新版 典范英语1a 音频合并 文字完整版

典范英语1a-合并.mp3音频:00:00/52:27新《典范英语1a 》文字完整版,包含Lesson 1~ 42全部内容。
Lesson 1 Who is itWho is it ?Biff and Chip .Mum and Kipper.Floppy and a spaceman.No, it's Dad.Lesson 2 Six in bedMum and Dad. Mum, Kipper and Dad. Mum ,Kipper ,Dad and Chip.Biff, Mum ,Kipper,Dad, Chip and Floppy.Lesson 3 Fun at the BeachDad and Mum. Mum and Dad.Kipper, Chip and Biff.Kipper, Biff and Dad.Mum, Chip and Floppy.Chip, Biff and Kipper.Dad and Floppy. Oh Floppy!Lesson 4 Floppy FloppyOh, Floppy!No, Floppy!Oh, Floppy!No, Floppy! Floppy Floppy.Lesson 5 A Good TrickA rug,a sheet,a big box,a little box,Kipper.Lesson 6 The Pancake The frying pan,the flour,the eggs,the milk,the butter,the pancake,the pancake race.Lesson7 Is itIs it Kipper?It is kipper.Is it Biff?It is Biff.Is it Chip?It is Chip.Is it Floppy?Yes. It is Floppy!Lesson 8 Get onGet on . get on,Biff. Biff got on .get on, Chip.Chip got on.Get on, Kipper.Kipper got on. Oh, no!Lesson 9 Floppy Did This Chip did this. It is Biff. Biff did this.It is Kipper. Kipper did this. It is Mum. Oh, no!Floppy did this.Lesson 10 Get DadGo on, Dad! Get Biff.Go on, Dad! Get Chip. Go on, Dad! Get Kipper.Go on, Mum!Get Dad.Lesson 11 Up You GoUp you go, Kipper. Go! Up you go, Biff. Go , go! Chip, up you go.Go,go,go!No,Dad.No ,no,no!Lesson12 I SeeI see Biff. I see Chip.I see Mum and Dad.We see Kipper.We see Floppy.I see Biff and Chip.I see me.Lesson 13 At the Park everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide.Biff went on the horse. Kipper went on the swing. Mun went on the see-saw. Floppy went to sleep.Lesson 14 Fancy Dress Mum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate.Chip was a pirate.Kipper was an angel.Dad was a chicken. Everyone was happy.Lesson 15 Good Old Mum Mum put on a big red nose. Mum put on a big pillow. Mum put on big boots. Mum put on big eyebrows. She put on a big beard. "Ho! Ho!Ho!" said Mum.Lesson 16 The HeadacheDad had a trumpet.Chip had a drum.Biff had a recorder.Kipper had a guitar.Mum had a headache.Lesson 17 The Pet Shop Everyone wanted a pet . Chip wanted a rat."Oh no!" said everyone.Biff wanted a spider."Oh no!" said everyone. Kipper wanted a snake. "Oh no!" said everyone. Everyone wanted a goldfish.Lesson 18 Push!The car was stuck.Mum pushed it.Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulled it.The tractor pulled it.Oh no!Lesson 19 Making Faces Dad was fierce.Chip was sad.Biff was good.Mum was frightened. Kipper was hungry.Lesson 20 Goal!It was a cold day. Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. Floppy got tired.Kipper got miserable. Mum got cross.Dad got a goal.Lesson 21 The Journey "I'm bored, " said Kipper. "I'm hungry," said Biff. "I'm thirsty," said Chip."I'm cross," said Dad."I'm lost," said Mum. "Hooray!" said everyone.Lesson 22 ShoppingChip wanted some sugar. He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps.He went to the shop.He got a comic.He went to the market.He got a ball.He forgot the sugar.Lesson 23 Who Did That? Mum was cross."Who did that?" she said. "It was Chip," said Biff."it was Kipper," said Chip. "It was floppy," said Biff. "It wasn't Floppy," said Dad. "It was me."Lesson 24 What a Mess! Mum made a dress.Dad made some jam.Chip made a scarf.Biff made a lorry.Kipper made a birthday card. Everyone made a mess.Lesson 25 Hide and Seek Can you see us?Can you see me?Yes, I can see you.Can you see me?Yes, we can see you.Can you see me?Yes, we can see you.We can all see Dad.Lesson 26 Reds and Blues We are all in red.We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues! Who is in red?Who is in blue?We are all muddy.Lesson 27 Big Feet Come and look at this. Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant?No. it is Dad.Lesson 28 Look at Me Look at me, Mum. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum.Oh, no! Look at me!Lesson 29 Go Away, FloppyGo away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy.Floppy, come back.We are sorry.Lesson 30 Kipper's Diary Monday, It was a wet day. Tuesday, It was a windy day.I went to the shops. Wednesday, It was a sunny day.I went to the pool.Thursday, It was a hot day.I went to the park.Friday, It was a fun day.Lesson 31 What Dogs LikeDogs like to play.They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. They like to run.Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this. (bath)Lesson 32 Go Away, Cat Go away, little cat.Go away, little cat.A dog is coming.Go away, little cat.A big dog is coming.Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!Lesson 33 Go on, Mum! "Go on, Mum," said Chip. "Go on, Mum," said Biff. "I am going," said Mum."Go on, Mum," said Kipper. "I am going," she said. "Go on, go on," said Dad. "I am going," said Mum."I am not going again."Lesson 34 Look After Me This is Kate.She went up the net."I like this," she said.She went on the slide."I like this," she said.She went up the ladder."I like this," she said."We like this," said Biff.Lesson 35 Presents for Da d This is for Dad.This is for you, Dad.It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad.It is a box of chocolates.This is for you, Dad.It is a bunch of grapes.This is for the best Dad of all.Lesson 36 Top DogLook at all the dogs.We like this dog.This is a little dog.We like this dog.This is a big dog.We all like this dog.This is the top dog.We like Floppy best of all.Lesson 37 The Ice CreamCan I get an ice cream?Yes, I can!Come on run to the ice cream van.I want the big one.Look at that!Look out, Kipper!Oh no! splat!Lesson 38 Can You See Me?Can you see my teddy bear ?Can you see my dog?Can you see my picture of a big,red frog? You can see my tiger,if you look in the tree.Are you looking?Can you see me?Lesson 39 Good DogI'm a good dog.Look at me.I'm very good, as you can see.You say, "Sit," I sit.That's it.If you call, I get the ball.You say, "Stay," I stay.That's that.But not if I can see a cat.Lesson 40 What a Din!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin.What has Kipper got?Kipper has a can.Dad has a bin.Bang, crash, bang!What a din!What a din!Lesson 41 See Me SkipSee me skip.This is the way.I like to do this every day. "Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?" "Yes, I can. I skip like you." "Look at me. Look at me go !" "Look out, Dad!"Oh no! Oh no !Lesson 42 The Mud PieThis is mud in my hand.Put in water.Mix in sand.Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie…not a hat.。
Phonics kids 4A

Phonics kids 4APart 1 The short vowel word familiesUnit 1 The short vowel “a /æ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: am ad atPoint and rhymeam am am Pam and Sam.Pam and Sam are good friends.(2)ad ad ad Pat Pat PatDad dad dad Pat is my dad. (2)at at at A cat and a rat.The cat chases the rat. The rat is mad.(2)二,新授1.The word family of an /æn/Point and sayan an an van van vanv.an—van m.an— man r.an—ranRhyming funMan man man Run run runThe man ran to the van.拓展词van 敞篷车man男人 ran跑 can 易拉罐 fan电扇 pan平底锅 tan棕黄色2.The word family of ap /æp/Point and sayap ap ap cap cap capc.ap—cap n.ap— nap l.ap—lapRhyming funNap nap nap Lap lap lapNap on mom’s lap!拓展词cap帽子 nap小睡 lap膝盖 map地图 gap分歧 tap阀门3.The word family of ab /æb/Point and sayab ab ab cab cab cabc.ab—cab l.ab— lab t.ab—tabRhyming funTab tab tab Cab cab cabA tab on the cab.拓展词cab出租车 lab实验室 tab账单 gab爱说话4.The word family of ag /æg/Point and sayag ag ag bag bag bagb.ag—bag r.ag— rag w.ag—wagRhyming funBag bag bag Rag rag ragThe rag is in the bag.拓展词bag书包 rag破布 wag摇摆 dag悬片 lag落后 tag口头禅5.The word family of ack /æk/Point and sayack ack ack Jack Jack Jackj.ack—Jack b.ack— backs.ack—sack p.ack—packRhyming funPack pack pack Sack sack sackJack pack the sack.拓展词Jack杰克 back后背 sack麻袋 pack携带 black黑色 lack缺乏 rack行李架 tack方法wack怪人 yack闲扯zack六便士硬币6.The word family of ant /ænt/Point and sayant ant ant pant pant pantp.ant—pant k.ant— kantr.ant—rantRhyming funAnt ant ant Pant pant pantAnts on my pants.拓展词ant蚂蚁 pant西裤 rant咆哮 bant节食减肥法 cant倾斜 hant常到之处 Kant康德 nant 小河谷7.The word family of ang /æŋ/Point and sayang ang ang bang bang bangb.ang—bang h.ang— hangs.ang—sangRhyming funBang bang bang Bang bang bangA big big bang. We sang in a big bang.拓展词bang爆炸声 hang悬挂 sang唱歌 gang帮派 tang强烈的气味8.The word family of ank /æŋk/Point and sayank ank ank bank bank bankb.ank—bank r.ank— ranks.ank—sank t.ank—tankRhyming funTank tank tank Bank bank bankA tank in the bank拓展词bank银行 rank顺序 sank沉入水中 tank坦克 Flank弗兰克lank细长的9.The word family of amp /æmp/Point and sayamp amp amp lamp lamp lampl.amp—lamp c.amp—campr.amp— rampRhyming funLamp lamp lamp Camp camp campDon’t forget the lamp. When you camp.拓展词lamp台灯 camp帐篷 ramp斜坡 damp潮湿的 tamp填充Chant with me“Pitpat,pitpat”Pitpat,pitpat. I am a kitty-cat.I’ m light and I’m small.I walk as soft as snow.Unit 2 The short vowel “e /e/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: ed en ell Point and rhymeed ed ed Ted Ted TedRed red red Ted is in red.en en en Ten ten tenHen hen hen Ten red hens.ell ell ell Bell bell bellSell sell sell Sell the bells.二,新授1.The word family of eg /eg/ Point and sayeg eg eg egg egg eggm.eg—Meg l.eg— leg b.eg—beg Rhyming funEgg egg egg Leg leg legThe egg has ten legs.拓展词egg鸡蛋 Meg梅格 leg腿 beg祈求 peg固定2.The word family of et /et/ Point and sayet et et jet jet jetj.et—jet g.et— get w.et—wet Rhyming funJet jet jet Wet wet wetThe jet gets wet.拓展词jet喷气式飞机 get获得 wet湿的net网 vet兽医3.The word family of ess /es/ Point and sayess ess ess Bess Bess Bessb.ess—Bess l.ess— less m.ess—mess Rhyming funBess Bess Bess Mess mess messBess is a mess拓展词Bess贝斯 less减少 mess混乱guess猜一猜 bless祝福 ness海角 Tess泰斯Wess韦斯4.The word family of end /end/Point and sayend end end bend bend bendb.end—bend m.end— mend s.end—sendRhyming funBend bend bend Mend mend mendBend and mend the fan.拓展词bend弯曲 mend修理 send发送 vend出售 fend保护 lend贡献 end末尾5.The word family of ent /ent/Point and sayent ent ent Kent Kent Kentk.ent—kent b.ent— bents.ent—sent w.ent—wentRhyming funKent Kent Kent Tent tent tentKent went to the tent.拓展词Kent肯特 bent爱好 sent送到 went去 cent一分硬币 fent打样 hent目的 dent凹痕 rent 租金6.The word family of est /est/Point and sayest est est best best bestb.est—best p.est— pestn.est—nest t.est—testRhyming funWest west west Best best bestBess is the best. She lives in the west.拓展词best最好 pest害人虫 nest鸟窝 test测验 fest坚固的 hest命令 west西 lest生怕 zest 热情7.The word family of eck /ek/Point and sayeck eck eck neck neck neckn.eck—neck p.eck—peck d.eck— deck Rhyming funPeck peck peck Deck deck deckPeck its neck on the deck.拓展词neck脖子 peck啄食 deck甲板 leck粘土 reck顾虑 seck不生产的Chant with me“Hickety,Pickety”Hickety,Pickety. My black hen!She lays eggs for gentleman.Hickety Pickety. My black hen.Unit 3 The short vowel “i /ɪ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: id ig illPoint and rhymeid id id Sid Sid SidKid kid kid Sid is a kid.ig ig ig Pig pig pigDig dig dig The pig likes to dig.ill ill ill Jill Jill JillHill hill hill Jill is on the hill.二,新授1.The word family of it /ɪt/Point and sayit it it sit sit sits.it—sit h.it— hit p.it—pitRhyming funPit pit pit Sit sit sit The pit is not fit to sit.Don’t sit! Don’t sit! It’s not fit.拓展词sit坐 hit击打 pit煤矿 bit一点 fit合身 kit装备 lit点火 tit山雀 wit机智2.The word family of im /ɪm/Point and sayim im im Tim Tim Timt.im—Tim j.im— Jim k.im—Kim d.im—dimRhyming funJim Jim Jim Kim Kim KimTim likes Kim and Jim.拓展词Tim蒂姆 Jim吉姆 Kim金姆 dim暗淡的 rim边缘 him他3.The word family of in /ɪn/Point and sayin in in fin fin finf.in—fin w.in— win t.in—tin p.in—pinRhyming funWin win win Pin pin pin Win a pin.拓展词fin鱼鳍 win胜利 tin罐头盒 pin别针 sin犯罪 bin垃圾箱 din喧闹 kin家族 rin阻力4.The word family of ing /ɪŋ/Point and saying ing ing ding ding dingd.ing—ding r.ing— ring k.ing—king s.ing—singRhyming funHammer goes. Ding ding ding.Bell goes. Ring ring ring.拓展词ding鸣钟声 ring戒指、铃声 king国王 sing唱歌 ming明朝 ping砰砰声 ting丁丁声 wing 翅膀5.The word family of ink /ɪŋk/Point and sayink ink ink pink pink pinkp.ink—pink s.ink— sink l.ink—linkRhyming funPink pink pink The pig is pink.Sink sink sink The pig sinks.拓展词pink粉色 sink淹没 link关联 ink墨水 clink叮当声 fink乞丐 kink纠结6.The word family of ish /ɪʃ/Point and sayish ish ish fish fish fishf.ish—fish d.ish— dish w.ish—wishRhyming funDish dish dish Fish fish fishI wish for a dish of fish.拓展词fish鱼 dish盘子 wish祝愿 pish轻蔑 rish急冲7.The word family of ick /ɪk/Point and sayick ick ick pick pick pickp.ick—pick k.ick— kick s.ick—sick t.ick—tickRhyming funRick Rick Rick Sick Sick Sick Rick is sick.拓展词pick摘 kick踢 sick生病 tick打钩 dick侦探 hick乡下人 lick轻轻拍打 Nick尼克 Rick 瑞克 wick导火线Chant with me“Jack,Be Nimble!”Jack,be Nimble! Jack,be quick!Jack jumps over the candlestick.Unit 4 The short vowel “o /ɔ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: ox ot opPoint and rhymeox ox ox Fox fox foxBox box box The fox is on the box.ot ot ot Pot pot pot Hot hot hotWatch out! The pot is hot.op op op Hop hop hopTop top top Fox hops on top of the box.二,新授1.The word family of ob /ɔb/Point and sayob ob ob Bob Bob Bobb.ob—Bob j.ob—job r.ob—robRhyming funBob Bob Bob Job job jobBob did a good job.拓展词Bob鲍勃 job工作 rob抢劫 fob搪塞 hob铁架 kob非洲水羚 mob暴徒 nob有钱人2.The word family of od /ɔd/Point and sayod od od nod nod nodn.od—nod p.od—pod r.od—rodRhyming funRod rod rod Rod rod rod A long fish rod.拓展词nod点头 pod豆荚 rod拉杆 god上帝 hod灰浆桶 mod传统的 tod树丛3.The word family of og /ɔg/Point and sayog og og hog hog hogh.og—hog j.og—jog l.og—logRhyming funHog hog hog Log log logA hog and a frog. Sit on a log.拓展词hog猪 jog慢跑 log原木dog狗 fog雾 mog撤走 nog木钉 tog衣服 wog疾病4.The word family of om /ɔm/Point and sayom om om Tom Tom Tomt.om—Tom m.om—momRhyming funTom Tom Tom Mom mom momMom likes Tom! Tom likes mom.拓展词Tom汤姆 mom妈妈 gom傻子 Rom罗姆5.The word family of ock /ɔk/Point and sayock ock ock rock rock rockr.ock—rock s.ock—sock l.ock—lockRhyming funRock rock rock Sock sock sock Put the rocks into the sock.拓展词rock石头 sock袜子 lock锁 mock嘲弄 dock码头 Fock福克 hock肘关节 Kock科克 Nock 诺克 pock麻子 yock大笑Chant with me”Little bird.”Once I saw a lillle bird. Come hop hop hop .So I cried”little bird,will you stop stop stop?”Unit 5 The short vowel “u /ʌ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: ug un utPoint and rhymeug ug ug Bug bug bugMug mug mug A bug in a mug!un un un Run run runSun sun sun It’s fun to run under the sun.ut ut ut Hut hut hutNut nut nut A hut of nuts.二,新授1.The word family of ub /ʌb/Point and sayub ub ub cub cub cubc.ub—cub r.ub— rub t.ub—tubRhyming funRub rub rub Tub tub tub Rub the tub!(2)拓展词cub幼兽 rub摩擦 tub澡盆 bub小兄弟 dub配音 hub焦点 jub欢呼 nub要点 pub酒馆 sub 地铁2.The word family of um /ʌm/Point and sayum um um gum gum gumg.um—gum h.um— hum m.um—mumRhyming funMum mum mum Gum gum gum Mum likes gum.拓展词gum口香糖 hum哼唱 mum妈妈 bum乞讨 lum亮度 sum总数 yum好吃的3.The word family of uck /ʌk/Point and sayuck uck uck duck duck duckd.uck—duck l.uck— luck t.uck—tuckRhyming funDuck duck duck Luck luck luckThe duck was in the tub! What a luck!拓展词duck鸭子 luck好运 tuck鼓声 buck花花公子 huck哈克 kuck苦 muck污物 nuck努克 puck 恶作剧的小妖精 ruck折叠 suck吸取4.The word family of ump /ʌmp/Point and sayump ump ump bump bump bumpb.ump—bump h.ump— hump j.ump—jumpRhyming funJump jump jump Hump hump hump Jump over the hump!拓展词bump碰撞 hump驼峰 jump跳 dump倾倒 lump肿块 pump打气筒 rump臀部 sump水仓 yump 跃起5.The word family of unch /ʌntʃ/Point and sayunch unch unch lunch lunch lunchl.unch—lunch m.unch— munch p.unch—punchRhyming funMunch munch munch Lunch lunch lunch Munch my lunch!拓展词lunch午饭 munch大声咀嚼 punch打孔 bunch一束 hunch预感Chant with me “Big bear”Once I saw a big bear. Come thump thump thump.So I cried:“Big bear,will you stump stump stump?”Chant with me “Now you know”Do you know what is under my bed?I will tell you,A sock, a rock,a tick-tock clock.A mat,a hat,an old black cat.A mop, a top, a can of pop.A net, a jet and Sam my pet.Tell me, what is under your bed?。
pin xie le yuan 一拼写乐园(16分)gu n

pin xie le yuan 一拼写乐园(16分)gu n 拼写乐园。
【考点】人教部编版(2016)》二年级下册》课文(三)###小学语文知识点》知识积累》拼音》音节###小学语文知识点》知识积累》汉字结构》书写笔画###小学语文知识点》知识积累》字形》易错字###邮局甘甜民族钱币炒饭游戏补充使劲【知识点讲解】考点名称:拼音字母:1、声母:b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r zc s y w 。
2、韵母:a o e i u üai ei ui ao ou iu ie üe er an en in un ün ang eng ing ong 韵母,就是指音节声母后面的部分。
例如“限电”(xiàn diàn)的“iàn”就是韵母。
3、整体认读音节:zhi chi shi ri zi ci si yi wu yu ye yue yuan yin yun ying4、声调:声调也叫音调,表示汉字读音的高、低、升、降、曲、直的变化。

a a Alligator鳄鱼a a apple苹果a a ax斧头a a ant蚂蚁Amy likes apples, Apple,apple,apple,Aa says a,a,Apple,apple,apple.b b bear熊b b bird鸟b b bus公共汽车b b boat船Blue Bird,Blue Bird. What do you say ?I say Bb b,Blue,Blue,Bird !c c cat猫c c car小汽车c c cake蛋糕c c candy糖果Candy Cat,Candy Cat. What do you say?I say Cc c,Candy,Candy,Cat.d d dog狗d d duck鸭子d d doll玩具娃娃d d door门Dolly Duck,Dolly Duck. what do you say?I say Dd d,Dolly, Dolly Duck! e e elephant大象e e egg鸡蛋e e elf精灵e e elk麋鹿Elephant,elephant,Come with me.Ee says e, e.Egg, egg treat.f f fish鱼f f frog青蛙f f flag旗f f flower花Funny Fish,Funny Fish.What do you say?I say Ff fFunny,Funny Fish.g g goose鹅g g goat山羊g g gift礼物g g grass草Green,green grass,Green,green grass,Gg says g,g.Green,green,grass.h h hen母鸡h h horse马h h hat帽子h h house房子Honey Hen,Honey Hen.Honey,Honey Hen.Hh says h,h.Honey,Honey Hen.i i Indian印度人i i igloo冰屋i i ink墨水i i infant婴儿幼儿Indian,Indian,Please come inside.Ii says i,iIn,in,in.j j juice果汁j j jam果酱j j jeep吉普车j j jet喷气式飞机Jumpy Jack,Jumpy Jack.Jump,jump,jump.Jj says j,j.Jumpy,Jumpy Jack.k k kite风筝k k kangaroo袋鼠k k key钥匙k k king国王Kick, kick, kick!踢Kangaroos kick.Kk says k,k.Kick, kick, kick!l l lion狮子l l lamp灯l l leaf叶子l l lollipop棒棒糖Lazy Lion, Lazy Lion.What do you say?I say Ll l.Lazy,Lazy Lion.m m moon月亮m m mouse老鼠m m milk牛奶m m monkey猴子Miss Mouse,Mouse Lives in this house,house.Mm says m,m.Miss Mouse,Mouse.n n nurse护士n n nest鸟巢n n net网n n nose鼻子No,No,No.Nobody Knows.Nn says n,n.No,No,No.o o octopus章鱼o o ox公牛o o otter水獭o o onion洋葱Octopus,Octopus,O,o,o.Oo says o,o.On,on,on.p p pig猪p p panda熊猫p p pear梨p p puppy小狗Puppy,puppy.Pet my puppy.Pp says p,p.Puppy,puppy,puppy. q q queen女王q q quilt被子q q quiet安静q q quack鸭子的呱呱声Quack,quack,QueenDuck.Quck,quck,quck !Qq says q,q.Quack,quack,quack !r r rabbit兔子r r robot机器人r r rain雨r r rainbow彩虹Rainbow Rabbit,Run,run,run.Rr says r, r.Run!Rabbit,run!s s sun太阳s s snake蛇s s swan天鹅s s seal印章Silly Snake,Silly Snake.Sleep,sleep,sleep.Ss says s,s.Silly,Silly snake.t t turtle乌龟t t tiger老虎t t truck卡车t t train火车Tiny Turtle,Tiny Turtle.What do you say?I say Tt t.Tiny, Tiny Turtle.u u umbrella雨伞u u underwear内衣u u upset难过u u up向上Up,up,umbrellas.Up,up,up!Uu says u, u.Up,up,up !v v van厢式货车v v violin小提琴v v vase花瓶v v vest背心Van,van,van.A very big van.Vv says v, v.Van,van,van.w w window窗户w w witchw w watchw w wellWhere is the witch?Where is the witch?Ww says w,w.Witch,witch,witch.x x fox狐狸x x box箱子x x oxx x axBox,box,box.Fox,fox,fox.Xx says x,x.Ox,ox,ox.y y yo-yoy y yarny y yellowy y yamYum,yum,yum! Yellow,yellow yam. Yy says y,y. Yum,yum,yum! z z zebraz z zooz z zeroz z zipperZebra ,Zebra. How do you do! Zz says z,z. Zoo,zoo,zoo!bpbp bbbpppp bbbddd tttdtdt tttgcgc ggggggg ccckkk xxxkxkx xxxjjj yyyjyjy jyyrlrr lllrrrr lllmmnn mnn mmnn nmmsss zzzszsz sss。

一年级汉语拼音拼读练习拼读练习一:我会连bà bɑmā mɑdì di bó bo pó po pù bùyī fu wǒ de mù mǎpá pōmǎ yǐ爸爸弟弟伯伯蚂蚁妈妈婆婆瀑布伯伯我的木马爬坡衣服dù pínǔ lìní tǔ luó bo bō luóluò tuohú li mǎ lùfā nùdà mǐnà li大米泥土肚皮努力发怒马路萝卜菠萝骆驼那里狐狸dǎɡǔtǔ dìduǒ yǔwū yādì yīā yímù wùwù tǐyù mǐdà yǔyā lí乌鸦第一阿姨玉米大雨打鼓土地躲雨木物物体鸭梨ɡē ɡe ɡē zi yíɡèɡū mādǎ ɡǔɡǔ tou hè kǎkě yǐshang kèkè kǔkǔ ɡuākù zi骨头贺卡可以鸽子一个姑妈打鼓苦瓜上课刻苦哥哥裤子ɡuò héhuǒ ɡuō kuò dàhé huā huà huàhuā duǒdà huǒ荷花画画过河火锅扩大花朵大火jī qìmǔ jījú huā huàjiājiā fǎqī ɡèyì qǐdǎ qìɡē qǔ机器母鸡菊花画家加法七个一起打气歌曲xī ɡuāhú xūxǔ duōdà xiāxiáɡǔxià qùxǐ yī fu xià qí峡谷下去许多大虾洗衣服西瓜胡须下棋拼读情况:熟练()一般()不熟()评分___________zǔ guózuò xiàzuò shìzá wùfǎ zézì jǐzī shìcí yǔcí qìcā zhuō zi cè suǒ cū xì做事自己祖国坐下词语瓷器擦桌子姿势杂物法则厕所粗细cuò le dì yī cèsì gèsī jīlǜ sè suǒ yǐguǒ zhīné zha zhè li zhúzi绿色所以这里竹子四个司机错了第一册果汁哪吒zhī zhū là zhú zhuó mùniǎo chǐ zi chī hē hē cháhuǒ chē chū qùgù shìshī zi rìchū蜘蛛吃喝喝茶蜡烛火车出去啄木鸟日出狮子故事尺子拼读情况:熟练()一般()不熟()家长签名___________bái cài pāi shǒu mǎi mǐdài zi tài tai nǎi nai lái qùkāi huì dà hǎi zhāi huāzài jiā白菜奶奶拍手袋子太太买米来去开会摘花在家大海qí guài kuài lèwài guóbēi zi mèi mei fēi jīlèi legěi nǐhēi sèduì cuòtuì bù妹妹飞机累了外国杯子给你奇怪快乐黑色对错退步wū guīchuīqì shuǐ guǒzuì dàcuì lǜwǔ suìkuí huā最大五岁翠绿乌龟吹气水果葵花拼读情况:熟练()一般()不熟()家长签名___________shū bāo pǎo bùmáo bǐ xiǎo dāo táo zi rènào lǎo shīgāo dàkǎo shìhǎo huài niú jiǎo小刀桃子毛笔老师高大热闹书包跑步牛角考试好坏dà xiǎo guò qiáo zhāo shǒu duō shǎo zǎo cāo sǎo dìdòu zi tóu fàxiǎo gǒu kāi kǒu hóu zi多少早操大小过桥招手小狗扫地豆子头发开口猴子拼读情况:熟练()一般()不熟()家长签名___________bié rén miè huǒhú diétiě guōliègǒu jiě jie qié zi xiě zìyé ye jué de xǐ què xué xí别人灭火蝴蝶铁锅猎狗姐姐茄子写字爷爷觉得喜鹊学习ér zi ěr duo èr shí儿子耳朵二十c hǒu xiǎo yāxǐ shǒu zǒu lùméi yǒu liǔ shùjiǔ bēiqì qiúxiū xi丑小鸭洗手走路没有柳树酒杯气球休息拼读情况:熟练()一般()不熟()家长签名___________bān jí màn man fān shū jī dàn tán qín nán háilán qiúgǎn xièkàn jiàn chū hàn班级弹琴慢慢翻书鸡蛋男孩篮球出汗感谢看见bǎo jiàn qián miàn xiān hòu zhàn shìgāo shānzǎo cān yǔ sǎn yuàn yìyuán quān běn zi liǎn pén愿意宝剑前面早餐雨伞先后战士本子脸盆高山圆圈wǒ men fěn bǐ shù gēn hěn dàzhēn zhūzǎo chénshēn tǐ zěn me sēn lín wèn tíbīn guǎn珍珠早晨很大身体我们粉笔树根怎么问题宾馆森林pīn yīn rén mín nín hǎo jīn tiān xīn lǐqiū yǐn dūn xiàhǎi tún chē lún gùn zi拼音心里您好今天蚯蚓蹲下人民棍子海豚车轮kūn chóng zhǔn bèi chūn tiān shùn lìzūn shǒucūn zi sūn zi xìjūn qùn zi xùn liàn昆虫准备春天顺利遵守村子孙子细菌裙子训练bái yún yùn dòng运动白云拼读练习八拼读情况:熟练()一般()不熟()家长签名___________ zhǐ zhānɡzhǎnɡjiàbǎo zhànɡshānɡxīnɡuān shǎnɡshànɡxuézhuānɡjiɑzhuànɡchēbīnɡshuānɡ伤心纸张上学涨价保障观赏撞车冰霜庄稼liánɡshuǎnɡhuánɡsèshān yánɡxuě bēnɡménɡlónɡɡènɡjiā hénɡshùdēnɡshān tái dēnɡděnɡdài登山黄色山羊雪崩朦胧凉爽更加横竖台灯等待dènɡzi běi jīnɡxīnɡxinɡxínɡzhuànɡmínɡtiāntīnɡxiě qínɡtiān lǎo yīnɡcōnɡmánɡcónɡqián北京星星形状凳子晴天老鹰匆忙明天听写从前chónɡfùqiónɡkǔ xiōnɡměnɡxiónɡmāonào zhōnɡzhǒng zi zhònɡhuā cǎi hónɡ穷苦熊猫闹钟重复种子凶猛种花彩虹拼读练习九(总练习)拼读情况:熟练()一般()不熟()家长签名___________ dān xīn wén jù hé lún chuán dàyànchūn sǔn shān pōɡuǒ yuán dào tián文具盒轮船大雁春笋担心山坡果园稻田zhuàn bǐ dāo zìdiǎn yuán zhū bǐpín kùnxiě zì běnɡuān kàn cè shì juàn圆珠笔贫困转笔刀字典测试卷写字本观看shuǐɡānɡtái dēnɡ xiónɡyīnɡɡāng qiánɡhónɡxīnɡɡōnɡrén ɡān jìnɡ水缸台灯雄鹰红星刚强干净工人shēnɡhuóchítánɡxīn qínɡtài yánɡyǎn jīnɡděnɡdài cǎi hónɡ心情太阳眼睛生活吃糖等待彩虹tái fēnɡcōnɡminɡxiōnɡměnɡqián tánɡjiānɡpín qiónɡnào zhōnɡzhuānɡjiɑ凶猛钱塘江台风聪明贫穷闹钟庄稼zhuànɡjīshānɡxīn shànɡshēnɡān jìnɡxiànɡcèběi jīnɡnénɡɡàn yánɡɡuānɡ安静相册北京撞击伤心上升阳光能干mì fēng tīnɡjiǎnɡfēnɡshōu liànɡjīnɡjīnɡzhènɡquèz hěnɡqíqiū ɡāo qì shuǎnɡ蜜蜂听讲丰收亮晶晶正确整齐秋高气爽汉语拼音拼读练习题shù yèquē shǎo rìyuèjuézé树叶缺少日月抉择biè niu xué xíyuèér别扭学习月儿xuě bái xǐ quètiē huànǚér雪白喜鹊贴画女儿xué xiào yuè dú cítiěhú dié学校阅读磁铁蝴蝶hēi yèxuěhuā ér qiě黑夜雪花而且qiézi kē xuéniè shǒu niè jiǎo xǐ yuè茄子科学蹑手蹑脚喜悦xuē ziěr duōdì èr ɡèpí xié靴子耳朵第二个皮鞋yuè qǔjué sèyuē huìěr jī乐曲角色约会耳机tiān ān mén zhěn tóu jī dàn quàn ɡào 天安门枕头鸡蛋劝告bái yún zuǒyòu chēlún zhēn jiǎ白云左右车轮真假zhǐ nán zhēn huī chén jiě fànɡjūn chèn zhí指南针灰尘解放军称职huān kuài chèn rè dǎ tiěshēn tǐ欢快趁热打铁身体yuán quān zhēn zhū rén shēn圆圈珍珠人参qiān bǐshēn q iǎn shén huà铅笔深浅神话wài bīn bīn bīn yǒu lǐ外宾彬彬有礼xuān chuán shēn shǒu pīn yīn宣传伸手拼音pǐn zhì rén mín jīn jīn yǒu wèi品质人民津津有味shǐ jìn zǎo chén fānɡǔn使劲早晨翻滚xì jūn chūn tiān qún zi细菌春天裙子shén mìxún zhǎo shīrùn tūn tūn tǔ tǔ神秘寻找湿润吞吞吐吐rén qún kuān kuòzūn shǒu pín fán人群宽阔遵守频繁zhuàn bǐ dāo zìdiǎn yuán zhū bǐpín kùn 转笔刀字典圆珠笔贫困mǐn ɡǎn xiě zì běnɡuān kàn cè shì juàn敏感写字本观看测试卷shuǐɡānɡtái dēnɡ xiónɡyīnɡ水缸台灯雄鹰ɡāng qiánɡhónɡxīnɡɡōnɡrén ɡān jìnɡ刚强红星工人干净shēnɡhuóchítánɡxīn qínɡtài yánɡ生活吃糖心情太阳yǎn jīnɡděnɡdài cǎi hónɡ眼睛等待彩虹tái fēnɡcōnɡminɡxiōnɡměnɡqián tánɡjiānɡ台风聪明凶猛钱塘江pín qiónɡnào zhōnɡzhuānɡjiɑ贫穷闹钟庄稼zhuànɡjīshānɡxīn shànɡshēnɡān jìnɡ撞击伤心上升安静xiànɡcèběi jīnɡnénɡɡàn yánɡɡuānɡ相册北京能干阳光mì fēng tīnɡjiǎnɡfēnɡshōu liànɡjīnɡjīnɡ蜜蜂听讲丰收亮晶晶zhènɡquèzhěnɡqíqiū ɡāo qì shuǎnɡ正确整齐秋高气爽。
丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第四级 The Glass Globe 教学设计

3. 体验感受“营救行动”中小昆虫各尽所能的动作、语言,分析小昆虫的心理。
4. 依据故事情节,联系生活实际,表达个人的情绪情感和见解观点。
5. 通过观察,感知归纳字母组合gl,sl,pl在词汇中的发音规律,尝试拼读其他符合规律的词汇,并在语境中应用,提升音素意识和词汇拼读能力。
教学流程图教学过程Step 1: Pre-reading (5 mins)Activity 1. Sing a song. 歌曲导入,交流昆虫。
课前教师播放歌曲动画Insects Finger Family,师生跟随动画边唱边做动作。
导入语建议:Hi!Boys and girls, let’s enjoy a song! You can sing and do the action.T: What a beautiful song. What’s this song about?S: It’s about insects.T: What insects can you see in the song?S: I can see the ladybug, the caterpillar, the ant and the bee.T: And the beetle.(依次展示歌曲中各昆虫的图片,学习新词beetle,通过“Say something about the beetle”学习Beetle 的运动方式之一“Beetle can fly.”“Beetle, Beetle flies.”,从而强化“fly”的音形义。
少儿自然拼读法1-3级连读 第1单元讲义

少儿自然拼读法1-3级连读第1单元讲义02课 A a B bA aapplealligatorIt’s an apple tree.It’s an alligator.The alligator wants to eat apples.But he can not get it? What can he do?B bbearbananaMonkey likes bananas.Bear does not like bananas at all.Bear wants to know why monkey likes bananas so much. He picks one banana and bites it.“Yak! It’s tastes so bad.” Bear says.03课C c D dC ccatcakeI t’s a cake.It’s a cat.The cat is angry. Why?The cat is hungry.The cat wants the cake. Yummy. What do you want?D ddogduckIt is a duck.It is yellow.It is a dog.What color is the dog?It is brown.04课E e F fE eelephanteggI can see an elephant.I can see an egg.I can see an elephant eating an egg. What can you see?F ffishfrogI can see a red fish.I can see a green frog.I can see a blue four.What can you see?05课G g H hG ggorillagrapesI want a brown gorilla.I want purple grapes.How many gorillas? One.How many grapes? One, two, three…H hhamburgerhippoI have a hippo.I have a hamburger.I have a hat.How many? One, one, one.。

复韵母拼读练习一、复韵母四声练习:⒈āo áo ǎo ào ōu óu ǒu òu⒉ēi éi ěi èi iēiéiěiè⒊uīuíuǐuìiūiúiǔiù二、复韵母拼读练习:⒈aidài lùhǎi shīsāi zhùlài píwài guó带路海狮塞住赖皮外国mài lìchái huo huái yíkuài lèwāi qū卖力柴火怀疑快乐歪曲wú kě nài héxǐ nùāi lèlái lái qù qù无可奈何喜怒哀乐来来去去⒉eibèi kéfēi jīshì fēi qī hēi dǎ léi wēi wǔ贝壳飞机是非漆黑打雷威武gěi bù gěi méi fēi sè wǔpèi fúmài guó zéi给不给眉飞色舞佩服卖国贼měi lìnǐ shì shéi mèi mei nèi yīqì wèi美丽你是谁妹妹内衣气味⒊uiduì cuòduì wǔyī guìshí huīhuí jiā对错队伍衣柜石灰回家kāi huìzhì huìwǔ shuìhuā ruǐshuǐ chē开会智慧午睡花蕊水车zhuī suízuì dàzuǐ ba tǔ duīwū guī追随最大嘴巴土堆乌龟⒋aoào mìshū bāo hǎo chùwǔ dǎo gāo dīhuā māo奥秘书包好处舞蹈高低花猫zǎo cāo cài dāo sī háo lǎo shīyào shi早操菜刀丝毫老师钥匙dà nǎo pǎo bùzháo jífā shāo wài biǎo大脑跑步着急发烧外表liǎo jiěhuǒ miáo xiǎo niǎo tiào wǔ了解火苗小鸟跳舞dú mù qiáo chē piào diào yújiāo ào独木桥车票钓鱼骄傲⒌ouchōu dǎtǔ dòu shì fǒu huā gǒu hóu zi zhōu dào抽打土豆是否花狗猴子周到hǎi ōu shǒu zúké sòu tóu nǎo yǒu hǎo yǔ zhòu 海鸥手足咳嗽头脑友好宇宙⒍iuhē jiǔjiù jiu liǔ shùniú píqiū jì喝酒舅舅柳树牛皮秋季xiū xīxiū chēyōu xiùtǔ qiūpí qiú休息修车优秀土丘皮球⒎ietè biédiē die jiē dào jiě jie piě nà特别爹爹街道姐姐撇捺niè shǒu niè jiǎo yí qièqié zi shù yè蹑手蹑脚一切茄子树叶⒏üekǒu juélüè duómá quèquē shǎo xǐ què口诀掠夺麻雀缺少喜鹊yuè dúfēi yuèyù yuēyuè qì阅读飞跃预约乐器三、特别韵母四声练习:ēr ér ěr èr四、特别韵母拼读练习:xiǎo hái ér féi tóu dàěr dì’èr cì小孩儿肥头大耳第二次五、前鼻韵母四声练习:⒈ān án ǎn àn⒉ēn én ěn èn⒊īn ín ǐn ìn⒋ūn ún ǔn ùn⒌ǖn ǘn ǚn ǜn六、前鼻韵母拼读练习:⒈anhéàn bān jícàn làn pào dàn jī dàn chī fàn河岸班级灿烂炮弹鸡蛋吃饭gān bēi hǎo hàn kàn shūkuài màn nán běi干杯好汉看书快慢南北yǔ sǎn gāo shān tàn qìwǎn fàn tǎo yàn雨伞高山叹气晚饭讨厌zàn xǔzhǎn lǎn赞许展览⒉三拼音拼读练习biàn huàchuǎn qìtáo cuàn yǔ diǎn kāi guān变化喘气逃窜雨点开关duǎn kùnuǎn huo qī piàn qián hòu tiān qì短裤暖和欺骗前后天气ruǎn ruòkàn jiàn pí juàn tuán jiéxiàn mù软弱看见疲倦团结羡慕huān huān xǐ xǐkuān kuòxǐ liǎn zuān yán欢欢喜喜宽阔洗脸钻研tián suān kǔ làtiāo xuǎn yuán quān甜酸苦辣挑选圆圈⒊enbēn pǎo zǎo chén ēn rén fēn shùkěn qiǔwēn dù奔跑早晨恩人分数恳求温度shù gēn hěn hǎo nèn lǜpēn huǒrén kǒu zhēn zhū树根很好嫩绿喷火人口珍珠⒋inlái bīn jīn tiān sēn lín rén mín来宾今天森林人民pīn bǎn qīn rèyīn yuè拼版亲热音乐⒌unchūn tiān dǎ dǔn fān’ gǔn hūn’àn tūn mò春天打盹翻滚昏暗吞没kùn nan tǎo lùn shī rùn zǐ sūn zūn shǒu困难讨论湿润子孙遵守⒍ünjūn duìrén qún xún zhǎo bái yún军队人群寻找白云七、后鼻韵母四声练习:⒈āng áng ǎng àng ⒉ōng óng ǒng òng⒊ēng éng ěng èng ⒋īng íng ǐng ìng八、后鼻韵母拼读练习:⒈angbāng máng zhuō mí cáng chǎng duǎn mǐ tāng 帮忙捉迷藏长短米汤dàng qiū qiān lóu fáng tǔ rǎng féi pàng wàng jì荡秋千楼房土壤肥胖忘记háng jiājiàn kāng dà huī láng gǎng kǒu hǎi yáng行家健康大灰狼港口海洋sǎng zi shàng xiàgèng shàng yī céng lóu嗓子上下更上一层楼⒉engdiàn dēng guā fēng zuò mèng chéng shì电灯刮风作梦城市méng méng xì yǔnéng gàn péng yǒu táng sēng 蒙蒙细雨能干朋友唐僧téng bù téng hán lěng zhèng hǎo疼不疼寒冷正好réng rán bái tóu wēng zēng jiā仍然白头翁增加⒊ingshēng bìng tóu dǐng běi jīng mìng lìng生病头顶北京命令qīng cǎo qīng tíng tīng yī tīng xīng xing青草蜻蜓听一听星星huān yíng níng mǎo jīn huā píng欢迎拧毛巾花瓶⒋ongmào chōng cǎo cóng dōng tiān gōng rén冒充草丛冬天工人shuǐ lóng tóu nóng mín róng yìtóng yì水龙头农民容易同意yǒng gǎn huǒ hóng kōng qìzǒng jié勇敢火红空气总结sōng shǔzhōng jiān nào zhōng松鼠中间闹钟⒌三拼音拼读练习chuāng hu fēng guāng shuō huǎng窗户风光说谎jiǎng zhuàng yǎn kuàng míng liàng奖状眼眶明亮xióng māo zhuāng jia huā xiāng熊猫庄稼花香qǐ chuáng guǎng dàdà xiàng xiōng dì起床广大大象兄弟liáng shuǎng xiāng xìn huà zhuāng凉爽相信化装yīng xióng liáng shíshǒu qiāng pín qióng 英雄粮食手枪贫穷Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。
自然拼读unit 4

A. Look, listen and say.
1. 狗 dog 3. 池塘 pond
2. 鸭子 duck 4. 沙子 sand
B. Listen, write and read.
I see sand.
1. I see a 2. I see a 3. I see a
F. Listen and read. Then chant.
The bad dog digs in the sand.
dog duck pond sand had band red lid cold mad did dad sold bed bad dig day daughter deer desk dish doll door kind doctor food hand head
Let's practice
date日期 day(一)天;白天 December十二月 desk书桌 did(do的过去式) dinner正餐;主餐 diary日记;日记簿
daughter女儿 dear亲爱的 delicious美味的 different不同的 dining-room餐厅 diamond钻石;菱形(的)
C. Listen for the ‘d’sound. Make a√or×and write.
D. Write and read.
1. 红色 re
2. 挖 ig
3. 鼓 rum