雅思写作流程图Flow chart课件
雅思考试流程图作业 ppt课件

Before SV…, SV… Before + gerund
SV… until SV…
Before the milk is delivered, it is packed and labeled. Before being delivered, the milk is packed and labeled.
3 流程图如写主体段落
3 流程图如写主体段落
First, + sentence
First, the cows graze in the field.
After that, + sentence After that, the milk is pasturized.
Afterwards, + sentence
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The illustrations below show how chocolate is produced.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.
3 流程图如写开头和总结
• Introduction (开头)
–(introduce the process in your own words) The diagram presents the manufacturing process of two types of tea, pu-erh raw tea and pu-erh ripe tea
• After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is not needed for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolate is produced.

• Bar chart, pie chart, table
• 百分比 • 除法、减法比较
The highest The greatest The lowest The most The smallest
percentage of … proportion of… number of…
Quickly Suddenly
Adjectives Slight 轻微的 Slow 很慢的 Moderate 温和的
Steady 稳定的 Gradual 逐渐的
Adverbs Slightly Slowly Moderately
Steadily Gradually
• The lowest proportion of car brands are Nissan, only 7.9%.
Far more
Much more
Slightly more
句子 Than…
As many Twice as many Three times as many Not as many
a boom + in
Fell, decreased,went down,declined, dropped, dipped, slumped, reduced, descended + to
A fall, a decrease, a downward trend, a drop, a dip, a slump, a reduction, a descend + in

The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. 题目
Represent Occupy Stand for Account for
2.16 派图的常用句型
◎“占”:account for, hold, make up, take up, constitute, comprise, represent ... ◎ 百分比:percentage,proportion, share ... ◎“约”:the majority of, most of, a considerable number of, a minority of , just over…, slightly more than…/less than…, nearly half… ◎ 确切数字
The graph indicates the growing use of cars for commuting to work between 1960 2000, and the continued decline in the popularity of buses from being the most popular mode of transport in 1960 to the least popular in 2000.

Flow chart = process diagram一、流程图的特点1. 描绘某一事物的发展或运作过程2. 遵循某种顺序3. 图中会标出原材料的名称和步骤的细节4. 一般会出现一些专业生词5. 流程最终要达成某种目的或结果二、流程图的写作步骤1. 读题目,确定描述什么?目的或结果?2. 找信息,定步骤所有的信息点,包括图中所有有文字的地方,或所有表示动作或变化的图示(所有的时间、大小、距离等数字信息)1.定框架,写文章第一段:介绍流程图是做什么的。
三.流程图常用的表达1. The flow chart illustrates the recycling process of _____.2. The process of ____ involves the following steps.3. The whole procedure of ___ can be categorised into ____ stages.4. The row materials for ____ include ___, ___ and ____.5. The first step is to ______.6. ____ with ____ is prepared to _____.7. ____ is used as ____ of ____.8. _____ is mixed with ____ to produce _____.9. _____ can change into ____, when ____.10. The process of ____ is really a simple(complicated) process.The pictures below show the recycling process of wasted glass bottles.As is displayed in the flow chart, the recycling process of glass is really a complex one.The overall process can be categorised=classified=divided into three stages.First, glass products in various forms are gathered=assembled in the Collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilisation byhigh-pressured water. There are three different channels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After recycled in the furnace, glass products are melted=forged into recycled liquid glass. Mixed with new liquid glass, the compound is finally moulded into solid glass, which, afterwards, will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes.Through a brief introduction of the circle of glass recycling, we come to realize that recycling plays a vital role inenvironmental protection and ecological preservation.The diagram below describes how to recycle organic waste to produce compost(fertilizer).1. The flow chart illustrates the recycling process of organic waste toproduce fertilizer.As is clearly shown in the picture, the first step is to find a plastic container of two cubic metres and stab several holes on its body so that air could fill in. Secondly, a 15cm thick layer of food is placed at the bottom of the container and grass is put just above the layer for the same height with some news paper covered on the very top. After that, some nitrogen and water are added into the container, and the water should only be hot. Finally, the container is sealed up and the external heat would help the formation of the compost. After six months, when the fertilizer is ready, all we have to do is to pour it into garden soil to nourish plants and flowers.Generally speaking, making garden fertilizer in this way is easy to operate but it costs much time.2. The flow chart shows the whole process of producing fertilizer by recycling organic waste.Firstly, a two cubic metres plastic container is prepared, with some air holes on its body. Secondly, some organic waste is put into the plastic container. The organic waste includes news paper, grass and food. The right order of adding them is putting food in the bottom 15cm of the container and grass in the middle 15cm upon food. News paper is on the very top. Then nitrogen and water are added into the container. What should be noticed isthat water can only be hot water. The next step is to seal up and heat the container. After six months, compost is produced. So we can use them to fertilize the garden.As can be seen from the picture, it is usually simple to change organic waste into fertilizer used to water flowers and trees in the garden.3. The information provided in the diagram is about how to use organic waste to produce compost in the following several simple stages.The first stage is to prepare a plastic container, two cubic metres in volume, with some ventilation holes on the side.Then organic waste such as leaves, pieces of paper and residues can be placed into the container so that three layers (each 15 cm) can be formed in the bottom---news paper, grass and food respectively from up to down. The next important step is to add nitrogen into it and then pour hot water only in to mix together. What is remembered to do next is that the container needs to be sealed and heated. As a result, the vapor can be emitted through the holes located on its body. After that it takes roughly six months to convert into composts and then they are ready for fertilizing plants and flowers in the garden.。

In spite of some fluctuation in the expected percentages, the proportion of older people will probably continue to increase in the next two decades in the three countries. A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which time it is thought that the proportion of elderly people will be similar in the three countries
时间段 X轴
数据形式 Y轴
The graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.
The line graph describes the percentage of radio listeners and television viewer over four years in the U.K. throughout the day from Oct to Dec in1992.

《蚕丝制作》Sample:As is displayed in the first diagram, the life cycle of the silkworm can be categorized into 4 main stages. First, the life of the silkworm starts from eggs propagated by the moth, and it takes 10 days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. Silkworm larva continues to grow in 4 to 6 weeks, then wrapping itself with silk thread to construct a cocoon in the next 3 to 8 weeks. A moth can be produced from the cocoon in 16 days. The life cycle begins again from then on.Overall, the two diagrams reveal the stage of producing cocoons in the life cycle of the silkworm can be used to make silk cloth through 5 simple stepsCambridge IELTS 6 Version:The first diagram shows that there are four main stages in the life of the silk worm.First of all, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself. After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again. The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth. Once selected, they are boiled in water and the threads can be separated in the unwinding stage. Each thread is between 300 and 900 metres long, which means they can be twisted together, dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage.Overall, the diagrams show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process.《玻璃的再生》范文:As is displayed in the flow chart, the recycling process of glass is really a complex one.The overall process can be categorized into 3 stages. First, glass products in various forms are gathered in the Collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilization by high-pressured water. There are three differentchannels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After recycled in the furnace , glass products are melted into recycled liquid glass. Mixed with new liquid glass, the compound is finally moulded into solid glass, which, afterwards, will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes.Through a brief introduction of the circle of glass recycling, we come to realize that recycling plays a vital role in environmental protection and ecological preservation.water filter:The digram illustrates the complete process of water filtering . As can be seen from the flow chart, the gathering procedure of water purifying is similar to the water evaporation.The first step is to prepare a large container with several green plans and a small bottle on the middle of the bottom. Then, a piece of plastic sheet on the plane of the mouth of the bigger container. In order to prevent the plastic film from moving, four stones are placed on each edges respectively.After the preparation, the device can produce the clean water. Thanks to the sunlight shining, the vapor from the green plants rises up to the atmosphere and alters to liquid that accumulates on the lowest point of the plastic coating when it meets the cool air. Subsequently, the pure water drops into the bottom container directly, the pure water collection is accomplished via the principle of evaporation of green plants.《户外取水》范文:The chart describes how water is obtained outdoors.According to the figure, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on its bottom. Next, remove the green plants in the middle and put a container there. Then, cover the hole with a plastic sheet and place two stones on both ends of it to secure its position. A third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part.When the sun shines on the green plants in the hole, water evaporates from these plants. The vapor rises up and then cools down to form water drops on the plastic sheet. When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate on the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.Thus, water is collected successfully through evaporation from green plants.《房屋不同季节的构造》范文:As is displayed in the flow chart, the principles of insulation in cool and warm climate respectively differ to a large extent.As to the situation of cool climate, we adopt the high-angled roof in order to be nearly parallel with the direction of the sun so that the direct exposition to the heat of sun is lessened as much as we can. By this, the temperature of the material won’t fluctuate within a large range. Meanwhile, thermal building material could enhance the heat storage insulation, preventing outflow, thus reduction of heat.Adversely, in warm climate, reflective building material is indispensable with overhands for shade. The direction of the roof is almost vertical to the direction of the sun to lead to external insulation reflection. By this, ventilation would result in the removal of heat storage rather thanreduction.Through the different working principles of ventilation, we are fascinated by the masterpieces of modern science and technology.《超市建造地点选择》范文:As is unfolded in the map, Place M and N have their unique pros and cons as to the place for building the supermarket.First of all, Place N is located in the urban area of the G town, which may have more population and business. This advantage is incomparable with Place M. What’s more, Main road runs across the center area with convenience in traffic and logistics for the market afterwards. However, the place is equally far away from the neighborhood and the suburb area and cannot attract the residents in the outskirts.As a double-edged sword, Place M is more specifically customer-oriented. In spite of its comparably remote location with Place N, it would attract more customers in the outskirts, for they are reluctant to make a long trip for shopping. On the other hand, the train line nearby will also bring convenience in traffic to the urban -dwellers. Situated to the north-west of Place N, Place M is near the A and B Town with total population of 23 million, far outnumbering the overall population of D and E town, with 12 million.What’s worthy of being mentioned is that fierce competition in Place N and probable monopoly in Place M should also be taken into account when building the supermarket.《化肥的制作》范文:As is shown in the flow chart, the process of recycling organic waste to produce compost is really a complex one.The whole process can be categorized into five stages . First of all, prepare a plastic container which has four holes for ventilating the air. There is a rule when putting waste into the container, food at the bottom within 15 centimeters high, grass at the middle and newspaper at the top within 15 centimeters high altogether, in order to make a optimum (appropriate) environment for different bacteria细菌reproducing. In the following stage, we can witness nitrogen氮and water being put into the container. What's worth mentioning is that water is only added in a hot weather. Next, heat the waste and let the bacteria reproduce fastly, with which the organic waste can be decomposed and became garden fertiliser after 6 months. Subsequently, we can carry the compost out and move it to the garden, thus a new recycling can begin.In conclusion, using this way to turn the organic waste into garden fertiliser 化肥is environmentally friendly. By enlarging the number orvolume of the container, we can dispose more waste at the same time.。
雅思魔鬼图表作文流程图flow chart

《蚕丝制作》Sample:As is displayed in the first diagram, the life cycle of the silkworm can be categorized into 4 main stages. First, the life of the silkworm starts from eggs propagated by the moth, and it takes 10 days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. Silkworm larva continues to grow in 4 to 6 weeks, then wrapping itself with silk thread to construct a cocoon in the next 3 to 8 weeks. A moth can be produced from the cocoon in 16 days. The life cycle begins again from then on.Focusing on the second diagram, it illustrates the 5 main steps of the procedure of producing silk cloth. Well generated cocoons will be selected firstly. Before the silk thread can be unwound, cocoons have to be boiled in hot water. One cocoon can produce approximately 300 to 900 metres of silk thread. The unwound thread will be dyed afterwards to be weaved into silk cloth.Overall, the two diagrams reveal the stage of producing cocoons in the life cycle of the silkworm can be used to make silk cloth through 5 simple stepsCambridge IELTS 6 Version:The first diagram shows that there are four main stages in the life of the silk worm.First of all, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself. After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again. The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth. Once selected, they are boiled in water and the threads can be separated in the unwinding stage. Each thread is between 300 and 900 metres long, which means they can be twisted together, dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage.Overall, the diagrams show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process.《玻璃的再生》范文:As is displayed in the flow chart, the recycling process of glass is really a complex one.The overall process can be categorized into 3 stages. First, glass products in various forms are gathered in the Collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilization by high-pressured water. There are three different channels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After recycled in the furnace , glass products are melted into recycled liquid glass. Mixed with new liquid glass, the compound is finally moulded into solid glass, which, afterwards, will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes.Through a brief introduction of the circle of glass recycling, we come to realize that recycling plays a vital role in environmental protection and ecological preservation.water filter:The digram illustrates the complete process of water filtering . As can be seen from the flow chart, the gathering procedure of water purifying is similar to the water evaporation.The first step is to prepare a large container with several green plans and a small bottle on the middle of the bottom. Then, a piece of plastic sheet on the plane of the mouth of the bigger container. In order to prevent the plastic film from moving, four stones are placed on each edges respectively.After the preparation, the device can produce the clean water. Thanks to the sunlight shining, the vapor from the green plants rises up to the atmosphere and alters to liquid that accumulates on the lowest point of theplastic coating when it meets the cool air. Subsequently, the pure waterdrops into the bottom container directly, the pure water collection is accomplished via the principle of evaporation of green plants.《户外取水》范文:The chart describes how water is obtained outdoors.According to the figure, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on its bottom. Next, remove the green plants in the middle and put a container there. Then, cover the hole with a plastic sheet and place two stones on both ends of it to secure its position. A third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part.When the sun shines on the green plants in the hole, water evaporates from these plants. The vapor rises up and then cools down to form water drops on the plastic sheet. When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate on the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.Thus, water is collected successfully through evaporation from green plants.《房屋不同季节的构造》范文:As is displayed in the flow chart, the principles of insulation in cool and warm climate respectively differ to a large extent.As to the situation of cool climate, we adopt the high-angled roof in order to be nearly parallel with the direction of the sun so that the direct exposition to the heat of sun is lessened as much as we can. By this, the temperature of the material won’t fluctuate within a large range. Meanwhile, thermal building material could enhance the heat storage insulation, preventing outflow, thus reduction of heat.Adversely, in warm climate, reflective building material is indispensable with overhands for shade. The direction of the roof is almost vertical to the direction of the sun to lead to external insulation reflection. By this, ventilation would result in the removal of heat storage rather than reduction.Through the different working principles of ventilation, we are fascinated by the masterpieces of modern science and technology.《超市建造地点选择》范文:As is unfolded in the map, Place M and N have their unique pros and cons as to the place for building the supermarket.First of all, Place N is located in the urban area of the G town, which may have more population and business. This advantage is incomparable with Plac e M. What’s more, Main road runs across the center area with convenience in traffic and logistics for the market afterwards. However, the place is equally far away from the neighborhood and the suburb area and cannot attract the residents in the outskirts.As a double-edged sword, Place M is more specifically customer-oriented. In spite of its comparably remote location with Place N, it would attract more customers in the outskirts, for they are reluctant to make a long trip for shopping. On the other hand, the train line nearby will also bring convenience in traffic to the urban -dwellers. Situated to the north-west of Place N, Place M is near the A and B Town with total population of 23 million, far outnumbering the overall population of D and E town, with 12 million.What’s worthy of being mentioned is that fierce competition in Place N and probable monopoly in Place M should also be taken into account when building the supermarket.《化肥的制作》范文:As is shown in the flow chart, the process of recycling organic waste to produce compost is really a complex one.The whole process can be categorized into five stages . First of all, prepare a plastic container which has four holes for ventilating the air. There is a rule when putting waste into the container, food at the bottom within 15 centimeters high, grass at the middle and newspaper at the top within 15 centimeters high altogether, in order to make a optimum (appropriate) environment for different bacteria细菌reproducing. In the following stage, we can witness nitrogen氮and water being put into the container. What's worth mentioning is that water is only added in a hot weather. Next, heat the waste and let the bacteria reproduce fastly, with which the organic waste can be decomposed and became garden fertiliser after 6 months. Subsequently, we can carry the compost out and move it to the garden, thus a new recycling can begin.In conclusion, using this way to turn the organic waste into garden fertiliser 化肥is environmentally friendly. By enlarging the number or volume of the container, we can dispose more waste at the same time.。
雅思小作文写作教学全能版 ppt课件

共有5种图形 1. The bar chart 柱状图 2. The line graph 折线图 3. The pie chart 扇形图/饼图 4. The table 表格 5. The flow chart 流程图 * The map 地图/地形图
In addition
Further more
Before, followed by
After that
At the same time
most second most last
Adj. +属性
• The highest percentage of vehicle companies that are used in the USA are GM. It accounted for 19.1% in the market in 2010.
stayed constant, maintained
the same level + at
Fluctuated from…to…, moved up and down
A fluctuation from…to…,
Adjectives Dramatic Sharp Significant Considerable Huge Enormous Rapid Quick Sudden
• 逻辑关系 • 起承转合,顺序

流程图 地图
流程图(Flow Chart)
• 描述一个实物/器具的工作过程: • 1 实物是什么,做什么用的 2 基本结构 3 工 作过程 4 简单总结 • 基本不会出现数据,文字信息占主要位置 • 描述为主,比较机会较少
• The diagram below shows the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.
• This new expansion was almost twice the scale of the old village. • The Chorleywood Park and a golf course separated the old and new area.
• Thus, we see the fast expansion history of this small village across a span of over 100 years.
• 开始阶段 • First of all/ To begin with/ At the first initial stage/ During the beginning phase/ +S1,S2 • The process starts from +N • N is the first step in ...
• The first diagram shows that there are four main stages in the life of the silk worm. • First of all, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. • This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself. • After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again.

E.g. The water falls as rain. It…from clouds. The clouds wool and they drop water as rain.
The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth. (承上启下) Once selected, they are boiled in water and the threads can be separated in the unwinding stage. Each thread is between 300 and 900 meters long, which means they can be twisted together, dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage.
Flow chart 轻松写
Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 … Conclusion (if needed)
The flow chart illustrates … The whole procedure can be divided into … stages.
There are four main stages in the production of plastic paper clips from this small factory. Two of these stages involve actual preparation of the clips, while the other two consist of quality control before the clips are sent out from the factory to the retailers to be sold to the public.

TEST 1: The graph and table below give information about water use worldwild and water consumption in two different countries. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
3. Find the pointcut
4. Words and phrases 5. Linking
6. grammar
表格 Table
线图(直线/曲线) Line graph
柱状图(条形图) Bar chart
饼图 Pie chart
流程图 Process diagram/flow chart
TEST 4: The charts below give information about USA marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000, and the marital status of adult America in two of the years. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.
TEST 3: The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

非数据类:process diagram 流程图
三. 图表作文写作步骤
(一)审题: 1.看清图表类型 2.先读题干信息,后读图表信息 3.读线状图时看清横纵轴的含义 4.看清楚单位,在写作的时候抄进文 章
be a likeness, be a similarity, equally,
more or less alike,
roughly the same,
show great resemb第l2a6页n/共c9e5页,
6. 不同:
be different = be of great difference be different from … be distinguished from… be contrary to … differ from …, vary from… be a dissimilarity, be a variation A, unlike / as opposed to / as distinct from B, has…
less than…, fewer than… under…, below…, within…,
5. 相同和相似:
be identical with/ be the same as …
The same is true of ... …也有同样情况, 也适用 于…
In the same way, In like manner, be equal to…

Learn the new while reviewing the old
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
0 第一季度 第二季度 第三季度 第四季度
东部 西部 北部
• 第一 客观性 • 不能有想象成分,总结归纳要符合逻辑。
graduates earned far more than school
• Significant difference Example: Between 1965 and 1985,
there was a significant difference in the earnings between high school leavers and university graduates.
Average Earnings Per Week
180 160 140 120 100
80 60 40 20
0 High School certificate
Bachelor degree
Master degree
Doctor degree
1965 1975 1985 1995
Rewrite the data to make it easier to review.
• 第二 准确性 • 数据要求精确(不抄错),可以合理目测(大概数值)。
• 第三 详尽性 • 4类特征数据一定介绍: • 最大值(maximum),最小值(minimum),
FLOWCHART(流 程 图 简 介)ppt课件

如果連接為動態,連接線或連接器的端點會粘附於整 個圖形。如果移動圖形,連接線會偏移,以便使最接 近的兩點相連。
如果連接為靜態,連接線或連接器的端點會粘附於 圖形上的特定點。 如果移動圖形,連接線仍會粘附於原來的那一點。
點擊連接線,端點變成大型紅色方框,表示連接為動態 如果端點變成小型紅色方框,表示連接為靜態.
若要從動態變更為靜態,請將連接線端點拖離圖形,然後回到代表 線條連接所在位置的藍色 x。若要從靜態變更為動態連接,請將連 接線端點向程序步驟圖形的中間位置拖曳,直到整個圖形周圍出現 紅色方塊為止。
文本編輯 Microsoft WORD 圖表製作 Microsoft EXCEL 幻燈片製作 Microsoft POWERPOINT 圖形製作 Microsoft VISIO OTHER
繪出流程骨架 檢討流程邏輯(INPUT & OUTPUT) 檢討相關單位/人員的配合活動 必須使用到的表單 必須管控的節點 授權的檢討
2流程圖Βιβλιοθήκη 種類 一般分為:活動(程序) 事務流程圖(TASK LEVEL) 適合分析職位間的移轉、資訊流的表達 程序流程圖(ACTIVITY LEVEL) 表現部門間工作的移轉 系統流程圖(FUNCTION LEVEL) 屬階段別流程,清楚了解完整之作業程序
2010雅思强化写作课程 S9 流程图

Off-topic vps or other forms of water such as snow flakes fall on the sheet, because of the slanting position of the sheet, water is accumulated in the middle part of the sheet, which happens to be the lowest part. And then the water dips into the container, which is positioned directly under the stone. Thus water is collected. Around the water container are green plants, which are probably planted to assimilate the water in case the container is full and water runs out.
3.表示方位,功能,意义 句
,which 定语从
4. 评价步骤,提醒注意: significant/essential/vital/indispensable…… trivial/optional/…….
Sample question
金牌教程 P129 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
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Flow chart = process diagram一、流程图的特点1. 描绘某一事物的发展或运作过程2. 遵循某种顺序3. 图中会标出原材料的名称和步骤的细节4. 一般会出现一些专业生词5. 流程最终要达成某种目的或结果二、流程图的写作步骤1. 读题目,确定描述什么?目的或结果?2. 找信息,定步骤所有的信息点,包括图中所有有文字的地方,或所有表示动作或变化的图示(所有的时间、大小、距离等数字信息)1.定框架,写文章第一段:介绍流程图是做什么的。
三.流程图常用的表达1. The flow chart illustrates the recycling process of _____.2. The process of ____ involves the following steps.3. The whole procedure of ___ can be categorised into ____ stages.4. The row materials for ____ include ___, ___ and ____.5. The first step is to ______.6. ____ with ____ is prepared to _____.7. ____ is used as ____ of ____.8. _____ is mixed with ____ to produce _____.9. _____ can change into ____, when ____.10. The process of ____ is really a simple(complicated) process.The pictures below show the recycling process of wasted glass bottles.As is displayed in the flow chart, the recycling process of glass is really a complex one.The overall process can be categorised=classified=divided into three stages.First, glass products in various forms are gathered=assembled in the Collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilisation byhigh-pressured water. There are three different channels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After recycled in the furnace, glass products are melted=forged into recycled liquid glass. Mixed with new liquid glass, the compound is finally moulded into solid glass, which, afterwards, will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes.Through a brief introduction of the circle of glass recycling, we come to realize that recycling plays a vital role in environmental protection and ecological preservation.The diagram below describes how to recycle organic waste to produce compost(fertilizer).1. The flow chart illustrates the recycling process of organic waste to produce fertilizer.As is clearly shown in the picture, thefirst step is to find a plastic container of two cubic metres and stab several holes on its body so that air could fill in. Secondly, a 15cm thick layer of food is placed at the bottom of the container and grass is put just above the layer for the same height with some news paper covered on the very top. After that, some nitrogen and water are added into the container, and the water should only be hot. Finally, the container is sealed up and the external heat would help the formation of the compost. After six months, when the fertilizer is ready, all we have to do is to pour it into garden soil to nourish plants and flowers.Generally speaking, making garden fertilizer in this way is easy to operate but it costs much time.2. The flow chart shows the wholeprocess of producing fertilizer by recycling organic waste.Firstly, a two cubic metres plastic container is prepared, with some air holes on its body. Secondly, some organic waste is put into the plastic container. The organic waste includes news paper, grass and food. The right order of adding them is putting food in the bottom 15cm of the container and grass in the middle 15cm upon food. News paper is on the very top. Then nitrogen and water are added into the container. What should be noticed is that water can only be hot water. The next step is to seal up and heat the container. After six months, compost is produced. So we can use them to fertilize the garden.As can be seen from the picture, it isusually simple to change organic waste into fertilizer used to water flowers and trees in the garden.3. The information provided in the diagram is about how to use organic waste to produce compost in the following several simple stages.The first stage is to prepare a plastic container, two cubic metres in volume, with some ventilation holes on the side. Then organic waste such as leaves, pieces of paper and residues can be placed into the container so that three layers (each 15 cm) can be formed in the bottom---news paper, grass and food respectively from up to down. The next important step is to add nitrogen into it and then pour hot water only in to mix together. What is remembered to do next is that the container needs to besealed and heated. As a result, the vapor can be emitted through the holes located on its body. After that it takes roughly six months to convert into composts and then they are ready for fertilizing plants and flowers in the garden.。