/FEDERAL/INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES BEFORE DISPOSAL.Transportation and StorageThis product does not require any special storage conditionsReturns and RepairsAll products being returned to HoverTech International (HTI) must have a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number issued by the company. Please call (800) 471-2776 and ask for a member of the RGA Team who will issue you an RGA number. Any product returned without an RGA number will cause a delay in the repair time.Returned products should be sent to:HoverTech International Attn: RGA # ___________ 4482 Innovation Way Allentown, PA 18109For European companies, send returned products to:Attn: RGA #____________ Kista Science TowerSE-164 51 Kista, SwedenEtac Ltd.Unit 60, Hartlebury Trading Estate, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 4JB +44 121 561 2222Promefa AGKasernenstrasse 3AHartlebury, Kidderminster, 8184 Bachenbülach, CH +41 44 872 97 79CEpartner4U, ESDOORNLAAN 13, 3951DB MAARN, THE In case an adverse event in relation to the device, incidents should be reported to our authorized representative. Our authorized representative willforward information to the manufacturer.HoverTech International 4482 Innovation Way Allentown, PA 18109 ******************These products comply with the standards applicable for Class 1 products in the Medical Device Regulation(EU) 2017/745 on medical devices.For product warranties, visit our website: https:///standard-product-warranty/4482 Innovation Way Allentown, PA 18109 800.471.2776Fax 610.694.9601 ******************。



DescriptionThis pump system is designed for decorative use and canimprove water aeration. It produces water fountains up to 15’ in height, and up to 4,900 gallons of water per hour. Make your floating fountain system even more dramatic at night by adding the NightBright lighting system 023069.Operates in 5 feet of water or deeper.UnpackingWhen unpacking the unit, inspect carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Floating Pond Pump SystemModels FPS0501 and SPS0501Operating Instructions & Parts ManualPlease read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in per-sonal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.FW07790909 Supersedes0408General Safety InformationCarefully read and follow all safety instructions in this manual and on pump. Keep safety labels in good condi-tion. Replace missing or damaged safety labels.This is a SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL. When you seethis symbol on the pump or in the manual, look for one of the following signal words and be alert to the potential for personal injury or property damage.Warns of hazards that WILL cause seriouspersonal injury or death, if ignored.Warns of hazards that MAY cause minorpersonal injury, product or property damage if ignored.IMPORTANT: Indicates factors concerned with operation, installation, assembly or maintenance which could result in damage to the machine or equipment if ignored.NOTE: Indicates special instructions which are important but are not related to hazards.Never enter the watereither wading, swimming or in a boat with thepump power on, as this may result in severecarefully. Failure to follow could result in serious bodilyinjury and/or property damage.shall be in accordance with National ElectricCode (NEC) and all applicable local codesand ordinances. A licensed electrician shouldperform installation.“NO SWIMMING” ANDOR WARNING SIGNS SHOULD BE POSTED PERSTATE AND LOCAL CODES.Please affix included warning label to powerreceptacle or junction box.100ft power cord with three prong GFI plug. –Must connect to properly grounded receptacleof grounding type. Do not remove groundpin on plug. Do not extend the cord length by splicing orTHIS UNIT, WITH THE GFI, TO A PROPERLYGROUNDED RECEPTACLE MAY RESULT INto a circuit equipped with a fuse or circuitbreaker of ample capacity.Always disconnect powersource before performing any work on ornear the motor or its connected load. If thepower disconnect point is out-of-sight, lock itin the open position and/or tag it to prevent unexpectedapplication of power. Failure to do so could result in fatalelectrical shock or bodily injury.DO NOT handle pump withwet hands or when standing in water asfatal electrical shock could occur. Disconnectmain power supply before handling systemfor any reason.from coming in contact with sharp objects,oil, grease, hot surfaces or chemicals. DONOT kink the power cable. If damagedbox, fused disconnect switch, or covers open(either partially or completely) when notbeing worked on by a competent electricianor repairman.Always use caution whenoperating electrical controls in damp areas.If possible, avoid all contact with electricalequipment during thunderstorms or extremedamp conditions.equipment in protected area to preventmechanical damage which could produce seriouselectrical shock and/or equipment failure.DO NOT use this system topump flammable liquids such as gasoline, fueloil, kerosene, etc. Failure to follow the abovewarning could result in property damage and/or personal injury.Do not pump water above 120 degreesFahrenheit.Water leaving nozzle is at high velocityand can cause bodily injury if contact is made.in swimming pool areas.!to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects orother reproductive harm.!coming out the bottom and protected from direct rainfall.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Only install this system in ponds where no swimming,wading, boating or fishing is allowed while fountain isoperating. Disconnect power to pump before fishing orentering the water.2. Post appropriate warning signs per local and state codes.3. Inspect pump system for damage before installing inpond. Check that all bolts and screws are tight. Check forany bent prongs or a cracked case on the GFI.4. The unit ships with one spray nozzle attached. To changeto one of the other 2 nozzles, remove the 4 screws fromthe nozzle then replace with desired nozzle. Refer toFigures 1, 2 & 3 for spray pattern appearance. Nozzlesare marked “This side up.” Make sure the o-ring isseated in groove before installing nozzle. Tighten screwsuntil seated, approximately 10 to 12 in-lbs.5. Attach nylon anchor ropes to 3 eyebolts located at topof screen. Secure (make sure rope is tight) to weightsplaced on pond floor or stakes on pond shore. Whenusing weights to anchor the pump, place weightsapproximately 10 feet from unit. Alternately, two anchorropes placed 180 degrees apart can be used, but 3 ropeswill provide the best stability.6. Before connecting the unit to the power receptacle,check to insure there is no leakage to ground. This canbe done by using an ohm meter and setting the scale toits highest setting (i.e. Rx100K). Connect one ohmmeter lead to the unit power cord ground (round prong) and to one of the flat prongs. It should read infinite or at least 2 mega ohms. Repeat with the other prong. If reading is below 2 mega ohms on either prong contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.7. Do Not Operate System on an Extension Cord. If no power is accessible at the pond, contract a licensed electrician to install the proper power supply in accordance with National Electric Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances.8. After installing the unit, checking ground andconnecting power to the unit, the unit can be powered up. Check operation of the GFI by pushing the “Test” button, the unit should stop. Pushing the “Reset” button should restart the unit. If pressing the “test” button does not stop the unit, immediately shut off power to unit and contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.NOZZLE PATTERNST h is s id eu p Figure 1: Water Lily - An eye-catching combination spray. Item #2AT h i s s id eu pFigure 2: Sky Cannon - A dramatic single plume of water. Item #2BT h i s s id eu pFigure 3: Water Trumpet - A symmetrical inverted bell shape.Item #2CFigure 4: Typical InstallationINSTALLATION CHECK LIST☐ Read installation instructions and warnings ☐ Post appropriate warning signs ☐ Install desired spray nozzle ☐ Install and anchor unit in pond☐ Check insulation resistance to ground ☐ Power up unit☐ Test operation of GFI by pressing the “Test” Button.☐ File instructions for future reference REQUIRED TOOLS & SUPPLIES• #2 Phillips screwdriver • Nylon rope to anchor unit• Stakes or weights for anchoring unit• Ohm meter to check insulation resistance to groundWINTER STORAGE• Rinse unit with clean water to remove any build-up on unit.• Check unit for any damage.• Store unit in heated space in freezing climates.The pump motor is water lubricated and is factory filledwith an antifreeze solution. During operation the antifreeze may exchange, thru the filtered check valve, with the pond water. In climates where freezing may occur, the unit must be stored in a heated storage space to prevent damage to the motor.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSESCORRECTIVE ACTIONUnit won’t run Circuit break-er trippedReset circuit breaker GFI Tripped Reset GFINo or low spray Blockedscreen ornozzle, miss-ing or dam-aged o-ring,or incorrectlyinstallednozzleDisconnect power. Clean screenand/or nozzle. Check that o-ring isundamaged and seated in groove.Check that nozzle is installed prop-erly (nozzles are marked “This sideup”). Check depth of pond. If lessthan 5 feet deep, move to deepersection. Restart unit.GFI Trips Electricalstorm can tripGFIReset GFIShort in sys-tem Disconnect power and check cord for damage. If cord is damaged contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page for replacement.Unit spins Anchor ropeloose Check anchor rope and re-attach if necessaryItem #Qty Part No.Description16021624Screw - #10 x 3/4 Pan Head High-Low 2A1021617Nozzle - Water Lily2B1021618Nozzle - Sky Cannon2C1021619Nozzle - Water Trumpet31021622O-Ring - AS568A - 041 (3” ID x 3/18” OD) 44021628Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 3/454021629Lockwasher - 1/4”61021707Mounting Flange71021534Float81021713Pump End91021740Motor 1/2 HP 115V104127021Locknut - SS 5/16-24111021715100 ft. power cord with GFI11A1021614GFI123021609Eye Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 2-1/2133021623Locknut - SS 1/4--20141021608Screen151021611Screen Cap161021613Strain Relief172021625Warning DecalFlow (GPH)Spray Height(Ft.)PatternImagePatternName 490015Thissi de upIL053Thissi de upThissi de upWater Lily- 2A 330015Sky Cannon- 2B 270013WaterTrumpet - 2C15161112(A/B/C)345671710911131214811A。



E m e r g e n c y R e l i e f B e d ™OperationsManual3019S y m b o l sS u m m a r y o f s a f e t y p r e c a u t i o n sW A R N I N GThe personal safety of the patient or user may be involved.Disregarding this information could result in injury to the patient or user.C A U T I O NThese instructions point out special procedures orprecautions that must be followed to avoid damaging the equipment.W A R N I N G•Do not sit directly on the ends of the bed.Excessiveweight will cause the litter surface to tip up,possibly causing patient injury.•Always apply the caster brakes when a patient isgetting on or off the bed.Push on the bed to ensure the brakes are securely locked.Always engage the brakes unless the bed is being moved.Injury could result if the bed moves while a patient is getting on or off the bed.•The maximum weight limit of the device is 350lb.Aweight beyond this limit could cause the device to break or collapse resulting in patient injury.•Push the bed with the foot bar handle when the patientis prone to avoid injury to the end user.You can also push the bed from the head end when the Fowler (head end of patient support surface)is raised.•Use caution when moving the bed when occupiedbecause there are no restraints or siderails.•Do not use the IV pole as a push/pull device.Productdamage may occur.P r o d u c t d e s c r i p t i o nThe E m e r g e n c y R e l i e f B e d is a non-powered,manual adjustable hospital bed that is used in combination with a patient support surface and includes an IV pole.The non-powered patient support surface fits the dimensions of the frame.This basic bed and surface were developed in response to the shortage of hospital beds during the COVID-19pandemic.I n d i c a t i o n s f o r u s eThe E m e r g e n c y R e l i e f B e d is intended to assist with positioning,therapy,recovery,support,and transport of patients within a general hospital or in a temporaryemergency environment during a local,state,or federal-declared situation.The product is intended to be used only for the duration of the COVID-19pandemic.The non-powered support surface is intended to provide a support surface for treatment and examination of a patient.P r o d u c t i l l u s t r a t i o nE BACEDF GGA Foot bar handleB FowlerC IV poleD IV pole socketE Brake casterF Gusset plateG Retainer plateI n s e r t i n g t h e I V p o l e1.Remove the rue ring cotter and clevis pin from the IVpole socket(D).2.Insert the IV pole(C)into the IV pole socket.3.Reinstall the rue ring cotter and clevis pin to securethe IV pole in the IV pole socket.C l e a n i n gRecommended cleaning method:1.Hand wash all exposed surfaces of the product with amild detergent by spray or pre-soaked wipes.2.Follow the cleaning solution manufacturer’sinstructions for appropriate contact time and rinserequirements.3.Dry the product before you return it to service.N o t e-Avoid oversaturation.Do not allow the product to remain wet.D i s i n f e c t i n gRecommended disinfectants for this product’s surfaces include the following:•Quaternary(active ingredient-ammonium chloride) that contain less than3%glycol ether•Phenolic(active ingredient-o-phenylphenol)•Chlorinated bleach solution(5.25%-less than1part bleach to100parts water)•Alcohol(active ingredient-70%isopropyl alcohol) Recommended disinfection method:1.Follow the disinfectant solution manufacturer’sdilution recommendations.2.Apply the recommended disinfectant solution by sprayor pre-soaked wipes.3.Hand wash all exposed surfaces of the product withthe recommended disinfectant.4.Dry the product before you return it to service.N o t e•Avoid oversaturation.Do not allow the product to remain wet.•Follow the manufacturer’s dilution recommendations for appropriate contact time and rinsing requirements.Follow the chemical manufacturer’s guidelines forproper disinfecting.B e d f r a m e a s s e m b l yT o o l s r e q u i r e d:•Rubber mallet(optional)to install bolts,if needed •Scissors,knife,or wire snips to cut zip ties•Table surface–15cm x75cm recommended(130kg weight capacity to support70kg bed)T o o l s f o r l o w v o l u m e a s s e m b l y:•M8ratchet wrenchT o o l s f o r h i g h v o l u m e a s s e m b l y:•Drill driver•Drill driver setting14-17•M8deep socket•150mm long hex power drive extension with3/8”male squareN o t e-Do not use a shorter extension to avoidinterference between the tool and the bed frame.I m p o r t a n t:Two people are needed to lift,move,and flip the beds during assembly.N o t e-The bed frames are stacked upside down on the pallets at delivery.1.With two people,rest the bed frame upside down on atable surface.2.Install the bolts onto the bottom of the bed.N o t e•The bed frame is longer and wider than this table size to allow for overhang of the installed parts.•Rest the bed on a high surface to keep these parts from touching the floor:#8caster tubes,#7castertubes,and mattress retainer plates.These partsextend above the top of the litter skin.Install these items with the bed frame upside down on the table:•Two foot end caster assemblies•Two head end caster assemblies•Three mattress retainer platesF o o t e n d c a s t e r a s s e m b l y1.Hand tighten four short bolts and four nuts(two perside)to install two gusset plates(one per side).2.Check that all casters are the same model type.3.Note the location of the no brake(A)and brake(B)type.Assemble the no brake(A)casters diagonally to each other.Assemble the brake(B)castersdiagonally to each other.4.Install two tube#8caster assemblies(one per side).Face the engraved#8on the tubes toward the litterskin.5.Hand tighten four short bolts and four nuts first(twoper side).6.Fully tighten all eight nuts.ABH e a d e n d c a s t e r a s s e m b l y1.Note the location of the no brake(A)and brake(B)type.Assemble the no brake(A)casters diagonally toeach other.Assemble the brake(B)castersdiagonally to each other.2.Install two head plates and two tube#7casterassemblies(one per side).Face the engraved#7on the tubes toward the litter skin.3.Hand tighten six medium bolts and six nuts(three perside).4.Fully tighten all six nuts.ABM a t t r e s s r e t a i n e r p l a t e a s s e m b l y1.Position the mattress retainer plates to extend towardthe patient side of the bed.2.Install two mattress retainer plates(no Stryker label)on the#16side tubes(one per side).3.Hand tighten four medium bolts and four nuts(two perside).4.Position the mattress retainer plate to extend towardthe patient side of the bed.5.Install one mattress retainer plate(with Stryker label)on the#10foot end tube.The Stryker label facestoward the outside of the bed at the foot end.6.Hand tighten two medium bolts and two nuts.7.Fully tighten all six nuts.I m p o r t a n t:Two people are needed to lift,move,and flip the beds during assembly.With two people:1.Flip the bed over on and rest the bed on the table withthe patient side up.2.Lift the bed off the table and set the bed on the floor. Install these items with the bed upright on the floor.•Footboard tube assembly•Headboard tube assembly•IV pole(see page2)F o o t b o a r d t u b e a s s e m b l y1.Install the footboard tube#14to the litter skin side oftube#8.Face the engraved#14toward the floor.2.Hand tighten two medium bolts and two nuts.3.Fully tighten bothnuts.H e a d b o a r d t u b e a s s e m b l y1.Install the headboard tube#13to the litter skin side oftube#7.Face the engraved#13toward the floor.2.Hand tighten two medium bolts and two nuts.3.Fully tighten bothnuts.Stryker Medical3800E.Centre Avenue Portage,MI49002 USA。



一、教学目标1. 知识目标:了解悬浮床的原理和构造,掌握悬浮床的制作方法。

2. 技能目标:培养学生动手实践能力,提高学生的创新意识和团队合作精神。

3. 情感目标:激发学生对科学探究的兴趣,培养学生热爱科学、勇于探索的精神。


三、教学时间2课时四、教学地点学校实验室或教室五、教学材料1. 原材料:泡沫塑料板、木条、细绳、胶带、剪刀、电钻、螺丝等。

2. 工具:尺子、铅笔、电钻、螺丝刀等。

六、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)教师简要介绍悬浮床的原理和构造,激发学生的兴趣。

(2)提出问题:如何制作一个简单的悬浮床?2. 知识讲解(1)讲解悬浮床的基本原理:利用泡沫塑料板和木条等材料,通过合理的结构设计,使床面悬浮在空中,减轻人体对床面的压力。


3. 实践操作(1)学生分组,每组选用一套材料,开始制作悬浮床。



4. 交流展示(1)各小组展示自己的悬浮床,介绍制作过程和心得体会。


5. 总结与反思(1)教师引导学生总结悬浮床的制作方法,强调动手实践和团队合作的重要性。


七、教学评价1. 评价方式:观察学生参与度、动手实践能力、创新意识、团队合作精神等方面。

2. 评价标准:根据学生的制作成果、交流展示、反思总结等方面进行综合评价。

八、教学延伸1. 引导学生思考:如何提高悬浮床的舒适度?2. 组织学生参观相关企业,了解悬浮床的制造工艺和应用领域。

3. 鼓励学生参加科技创新比赛,将悬浮床制作成果转化为实际应用。







三、组织架构1. 成立悬浮床故障应急指挥部(1)指挥长:由生产部经理担任,负责全面协调、指挥悬浮床故障应急工作。



2. 成立悬浮床故障应急小组(1)组长:由设备部经理担任,负责悬浮床故障应急工作的具体实施。



四、职责分工1. 指挥部职责(1)负责悬浮床故障应急工作的全面协调、指挥。



2. 应急小组职责(1)负责悬浮床故障的初步判断、故障原因分析。



3. 操作人员职责(1)发现悬浮床故障时,立即报告应急小组。



4. 维修人员职责(1)根据故障原因,进行故障排除。



五、应急处置措施1. 初步判断(1)操作人员发现悬浮床故障后,立即向应急小组报告。


2. 故障处理(1)根据故障类型,制定故障处理方案。








安全操作规程1. 熟悉操作手册在使用高温高压声悬浮系统之前,必须先熟悉操作手册。


2. 佩戴防护装备在操作高温高压声悬浮系统时,必须佩戴适当的防护装备,包括安全眼镜、安全鞋、手套等。


3. 进行排气准备在使用高温高压声悬浮系统之前,必须进行排气准备。



4. 调整温度和压力在进行加工任务之前,必须将温度和压力调整到适当的范围内。



5. 正确安装夹具和工件在进行加工任务之前,必须正确安装夹具和工件。



6. 注意防护栅和紧急停止装置高温高压声悬浮系统配备有防护栅和紧急停止装置,必须时刻关注它们的运转情况。


7. 结束操作和关闭设备在完成加工任务之后,必须先将设备的温度和压力恢复到正常水平,然后才能结束操作和关闭设备。




流体悬浮床的应用与保养维护施翡翠;林玉丹【摘要】常见的流体悬浮床可分为两类:矽砂流体悬浮床和气流体悬浮床,我科现拥有五台矽砂流体悬浮床(以下简称悬浮床),数量居全国首位,流体悬浮床具有避免创面受压,降低感染、促进创面愈合、增加烧伤患者舒适度及减少护理工作等优点,是重度烧伤患者的救治重要辅助治疗手段,已经广泛应用于重症ICU及被迫卧床的患者[1].悬浮床的保养与维护关系到它的使用寿命及保养成本,如何做到有效低成本的保养维护,是使用医院关注的一大新问题.我们在使用悬浮床的十年里,总结出低成本有效保养的方法,在不影响悬浮床耗损的情况下,大大地减低成本,现总结如下:【期刊名称】《海南医学》【年(卷),期】2012(023)008【总页数】2页(P116-117)【关键词】流体悬浮床;工作原理;临床应用优点;保养维护【作者】施翡翠;林玉丹【作者单位】中国人民解放军第180医院烧伤整形科,福建泉州 362000;中国人民解放军第180医院烧伤整形科,福建泉州 362000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R197.38常见的流体悬浮床可分为两类:矽砂流体悬浮床和气流体悬浮床,我科现拥有五台矽砂流体悬浮床(以下简称悬浮床),数量居全国首位,流体悬浮床具有避免创面受压,降低感染、促进创面愈合、增加烧伤患者舒适度及减少护理工作等优点,是重度烧伤患者的救治重要辅助治疗手段,已经广泛应用于重症ICU及被迫卧床的患者[1]。


我们在使用悬浮床的十年里,总结出低成本有效保养的方法,在不影响悬浮床耗损的情况下,大大地减低成本,现总结如下:1 悬浮床的构造与工作原理1.1 悬浮床构造以矽砂流体悬浮床为例,其结构主要由椭圆型大容器、纳米床板、可透气滤单、压气机、产热机、散热机、空气过滤器、滤水器,出入水排水管道、电脑控制板等部分零件组成。





6. 信息管理:具有数据采集打印功能7. 散热器:纯铜材质散热器,耐高压、耐腐蚀、抗氧化,散热效能居各种材质之首;同时采用静音低功耗高风量散热风扇,散热性能优,散热风扇功率0.01KW*12,散热面积1.2平方米。




11.人体与床面接触压强降低:大于96% 。




15. 进口多孔板:木纤维密度低,透气性能均匀、良好,无任何化学粘合剂。





悬浮床工艺流程范文悬浮床(Floating Bed)是一种具有悬浮效果的床具,能够使人躺在床上感受到浮在空中的感觉。






















































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2. 床温的监测密切观察操作屏上的温度,如床温高于所设定的温度,需检查制冷系统运行是否正常及排水管道有无排水散热的现象;如床温低于设定的温度,需观察产热系统是否运行正常,排水是否停止。

3. 预防患者出现高渗性脱水悬浮床内持续干热气流使机体水分蒸发丢失增加,据估算可比正常水分丢失多2倍,从而使患者出现高渗性脱水。


4. 病情观察密切观察患者的神志、精神状态、末梢循环及生命体征的变化,每小时监测1次生命体征的变化。







