2016 张学勇 作物学报-作物驯化和品种改良所选择的关键基因及其特点

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1中国农业科学院作物科学研究所, 北京100081摘要: 近15~20年作物基因组学迅速发展析和单元型区段(也称单倍型区段)分析渗透深刻, 使其进入基因组学的全新时代。一批的解析, 更清晰地揭示了作物驯化和品种似之处, 也存在明显的差异。驯化选择常常然只有100年左右的历史, 但其对基因组影变化, 育种选择目标基因(等位变异)会发生相择重塑了多倍体物种的基因组, 使其亚基因基因组和基因中留下的踪迹, 凝炼其规律点研发计划专项“主要农作物优异种质资源关键词: 作物基因组; 驯化; 育种; 关键基因

Characteristics of Genes Sel Crop Plants

ZHANG Xue-Yong 1,*, MA Lin 1, and Z 1Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agric Sciences, Linfen 041000,China

Abstract : Crop genomics made great progre reduced the cost of genome sequencing, brou system biology, genetics, breeding and genetic currently widely used forexploring animal and help us elucidate the history of crop domestica concepts and strategies. Most crop cultivars domestication and breeding. Despite so many Domestication relatively affects small regions effect.Although the breeding history is only a targets much more genes than domestication.only one alleleiskept, which referred as fixed. H can be present at the same time in varient popu Frequency of favored alleles in new cultivar

本研究由国家重点研发计划专项(2016YFD0100300)The Principal Investigator was supported by the Nation *通讯作者(Corresponding author): 张学勇, E-mail: Received(收稿日期): 2016-09-22; Accepted(接受日URL:/kcms/detail/11.1809.S.201所选择的关键基因及其特点

0081; 2山西省农业科学院小麦研究所, 山西临汾041000

发展, 特别是第2代测序技术的普及, 显著降低了测序成本, 析渗透到生命科学的各个领域, 对系统生物学、遗传学、种质一批驯化选择基因的克隆, 特别是对一些控制复杂性状形成品种改良的历史, 提升了人们对育种的认知, 推动育种方法的改择常常发生在少数关键基因或位点, 对基因的选择几乎是一步因组影响更为强烈, 是一些重要代谢途径不断优化的过程。发生相应的变化或调整, 因此对基因(等位变异)的选择是逐步亚基因组与供体种基因组明显不同。本文在群体水平上, 系统规律, 将为品种改良和育种提供科学理论和指导, 同时也简要介质资源形成与演化规律”的基本研究思路。

键基因; 单元型区段

es Selected by Domestication and Intens ZHENG Jun 2

Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 2Wheat Research Institute, progress in last 15–20 years. Second generation sequencing te brought life science into the times of genomics,and strongly genetic resources. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and ha al and plant genetic resources and breeding. Successful isolation estication and breeding, andpredict the future of breeding. It has b ltivars used today have experienced two major steps of hars many similarities between domestication and breeding, they are gions of plant genome. The dramatic reduction of diversity is only about 100 years, it has brought tremendous alteration in mo ion.It is very difficult for further selection of alleles at domestica ixed. However, it is not in the case of selecting alleles at breeding populations and rotate at the same locus in cultivars released in ultivars has been increased dramatically because of positive se 0300)资助。

National Research and Development Program (2016YFD0100300).

ail: zhangxueyong@

接受日期): 2016-11-03; Published online(网络出版日期):2016-11-18..S.20161118.1356.002.html

使单核苷酸多态性(SNP)分种质资源学和育种学影响最为形成的遗传基础及其调控机制法的改进。驯化和育种既有相是一步到位; 而现代作物育种虽。随着生态环境或栽培条件的是逐步的。此外, 强烈的定向选系统分析了驯化和育种在作物简要介绍了“十三五”国家重ntensive Breeding in tute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural ng technology has dramatically gly promoted development of and haplotype block analysis are olation of many important genes t has been changing the breeding harsh artificial selection, i.e., are different in some aspects. usually caused by bottleneck in most crop genomes.Breeding estication targeted locus, usually eding targeted locus. Few alleles in different periods or regions. ive selection. In addition,strong

